Wide Area Network(WAN) tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh...
Wireless CommunicationsWireless Wide Area Networks 2Objectives•Describe wireless wide area networks (WWANs) and how they are used•Describe the applications that can be used on a digital cellular telephone•Explain how cellular telephony functions•List features of the various generations of cellular telephony•Discuss how satellite transmissions work 3Cellular Telephone Applications•Digital cellular telephones can be used to:–Browse the Internet–Send and receive short messages and e-mails–Participate in videoconferencing–Receive various sorts of information–Run a variety of business applications–Connect to corporate networks–Watch television or on-demand movies–Take and transmit pictures and short movies–Locate family members and employees using GPS 4Cellular Telephone Applications (continued)•Short Message Services (SMS)–One of the most widely used applications–Allows for the delivery of short, text-based messages between wireless devices•Messages are limited to about 160 characters–Applications•Person-to-person•Agent-to-person•Information broadcast services•Software configuration•Advertising 5How Cellular Telephony Works•Keys to cellular telephone networks–Cells•City cells measure approximately 10 square miles•At the center of each cell is a cell transmitter connected to a base station•Each base station is connected to a mobile telecommunications switching office (MTSO)–Link between the cellular network and the wired telephone world–Controls all transmitters and base stations 6How Cellular Telephony Works (continued) 7How Cellular Telephony Works (continued)•Keys to cellular telephone networks (continued)–Transmitters and cell phones operate at low power•Enables the signal to stay confined to the cell•Signal at a specific frequency does not go far beyond the cell area–Same frequency can be used in other cells at the same time–Except in adjacent cells•Cell phones have special codes 8How Cellular Telephony Works (continued) 9How Cellular Telephony Works (continued)•When user moves within the same cell–Transmitter and base station for that cell handle all of the transmissions•As the user moves toward the next cell–A handoff process occurs•Roaming–User moves from one cellular network to another 10How Cellular Telephony Works (continued) [...]... 1xRTT • Operates on two 1.25 MHz -wide frequency channels • Supports 144 Kbps packet data transmission 2 Objectives • Describe wireless wide area networks (WWANs) and how they are used • Describe the applications that can be used on a digital cellular telephone • Explain how cellular telephony functions • List features of the various generations of cellular telephony • Discuss how satellite transmissions... 26 Satellite Broadband Wireless • Use of satellites for personal wireless communication is fairly recent • Satellite use falls into three broad categories – Satellites are used to acquire scientific data and perform research in space – Satellites look at Earth from space – Satellites include devices that are simply reflectors 22 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP Wide Area Network(WAN) Wide Area Network(WAN) Bởi: Wiki Pedia Mạng diện rộng WAN (wide area network) mạng liệu thiết kế để kết nối mạng độ thị (mạng MAN) khu vực địa lý cách xa Xét quy mô địa lý, mạng GAN( global area network) có quy mô lớn nhất, sau đến mạng WAN mạng LAN Các tổ chức xây dựng WAN • Các tổ chức tiêu chuẩn quốc tế xây dựng mạng WAN bao gồm ITU-T, ISO, IETF, EIA, TIA Xem bảng sau: WAN Standard • Các tiêu chuẩn WAN thường mô tả yêu cầu lớp vật lý lớp liên kết liệu, bao gồm việc đánh địa vật lý, điều khiển luồng (flow control) đóng gói (encapsulation) Mô hình mạng Trong mô hình tham chiếu OSI, WAN hoạt động từ lớp (lớp mạng) trở xuống, bao gồm: Lớp (Lớp vật lý ) OSIWAN1 OSIWAN2 Các thiết bị mạng WAN Các thiết bị sử dụng cho mạng WAN gồm có: router, switch, modem (CSU/DSU), communication server (Server giao tiếp), hình vẽ sau: WAN Devices 1/2 Wide Area Network(WAN) Ứng dụng WAN sử dụng cho mạng dùng riêng point-to-point, sử dụng mạng chuyển mạch gói (X.25, frame relay), chuyển mạch kênh (ATM, ISDN) Xem hình vẽ: WAN Application2 Các giao thức đường truyền Các giao thức đường truyền phổ biến sử dụng cho mạng WAN gồm: • PPP (point-to-point protocol): sử dụng cho kết nối dialup (quay số) • HDLC (high-level data link control): sử dụng cho mạng point-to-point dành riêng • LAPD (link access procedure D channel): sử dụng cho mạng ISDN kênh D (D Channel) • LAPB (link access procedure balanced): sử dụng cho mạng chuyển mạch gói X.25 • LAPF (link access procedure frame): sử dụng cho mạng chuyển mạch gói Frame relay 2/2 Tổng quan về mạng WAN (Wide Area Network) – Phần mềm Cool Chat MỤC LỤC Lời giới thiệu 1. Sơ đồ mạng WAN của NHCT Việt Nam 2. Các thiết bị nối ghép trong WAN 2.1. Bộ định tuyến (Router) 2.2. Bộ tập trung (Hub) 2.3. Cầu nối (Bridge) 2.4. Bộ chuyển tiếp (Repeater) 2.5. Card Mạng (NIC) 2.6. Dây Mạng (Cable) 2.7. Bộ chuyển mạch (Switch) 2.8. Modem (Modulate - Demodulate) 3. Các phương tiện kết nối WAN 3.1. Đường th bao Leased Line 3.2. ISDN (Intergrated Service Digital Network) 3.3. Mạng chuyển gói X.25 3.4. Cáp quang (Optical Fiber) 4. Địa chỉ mạng (IP Address) 5. Hệ điều hành mạng (NOS) 5.1. Sơ bộ về hệ điều hành mạng Unix 5.2. Mạng và Unix 5.3. Tổ chức files trong Unix 6. Phần mềm Cool Chat 7. Các địa chỉ - tài liệu tham khảo THƯ VIỆN ĐIỆN TỬ TRỰC TUYẾN Lời giới thiệu Ngân hàng Cơng thương Việt Nam (ICB - Industrial Commercial bank of vietnam ) Là một trong những Ngân Hàng Quốc doanh hàng đầu của Việt nam, có trên 97 chi nhánh hoạt động trên địa bàn các Tỉnh, Thành phố, Khu Cơng thương nghiệp và dân cư tập trung. Để phục vụ cho việc truyền thơng tin, dữ liệu giữa các chi nhánh đảm bảo tin cậy, tốc độ đáp ứng được u cầu của cơng việc, đo đó cấu hình truyền thơng và Mạng máy tính trên tồn bộ hệ thống trong Ngân Hàng Cơng thương Việt nam là một yếu tố hết sức quan trọng. Giải pháp mạng WAN ( Wide Area Network - Mạng diện rộng ) được áp dụng. Chúng có nhiệm vụ kết hợp tất cả các mạng LAN (Local Area Network ) ở xa lại thành một mạng duy nhất có đường truyền tốc độ cao và có độ tin cậy. Tất cả các máy trên mạng đều có những địa chỉ duy nhất khác nhau, WAN là các lớp mạng hợp lại và khơng có sự trùng lặp về địa chỉ và những địa chỉ đó chính là IP Address của mạng. Ngân Hàng Cơng Thương Việt Nam đã có những giải pháp hữu hiệu trong cơng nghệ truyền dữ liệu trong WAN như : Đường Leased Line, Mạng X.25, CD, E1, đường cáp quang(Optical fiber) . Đầu tư các trang thiết bị truyền thơng của các tập đồn viễn thơng nổi tiếng trên thế giới như Cisco system, Fujitsu, theo tiêu chuẩn Quốc tế và khơng ngừng đưa ra các sản phẩm dịch vụ hiện đại phục vụ khách hàng ngày càng tốt hơn. THƯ VIỆN ĐIỆN TỬ TRỰC TUYẾN 1. SƠ ĐỒ MẠNG WAN CỦA NGÂN HÀNG CƠNG THƯƠNG VIỆT NAM Giải thích sơ đồ : Máy chủ ( đặt tại HANOI ) Chia sẻ tài ngun mạng ROUTER : Bộ định tuyến cho mạng Các Host trong WAN Trạm làm việc trong mạng Mơ hình một mạng con của WAN thơng qua Router định để kêt nối với các mạng khác trong WAN Máy in Laser mạng Đại điện các LAN chi nhánh trong mạng Modem mạng : chuyển và truyền thơng tin THƯ VIỆN ĐIỆN TỬ TRỰC TUYẾN ICB có 4 điểm truyền thơng chính trong cả nước đó là : Hà Nội, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng và Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.Tại 4 trụ địa điểm này có đặt 4 Router để phân luồng dữ liệu và kết nối theo các đường X.25 (đường Backup), PSTN, và đường Leased Line (dành riêng cho Hanoi và Hồ chí Minh ). Các chi nhánh ở các tỉnh thì kết nối với máy chủ tại Hanoi qua đương điện thoại cơng cộng ( PSTN). Các chi nhánh trong Americas Headquarters: © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Enterprise Branch Wide Area Application Services Design Guide (Version 1.1) This document discusses design and deployment considerations in deploying wide area application services (WAAS) over branch architectures. It serves as a supplement to the Cisco enterprise branch architecture documents, which can be found at http://www.cisco.com/go/srnd. Contents Introduction 3 Intended Audience 3 Updates to Version 1.1 4 Caveats and Limitations 4 Assumptions 4 Best Practices and Known Limitations 4 WAAS Known Limitations 5 WAAS Technology Overview 5 WAAS Optimization Path 8 WAAS Branch Design Considerations 11 WAAS Placement over Branch Topologies 11 Branch 1—Extended Services Branch 12 Branch 2—Consolidated Branch 13 Branch LAN Services 14 LAN Services—Generic Considerations 14 LAN Segmentation over Branch Topologies 15 LAN Services—Branch 1 17 LAN Services—Branch 2 17 WAN Services 18 2 Enterprise Branch Wide Area Application Services Design Guide (Version 1.1) OL-12945-01 Contents WAN Services—Generic Considerations 18 WAN Services—Branch 1 21 WAN Services—Branch 2 21 High Availability 21 WAAS-level HA 21 Branch LAN HA 22 Branch WAN HA 22 Single- and Dual-Tier Profiles 23 Security Services 24 Infrastructure Protection 24 Secure Connectivity 24 Threat Defense 25 Security Services —Branch 1 Considerations 30 Security Services—Branch 2 Considerations 30 Quality of Service 32 QoS—Generic Considerations 32 IP Communication Services 35 Cisco IP Phone Services 36 Voice Services—Remote Branch 1 36 Voice Services—Remote Branch 2 36 Measuring Optimizations and Performance Improvements 37 User-Centric Metrics 37 NetFlow 37 IP Service Level Agreements 42 WAAS-Centric Performance Metrics 43 Branch 1 Considerations 45 Branch 2 Considerations 46 Miscellaneous Operations 46 Synchronization and Timing 46 Summary 46 Appendix A—WAAS-IOS Branch Interoperability Matrix 47 Appendix B—Example Test Configuration 48 Appendix C—Test Bed Configuration 50 Branch1 Router (FSB4-3825-1) 50 Branch1 First WAE (FSB4-WBE1) 56 Branch 1 Second WAE (FSB4-WBE3) 57 Branch 1 Switch (FSB4-3548-1) 59 Branch 2 Router 61 Branch 2 Edge WAE 67 3 Enterprise Branch Wide Area Application Services Design Guide (Version 1.1) OL-12945-01 Introduction Appendix D—Additional References 69 Introduction As enterprise businesses extend their size and reach to remote locations, guaranteeing application delivery to end users becomes increasingly important. In the past, remote locations contained their own application file servers and could provide LAN access to data and applications within the remote location or branch. Although this solution guarantees application performance and availability, it also means more devices to manage, increased total cost of ownership, regulatory compliance for data archival, and lack of anywhere, anytime application access. Placing application networking servers within a centralized data center where remote branches access applications across a WAN solves the management of devices and total cost of ownership issues. The benefits for consolidating application networking services in the data center include but are not limited to the following: • Cost savings through branch services consolidation of application and printer services to a centralized data center • Ease of manageability because less devices are employed in a consolidated data center • Centralized storage and archival of data to meet regulatory compliance • More efficient use of WAN link utilization through transport Americas Headquarters: © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Enterprise Data Center Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Design Guide This document offers guidelines and best practices for implementing Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) in enterprise data center architecture. Placement of the Cisco Wide Area Engine (WAE), high availability, and performance are discussed for enterprise data center architectures to form a baseline for considering a WAAS implementation. Contents Introduction 3 Intended Audience 4 Caveats and Limitations 4 Assumptions 4 Best Practices and Known Limitations 4 DC WAAS Best Practices 4 WAAS Known Limitations 5 WAAS Technology Overview 5 WAAS Optimization Path 8 Technology Overview 11 Data Center Components 11 Front End Network 12 Core Layer 13 Aggregation Layer 13 Access Layer 13 Back-End Network 14 SAN Core Layer 14 SAN Edge Layer 15 WAN Edge Component 15 2 Enterprise Data Center Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Design Guide OL-12934-01 Contents WAAS Design Overview 16 Design Requirements 16 Design Components 16 Core Site Architecture 16 WAE at the WAN Edge 17 WAE at the Aggregation Layer 17 WAN Edge versus Data Center Aggregation Interception 18 Design and Implementation Details 19 Design Goals 19 Design Considerations 19 Central Manager 19 CIFS Compatibility 20 Interception Methods 20 Interception Interface 22 GRE and L2 Redirection 23 Security 24 Service Module Integration 25 WAE Network Connectivity 30 Tertiary/Sub-interface 31 High Availability 31 Scalability 33 Implementation Details 35 Central Manager 35 WAE at the WAN Edge 35 Sub-Interface 37 Interception Interface 38 GRE Redirection 38 High Availability 38 WAE at Aggregation Layer 40 Interception Interfaces and L2 Redirection 41 Mask Assignments 42 WCCP Access Control Lists 42 Redirect exclude in 42 WCCP High Availability 43 WAAS with ACE Load Balancing 43 Appendix A—Network Components 48 Appendix B—Configurations 48 WAE at WAN Edge 48 DC-7200-01 48 3 Enterprise Data Center Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Design Guide OL-12934-01 Introduction DC-7200-02 50 CORE-FE1 52 CORE-FE2 53 EDGE-GW-01 54 WAE-FSO-01 57 WAE at Aggregation Layer 58 AGGR1 58 AGGR2 60 CFE-AGGR-01 61 CFE-AGGR-02 62 CFE-AGGR-03 62 CEF-AGGR-04 64 WAAS with ACE Load Balancing 64 CEF-AGGR-01 to 04 64 AGGR1 and AGGR2 64 ACE Module 64 Appendix C—References 66 Introduction As enterprise businesses extend their size and reach to remote locations, guaranteeing application delivery to end users becomes increasingly important. In the past, remote locations contained their own application file servers and could provide LAN access to data and applications within the remote location or branch. Although this solution guarantees application performance and availability, it also means more devices to manage, increased total cost of ownership, regulatory compliance for data archival, and lack of anywhere, anytime application access. Placing application networking servers within a centralized data center where remote branches access applications across a WAN solves the management of devices and total cost of ownership issues. The benefits for consolidating application networking services in the data center include but are not limited to the following: • Cost savings through branch services consolidation of application and printer services to a centralized data center • Ease of manageability because Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 1 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. Wide Area NetworksWide Area Networks Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 2 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Keep All Graphics Inside This Box econ_0481_09_010.ppt Section I Policy / Shaping Section I Policy / Shaping © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 3 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Keep All Graphics Inside This Box econ_0481_09_010.ppt Objectives Objectives Upon completion of this module section, you will be able to perform the following tasks: • Describe the difference between policing and shaping and how each one relates to QoS • Describe committed access rate (CAR), when to apply CAR, how to configure CAR • Describe Modular Quality of Service Command Line Interface (MQC) policing and how to configure it • Identify the three types of traffic shaping, their differences, and how to apply each The purpose of the lesson is to quickly survey the new policing and traffic shaping features in Cisco IOS Release 12.1, and to describe the problems they solve. Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 4 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Keep All Graphics Inside This Box econ_0481_09_010.ppt Remote Sites T1 Central Site Frame Relay, ATM 128kbps 256kbps 512kbps 768kbps T1 Result: Buffering = Delay or Dropped Packets Customer Problems to Solve Customer Problems to Solve • Central to Remote Site Speed Mismatch • Remote to Central Site Over-subscription • Control use of shared LAN, WAN, MAN media –Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) The slide shows a Frame Relay or ATM network. Pay close attention to the speeds of the access lines to the remote sites on the left. Suppose each site has a Committed Information Rate (CIR) close to the access speed with bursting up to the access bandwidth. • What happens at the central site if the bottom two sites burst at the same time? • What happens at the central site if a server rapidly transmits data for the top left remote site? • What happens if the bottom two left sites try to send a large amount of data to the top left site? In this section, some of the QoS techniques that help resolves issues such as theseare examined. Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 5 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Keep All Graphics Inside This Box econ_0481_09_010.ppt Internet Policing and traffic shaping occur within the network to provide congestion management and control bursts Policing and traffic shaping occur within the network to provide congestion management and control bursts Network Management Policing and Shaping Policing and Shaping In this module section, policing and traffic shaping are discussed. Both of these traffic engineering methods occur within the network as indicated by the heavy ellipse in the slide. They use the already marked Type of Service (ToS) or Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) bits discussed in the previous module. With policing the rate at which traffic can flow is capped. This is usually done inbound to control how fast someone sends data. With shaping, smooth out bursts for a steadier flow of data. Reduced burstiness helps reduce congestion in a network core. Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 6 © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. www.cisco.com Keep All Graphics Inside This Box econ_0481_09_010.ppt Policing Policing Policing is the QoS component that limits traffic flow to a configured bit rate: • With limited bursting capability • But no buffers, packets above the specified burst rate are dropped or have their precedence altered A policer typically drops traffic. For example, CARs rate-limiting policer will either drop the packet or rewrite its IP Precedence, resetting the packet header's ToS bits. Policing is also available through the MQC. Copyright © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 7 © .. .Wide Area Network(WAN) Ứng dụng WAN sử dụng cho mạng dùng riêng point-to-point, sử dụng mạng chuyển mạch