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Thông báo kỳ thi VNU-EPT miễn phí đợt 1 trong năm 2017 | Cổng thông tin đào tạo

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Đề thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 năm 2012 Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng đài tư vấn: 0902 – 11 – 00 - 33 - Trang | 1 - SỞ GIÁO DỤC-ĐÀO TẠO KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO 10 THPT NĂM 2012 BÌNH ĐỊNH Khóa ngày 29 tháng 6 năm 2012 Môn thi: TOÁN Ngày thi: 30/6/2012 Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Bài 1: (3,0 điểm) Học sinh không sử dụng máy tính bỏ túi a) Giải phương trình: 2x – 5 = 0 b) Giải hệ phương trình: y x 2 5x 3y 10 − =   − =  c) Rút gọn biểu thức 2 5 a 3 3 a 1 a 2 a 8 A a 4 a 2 a 2 − + + + = + − − − + với a 0,a 4 ≥ ≠ d) Tính giá trị của biểu thức B 4 2 3 7 4 3 = + + − Bài 2: (2, 0 điểm) Cho parabol (P) và đường thẳng (d) có phương trình lần lượt là 2 y mx = và ( ) 2 1 y m x m = − + − ( m là tham số, m ≠ 0). a) Với m = –1 , tìm tọa độ giao điểm của (d) và (P). b) Chứng minh rằng với mọi m ≠ 0 đường thẳng (d) luôn cắt parabol (P) tại hai điểm phân biệt. Bài 3: (2, 0 điểm) Quãng đường từ Quy Nhơn đến Bồng Sơn dài 100 km. Cùng một lúc, một xe máy khởi hành từ Quy Nhơn đi Bồng Sơn và một xe ô tô khởi hành từ Bồng Sơn đi Quy Nhơn. Sau khi hai xe gặp nhau, xe máy đi 1 giờ 30 phút nữa mới đến Bồng Sơn. Biết vận tốc hai xe không thay đổi trên suốt quãng đường đi và vận tốc của xe máy kém vận tốc xe ô tô là 20 km/h. Tính vận tốc mỗi xe. Bài 4: (3, 0 điểm) Cho đường tròn tâm O đường kính AB = 2R. Gọi C là trung điểm của OA, qua C kẻ dây MN vuông góc với OA tại C. Gọi K là điểm tùy ý trên cung nhỏ BM, H là giao điểm của AK và MN. a) Chứng minh tứ giác BCHK là tứ giác nội tiếp. b) Chứng minh AK.AH = R 2 c) Trên KN lấy điểm I sao cho KI = KM, chứng minh NI = KB. Nguồn: Hocmai.vn ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC DAI HQC QUOC GIA TP HCM TRUNG TAM ICHAO THI TIENG ANH LONG HOA XA HQI CHU NGHIA VItT NAM DOc lap — Ty — Hanh pink S6:09-5 /TTKTTA V/v td chic thi mien phi VNU-EPT (1911 nam 2017 Tp Ho Chi Minh, ngely40 thang 04 nom 2017 Kink - CAC DON VII THANH VIEN DHQG - HCM - CAC CO SO DAO TAO DHQG - HCM - Can cu ke hoach thuc hien a an nam 2017 dm Trung tam khao thi ti6ng Anh DHQG-HCM (TTKTTA) v& vi& khao sat de tang hoan thin chat lugng bai thi VNU-EPT theo chuan cac bai thi qu6c 4; - Can cu chirc nang, nhiem vu cua Trung tam khao thi tie'ng Anh DHQG-HCM; TTKTTA thong bao an thi sinh cua cac ca soy dao tao ve viec to chirc kS7 thi VNU-EPT mien phi dgt nam 2017 nhu sau: Thai gian va dia diem thi: - Thei gian thi : 07:30-11:30 thir Bay 27/05/2017 - Dia diem : Trung Tam IChao Thi Ting Anh DHQG-HCM 29 Nguygn Khac Nhu, Phu6ng CO Giang, Qua'n 1, TP.HCM DOi tuvng thy thi: Thi sinh tham du kST thi phai dap img di' diki kien sau: Da c6 chimg chi qu6c to nhu IELTS, TOEFL iBT, TOEFL PBT hoc TOEIC dai dien ity quy&ri cua ETS va Cambridge ESOL to chirc va cap gia'y thong nh4n Chimg chi qu6c to phai gia tri sir dung tinh an thi Khong tham du kS, thi VNU-EPT 13/05/2017 Quyen lqi dei nguiri thy thi: - Dugc mign1" phi thi VNU-EPT - Dugc cap chimg chi VNU-EPT CO gia tri sir dung theo quy dinh cua DHQGHCM (vui lOng xem CV 1626/DHQG-DH&SDH 03/10/2013 Binh kern) HO so thy thi bao gem: - anh 4x6 (chop Bong qua thang) - ban photo CMND (dem ban chinh de chi6u) - ban photo bang diem thi cac kSr thi qu6c to (dem ban chinh de doi chieu) Han chot nOp ho so' thy thi: - D6n 11:30 Ulu Bay 20/05/2017 Dia diem nOp Trung Tam Khao Thi Tijng Anh DHQG-HCM Dia chi: 146P Nguygn Van Thu, P Dakao, Qu4n 1, TP HCM Dien thoai: 08 39118311 - 08 39118312 - 08 39118313 Kinh de nghi Qu3', nha trithng va cac Co' so dao tao vui long thong bao den cac thi sinh duac biet Tran tr9ng./ GIANI DOC Nei nit(m: Nhu VT; P ke toan; Luu Trang 1/6 - Mã đề thi 459 Trường THPT Lê Quảng Chí Kỳ Thi thử Đại học đợt 1 Năm học 2010-2011 MÔN Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mã đề thi 459 (Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kì loại tài liệu nào trong phòng thi) Questions 1 - 10 : Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. In this age of (1) ……… telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that fewer and even fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (2) ……… friends and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep (3) ……… people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an important skill for all learned people (4) ………. Gradually, (5) ………, the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point that majority of us have to (6) ……… a special effort to turn out something worthwhile when we apply for a job or make a complaint. In business circles the tendency is for routine communications to become shorter. (7) ……… clients may appreciate a detailed letter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (8) ………. Many people prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in many situations but (9) ……… have you put the telephone down, dissatisfied with what you have managed to say? I don't think I'll throw my (10) ……… away yet. Question 1: A. advanced B. highly-developed C. progressive D. all are correct Question 2: A. for B. to C. from D. with Question 3: A. in favor of B. on good terms with C. in step with D. in contact with Question 4: A. mastering B. mastered C. to be mastered D. to master Question 5: A. however B. in short C. for example D. therefore Question 6: A. cause B. make C. do D. create Question 7: A. As though B. Despite C. Even though D. However Question 8: A. impossible B. unimportant C. inefficient D. unusual Question 9: A. how long B. how much C. how about D. how often Question 10: A. telephone B. effort C. letter D. pen Questions 11 - 20 : After each sentence below, there are four sentences marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one. Question 11: Friendly though he may seem, he’s not to be trusted. A. However he seems friendly, he’s not to be trusted. B. However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted. C. He may have friend, but he’s not to be trusted. D. He’s too friendly to be trusted. Question 12: I often get up early. A. I am used to get up early. B. I am used to getting up early. C. I like to get up early. D. I can get up early. Question 13: In population, Los Angeles is not as big as New York A. New York is bigger than Los Angeles in population. B. Los Angeles is more densely populated than New York C. New York is not as crowded as Los Angeles D. New York is bigger than Los Angeles Trang 2/6 - Mã đề thi 459 Question 14: Tom told his girlfriend, “Let me tell him if you can't”. A. Tom volunteered to tell him if his girlfriend couldn't. B. Tom advised his girlfriend to tell him if you couldn't. C. Tom asked his girlfriend to tell him if you couldn't. D. Tom suggested that I should tell him if his girlfriend couldn't. Question 15: The game will be held, rain or shine. A. There will be no game if it rains B. It rains every time there is a game. C. There will be a game regardless of the weather D. The game is delayed because of the rain Question 16: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. A. The result of this quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. B. This quarrel is likely to result in a fight. C. This quarrel is likely to result from a fight. D. This quarrel is somewhat like a fight. Question 17: Sorry, I took you for somebody else. A. Sorry, I made a mistake in taking you to Trang 1/6 - Mã đề thi 207 Trường THPT Lê Quảng Chí Kỳ Thi thử Đại học đợt 1 Năm học 2010-2011 MÔN Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mã đề thi 207 (Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kì loại tài liệu nào trong phòng thi) Questions 1 - 10 : Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. In this age of (1) ……… telephone networks and electronic mail, it seems that fewer and even fewer people are taking time to sit down and write letters (2) ……… friends and relatives. For hundreds of years, letters were the only way to keep (3) ……… people who were any distance away and letter-writing was seen as an important skill for all learned people (4) ………. Gradually, (5) ………, the importance of writing letters is decreasing to a point that majority of us have to (6) ……… a special effort to turn out something worthwhile when we apply for a job or make a complaint. In business circles the tendency is for routine communications to become shorter. (7) ……… clients may appreciate a detailed letter, an employee who sends out long letters is often regarded as (8) ………. Many people prefer the telephone in all circumstances and its speed is essential in many situations but (9) ……… have you put the telephone down, dissatisfied with what you have managed to say? I don't think I'll throw my (10) ……… away yet. Question 1: A. highly-developed B. advanced C. progressive D. all are correct Question 2: A. for B. with C. from D. to Question 3: A. in contact with B. in favor of C. on good terms with D. in step with Question 4: A. mastering B. to master C. mastered D. to be mastered Question 5: A. for example B. in short C. however D. therefore Question 6: A. do B. cause C. make D. create Question 7: A. Despite B. Even though C. As though D. However Question 8: A. impossible B. inefficient C. unusual D. unimportant Question 9: A. how long B. how about C. how often D. how much Question 10: A. effort B. pen C. telephone D. letter Questions 11 - 20 : After each sentence below, there are four sentences marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one. Question 11: I often get up early. A. I am used to get up early. B. I am used to getting up early. C. I like to get up early. D. I can get up early. Question 12: My father likes nothing better than fishing on a hot, summer day. A. My father doesn't like fishing on a hot, summer day. B. Fishing is my father's favorite enjoyment on a hot, summer day. C. Fishing is better than doing nothing on a hot, summer day. D. Although he likes fishing he doesn't want to do it on a hot, summer day. Question 13: Friendly though he may seem, he’s not to be trusted. A. He’s too friendly to be trusted. B. However he seems friendly, he’s not to be trusted. C. He may have friend, but he’s not to be trusted. D. However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted. Trang 2/6 - Mã đề thi 207 Question 14: In population, Los Angeles is not as big as New York A. New York is bigger than Los Angeles B. Los Angeles is more densely populated than New York C. New York is not as crowded as Los Angeles D. New York is bigger than Los Angeles in population. Question 15: This quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. A. This quarrel is likely to result from a fight. B. The result of this quarrel is likely to lead to a fight. C. This quarrel is somewhat like a fight. D. This quarrel is likely to result in a fight. Question 16: Sorry, I took you for somebody else. A. Sorry, I made a mistake in taking you to somebody. B. Sorry, I thought you were somebody else. C. Sorry, I took you instead of somebody else. D. Sorry, I asked somebody else to take you. Question 17: The game will be held, rain or shine. A. It Trang 1/6 - Mã đề thi 313 Trường THPT Lê Quảng Chí Kỳ Thi thử Đại học đợt 1 Năm học 2010-2011 MÔN Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mã đề thi 313 (Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kì loại tài liệu nào trong phòng thi) Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. Question 1: A. accelerate B. assimilate C. opposition D. impossible Question 2: A. follow B. allow C. borrow D. sorrow Question 3: A. nature B. failure C. culture D. mature Question 4: A. contradiction B. resolution C. similarity D. eradication Question 5: A. undertake B. average C. devastate D. pesticide Questions 6 - 15 : Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for his own use. This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to live on a smaller plot of ground. We tend to forget that all of our present-day pets, livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and developed into the forms we know today. As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to organize their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. One aspect of early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this respect. For example, it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal organ would cure ailments of that organ, Thus, an extract made from a heart-shaped leaf might be prescribed for a person suffering from heart problems. Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses. Question 6: What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Cures from plants. B. The beginning of natural history. C. Early plants and animals. D. Prehistoric man. Question 7: Domestication of plants and animals probably occurred because of …. A. the desire of prehistoric man to be nomadic B. lack of wild animals and plants C. need for more readily available food D. early mans power as a hunter Question 8: The word “this” refers to ………. A. providing food for man B. mans ability to live on a small plot of land C. mans domestication of plants and animals D. the earliest condition of prehistoric man Question 9: The word “blossomed” is closest in meaning to … A. produced flowers B. changed C. flourished D. learned Question 10: An herbalist is which of the following? A. An early historian. B. A farmer. C. A dreamer. D. Someone who uses plants in medicine. Question 11: The phrase “in this respect” refers to ……… A. the development of the field of natural history B. the use of plants for drugs and medicine C. the development of human culture D. the origin of knowledge of nature Question 12: The word “extract” is closest in meaning to … A. substance B. flavour C. design D. ailment Trang 2/6 - Mã đề thi 313 Question 13: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The work of early herbalists has nothing to do with present day medicine. B. The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped organ. C. Early herbalists were unimaginative. D. There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant. Question 14: The word “rudiments” is closest in meaning to … A. requirements B. beginnings C. history D. proofs Question 15: The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion in the field of………. A. biology B. anatomy C. zoology D. astrology These are incomplete sentences. Choose one best option to complete each sentence. Question 16: Our teacher always taught us that Trang 1/7 - Mã đề thi 135 Trường THPT Lê Quảng Chí Kỳ Thi thử Đại học đợt 1 Năm học 2010-2011 MÔN Tiếng Anh Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mã đề thi 135 (Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất kì loại tài liệu nào trong phòng thi) Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others. Question 1: A. sorrow B. borrow C. allow D. follow Question 2: A. average B. devastate C. undertake D. pesticide Question 3: A. contradiction B. resolution C. similarity D. eradication Question 4: A. nature B. failure C. culture D. mature Question 5: A. accelerate B. impossible C. assimilate D. opposition Questions 6 - 15 : Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question. Long ago prehistoric man began to domesticate a number of wild plants and animals for his own use. This not only provided more abundant food but also allowed more people to live on a smaller plot of ground. We tend to forget that all of our present-day pets, livestock, and food plants were taken from the wild and developed into the forms we know today. As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, humans began to organize their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. One aspect of early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine. The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imaginations in this respect. For example, it was widely believed that a plant or part of a plant that resembles an internal organ would cure ailments of that organ, Thus, an extract made from a heart-shaped leaf might be prescribed for a person suffering from heart problems. Nevertheless, the overall contributions of these early observers provided the rudiments of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses. Question 6: What does this passage mainly discuss? A. Cures from plants. B. Prehistoric man. C. Early plants and animals. D. The beginning of natural history. Question 7: Domestication of plants and animals probably occurred because of …. A. the desire of prehistoric man to be nomadic B. early mans power as a hunter C. need for more readily available food D. lack of wild animals and plants Question 8: The word “this” refers to ………. A. providing food for man B. the earliest condition of prehistoric man Trang 2/7 - Mã đề thi 135 C. mans domestication of plants and animals D. mans ability to live on a small plot of land Question 9: The word “blossomed” is closest in meaning to … A. produced flowers B. flourished C. changed D. learned Question 10: An herbalist is which of the following? A. A farmer. B. Someone who uses plants in medicine. C. A dreamer. D. An early historian. Question 11: The phrase “in this respect” refers to ……… A. the origin of knowledge of nature B. the development of the field of natural history C. the development of human culture D. the use of plants for drugs and medicine Question 12: The word “extract” is closest in meaning to … A. design B. ailment C. substance D. flavour Question 13: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. The shape of a plant is indicative of its ability to cure ailments of a similarly shaped organ. B. Early herbalists were unimaginative. C. The work of early herbalists has nothing to do with present day medicine. D. There is little relation between a cure for illness and the physical shape of a plant. Question 14: The word “rudiments” is closest in meaning to … A. beginnings B. requirements C. history D. proofs Question 15: The passage would most likely lead to a more specific discussion in the field of………. A. astrology B. biology C. zoology D. anatomy These are incomplete sentences. Choose one best option to complete each sentence. Question 16: Peter: Have ... Nguygn Van Thu, P Dakao, Qu4n 1, TP HCM Dien thoai: 08 3 911 8 311 - 08 3 911 8 312 - 08 3 911 8 313 Kinh de nghi Qu3', nha trithng va cac Co' so dao tao vui long thong bao den cac thi sinh duac biet Tran tr9ng./... bang diem thi cac kSr thi qu6c to (dem ban chinh de doi chieu) Han chot nOp ho so' thy thi: - D6n 11 :30 Ulu Bay 20/05/2 017 Dia diem nOp Trung Tam Khao Thi Tijng Anh DHQG-HCM Dia chi: 14 6P Nguygn

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2017, 15:18

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