© roe 5 My bestfriend wakes up at 7.55 3 Look at the messages in Exercise 2, then choose the correct but school starts at 8 o'clock so he’s words to complete these rules.. Read the noti
UNIVERSITY PRESS 6U ng út Ity of Cambridge
VAC melee)
Emma Heyderman with Frances Treloar
Trang 3
Map of the units
My family, my friends & me
In my free time Eating in, eating out What are you doing now?
Great places to visit Getting there’
School rules!
We had a great time!
What’s on?
10 Are you an outdoors person?
11 Healthy body, healthy mind
Trang 4
2 Inmyfreetime
3 Eating in, eating out
4 What are you doing
5S Great places to visit
Hobbies & leisure Personal opinions
House & home Food & drink
Past continuous
Past simple & past
be going to Infinitives & -ing forms
will, won't & may
First conditional
Present perfect just
yet / already Present perfect with for
& since
The passive: present
The passive: past
The countryside
Weather & seasons
The body Health & illness Adjectives
Communication &
Describing objects
Talking about routines and habits
Asking for and telling the time Describing everyday activities Expressing preferences, likes and dislikes
Giving and responding to
Saying where things are
Describing food Ordering food
Expressing rules and obligation Giving advice
Talking about ability in the
present and past Talking about events in progress
in the past Giving opinions
Trang 5A telephone conversation about
plans for the weekend
Part 6: Part 3: Part 1:
Descriptions of things people
use every day
Five short conversations
Part 3:
Aconversation about a healthy living day
Questions about things you did this week
Part 2:
Asking and answering about
a boat tour and a transport museum
Part I:
Questions about school subjects
Part 2:
Asking and answering about a
holiday and a travel programme Part 1:
Questions about plans for the evening and a holiday Part 2:
Asking and answering about a camping trip and an adventure park
Trang 6Yes! I've got thesame | the same birthday as my af
name as my dad No my món and her I think so I've got a twin”
and his dad It's Jack | sister It's March 3rd brother and we've got two
Wilson Brown sisters They're also twins!
“twin: one of two children who are born to the same mother at the same time
Read the information about Jack, Roz and Greg Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Greg hasn't got any brothers or sisters
2 Jack's grandfather is called Jack Wilson Brown
8* Rozs qunfs birthday is on March 3rd
2 Underline examples of have got and has got in Exercise 1, then answer the questions
1 What word do we use to make the negative?
2 How do we make questions?
© Exam candidates often make mistakes with have got Correct the mistakes in these sentences
1 Eve very good friends I've got
2 Mydad isa large family
3 This city have got a lot of museums
4 I'mina famous hotel It's a big swimming pool
5 My phone isn't got a camera
6 Don'tbring anything because we are a lot of food here
Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got
Q:0) Haxe you an interesting name? (2) your friends unusual names?
A; 1(3) (not) an unusual first name but Ï (4) q nickname' Its Skater Blue
because I've got a blue skateboard!
A: My best friend (5) aspecial name It's Ace and it means ‘one’ He (6) (not)
an unusual surname, it's Roberts
A: We (7) .-€n unusual surname It's Bahl My grandfather says it's an Indian word for ‘strong’
A: My cousins (8) _ beautiful names Their names are Fleur and Eira
Fleur is flower in French and Eira means snow It comes from Wales * nickname: this isn’t your real name, your friends or family call you this
Trang 7
Look avs lic les ea
1 Look at Roz’s family tree, then complete her email possible
with words from the box You'll need to make
some words plural 1 My teacher's got a lot of brothers / sons /
a ee *x-_ 2 My cousin has got brown eyes / hair
brother -sister son daughter children 3 It begins / opens at 10 o'clock 4
father mother parents uncle aunt They've got different things / kinds
husband wife cousin grandfather Tm clever / sure
grandmother 2 ae 3 Now choose the correct word to complete the full
1 My teacher's got a lot of sons and sisters
2 My cousin has got brown eyes / hair, which is long and curly
3 We've got maths next and it begins / opens at
10 o'clock
4 They've got different things / kinds of sandwiches
5 I'mclever/ sure that my uncle's got a silver car
Read the sentences about Meg's family
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space
Let me tell you something about my family I've got one 1 Our parents have got a lot of brothers and sisters (1) .aveter , Rachel, but | haven't got any brothers Nick so we've got a lot of - and aunts
and Sarah are my (2) My mum's sister Helen A sons B uncles C grandfathers
A1 số lot of time with my family
A use B spend C keep
3 Wealways a great time together
Trang 81 Read the text and complete the words
Most teenagers have got an old toy in their school bag! Have you?
This week we asked 100 teenagers about the things they've got in their
school bags Here are the top five answers
The answer can be singular or plural Remember that
this fs for a singular noun and these is for plural nouns
am task
Read the descriptions of some things people use every day What is the word for each one? The first letter is already there There is one space for each
2 Work in pairs Read the descriptions of some more other letter in the word
things teenagers put in their school bags Write
iwe is for each one 0 SP H a with this after you have a shower
1 Teenagers read these when they're 1 This is very useful for the rain
bored magazines, books 0 ee oe eee
2 You can put your money in this 2 Students carry their school books and pencil case
3 You need this to write an answer inthis b
4 When you do sports, you wear these on your feet 3 You can write your homework, important dates
5 Some students play this instrument and appointments in this d——— —
6 Ifyou want to speak to your friends, you use this 4 You wear this on your arm and you tell the time
3 Write the correct word for the descriptions in 5 You sit on these in the classroom or at home wiht (Woo
4 Work in pairs Write descriptions of five things that you use every day Then change pairs and see if your new partner can find the correct word
I wear these on my feet
Yes, that's right!
Trang 9
1 Work in pairs Ask and answer questions about these times @ Page 78
4 Match the rules (1-3) with the example
8 9 8 ma sentences (a-c)
1 When we use he/she / it, we add -s or
-es to the verb
2 We make the negative with don't and
@ 3ˆ Weuse do œnd does to moke questions
and short answers
a Idon't have lunch at 12 p.m./ She
doesn't walk to school
b Do you go to bed at 10 p.m.? Yes, I do /
2 Match the expressions with the pictures in Lee's photo Does he watch TV at 8 p.m.? Yes, he
1 havelunch D 5 start school c He wakes up at 7.30 a.m / She does
2 watch TV 6 walk toschool her homework at 5 p.m
3 do homework 7 wake up 5 Exam candidates often make
4 get home 8 gotobed o mistakes with the present simple oon oe
Correct one mistake in each sentence
1 Theartclass stertes at 6 o'clock starts
2 My mum don't like football, she prefers
3 His dad always watch the competitions
with me
4 Doyour brother cook for you?
5 I want to buy a new T-shirt It cost £10
6 What time start the match?
7 Mysister doesnt like that colour
8 I'm not wear jeans very often
6 Write true sentences in the present simple positive and negative
1 7.00 (1/ wake up)
| wake up at 7.30 | don't wake up at 7 8.30 (I/ walk to school with my friends)
9.00 (school / start) 12.00 (I/ have lunch)
4.00 (my friends / do their homework) 6.00 (my mum / get home)
7.00 (we / watch TV)
8.30 (my best friend / go to bed)
3© Listen to Lee talking to a friend about what he does
every day Write the correct time on each picture in Lee's
photo album
Trang 10
Sometimes the answer is a time Say the times quietly
to yourself before you listen
1 $002 Listen to the first part of the exam task and
choose the correct times `
2 What time does Scott wake up? © Page 78
a6.15 b7.00 š
3 Whattime does Scott ! 2 2 Complete the questions with these words
2700 b730 |-\Whe- Where How What Whattime When
a Scott's sister b Scott's aunt
(2X Listen to Scott talking to his cousin Amanda 2 does Scott live?
about his school day For each question, choose the @ onanisland b near his school
right answer (A, B or C) q91: số does Scott's mum wake him up?
0 Scott's tired because he a 615 b 715
A watches TV in bed 4
B goes to sleep very late a bybus b byboat wakes up early S does Scott do his homework?
1 What time does the boat leave? @ atlunchtime b after school
Ä 615 si does Scott do when he gets home?
B 700 @ watch TV b dohis homework
3 Scott eats his dinner
A at his aunt's house
B athome
C atschool
4 When does Scott do his homework?
A onthe way home
B when he gets home
Trang 111 Jason’s my best friend He's got short curly hair and
« blue eyes He's very tall F
2 Mysister Lee has got brown eyes Her hair is short
and curly She's really tall
3 Trent's in my class His eyes are blue He's got
straight Rair and he’s short
4 Jenny's quite short She's got long, dark, straight
hair and green eyes
2 Work in pairs Write a description of one of your
classmates but don't write his / her name
3 Work in small groups Take turns to read your
description and guess who the student is
Is it Diego?
4 HEIN At the end of Speaking Part 1, the
examiner will ask you a Tell me about question
Listen and complete the examiner's question
1 Ana, tell me about
2 Jon, tell me about
Examiner: Ana, tell me about your English teacher
(What's her name?) (1).Hex.name’s Mrs Reed
(What does she look like?) (2) short dark hair and blue eyes
(What does she do every day?) (3) to school by (4)
Exam task
Take turns to be the examiner and the student
The examiner reads the question and the student answers
1 Tell me about your school day
2 Tell me about your favourite teacher
3 Tell me about what you do at the weekend
4 Tell me about your best friend
Trang 12
mistakes with adverbs of frequency
1 Match the school clubs with the activities Find eight mistakes in this text
Most of my friends do after-school
activities ene-times-in-e-week I'm in the
Art Club The classes are all Monday and Wednesday at five o'clock They often are
60 minutes long My best friend is in the Cinema Club They some times watch a film and talk about it I'm not a member
of that club because | don't never eat at school My sister is in a Food Club They
ussually meet two times a month in a restaurant Always she cooks delicious
1 playaninstrument C 5 take photos food at home
2 collect things 6 > watch films
3 play sports 7 listen to songs
4 draw pictures 8 sleep ina tent
2 Complete the messages with verbs from Exercise 1
We've got some great clubs in my school I'm in the Camera
= Club It’s brilliant We usually (1) k4ke photos in the sometimes always every day
to school but we also go to the town centre once a month We never oncea year
sometimes (2) films too | joined the Camping three times a week
Club as well because I'm often bored at the weekend We }WHd796zE ayhoili mee
Đ Se a HA gi vua 2emetimes takes photos of the hotel,
I'm in the Music Club We usuelly meet twice a week We but not always
to songs and we sometimes (5) 2 Idon't like ball sports so I
guitar My friends are in the Art Club and they (6) play football I go swimming instead
pictures every Monday 3 My sister goes to a music school on
eee ae Tuesday, Thursday and Friday She
has a piano lesson
© roe 5 My bestfriend wakes up at 7.55
3 Look at the messages in Exercise 2, then choose the correct but school starts at 8 o'clock so he’s words to complete these rules j latte for school
At the end of hool year,
1 Si cet (e.g always, often, etc.) go before / after the camping No sl mì tước bán ki
2 Short adverbs (e.g always, often, etc.) go before / after all
other verbs
3 Longer adverbs (e.g once a month, twice a year, every day, etc.)
usually go at the beginning / end of the sentence
Trang 131 How many people will you listen to in this part?
2 What missing information will you need to listen
for in each question?
a day of the week e.g Monday, Tuesday, etc
You often hear the spelling of a name in this
Part You need to spell this word correctly
2 Work in pairs Look at the photos of famous actors
opposite What do you know about them? What
are their names and surnames?
3 om Sheila and Paula are talking about the
photos in Exercise 2 Listen and write the full
names of the famous people
1 „em Chưai
€7 You will hear a boy, Ben, asking a friend
about a cinema club
Listen and complete each question
4 $@¥ Listen to the last part of the exam task
again How does Hannah say the email address?
5 Work in pairs Take turns to ask and answer
questions about email addresses Use these
words or your own ideas
cinema club: maria@cinemaclub.com
best friend: john@bestmail.com
Trang 14
Grammar - Do you like .? / Would you like .?
© Pose 79
1 Look at the pictures What does Sam say about trying new food?
Does he want to join Ruby's club? Why? / Why not?
Oh yes! | love eating
food from all over the world
2 Complete the conversations with Do you like or 4 Complete the table with more expressions we use Would you like and the correct form of the verb in to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to invitations
brackets , [Neerpleasst No thanks! Tdloveto |
1 As.Would you like te join (join) our music group? tia afraid ni TỶ Ta ng
B: I'm afraid not I can't sing Good idea |
2 A: (read) books? ee ẶẪẰ= ‹‹«<‹«a<‹
B: Not really I prefer reading magazines Yes No
3 A:I'm going to the cinema .» (come)? xe cai
B: I'd love to What's on? PP
4 A:lreally enjoy sleeping under the stars
really ey SPOS iene a (go) camping with me next 5 Work in pairs Take turns to invite each other week?
5 A: What do you do in your free time?
(play) sports?
B: No, I don't I like watching them
6 A:I'moften bored on Sunday afternoon Inever
know what to do
B: (watch) a film at my house this Sunday?
3 Underline one expression in Exercise 2 that we
can use to say ‘yes’ to an invitation and circle one
expression we can use to say ‘no’
MEY] oir 2 crammar
to these events Use Would you like .? and the expressions in Exercise 4
School Disco, Sat 7.00 p.m
Half Marathon Run this summer
Camping trip this weekend
Visit to Science Museum tomorrow
Would you like to go to the school disco?
No thanks I'm terrible at dancing.
Trang 15C How do you do?
| Work in pairs Read what the boy says first How > /ould you like togoto the cinema?
oe BSor TT trends
C Do you think so?
Do yoke taking hots? )
J Do you like taking photos?
2 Have you got another pencil?
A Whose is it?
La ike to join the music club.) BI haven't written anything
CI'm afraid not
What's the new student like?
A She's very friendly
B Listening to music
4 (Hove making new ends.) C hope so
: 4 Ican'topen the window
ú Al think so
1 5 I like playing tennis at the weekend
Alm busy on Saturday
.—- 3 Work in pairs Look at the incorrect answers (A-C) ch
3 in the exam task and write a suitable question or
sentence for each one
| De you ever draw pictures? )
© B Fine thanks - How are you?
C How do you do? ~ How do you do?
5 4 Work in small groups Read one of your new
Co ia DEN questions or sentences in Exercise 3 to the group
The other students say the correct answer
2 Complete the girl's replies in Exercise 1 with
expressions from the box
Heveit Whatapity! Sodol I'm afraid not
Imbusy Itdoesn't matter Not often
Can you sing?
Part †
1 Complete the table with expressions we use to talk about the
free-time activities we like and don't like
-hate dontlike enjoy beterribleat prefer
love like bebrilliantat be badat be interested in
2 Complete the sentences about your free-time activities
Use these words or your own ideas
cooking dancing playingcomputergames trying new food
going toconcerts reading books writing emails
1 Tove trying new food but I don't like canking
2 I'mgoodat but I'm terrible at
3 I'm interested in but I'm not interested in
4 In Speaking Part 1, the examiner may ask you about your free time
Complete the examiner's questions in this conversation
Examiner: (1) What 4¢ o usually .42 at the weekend?
Candidate: (a) | listen to music
Examiner: (2) What other things
Candidate: (b)I watch TV
Examiner: (3) How often
Candidate: (c) After dinner
5 (0309 Listen and check your answers
6 Work in pairs Improve the candidate's
answers in Exercise 4
in your free time?
| often listen to music | enjoy Listening to pop music Always say as much as you can Use adverbs of
but | don't like rock music frequency and the expressions on this page to
improve your answer
Student A, you are the examiner Ask the examiner's questions in Exercise 4
Student B, you are the exam candidate Answer the examiner's questions with true
information about you Remember to say as much as you can
Trang 17
1 © Exam candidates often make mistakes with pronouns
Write the correct pronoun in each space
1 _Ioften go with my sister to matches because .fltf also IDvee bosbeiboil: Read the words around the `- nàng carefully and make sure you write
My friends usually give a present on my birthday the correct: pronoun:
Jon is my new penfriend I write to once a week
Let's watch a film on Friday can meet at five p.m
They always win football matches because coach is very good
I go to school with my brother My mum drives there every morning
I like your new friend He is very nice skateboard is fantastic
My mum cooks biscuits once a week are really good
2 Work in pairs Look at the picture of Kaz’s bedroom What does he like doing in his free
time? Remember to use the correct pronouns
3 Read Kaz’s email in the exam task and check your ideas from Exercise 2
Complete this email
Write ONE word for each space
My name (0) _ Kazuo Timura but my friends call me Kaz I'm thirteen and I live (1) a
Tokyo, Japan | (2) ot two older sisters (3) names are Akane and Keiko
My best friend Nikko is good (4) playing football and his favourite team is Barcelona He gave
a Barcelona poster for my birthday this year |
In my free time, | love listening (6) the guitar in the school band | go
to the cinema with my friends once (8)
in a pizza restaurant together J usually have mushroom pizza — my favourite
Please write soon and tell me (10) ree oe hi ng
sometimes have dinner |
writinc unr 2 fj
Trang 182 Work in pairs Complete the table with these words
-bed desk cooker bookshelf cupboard
mirror fridge lamp shelf sofa chair
| toilet shower mirror
Grammar - There is / are, a/ an, some & at , ' © Page 80
Match the texts with the pictures (A-E) There is -
one extra picture 3 Whose house is it? Write Angela, Noelia, Harun
» or Victor
1 There's some hot chocolate on the desk in his bedroom Victer
2 Ther biscuits on the fl xt to the stairs
“There's never any time before school to sit down and fe are Some Biscutts Ct Ne Sie eee
have a big breakfast | usually sit at the bottom of the aa ‘ ; 4
stairs and I have some biscuits.' Angela, 13 > 3 There aren t any cartoons on TV this morning so he’s
watching sports _
4 ‘ i ‘
‘in my house, we always have breakfast together in There's a garden with some flowers
the kitchen My mum usually puts some flowers from 4 © Exam candidates often make mistakes with our garden on the table.’ Noelia, 12 (2) There is / are, a / an, some & any Correct one
mistake in each of these sentences
‘On the sofa in the living room, of course! If 7 5 )
there aren't any cartoons on TV, | usually watch 1 If we go shopping, I will buy-any-fresh fruit for my sports.’ Harun, 12 —
(9) 2 Then we can go and eat a ice cream
‘Don't tell my mum but | sometimes have breakfast 3 Behind my house is there a big supermarket
in my bedroom | love hot chocolate If there isn’t 4 Please don't bring some food to my party
any hot chocolate left, then | have some orange 5 My mum often cooks a bread for our breakfast
juice.’ Victor, 14 (4) 6 I will bring a tomatoes to your house
7 There are a lot of water on the kitchen floor
8 There's no biscuits left in the cupboard
Trang 19
| Work in pairs Read the text message conversation
Setween Wendi and her grandma Underline the
‘Sings you need to make an omelette
= Bead the conversation in Exercise 1 again
Complete the rules with countable or uncountable
How (1) many/ much food do you eat between your -
evening meal and breakfast the next day? The answer +
is probably a (2) little / few or perhaps none How
3) many / much days a week do you miss breakfast?
Don't! A good breakfast gives your body important
food for the day Do you usually have a (4) little /
few biscuits and a (5) little / lot milk like (6) many /
much young people? Once again, don’t! Start your
day well by eating a (7) little / few fruit and some
* cereal How (8) many/ much time do you usually
* spend with your family? Breakfast is a great moment
+ to sit down together in the kitchen and talk
Read the article about Mamadou He lives in Mali, West Africa
Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each space
Where I live
Mamadou is 13 years old and he lives (0)
West Africa (1) are only two rooms in his house; one for his parents and his little sister and the other room
is for Mamadou, his brother and a friend They haven't got
(2) « beds in the room so they sleep on the floor
Mamadou and his brother wake up when they hear
(3) mother making breakfast Mamadou’s family has breakfast together in the hall (4) the two
rooms There's usually bread and milk with a (5)
they have to clean the classroom School finishes at 12.00
(8) day except Wednesdays when they have music
classes in the afternoon
3 A they B them C their
4 A front B next C between
5 A few B little C lot
6 A walk B walking C walked
7 Aon B at C to
8 A every B all C other
Trang 20crete rangu:
Vocabulary - Food & drink
1 Match the descriptions with the pictures
1 [love kéttbullar, These are Swedish meatballs In
our house we usually eat them with (1) # eS
and a little bit of jam We have a glass of
(2) with it
2 I'm from Goa in India We live next to the sea and
we eat a lot of (3) with (4) and
vegetables My mum cooks kalputi once a week - it's
great She fries fish with (S) `
3 I'm from Colombia and my favourite food is gjiacỏ
It's a kind of (6) .« , potatoes
and corn I often drink (8)
2 Complete the descriptions in Exercise 1 with words
from the box You don't need all the words
-potatees chicken meat _fish juice milk
jam onions rice vegetables soup egg
burger cheese bread omelette salad
4 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Grammar - (don’t) have to 1 Lachlan can have his lunch at home on a school day F
@ Page 80 2 Lachlan pays for his lunch after he eats it
3 Read the interview and answer the questions 3 The people in the tuck shop take the food to the classrooms
1 What is Lgchlan’s favourite food? 4 Lachlan often washes up the plates at school
2 Where does he usually have lunch?
Lachlan: Hi Hayley! How was school today?
Hayley: Terrible! My school day is very long
and then we (1) h4xe ke 42 (do) œ lot of
This week we meet Lachlar
He's from Brisbane, Australia
What's your favourite food?
I love fast food like burgers and
pizza but | also like salad and homework
Where do you usually have lunch?
We all have to stay at school for lunch There
isn't a school dining room so | buy my lunch a.m because the school bus leaves at
I have to pay for my lunch before school starts Lachlan: (4) ~ (tidy)
At lunchtime, two students have to collect our your room before school?
food from the tuck shop and we eat it in the Hayley: No, 1(5) (tidy) my room classroom We don't have to wash up because but 1 6) (make) my bed
we use paper plates and plastic forks My brother (7 breakfast but I often don't have time to (make) the
eat it at home so I (8) wee (@cat) it
on the bus
Whe cooks in your house? Do you have te help?
Both my mum and my dad
Trang 21| $@¥[E]J Listen to a conversation in a fast food café You often have to complete information about
and complete the menu with the prices a price Make sure you write the correct price
2 Work in pairs Read the notice and write questions to find out more
information about the school trip
What can we do there? How much is the trip?
3 Read the exam task Which of your questions in Exercise 2 do you
think the recording will answer?
(S81 You will hear a teacher talking about a school trip to the Star Cookery School
Listen and complete each question
Trip to the Cookery School
4 Work in pairs Discuss these questions
1 What's your favourite food?
2 Where do you usually have lunch?
3 Whocooks in your house? Do you have to help?
Trang 22
@ mes
1 Put the words in the correct order to make
questions about a school snack shop
1 snack shop / Where / the / is ?
Where is the snack shop?
it / does / open / What time ?
expensive / the / Are / snacks ?
there / hot food / any / Is?
cold drinks / the / How much / are ?
get / How /1/ information / can / more ?
2 Match questions 1-6 in Exercise 1 with the
information (a-f) about the snack shop
18418 Su 4 5 <‹ t=
School Snack Shop
(a) Opposite the library
3 ©W§ Listen to two exam candidates asking and
answering the questions about the snack shop
Check your answers to Exercise 2
4 (@3BDI Look at these notices Listen to a student
asking Jenny about her snack shop and her brother's
café How does Jenny say the words in blue?
5 Work in pairs Ask and answer questions about the email addresses and websites in Exercise 4
inf :
about the snack
You can send an email to jenny@snackshop.com
Student A, answer Student B’s questions about the
* café Student B, your questions are on page 125
Student B, answer Student A’s questions about the chocolate museum Student A, your questions are on page 125
World Food Café
Dishes from all over the world
Next to the museum Main courses - only £10!
Monday - Saturday 11 a.m - 3 p.m
Visit: www.chocmuseum.com
1 In Writing Part 8 you have to read two short Read the advertisement and the email
texts Look at these texts What are they? Use Fill in the information in Jeff's notes
these words
some notes an advertisement
-anemait a notice Dave’s Pizzas on Grey Street
Phone 876451 to book a table Pizzas from £6 each
Student Thursdays! Pizzas only £4.75!
Every day until 9.00 p.m
I've booked Dave's Pizzas for Thursday for our
class dinner because it’s the cheapest day | know
you have a list of everyone's email address so can
you send them a message about the meal?
Tell them to call me on 564734 if they are coming We'll meet at the restaurant at 6.00 p.m
They need to take the tram to Rose Street, not the bus, it's quicker
° Igor'$Notes - School Trip to: Jeff's Notes
Date: 21st Sept Name of restaurant: Dave's Pizzas
2 Work in pairs Look at the exam task and complete Place to meet:
the sentences with words from Exercise 1 Time to PEDDHRE=l
In this Writing Part 8 exam task: 7
oe 2 ‘You also need to complete (3) Travel by x: 41
information do you need to find in the texts? Think
of a possible answer for each one
1 Place to meet: the name of the street
You don't usually find the same words in the
notes (name, place, etc.) and in the short texts
wRimnG UNIT 3 Ê
Trang 24Readers’ Tips Great places to do all your favourite sports
Send us ø tip and win some new spor†s clothes!
8 My granddad and | always go to Harts River
We don't catch very much there but we
always have a good time Freddy, 15
© There are two new tables at the Sports Centre Ask The outdoor pool is open again! Go there
after 6 p.m and it’s empty Neil, 17
the receptionist for bats and balls Lucie, 13
Vocabulary - Sport
1 Work in pairs Match the Readers’ Tips above
with these sports
skateboarding swimming L]
ice hockey L] table tennis L]
fishing{_ | bosketboll[_ ]
2 Complete the table with these sports and those
from Exercise 1 Then add more words to the table
3 Read the text What sport are Liam and Su
playing at the moment?
Liam is carrying a racket and three small yellow
balls Now he’s hitting the ball with his racket But
what is Su doing? She isn’t hitting the ball, she
isn’t playing well today Liam is winning 40-15
right now
4 © Exam candidates often make mistakes with
the spelling of verb + -ing Correct six mistakes in
` 4
2 5 oir 6
5 Complete Tom and Roz’s conversation with the correct form of the present continuous or present simple
Tom: What (1) 4+£
Roz: I (2)
with Sally
Tom: (3 Roz: Yes, it (4)
(play) really well
| (you / do) Roz?
(watch) the basketball final
| Work in pairs Read the instructions for the exam
task Then complete these sentences with the
3 Each question has got possible answers
You have to choose the right one
You hear 7 5 three pictures
but only one of the pictures answers the
question correctly
2 Read question | from the exam task below and
look at the pictures Then answer the questions
1 What are the important words in this question?
Underline them 2
2 What is Holly doing in the three pictures?
1 What's Holly doing now?
— You will hear five short conversations
You will hear each conversation twice
There is one question for each conversation
For each question, choose the right answer (A, B or C)
4 Listen again and match these questions with the
pictures (A, B or C) from question 1 above
1 What's Holly doing now?
2 What did Holly miss today?
3 What does the boy think Holly is doing now?
Trang 26Underline examples of the present
continuous and circle examples of the
Work in pairs What sports do you think the young people present simple in the texts in Exercise 3
in the photos do? Complete the sentences with present s
Describe what the people are’wearing Use words from continuous or present simple
the box Then describe what you and your friends are
wearing 1 Weuse the to talk about the
things we do every day and our likes,
dress shirt shoes T-shirt socks shorts hopes and dreams
boots skirt jacket jeans trainers trousers 2 Weuse the to talk about
coat swimmingcostume helmet sweater things which are happening now
Complete the text with the present
nma 4 ent continuous simple or continuous of these verbs
Page 81 come want train think throw get
Match the texts with the photos in Exercise 1
a Andre Anwar
Andre Anwar comes from an island in Indonesia, Asia
People say he's the best teenage surfer in the world Now
he’s thinking about his next competition He wants to win!
b Emme Ostrander
Emme’s the only girl on her ice-hockey team She trains
for eight to ten hours a week and then she has to do
her homework Right now, she’s getting ready for an
international competition in Prague, Czech Republic
¢ Maddie Thompson
Maddie Thompson plays wheelchair basketball When she
isn't at school, she goes to basketball practice She's feeling
excited about her team’s next match They hope to win a
gold medal
Trang 27Work in pairs Read the exam task and
answer these questions
1 What type of text do you read in this
2 Doyou have to answer some
Read the title of the article in the exam
task and look at the photo What do
you think the article is about?
Now read the complete article about
Ben Charles What's special about
Ben's sports shoes?
Find and underline the information
for sentence 1 in the article Then
choose ‘Right’, ‘Wrong’ or ‘Doesn't
say’ Remember if there is not enough
information in the article, the answer
is ‘doesn't say’
Exam tip }
Read the sentence, find and underline
the information and write the sentence
number on the left This will help you
to check your work at the end
Read the article about Ben Charles, a young businessman
Are sentences 1-7 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?
If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or
‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't say’ (C)
Ben Charles: a young businessman
There's a difference between Ben and his friends He's got a small
business which makes and sells sports shoes Ben doesn't sell his shoes because he would like to be rich; he sells them to help others
All Ben's trainers look the same and they all cost $50 When you buy Ben's trainers, he gives a free pair to someone who hasn't got the
money to buy them
It ali started two years ago when Ben found a photo of a young child without shoes At that moment Ben understood that he's very lucky
There are a lot of young people around the world who can't buy
trainers Unlike Ben, they have to play sports like basketball without shoes
If you'd like more information about Ben and his trainers, you can find him on Facebook or visit the the SavesByB website
0 Ben Charles comes from the USA
® Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
1 Ben's winning the basketball match right now
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
2 Ben's got several pairs of shoes
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
3 Ben wants lots of money so he's selling shoes
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
4 Some people can get a pair of Ben's shoes without paying for them
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
5 Ben started his business when he was fourteen
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
6 Ben has to play basketball without shoes
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
7 Ben often visits the SavesByB website
A Right B Wrong C Doesn't say
Trang 28
Read this Writing Part 9 exam task Then answer
the questions below
Read this email from your English friend, Alice
From: Alice
It’s really hot today | don't know what to wear or what
to do What are you wearing? What are you doing? Who
are you with?
Write an email to Alice and answer the questions
Write 25-35 words
1 What type of text do you need to write? Who to?
2 How many questions do you need to answer?
What are they?
3 How many words do you have to write?
Work in pairs Read these student answers Then
decide together on the best answer and say why
Dear Alice,
I’m with my friend Ned and I’m wearing a T-shirt
and jeans Would you like to come to my house
tomorrow? We want to watch a film
Hi Alice,
It's not very hot here I'm wearing a red dress and short
boots I’m listening to music at Tricia’s house right now
See you,
3am wearing a shirt and trousers
2 I'm doing my homework
3 I'm with my sister
Match the teacher's comments with answers 1-3
in Exercise 2
2 You answer the three questions but thie isn't an
email and it is too short Can you rewrite it, please? |
b This is an email and you use 30 words but you don't | answer all the questions Please read the question Ì
Gell donel You write a clear email, you use 27 ore er on oroalnar en foes quecions 060y Oat
Remember to answer all three questions or you will lose marks Read the email from your English friend, Dan
From! Dan
We have to wear a school uniform at school and | don't
like it What do you usually wear for school? What are your favourite kinds of clothes? What are you wearing now?
Write an email to Dan and answer the questions
Write 25-35 words
Work in small groups Read each other's exam
task answers Can you answer ‘yes’ to these questions? If so, it is probably a good answer
1 Is itan email?
2 Does it answer all three questions?
3 Are there 25-35 words?
Trang 29
1 Work in pairs Look at the exam task below and talk
together about what you have to do in this part
2 Look at this information about a fashion show and
write some questions Use words 1-6 to help you
Clothes made by young people
1 Does Marina ask the questions correctly?
2 Does Jon answer the questions correctly?
Don't just say the words on the question card
You need to ask complete questions
4 (39 Now listen to Kandela asking Jon the correct
questions and check your answers to Exercise 2
Student A, answer Student B's questions about the new sports shop Student B, your questions are on page 125
Student B, answer Student A’s questions about the new magazine Student A, your questions are
on page 125
Pete's Sports Shop
55 Park Road Tel: 658 224
We sell balls, rackets, clothes and more!
Monday - Saturday 9.30 a.m - 5.00 p.m
Teen Sports
Anew magazine for teenagers
Only £1.75
Articles about sportspeople,
new sports and more
On sale every Friday
Trang 30nh langua
oi aye = ad Great F 3g pisit
e — za
1 Tmwaiting to buy a ticket at the want to see the new X-Men film
Mum’s showing me the Ancient Egypt room We're in the
My grandma wants to buy a new hat and a pair of shoes She’s shopping in the
Tm having an ice cream in the The second part of the play is starting soon
My dad's talking to a police officer in the because he's lost his wallet
It’s my cousin’s birthday We're looking for a book about dogs for her in the
T’m visiting my brother He’s studying science at the
1 Where are the people above? Complete the
sentences with these words
-einema police station department store
bookshop newsagent museum university
(Ce) Page 82
2 Read the text Where is Marcus?
Hi guys! I'm in a capital city in Europe We got here two days ago In the morning we explored the castle
Then we had lunch on Princes Street, which is a busy shopping street
My sister stopped at a clothes shop and she didn’t want to leave but I was really bored Then we went to the National Museum of Scotland
I enjoyed the Ancient Egypt room because we studied this in history
3 Underline the regular past simple verbs and
circle the irregular past simple verbs in the text in
Exercise 2
© Exam candidates often make mistakes with past simple verbs Correct one mistake in each of these sentences
1 Mycamera takes great photos I-peryect £150 for it
All my friends enjoied themselves at the castle
We danced, ate, played and singed at my party
We visitted many beautiful places in Paris
The bus stoped near my house
I needed a pair of trousers for the school trip They
costed £70
Complete the text with the past simple positive form of the verbs in brackets
Levi Strquss (]) (be) born on 26th February
1829 in Germany When his father (2) (die),
Levi Strauss (3) (move) to New York with
his mother and sisters to join his brothers In 1848,
like shirts, trousers and umbrellas to small shops In
1872, one of Levi Strauss’ customers (8) (write)
him a letter Men (9) (need) strong trousers to
wear at work The customer, Jacob Davis, (10)
(try) putting small pieces of metal on the pockets and the first jeans (11) (be) born The two men
(12) (open) their jeans factory in San Francisco
and the rest is history!
Grammar - Past simple negative
© Poge 22
| Look at the example sentences and
answer the questions
Levi Strauss wasn't born in the USA He
was born in Germany
They didn't build their factory in New York
They built it in San Francisco
1 What's the past simple negative form
of be?
2 How do we make the past simple
negative form of most other verbs?
2 Look at the notice for the school trip
Then complete Callum’s email with
the past simple negative form of these
We had a great time on the school trip It
(1) boring at all It (2) on the 16th
March, it was on the 20th March We (3)
to Terry's Biscuit Factory, we went to Lorna's
Cake Factory instead We left at 9.00 a.m so we
(4) t0 Wake Up early Luckily we travelled
by train and we (6) by bus because | hate
travelling by bus My dad forgot to buy some bread
SOG any sandwiches We bought some
food in the supermarket We (7) h0me
late, we got home about five o'clock What was
your school trip like? Where did you go?
3 Look at the exam task below and choose the correct words
1 There are five / six sentences and an example in this part
2 The sentences are about a school trip / football match
3 You need to write your own answer / choose the best answer
for each space
4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences
1 Why don't you have / do / make a rest if you're tired?
2 We often do/go/ spend on school trips to museums
3 My friends spent / had / did three hours reading comics in the
4 CanI make /do/ take a photo inside the castle?
5 Ourclass did / had / took a brilliant time at the baseball stadium
6 The whole trip to the museum did / spent / took five hours
Exam t |
Read the sentences about a school trip to the National Football Museum
Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space
ON a@ school trip to the National Football
Trang 32Just answer these questions
@ When were the Olympics first in London?
A1908 B1948 C2012
© When did the Apple Store sell its first iPad?
AApril 2009 BAprl2010 CApril2011
© When did the first online bookshop start selling books?
2 How do we form past simple questions with most
other verbs? (look at questions 2-5)
5 © Exam candidates often make mistakes with
past simple questions Correct one mistake in
each question
1 Which places-you-wentto last week? did you go
2 Who you bought your clothes with?
3 Ilike your watch How much it cost?
4 Have you take photos last weekend?
5 What presents do you get on your last birthday?
6 Where you stay last holiday?
Win a trip to your favourite capital city!
C June 19th, 1995
© When did customers in a department store first take the lift?
B Saturday 23rd March, 1857
1 Work in pairs Answer the competition questions
2 Check your answers on page 127 Which pair(s) of students have got the most correct
€ Monday 23rd March, 1857
Grammar - ago
© Page a2
6 Complete these sentences with a number What
word do we use to tell us when something
| visited a museum with my family three weeks ago
Trang 33
1 Work in pairs Look at these places from the exam task
and answer the questions
Chinese Theater Dolby Theater Lucky Devils |
Hollywood Boulevard Staples Center |
1 What part of the world is the exam task about?
2 The Chinese Theater is a cinema What are the other
places? If you don't know the answer, guess!
2 Look at the exam task What kinds of words do you
think you will hear in each space?
Date: 5th March, T7th June, etc
9 (@¥JM Listen to Selena talking about her trip to Hollywood,
California, and complete the answers
1 When was Selend’s birthday? : i Ex»
2 When did Selena arrive in Hollywood? You often have to complete the
3 What day did Selena go to Staples Center? information with a day or a date in this
4 When did Selena return? :
(2490 You will hear some information about a tour for young people
Listen and complete each question
Hollywood tour for young people
Name: : | Love Hollywood
| Date:
Place to meet:
Type of food for lunch:
Stadium tour includes:
Cost for children:
am aera “ae ions in the 1 Where was the library before 2008? — A Near the
pe Pa cả cong museum B Near the police station or C near the bank
1 Where was the library before 2008?
A Near the museum B Near the police station
C Near the bank
) Was it near the bank?
Trang 34xé different places they went to
4 Complete the table with these
Hi Beest-wishes- Hello See you soon
Bye fornow Dear John
Starting —_—| Finishing
Hi Best wishes
Exam tas
Yesterday, you went shopping in your town
Write an email to your English friend, Zoe Say:
¢ who you went with
¢ what you bought
© what you did after shopping
Hi, 5 Read your exam task email again If you
Where were you yesterday at 6.00 p.m.? | waited for you outside the can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, it is
cinema but you didn't come | tried to call you inthe evening but you didn’t | Probably a good answer
answer ` 1 Doyou open and close your email with
expressions like Hi! and Bye for now? Please phone me, 2 Doyou include all three pieces of
Petra information?
one ” 3 Doyou use some of the words and
3 Read these two answers to Petra’s email Which one is expressions from the unit?
better? Why? 4 Isyour email 25-35 words?
1 (HH Nnnnhhợnnhnn hon nnnnnnnnnnnnmnanannnnnnonnnnanunnnmanni 1 ÂN,
| went shopping with my friend Joe yesterday | bought some new jeans and Joe got a poster for his room After that we had a pizza
Hi Petra,
I'm so sorry | forgot to meet you yesterday | went shopping with
Lisa She wanted some new sunglasses so we went to the new
department store on Green Street
lll phone you later, Gabriella
Trang 35Saturday morning, we visited the Science Centre, which
is a science museum, and then in the afternoon we
went shopping on Orchard Street, the main shopping
street I bought some clothes from Tangs Department
Store and my dad got a new camera, which takes great photos After a very long day, we were all in bed at
9,00 p.m On Sunday, we explored the Bird Park in the morning We saw a lot of different types of parrots
Another amazing weekend!
Grammar - Time expressions: in / at / on
@ Page 82
1 Work in pairs Read Tanya's blog above and
‘answer these questions
1 Where did she go last weekend?
2 What did she do? `
2 Look at Tanya's blog again and complete the rules
with in, at or on
1 We use with days of the week and special
days (e.g my birthday)
2 Weuse with parts of the day (e.g the
morning, the afternoon, etc), months and years
4 ©ŠšEŸ Listen to two exam candidates Do they
both answer the questions well? Why? / Why not?
Remember to answer questions about yesterday,
last night, etc with the past simple If you say when you did the activity, use in, at or on correctly
5 Work in pairs Read the examiner's questions and improve the boy's answers
Examiner: What did you do yesterday after school?
Boy: (Go library, do homework.) (1) Lwent to
What did you do in the evening?
3 Weuse with times, the weekend and night h
4 We do not use in, at or on before last or next Excminer hai ae have foe dinner?
(e.g last weekend) Boy: asta.) (:
3 Write questions about the things your partner did Examiner: What time did you go to bed?
this week Use this table to help you or use your Boy: (In ten o'clock.) (3)
Trang 36Tà : mistakes with comparative adjectives
1 Work in pairs Complete the table with transport you can see Correct the mistakes in these
in the picture Can you add any more words? sentences
Sea_ Land ae TU — 1 The busischeepper than the train
ship | 2 The countryside is beautifuller than the cheaper
town centre because there are a lot of : : cars and buses in the town
drive sail fly ride walk 3 It's beeter to travel by car around my
" country
ae 4 My house is more far from the city
= =< centre than my friend's house
5 Come to my house by bus It's more
easy than the car
2 Complete the timeline with these verbs
Many people began to (1) drive cars
Amelia Earhart became the first woman to (2) alone 6 That motorbike is biger than my dad's
across the Atlantic oe Neil Armstrong was the first person to (3) ‘on the moon 5 Complete the text with the comparative
form of the adjectives in brackets
People started to (4) mountain bikes
P 1 I never take the bus 16-year-old Jessica Watson was the youngest person to | because buses are
(5) around the world, in her pink boat (1) slower (slow) than
- any other transport in
my town Even walking
is (2) (fast) than taking the bus! | love
(€) Page 83
3 Work in pairs Choose the correct words to complete the pee a ay
transport facts Check your answers on page 127 (expensive) than the bus
1 The airport in Atlanta, USA is busier / quieter than the airport We've got a new train station in our town It’s
in Beijing, China (4) (big) than the bus station and it's
2 An Airbus 380 passenger plane is smaller / bigger than a Bì» (modern) than our airport | often Boeing 777 ride my bike because it's (6) (cheap)
3 Australia is nearer to/ farther from the USA than England and (7Ì (healthy) but when I'm late or
4 A Ferrari is cheaper / more expensive than a Rolls Royce \ it rains, my mum drives me because the
Trang 37
1 Look at the picture Natalie met her friends at
the cinema yesterday Ask and answer questions
about how they got there (©4218 Listen to Ethan talking to his mum about his
How did A get to : pombe: How qre Ethans family getting to his birthday party?
& She went by bike, she For questions 1-5 write a letter A-H next to each
didn’t go on foot person
0 Sister |
oe aa
For each person (1-5), you often hear two of the 1 Grandma [ ] A train
words (A-H) but only one of them is correct The 2 Granddad [ —] B bus
answer can be the first or second word you hear ScUinds IEmil C bike
her friends How did they get to the cinema? F car
Choose the correct answer Ga
1 Sandra H underground
Ä She went by bus B She went on foot A Wok ii paiva "Aawana NEGiaanxE ầ
í how you go to different places and say why Use
sue A She walked B She borrowed these nh So words ideas ẵ
: her brothers bike school sports practice
3 Maria your friend's house the town centre
A She took the bus B She cycled
3 Look at your answers to Exercise 2 and write
the correct names (Sandra, Dina or Maria) in the
spaces (A-C) in Exercise 1 I usually go on foot but when I'm late,
I go by car because it’s quicker
Trang 381_ Workin pdirs Read this information about a new
video game Would you like to play it? Why? /
Why not?
You're a taxi driver You have to drive through a
busy town and collect famous passengers Go
over bridges, park in the car park, wait for the
traffic lights and look out for those dangerous
This game comes with complete instructions and
several help screens
2 Complete the help screen in Exercise 1 with these
4raffielights bridge roundabout
crossing square carpark
WED) onrr reapinc
1 | | Mum: Meet me in the car park at 5.00 p.m
Boy: Where's that?
2 [| Girl:Is that your school?
Boy: No, my school is over the (3) 7 opposite the (4) and next to th (5) HỆ 3;
3 [ =i Girl: Is the train station near here?
Man: Yes, it is Go over the (6)
right at the (7)
at the (8)
4 Complete the conversations in Exercise 3
5 Work in pairs Ask and answer questions about
these places in Exercise 3
town square library park
| sports centre supermarket
Trang 396 Work in pairs Read the first part of the
conversation and discuss what you think Sam
says next Do not write anything for now
Nick: Where shall we meet later?
Sam: Let's meet at Matt's Sports Shop
Nick: Where's that?
Read three possible answers and choose the best
one for Sam in Exercise 6
Read the next part of the conversation Are all Complete the telephone conversation between two
three responses (A-C) possible? friends:
What does Jack say to Amy?
Nick: Oh yes, I know that shop My brother bought his
trainers there
A Really? My sister got her trainers in the market Amy: Hi, Jack How are you? Jack: 0
because they were cheaper there
For questions 1-5, choose the correct letter A-H
B What time shall we meet? C OK I'llsee you there Byel : Amy: Fine Lizzie's having a party tonight Would ‘ ee : ;
you like to go?
Now read Nick’s answer Which is the only correct Jack: 1
“answer (A-C)? Amy: Very near the park Let's go by train, it's Nick: Oh yes, I know that shop My brother bought his better than the bus
Yes! She was fourteen yesterday
Don't be late Jack!
A OK, but why so early?
B Yes, I'd love to Where does she live?
C Why did you buy her a T-shirt?
D Notbad, thanks And you?
E Really? She's older than me Anyway, see you
at 6.00 p.m
F Allright! Shall we meet at the station?
G Because the train is slower than the bus
H Ohl Isit her birthday?
Trang 402 Read the text and check your ideas
Shibuya is probably the most famous
crossing in the world because it’s
also one of the busiest crossings
in the world When the traffic lights
t ne change, all the traffic stops and
hundreds of people cross the road
And on one of the most crowded
corners of the Shibuya crossing is a
statue of a dog called Hachiko Many
Pf young people meet their friends here
on a free afternoon
3 eee the facts with the superlative form of
the adjectives in brackets
© We (long) bridge in the world is in
China It's a railway bridge and it's 164 km long
(2) (long) road bridge is also in China
and it's over 42 km
e“Ø (big) roundabout in the world is in
Trinidad and Tobago If you drive around the
roundabout, you drive 3.5 km
e As for traffic lights, (4) (old) traffic light
is in the Small Town Museum in Ohio, USA
¢ Honolulu in Hawaii has got some of (5)
(bad) traffic jams in the world Drivers spend
about 58 hours a year waiting in traffic there!
Think of words that usually go together in certain
sentences, e.g It’s more crowded than the market or
It’s the most famous crossing in the world
Complete the sentences with one word
1 This is the rmazing city in the world
walking across the bridge right now
find any clothes at the market
turn right at the traffic lights
@ lot of cars in town yesterday
Complete the email
Write ONE word for each space
From: Yasmin To: lan
Hi lan, I'm in San Francisco (0) my family right now and we (1) having an amazing time
The journey here was good We went to the airport
(2) taxi so my dad didn't have (3) as
drive The early morning flight was fine and we got here in (4) afternoon
San Francisco is amazing | think it is the
beautiful city in the world We took
a tram to the top of a hill two days (6)
We could see a (7) of places from there
Yesterday we sailed e Golden Gate Bridge
This bridge is much bigger (8) the bridge in our city
Write back soon!