The steepest hills are in your mind tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các l...
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2004 1(3): 137-145 137 International Journal of Medical Sciences ISSN 1449-1907 2004 1(3): 137-145 ©2004 Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved Anti-tumorigenic and Pro-apoptotic effects of CKBM on gastric cancer growth in nude mice Research paper Received: 2004.4.19 Accepted: 2004.6.28 Published: 2004.8.05 Vivian Yvonne Shin1, Wallace Hau-Leung So1, Edgar Shiu-Lam Liu2, Ying-Jye Wu2, Shiu-Fun Pang2 and Chi-Hin Cho1 1 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HKSAR, China 2 CK Life Sciences Limited, Hong Kong, HKSAR, China AAbbssttrraacctt Natural botanical products can be integrated with western medicine to optimize the treatment outcome, increase immune function and minimize the side effects from western drug treatment. CKBM is a combination of herbs and yeasts formulated based on traditional Chinese medicinal principles. Previous study has demonstrated that CKBM is capable of improving immune responsiveness through the induction of cytokine mediators, such as TNF-α and IL-6. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of this immunomodulatory drug on gastric cancer growth using a human xenograft model. Gastric cancer tissues were implanted subcutaneously into athymic nude mice followed by a 14-day or 28-day of CKBM treatment. Results showed that higher doses of CKBM (0.4 or 0.8 ml/mouse/day) produced a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on gastric tumor growth after 28-day drug treatment. This was associated with a decrease of cellular proliferation by 30% with concomitant increase in apoptosis by 97% in gastric tumor cells when compared with the control group. In contrast, CKBM showed no effect on angiogenesis in gastric tumors. This study demonstrates the anti-tumorigenic action of CKBM on gastric cancer probably via inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis, and provides future potential targets of this drug candidate on cancer therapy. KKeeyy wwoorrddss PCNA, apoptosis, angiogenesis, gastric cancer AAuutthhoorr bbiiooggrraapphhyy Vivian Yvonne Shin (M. Phil.) is Ph.D. candidate in Department of Pharmacology, University of Hong Kong. Her current research includes identification of active components in cigarette smoke and signal transduction pathway in carcinogenesis of gastric cancer. Wallace Hau-Leung So (B.Sc.) is technician in Department of Pharmacology, University of Hong Kong. He is actively involved in various areas of research including gastric ulceration and carcinogenicity. Edgar Shiu-Lam Liu (Ph.D.) is Senior Science Officer of CK Life Sciences Limited, Hong Kong, China. He graduated from University of Toronto with a bachelor degree before completing Ph.D. study in Department of Pharmacology, University of Hong Kong. His research interests include drug development for immunity enhancement and cancer therapy. Ying-Jye Wu (Ph.D.) is Technology Development Director of CK Life Sciences Limited. Dr. Wu has over 20 years of experience with US biomedical industry and is knowledgeable in the development of FDA-approved cancer, AIDS and hepatitis B products including proteomics-based diagnostic products for early cancer detection. …Continued at the end of paper. CCoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg aaddddrreessss Prof. C.H. Cho, Department of Pharmacology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. Tel: (852) 2819 9252, Fax: (852) 2817 0859, Email: Int. J. Med. Sci. 2004 1(3): 137-145 138 1. Introduction Natural botanical products have a long history in the world and are The steepest hills are in your mind The steepest hills are in your mind Bởi: Joe Tye “Most people dramatically underestimate what can be influenced when adversity hits, and this underestimation kills the majority of what’s possible Conversely, becoming utterly obsessed with what you can influence opens worlds of possibilities that others simply don’t see.” Paul Stoltz and Eric Weihenmayer: The Adversity Advantage: Turning Everyday Struggles into Everyday Greatness Indian Garden is a beautiful piece of heaven that straddles Bright Angel Trail as it snakes its way from the south rim of the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River nearly eight miles and 5,000 feet below When you’re coming up from the river hauling a heavy backpack, by the time you reach Indian Garden you’re tired, probably very tired You stand in the shade of a cottonwood tree for a bit, fill up your water bottle, and then look ahead at the sheer vertical cliff that stands between you and your destination at the top “Impossible,” you think, your eyes disbelieving what your mind knows to be true, that there is a trail which will take you up that vertical wall to the village Looking back down on Indian Garden from the top, you’re likely to smile the tired smile of hardearned accomplishment, and tell yourself it really wasn’t that difficult after all The toughest challenge was mental The same holds true for riding a bike, taking difficult classes in school, starting a business, or most of life’s other challenges The hills always seem a lot steeper from the bottom than they from the top When you’re at the bottom, if you convince yourself that the hill is too steep to climb, you can be sure it will be You’ll end up walking the bike, or turning around and going back On the other hand, it’s amazing how often you can start what seems to be an impossible trek, only to find that a previously hidden path unfolds before you your feet as you climb 1/1 [...]... food in coolers or cardboard boxes, wiping the interior clean with a baking soda or vinegar solution, rinsing and toweling dry, and then bring to freezing temperatures before replacing the food thawing Freezing to 0°F/–18°C inactivates but does not destroy the microbes—bacteria, yeasts, and molds—present in food Once thawed, these microbes can again become active, multiplying under the right conditions... suit you and your family raw freeze stir-fries Stir-fries cook in no time, but they can be time consuming when it comes to chopping and marinating If meat is sliced, frozen in its marinade, and thawed, more than half the work is done, and all you have to do on the day of serving is chop two to three vegetables and stir-fry everything together for a few minutes I use a wok when stir-frying, because the. .. around the food in the bag Once the air is squeezed out, tightly close the bag, either by sealing with the attached zipper lock, or by twisting the top of the bag and fastening tightly with a freezer clip or plastic-coated wire twist-tie Bags are best used for small to medium quantities; it s faster to thaw two smaller bags than it is one large one When using freezer bags, ideally freeze flat until solid,... vegetables, 4 Can I Freeze It? sauces, or soups, seal them well, then place them flat on a chilled baking sheet until frozen solid Again, a wide surface area will aid in the formation of tiny ice crystals and will also make for faster thawing It is important to cool food completely to room temperature before freezing Placing hot foods in the freezer will raise its temperature, slowing down the freezing time and... refrigerator Perfect Freezing Every Time 21 Freezing raw ingredients such as meat, chicken, or fish in a marinade is ideal for last-minute meals These creative, make-ahead dishes, once thawed, can be stirfried, roasted, broiled, or grilled While thawing, the meat, chicken, or fish is imbued with the marinade, which imparts flavor and tenderizes as needed It is important to start with fresh meat, chicken,... (21°F/−6°C) is fine for making ice cubes and is sufficiently cold to keep food for three or four days ❄ Once food is placed in appropriate freezer storage containers, try to avoid throwing it in the freezer at random It is well worth making the time to package, date, and label food and to place it so that you can see right through © 2003 The Abraham Group, Inc. China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 The Role of Brand In Your Business By Jay Abraham China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 2 [Jay’s Note: On March 29 th , 2003, I delivered a 6 hour “speech” to large association of fashion apparel manufacturers in Beijing China. These are the notes of my talk, reformatted for you so that they are much easier to follow. The core of the speech centered around building, maintaining and sustaining a brand. But I think you’ll see that building a sustainable brand also has a definitively strategic foundation. I hope that idea is powerfully conveyed. I know for sure the wonderful folks in China understood it and appreciated it. – Jay] First of all, let’s talk about brand’s true role in your business success. Whatever types of garments you make, there is always, not sometimes, but always a unique selling proposition or USP associated with it. That unique selling proposition, in many cases, is the basis on which you build your “brand.” Brands play a critical role many business successes. In the garment business they could play the most significant role or the most modest. Depending upon the strategic positioning you’ve decided to take with your business or with divisions of it. For example: If you are a manufacturer of a garment that is intended to be sold to upscale buyers or people who want to associate with upscale buyers, you obviously want to develop a brand that conveys exclusivity, hip, “class” and qualitativeness/desireablility. On the other hand, if you’re a garment manufacturer whose positioning is producing generic garments for low-priced, high-volume retail chains or private label to be repackaged under a retailer’s or distributor’s chain, you have a different goal. The point is you must understand the proper role your brand can play in the success of your business. If you are attempting to establish a proprietary positioning for your company and brand in the consumer’s mind, meaning in the eyes of the end buyer at the retail level, the more you can turn your product into a recognized and prized and preferential brand, the more you will sell, the higher price you can get, the more loyal your consumer buyer, the more profitable your product and business becomes. You’re also creating brand asset wealth for the future, which we’ll talk about in a little while. Understand also, if you’re going to build a brand, there are two kinds of brands. There are the solid, respective, qualitative, distinctive brands, which represents the bulk of the products out there. Then there are the fiercely fanatical loyalist brands where people would kill to be able to own those brands. Those are literally the brands they want to own. They are the most prized, the most respected, the most impressive, the most highly sought. Normally, to sell more product, you either price low and become a generic or you price high and you become a brand. If you’re going to price high to become a brand, China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 3 you’ve got to be able to inspire tremendous brand enthusiasm from every element of the buying continuum, meaning you’ve got to get the retailer enthusiastic about you or the wholesaler, whoever you sell to, and you’ve got to get the ultimate buyer, the consumer, passionately and wildly enthusiastic about you. The actual quality of the garment, © 2003 The Abraham Group, Inc. China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 The Role of Brand In Your Business By Jay Abraham China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 2 [Jay’s Note: On March 29 th , 2003, I delivered a 6 hour “speech” to large association of fashion apparel manufacturers in Beijing China. These are the notes of my talk, reformatted for you so that they are much easier to follow. The core of the speech centered around building, maintaining and sustaining a brand. But I think you’ll see that building a sustainable brand also has a definitively strategic foundation. I hope that idea is powerfully conveyed. I know for sure the wonderful folks in China understood it and appreciated it. – Jay] First of all, let’s talk about brand’s true role in your business success. Whatever types of garments you make, there is always, not sometimes, but always a unique selling proposition or USP associated with it. That unique selling proposition, in many cases, is the basis on which you build your “brand.” Brands play a critical role many business successes. In the garment business they could play the most significant role or the most modest. Depending upon the strategic positioning you’ve decided to take with your business or with divisions of it. For example: If you are a manufacturer of a garment that is intended to be sold to upscale buyers or people who want to associate with upscale buyers, you obviously want to develop a brand that conveys exclusivity, hip, “class” and qualitativeness/desireablility. On the other hand, if you’re a garment manufacturer whose positioning is producing generic garments for low-priced, high-volume retail chains or private label to be repackaged under a retailer’s or distributor’s chain, you have a different goal. The point is you must understand the proper role your brand can play in the success of your business. If you are attempting to establish a proprietary positioning for your company and brand in the consumer’s mind, meaning in the eyes of the end buyer at the retail level, the more you can turn your product into a recognized and prized and preferential brand, the more you will sell, the higher price you can get, the more loyal your consumer buyer, the more profitable your product and business becomes. You’re also creating brand asset wealth for the future, which we’ll talk about in a little while. Understand also, if you’re going to build a brand, there are two kinds of brands. There are the solid, respective, qualitative, distinctive brands, which represents the bulk of the products out there. Then there are the fiercely fanatical loyalist brands where people would kill to be able to own those brands. Those are literally the brands they want to own. They are the most prized, the most respected, the most impressive, the most highly sought. Normally, to sell more product, you either price low and become a generic or you price high and you become a brand. If you’re going to price high to become a brand, China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 3 you’ve got to be able to inspire tremendous brand enthusiasm from every element of the buying continuum, meaning you’ve got to get the retailer enthusiastic about you or the wholesaler, whoever you sell to, and you’ve got to get the © 2003 The Abraham Group, Inc. China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 The Role of Brand In Your Business By Jay Abraham China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 2 [Jay’s Note: On March 29 th , 2003, I delivered a 6 hour “speech” to large association of fashion apparel manufacturers in Beijing China. These are the notes of my talk, reformatted for you so that they are much easier to follow. The core of the speech centered around building, maintaining and sustaining a brand. But I think you’ll see that building a sustainable brand also has a definitively strategic foundation. I hope that idea is powerfully conveyed. I know for sure the wonderful folks in China understood it and appreciated it. – Jay] First of all, let’s talk about brand’s true role in your business success. Whatever types of garments you make, there is always, not sometimes, but always a unique selling proposition or USP associated with it. That unique selling proposition, in many cases, is the basis on which you build your “brand.” Brands play a critical role many business successes. In the garment business they could play the most significant role or the most modest. Depending upon the strategic positioning you’ve decided to take with your business or with divisions of it. For example: If you are a manufacturer of a garment that is intended to be sold to upscale buyers or people who want to associate with upscale buyers, you obviously want to develop a brand that conveys exclusivity, hip, “class” and qualitativeness/desireablility. On the other hand, if you’re a garment manufacturer whose positioning is producing generic garments for low-priced, high-volume retail chains or private label to be repackaged under a retailer’s or distributor’s chain, you have a different goal. The point is you must understand the proper role your brand can play in the success of your business. If you are attempting to establish a proprietary positioning for your company and brand in the consumer’s mind, meaning in the eyes of the end buyer at the retail level, the more you can turn your product into a recognized and prized and preferential brand, the more you will sell, the higher price you can get, the more loyal your consumer buyer, the more profitable your product and business becomes. You’re also creating brand asset wealth for the future, which we’ll talk about in a little while. Understand also, if you’re going to build a brand, there are two kinds of brands. There are the solid, respective, qualitative, distinctive brands, which represents the bulk of the products out there. Then there are the fiercely fanatical loyalist brands where people would kill to be able to own those brands. Those are literally the brands they want to own. They are the most prized, the most respected, the most impressive, the most highly sought. Normally, to sell more product, you either price low and become a generic or you price high and you become a brand. If you’re going to price high to become a brand, China Speech Notes 03.29.2003 3 you’ve got to be able to inspire tremendous brand enthusiasm from every element of the buying continuum, meaning you’ve got to get the retailer enthusiastic about you or the wholesaler, whoever you sell to, and