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Tài liệu PDF Train your doubt

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  • Train your doubt

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Tài liệu PDF Train your doubt tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vự...

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Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ Train your doubt Train your doubt Bởi: Joe Tye “Doubt is torture If we give ourselves fully to something, it will be clearer when it might be appropriate to quit It is a constant test of perseverance Don’t listen to doubt It leads no place but to pain and negativity.” Natalie Goldberg: Writing Down the Bones Between 1902 and 1908, the German Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young poet that have since been published (and are still in print) The young poet was wracked by self-doubt about the quality of his work Rilke responded that he needed to train his doubt, to teach it to ask better questions That is great advice when your world turns upside down The dictionary definition of doubt gives it two meanings: a feeling of uncertainty a lack of conviction If the doubt you are feeling is of the first variety, what you can to reduce your uncertainty level with more research, but then accept the fact that some things must remain uncertain The young poet can study the masters, write and re-write his poems, but he cannot dictate how the critics will respond If your doubt is of the second variety, a lack of conviction, ask yourself whether that is because you really don’t believe in the cause, whatever it is (your job, your half-written book, your marriage, your diet and fitness program, etc.), or rather that you simply are not willing to pay the price, make the sacrifice, and the work In such cases, doubt is often just an excuse for laziness and cowardice As Goldberg says, doubt is a constant test of your commitment and perseverance Train yours to work for you and not against you by teaching it to ask empowering questions and to stop pestering you with disempowering questions One more thing: virtually every major breakthrough in the history of the world has come from someone acting upon doubt From Copernicus doubting the conventional wisdom of a geocentric universe to J.K Rowling doubting the conventional wisdom that an 1/2 Train your doubt unemployed single mother can’t become a successful author, people who act upon their doubt have changed the world So if you are feeling overwhelmed by doubt, ask yourself if it might not be that you are on the verge of some sort of breakthrough yourself 2/2 Count Down Your Age This page intentionally left blank Count Down Your Age Look, Feel, and Live Better than You Ever Have Before FREDERIC J. VAGNINI, M.D. DAVE BUNNELL New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2007 by Frederic Vagnini and David Bunnell. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-150928-3 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-147807-8. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. 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Dedicated to my inspirational grandmother Sadie Taylor, son and great companion, Aaron Hassan Bunnell, loving wife and wise adviser, Jacqueline Poitier, octogenarian swimming buddy Tom Gates, very special lifelong friend Don “Ryan Russell has an important message for us all: ‘What you don’t know will hurt you…’“ — Kevin Mitnick NETWORK HACK PROOFING YOUR INTERNET TRADECRAFT Ryan Russell, SecurityFocus.com Stace Cunningham, CLSE, COS/2E, CLSI, COS/2I, CLSA Foreword by Mudge, Security Advisor to the White House and Congress “This book provides a bold, unsparing tour of information security that never swerves from the practical.” —Kevin L. Poulsen Editorial Director SecurityFocus.com THE ONLY WAY TO STOP A HACKER IS TO THINK LIKE ONE: Rain Forest Puppy Elias Levy, Bugtraq Blue Boar, Vuln-dev Dan “Effugas” Kaminsky, Cisco Systems Oliver Friedrichs, SecurityFocus.com Riley “Caesar” Eller, Internet Security Advisors Greg Hoglund, Click To Secure Jeremy Rauch Georgi Guninski 95_pgwFP.qx 11/22/00 12:45 PM Page 1 With over 1,500,000 copies of our MCSE, MCSD, CompTIA, and Cisco study guides in print, we have come to know many of you personally. By listening, we've learned what you like and dislike about typical computer books. The most requested item has been for a web-based service that keeps you current on the topic of the book and related technologies. In response, we have created solutions@syngress.com , a service that includes the following features: ■ A one-year warranty against content obsolescence that occurs as the result of vendor product upgrades. 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Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. You should always use reasonable care, including backup and other appropriate precautions, when working with computers, networks, data, and files. Syngress Media®, Syngress®,“Career Advancement Through Skill Enhancement®,” and “Ask the Author UPDATE®,” are registered trademarks of Syngress Publishing, Inc. “Mission Critical™,”“Hack Proofing™,” and “The Only Way to Stop a Hacker is to Think Like One™” are trademarks of Syngress Publishing, Inc. Brands and product names mentioned in this book are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. KEY SERIAL NUMBER 001 QJG4TY7UT5 002 KKLRT5W3E4 003 PMERL3SD6N 004 AGD34B3BH2 005 NLU8EVYN7H 006 ZFG4RN38R4 007 CWBV22YH6T 008 9PB9RGB7MR 009 [ Team LiB ] Backing Up Your Data Many people don't think about backing up their data until something happens and they need to restore it. Don't be one of them: Back up your PST regularly, as often as once a day or once a week. People who back up Outlook typically use Import and Export to back up their Outlook data or move it to a new computer. That's the wrong way to do it. Import and Export imports and exports only Outlook items; it doesn't touch custom forms, views, or other hidden items in the folders. When you want to back up your data or move it to a new computer, find the PST and copy it. Unless you moved your PST to a new location, Outlook stores the PST at C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook. Close Outlook, find the file, and make a copy. To make it easier to back up your PST, move it to your My Documents folder. Close Outlook, find the PST, and move it. Reopen Outlook and when it complains about the missing PST, browse for the PST in the new location. There's little reason to back up your HTTP and IMAP PSTs because they contain copies of the messages still on your server. You need to edit the Registry to move them, but because Outlook often re-creates new PSTs in the default location, it's not recommended. The Outlook folder under Local Settings contains Offline address book files (if you use an Exchange Server account) and extend.dat. Neither of these files needs to be backed up. Because extend.dat contains information about installed add-ins, using it on other machines could cause errors if the add-in isn't installed. If the Outlook folder isn't visible, enable Show Hidden Files and Folders using Windows Explorer's Tools, Folder Options, View. When using Windows Search, always use the Advanced option to Search All Hidden Files and Folders. The other Application Data folder in your Windows user profile, C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook, contains the remainder of the Outlook data you might want to back up. In most cases, the customization files in this folder path use the name of your profile. Each profile has its own set of files. The exception is the toolbar customization file: outcmd.dat. The same custom toolbars apply to all profiles used with your Windows user account. Copies of outcmd.dat should be made after creating toolbar customizations. Because it's not profile-specific, you can use this file on any machine with any profile. • XML— Stores your navigation pane settings. This file can be backed up or deleted when you want to remove customizations and Outlook will create a new default XML. • NK2— Stores the AutoComplete addresses seen when you type addresses into the To field. This file does not need to be backed up. Delete it to start with a new AutoComplete list. • SRS— Send and receive settings. This file can be backed up, although it's most useful only when the same accounts are restored. Any of these files can be renamed to match the name of any profile and, in most cases, they work just fine in any profile. Rules are stored in your message store—they aren't included when you use Import and Export. For that reason, Import and Export is not recommended. You can export your rules for safekeeping: Select Tools, Rules and Alerts and choose Options, and then Export Rules or Import Rules. Rules are tied to the name and location of your PST, and you might need to repair the rules by selecting a new folder for each rule that moves or copies .. .Train your doubt unemployed single mother can’t become a successful author, people who act upon their doubt have changed the world So if you are feeling overwhelmed by doubt, ask yourself... by doubt, ask yourself if it might not be that you are on the verge of some sort of breakthrough yourself 2/2

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2017, 03:37


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