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Unit 8: Future life

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Unit 8: Future life tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế,...

ANH VĂN LỚP 12 UNIT 8-P2 LIFE IN THE FUTURE GRAMMAR CÁCH DÙNG THE Dùng trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc được nhắc đến lần thứ hai trong câu.  The + danh từ + giới từ + danh từ 1 The girl in blue, the Gulf of Mexico.  Dùng trước những tính từ so sánh bậc nhất hoặc only. 2 The only way, the best day.  Dùng cho những khoảng thời gian xác định (thập niên): In the 1990s  The + danh từ + đại từ quan hệ + mệnh đề phụ 3 The man /to whom you have just spoken /is the chairman  Trước một danh từ ngụ ý chỉ một vật riêng biệt 4 She is in the (= her) garden  The + danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật 5 The whale = whales (loài cá voi), the deep-freeze (thức ăn đông lạnh) Lưu ý: Nhưng đối với man khi mang nghĩa "loài người" tuyệt đối không được dùng the. 1 Since man lived on the earth (kể từ khi loài người sinh sống trên trái đất này)  Dùng trước một danh từ số ít để chỉ một nhóm, một hạng người nhất định trong xã hội. 2 The small shopkeeper: Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ/ The top offcial: Giới quan chức cao cấp  The + adj: Tượng trưng cho một nhóm người, chúng không bao giờ được phép ở số nhiều nhưng được xem là các danh từ số nhiều. Do vậy động từ và đại từ đi cùng với chúng phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều. 3 The old = The old people/ The unemployed/ The disabled are often very hard in their moving  The + tên các vùng/ khu vực đã nổi tiếng về mặt địa lý hoặc lịch sử 4 The Sahara (desert)/ The Siberia (tundra)/ The Normandic  The + East/ West/ South/ North + Danh từ used as adjective 1 The North/ South Pole (Bắc/ Nam Cực), The East End of London (Khu đông Lôn Đôn) Lưu ý: Nhưng không được dùng THE trước các từ này nếu nó đi liền với tên châu lục hoặc quốc gia: West Germany, North America  The + tên gọi các đội hợp xướng/ dàn nhạc cổ điển/ ban nhạc phổ thông 1 The Back Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles.  The + tên gọi các tờ báo (không tạp chí / tàu biển/ các khinh khí cầu. 2 The Times/ The Titanic/ The Hindenberg  The + họ một gia đình ở số nhiều = gia đình nhà 3 The Smiths = Mr/ Mrs Smith and children 4 Dùng trước tên họ của một người để xác định người đó trong số những người trùng tên.  Không được dùng "the" trước các danh từ chỉ bữa ăn trong ngày trừ các trường hợp đặc biệt. 5 We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning 6 The dinner that you invited me last week were delecious.  Không được dùng "the" trước một số danh từ như home, bed, church, court, jail, prison, hospital, school, class, college, univercity v.v khi nó đi với các động từ và giới từ chỉ chuyển động chỉ đi đến đó là mục đích chính hoặc ra khỏi đó cũng vì mục đích chính. 1 Students go to school everyday. 2 The patient was released from hospital.  Nhưng nếu đến đó hoặc ra khỏi đó không vì mục đích chính bắt buộc phải dùng "the". 3 Students go to the school for a class party. 4 The doctor left the hospital afterwork Lưu ý: Trong American English, “Hospital” và “University” bắt buộc phải dùng với the 1 He was in the hospital (in hospital as a patient) 2 She was unhappy at the University (At University as a student)  Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: 3 Go to work = Go to the office. 4 To be at work 5 To be hard at work (làm việc chăm chỉ) 6 To be in Match the pictures (A,B,C, or D) with the appropriate captions A B Learning from home Learning from the workplace C Learning in an interactive remote classroom Learning in an electronic classroom D Unit 8: Future Life Lesson: Reading Vocabulary - cohabit (v) live together without being married - propose (v) suggest - embryo (n) : phôi - complexion (n) color of skin : màu da - institution (n) school - tuition fee (n) money paid for schooling : sống chung : đề nghị : trường, viện : hoc phí Which of the following things belongs to the traditional school or the modern school Traditional There is teacher in classroom School Students have Modern Teacher appears Traditional face-to-face onSchool the screen School interaction Students can come Modern Traditional There are a to school at lot of fun School School different times You can turn the Modern teaching machine and select the School teacher you like Match the paragraphs ( A, B, C, or D) with the headings One heading will not be used • Paragraph A Energy Crisis • Paragraph B An Ecological School • Paragraph C A Modern School • Paragraph D Advances in Medicine Lifestyle butterfly cat pig dog bird fish bear Find the word in the text having the following meaning known all over the word ( line 4, Paragraph C) world-famous _ Find the word in the text having the following meaning try to achieve something over a period of time ( line 6, Paragraph A) pursue _ Congratulation! Find the word in the text having the following meaning not harming the environment ( line 1, Paragraph D) environment- friendly _ Find the word in the text having the following meaning pretty and attractive ( line 8, Paragraph B) cute _ Congratulation! Find the word in the text having the following meaning profession or occupation ( line 6, Paragraph A) career _ Choose the best option Phil and Carol decided to cohabit because A they loved each other so much B their parents didn’t allow them to love each other CC they wanted to pursue their own careers D they wanted to be independent Phil and Carol now decide to _ B to get married and have a child B A to live with their family C to send the embryos to the Embryo Bank Chris is A Phil’s friend D to go to the hospital B Carol’s friend D Phil and Carol’s expected child C Phil and Carol ‘s adult child C The tuition fee of the modern school is A very expensive B expensive and stable C low and stable C D reasonable Discussion What kind of school you like to study in ? ( The traditional school or the modern school) Explain why? Homework - Learn vocabulary - Answer the questions: 2,4,7 p.100 UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE PERIOD 46 LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED LISTEN AND READ A / Aims and Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about the city life and the country life B / Teaching aids : Textbooks , cassette , chalks , boards … C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Chatting - Talk to Ss about life in the city and life in the country by asking some questions 1. Where do you live ? 2. Do you want to live in the city ? Why ? 3. Do you want to live in the country ? Why ? => Lead in the new lesson II / Pre -reading : Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words . 1. Pre – teach vocabulary : - a relative = uncles , aunts cousins - peaceful = quiet and calm (a) Chatting ( whole class ) Listen and copy Listen and repeat - permanently (adv) : its means existing all the time - accessible = co the den gan duoc - medical facilities = cac phuong tien y te * Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember 2. Brainstorming ( Getting started ) - Get Ss to talk about city life and country life . The words in the box of getting started may help you .  Possible answers : - tall buildings - beautiful views - plenty kinds of goods - fresh food - polluted air - fresh air - traffic jams - friendly - entertainment - peaceful chorally Copy down Play game Work in groups city life count ry - busy III / While – reading : 1. True / false statements Statements True False 1. Na lives in the city 2. Na went to a village which has some relatives lives there . 3. The village is very peaceful and quiet 4. Hoa prefers the city life x x x x - Turn on the tape and ask Ss to work in groups to predict the true / false statements . - Call on some Ss to report their predictions and write them on the board. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Na and Hoa and compare their ideas - Give feedback and get more information - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue 2. Comprehension questions : - Get Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in Work in groups to predict Read the dialogue , compare their ideas ex 2 / 73 - Call on some pairs to practice asking answering the questions in front of class . - Give feedback a. Na has been to Kin Lien village b. She was there for the weekend c. to her , the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do . d. There is no libraries , no movies , no supermarket , no zoos … e. Country life is becoming better . Many remote area are getting electricity . People can now have things like refrigerators and TV , medical facilities are more accessible . - Ask Ss to work in closed pairs IV / Post - reading : Discussion - Divide the class into 4 groups . Two groups include Ss who prefer the city life and the others include Ss who prefer the country life . Practice the dialogue in pairs Work in pairs Practice asking and answering the questions - Ask Ss to work in groups to answer the questions “ Do you prefer the city or the country life ?Why ? “ - Call on 4 pioneers from 4 groups to show their ideas before class . V / Homework : 1. Learn by heart new words and copy two lines for each word 2. Copy the answers in their notebooks . 3. Prepare the next lesson . Work in groups Demonstrate their ideas in front of class . Listen and copy Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8B N¨m häc 2007-2008 Week 17 Period 49 unit 8 : country life and city life Lesson 4 : read Date of planning: a. Objective : * By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the passage about the rurar life compared with urban life * Improve reading comprehension skill B. language content: * Words : words mentioned about the topic of the passage such as : struggle with nature ; typhoon ; flood ; drought ; increase in population … * Skill : reading comprehension c. Teaching aid : book, tape and chalk d. PROCEDURE : 1. Warm up : T: greeting and calling ss to make dialogue bet aunt Hang and Lan. Ss: listen and raise the hand to make sentences 2.: Pre-reaing Teacher’s & Students’ activities Content of activities T: lead in the lesson with some questions Ss: listen and answer T; ask ss to say some thing about the life in the country Ss: listen and try to say T: call ss to present before the class Ss: raise the hand to say . T: show some new words form the passage Ss: listen and note down T: use techniques of teaching words tp apply + Do you like the life in the country ? + Do you want to live there for ever ? + What about he others ? + Why do they want to move to the city ? + What problems may arise when so many people move to the city ? + How is the life in the country ? + Is it easy or hard ? + Is it easy to earn money and get a good job in the country ? + Do farmers always have successful crops * New words: + traditional way (n) + well paying (a) + struggle with nature (n) + typhoon (n) + flood (n) + drought (n) + increase in population (n) + put a strain on (v) 3.: While - reading Teacher’s & Students’ activities Content of activities T: read the passage once and the ask ss to read the passage in silence in group to complete a summary about the passage Ss: listen and discuss T; after that call the representative to present before the class Ss: raise the hand to do T; remark and give the answer key Ss: listen and note down. 1) * Complete the summary : 1- leaving 2- home 3- city 4 – rural 5- city 6 – problems 7- schools 8- hospital 9- problem 10- world 2) Find the word in the passage that Gi¸o viªn : Lª ThÞ LÜnh Trêng THCS ThÞ TrÊn Me Gi¸o ¸n TiÕng Anh líp 8B N¨m häc 2007-2008 T: call one student to read the passage aloud Ss: raise the hand to do T: go on requesting ss to read the passage again to find the words as suggested in EX2 Ss; listen and read to find out the words T: call ss to say their answer Ss: raise the hand to do T; call others to remark and give ehte correct answers Ss: listen and note down means: a) of the country – rural b) as many as needed – plentiful c) become greater and greater – increase d) a great pressure – strain e) a terrible event – tragedy f) of the city or city life – urban 4. Post - reading : T: call ss to summary the content of the passage ( help ss to say as much as possible ) Ss: listen and raise the hand to do 5. Home assigment: T: request ss to write an essay about the benefits and disadvantages of the rural life. Prepare the next lesson “ Unit 8 : write” S: listen and note down E. REMARK Period 50 unit 8 : country life and city life Lesson 5 : Write Date of planning: a. Objective : * By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a letter about the neighborhood with simple sentences. * Improve writing skill B. language content: * Use the words learnt already to write the letter * Skill : writing a letter c. Teaching aid : book, cards with cues and chalk d. PROCEDURE : 1. Warm up : T: greeting and calling ss to say something about the rural life before the class Ss: listen and raise the hand to say before the Unit 8: country life and city life Getting started, Listen and read I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know more at Na’s new neighborand know about the places in their neighborhood. Educate sts how to be havie their neighbor well II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: wet market, serve, pancake, tasty, close by, for, since 2. Grammar: The present perfect tense IV. Techniques: Pairwork, brainstorming, groupwork V. Time: 45 ms VI. Produres: Teacher and Sts’ activities Contents 1. Warm-up: (Brainstorming) T asks Sts some questions to elicit the topic * Brainstorming: (Getting started) Stadium Hotel Neighborhood T What is there in your neighborhood? How long have you lived there? Do you like your neighborhood? Sts answer. School Market Drugstore Post office T shows 6 pictures in textbook. Ask Sts to match the names of places with the suitable pictures Ss groupwork to match Then practice asking and answering with pictures Ex. A: Is there a stadium near your house? B: Yes, there is/No, there isn’t * Match the names of places found in a neighborhood with the pictures a grocery store d. drugstore b. stadium e. hairdresser’s c. wet market f. swimming-pool 2. Presentation: T elicits to present the new words T reads new words * Vocabulary: wet market (n) pancake (n) Ss repeat T checks new words (pictures) T Set the scene of the dialogue. serve (v) tasty (adj) close by (adv) * Na and Nam are talking about the place where they lived but Na is new there Ss guess information to fill in T haves Ss listen to the tape to check their predictions * Guessing the information about Na and Nam. last week (a) 1. Na has been there since last month (b) last year (c) hotel (a) 2. Na wants to go to the restaurant (b) clothing store (c) T asks Ss some questions. How long has Nam lived there? Where does Na want to go ? Ss listen and answer T asks Ss to open their book, listen again to checks there answers 3. Practice: Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogue, then play in front of the class T get feedback Ss work in groups to complete the sentences and give the complete sentences T corrects 7 years-a 3. Nam has lived here for about 8 years- b 10 years-c * Answers: Nam has lived there for 10 years He knows there very well Na has arrived since last week She wants to go to a restaurant 1. Practice the dialogue with a partner: 2. Complete the sentencdes. Use the words from the dialogue. a. new d. restaurant T explains the grammar b. last week e. Hue c. tired f. pancakes * Grammar: The present perfect tense with for/since T asks Ss to summarize the dialogue Ss pairwork to role play the dialogue Have/has + Vpp since + mèc thêi gian for + kho¶ng thêi gian 3. Role play of Nam and Nam 4. Consolidation: T gives the cues words Ss work in groups. Calls some sts to talk in front of Talk about your neighborhood using the cues words. How long/lived/there? the class T corrects. What/there neighborhood? Do/like/living/neighborhood? why/why not? 5. Home work: - Learn “Vocab” and “grammar” by heart. - Do exercise 1 in the workbook. - Prepare: Lesson 2-Speak/p.64-65 6. Marks/Remarks: 12NC Unit 8: FUTURE LIFE Teacher: Huỳnh Hữu Nghóa Period: 59 + 60 Lesson : READING Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get the main ideas of the lesson and some information about future life. Lexical items: Words of future life Teaching aids: Textbook, poster, pictures Procedure :  Stages Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities 10’ I. Warm up : Matching : Picture(textbook) Captions Key: C  1. Learning from home B  2. Learning from the workplace D  3. Learning in an interactive remote class. A  4. Learning in an electronic classroom Which kind of “classroom” do you like to study in ?  I like all kinds of them. - Ask ss to work in pairs. - Instruct - Feedback and give correct answers. - Introduce the new lesson. - Make question - Match the picture (A, B, C or D) with appropriate captions. - Go to the BB and give the answers. - Listen to the teacher. - Answer 15’ II. Pre – reading : 1. Pre teach vocabulary : - kneel / ni:l / v. quỳ gối, quỳ xuống - cohabit / kou`hỉbit / v. sống chung cohabi`tation / ei / n. sự sống chung như vợ chồng - embryo /`embriou / n. phôi - complexion /kəm`plek∫n / n. màu da - cute / kju:t / a. lanh lợi; đáng yêu - crisis /`kraisis / n. cuộc khủng hoảng - ecological / i-ə-`ɔ-i-ə / a. th.v sinh thái học - stable / `steibl / a. ổn đònh * Checking : R & R - Elicit the word. - Model the words three times. - Have ss repeat - Write the word on the BB. - Give the meaning of the words. - Say the words. - Listen to. - Repeat in chorus/ indivi. - Check the stress syllable. - Copy down 15’ 5’ III. While – reading : T: These 4 paragraphs tell us the forecast in the future. Read them. + Ask ss to skim the text to know the gist of each paragraph. Task a): Ask ss to match the paragraphs with the headings. - Notice that one heading will not be used. * Key: Paragraph: Heading A  5. Lifestyle B  4. Advances in Medicine C  3. A Modern School D  2. An Ecological School - Have ss work in groups. - Explain some difficult words - Ask them to match - Check Read each para. And dicuss the content - Group work. - Read the answers loudly. 16’ 20’ - The end of the first period- Task b): Ask Ss to read the phrases in Task b and then re-read the text to find each appropriate synonym Key: Synonyms 1. live together without being married 1. cohabit (P1) 2. know all over the world 2. world-famous (P.3) 3. try to achieve something over a period of time. 3. pursue (P.1) 4. living things that are not fully developed yet 4. embryo (P.2) 5. not harming the environment. 5. environment- friendly (P.4) 6. pretty and attractive. 6. cute (P.2) 7. profession or occupation. 7. career (P.1) 8. in spite of. 8. despite (P.4) Task c) : Answer the questions: Ask Ss to read the question and give the answer Keys : 1. They decided to cohabit 30 years ago (in 2010) because they wanted to pursue their careers without being disturbed by family responsibilities. 2. They were 20 years old when they started cohabiting. Now they are 50. 3. They decide to get married and have a child. 4. They’ll have to go to the Embryo Bank and the City’s Embryo Hospital. 5. Chris is Carol and Phil’s expected child (child - to - be) 6. It is modern and environment-friendly : + It opens 24 hours a day and students may come at different time. + There are no teachers in the classroom. Instead, teachers will contact students via teaching machines. ... workplace C Learning in an interactive remote classroom Learning in an electronic classroom D Unit 8: Future Life Lesson: Reading Vocabulary - cohabit (v) live together without being married - propose... Paragraph B An Ecological School • Paragraph C A Modern School • Paragraph D Advances in Medicine Lifestyle butterfly cat pig dog bird fish bear Find the word in the text having the following meaning

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