Face the granddaddy of all fears tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...
Líp 9c Trêng THCS nguyÔn du HuyÖn Qu¶ng x¬ng – t.hãa November 13 th . 2010 Designer: Mr. Nguyen hoang minh nguyen du secondary school Quang xuong district Unit 4: Learning a foreign language Period 22 nd - Listen Activity 1: Brainstorming ( Team work) How do you learn English? Read English books Learn new words Do homework Speak English with friends Do grammar exercises Watch English TV programs Hands out Nga Kate Where is it? => It’s in London • University (n): • Skill: (n) • National (adj): • International (adj): • Useful (adj): trường đại học kỹ năng quốc gia quốc tế hữu ích 1. Vocabulary: * Read the words again . Excellent (adj): Tốt, Tuyệt vời NGAKATE Please guess what Nga is talking to Kate about and predict the following sentences are true or false a. True/ false prediction. Then Listen & check true (T) or false (F) . Correct the false sentences. a. Nga’s studying English for her work. b. She learned English at school and university. d. She needs to improve her writing. f. She hopes she can talk to people from all over the world, and understand her favorite English songs. c. She works for an international bank in Ha Noi. c. She works for a national bank in Ha Noi. e. Her listening is excellent. e. Her listening is terrible. True/ False Statements G1 G2 Key T T F T F T [...]... from all over the world and understand the words of her favorite songs - Learn new words by heart -Write the advantages of learning English -Prepare period:23rd -Read *Choose the best answer for the question 1 Where is Nga studying ? A She is studying in Paris B She is studying in New York C She is studying in London Key: C * Choose the best answer for the question 3 Why does Nga think her listening is... Because she often has bad marks in listening test B Because people talk very quickly and she can’t understand them C Because she never likes listening skill Key: B *Choose the best answer for the question 4 What does she think about English ? A It is difficult but it is an interesting language B It is a difficult and boring language C It is an useful and interesting language Key: C *Choose the best answer... work for a bank, (3 ) .in Hanoi Kate: Oh, I see Did you learn English at school? university Nga: Yes, and at (4 ) , too But I’ve forget… Kate: forgotten writing skill Nga: Yes, of course I’ve forgotten a lot of it I want to improve my .(5 ) letters You know, sometimes I have to write (6 ) in English Kate: What about listening, Nga? problem Nga: It’s terrible This is my biggest (7 ) People talk... People talk very quickly and understand I can’t (8 ) them Kate: Do you like studying English? language Nga: Oh, yes It’s an interesting (9 ) and it’s very useful; and I can talk to people from all over the world and I can understand the words of my songs favorite (1 0) , too Kate: Well That’s very good Good luck to you, Nga (Hand out) Group: c Answer the questions: 1 Where is Nga studying ? => 2... at school? => 3 Why does Nga want to improve her writing ? => 4 Why does Nga think her listening is her biggest problem? => 5 What does Nga think Face the granddaddy of all fears Face the granddaddy of all fears Bởi: Joe Tye “Contemporary psychological research into the importance of meaning and purpose in life demonstrates that without a sense that life is meaningful, people are more prone to anxiety, depression, and a variety of physical ailments Studies have found that hope too is essential to physical and mental well-being and is a major ingredient in a person’s resiliency in the face of crisis, illness, and suffering Hope, meaning, and purpose turn out to be critical for mental and physical health and for psychological strength and coping.” James W Jones: In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life One of the most memorable of all the memorable lines in The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R> Tolkien is this one, spoken by Gandalf the wizard: “All we have to decide is what to with the time that is given us.” In the years since I wrote Never Fear, Never Quit: A Story of Courage and Perseverance, I’ve thought a lot about fear and courage, and about perseverance in the face of obstacles and setbacks Lately I’ve become convinced that the greatest fear of all, the Granddaddy of All Fears, is not fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of humiliation, or even fear of success (which author Steve Pressfield calls the mother of all fears) No, I’m convinced that the greatest fear is that we eventually and inevitable run out of time It’s a cliché that football coaches say they don’t lose games - they run out of time It’s also a metaphor for the Granddaddy of all fears - we don’t fear dying so much as we fear running out of time for life We don’t fear failing as much as we fear running out of time to get back up and try again When I’m speaking about Core Action Value #9, Focus, from our course on The Twelve Core Action Values, I’ll make the (rarely contested) statement that no one on their deathbed says “I wish I’d watched more television.” Then I’ll ask what people regret toward the end of their lives (as they realize how close they are to running out of time) The same four things come up, and always in the same order 1/2 Face the granddaddy of all fears Relationships: Without exception, at the top of the list comes family and friends People know that someday they will wish they had spent more time on relationships and less time on things that were really much less important Spending time on relationships is always something we intend to later, but in too many cases later never comes because we run out of time Experiences: The second thing I hear is that toward the end of their lives people regret that they didn’t travel more, didn’t write the book that had been burning up inside of them, didn’t quit the job that was killing their soul and start the business doing something they had a burning passion to These experiences were always something they’d get around to one day, but that day never came because they ran out of time (Zig Ziglar used to give people in his audiences a wooden nickel with the letters TUIT on it; he’d say you’ve always been saying that someday you’ll get ‘round tuit - and now you have a round tuit, taking away your last excuse Finances: The third thing people always say is that in old age, people regret that they weren’t more responsible for their finances Because of youthful indulgences, many older people retire to the equivalent of Jeff Foxworthy’s redneck retirement community, where the houses have wheels and the cars don’t When people blow ten grand for a week in Vegas or Disney, the implicit assumption is that they’ll have time to make it up before they have to retire; the fear is that they’ll run out of time before that happens Health:You often hear older people saying some variation of this: If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself We buy exercise machines and gym memberships and diet plans with the resolution that we’ll actually use them eventually But all too often, “eventually” never comes because we run out of time An Unpleasant Truth You will run out of time Period No exceptions You might have some warning that your hourglass is about to run out, for example with a diagnosis of terminal cancer Or your hourglass might run out suddenly, the way an aquarium would drain when the side is smashed in by a rock Procrastination causes you to push off what you need to today into tomorrow with the consequence that you are always living in the shadows of yesterday It takes courage to act, to conquer the procrastination that robs you of your precious time 2/2 1 July 24, 2007 The Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Re: Supplementary Information about Brazil Scheduled for review during the CEDAW’s 39th Session Dear Committee Members: This letter is intended to supplement the periodic report of the government of Brazil to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW Committee). The Center for Reproductive Rights (the Center), an independent, non-governmental organization, hopes to further the work of the Committee by providing information concerning the rights protected in CEDAW. This letter highlights areas of concern related to the status of the reproductive health and rights of women and girls in Brazil, with a focus on maternal mortality, abortion and adolescents. The Right to Reproductive Health Care (Article 12, together with Articles 1, 10 & 16 of CEDAW) Reproductive rights are fundamental to women’s health and social equality, and an explicit part of the Committee’s mandate under CEDAW. The commitment of States Parties to uphold and ensure these rights deserves serious attention. Specifically, article 12 requires that States Parties “take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in the field of health care,” and specifically requires that governments ensure access to “appropriate services in connection with pregnancy, confinement and the post-natal period, granting free services where necessary, as well as adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.” 1 Article 10(h) requires that women have “[a]ccess to specific educational information to help to ensure the health and well-being of families …” 2 The Convention also requires States to “take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations and in particular shall ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women: …[t]he same rights to 1 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted Dec. 18, 1979, G.A. Res. 34/180, U.N. GAOR, 34 th Sess., Supp. No. 46, at 193, U.N. Doc. A/34/46 (1979) (entered into force Sept. 3, 1981), art. 12(2) [hereinafter CEDAW]. 2 Id. 2 decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children and to have access to the information, education and means to enable them to exercise these rights” [Article 16(1)(e)]. 3 The Committee’s General Recommendation 24 on women and health affirms that “access to health care, including reproductive health, is a basic right under [CEDAW]” 4 and is central to women’s health and well-being. 5 Furthermore, it instructs States Parties to take the following measures: “[e]nsure the removal of all barriers to women’s access to health services, education and information, including in the area of sexual and reproductive health,” 6 “… reduce maternal mortality rates through safe motherhood services and prenatal assistance,” 7 and finally, to “[r]equire all health services to be consistent with the human rights of women, including the rights to autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, informed consent and choice.” 8 The CEDAW Committee has further stated that the duty to fulfill rights “places an obligation on States parties to take appropriate legislative, Relationship between functional activity and protein stability in the presence of all classes of stabilizing osmolytes Shazia Jamal*, Nitesh K. Poddar*, Laishram R. Singh*,, Tanveer A. Dar*,à, Vikas Rishi§ and Faizan Ahmad Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India Introduction Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, when subjected to harsh environmental conditions such as water, salts, cold and heat stresses, adopt a common strategy in protecting their proteins by producing low molecular weight organic substances called osmolytes [1,2]. Chemically stabilizing osmolytes (low molecular mass organic compounds that raise the midpoint of thermal denaturation) are divided into three classes: amino Keywords catalytic efficiency; denaturation equilibrium; enzyme activity; osmolytes, protein stability Correspondence F. Ahmad, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Basic Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 110025 Fax: +91 11 2698 3409 Tel: +91 11 2698 1733 E-mail: faizan_ahmad@yahoo.com *These authors contributed equally to this work Present addresses Division of Population Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA àDepartment of Chemistry Biochemistry, University of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA §National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA (Received 29 May 2009, revised 10 August 2009, accepted 19 August 2009) doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2009.07317.x We report the effects of stabilizing osmolytes (low molecular mass organic compounds that raise the midpoint of thermal denaturation) on the stabil- ity and function of RNase-A under physiological conditions (pH 6.0 and 25 °C). Measurements of Gibbs free energy change at 25 °C(DG D °) and kinetic parameters, Michaelis constant (K m ) and catalytic constant (k cat )of the enzyme mediated hydrolysis of cytidine monophosphate, enabled us to classify stabilizing osmolytes into three different classes based on their effects on kinetic parameters and protein stability. (a) Polyhydric alcohols and amino acids and their derivatives do not have significant effects on DG D ° and functional activity (K m and k cat ). (b) Methylamines increase DG D ° and k cat , but decrease K m . (c) Sugars increase DG D °, but decrease both K m and k cat . These findings suggest that, among the stabilizing osmo- lytes, (a) polyols, amino acids and amino acid derivatives are compatible solutes in terms of both stability and function, (b) methylamines are the best refolders (stabilizers), and (c) sugar osmolytes stabilize the protein, but they apparently do not yield functionally active folded molecules. Abbreviations DG D °, Gibbs free energy change at 25 °C; DC p , constant pressure heat capacity change; T m , midpoint of thermal denaturation; DH m , enthalpy change at T m ; K m , Michaelis constant; k cat , catalytic constant; k cat ⁄ K m , overall enzyme efficiency. 6024 FEBS Journal 276 (2009) 6024–6032 ª 2009 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2009 FEBS acids and their derivatives, polyhydric alcohols and sugars, and methyl ammonium derivatives [1]. These osmolytes are known not only to stabilize proteins [3,4], but they also induce refolding of misfolded proteins [5–8] and remove protein aggregation [9–12]. Mechanisms of protein osmolyte interactions, the effect of osmolytes on protein stability, and how osmo- lytes correct protein misfolding defects and remove protein aggregation have been widely investigated. It has been demonstrated that [...]... more invasive and paralyzing than the one that he has left behind (Solzhenitsyn may have intended his absurdly totalitarian cancer hospital to parallel the absurdly totalitarian state outside it, yet when I once asked a woman with invasive cervical cancer about the parallel, she said sardonically, “Unfortunately, I did not need any metaphors to read the book The cancer ward was my confining state, my... successes in the treatment of disseminated cancer It was usually a matter of watching the tumor get bigger, and the patient, progressively smaller —John Laszlo, The Cure of Childhood Leukemia: Into the Age of Miracles Sidney Farber’s package of chemicals happened to arrive at a particularly pivotal moment in the history of medicine In the late 1940s, a cornucopia of pharmaceutical discoveries was tumbling... June When cancer appeared in the pages of Time in July 1937, interest in what was called the cancer problem” was like a fierce contagion in the media Proposals to mount a systematic national response against cancer had risen and ebbed rhythmically in America since the early 1900s In 1907, a group of cancer surgeons had congregated at the New Willard Hotel in Washington to create an organization to... cancer research By 1910, this organization, the American Association for Cancer Research, had convinced President Taft to propose to Congress a national laboratory dedicated to cancer research But despite initial interest in the plan, the efforts had stalled in Washington after a few fitful attempts, largely because of a lack of political support In the late 1920s, a decade after Taft’s proposal had... weeks later, on August 5, President Roosevelt signed the National Cancer Institute Act The act created a new scientific unit called the National Cancer Institute (NCI), designed to coordinate cancer research and education.* An advisory council of scientists for the institute was assembled from universities and hospitals A state -of -the- art laboratory space, with gleaming halls and conference rooms, was... with an accompanying guarantee of eternal health the invincible society But of all diseases, cancer had refused to fall into step in this march of progress If a tumor was strictly local (i.e., confined to a single organ or site so that it could be removed by a surgeon), the cancer stood a chance of being cured Extirpations, as these procedures came to be called, were a legacy of the dramatic advances of. .. shape-shifting illness that I was confronting I used the past to explain the present The isolation and rage of a thirty-six-year-old woman with stage III breast cancer had ancient echoes in Atossa, the Persian queen who swaddled her canceraffected breast in cloth to hide it and then, in a fit of nihilistic and prescient fury, had a slave cut it off with a knife A patient’s desire to amputate her stomach,... Buffalo surgeon, had argued that cancer would someday overtake smallpox, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis to become the leading cause of death in the nation, his remarks had been perceived as a rather “startling prophecy,” the hyperbolic IN-VITRO STUDIES ON THE COLOR STABILITY AND MASKING ABILITY OF COMPOSITE CORES AND THE INFLUENCE OF POSTS AND CORES ON THE SHADES OF ALL-CERAMIC SYSTEMS SWAMINATHAN SETHU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2004 IN-VITRO STUDIES ON THE COLOR STABILITY AND MASKING ABILITY OF COMPOSITE CORES AND THE INFLUENCE OF POSTS AND CORES ON THE SHADES OF ALL-CERAMIC SYSTEMS SWAMINATHAN SETHU (BDS) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2004 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I take immense pleasure in extending my sincere gratitude to my supervisors Dr.Loh Poey Ling and Dr.Pranee Wattanapayungkul for their constant enthusiasm, and inspiration. They were a real source of intellectual motivation and support. It was a real pleasure to work under their guidance. Their insights and advices have helped me to design & conduct the experiments and analyze the results efficiently. I would like to acknowledge National University of Singapore for providing me this research opportunity and for awarding me a research scholarship. I also commend the excellent atmosphere provided by the University for Research Activities. I would like to thank Associate Professor Jennifer Neo, Associate Professor Kelvin Foong, Associate Professor Adrian Yap and Associate Professor Stephen Hsu for their valuable assistance, support and encouragement through out the period my study. I would also like to thank the administrative staff at the Dean’s office for their timely help and support all along. I thank the staff of lab 2, lab 3, Mr Chan Swee Heng, nurses of clinic 2 and 3 for their valuable assistance. I also thank my colleagues Ms. Soh Mui Siang, Mr. Vivek Gopalan, Mr. Sew Meng and Dr.Girija for their sincere support and guidance during the period of my study. i I take immense pleasure in thanking my parents, for constantly encouraging and supporting me in all my academic endeavors. I would not have made it this far, but for the sacrifices and dedication they have made for me. I whole heartedly thank Prof JG Kannappan and Mrs Vasuki Kannappan for their constant support, encouragement and guidance. I also take immense pleasure in extending my gratitude to Dr Sivasankaran, Dr Chitra Sankaran, Dr Gangadhara Sundar, Mrs Rashmi Sundar, Mr Saravana kumar and Mr Senthilvelan for their support and guidance. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements i Table of Contents iii List of Figures vi List of Tables viii Summary xi Chapter 1 Review of Literature 1.1 Influence of substrate color on the esthetics of all-ceramic restorations 1 1.1.1 All-ceramic systems 3 Types of All-Ceramic systems 6 Finesse 7 IPS Empress 8 Procera 9 Translucency and thickness of allceramics on its masking ability 1.2 9 1.1.2 Composite core build-up systems 12 1.1.3 Endodontic post systems 15 1.1.4 Luting agents 19 Evaluation of substrate color influence 19 1.2.1 Color science 20 Munsell Color system 21 CIELAB Color system 22 1.2.2 Colorimetry 24 iii 1.2.3 Instruments 25 Colorimeters 27 Spectrophotometers 27 Light source 29 Reliability of instruments 30 Calibration 31 Calculation of color difference 32 ∆E values and its clinical relevance 34 36 Chapter 2 Research Programme Chapter 3 Evaluation of the intrinsic color stability of six composite core build-up materials Chapter 4 3.1 Introduction 38 3.2 Materials & Methods 39 3.3 Results 42 3.4 Discussion 46 3.5 Conclusions 50 Evaluation of the ability of composite core build-up materials to mask the color of three different prefabricated post materials 4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Materials & Methods 52 4.3 Results 57 4.4 Discussion 63 4.5 Conclusions 66 iv Chapter 5 Evaluation of the influence of the color of various post and core systems on the esthetics of three .. .Face the granddaddy of all fears Relationships: Without exception, at the top of the list comes family and friends People know that someday they will wish they had spent more... toward the end of their lives people regret that they didn’t travel more, didn’t write the book that had been burning up inside of them, didn’t quit the job that was killing their soul and start the. .. diet plans with the resolution that we’ll actually use them eventually But all too often, “eventually” never comes because we run out of time An Unpleasant Truth You will run out of time Period