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Unit12. Reading

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Lesson plan Unit 12: MUSIC READING Week: Period: Time: 45 minutes 1. Objectives: - help students know clearly roles of music in our life - help students train reading skills 2. Teaching aids: pictures, black board, posters. 3. Procedure: Time Contents Teachers’ activities Students’ activities I. WARM-UP 5ms Shows pictures and asks sts to match type of music with the suitable picture Look at the pictures and match Pop music Rock ‘n’ roll Folk music Classical music T: do you often enjoy music? What for? Write on the board what sts answer. - To know clearly roles of music, we study unit 12. Sts: Yes/ no Sts: Relax II. PRE-WRITING 10 ms Vocabulary: sadness happiness anger Emotion (n) : feelings, senses Integral (adj): important Show pictures - What we call these? - What is synonym? Reads aloud and writes on the board We can’t live without water. Water is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to life. T: Synonym of important? T: Integral Reads aloud and asks sts repeat. T: what is this? T: when can we see it? T: “đám tang” in English? T: a funeral Reads and asks sts to repeat Sts: Emotion/ cam xuc Sts: Feelings Repeat Sts: Important Repeat Sts: cái hòm Sts: đám tang Repeat Jazz A funeral (n): đám tang Mournful (adj): tang thương, buồn thảm To lull: ru (ngủ) Shows another picture and circles a person in the picture. T: how does he look like? T: do you know synonym of very sad? T: mournful Reads and asks sts repeat T: when we were young, our mother often did like that to help us sleep well. T: “ru ngủ” in English? T: to lull Reads and asks sts to repeat. Asks sts to copy the new words Checks vocabulary by matching the new words with suitable pictures. Sts: he is very sad. Sts: yes/ no Repeat Sts: ru ngủ Repeat Copy down the new words Look at the pictures, go to the board and put the suitable words. III. WHILE-WRITING 7ms Task 1: Draws the musical note in the board. T: look at the passage quickly T: how many paragraphs are there? T: each paragraph is a role of music. Asks sts to read the passage quickly and pick out the role of music and put it into the blanks. Asks sts share with their friends Goes around to help sts Asks sts to read the answer before going to the board and write the answer. Look at the passage (1m) Sts: 3 Read individually and fill in the blanks( 2ms) Share with friends (2ms) St 1: stands up and gives the answer St 2: repeat St 3: go to the board The ___________ of music entertai ns us helps us to commu nicate Sets the tone for important events and social occasions 10ms 6ms Task 2: 1. If you know English, you can ____________ with people from English – speaking world easily 2. Every night, the mother tells her mother a fairy tale to _________her to sleep. 3. Nam’s success at school ________ his parents. 4. He is an _________ of the team, we can’t do without him. 5. The teacher criticized him with a ___________ expression on her face. 6. Like a lot of men, he finds it hard to express his ___________ 7. With a____________ look on her face, he told us about his uncle’s death. Answer key: 1. Communicate 2. Lull 3. Delights 4. Integral part 5. Solemn 6. Emotion 7. Mournful Task 3: 1. Does music play an important part in our life? Yes, it does. 2. Why is music a powerful means of communication? It can express ideas, thoughts and feelings. 3. How can music set the tone for events and special occasions? It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival and makes a funeral more solemn and mournful. 4. How can music entertain? It makes people happy and excited. Sticks poster on the board Gives instruction Runs through new words, explains how to do Gives time to sts do Calls 2 sts go to the board to write the answers Checks and corrects Asks sts to read the passage again and answer the questions. T: work in group (6 groups) Asks sts to go to the board and write the answers. Corrects. Look at the poster Listen Listen and take note Work individually (3ms) Share with friends (2ms) Go to the board to write the answers Correct Read the passage (3ms) Work in group Go to the board to write the answers. 7ms IV. POST-READING “Music and me” Interview your partners about his / her:  Favorite kind of music and reasons  Favorite singer / band / musician  Favorite songs  Time to listen to music Kid music, lyrical music, symphony, … Relaxing, exciting, joyful, soft rhythm, strong beat T: work in pair Asks sts to interview their partner Sticks poster on the board Gives example Goes around class to observe, ask sts to speak English Look at the poster Practice in pair Homework: - learn by heart vocabulary - put a sentence with each new word . 12: MUSIC READING Week: Period: Time: 45 minutes 1. Objectives: - help students know clearly roles of music in our life - help students train reading skills. passage (3ms) Work in group Go to the board to write the answers. 7ms IV. POST -READING “Music and me” Interview your partners about his / her:  Favorite kind

Ngày đăng: 16/07/2013, 01:25

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