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Unit 8 . Life in the community

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Unit 8 . Life in the community tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh v...

In your everyday life, market is one of the most important place where you could go to buy things, such as food or something like that. But it’s not only about the act of buying and selling thing, it also show the real image of real life A. A. A market is a trading place, but many market are A market is a trading place, but many market are not only about buying and selling. They reflect the life not only about buying and selling. They reflect the life of the community. In Viet Nam, a traditional market of the community. In Viet Nam, a traditional market is a social gathering point for people of all ages and is a social gathering point for people of all ages and from all walks of lfe It is a new and exciting from all walks of lfe It is a new and exciting experience for children, a special taste for rural experience for children, a special taste for rural laborers, a trading place for local craftsmen , and a laborers, a trading place for local craftsmen , and a chance for young people to meet. People go to the chance for young people to meet. People go to the market not only to buy and sell things but also to eat, market not only to buy and sell things but also to eat, drink, play games, and socialize. Bargaining is part drink, play games, and socialize. Bargaining is part of the fun for everyone of the fun for everyone. B. B. These are different kinds of countryside These are different kinds of countryside markets. Fairs used to be held periodically. markets. Fairs used to be held periodically. Vendors brought local products and necessities Vendors brought local products and necessities such as fruit, vegetables, oil, and salt to the fairs such as fruit, vegetables, oil, and salt to the fairs four or five times a month. In the highlands, four or five times a month. In the highlands, people wear their nicest clothes and spend all day people wear their nicest clothes and spend all day long at the market. They buy things, play flutes, long at the market. They buy things, play flutes, dance, or sing. This is also a time to meet, make dance, or sing. This is also a time to meet, make friends, or look for lovers. friends, or look for lovers. That is why this kind of gathering is also called That is why this kind of gathering is also called ”love market”. Some countryside markets in the ”love market”. Some countryside markets in the Mekong Delta are held on boats. Most of the Mekong Delta are held on boats. Most of the goods are sold at a floating market, and trading goods are sold at a floating market, and trading may continue all day. The most exciting time is may continue all day. The most exciting time is in early morning, when boats arrive loaded up in early morning, when boats arrive loaded up with argricultural produce and craftsmen ‘s with argricultural produce and craftsmen ‘s products. products. C. C. Nowadays, people can buy all kinds of Nowadays, people can buy all kinds of agricultural and industrial products in markets in agricultural and industrial products in markets in small towns and in supermarkets in big cities. small towns and in supermarkets in big cities. Will the supermarket replace the cozy traditional Will the supermarket replace the cozy traditional market that has been part of Vietnamese life for market that has been part of Vietnamese life for centuries? Despite the rapid developmentof centuries? Despite the rapid developmentof supemarkets in most cities, many people believe supemarkets in most cities, many people believe that traditional markets will continue to exist as that traditional markets will continue to exist as part of Unit 8: life in the community Period 62 : speaking I Pre - speaking * Task a: some people in Minh’s neighborhood are giving their opinions on the town’s plan of building a supermarket in the place of a small market Discuss and write down the advantages and disadvantages that the plan may bring to the people in the town and on nearby farm Disadvantages          Advantages Low-income vendors go out of business Clean place for shopping Variety of products to buy Goods are sold at fixed prices (with no bargaining) Save time Local farmers not have a place to sell their produce Lack of friendly atmosphere Safe and clean products More jobs for young people Disadvantages    Local farmers not have a place to sell their produce Lack of friendly atmosphere Low-income vendors go out of business Advantages       Clean place for shopping Variety of products to buy Goods are sold at fixed prices (with no bargaining) Safe and clean products More job for young people Save time * Agreements 10 * Disagreements I agree with your point of view I disagree with you because… That’s a good idea Moreover I feel… You may be right However I think… It’s a good idea, but…… I don’t think so Do you think so? I don’t think… I think you are right I completely agree with you It’s a good idea to…… • Agreements I agree with your point of view That’s a good idea Moreover I feel… I think you are right I completely agree with you It’s a good idea to…… • Disagreements You may be right However I think… It’s a good idea, but…… I don’t think so Do you think so? I don’t think… I disagree with you because… II- While speaking Task b: In groups of four, use the useful expressions above to talk about the effects of building a supermarket to replace a small traditional market in your neighborhood Example: A: It’s a good idea to build a supermarket here B: I agree with you If there is a supermarket, we will have a nice, cool place for shopping You know, the ground at the market in my neighborhood is always wet And if it rains, it is very muddy C Well, I think it is comfortable walking around in a cool place while doing the shopping D: You all may be right But er…., then the farmers on nearby farms don’t have a place to sell their produce fixed low-income a new prices supermarket variety of products It’s a good bargai idea n agree out of business A: There’s a plan to build ………………………… in this place B: Yeah,…………………………………… We will have a …………………………to buy C: I …………… with you Moreover, goods are sold at ……………………and we don’t have to …………………., which saves a lot of time D: You may be right But what will happen to …………………vendors? They will go…………………… • Now create your conversations using the suggestions • Clean place for shopping • Variety of products to buy • Goods are sold at fixed prices (with no bargaining) • Safe and clean products • More job for young people • Save time • Local farmers not have a place to sell their produce • Lack of friendly atmosphere • Low-income vendors go out of business III - Post speaking • • Task C: Tell your partner whether you like shopping in a small traditional market or in a large modern supermarket Give reasons for your preferences Suggested questions: What kinds of markets you like shopping in? (traditional market…) Why you like shopping there? (Because it is convenient/ cozy…….) Examples: I prefer shopping in a traditional market because I like its cozy atmosphere Most sellers and buyers know each other very well I Ienjoy enjoyshopping shoppingin inaabig big supermarket supermarket.Because BecauseItItisis convenient convenientto towalk walkaround aroundin inaa clean cleanand andcool coolsupermarket supermarket And AndI Idon’t don’thave haveto tobargain bargain * Homework    Learn by heart the expressions to give agreements and disagreements Prepare writing lesson Do speaking exercises in workbook WELCOME TO OUR CLASS ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 F l o w e r s m u s i c u s t u d e n t s t c o m p u t e r u t e l e v i s i o n e e a r t h ? ? ? ? ? ? F U T U R E What are they? Who are they? What helps you use Internet? What is the name of the planet where we are living on? Life in the future Unit 8 [...]... for travelling between the earth and a space station - space-shuttle Answering questions 1 What will happen in an economic depression? 2 Why, according to pessimists, will the security of the earth be threatened? 3 What will life be like in the future, according to optimists? 4 What are the most important factors that will brings about dramatic changes in different aspects of our lives? Answering questions... will be lost 2 Why, according to pessimists, will the security of the earth be threatened? The security of the earth will be threatened by terrorism as terrorist groups will become more powerful and more dangerous 3 What will life be like in the future, according to optimists? People will be living in much cleaner environment, breathing fresher air and eating healthier foods They will also be better... system Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of labor-saving devices 4 What are the most important factors that will brings about dramatic changes in different aspects of our lives? They are developments in micro technology computers and telecommunication Collecting information: The influences of technology in future life Travel Work Factories will be run by robots Offices... 1 What will happen in an economic depression? (P.2 -L.3) 2 Why, according to pessimists, will the security of the earth be threatened? (P.2 L.4+5) 3 What will life be like in the future, according to optimists? (P.2 L.7-10) 4 What are the most important factors that will brings about dramatic changes in different aspects of our lives? (P 3 L.2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.What will happen in an economic depression?... Corporation (n) [,k:p'rein]: tập đoàn, công ty Labour-saving devices ['leib,seivi] [di'vais]: thiết bị tiết kiệm sức lao động Matching exercises Finding out words or phrases 1 2 3 4 5 6 People who always expect bad things to happen People who always expect good things to happen A period when theres a little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs The use of violent action in order to achieve... Spacecraft designed to be use for travelling between the earth and a space station Finding out words or phrases 1 2 3 4 5 6 People who always expect bad things to happen - pessimists People who always expect good things to happen - optimists A period when theres a little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs - economic depression The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims... Do you think our life will be better? Why? Why not? List three things that might happen in the future Optimistic [pti'mistik]: (a) >< Pessimistic [,pesi'mistik]: (a) lạc quan bi quan Terrorist Optimistic Nguyen Van Cu High School Nguyen Van Cu High School English 12 (basic) English 12 (basic) Unit 8 : LIFE IN THE FUTURE Unit 8 : LIFE IN THE FUTURE PART E : Language focus PART E : Language focus Teacher : Hoang Nam Khanh Teacher : Hoang Nam Khanh E. Language focus E. Language focus - Pronunciation : Contracted forms of Pronunciation : Contracted forms of auxiliaries ( continued) auxiliaries ( continued) - Grammar : Prepositions and articles Grammar : Prepositions and articles Pronunciation Pronunciation . Read the following phrases . Pay attention to how the full and contracted forms of . Read the following phrases . Pay attention to how the full and contracted forms of the auxiliaries are pronounced the auxiliaries are pronounced Full forms Full forms Contracted forms Contracted forms Full forms Full forms Contracted forms Contracted forms I have I have You have You have He has He has She has She has It has It has I’ve I’ve You’ve You’ve He’s He’s She’s She’s It’s It’s I have not I have not You have not You have not He has not He has not She has not She has not It has not It has not I haven’t I haven’t You haven’t You haven’t He hasn’t He hasn’t She hasn’t She hasn’t It hasn’t It hasn’t Practise reading these Practise reading these sentences: sentences: I’ve got something for you. I’ve got something for you. You’ve got something for me. You’ve got something for me. We’ve failed and they’ve passed. We’ve failed and they’ve passed. I haven’t always lived in this cottage , you know . I haven’t always lived in this cottage , you know . Haven’t you ? You’ve not been here long , of Haven’t you ? You’ve not been here long , of course . course . I haven’t . But I’ve grown to love it already. I haven’t . But I’ve grown to love it already. He’s left, and she’s gone to work ,too. He’s left, and she’s gone to work ,too. Hasn’t the doctor come yet ? Hasn’t the doctor come yet ? No. The doctor hasn’t been called. No. The doctor hasn’t been called. Grammar Grammar 1. Prepositions 1. Prepositions ( giới từ ) ( giới từ ) Cách học tốt giới từ Cách học tốt giới từ  Có thể nói việc dùng các giới từ không phải dễ, Có thể nói việc dùng các giới từ không phải dễ, vì mỗi nước có cách dùng giới từ đặc biệt; vậy vì mỗi nước có cách dùng giới từ đặc biệt; vậy ta phải rất chú ý đến nó ngay từ lúc mới học ta phải rất chú ý đến nó ngay từ lúc mới học môn ngoại ngữ đó nói chung và tiếng Anh nói môn ngoại ngữ đó nói chung và tiếng Anh nói riêng. riêng.  Trong tiếng Anh, người ta không thể đặt ra Trong tiếng Anh, người ta không thể đặt ra các quy luật về các phép dùng giới từ mang tính các quy luật về các phép dùng giới từ mang tính cố định cho mỗi giới từ đó - cùng một giới từ, cố định cho mỗi giới từ đó - cùng một giới từ, khi đi với từ loại khác nhau thì tạo ra nghĩa khác khi đi với từ loại khác nhau thì tạo ra nghĩa khác nhau. Vậy chúng ta nên học thuộc mỗi khi gặp nhau. Vậy chúng ta nên học thuộc mỗi khi gặp phải và học ngay từ lúc ban đầu. phải và học ngay từ lúc ban đầu. Ví dụ: depend on ; independent of ; look after ; look for ; look up ; wait for ; think of ; make up ; give up ; live on ; believe in ………… 2. Articles 2. Articles ( mạo từ ) ( mạo từ ) a. a. Hình thức : Hình thức : + mạo từ “ a “ được dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng + mạo từ “ a “ được dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng các phụ âm. các phụ âm. + + Mạo từ “ an “ được dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng Mạo từ “ an “ được dùng trước các danh từ bắt đầu bằng các A p ni r l a e Topic : This is means of transportation. It is a new invention T o p i c K E Y Vocabulary:  pessimistic 1. an optimist : a person who always expects good things to happen. : người lạc quan  optimistic (adj) : lạc quan 2. a pessimist ≠ an optimist : người bi quan (adj) : bi quan 3. depression (unc.) : tình trạng suy thoái 4. : tên khủng bốa terrorist What do you call them? vacuum cleaner washing machine dishwasher Vocabulary:  pessimistic : a person who always expects good things to happen. : người lạc quan  optimistic (adj) : lạc quan 2. a pessimist ≠ an optimist : người bi quan (adj) : bi quan 3. depression (unc.) : tình trạng suy thoái 4. a terrorist : tên khủng bố 5. labour – saving devices : các thiết bị tiết kiệm sức lao động 1. an optimist Read the information in the table. Guess whether they belong to optimists or pessimists 5. The security of the earth will be threatened by terrorism.      Optimists Pessimists 4. Domestic chores will no longer be a burden. 3. The whole world will experience a period of economic depression. 1. Things will be much worse than they are nowadays. 2. Life will be far better than it is today. Task 1: Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B 3. economic depression 2. pessimists 5. terrorism 1. wiped out 4. space – shuttle a. People who always expect bad things to happen. b. Be destroyed or removed completely. c. Spacecraft designed to be used for traveling between the earth and a space station. d. The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act. e. A period when there’s little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs. A B 1.Who will become more powerful and dangerous according to pessimists? 2. Why will domestic chores no longer be a burden? 3.What are the most important factors that will bring about dramatic changes in various aspects of our lives? 4. How fast will space – shuttle technology be used in normal air travel? 5. What will happen in an economic depression? Task 2: Answer the following questions. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 Lucky Numbers GROUP B GROUP A 80 80 70605040302010 706050403020100 0 W I N N E R Unit 8: Life in the future [...].. .Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 1 Who will become more powerful and dangerous, according to pessimists?  Terrorist groups Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 4 How fast will space – shuttle technology be used in normal air travel?  Speeds of up to 15,000 kph Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 3 What are the most important factors that will bring about... changes in various aspects of our lives?  Developments in micro technology – computers and telecommunication Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 5 What will happen in an economic depression?  Many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jpbs will be lost Unit 8: Life in the future A p ni r l a e Topic : This is means of transportation. It is a new invention T o p i c K E Y Wednesday, November 17 th , 2010 Vocabulary:  pessimistic 1. an optimist : a person who always expects good things to happen. : người lạc quan  optimistic (adj) : lạc quan 2. a pessimist ≠ an optimist : người bi quan (adj) : bi quan 3. depression (unc.) : tình trạng suy thoái 4. : tên khủng bốa terrorist What do you call them? vacuum cleaner washing machine dishwasher Vocabulary:  pessimistic : a person who always expects good things to happen. : người lạc quan  optimistic (adj) : lạc quan 2. a pessimist ≠ an optimist : người bi quan (adj) : bi quan 3. depression (unc.) : tình trạng suy thoái 4. a terrorist : tên khủng bố 5. labour – saving devices : các thiết bị tiết kiệm sức lao động 1. an optimist Read the information in the table. Guess whether they belong to optimists or pessimists 5. The security of the earth will be threatened by terrorism.      Optimists Pessimists 4. Domestic chores will no longer be a burden. 3. The whole world will experience a period of economic depression. 1. Things will be much worse than they are nowadays. 2. Life will be far better than it is today. Task 1: Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B 3. economic depression 2. pessimists 5. terrorism 1. wiped out 4. space – shuttle a. People who always expect bad things to happen. b. Be destroyed or removed completely. c. Spacecraft designed to be used for traveling between the earth and a space station. d. The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act. e. A period when there’s little economic activity and many people are poor or without jobs. A B 1.Who will become more powerful and dangerous according to pessimists? 2. Why will domestic chores no longer be a burden? 3.What are the most important factors that will bring about dramatic changes in various aspects of our lives? 4. How fast will space – shuttle technology be used in normal air travel? 5. What will happen in an economic depression? Task 2: Answer the following questions. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 Lucky Numbers GROUP B GROUP A 80 80 70605040302010 706050403020100 0 WINNER Unit 8: Life in the future [...].. .Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 1 Who will become more powerful and dangerous, according to pessimists?  Terrorist groups Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 4 How fast will space – shuttle technology be used in normal air travel?  Speeds of up to 15,000 kph Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 3 What are the most important factors that will bring about... changes in various aspects of our lives?  Developments in micro technology – computers and telecommunication Unit 8: Life in the future Answer the questions 5 What will happen in an economic depression?  Many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jpbs will be lost Unit 8: Life in .. .Unit 8: life in the community Period 62 : speaking I Pre - speaking * Task a: some people in Minh’s neighborhood are giving their opinions on the town’s plan of building a supermarket in the .. . comfortable walking around in a cool place while doing the shopping D: You all may be right But er ., then the farmers on nearby farms don’t have a place to sell their produce fixed low-income a new .. . write down the advantages and disadvantages that the plan may bring to the people in the town and on nearby farm Disadvantages          Advantages Low-income vendors go out of business Clean

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    Unit 8: life in the community

    Now create your conversations using the suggestions

    III - Post speaking