Unit 5: Future jobs tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế,...
Work in groups: Find jobs as many as possible JOBS PERIOD 36 PART A: READING (1) BEFORE YOU READ Architect / ‘a:kιtekt/:kiến trúc sư Lawyer / ‘lɔ:jə(r)/ : luật sư Mechanic / mə’kỉnιk/: công nhân khí Doctor Engineer Farmer Police officer: nhân viên hải quan Receptionist: tiếp tân BEFORE YOU READ Secretary / ‘sekrətrι/ : thư kí Taxi driver Waiter Salesperson: người bán hàng Singer Scientist Teacher Worker Where are the people in the photographs? What are they doing? A D B E C F A DOCTORS They are in a hospital They are operating on a patient Vocabulary PA A job interview Hire / ‘haιə(r)/ (v): thuê, mướn A job interview is your chance to show the employer what he or she will get if you are hired That is why it is essential to be wellprepared for the job interview (1) _ It also means paying attention to details like personal Punctual punctuality, / ‘pʌηk∫uəl/ ( adj): appearance, and demeanor Punctuality (n) Demeanor / ‘dιmi:nə(r)/ (n): thái đo Vocabulary PA A job interview Before you have the interview, you should gather as much information about the industry and the employer as you can Not only will you appear informed and intelligent but you will also make a decision if a job offer is eventually made You might also want to prepare for answering questions by listing some of your attributes Remember that appearance is very important (2) You should match your dress to employees in the workplace where you are applying You should come on time for the interview Attribute / ‘ætrιbju:t/ (n): phẩm chất workplace / ‘w3:kpleιs/ (n): nơi công sở Vocabulary PA A job interview During the interview, you should speak slowly and clearly Eye contact is very important but make sure it looks natural (3) _ People say that body language gives away more about us than speech Usually toward the end of the interview, the person conducting it will ask you if you have any questions By asking about a typical day on the job or special projects, you are putting yourself in the job and showing the employer how you will satisfy the employer’s needs Conduct / kən’dʌkt/ (v): đạo, hướng dẫn, vấn Vocabulary PA A job interview Neglect / nι’gnekt/ (v): quên, phớ After the interview, don’t neglect a thank-you note or follow up letter It is your chance to reiterate something you mentioned on the interview or bring up something you forgot to mention (4) It certainly will set you apart from everyone else who forgot to or chose not to this Isn’t that the kind of person the employer is looking for? Chance / t∫a:ns/ (n) : hội Apart from : khác với Reiterate /ri’ιtəreιt/ (v): lặp lại Vocabulary Interview / ‘ιntərvju:/ ( v) : (n) : A job interview vấn, vấn Interviewer ( n): người vấn Employ / ιm’plɔι/ (v) : thuê, Interviewee (n): người mướn vấn Employment >< Unemployment (n) Employed >< Unemployed Employer thuê, chủ (n) : (adj) người Vocabulary Hire A job interview / ‘haιə(r)/ (v): thuê, mướn Punctual / ‘pʌηk∫uəl/ ( adj): Punctuality (n) Demeanor / ‘dιmi:nə(r)/ (n): thái độ Attribute / ‘ỉtrιbju:t/ (n): phẩm chất workplace / ‘w3:kpleιs/ (n): nơi công sở Neglect / nι’gnekt/ (v): quên, phớt lờ Reiterate /ri’ιtəreιt/ (v): lặp lại Chance / t∫a:ns/ (n) : hội Apart from : khác với Read the passage without taking notice of the blanks Make a list of things what you should before/ during/ after an interview A job interview PA A job interview is your chance to show the employer what he or she will get if you are hired That is why it is essential to be well-prepared for the job interview (1) _ It also means paying attention to details like personal appearance, punctuality, and demeanor A job interview PA Before you have the interview , you should gather as much information about the industry and the employer as you can Not only will you appear informed and intelligent but you will also make a decision if a job offer is eventually made You might also want to prepare for answering questions by listing some of your attributes Remember that appearance is very important (2) You should match your dress to employees in the workplace where you are applying You should come on time for the interview A job interview PA During the interview , you should speak slowly and clearly Eye contact is very important but make sure it looks natural (3) _ People say that body language gives away more about us than speech Usually toward the end of the interview, the person conducting it will ask you if you have any questions By asking about a typical day on the job or special projects, you are putting yourself in the job and showing the employer how you will satisfy the employer’s needs A job interview PA After the interview , don’t neglect a thank-you note or follow up letter It is your chance to reiterate something you mentioned on the interview or bring up something you forgot to mention (4) It certainly will set you apart from everyone else who forgot to or chose not to this Isn’t that the kind of person the employer is looking for? a) Complete the table from the reading Before an interview -Take care of personal appearance, punctuality, and demeanor -Gather information about the company -Prepare the answers to questions that might be raised During an interview -Speak slowly and clearly -Have eye contact naturally and use body language appropriately -Ask some questions ( about the job, ….) After an interview: Write a thank- you Note or a follow- up latter - Get to know the characteristics of certain jobs - Be acknowledged with the process of a job interview and know how to perform well in an interview - Read the passage again and part c), and d) - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercises in Workbook ...Work in groups: Find jobs as many as possible JOBS PERIOD 36 PART A: READING (1) BEFORE YOU READ Architect / ‘a:kιtekt/:kiến trúc... interview: Write a thank- you Note or a follow- up latter - Get to know the characteristics of certain jobs - Be acknowledged with the process of a job interview and know how to perform well in an interview