Features of the Animal Kingdom tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh v...
i ABSTRACT Name is not a name, it’s a special linguistic features. On this basis, the thesis investigates the names of coffee shops in English versus Vietnamese in terms of structural and semantic features on descriptive, quantitative and contrastive methods.The study uses 420 samples which were taken from Internet for the sake of the structural and semantic analysis. They are analyzed under phrasal structures and sentence structures in terms of syntactic features. With regard to the semantic features, samples are analyzed and described on the basis of semantic changes and semantic fields. The thesis also offers some implications for the teachers, learners and owners of the coffee shops. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (4.13) Meya Meya Coffee Shop [ ] 33 In example (4.12) and (4.13) the word “Tico” and “Meya” is repeated. Total reduplication would be used to provide emphasis .33 (4.14) Three Beans [ ] .34 - Ordinal Number .34 (4.34 ) Ollie's Coffee Shop [ ] 41 Possessive NP-Pre.M Head 41 We can find that there are some coffee shops whose names include words related to Literature, Art and Music. Let us consider the following example: 76 A F K A Coffee Shop 1 Abbey Road Coffee Shop 1 Centre Coffee Shop .3 Cinnamon Coffee Shop .3 Coffee Dreams Coffee Shop 3 Fat Chef Coffee Shop 4 Feedwell Cafe 4 Global Coffee Shops Ltd .4 Golden Cafe Coffee Shop 4 Jess's Coffee Shop Ltd .5 King's X Coffee Shop 5 Kingsland Coffee Shop Ltd .5 Med Coffee Shop .6 Meya Meya Coffee Shop .6 Old English Coffee House .6 Sahara Coffee Shop .8 The Desert Rose Coffee Shop .9 The Duck Inn Coffee Shop 9 The Italian Touch Coffee Shop & Sandwich Bar .9 The Theatre Coffee Shop .9 iii Turkish Coffee Shop 10 Walker Wyatt Coffee Shop .10 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS N : Noun V : Verb Adj : Adjective Adv : Adverb Prep : Prep NP : Noun Phrase VP : Verb Phrase Adj P : Adjective Phrase Adv P : Adverb Phrase Prep.P : Prepositional Phrase Pre. M : Pre – modifier P. M : Post modifier PA : Possessive Adjective Pa.P : Past Participle Pres.P : Present Participle v LIST OF TABLES Number of tables Name of Tables Pages Table 4.1 Frequency of Morphological features of the names of coffee shop in Features of the Animal Kingdom Features of the Animal Kingdom Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Even though members of the animal kingdom are incredibly diverse, animals share common features that distinguish them from organisms in other kingdoms All animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms, and almost all animals have specialized tissues Most animals are motile, at least during certain life stages Animals require a source of food to grow and develop All animals are heterotrophic, ingesting living or dead organic matter This form of obtaining energy distinguishes them from autotrophic organisms, such as most plants, which make their own nutrients through photosynthesis and from fungi that digest their food externally Animals may be carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, or parasites ([link]) Most animals reproduce sexually: The offspring pass through a series of developmental stages that establish a determined body plan, unlike plants, for example, in which the exact shape of the body is indeterminate The body plan refers to the shape of an animal All animals that derive energy from food are heterotrophs The (a) black bear is an omnivore, eating both plants and animals The (b) heartworm Dirofilaria immitis is a parasite that derives energy from its hosts It spends its larval stage in mosquitos and its adult stage infesting the hearts of dogs and other mammals, as shown here (credit a: modification of work by USDA Forest Service; credit b: modification of work by Clyde Robinson) 1/10 Features of the Animal Kingdom Complex Tissue Structure A hallmark trait of animals is specialized structures that are differentiated to perform unique functions As multicellular organisms, most animals develop specialized cells that group together into tissues with specialized functions A tissue is a collection of similar cells that had a common embryonic origin There are four main types of animal tissues: nervous, muscle, connective, and epithelial Nervous tissue contains neurons, or nerve cells, which transmit nerve impulses Muscle tissue contracts to cause all types of body movement from locomotion of the organism to movements within the body itself Animals also have specialized connective tissues that provide many functions, including transport and structural support Examples of connective tissues include blood and bone Connective tissue is comprised of cells separated by extracellular material made of organic and inorganic materials, such as the protein and mineral deposits of bone Epithelial tissue covers the internal and external surfaces of organs inside the animal body and the external surface of the body of the organism Concept in Action View this video to watch a presentation by biologist E.O Wilson on the importance of animal diversity Animal Reproduction and Development Most animals have diploid body (somatic) cells and a small number of haploid reproductive (gamete) cells produced through meiosis Some exceptions exist: For example, in bees, wasps, and ants, the male is haploid because it develops from an unfertilized egg Most animals undergo sexual reproduction, while many also have mechanisms of asexual reproduction Sexual Reproduction and Embryonic Development Almost all animal species are capable of reproducing sexually; for many, this is the only mode of reproduction possible This distinguishes animals from fungi, protists, and bacteria, where asexual reproduction is common or exclusive During sexual reproduction, the male and female gametes of a species combine in a process called fertilization Typically, the small, motile male sperm travels to the much larger, sessile female egg Sperm form is diverse and includes cells with flagella or amoeboid cells 2/10 Features of the Animal Kingdom to facilitate motility Fertilization and fusion of the gamete nuclei produce a zygote Fertilization may be internal, especially in land animals, or external, as is common in many aquatic species After fertilization, a developmental sequence ensues as cells divide and differentiate Many of the events in development are shared in groups of related animal species, and these events are one of the main ways scientists classify high-level groups of animals During development, animal cells specialize and form tissues, determining their future morphology and physiology In many animals, such as mammals, the young resemble the adult Other animals, such as some insects and amphibians, undergo complete metamorphosis in which individuals enter one or more larval stages For these animals, the young and the adult have different diets and sometimes habitats In other species, a process of incomplete metamorphosis occurs in which the young somewhat resemble the adults and go through a series of stages separated by molts (shedding of the skin) until they reach the final adult form Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction, unlike sexual reproduction, produces offspring genetically identical to each other and to the parent A number of animal ... 1 THE MINISTRY OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION DANANG UNIVERSITY NGUYỄN THỊ HUỆ A STUDY OF SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC FEATURES OF THE ADJECTIVE “WARM” AND ITS VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS Subject Area: English Linguistics Code: 60.22.15 M.A THESIS ON LINGUISTICS (SUMMARY) SUPERVISOR: Assoc.Prof. Dr. TRAN VAN PHUOC DANANG - 2010 2 The thesis has been completed at the College of Foreign Language, Danang University Supervisor : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Tran Van Phuoc Examiner 1: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ngo Dinh Phuong Examiner 2: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Luu Quy Khuong The thesis will be orally defended at The Examining Committee. Time: 15.30, 15/ 01/ 2011 Venue: University of Danang The thesis is accessible for the purpose of reference at: - The Library of College of Foreign Language, University of Danang - Information Resource Center, University of Danang. 3 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE Language takes an important role in every day communication. However, we are very likely to face with some problems in expressing our ideas, especially in transferring meanings of words from a language to another one. Adjective always takes an important role in enriching language by its abundance and potentially descriptive qualities and characteristics. In English, the adjective is multi-functional. It is used essentially to describe an object but, in general, it is meant to enrich and clarify ideas and lead the interlocutors to communicate eloquently. The adjective Warm is commonly known as one of four adjectives indicating temperature. In fact, it can bear various meanings in different categories. It can be used to indicate the weather, describe seasons, and more specially, express feelings, show attitudes and political expressions as well. This thesis deals with the adjective Warm through the investigation of its semantic and pragmatic features and its Vietnamese equivalents. This topic must be important to learners of English and it will provide them a deep understanding of such adjective in different situations. 1.2. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY 4 Hopefully, doing a research of the adjective Warm will be a contribution to the present recognition of the field. And the findings of classification of semantics as well as analysis of pragmatic aspects of this kind of adjective will be expected as great benefits for Vietnamese learners of English. 1.3. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.3.1. Aims The study aims at: - Making an investigation of some semantic and pragmatic features of the adjective Warm in English and its equivalents in Vietnamese. - Analyzing meanings of the adjective Warm in particular contexts, getting access to various features of that in expression. - Finding out the features of pragmatics of the adjective Warm so that individuals have the best understanding and the most effective use of such adjective in different situations. 1.3.2. Objectives To achieve these above aims, this study attempts: - Describing the semantic features of the adjective Warm in English and its Vietnamese equivalents. - Making it 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF DANANG NGUYỄN THỊ CẨM HÀ A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF THE LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF THE ADVERTISEMENTS OF FOOD AND DRINK IN ENGLISH VERSUS VIETNAMESE Field: THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Code : 60.22.15 MASTER THESIS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (A SUMMARY) DaNang – 2011 2 This thesis has been completed at THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANG Supervisor: NGŨ THIỆN HÙNG, Ph.D. Examiner 1: PHAN VĂN HÒA, Prof. Ph.D Examiner 2: NGÔ ĐÌNH PHƯƠNG, Prof. Ph.D This thesis was defended at the Examination Council for the M.A. thesis, the University of Danang. Time : 28 th September, 2011 Venue : Quang Trung University The original of this thesis is accessible for the purpose of reference at • The Information Resources Center, the University of Danang • The Library of College of Foreign Languages, the University of Danang 3 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. RATIONALE Communication plays an important role in our life in the era of information bloom. The fast growth of this field has brought many new changes and trends to our society, making the social face different day by day, even minute by minute. We can also exchange information through many ways like television, radio, internet, newspapers, posters, etc. in which advertisement occupies much time. As regard to the use of language in a pedagogical view, advertisements as a genre offer a great number of choices for the manipulation of language to bring the prominence to the linguistic surface structures in both informative and persuasive functions. This can trigger an assumption that language learners can be benefited from being exposed to the advertisements of food and drink as far as the language acquisition and skill training are concerned. I have decided to carry out a discourse analysis of the linguistic features of the advertisements of food and drink in English versus Vietnamese. I try to describe the characteristics of the advertising language in both English and Vietnamese advertisements of food and drink products, then draw the similarities and differences between two. 1.2. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1.2.1. Aims of the Study This study aims to examine the syntactic and semantic features of advertisement language. The readers and the writers of these kinds of advertisements have pragmatic knowledge and a critical evaluation 4 of the use of linguistic devices in creating an effective and persuasive advertisement. 1.2.2. Objectives of the Study The study describes the speech acts used in the advertisements. Contrasts the syntactic forms and semantic functions of the language of advertising, discovers the similarities and differences regarding the language of advertising and puts forward some suggestions to the English teaching and learning concerning the syntactic and semantic features of advertisement language. 1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1. What are the linguistic features of Emergence of the Animal Emergence of the Animal Kingdom Kingdom Or “Rise of the Chordates” Phylum Chordata Leading to Subphylum Vertebrata Chordates include the following: 1. 1. Fish Fish 2. 2. Reptiles Reptiles 3. 3. Amphibians Amphibians 4. 4. Birds Birds 5. 5. Mammals Mammals Chordates Chordates – 4 characteristics 1. notochord - support 2. post-anal tail 3. pharyngeal gill slits 4. dorsal hollow nerve cord Chordate Characteristics Gills in Humans! – check it out Tunicates are Chordates! Sea Squirts • sponge like - filter feeder • larva free swimming, bilateral with all Chordate traits • Lancets (a primitive fish like organism) closely resembles the idealized chordate. – The notochord, dorsal nerve cord, numerous gill slits, and post-anal tail all persist in the adult Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings “Ontogency Recapituates Evolution” Evolution Playing out in Fetus… (all these Chordates (birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, have strikingly similar Embryonic Development) Chp 33 – Rise of the Mammals • Definition of a Mammal: 1. Homoeothermic – meaning that mammals produce their own body heat 2. Mammary tissue - for the production of Milk 3. Hair Follicles - for the production of Hair 4. Generally, internal fertilization and harboring of young, however, this is only a generality because not all young are “cooked” to term internally. [...]... Order of Class Mammalia Monotremes eg The Platypus, which has a BILL, lays EGGS, but still has mammary glands and produces MILK for young This suggests a relationship between REPTILES, BIRDS and mammals Imagine that? Marsupials – eg The Kangaroo, which is a non-placental mammal Here, the development of the young is very complex, and a baby kangaroo is born very “uncooked”, and must crawl into the mother’s... Internal Fertilization development of young to a highly Advanced stage The Placenta is Key In Mammals, all the Major Body Systems are online and advanced Skeletal System Muscular System Advanced Circulatory System Respiratory System Nervous System is online and advanced! Excretory System – ooo look, Kidneys! Endocrine System – Controls you Hormones Lots of Mammals in the Simpsons Lastly, we can Learn... Endocrine System – Controls you Hormones Lots of Mammals in the Simpsons Lastly, we can Learn Important Lessons from Mammals like Homer This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com is home to over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers This is a completely free site and requires no registration Please visit and I hope it will help in your teachingThe Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Many questions regarding the origins and evolutionary history of the animal kingdom continue to be researched and debated, as new fossil and molecular evidence change prevailing theories Some of these questions include the following: How long have animals existed on Earth? What were the earliest members of the animal kingdom, and what organism was their common ancestor? While animal diversity increased during the Cambrian period of the Paleozoic era, 530 million years ago, modern fossil evidence suggests that primitive animal species existed much earlier Pre-Cambrian Animal Life The time before the Cambrian period is known as the Ediacaran period (from about 635 million years ago to 543 million years ago), the final period of the late Proterozoic Neoproterozoic Era ([link]) It is believed that early animal life, termed Ediacaran biota, evolved from protists at this time Some protest species called choanoflagellates closely resemble the choanocyte cells in the simplest animals, sponges In addition to their morphological similarity, molecular analyses have revealed similar sequence homologies in their DNA 1/9 The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom (a) Earth’s history is divided into eons, eras, and periods Note that the Ediacaran period starts in the Proterozoic eon and ends in the Cambrian period of the Phanerozoic eon (b) Stages on the geological time scale are represented as a spiral (credit: modification of work by USGS) The earliest life comprising Ediacaran biota was long believed to include only tiny, sessile, soft-bodied sea creatures However, recently there has been increasing scientific evidence suggesting that more varied and complex animal species lived during this time, and possibly even before the Ediacaran period Fossils believed to represent the oldest animals with hard body parts were recently discovered in South Australia These sponge-like fossils, named Coronacollina acula, date back as far as 560 million years, and are believed to show the existence of hard body parts and spicules that extended 20–40 cm from the main body (estimated about cm long) Other fossils from the Ediacaran period are shown in [link]ab Fossils of (a) Cyclomedusa and (b) Dickinsonia date to 650 million years ago, during the Ediacaran period (credit: modification of work by “Smith609”/Wikimedia Commons) Another recent fossil discovery may represent the earliest animal species ever found While the validity of this claim is still under investigation, these primitive fossils appear to be small, one-centimeter long, sponge-like creatures These fossils from South Australia date back 650 million years, actually placing the putative animal before the great ice age extinction event that marked the transition between the Cryogenian period and the Ediacaran period Until this discovery, most scientists believed that there was no animal life prior to the Ediacaran period Many scientists now believe that animals may in fact have evolved during the Cryogenian period The Cambrian Explosion of Animal Life The Cambrian period, occurring between approximately 542–488 million years ago, marks the most rapid evolution of new animal phyla and animal diversity in Earth’s history It is believed that most of the animal phyla in existence today had their origins during this time, often referred to as the Cambrian explosion ([link]) Echinoderms, mollusks, worms, arthropods, and chordates arose during this period One of the most 2/9 The Evolutionary History of the Animal Kingdom dominant species during the Cambrian period was the trilobite, an arthropod that was among the first animals to exhibit a sense of vision ([link]abcd) An artist’s rendition depicts some organisms from the Cambrian period These fossils (a–d) belong to trilobites, extinct arthropods that appeared in the early Cambrian period, 525 million years ago, and disappeared from ... presence or absence of an internal body cavity, and other features of embryological development Art Connection 3/10 Features of the Animal Kingdom The phylogenetic tree of animals is based on... between protostomes and deuterostomes, including the mode of formation of the coelom and the early cell division of the embryo 7/10 Features of the Animal Kingdom Eucoelomates can be divided into two... surfaces of organs inside the animal body and the external surface of the body of the organism Concept in Action View this video to watch a presentation by biologist E.O Wilson on the importance of animal