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Unit 4. School education system

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  • Slide 1

  • Slide 2

  • Slide 3

  • I/ Pronunciation: Stress in three-syllable words

  • Slide 5

  • Listen and repeat

  • Practise reading these sentences

  • II/ Grammar: Passive Voice

  • 3. Cách chia thi cho động từ “to be” trong câu bị động

  • Slide 10

  • Exercise 1: Fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets

  • Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice

  • Slide 13

  • Slide 14

  • Slide 15

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Unit 4. School education system tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh...

UNIT 4: EDUCATION SYSTEM READING • Before you read • Read the facts below and decide whether the statements about schools in Vietnam are true (T) or false (F). Then compare your results with your partners’ • Before you read • Read the facts below and decide whether the statements about schools in Vietnam are true (T) or false (F). Then compare your results with your partners’ Facts about schools 1. Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 tears old. 2. School is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. 3. The school year generally begins in September and ends in late May. 4. The students do not have any examinations when they finish secondary school. 5. A school year consists of two terms. T F READING T 1. Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 tears old. F 2. School is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. 3. The school year generally begins in September and ends in late May. T 4. The students do not have any examinations when they finish secondary school. F 5. A school year consists of two terms. T VOCABULARY 1. academic year / ækƏ'dem k /: ɪ school year Ex: The academic year in Vietnam consists of two terms. 2. category (n) / 'kæt gɪ Əri /: type / kind Ex: In England there are 2 parallel school systems. The first category is the state school and the other one is public one. 3. State school : schools in which all children can attend without paying tuition fees 4. Primary education: a stage of study for children aged from 5 to 10 [...]... Secondary Education: The examinations children sit at the end of compulsory education 7 Curriculum: A detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school or college SILENT READING School education system in England LEVEL OF EDUCATION Preschool GRADE/ YEAR (FROM – TO) Childcare environment In an Infant or Primary school Primary education Secondary education 1-3 AGE (FROM- TO) 3 -4 4-5 5-7 4- 6 8 - 10... 7-9 11 - 14 10-11 14 -16 ( end of Compulsory Education) General certificate of secondary Education ( GCSE) Answers the questions 1 When do children in England start their compulsory education at school? From the age of 5 2 How many terms are there in a school year in England? Three terms 3 What are the two school systems in England? The state school and “ independent” or “ public” school system 4 Do children... public” schools? Yes, they do 5 How many core subjects are there in the national curriculum? There are three core subjects ( English, Maths and Science) 6 When can students take the GCSE examination? When the students finish the secondary school , they can take an examination called the General Certificate of Secondary education Work in groups: • Tell the others one of the most difficult school subjects E LANGUAGE FOCUS general primary secondary September / ʤe ʤenərəl / / praı praıməri / se sekəndrı / tem / septembər / I/ Pronunciation: Stress in three-syllable words - Đối với động từ, nêu âm tiết cuối âm tiết mạnh, có trọng âm e.g entertain, resurrect Nếu âm tiết cuối âm tiết yếu, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đứng trước e.g encourage, encounter, determine, Nếu âm tiết yếu, tất nhiên trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết e.g sacrifice, advertise I/ Pronunciation: Stress in three-syllable words - Đối với danh từ, âm tiết cuối yếu tận əu âm tiết thứ mạnh, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ e.g statistics, potato, disaster Nếu âm tiết thứ âm tiết thứ âm tiết yếu, dĩ nhiên âm tiết có trọng âm e.g cinema, quantity Listen and repeat algebra carefully / ælʤıbrə / / keəfullı / politics / pɒlətıks / physical chemistry / fzikəl / / kemıstrı / primary statistics / praıməri / / stətistıks / / kəmpju:tıŋ / cinema compulsory / sinəmə / academic / ækədemık computing September / kəmp۸lsərı / / septembər / Practise reading these sentences The academic school year generally commences in September The typical school day normally finishes at 3.00 p.m in England The national curriculum is usually set by the government The GCSE stands for the General Certificate of Secondary Education English, Maths and Science are compulsory in the national examination at certain stages of the school education system II/ Grammar: Passive Voice Form: BE + Past participle (PII) Cách biến đổi từ câu chủ động sang bị động Active: S Passive: S V Be + PII O by O e.g.: The song Take me to your heart was written by Michael learn to Rock Cách chia thi cho động từ “to be” câu bị động - Simple present: S + am/is/are + PII e.g I am often invited to parties - Present continuous: S + am/is/are + being + PII e.g She is being asked a lot of questions - Present perfect S + have/has + been + PII e.g This cake has been made by Mary - Simple past S + was/ were + PII e.g Tien Quan Ca was written by Nam Cao - Past continuous S + was/ were + being + PII e.g This homework was being done by Tom Cách chia thi cho động từ “to be” câu bị động - Past perfect S + had + been + PII e.g The room had been cleaned before we came - Simple future S + will + be + PII e.g A new school will be built very soon - Be going to S + is/are + going to + PII e.g A story is going to be told by the teacher - Modal verb : S+ can/ could may/ must + be + PII have to / used to e.g The questions can be answered by my friend Exercise 1: Fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets is separated Each term by a one-week break (separate) is set The national curriculum _by the government must be followed in all state schools (set, must follow) and _ is made up of more than ten The national curriculum subjects ( make up) is paid The state school system _ for by the state (pay) are selected to take part in The advanced students the annual International Olympic (select) Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice They built this school in 1997 This school was built in 1997 They first published this dictionary in 1870 This dictionary was published in 1870 The students in my class are going to organize a surprise party tomorrow evening A surprise party is going to be organized by the student in my class tomorrow evening They are painting the kitchen now The kitchen is being painting now They have translated Shakespeare’s tragedies into many languages Shakespeare’s tragedies have been translated into many languages Exercise 3: Complete the following passage The world’s first electronic computer was built (1 build) by the University of Pennsylvania in 1946 However, computers were sold (2 sell) commercially for the first time in the 1950s.Much progress on have been made (3.make) since 1950 computers Computers are now much smaller and more can be bought powerful and they (4 can buy) much more cheaply Exercise 3: Complete the following passage are used Computers _( use) in may fields – in business, science, medicine and education, for can be used example They _ ( 6.can use) to forecast the weather or to control robots which make cars The computer’s memory is the place is stored where information _ (7 store) and are done (8 do) A computer cannot calculations _ must be told (9 must tell) think for itself – it _ exactly what to A lot of difficult calculations can be done (10 can do) very quickly on _ computers Tran Phu High School Presented by Nguyen Hoang Linh Warm – up : Netword main subjects at school Chemistry English History Maths Literature Physics Geography Biology Unit 4 Lesson 1 - Reading School education system I. Before you read Read the facts below and decide whether the statements about schools in Vietnam are true (T) or false (F). Then compare your results with your partners’ . Fact s about schools 1.Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 years old. 2.Schooling is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16. 3.The school year generally begins in September and ends in late May. 4.The students do not have any examinations when they finish secondary school. 5.A school year consists of two terms. V T F V V V V I. Before you read • Vocabulary: - aca demic‘ [,ækə'demik] year = school year : n¨m häc - parallel ‘ ['pærəlel] (n): song song - to achieve(v) = to gain(v) : ®¹t ®­îc - core subject = main subject (n): m«n häc chÝnh - com pulsory ‘ [kəm'p lsəri]ʌ (adj): b¾t buéc / compel (v). - category ['kætigəri] (n): lo¹i, h¹ng. - curriculum [kə'rikjuləm] (n) ch­¬ng tr×nh gi¶ng d¹y. Task 1. Match the words or phrases in A with the blank in B. A B 1. compulsory 2. academic year 3. curriculum 4. category 5. parallel A. The road runs . with the railway B. The period of the year during which students go to school or university: . C. It is . for all motorcyclists to wear helmets. D. Students over 25 fall into a different . E. Maths is in our How many paragraphs are there in the reading? What are they about? * Match the right parapraph with their right heading A A B B Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: National Curriculum School system Academic year II. While you read Task 1. Match the words or phrases in A with their definitions in B. A B 1. compulsory 2. term 3. curriculum 4. secondary education 5. primary education 6. state school 7. core 8. the General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE). ___ a. A stage of study for children age from 5 to 10 ___ b. A stage of study for children age from 11 to 16 ___ c. Put into force by the law ___ d. Schools in which all children can attend without paying tuition fees ___ e. The examinations children sit at the end of compulsory education ___ f. A detailed plan for a course of study offered in a school or college 5 4 1 6 8 3 Task 2. Answer the questions 1. When do children in England start their compulsory education at school? - From the age of 5. 2. How many terms are there in a school year in England? - 3 terms. 3. What are the two school systems in England? - The state school and the “independent” or “public” school system. 4. Do children have to pay fees if they go to “independent” or “public” school? - Yes, they do. 5. How many core subjects are there in the national curriculum? - There are 3 core subjects (English, Maths and Science). 7. When can students take the GCSE examination? - When they finish the secondary school. Read the text once more and fill in the diagram with correct information taken from the reading text. ENGLAND SCHOOLING __ (1) ___ year __(2)___term __(3)___term __(4)___term __(5)___school 93% of the pupils __(6)___school fee paying __(7)__ school __(8)___school GCSE Read the text once more and fill in the diagram with correct information taken from the reading text. ENGLAND SCHOOLING year term term term school 93% of the pupils school fee paying school school GCSE Academic Autumn Spring Summer State Public Primary Secondary GCE “A” Level  University [...]...Answer keys ENGLAND SCHOOLING Academic year Autumn term Spring term State school 93% of the pupils Primary school Summer term Public school fee paying Secondary school GCSE GCE “A” Level  University III After you read Tell the others one of the most difficult Unit 4 Unit 4 : : School EDUCATION School EDUCATION system system Part E: LANGUAGE FOCUS Part E: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: • By the end of the lesson, Ss wil be able to : • Get some rules of the stress in three syllable words. • Use the Passive voice. • Developing speaking, reading, and writing skills. II. TECHNIQUES • Questions- Answers • Complete the sentences III. TEACHING AIDS • Textbook • Worksheet IV. TIME: 45 minutes VI. PROCEDURES I. Warm-up: ( 5 mins ) Pay attention to its stress. +algebra +carefully +politics +physical +computing +compulsory +September - Today, we learn how to pronounce three- syllable words. +algebra +carefully +politics +physical +computing +compulsory +September - Today, we learn how to pronounce three- syllable words. PRONUNCIATION (8’) Ο • • • Ο • • • Ο 1.algebra 2.chemistry 3.Computing 4.Carefully 5.Academic 6.Cinema 7.Politics 8.Primary 9.Compulsory 10.Physical 11.September √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Practise reading the sentences : - Playing the tape, asking students to repeat words and sentences after the tape. - Asking students to practice words and sentences in pairs. Practice these sentences 1. The academic school year generally commences in September. 2. The typical school day normally finishes at 3:00 p.m. in England. 3. The national curriculum is usually set by the government. 4. The GCSE stands for the General Certificate of Secondary Education. 5. English, Maths and Science are compulsory in the national examination at certain stages of the school education system. EXERCISE 1: (10’) • Presentation: - Presenting the example B. Grammar: a) Review some grammar structures: Passive voice. S + to be + past participle *Passive in the simple present. EX1: The academic year in England is divided into three terms. EX2: Cows are milked every day. Form: S + am / is /are +V-ed2. Practice 1: - Asking students to read all the verbs in Exercise 1 - Asking students to do exercise 1 in pairs. - Asking some students to read the sentences aloud - Giving feedback • Exercise 1 : Fill each blank with the simple present passive form of the verb in brackets. • Ex :The academic year in England is divided into three terms 1. Each term……………………………by a one-week break.(separate) . 2. The national curriculum………………………… .by the government and………………………………….in all state school.( set/must follow) . 3. The national curriculum……………………………………of more than ten subjects.(make up) 4. The state school system…………………………….for by the state. (pay) 5. The advanced students………………………………… to take part in the annual International Olympic Competition.(select) is separated is set must be followed is made up is paid are selected [...]... built 2.Were sold 3.has been made 4.Can be bought 5.Are used 6.can be used 7.is kept 8.are done 9.must be told 10.can be done HOMEWORK: (2’) • Learn by heart structures • Do exercises at home • Prepare Unit 5 - Reading Thank you f or you list e ning Unit 4: School education system Section A: Reading I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - know about school education system in England - talk about their problems in their studying II/ Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, III/ Procedure Tim e Content Teacher’ activities Students’ activities 5’ I/ warm up: Hang man S C H O O L SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM II/ Pre- reading: + Vocabulary: -Ask ss to close books -Give instructions -Divide class into 2 groups -Ask ss to guess the word -Choose the winner  lead to the lesson -Listen -Group work - Guess 8’ 5’ - academic (adj) - parallel (adj) - category (n) - fee- paying (adj) - curriculum (n) -  curricula - core (n) *Checking vocabulary: ROR + T/F statement prediction 1. Children start Grade 1 when they are 6 years old 2. Schooling is compulsory from the age of 6 to 16 3. The school year generally begins in September and ends in late May 4. The students do not have any examinations when they finish secondary school 5. A school year consists of two terms -Follow the steps for presenting vocabulary -Rub out - Check - Choose the winner -Show the statements on the bb -Ask ss to read and run through difficult word - and -Read 6’  Keys: 1 2 3 4 5 T F T F T III/ While reading : Task1 .Find words or phrases in the reading passage which have the following meaning 1. Schools in which all children can attend without paying tuition fees 2. A stage of study for children aged from 5 to 10 3. A stage of study for children aged from 11 to 16 4. Put into force by law 5. The examinations children sit at the end of compulsory education 6. A detailed plan for a course of study offered if necessary -Have ss guess -Ask ss to compare -Call on some ss to give the answers -Ask ss to open books and read -Get feedback -Ask ss to read task 1 -Make sure ss understand -Ask ss to read the passage again to find out the words or phrases -Guess -Compare -Give the answers -Read and Check - Give feedback -Read 10’ in a school for college  Keys: 1. state schools 2. primary education 3. secondary education 4. compulsory 5. The General Certificate of Secondary Education 6. curriculum (n) Task2. Answer the questions. 1. When do children in England start their compulsory education at school? 2. How many terms are there in a school year in England? 3. What are the two school systems in England? 4. Do children have to pay fees if they go to “ independent” or “public” school? 5. How many core subjects are there in national curriculum? 6. When can students take the GCSE examination? -Have ss compare with partners -Call on some ss go to the bb and write the words or phrases - Check and correct -Ask ss to read the questions -Make sure ss understand -Ask ss to read the passage carefully and answer the questions -Compare -Give the -Answers -Read -Read the passage carefully -Write the answers 10’ * Keys: 1. From the age of 5 2. 3 terms 3. The state school and the “ independent” or “public” school systems 4. Yes. 5. There are 3 core subjects ( English, Maths, Science) 6. When the students finish the secondary school, they can take an examination called the General Certificate of Secondary Education IV Post reading: Dialogue A B 1. May/ ask/ questions/? Yes 2. You/ have difficulty/your studying /?/ Yes 3. Which school subjects/ you think/ the most difficult/?/ ( Maths/ English… ) _ Have ss compare _Get feedback Have ss write the answers if enough time -Show the cues on the bb Modal if necessary -Ask ss to work in pairs -Go around for help -Call on some pairs to present their -Compare -Give the answers -Look at the cues - Listen -Pair work 1’ 4.What/ you/ do / improve /it/ ?/ ask/ teachers (friends) / help 6. I/ hope / your Tran Phu High School Presented by Nguyen Hoang Linh ... the General Certificate of Secondary Education English, Maths and Science are compulsory in the national examination at certain stages of the school education system II/ Grammar: Passive Voice... be followed in all state schools (set, must follow) and _ is made up of more than ten The national curriculum subjects ( make up) is paid The state school system _ for by the state... kəmp۸lsərı / / septembər / Practise reading these sentences The academic school year generally commences in September The typical school day normally finishes at 3.00 p.m in England The national curriculum

Ngày đăng: 03/10/2017, 16:19