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Unit 13. Entertainment

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Nội dung

English grade12th Teacher: Nguyen Thu GiangYen Phong Upper-Secondary School No1 Warm-upListen to the song and answer the questions1. What is the name of the song?2. In what event was it first sung?3. When and where was this event?It is “vi mot the gioi ngay mai”It was first sung in the 22nd Sea GamesIt was held in 2003 in Hanoi ,Vietnam Some pictures about the 22nd sea games Lesson A: READING Unit 13: Reading a b d d theatre _ c _ c movie b soccer _ _ a concert Unit 13: ENTERTAINMENT I Vocabulary: Melting pot : (n.p) Renown: (n) Scale: (n) Nơi tụ cư violence: (n) Mislead: (v) Bạo lực Làm cho nghĩ sai leisure: (n) Thời gian nhàn rỗi Tiếng tăm Quy mô Task 1: Match a subtitle with each paragraph c Paragraph A : a Travel Paragraph B : d b Sports b Paragraph C : c “High culture” Entertainment Paragraph D : a d TV and movies Task b: Work in pairs Match the words or phrases in column A with their appropriate meanings in column B A B Theatrical performance a Special importance given to something On a small scale b Expression of disapproval emphasis c Acting in a play criticism d In a narrower locality tradition e Often happening common f Custom and habit 1+c 2+d 3+a 4+b 5+f 6+e Task c: Check whether the following statements are true, false, or not mentioned in the text Then correct the false statements T All Americans love going to concerts, play, and art exhibitions Cable TV is one of the most popular  sources of entertainment in the United States American teenagers may be affected by  movies featuring violence American play sports only in professional teams American prefer traveling by plane to traveling by car Americans take vacations in both summer and in winter  F NI    Wednesday, March 18th , 2009 It was John who robbed customers of their bags in shops in London*John robbed customers of their bags in shops in London.Re ad t he f o l l o wi ng s e nt e nc e t he n c ho o s e t he b e s t ans we r f o r e ac h o f t he que s t i o ns b e l o w:1.The underlined part of the word “robbed” is pronounced as:a. /t/ b. /d/ c. /id/2. The underlined part of the word “shops” is pronounced as:a. /z/ b. /iz/ c. /s/bc /pt/ /bd/ /ps/ /bz/ stoppedjumpedsteppedtrappedrobbedstabbedgrabbedbribedstopsstepsmapsshopsrobsbribesrubsclubs/pt/- /bd/ - /ps/ - /bz/Listen and repeat: 1.She was robbed.Practise reading aloud these sentences:3. Lan dropped the teapot.2. He stopped smoking.4. The boy jumped out into the road and bumped into an old man.5. She’s been to a number of shops and clubs.6. He rubs his hands because he wants to interrupt their talk. B. Grammar: CLEFT SENTENCESS V O AdvIt was the boy who hit the dog in the garden.Ex 2.His absence from class always makes his teacher angry. It is his absence from class that always makes his teacher angry.Khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào chủ ngữ hay chủ thể gây ra hành động thì dùng câu nhấn mạnh (cleft sentence) để diễn đạt và đặt trọng tâm vào chủ thể đó.It + is ( was) + … + that (who)+ (Verb) … Ex 1. The boy hit the dog in the garden.I. Subject focus: Choose the best answer- a, b , c or d 1.It was I_____ did all the work. a. that b. who c. which d. both a and b2. It was the strong wind ___ blew the roof off.a. that b. when c. who d. where3. It is my closest friend who ____me study English.a. help b. helps c. helped d. helpingdab Exercise 1: Write the following sentences after the model, pay attention to the subject of the sentence1. The boy visited his uncle last month.-> It was the boy that (who) visited his uncle last month.2. My mother bought me a present on my birthday.-> It was my mother that (who) bought me a present on my birthday.3. Huong and Sandra sang together at the party.-> It was Huong and Sandra that ( who) sang together at the party.4. Nam’s father got angry with him.-> It was Nam’s father that (who) got angry with him.5. The boys played football all day long.-> It was the boys that (who) played football all day long.6. The girl received a letter from her friend yesterday.-> It was the girl that (who) received a letter from her friend yesterday.7. His presence at the meeting frightened the children.-> It was his presence at the meeting that frightened the children.It + is ( was) + … + that (who)+ (Verb) … II. Object focus: Ex 1:The boy hit the dog in the garden.S VOAdvIt was the dog that the boy hit in the garden.Ex 2: The young man is playing the piano.It is the piano that the young man is playing.*Khi muốn nhấn mạnh tân ngữ hay đối tượng của hành động thì dùng câu nhấn mạnh (cleft sentence) để diễn đạt và đăt trọng tâm vào tân ngữ.It + is (was) …… that /who(m) +S + (V)…. Choose the best answer that has the same meaning as the root one.1.Tom gave Lan this book last month.•It is Tom whom gave Lan this book last month.•It was Lan whom Tom gave this book to last month.2. He borrowed the money from Lan.e. It is the money that he borrowed from Lan.f. It was the money that he borrowed from Lan.bb [...]... policeman a lot of questions -> It was the policeman that/ who(m) the pedestrian asked a lot of questions 7 The dog barked at the stranger -> It was the stranger that/ who(m)the dog barked at III Adverbial focus: Ex 1: The boy hit the dog in the garden -> It was in the garden that the boy hit the dog EX 2: Mr Pike usually gets up at 6 every morning -> It is at 6 every morning that Mr Pike usually gets up *Checking vocabs: A pearl diver A scuba-diving: A pearlA vessel I/ Pre-teach vocabs: A pearl:ngọc trai A vessel: tàu, thuyền A pearl diver: người mò ngọc trai A scuba-diving: lặn có sử dụng bình dưỡng khí Now, we can explore the oceans,usingspecial TV cameras as well. To explore:thám hiểm Ex:Scuba is a special breathing equipment. Special breathing eqipment:dụng cụ thở đặc biệt * True/false statements c F T T F T G T F T F T F T F T F Next A.Most of the world’s surface is land B. Before the invention of special breathing equipment.Man couldn’t swim freely underwater. C.Now scuba-diving is a popular sport. D. Jacques Cousteau invented special TV cameras. E.We can learn more about undersea world thanks to Jacques ‘s invention water Jacques Cousteau invented a deep-sea diving vessel II/ While-reading: • Most of the world’s surface is water. We may know the land very well, but we know very little about the oceans. • Until recently, man could not stay underwater for long. A pearl diver, for example, couldn’t stay underwater for longer than two minutes.But now, with special breathing equipment, a diver can stay underwater for a lomg time.After the invention of this equipment, man could swim freely underwater and scuba-diving became a popular sport. • A Frenchman, Jacques Cousteau (1910-1997) , invented a deep- sea diving vessel in the early 1940s. In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life. • Now, we can explore the oceans , using special TV cameras as well. We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention. *Answer given a/ 2 minutes b/ a long time c/ underwater life. d/ 1997 e/ the early 1940s f/ With special T V cameras. a/ How long could a pearl diver stay underwater? b/ Now ,how long can a diver stay underwater? c/ What could he study? d/ When did Jacques Couteau die? f/ How can we explore the oceans now? e/ When did he invent the deep-sea diving vessel? Team ATeam B Refresh 0 0 Monday, March 24 Monday, March 24 th th 2008 2008 Unit 13: Entertainment Unit 13: Entertainment A. Reading: A, B A. Reading: A, B Designed by: Nguyen Thi Duc BN Gifted high School ► The class is divided into 4 teams. The class is divided into 4 teams. ► A presentative of each team in turn chooses a piece of A presentative of each team in turn chooses a piece of paper with a word at random. paper with a word at random. ► After thinking a minute (S)he describes this word to the After thinking a minute (S)he describes this word to the members in his/her team. members in his/her team. ► Another person in his/her team goes to the board and Another person in his/her team goes to the board and writes down it on. writes down it on. ► The team getting the correct answer will be the winner (s) The team getting the correct answer will be the winner (s) Answer: Answer: Concert Theatrical performance Football game Movie Guess ( Guess ( √ ) whether the following statements √ ) whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NI) in the text are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NI) in the text 1. There are not any concerts, art 1. There are not any concerts, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances exhibitions, and theatrical performances of world-renown in the cities of United of world-renown in the cities of United States. States. 2. Performances and exhibitions in USA Performances and exhibitions in USA are very well-attended even though the are very well-attended even though the price of tickets are rather high. price of tickets are rather high. 3. Cable TV is one of the most popular Cable TV is one of the most popular sources of entertainment in the United sources of entertainment in the United States. States. 4. It is the TV, movies, and recorded music It is the TV, movies, and recorded music that are the most popular resources of that are the most popular resources of entertainment. entertainment. 5. All American love going to concerts, All American love going to concerts, plays and art exhibitions plays and art exhibitions T F NI T F NI □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ x x x x x Task b1 Task b1 : : Guess then translate Guess then translate the words/ phrases into Vietnamese the words/ phrases into Vietnamese 1. 1. Theatrical performance Theatrical performance [ [ i i ổ ổ trikl p f trikl p f m ns] m ns] 2. Exhibition [,eksibi 2. Exhibition [,eksibi n] n] 3. World renown 3. World renown [w ld-rinaun] [w ld-rinaun] 4. Criticism [kritisizm]: 4. Criticism [kritisizm]: 5. Emphasis [emf sis] 5. Emphasis [emf sis] on sth on sth 6. Melting pot: 6. Melting pot: 7. On a smaller scale [skeil]: 7. On a smaller scale [skeil]: 8. Well- attended 8. Well- attended 9. Tradition [tr di 9. Tradition [tr di n ] n ] 1. 1. buổi biểu diễn sân khấu buổi biểu diễn sân khấu 2.(n) 2.(n) Cuộc triển lãm Cuộc triển lãm 3.(n) có tiếng tăm trên TG 3.(n) có tiếng tăm trên TG 4. (n) Lời phê bình 4. (n) Lời phê bình 5. (n) Sự nhấn mạnh, tập trung 5. (n) Sự nhấn mạnh, tập trung 6. nơi tụ cư 6. nơi tụ cư 7. ở qui mô nhỏ 7. ở qui mô nhỏ 8. (a) được chú ý đến 8. (a) được chú ý đến 9. (n) truyền thống 9. (n) truyền thống Task b2: Task b2: Match the words/ phrases in column Match the words/ phrases in column A with their appropriate meaning in column B A with their appropriate meaning in column B A A 1. Theatrical performance 1. Theatrical performance 2. On a smaller scale 2. On a smaller scale 3. Emphasis 3. Emphasis 4. Criticism 4. Criticism 5. Tradition 5. Tradition 6. Melting pot 6. Melting pot B- B- a. Special importance given a. Special importance given to sth. to sth. b. Expression of b. Expression of disapproval. disapproval. c. Acting in a play. c. Acting in a play. d. A central place to do sth. d. A central place to do sth. e. In a narrower locality. e. In a narrower locality. f. Custom and habit f. Custom and habit C E A B F D A- A- As a melting pot, the PHAM TRAN KIEU OANH (21) LE THI THANH PHUONG (22) .. .Unit 13: Reading a b d d theatre _ c _ c movie b soccer _ _ a concert Unit 13: ENTERTAINMENT I Vocabulary: Melting pot : (n.p) Renown:... concerts, play, and art exhibitions Cable TV is one of the most popular  sources of entertainment in the United States American teenagers may be affected by  movies featuring violence American... paragraph c Paragraph A : a Travel Paragraph B : d b Sports b Paragraph C : c “High culture” Entertainment Paragraph D : a d TV and movies Task b: Work in pairs Match the words or phrases

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2017, 03:17



