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ĐỀ THỰC HÀNH SỐ KEY Full name: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Line By the mid-nineteenth century, the term "icebox" had entered the American language, but ice was still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States The ice trade grew with the growth of cities Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by some forward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter After the Civil War(1861-1865), as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use Even before 1880, half the ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston and Chicago, went to families for their own use This had become possible because a new household convenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented 10 Making an efficient ice box was not as easy as we might now suppose In the early nineteenth century, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration, was rudimentary The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice from melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling Nevertheless, early efforts to economize ice included 15 wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept the ice from doing its job Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve the delicate balance of insulation and circulation needed for an efficient icebox But as early as 1803, an ingenious Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, had been on the right track He owned a farm about twenty miles outside the city of Washington, for 20 which the village of Georgetown was the market center When he used an icebox of his own design to transport his butter to market, he found that customers would pass up the rapidly melting stuff in the tubs of his competitors to pay a premium price for his butter, still fresh and hard in neat, one-pound bricks One advantage of his icebox, Moore explained, was that farmers would no longer have to travel to market at night in order to keep their produce cool What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The influence of ice on the diet (B) The development of refrigeration © The transportation of goods to market (D) Sources of ice in the nineteenth century According to the passage, when did the word "icebox" become part of the language of the United States? (A) In 1803 (B) Sometime before 1850 © During the Civil War (D) Near the end of the nineteenth century The phrase "forward-looking" in line is closest in meaning to (A) progressive (B) popular © thrifty (D) well-established The author mentions fish in line because (A) many fish dealers also sold ice (B) fish was shipped in refrigerated freight cars © fish dealers were among the early commercial users of ice (D) fish was not part of the ordinary person`s diet before the invention of the icebox The word "it" in line refers to (A) fresh meat (B) the Civil War © ice (D) a refrigerator According to the passage, which of the following was an obstacle to the development of the icebox? (A) Competition among the owners of refrigerated freight cars (B) The lack of a network for the distribution of ice © The use of insufficient insulation (D) Inadequate understanding of physics The word "rudimentary" in line 12 is closest in meaning to (A) growing (B) undeveloped © necessary (D) uninteresting According to the information in the second paragraph, an ideal icebox would (A) completely prevent ice from melting (B) stop air from circulating © allow ice to melt slowly (D) use blankets to conserve ice The author describes Thomas Moore as having been "on the right track" (line18 -19) to indicate that (A) the road to the market passed close to Moore`s farm (B) Moore was an honest merchant © Moore was a prosperous farmer (D) Moore`s design was fairly successful 10 According to the passage, Moore`s icebox allowed him to (A) charge more for his butter (B) travel to market at night © manufacture butter more quickly (D) produce ice all year round Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 11 The smell of the sea his childhood A: took after B: took him in C: took it for granted D: took him back to take sb back to st/sb: gợi cho nhớ lại điều take sb in: lừa take after sb: giống take it for granted: cho điều gò đương nhiên 12 I can’t _ of a word he is saying A: comprehend B: understand C: make sense D: grasp To make sense of st = to understand st comprehend + N understand + N grasp+ N: nắm bắt 13 Larry drove all night to get here for his sister's wedding He exhausted by the time he arrived A: ought to be B: must have been C: will have been D: could be cấu trúc mang tính đoán việc hẳn xảy khứ could be : đoán ought to be: nên làm, phải làm (ở tại) 14 We are no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here A: to B: at C: with D: under cấu trúc câu: to be under no obligation to st: nghĩa vụ phải làm gì, không cần phải… 15 Not only the exam but she also got a scholarship A: did she pass B: she has passed C: has she passed D: she passed Not only đứng đầu câu, câu phải đảo ngữ câu hỏi 16 After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents A: come into B: grown up C: put up D: brought up Nghĩa từ “raise” câu nuôi nấng 17 Nothing the ordinary ever happens here A: from B: within C: about D: out of out of the ordinary: khác thường 18 All the sentences below use ‘the’, which one is correct? A: Can you pass the sugar please? B: The apples are good for you C: The crime is a problem in many big cities D: I love the skiing mạo từ “the” dùng đpối tượng nói tới lọ đường mà người nói nghe biết rõ 19 "You _ put the car in the garage I'm going out in it later" A: needn't B: mustn't C: can't D: haven't mustn’t + V: không phép làm needn’t + V: không cần thiết phải làm = don’t have to + V can’t + V: Không thể làm (nói khả năng) 20 Some fish can survive in salt water, other species can live only in fresh water A: whereas B: since C: where D: as long as 21 He gave me his personal _ that his draft would be ready by Friday A: insurance B: ensurance C: endurance D: assurance sụ đảm bảo (sự việc đó) 22 Instead of being excited about the good news, Ted seemed to be A: indifferent B: unlikely C: ignorant D: unexpected Nghĩa thờ ơ, phù hợp nghĩa câu 23 If you want to get better, exactly _ your doctor tells you A: like B: the same C: alike D: as as + N/ Clause: dung để đối chiếu với tượng, vật đó: like + N: dung để ví von (không có thật) (Nếu thành phần phía sau Clause chắn phải chọn as, thành phần phía sau N, phải xét nghĩa.) 24 Many a _ it difficult to avoid the interference of mass media in their life A: pop stars finds B: pop star find C: pop star finds D: pop stars find Many a + N (singular) + V (singular) = many + N (plural) + V (plural)  formal 25 All candidates will be treated equally, of their age or back ground A: irrespective B: discounting C: notwithstanding D: irrelevant irrespective of = regardless of : irrelevant to: không lien quan tới discounting+ N: không tính đến nothwithstanding = despite st 26 He tried to limit himself to _ 10 cigarettes a day A: smoke B: have smoked C: be smoking D: smoking To limit oneself to + V-ing: hạn chế thân làm 27 The tin opener seemed for left-hand people A: to design B: to be designed C: designing D: being designed seem to V: dường làm gì, câu phải dung bị động nên có seem to be + PII 28 Conservationists that experiments on animals be stopped A: complained B: said C: banned D: recommended Dựa vào động từ “be” vế câu, suy cấu trúc thức giả định (subjunctive mood) phải dung Sb recommend that + N+ bare V 29 _ , the results couldn't be better A: Despite how hard he tried B: Although very hard he tried C: No matter what he tried hard D: No matter how hard he tried Câu có trạng từ “hard” nên phải dung từ “how” No matter how + Adj/ Adv + S + V Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions 30 A: panel B: chapter C: manage D: yacht 31 A: missed B: naked C: smoked D: stopped Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word for each the blanks: The next generation of telephone users will probably laugh (51) we explain how we used to stand next to a wall in the kitchen to (52) a phone call Mobile communications, already highly advanced compared with a decade ago, will completely change communications in the next few years (53) there are millions of people using mobile phones, most people know (54) about the mobile telecommunications industry and its technology There are three types of mobile phone These are hand portables, pocket-sized hand portables and transportables The smallest and most popular are the pocketsized hand portables These work on rechargeable batteries, which allow an (55) of up to 80 minutes' conversation Mobile s that are fitted permanently in a vehicle not (56) on separate batteries They require an external aerial on the vehicle This can mean a stronger signal with clearer (57) Transportables have a high power capability and can be used (58) anywhere They come with powerful battery packs for longer, continuous use and may also be put (59) a vehicle, using its electrics They (60) to be bulkier than hand portables 32 A: whether B: while C: unless D: when 33 A: make B: C: give D: take 34 A: In addition B: Although C: As a result D: Because 35 A: little B: few C: some D: lots 36 A: average B: account C: activity D: amount 37 A: rely B: carry C: insist D: create 38 A: letter B: wave C: speed D: speech speech (tiếng nói, lời thoại) Đây danh từ có nghĩa câu 39 A: mostly B: most C: almost D: hardly.8 (almost thường với everywhere, anywhere, every, all…) 40 4.A: into9 B: on with C: in to D: up with Giới từ hướng chuyển động 41 4.A: used10 B: tend C: are D: have Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time University students frequently the minimum of work because they’re crazy about a good social life instead Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring They have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams But the story is different when you’re older Over the years, I’ve done my share of adult learning At 30, I went to a college and did courses in History and English It was an amazing experience For starters, I was paying, so there was no reason to be late – I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was late, not the other way round Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance I wasn’t frightened to ask questions, and home work was a pleasure not a pain When I passed an exam, I had passed it form eand meal one, not for my parents or my teachers The satisfaction I got was entirely personal Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of other things since you were young It has learnt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing to another What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department In some ways, age is a positive plus For instance, when you’re older, you get less frustrated Experience has told you that, if you’re calm and simply some thing carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it The confidence you have in other areas – from being able to drive a car, perhaps – means that if you can’t, say, build a chair instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to destroy your first pathetic attempts Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music And coming back to it, with a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and with musical concepts that, at the age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical Initially, I did feel a bit strange, thumping out a piece that I’d played for my school exams, with just as little comprehension of what the composer intended as I’d had all those years before But soon, complex emotions that I never knew poured out from my fingers, and suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect 42 It is implied in paragraph that A: young learners often lack a good motivation for learning B: parents should encourage young learners to study more C: teachers should give young learners less homework D: young learners are usually lazy in their class Thông tin nằm đoạn “It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time University students frequently the minimum of work because they’re crazy about a good social life instead Children often scream before their piano practice because it’ 43 The writer’s main point in paragraph is to show that as people grow up, A: they get more impatient with their teachers B: they tend to learn less as they are discouraged C: they have a more positive attitude towards learning D: they cannot learn as well as younger learners 44 The phrase “For starters” in paragraph could best be replaced by “ ” A: First and foremost B: At the starting point C: At the beginning D: For beginners 45 While doing some adult learning courses at a college, the writer was surprised A: to feel learning more enjoyable B: to have more time to learn C: to be able to learn more quickly D: to get on better with the tutor 46 In paragraph 3, the word “rusty” means A: not as good as it used to be through lack of practice B: staying alive and becoming more active C: impatient because of having nothing to D: covered with rust and not as good as it used to be Nghĩa “rusty” gỉ sét, câu theo nghĩa bóng không thành thạo xưa thiếu rèn luyện Các đáp án lại không hợp nghĩa 47 The phrase “get there” in paragraph is closest in meaning to “ ” A: achieve your aim with hard work B: receive a school or college degree C: have the things you have long desired D: arrive at an intended place with difficulty 48 All of the following are true about adult learning EXCEPT A: young people usually feel less patient than adults B: adults think more independently and flexibly than young peopleChọn câu trả lời đúng: C: experience in doing other things can help one’s learning D: adult learners have fewer advantages than young learners Nội dung câu lệch so với ý văn Nội dung đoạn 2,3,4 cho thấy lợi ích học tuổi trưởng thành Ba lựa chọn lại có 49 It can be inferred from paragraph that maturity is a positive plus in the learning process because adult learners A: pay more attention to detail than younger learners B: are able to organize themselves better than younger learners C: have become more patient than younger learners D: are less worried about learning than younger learners Thông tin đoạn 50 It is implied in the last paragraph that when you learn later in life, you A: are not able to concentrate as well as when you were younger B: find that you can recall a lot of things you learnt when younger C: should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger D: can sometimes understand more than when you were younger Tác giả chứng ming học lại trưởng thành hiểu điều mà hồi bè không hiểu “I hated piano……why practice makes perfect” 51 What is the writer’s main purpose in the passage? A: To encourage adult learning B: To show how fast adult learning is C: To describe adult learning methods D: To explain reasons for learning Tác giả lấy kinh nghiệm cá nhân để chứng ming lợi ích việc học lại trưởng thành, suy tác giả khích lện người khác nên làm theo Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction 52 When the children realized that they were by themselves in the dark, they became really frightening frightening phải sữa thành frightened 53 She finds the work she has to quite easily; boredom is her biggest problem Easily sửa thành easy Cấu trúc: Find + st + Adj: Nhận thấy điều 54 There are many researches show that various species of animals have been extinct Show sửa thành showing, mệnh đề quan hệ rút gọn 55 Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been forced to alter their eating habits Raise + N (ngoại động từ) phải sửa thành Rise (nội động từ) 56 What we know about certain diseases are still not sufficient to prevent them from spreading easily among the population What we know about certain diseases chủ ngữ câu nên động từ phải chia số ít, sửa thành “is” A 57 Drink only tepid liquids A) slightly warm B) very hot C) slightly cool D) very cold 58 One of the responsibilities of a forest ranger is to drive slowlythrough the area in search of animals in distress A) cruise A B) race C) skid D) swerve 59 I always thought ornithology was for older people not for teenagers A) rock-climbing B) the study of birds C) deep-sea diving D) free-fall parachuting 60 Early log cabins were crude if sturdy structures A) unpainted B) resilient B D C) unseasoned D) rough C 61 The harp, with up to 47 strings, produces the most tones of any stringed instrument A) noise B) melodies C) sounds D) scales Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three 62: A represent B intensive C domestic D employment 63: A promote B labor C women D country 64: A regional B establish C educate D operate PART 2: WRITING TASK (2.0p) You should spend about 30 minutes writing a paragraph Part A Finish each of the following sentences in s uch a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university - After ( spending seven years at secondary school I went to university.) She doesn’t get on well with her neighbor any more - She has (fallen out with her neighbor.) These bookshelves are my own work - I made (these bookshelves by myself.) Tom does a very good immitation of the English teacher - Tom takes (off the English teacher very well) It wasn’t necessary for you to go to so much trouble on my behalf - You needn’t (have gone to so much trouble on my behalf.) Part B In about 140 words, write about your favorite music In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your favorite music There are many kinds of music but Pop is my favorite one, and I like it for some reasons Firstly, it really helps me to relieve stress Whenever I feel down or tired, I usually listen to pop music to relax or fall asleep Then, my feeling actually becomes better Secondly, music helps me to make friends In my university, I have found many new friends who have the same passion for music When we have free time, we usually talk about a song and sing it together As a result, the number of my friends is increasing significantly Finally, music also helps me to work more effectively It is true that I am very lazy of cleaning my room, but when I listen to a pop song, I very well and fast In brief, music is an important part of my life, it brings many changes to me that I see music as a friend of mine ... hand portables 32 A: whether B: while C: unless D: when 33 A: make B: C: give D: take 34 A: In addition B: Although C: As a result D: Because 35 A: little B: few C: some D: lots 36 A: average... account C: activity D: amount 37 A: rely B: carry C: insist D: create 38 A: letter B: wave C: speed D: speech speech (tiếng nói, lời thoại) Đây danh từ có nghĩa câu 39 A: mostly B: most C: almost... pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions 30 A: panel B: chapter C: manage D: yacht 31 A: missed B: naked C: smoked D: stopped Read the passage and mark the letter

Ngày đăng: 08/09/2017, 14:21

