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Nội dung

Trang 1

H.Q Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni


Trang 2

H.Q Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni



Trang 3


Wnltl) (My toysis ccna eee eeerienes Unit 2 What's the matter?

Unit 3 Who’s thaf? Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6 At the sports centre

Unit 7 In the city

Unit 8 What's for lunch? Unit 9 My class

Unit 10 Which one is better? Unit 11 What a world!

Unit 12 What's the weather like? Unit 13 What did you do yesterday?

Trang 4

A Look and write or no (Reading and


The desk is next to the bed Yes

The CDs are in a box on the bed No


1 The parrot is flying out of the window

The plane is next to the helicopter

There is a map on the wall The boy is crying

Trang 5

j Sally is very good at tennis, TH

TL but she isn’t good at basketball

| think Mike is Jack’s son | know you have got a cat

B Read the text and choose the best answer Bill is talking to his friend, Tom (Reading and Writing Part 3)

1 Bill Hey, Tom Are you at home?

Tom A Yes, he is here

B_ No, I’m at the toy shop C No, | think | can’t come 2 Bill Are you looking for a present?

Tom A Sure | can do that

B_ | looked at it before C Yes, but | can’t find

anything | like 5 Bill OK 1! can get there quickly

3 Bill Who is the present for? Tom A No, I'm not very fast Tom A My brother B_ Really? Can you do that

B Well, he’s my uncle for me?

C_ No, I’m not very good at it C But he is very slow

4 Bill Do you need help? 6 Bill I'll be there in a minute Tom A Sorry, | can’t help you Tom A Thanks a lot!

B_ Yes, they are B_ Yes, it’s the worst

C Yes, please! C_ No, thanks | don’t read

C Look at the pictures and tell the story (Speaking Part 2)

Trang 6

What's the matter with John? Who is Tony's father? What's wrong with Daisy?

What does

Jane have to do? What does Paul want to do? What's the matter with Sally?

What’s the matter?

Trang 7



What's the matter, Vicky? Have you got a headache You have to see a doctor Do you have to go to school today?

How about some soup? What about cooking together?

B Read the text and choose the best answer Anna is talking to her brother (Reading and Writing Part 3) 1 Anna Lee 2 Anna 3 Anna Lee Hey, brother! What's the matter?

A Not bad Thanks B I've got a headache


C Don’t do that again!

Again? Oh, Lee! You

have to go to the doctor A No, | haven't got a

stomach ache B_ | know Today it is

worse than yesterday C No She's a nurse We could go together in

the afternoon

A That's a great idea, thanks!

B | think he has to stay

at home today C Sorry In the morning | have to cook

5 Anna Lee 6 Anna Lee Well, we have to call the doctor first

A Sure My tooth doesn’t hurt


B Of course We can invite him

C OK! ‘Give me the phone

Whose phone is this? It isn’t


A No Take it off B No, it’s Dad's

C Yes, he’s got a black phone

| see What's the doctor’s name? A It's Black, | think

B_ No, I’m fine

C He's at the hospital C Look at the pictures and find the differences (Speaking Part 1)

Trang 8

Who’s that?

A Look and read Write yes or no (Reading and Writing Part 2)


The man isn’t sitting | on the sofa Yes

| 1) j The boy's hair is straight No _ Questions 1 œ ư + U M

The man is holding a bowl of salad

The girl is wearing glasses

Trang 9

ESS John is the boy who is wearing a a

green shirt

The teacher is trying to catch a bird C Read the story Choose a word from which is flying in the classroom

the box Write the correct word next This is the park where we often

to numbers 1-6 There is one example have picnics (Reading and Writing Part 4)

My name is Danny and | love my family My parents are Matt and Vicky My father is tall and thin with short, (1) hair and he’s got a

(2) He is a teacher My mum isn’t very tall She’s thin, too,

and she has got long fair hair My sister, Sally, loves (3)

and she’s very good at it | think she likes it because she’s always

(4) and she loves food! My (5) live with us

and they always buy presents for us They are about 70 years old and | love them very much My uncle and (6) visit us at the weekend

and we always have a great time together

2 #@®


7) Now choose the best name for the text Tick one box

Danny's best friend O A great family O My favourite uncle O

Trang 10

At work

A Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines There is

one example (Reading and Writing Part 1)

3 You can see this person in a film

He lived on.a ship and looked for treasure

lu th is is a plant which we can eat, like

ee grrot or pototo vegetgble _ gã

tiusSii 4 Aplace where doctors work juestions

1 It's a sea animal It has got big teeth

5 The person who drives a bus, taxi or truck 2 This person works in the fields with a

lot of animals and/or plants 6 This person works in a school

B Listen and colour and write (Listening Part 5) & )


Trang 11

Give the book to Mary

Jim started to shout when he saw the man


C Read the text and choose the best answer Paul is talking to his friend Alex

(Reading and Writing Part 3)

1 Paul Hey, Alex Is that your father? Alex A No, he is my uncle

B_ No, she is a doctor

C_ | think he is a teacher

2 Paul Give this hat to your uncle then Alex A | can’t He wants to stay here

B Sure Is it my uncle’s? C_ No, she doesn’t like it

4 Paul Do you want to be a bus 3 Paul That's right He just dropped it driver, too?

Is he a bus driver? Alex A No, |am doing my Alex A No, he hates hospitals homework

B_ Yes, and he has to wear a B_ No, | am trying to write

hat at work a text

C Yes | always catch the bus C_ No, | want to work in a

to school ZOO

Trang 12

Animal planet


A Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines @ ® (Reading and Writing Part 6) Os

Pandas ED é `


Pandas are black-and-white animals | - yw

of the bear family They Example

live in the forests of lives living live

Burma, Nepal and China Pandas have

got small black ears and white faces |

Theu() —_—_ gisogot | 1 havent has have

short tails They climb trees and they |

like sleeping there A panda always

(2) around the forest | 2 walks walk walking

looking for bamboo to eat They |

(3) eat meat very 3 does dont do

(4) They look funny

and people like them very much

4 always’ often never

Trang 13

rr | went shopping with my sister on Tuesday a

After school, | went to the park

C What did Fred do last week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct

ip, (200


picture There is one example (Listening Part 3) (”)

Trang 14

At the sports centre

A Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to numbers 1-6 There is one example (Reading and Writing Part 4)

Hi, I'm Fred I'm twelve years old and | love sports \ like tennis and football _,

but my favourite sport is (1) My dad and | are big (2) of the Bristol Bulls and we go to all their games

Three times a week | go to the (3) and play with my friend Jim | also enjoy going to the (4) | love the water My dad

and | love water sports, so we sometimes go (5) together

On Saturdays | sometimes go to the park because it’s the best place to

(6) My brother never comes with me He just wants to stay at home and play computer games Really boring!

(7) Now choose the best name for the text Tick one box

Trang 15


on Friday

| went riding

Why are you angry, Jack?

When does the sports centre open? B What does Paul do every week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the

correct picture There is one example (Listening Part 3)

C Read the text and choose the best answer Mary is talking to her teacher

(Reading and Writing Part 3) 1 Teacher Mary 2 Teacher Mary 3 Teacher Mary

Hello, Mary Why are you outside?

A | always go there on


B I'm waiting for Mrs Rock

C | hate playing basketball

And where is she?

A She is in her classroom

B_ He goes to the sports centre every day

C_ See you there!

OK Can you give her this book, please?

A | don’t think she likes them

B Great! | love reading C Sure | can

4 Teacher Mary 5 Teacher Mary

How often do you read books, Mary?

A Oh, | like reading at the weekends

B_ No, | don’t like comics

C It's a difficult text

Trang 16

In the city

A Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines There is

one example (Reading and Writing Part 1)

Questions 1 It’s a place where you can find a lot of books

l buy food, clothes, books, etc there market Wine market

2 People drive their cars on this


3 You can drink tea or coffee there or have something to eat

4 This is a very big shop where people buy

foods, drinks and other things which they use at home

5 At this place you can buy a ticket to use

on a bus B Look and read Write yes or no (Reading and Writing Part 2) Questions 1 The square is near the playground

2 Aman is coming out of

the supermarket 3 There is a kitten outside the bank 4 Aman is having coffee

outside the café

5 Two children are crossing Yes the street

Trang 17

| would like to ask you a few questions

Shall | help you with these bags?

C Read the text and choose the best answer Sally is talking to a woman (Reading and Writing Part 3)

foman Hello! Are you looking for something

U to buy? Shall | help you?

ally A Sorry, | can’t help you

B Excuse me

sai @ Yes, please Thanks


1 Woman What are you looking for? 4 Woman Sorry | can’t find it

Sally A | want to buy a present for Sally A Where is he then?

my mum ‘B_ Look below my box

B_ Not much of books

C It’s opposite the library C It's OK | can get

her something else

2 Woman What about this scarf?

Sally A Great idea! Let's go! > Woman We've got some nice

B That's great! Have you got eveaicrs:

it in red? Sally A | don’t mind

C He doesn’t like scarves B Oh, that’s great!

- C My aunt gave me

3 Woman | think we have Shall | look? ĐH Sally A Yes, please It’s her favourite


B_ No, | want one with a star on it C No, it’s not near here

Trang 18

What's for lunch?

A Read the text Choose the rig!

example (Reading and Writing Part 6)


Pasta is one of children’s favourite

food! But it’s not just children Almost

everybody loves eating _

pasta In fact, people enjoy pasta for

(1) or dinner about

forty times a year! Italy is very

famous for its pasta There are

(2) of different kinds

of pasta People (3)

add meat to the pasta, or just eat it

with cheese Pasta is not difficult to cook and that's why busy people eat it all the time There are

(4) —_ great ways to

cook it, too!

B Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines Th

Trang 19

rr John wants his mum to make him a sandwich a

bread, cheese and meat to make it

‘0 like tomato or other vegetables in it sandwich


4 People put milk, lemonade or 1 We put soup in it ¬

orange juice in it

2 We use it to put coffee or tea in — -

5 People have this with their lunch

or dinner We put vegetables like tomatoes and onions or even cheese in it We can also make it with fruit 3 We can drink it hot or cold

C Listen and write (Listening Part 2) (>) 1 Tomato “ee

You will need: 2 five 3 two 4 three glasses of 5 two

D Answer the questions (Speaking Part 4)

Trang 20

My class

A Look and read Write yes or no (Reading and Writing Part 2)

Questions “

S00lle 1 There is an animal in the classroom

The teacher is wearing 2 The boy who is sleeping has got

a hat pees _ curly hair :

3 The boy who is talking to the teacher

is holding a book

4 The boy who is wearing a black

sweater is very naughty

5 The two boys at the back are crying

Trang 21

ie 8

me Look at him! He's ci

got green hair kg

— him — her

You must wear a life jacket TH You mustn’t stand up! + us — you — them C Listen and tick (¥) the box (Listening Part 4) ("> What must

Sally do at

the weekend?

Where is Mary's jacket? What is Tony going to do?

What did John’s mother

give him?

How does Sue

go to school every day?

Answer the questions (Speaking Part 4)

What must you do at school?

Trang 22

Which one is better?

A Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines (Reading and Writing Part 6)

Being a taxi driver

One of the things

which is nice

about being a taxi driver is the different places you go to every day Also, you see new people Taxi drivers know their city

(1) than

other people But it’s not


Taxi drivers usually work more hours (3)

Trang 23

good -» better bad — worse

ero fast — faster big — bigger ugly — uglier Ñ =

well - better than you badly - worse

quickly - more quickly | | sing better

C Look and read Write yes or no (Reading and Writing Part 2)


The green rabbit has got

longer ears than the pink rabbit Yes


1 The green rabbit is

planting flowers 2 The blue rabbit is

Trang 24

What a world!

A Read the text and choose the best answer Peter is talking to his uncle (Reading

and Writing Part 3)

Incle Peter, let’s play a game ee

Ề with questions Can | ask

ụ first?

“Peter A He's better than me

Sure 3 Uncle Which is the best place to go on

C Can | see that? holiday?

Questions Peter A It’s the largest river

1 Uncle Let’s start! Who is the : 19 ° vn ~ sesh (ieee tallest in your family? C I'm afraid of waterfalls Peter A My mother is not

4 Uncle Do you like the countryside?



B Alex is my brother Peter A Yes | love going shopping C | think it’s Dad B | do My grandparents live there

and we go every weekend

C | don’t know how to plant


2 Uncle What's the most boring thing for you?

Peter A Oh, that's difficult 5 Uncle Is there a lake near your house? I can’t do it

B_ |.am always tired Peter A Yes There is one in the park after school B I can’t see the mountain from

C Well, my homework, my window

of course C There is a fly on the ground

B Look at the pictures and find the differences (Speaking Part 1)

Trang 25

| Look!) young — the youngest good - well — the best a easy =>

the easiest bad - badly — the worst

| like this house best!

C Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to

numbers 1-6 (Reading and Writing Part 4)

My name is Jack My family and | don’t like city life, so we love going to the



(1) Every weekend we go to my uncle's house which is near a

green (2) The house is close to a small (3) Ỉ

where about 350 people live Anyway, my father and | usually go |

(4) in the lake which is near the house The others sometimes | come with us and we all have a (5) there There are a lot of

(6) around the lake and there are always frogs sitting on | them They look very funny and we love playing with them

Trang 26

| Sea

What's the weather like?

A Listen and colour and draw There is one example (Listening Part 5)

B Look at the pictures and read the story Write some words to complete the sentences about the story You can use 1, 2 or 3 words (Reading and Writing

Part 5) :

Another day on the beach

Jim and his family love going to the beach On

warm and sunny days,’they go there and have a lot of fun Jim enjoys swimming and his sister loves playing with the sand His mum always looks for beautiful shells His dad takes their boat and goes fishing in the sea

1 Jim’s family love going to the beach on days

2 Jim has got a sister who likes playing

3 Jim's dad in a boat

Last Saturday the family wanted to go to the beach but they couldn't because it was cold The

children were really sad Jim couldn't go for a swim and his sister couldn’t play with the sand

The children’s parents weren't at home They were

at the supermarket Jim and his sister never go with

them because they think it’s boring

4 \t was cold

5 The children were

because they couldn't go to the beach

Trang 27


Was Steve at the cinema yesterday?

No, he wasn’t He was at the park

Were you in London last week?

No, we weren’t We were in Paris

| was Was |? Yes, | was | wasn’t

You were Were you? No, | wasn't You weren't

He was Was he? Yes, He wasn’t

She was Was she? _he/she/it was She wasn’t

It was Was it? No, It wasn’t

he/she/it wasn’t

We were Were we? Yes, We weren't

You were Were you? We/yoU/they were You weren't

They were Were they? No, They weren't

we/you/they weren't

A: Could you ride a bike when you were five years old? B: No, | couldn’t But | could run very fast

On Sunday morning

the weather was better

It was a warm and sunny day again and the children were excited They could go to the

beach and that was great At 10 o'clock they

were all ready to go Jim’s dad was in the car and his mum was in the kitchen making

some sandwiches to take with them It was an

exciting day and when they got back home

everybody was tired

7 On Sunday the children were happy because it was

8 At

but really happy, too

Jim's dad was in the car

9 The children weren't

Only their mum was there

10 On Sunday evening all the family



C Answer the questions (Speaking Part 4) 1 What was the weather like last weekend?

2 Where were you?

Trang 28

What did you do yesterday?

A Look and read Choose the correct words and write

them on the lines (Reading and Writing Part 1)

1 Asmall place outside a house where you

can sit or stand

2 You walk on them to go from one floor of a house to another

3 People use this to clean their teeth So ` nn

4 You use this after you have a shower or get

out of the swimming pool

5 People use this on their bed in cold weather 6 It moves up and down and takes you from

ad ——— ll _toothbiush one floor to another

B Read the text and choose the best answer Daisy is talking to her friend Jane

(Reading and Writing Part 3)


Daisy Hello, Jane! What did you 2 Daisy What did you do? do yesterday? Jane A We cleaned the Jane ‘A Well, I'm watching TV basement together

i B_ | often go the park B She wants to do her

Ae ©: stayed at home homework

i C She couldn't help me

1 Daisy Did you play computer games? 3 Daisy Was it difficult?

Jane A No |'m doing my Jane A Sure It was full of boxes

homework and old things in there ~

B_ No, | had to help my B_ No, of course not!

mum | couldn't do it

Trang 29

Past Simple | / You / He / She / It / We / You / They walked a

Lucy walked to school yesterday / last week /

last weekend / last Monday

4 Daisy What did you do in the evening? 5 Daisy Did you watch TV, too? Jane A | want to go out with my friends Jane A Yes, she did

B_ | cooked dinner B Sure | was very funny

C They were with me C_ No, | was tired C Read the text Choose the right words and write them on the lines (Reading

and Writing Part 6)

The old house Ỉ

There is a very old house near my house Example

Nobody lives there Last Last Yesterday Now

Friday, my sister and | decided to go in |

We (1) the door and | 1 opens opening opened

walked into the hall It was dark because |

all the windows were closed There |

(2) a black door right in | 2 were did was front of us We opened it and then walked

down some stairs to the basement We

(3) see much because it 3 couldn't don’t can't was so dark There was a blanket on the

floor and something was under it It was moving We were so afraid! We

(4) know what to do 4 don't wasn't didn’t

We started running and quickly went out of the house Two minutes later a cat

came out of the house! We looked at each

other and started Laughing!

Trang 30

A Look at the pictures and read the story Write some words to complete the

sentences about the story You can use 1, 2 or 3 words (Reading and


ma A family trip

Paul and Andy's family wanted to go to Palm Beach for the weekend Palm Beach was just a two-hour drive away The children liked it because they could go swimming every day So, on Friday, they started putting summer clothes in big bags They also put in beach towels, hats and sunglasses It was always sunny in Palm Beach! How exciting!

1 The boys wanted to every day in Palm Beach

2 The family put , hats and sunglasses in their bags

3 The weather in Palm Beach was -

On Saturday, the children woke up very early in the morning They got dressed, ran downstairs for

a quick breakfast and got in the car They waited

and waited, but the car didn’t start After about an

hour, their father said: ‘We can’t drive to Palm Beach

because there’s something wrong with the car’ They

were all very sad

4 When they woke up, the boys and had breakfast downstairs

| 5 The family waited in the car for

| 6 tried to start the car

7 Everyone was very

Everyone went back in the house and the bous’ father called a taxi The family was happy again In

two hours, they were in Palm Beach and the weather

was just great! But when they got out of the taxi,

they knew something was wrong Their bags were back at home, in the car! _

8 The family went to Palm Beach by l

9 Theu got to in two hours

Trang 31

In er <i, re


ILookt) What did you do yesterday?

We didn’t do much We went to the park go ~ went

When we got to the park, it started raining! It started raining when we got to the park

(Listening Part 2) (7) 8 Listen and write preeecedeeteees

1 ticket 2 When? From to 3

4 Tony’s grandfather: years old

5 Get back o'clock

1 There are three buses 4 Two of the bus drivers

at the bus station aren't there

2 The man in the purple coat 5 The man who is holding the is holding two tickets box has got straight hair 3 Two people are waiting 6 There is a red car behind

to buy their tickets the buses

D Answer the questions (Speaking Part 4) 1 Where did you go yesterday?

2 How did you go to school on Monday?

Trang 32

° e

Listening cua Listen and draw lines There is one example @ Mary | Part2] Listen and write There is one example @ GYM MEMBER’S PROFILE

Trang 33


Test 1 ® Listening

Trang 35

Test 1

Reading and Writing

Look and read Choose the correct words and write them on the lines

cra There is one example Example

pV kets sơ [ ie a lot of plants, flowers, id animals Questions

1 This animal is a black-and-white bear

2 This person lives on a farm, works in the

fields and has usually got some animals 3 We drink this hot or cold and we put it in

a cup or glass 4 A baby cat

5 You put it in a bowl and eat it hot It’s

great food when the weather is cold

6 You can swim there, but it isn’t a river, lake

or the sea You can often find it in a hotel

Trang 36

Test 1 © Reading and Writing

| Port2] Look and read Write yes or no


1 He's using a toothbrush

His towel is white

There is a parrot outside the window He is drinking a glass of milk

Trang 37

Test 1 ® Reading and Writing

Questions 1 Sally 4 Jane 2 Sally Jane 3 Sally Jane

How about going shopping?

A That's a great idea!

B_ No, thanks I’m not hungry C | was there yesterday Do you need to buy anything? A | bought a yellow sweater B_ | want a new scarf

C That coat isn’t mine

Great | want to buy a present

for Grandma

A There was no time

B Sure | bought him a new


C Ican help you find something

Read the text and choose the best answer

Sally is talking to her daughter Jane 4 Sally Jane 5 Sally Jane 6 Sally Jane

| also want to go to the

supermarket Later

A The supermarket is here B_ Do you like shopping? C What do you need?

| want to make apple pie

A But I'm not hungry

Trang 38

Test 1 © Reading and Writing

Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next to numbers 1-6 There is one example

'm John Last weekend my family and | visited my _grandparents _in the

countryside Their house is close to a (1) It's great for

long walks on sunny days Sometimes my brother Jake and | swim in the (2) _ which is near But this time things were different When

we got there, the weather was bad It was (3) and cold, so we couldn't go outside There was nothing to do, so we played a game

1 (4) and my brother tried to find me As we were playing, | saw my grandfather opening the door of the basement | thought a basement

was a great place to hide and went down the (5) twas

really dark and | couldn't see anything Then | heard something behind me and started shouting for help! My father came in and when he saw me he

started (6) It was just Grandma's kitten!


(7) Now choose the best name for the story Tick one box

Trang 39

Test 1 © Reading and Writing

Look at the pictures and read the story Write some words to complete the sentences about the story You can use 1, 2 or 3 words

A winter’s day

Fred and Peter live in a small town with their parents Their house is near the school so they

always walk there Yesterday the weather was really bad It was cold and it was raining But they didn’t take the bus because they both like walking in the rain After school, the weather

was colder than in the morning so their dad drove them back home

eta school because it is Ngati near their house


1 it was cold and it was raining

2 like the rain

3 The children’s drove them back home When they got back, they had lunch and

watched TV A little later, Peter looked out of the window It was snowing Peter was very happy and wanted to go out and play in the

snow He put on his coat and scarf and ran

outside His friends were also there But Fred

didn’t like the snow so he stayed in

4 After school the children had lunch and

5 Peter went outside to play

Trang 40

Test 1 @ Reading and Writing

In the afternoon, the boys did their

homework In the evening, they had dinner and they went to bed Fred had

a beautiful dream He was on an island I It was a sunny day and he was riding

his bike in the park with his brother

It was the best dream!

7 The children did in the afternoon

8 They had 9 It wasn’t raining in

before they went to bed ‘s dream

10 In the dream, Fred was


Kangaroos live in Australia and Tasmania and on (1)

islands around it They are funny

animals They (2) got

short, strong legs and Long tails They carry


place on their body called a ‘pouch’ Kangaroos don’t walk They hop and they young with them in a

are (4) than people There are grey, brown or red kangaroos Grey and

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2017, 16:17



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