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.1 gladentBa& Polrick Jockson Suson Bonmqn Sileci 'r ()R D pRESS i\y i.i_t/y NOI i (,,;i :At F Dl5Pt OXTORD LTNIVERSITY PRESS OXIORD Olhwrm,Jrprni DaDiel McNeill Yokohrmr 198 MrdisoD AvcDUe Nrw York, NY Io0l6 USA (l.rr alhr.ndon Strl'ct OxtdRl ()x2 6DPIJ( Oxfbr{l Univcrrity 1'rc5s js a dcplrt cnr ot rhc UDive$ny ol-oribd It hrrthers the University s objcdivc ofex(cllcn( in rcscrrch schoh.ship, and cduc.tioD by publishiDg worklwide in Au.klaDd crpcTown Dir cs srhanr Hong KoDg Kr'?.hi Kurh Lunrpur Mrd d Mellroulrrc Mcxico City NJi'obi Neu'Dcthi ShrDgbri Txipei ToroDto YMCA YokohrDr lrpanr Srnrg Hec Pnrk Yonsci tiDivcrr ir y C lnrluar c srhool o l lid u.ir ion, Anyr ng Korcri Juliana Quciroz Pereira Cokigio Mrrinr Aryui.lio(sano rnd coligio L L li.rctz, s:ro Paulo, llrlzili Sandn Puccioni Kat da Cokijaio MoDtcsloriSrnl Tcrczinhn, sro Patrlo, Illazil; Saba a Qhadi, Utrivcrsity ofQrtar Dohr Qrtrr: Knryna Ribeiro Colegio Migueldc ccraxnrcs sno Paulo ll'aziliChrrlie Richrrds The Lernnrg Trce English School Osak!.Jrpan: Mark Riley shaie lDglish school l.t'ipeii John Sanders, Crnelot EDgli$ Stuly Centrc Tokyo.laparr Kaj Schwenrer, Iurcka Lcrning Institutc, Osxkr,Jrprnr Monika Soens Ynrrg Tripei tinfopern s.hdol Trip.i;Jiycon Song, scou1 Kor!.;lrson Stewrt ftejcon Intcrnrtionrl LrD$ugc S(hddl Dicjcon, KorcriDavid Stucker, Myojo lleorent f Scbool Bcppu Jrp.n i Andrew Townsltend, Nar!'il linslish s.hool, lbkyo,JrprD: Thanaphong Udomsrb PetchrbuIi Rrj bhrl Universiry, Ircr.hibroi ThriL'ndr Ali€te Mrra Vcntura, lscola cauDdi Saro Prulo BNzil: Ariel Yao Rcn D! ljnglish School, T:ripei AryentiDr Aust r Brzil Chilc Czcch Rcpublic [r DCe Grcccc curtenuh HuDgrry ltrly liprD I'ohDd loftugrl Sirgxpore Sourh Korc.t Switzedin.l Thiihnd Turk.y Ukhinc Vi.tl[D] oxmRD rnd oxioRD rNcr.'sts arc rcgistcrcd ttrdcDlirks of ttrl.ord ttntveFriy fters r:n enain counrr;cs O Oxtbd Univcsity l,rcss 20l2 Databrsc dght Oxford UniveNity Prcss (mrker) No unauthorized photocopying All rights r€s€wed No part orthis poblicat'on may b rcproduccd stored in a retrieval systern or rrrnsmitted, in ;rny tomr or by.ny lncaDs without the pior pemrission in writing ofOxfbd Univcrsity Press or s cxpressly pcrDittcd by law or uDderterDrs agreed with the approprirte copyright clcrnncc or'.gaDizitioD Lnquirics coDccrDiDg rcp'!duction outsid rhc s.opc ofth rbovc shonld bc scnr to thc LLI Rigbts DcprftDcnt, Oxlbrd Univcrsiry Prcss,.u rhc addrc$ rbovc You hust not.ir.ulrtc this book iD rny othcr bindiDg or.ov.r nLl \(\, murl ilrtu!( lhi\ ,rn( \,rrdir n,n un ,r) r((luir(r ii lhe public donirin rnd theirxddresses xre provided by Oxibrl UDiversity Press fbr infbrDution oDlI Oxlbrd UDjveNity Prcss disclaiDrs lDy rcspoDsjbjlity for thc coDteDt Anyw(bsites njtalred to in this publicatioD arc Cencml Manigcr, Ameic.n tjl;I: hll.n llerl.son Lxc('!lrivs Prblishins Mrnrger: Sheh!.th Specrs M!nrgnrg Iditor: Clrrc Hrnrt,ly Dcvclopnrcnt !ditor: lcnDilcr Wos D.sign d P'oil!.rion Dirc.ror: srsrn Mrnrger Li Donovrn , Dcsi,.an srhstuily SeDior Designer Molly K ScrDloD lnagc Man.g$: liisl[ M.stcrnrl Inagc Ldilor li.;ur Ncwnrrn hoduclioD CooKlinr&r': Ulizrbclh I\'lrtsunmlo SeDior 14inufictIriDS coDrrollcr Ivc Wong ISBN: 978-0.19-,110319.0 studcnr Book witb Audio ct) ISIIN: 978-0.19-.410320.6 Sludcnt tlook xs pa.k ompoDcDt lSllN: 978 19 ,11o:l2l l Aldio CD rs pr.k coDrpoD.nt Th; book is pint(d on prper lilnr (crtiiicd rDd wcu'DuDrgcd v\,rces 109 765,1 321 ftvd Ddrlr{rj l\rolly K s.rnlon Chr tDc chua: 2,.,1, (top), 12, 1,1(bottoDr) 16 171top) 22 24 (bottoDr) 26 27 (top) 30 31 lrop) :12 (borrorr) :1,1, 3s (top) 40 12 (bottou),.1.1, 4s (top), 48, s0, 52, s3 (top) s8 (bottom) 60 (botroln) 62 6:J (rdp) 66 (bortom) 68 (bottonr), 70 71(top), Andy llkcfoD: (boder, bottoDr) 24 (top).2s.42 (top).4:] lll!alkrlidrr lryr 51.58lrop).5q.bOrlopl,6l,-lrbohkllbolluflrl.Kcn(;,'irr'se7 ll 15,,r3.2'}.J2 fuop), 33 (bord.r spot art), 66 (top) 67 (nrid bottonr)i Ann Codwin: 41 46.47 5s; Jannic rloi 5, 23,3s (borl.r, bottoN),38,39,49,64lbottonr).6s.74.7sr NrlhrD Jrryis: 141top) l7 (bor.ler trorrom), 20 2r 27 lbo'dcr, bottoDr), 33 (boy),4s (bordcr, bottom), s3 (bo!der bottom) s6 s7 63 (bolncr bollom).64 (rop).67 (ropl, 68 (top) 69; John Knrt2: (kid stylc rlt) s, 13 2s 31 36 49 73i Schustcr: 72 rl tl.to.qruIiry byi Ricbard HutchnrgqDigit.lLjght Sour(e Qrvcr phords rnd all phoros ofki.ls iD lowcr dAht hrnd omcr ofprges: 2, s 11 1.1 ls 17 19.23,25,27,29,37,33.:t5 37.41.43,.,15, 47, 49 51 53, 55, 59 6l, 63, 65.67 69, 71, xDd 73.Hrddon Davics 30lnothe i :lo (brorhcrJi DcnDis KitchcD studio, IDc., (pcncil)i (pcDcil)i (brckpick)i N,lrrk l\4rur (nolebook)i 19 lbroani): inii Mi.ha.l src irhofcr, 46-47 (tortst brckgrouDd) ?1r prbiisl.6 w.ul.i lik tu rhdtrk tle.lall(^!ir.s./i,rrh.ir lirl p!n i5:si,nr td rllnrlkr thohladfl$r caludr ko scryey/sbuttersiock (peD)i Podfbto/Shu l l ern o(k (bnckpack)i Inrgicovcn/Sh(tte$tock, ,1 (cnscr)i stockb)tc, ,1 (N1cr): Rxfrel IjcrnrDdez Torretshutterstock (pcncil esc)i Grl!shko Serg.y/shutlttalock, s (pcn)i Pctcr cucstShutterstock, s lnrler): Pnul Matthcw Photographv/Sh!it.stock, s {er.ser); ,^ndy crau'ford, 5lpcn(il qsc)i cloli/SbutteNtock 6ltcxrbool): Cor-bis, kl.sk )i Zcdcor Whouy OwDed, (chrnl: Sto(kbvtc I I (l.U ler): Iir n tb/s hrr r.Br o.k I I (pizzi)i c sqhrrd studios I I lbook)i l,hotodis( I I (brerd)r 02008Jupitcr InrrJ.ies I I (norcbodk)i Yo|i shirokov/shurtcrstock, l2{priDt): StcphcD Arron Rect Shuitcrstock l2 (color prpe :Ulrlro o, s.A./shtrrrcrsro.k, l2l.h lk)ill.DisrDd Yulix l,ogostiDs/shuttcrstock l2 (yrrn): Irhoro(ti( l2lghlc)iscrn Nul/shrrrcrsto.k, I2lrrpc)t I.l).s./shuneBro.k l8-l9lbrckgrouDdsdotches)iS!DLu4ik/Shultcblock rB lwrrotrol,n prinrs): lilyrr Prwlowskr/shuttersto.l(, l8lpaint prlettc/bntsh): Yuri shirok.v/shutrcrsrock llilplin():l)horodin.lelghstiArrcrAnur/shurtcrsto.k .oDr, l9 ( jelly)i ulrin rhtrl./shurtcrsiock 19 llitrrrc)r nritzy/Shu(lcrslock l9 (o.in!1c rd)i l,holodis I9 lbh'cbc n icri x (lirc/Slnrttc rstock l9 (cotton brll): nqlnr)ller b['ctshorrr,\ro.k I9 lft'0] Lky chaD/slNttcrstock l9 (lc f)i Digitrl VisioD l9 (elephrnt n(in): Irholodis te {llowcr prrils)i shrn Whne/shurtcrsto.k, 28 lrbrcn9: Stockbyte 30 lhrhct: NrthrD BkD(,y 30 (sislcr)r I'horodis., 30 (grxndD)orhc0r l,hotodis(.30 (grrndtithcr)i Moodboxri.3l (fith(rrDd nrolhcr): ce'rsro.k Imigcs, 3l (sistc'1i l,hotodis( 31 (glrDdnrotheriDd grrndtrtbci: Digitnl Vision 3l (brolherJi l'horodis 36 (ri.c bowl)i ['chs.hcn/shuttcrstock 36 lpizzr)i D HnNt 36 (crkc)r IDgrrnr :16 (br$d): Un:rnicd/Shurr.rsro.k 4l lllowo)i Digital Vision 4l (nrc): Lrura Cirpponi 4l lhkc)i lhotodisc.4 (ivc : DEA/L{ SANTINI/Dc AgostiDi/ccny Imrg.s,,1l (ro.k)iViDccDzo Lonrbr(o,41 thill)i SrbiDe Scheckcl.46-47 (twig llturie)r Iigrrm, 46 (rrrlc): Cyrilhir Kidwc U/shuttc Btock .16 lnog)i Drwid Zrgorski/Sbutterstock 46 (spi(lc i lvgcniy Ayupov/Shullernock, 46 hDr)i nraxstockphoto /sh!rttcrstock .16 (lerf): Photodisc.4s (noDkcy)i Photodis( C.,nrrissi, ACKNOWL!DCI\'IENTS 48 (elcphanr): Phorodis., 43 (r'gc'JrJohD L oxford UnivcBity lllcss wo!ld likc to thank th rholsrnds oficr.hcB whosc opi'rions hclpcd ro inlb i rhis se cs rnd ir p{r'ticuhr rhc lnlldwi'1it 'evi.wcrs: Ayoub Ait Ali Minisrrf ofldu.ation, casabl.Dcr, Mo'o o: Michacl P llassett osrkr lntcrnationalSchool os!k! JrprD i Paul Richad Batt.lilcphnnt s Mcmory Le.rDiDg IDstitute Tri(huDg:Jawidr Ben AIia Inspector Cencrrl fbr EducrtioD, Tunis, lunisiai Clara Lec BroM, UDivc6ity of ltnncsscc, Knoxvillc us^;Dana Buck, Maryrret lr)stitutc ofl.rngurge lMll.), chibr,.)iprni l{obcfta Calderbank, IducrlioDrl Con$rltrnt Riyrdh Srudi Anbir: WhoisukJackie Che HaDkuk UDivcr5ity offoreisD Sn'dics Seonl, (orcr: Ynwen Crthenne Che ldcn Lrn$rge IDstitute.Tii(hLurgrYouna-ae Chung, lntcrmtioDrl cudnrteS.hool oflDglish, scoul, Korc.; Cliudia Colla dc ADrorirn, Lscoh M6bilc, s:io Prulo, llrrzili crace Costa de Oliveira ColCgio Iturcisclno Nossr Scnholr Apare.idr, sio P lo Eftzil Simon Downes Kozy BcxrSchool Tokyo.JrprD: Hanre Uia Uscdh CrniDho Aberto, S:io Piulo, BNzil: Mnrk Evans Wivlon B^N( I-Nbltrge S(hool Kiohsiurgi Sean Crlhgher, Hrppy lDglish club ID , Nagoyr, JrprDi'Ianir Carcia, Montcssori sanr Terczin1- Siio Prulo, Buzili Patricia Gazzi, crisro Rci s.hool, Sao Prulo Btrlzil: Keith Grehan N{osricr LducrtioD Abu Dhlbi Unircd Alnb Enir.tes: Anna K}lngmi Han [B (L,Dglish Brcrk) LrDA'rgc School P:'jn Kotq: Briony Hewitt, ILA Victtranr, Ho chi MiDh ciry, Vi.inrDr; (clly Hsu Kclly tiDglish school,TriDrni lgla KCW Huang Kang NinS lnglish Schodl Hsi'r.h!r L'liaD Itzicovitch L€venthal Colcgio LL Pcrltz Sao hulo BnrziliAaronJolly, IJrnseo Univer5ity ScosxD (orcr: Sern Prn'Seob Kim KrnSseo WoDderhnd Seoul KoH: Charlotte l-ee.Jordrn s LtDgr'.gc s(hool HcrdquafcB, hipcii Hsirng-pao Sarah lin, Lincolu lntenrtioDrll-rnguagc school, l:riDrni David Martin Busy BcrvcB Lnglish Rcsour.cs, Van.onvo, crD.driCotrrad Matsumoto, Clonrid s Lnglish Housc, lkrngtuuri Inrannr Muiott, 48 (berti l,hotodisc, 48 lpcrgoin)i lrhorodisc s0 lerkc)i lDgranr, s0 {gimlTc)i l,hotodisc s0 (lion)i Insr m 50lzcbrn)r CdrbitDigiril sro.k, sa (2cbrtr corcl s.4(kingrroo hopping): l,hotodisc s (bcxrs swnnnriDg): Photixlisc 54 (clcphrnls 413 wilki'lg)i Photodisc, s,1(zcbrrs)i Photodisc s-l lpcnt+'nrs): Colbjs sa (berrs): s4 (krngrrcotr OllhoroSpin I'r./Ahny, s.4(snikc)i (it.h Biitshuttcrstock, Corel s.1 (clepbrDts sectioD B.)r Rccd/Shur ersr o!.k, 55 (binoc!hrs); OI-iwrcrr.c MaDDiig/ corbis,6.4 (tootbprstc)r lngrrDr.64 {toothbrtsh)r shcherbn g.rlyDr/Shuttc$lock 64 (sorp bxckgrouDd)i rchrna bhrrti/shnttcrslo(k, 72 1hriD)i VibHDt lrDrgc Stulio/ Shulrersro(k T2ls.hoolbrti KrD Divics/Mrstcmlc, T2lIruck)r l!o/shuttcBtock, r lulie Col(l: ls 17 51 5:l 9, 33, 43, ,15 Dcvon Thrgrrd: 25 27, 61, 63 IlcDc wciss: 7, 35 69, 7l Rcd Crmncr: 'lloy McDoDrkl rDd lor dr ing Anri Thrnk roo lbr rl1rhc h.lp wirh Daddy\ honcwork PJ Iror Ny in.rcdiblc tiDrily-Riccardo udrcy rnd Nrtrlies B s Welcome Unil I First Dcrg + UniI Art Glcrss t2 Review I 20 Phonics 21 Unit Eirthdcrg P.anty .22 Unit4 Home 30 Review 38 Phonics 39 Unit The Pcrrk Unit The Zoo Review LtO .t18 56 Phonics 57 Unit Science Dqg 58 Unit8 The Tog Store 66 Review + 7+ Phonics + 75 frl Listen, point, ond soy Hello My nome is Emmo Hi My nome is Mike HelloI'm Julie f, ''r,.i# a'm e{ l [[ Emmo Julie tisten, qsk, ond qnswer Then proclice Whqt's your ( !{ ? Sl @ I'm nome? My nome is Mike cDr 0qt) c)' (c Whot's: Whot is I'm: I om Hi Whoi's youn neme? \ r " l., @ w"t"or" ;\a IJqJ f;eFf Og Pro QsJ Jjl((LltlJrrr V,t lVlvXr'Iy Rr $s i 03 Listen, point, ond soy .,i' l 06 H,1s t ) / '',]{ Listen Point +5 f; Count r+ Hi! I I l* Tolk l, lr r'' ur \ Answer o ut N 3! T"AListen, point, ond soy '/r1 L pen fl 8i,r 7b lRencil leroser tisten ond find 6i.i / / & Gl Listen ond sqy Then proctice o pen on eroser It's - It is o 'ri\.\ lil It's: 6co @? Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice i"oo o o Whot is it? It's o pen o It's = It is o 7r2 :;:22 Whqt is it? ff loot< ot Gt Poinl, osk, ond onswer o e whot is il? Il's o ruler g '1f f'r\ \ Li s ten, point, o n ISO I ] v i' \*& ri b o ok book r' \ r'n \,, lno tetr bookk choir desk I O:t 06 @ 'henn proctice Li s len ond soy Th ;n't co notebook It's o book It isn' ir cDl t2'> It's: It is isn'l = is not , ( (\t, i ?:}l rl a g7il ffi #,",rFl -, /$w Sing r3 "*fdJPt**- fl 'i l Whot is it? Whot is it? *',"gfrrisn'r Whot is it? Whot is it? "3 u \ It's q It It'so q ''rll / ";rtn Lislen ond number {a Itisn'to\ f-, rt'so,1"'i It ;.':l , ,#/l isn't h -i, ) ,a) t*t 07 i''{ wf Ii's o chqir Look oround your clossroom Point ond soy - Q, It's o desk It isn't o choir ,^.- { rf r-esson z@ r' Storg Tolk obout the pictures Then listen ond reod I t5 ?,I ffi*m G :fl I'm OK Hi, Donny! How ore you? I'm good I -:lE I f -:^ S J I Lookl vit

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2017, 09:32

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