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(2017) ĐỀ VÀ ĐÁP ÁN CÁC MÔN THI THỬ LẦN 2 NĂM 2017 – Trung Tâm Phổ Thông Năng Khiếu (Dạy – Học Thêm) 357

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TRUNG TÂM DẠY THÊM – HỌC THÊM PHỔ THÔNG NĂNG KHIẾU THI THỬ TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 lầ n thứ hai Môn thi:TIẾNG ANH (chuyên) Thời gian làm bài:120 phút cho phần trắc nghiệm phần tự luận, không kể thời gian phát đề Đề thi Phần trắc nghiệm có trang Mã đề thi: 357 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the questions from to 1: A continue B amazing C annoying D meaningful 2: A surprising B official C physical D successful 3: A metropolitan B administrative C geological D multinational 4: A following B understand C relative D different 5: A excited B motivate C encourage D delicious Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from to 25 6: It’s our duty to _ natural resources such as trees by enforcing reforestation policies A replenish B contribute C diminish D include 7: You’ve still got time to send in your application The _ is tomorrow A elevation B deadline C pedigree D heritage 8: They had to make some _ to their schedule due to unforeseen circumstances A projections B interventions C adjustments D supplements 9: Katherine’s a really _ speaker; it’s a pleasure listening to her lectures A cryptic B divergent C articulate D long 10: All the files you need to read through for your presentation are _ neatly on that table A stacked B crouched C restrained D lured 11: Hey, _ in there – I’m trying to study for my exam! A let go B sit up C log on D pipe down 12: The young man never _ in his determination to establish his own business A eroded B wavered C endowed D speculated 13: Nick is usually very calm, but he loses his _ when he has to give a speech A composure B menace C participation D diversion 14: NASA uses the unique _ point of space to improve prediction of climate, weather, and natural hazards A location B convenience C magnified D vantage 15: The President has recently _ an increase in funding for AIDS research A elevated B measured C empowered D authorized 16: The long bus drive in the tropical midday heat made all the tourists _ A squeamish B sluggish C agile D alert 17: The physicist’s theory on nuclear fusion was _ by later research A dispensed B disregarded C discredited D dissuaded 18: The President of the company _ denied the accusations made against him A permissively B virtuously C vehemently D innately 19: When the minister of finance reduced spending, the whole educational system went _ A downhill B downtown C downstream D downstairs 20: Only five minutes to go and our team are two points down Do you think they’ll _ it off? A take B pull C set D get 21: You will _ your eyes reading in such bad light A strain B drain C wither D sprain 22: Were you aware that the bridge across this river _ almost four kilometers? A spans B paces C repeals D radiates 23: “I could with something to eat.” – “Me too Those snacks we had have really _ my appetite.” A honed B inspired C whetted D motivated Trang 1/6 - Mã đề thi 357 24: The students’ poor participation in the charity event _ a clear lack of interest on their part A depicted B declined C attributed D revealed 25: The discovery of penicillin was hailed as a great scientific _ A breakthrough B upshot C meticulousness D obstinacy Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which is closest in meaning to the first sentence of each of the questions from 26 to 30 26: Surely someone must have seen the thief leave the building A The thief left the building before someone saw him B It seems that no one saw the thief as he left the building C When the thief left the building, someone saw him D It seems unlikely that the thief left the building without being seen 27: George meets his old friends whenever he goes to London A When George goes to London, he will meet his old friends B George goes to London in order to meet his old friends C Each time George is in London, he meets his old friends D George is meeting old friends while he is in London 28: It is not worth having a party if you not have time to organise it A Do not have a party because it will take too much time to organise B Unless you enjoy organising parties, you should not have one C You need time to arrange a party, otherwise it is better not to have one D Organising a party takes less time than you might expect 29: I wish I were as good at learning languages as Julia is A I am not good at learning languages and neither is Julia B Julia is better at learning languages than I am C Julia is good at learning languages and so am I D No one is as good at learning languages as Julia 30: We were already late for the show by the time we had found a taxi A We eventually found a taxi to go to the show, which had already begun B We found a taxi in order not to be late for the show C It took a long time to find a taxi but the show began later than expected D The taxi was late, so we missed the start of the show Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the questions from 31 to 40 31: Most of people enjoy travelling abroad, and having the chance to stay in an exotic city or a seaside resort A B C D 32: Many cities and towns have become overcrowded with tourists, with all their vehicles A B cause traffic jams as well as air and noise pollution C D 33: Different sauces such as fish sauce, shrimp paste, and soya sauce are quite popularly in various regions A B C D 34: Thanks for the widespread use of modern means of transport, people have more choice of A B C holiday destination and can now visit even the remotest parts of the world D 35: The Dominican Republic is the second largest Caribbean nation after Cuba, with nearly 10 million A B C people, one million of them live in the capital city Santo Domingo D 36: If you join a Japanese meal, you may be excited to see what the colourful dishes are arranged A B C D according to a traditional pattern 37: Traditional Vietnamese cooking usually uses fresh ingredients, few dairy and oil, and various A B C D herbs and vegetables Trang 2/6 - Mã đề thi 357 38: Nowadays, more and more people around the world are learning Engtish as the second language A B and the way that they study it is changing C D 39: Son Doong Cave has become more famous after the ABC aired a live programme featured A B its magnificence on ‘Good Morning America’ in May 2015 C D 40: After touchdown, please remains seated until the aircraft comes to a standstill outside A B C D the terminal building Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 41 to 50 Who doesn’t need more energy these days? No matter how old you are, we all could use more energy to help us (41) _ those endless days at work! But why can’t we have healthy energy drinks that not only (42) _ us with that energy we need (43) _ the day, but benefit our bodies as well? Most energy drinks contain (44) _ amounts of caffeine, and most of them are not considered healthy for the human body They should be watched carefully because of their (45) _ and how powerful they can be Most energy drinks trigger reactions that help boost our blood pressure and heart (46) _, which isn’t always the best thing for us They can often prevent sleep (47) _ taken at the wrong time, or dehydrate our body, which is really not what we intend to with the energy drinks we purchase In most cases, people mainly turn to energy drinks to help them with school or workouts or on-the-job (48) _ Energy drinks should not be used while exercising as the (49) _ of all the stimulants and other ingredients they contain may result in loss of fluid from sweating and (50) _ cause dehydration 41: A get up B get over C get by D get through 42: A protect B prolong C provide D produce 43: A around B overall C throughout D within 44: A fluctuating B varying C alternating D modifying 45: A substitutions B ingredients C components D constituents 46: A place B rate C measure D speed 47: A if B although C as long as D as 48: A fatique B disability C dullness D illness 49: A conservation B correlation C contemplation D combination 50: A unsuitably B relevantly C appropriately D consequently Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the questions from 51 to 55 51: A workshop B erode C operate D exotic 52: A paradise B jeopardise C merchandise D disembark 53: A refusal B confusion C confuse D confusing 54: A cab B fat C gap D grade 55: A launch B astronaut C gauge D assault Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 70 56: My friends wish that I _ to the beach with them more often A will go B have gone C could go D go 57: _ to university every day is becoming unaffordable A Driving B To driving C Driven D Having driven 58: Thanks for the advice, but I’d rather _ an apartment downtown A to not rent B I don’t rent C not to rent D not rent 59: Had you followed her instructions, you _ confused A have gotten B had gotten C will get D would have gotten 60: What’s wrong with you? You didn’t say _ at the meeting A anything B nothing C hardly something D barely anything Trang 3/6 - Mã đề thi 357 61: My secretary won’t let me down She’s a very _ employee A reliable B relying C relied 62: I’ll get my husband _ me move these boxes when he gets home A to help B help C helped 63: It’s no _ denying you were there I saw you with my own eyes A point B good C worth 64: You _ those old shorts, because I was going to throw them away A might not wash B needn’t have washed C needn’t washed D shouldn’t be washed 65: Ryan and Lee want to sit next to _ in class A each the other B one other C each other 66: He used to work as a bank clerk, _? A didn’t he B wasn’t he C did he 67: Sorry, but _ I wanted to was open the window to get some fresh air A the only B every C all 68: _ I had nothing to last night, I reformatted my computer's hard drive A Due to B Thanks to C The reason why 69: I _ errands since the morning, and I’m not finished yet A have been running B was running C had run 70: Our basketball coach said it was imperative _ three times a week A that we will attend training B attending training C us to attend training D we attend training D rely D helping D reason D one the other D used he D whatever D Since D ran Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 71 to 80 Long thought to be (71) _, fossil fuels have been used (72) _ since the Industrial Revolution However, many believe that the world is using fossil fuels at an (73) _ rate Some experts believe that industries have reached their (74) _ for oil extraction and production, and that it is only a matter of time before natural gas and coal follow suit Fossil fuels have provided us with cheap, (75) _ electricity for so long that only recently has serious research been (76) _ into developing alternatives Wind power already supplies 20% of Denmark’s electricity demands, and it’s on the (77) _ elsewhere Solar power is growing by 30% a year, and solar technology is improving all the time Wave and tidal power are also promising, (78) _ in the UK, although it will be a while before these alternative energy sources will be up and running on a (79) _ scale Another alternative energy source is geothermal power, which (80) _ the heat below the Earth’s surface In Iceland, it is used to heat 90% of buildings, and is one of the reasons why Iceland is expected to be the world’s first carbon neutral country by 2050 71: A incidental B incompatible C inexhaustible D inaccurate 72: A excitably B expectantly C extensively D exotically 73: A unattractive B unsustainable C uncertain D uninhabited 74: A point B peak C height D top 75: A insufficient B costly C disciplined D plentiful 76: A overtaken B taken C retaken D undertaken 77: A encouragement B development C improvement D increase 78: A exact B precisely C especially D sensibly 79: A huge B main C high D significant 80: A exploits B applies C abuses D imposes Read the four texts below There are ten questions about the texts Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate which text tells you the answer to each of the questions from 81 to 90 The same text may be used more than twice In which text does the writer 81: respond to specific queries? 82: use an analogy to explain? 83: outline Bach’s research methods? 84: seek to allay fears? 85: qualify a recommendation? Trang 4/6 - Mã đề thi 357 Which text is saying the following? 86: Emotional and physical states are inseparable 87: It’s important to comprehend the degrees of an illness 88: Bach reversed conventional medical thinking 89: Bach didn’t feel the need to use guinea pigs 90: Remedies sometimes produce unexpected effects A B Dr Edward Bach – The Flower Remedy Man Edward Bach, born in 1886, was always interested in medicine and after qualifying in bacteriology and pathology at University College Hospital, he set up a general practice in Harley St It was here that he became dissatisfied with the orthodox view that doctors were expected to concentrate on disease rather than the person suffering from it He believed it should be the other way round Bach found that when he treated the personality and feelings of his patients, then the bodily manifestations – illness in all its forms – would be alleviated, proving that both were inherently linked Dr Bach passed away peacefully in 1936, leaving behind him a system of remedies which are now used all over the world C Q&A ‘I feel down – what should I take?’ Gentian is for a mild despondency after a setback – maybe you want to improve your career prospects, you’ve applied for a job and haven’t got it Gorse is effective when you feel very pessimistic – you decide to give up applying for jobs and tear the application form up Sweet Chestnut is a different thing altogether It’s to be recommended when all avenues really are closed off Imagine someone who has tried and tried to get a job All the savings are gone, the rent’s not paid, the family’s hungry This is absolute despair, the dark night of the soul Finally, mustard is effective when you’ve got the job but you still feel gloomy, see the cloud hanging over you Flower Remedies Q What is the likelihood of reactions and rashes, e.g to Crab Apple, and how are they caused? A Crab Apple floods out negative emotions On very rare occasions this can result in a rash or unexpected feelings being stirred up Where such things occur they can be disregarded and there is no reason to stop taking the remedies Q In your personal experience is it safe to take remedies if you are pregnant? A Yes, it is safe but if you have any worries on this score, we would advise you to talk to your doctor or midwife D In Nature’s Hands Edward Bach was inspired by his work with homoeopathy, but wanted to find remedies that would be purer and less reliant on the products of disease He was convinced that nature held the keys to unblocking people’s negative moods and anxieties and to restoring a holistic equilibrium After moving to Mount Vernon in Oxfordshire, he used the fields and lanes in the different seasons to gather the plants He would suffer an emotional state that he needed to cure and then try drinking the extracts from the various plants and flowers until a particular one helped The process required a high degree of selfsacrifice and was often slow and painstaking Read the following extract from The Fun They Had by Isaac Asimov and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 91 to 100 THE DISCOVERY Margie wrote about it that night in her diary On the the first time They found it astonishing page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, “Today “Wow,” said Tommy, “what a waste When you’re Tommy found a genuine book!” It was a very old through with the book, you just throw it away, I book Margie’s grandfather had once said that when guess Our television screen must have had a he was a little boy, his grandfather had told him that million books on it and it’s good for plenty more I there was a time when all stories were printed on wouldn’t throw it away.” paper and bound together “Same with mine,” said Margie She was eleven They turned the pages, which were yellow and and hadn’t seen as many telebooks as Tommy had crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that He was thirteen stood still instead of moving the way they were She said, “Where did you find it?” supposed to – on a screen, you know And then, “In my house.” He pointed without looking, when they turned back to the page before, it had the because he was busy reading “In the attic.” same words on it that it had had when they read it Trang 5/6 - Mã đề thi 357 “What’s it about?” “School.” Margie was scornful “School? What’s there to write about school? I hate school.” Margie had always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever So she said to Tommy, “Why would anyone write about school?” Tommy looked at her with very superior eyes “Because it’s not our kind of school, stupid This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago.” He added arrogantly, pronouncing the word carefully, “Centuries ago.” “A person isn’t nearly smart enough.” “Sure he is My father knows as much as my teacher.” “He can’t A man can’t know as much as a teacher And I wouldn’t want a strange person in my house to teach me.” Tommy burst into laughter, “You don’t know much, Margie The teachers didn’t live in the house They had a special building and all the kids went there.” “And all the kids learned the same thing?” “Sure, if they were the same age.” “But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid has to be taught differently.” “Just the same, they didn’t it that way then If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read the book.” “I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Margie said hastily She desperately wanted to read about those funny schools Margie felt slightly offended “Well, I don’t know what kind of school they had all that time ago.” She read the book over his shoulder for a while, then said, “In any event, they had a teacher.” “Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn’t a regular teacher It was a person.” “A person? How could a person be a teacher?” “Well, they just told the boys and girls things and gave them homework and asked them questions.” 91: What is Margie doing in the first paragraph? A trying to learn from a book B writing a novel C recording an earlier event D expressing doubt about how books were made 92: Who had told Margie about how books were once made? A her grandfather B Tommy C her great-grandfather D her great-great-grandfather 93: Which word best describes how the children felt about Tommy’s find? A determined B amazed C ashamed D proud 94: Why had Margie seen fewer telebooks than Tommy? A Tommy was older than her B She had difficulty reading moving words on a screen C Her television screen had fewer books on it than Tommy’s D She did not have a television screen at home 95: Which word best sums up Margie’s attitude to school? A loathing B fondness C boredom D contentment 96: What was Margie ‘slightly offended’ by (paragraph 7)? A Tommy’s derogatory remark B teachers of the past C Tommy’s careful pronunciation D schools of the past 97: According to the writer, schools of the future… A are unbearable B are located very close to the pupils’ homes C use the same methodology as schools of the past D not have human teachers 98: Tommy believes that… A machines are better than human teachers B teachers shouldn’t live in student’s homes C humans can be very knowledgeable D school is a waste of time 99: Pupils of the future are taught… A in specially designed buildings B by their parents C in their homes D using books 100: How does Margie feel about the schools of the past? A envious B moved C indifferent D inquisitive - HẾT Trang 6/6 - Mã đề thi 357 ... meeting A anything B nothing C hardly something D barely anything Trang 3/6 - Mã đề thi 357 61: My secretary won’t let me down She’s a very _ employee A reliable B relying C relied 62: I’ll get... the questions from 26 to 30 26 : Surely someone must have seen the thief leave the building A The thief left the building before someone saw him B It seems that no one saw the thief as he left the... uses fresh ingredients, few dairy and oil, and various A B C D herbs and vegetables Trang 2/ 6 - Mã đề thi 357 38: Nowadays, more and more people around the world are learning Engtish as the second

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2017, 09:04