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Students Book Stage English in a quarter of the time! The Callan đ Method was first developed and published in 1960 by R.K T Callan This edition was published for the international market in 2012 Copyright â R.K.T Callan 2012 Students Book Stage eISBN 978-1-78229-008-7 CALLAN and the CALLAN logo are registered trade marks of Callan Works Limited, used under licence by Callan Publishing Limited Conditions of sale All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser Published by CALLAN PUBLISHING LTD Orchard House, 45-47 Mill Way, Grantchester, Cambridge CB3 9ND in association with CALLAN METHOD ORGANISATION LTD www.callan.co.uk 1BSBPCUFOFSMBUSBEVDDJOEFFTUFQSFGBDJPFOFTQBPM WJTJUBS www.callan.co.uk/preface/es 1FSVOBUSBEV[JPOFEJRVFTUBQSFGB[JPOFJO*UBMJBOP WJTJUBSFJMTJUP www.callan.co.uk/preface/it 1BSBPCUFSVNBUSBEVĐÊPEFTUFQSFGĂDJPFNQPSUVHVêT WJTJUF www.callan.co.uk/preface/pt ;QPMTLJNUỷVNBD[FOJFNUFHPXTUìQVNPOB[BQP[OBầTJìOBTUSPOJF www.callan.co.uk/preface/pl 1PVSPCUFOJSMBUSBEVDUJPOEFDFUUFQSâGBDFFOGSBOĐBJT SFOEF[WPVTTVSMFTJUF www.callan.co.uk/preface/fr #VảOTả[ẳO5ẳSLĐFĐFWJSJTJJĐJOBBíởEBLJXFCBESFTJOJ[JZBSFUFEJO www.callan.co.uk/preface/tr  www.callan.co.uk/preface/ch  www.callan.co.uk/preface/jp  www.callan.co.uk/preface/ar Welcome to the Callan Method Learning English with the Callan Method is fast and effective! The Callan Method is a teaching method created specifically to improve your English in an intensive atmosphere The teacher is constantly asking questions, so you are hearing and using the language as much as possible When you speak in the lesson, the teacher corrects your grammar and pronunciation mistakes, and you learn a lot from this correction The Callan Method teaches English vocabulary and grammar in a carefully programmed way, with systematic revision and reinforcement In the lesson, there is a lot of speaking and listening practice, but there is also reading and writing so that you revise and consolidate what you have learned With the Callan Method, the teacher speaks quickly so that you learn to understand English when it is spoken at natural speed This also means that everyone is concentrating hard all the time English in a quarter of the time The Callan Method can teach English in a quarter of the time taken by any other method on the market Instead of the usual 350 hours necessary to get the average student to the level of the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET), the Callan Method can take as little as 80 hours, and only 160 hours for the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) The method is suitable for students of all nationalities, and ages It requires no equipment (not even a whiteboard) or other books, and can be used for classes at private schools, state schools and universities It is also possible for students to use the books to practise with each other when they are not at school In addition to this, students can practise their English online using the interactive exercises, which are available to students who study at licensed schools Ask your school for details The Callan Method in practice A Callan Method English lesson is probably very different from lessons you have done in the past You not sit in silence, doing a reading comprehension test or a grammar exercise from a book You not have free conversation, where you only use the English you already feel comfortable with Of course, activities like this can help you, but you can them at home with a book, or in a coffee bar In a Callan Method lesson, you are busy with important activities that you cannot outside the classroom You are listening to English all the time You are speaking English a lot, and all your mistakes are corrected You learn quickly because you are always surrounded by English There is no silence and no time to get bored or lose your concentration And it is also fun! So, what exactly happens in a Callan Method lesson, and how does it work? The teacher asks you questions The Callan Method books are full of questions Each question practises a word, an expression, or a piece of grammar The teacher is standing, and asks the questions to the students one by one You never know when the teacher will ask you, so you are always concentrating When one student finishes answering one question, the teacher immediately starts to ask the next question The teacher speaks quickly The teacher in a Callan Method lesson speaks quickly This is because, in the real world, it is natural to speak quickly If you want to understand normal English, you must practise listening to quick natural speech and become able to understand English without first translating into your language This idea of not translating is at the centre of the Callan Method; this method helps you to start thinking in English Also, we not want you to stop and think a lot about the grammar while you are speaking We want you to speak as a reflex, instinctively And not worry about mistakes You will, naturally, make a lot of mistakes in the lessons, but Callan Method teachers correct your mistakes, and you learn from the corrections When you go home, of course it will help if you read your book, think about the grammar, study the vocabulary, and all the things that language students at home but the lessons are times to practise your listening and speaking, with your books closed! The teacher says every question twice, and helps you with the answer In the lesson, the teacher speaks quickly, so we say the questions twice This way, you have another chance to listen if you did not understand everything the first time The teacher then immediately says the beginning of the answer This is to help you (and push you) to start speaking immediately So, for example: Teacher: Are there two chairs in this room? Are there two chairs in this room? No, there arent Student (immediately): No, there arent two chairs in this room; there are twelve chairs in this room. If the teacher does not push you by giving you the beginning of the answer, you might start to think too much, and translate into your language The teacher will speak along with you all the time while you are saying your answer So, if you forget a word or you are not sure what to say, you will always hear the next word or two from the teacher You should repeat after the teacher, but immediately try again to continue with the answer yourself You must always try to continue speaking, and only copy the teacher when you cannot continue alone That way, you will become more confident and learn more quickly Never simply wait for help from the teacher and then copy you will not improve so quickly Long answers, with the same grammar as the question We want you to practise your speaking as much as possible, so you always make complete sentences when you speak in the lesson, using the same grammatical structure as in the question For example: Teacher: About how many pages are there in this book? Student: There are about two hundred pages in that book. In this way, you are not just answering a question; you are making full sentences with the vocabulary and the grammar that you need to learn Correction by imitation With the Callan Method, the teacher corrects all your mistakes the moment you make them The teacher corrects you by imitating (copying) your mistake and then saying the correct pronunciation/form of the word For example, if you say He come from Spain, the teacher quickly says not come - comes This correction by imitation helps you to hear the difference between your mistake and the proper English form You should immediately repeat the correct word and continue with your sentence You learn a lot from this correction of your mistakes, and constant correction results in fast progress Contracted forms In the lesson, the teacher uses contractions (e.g the teacher says I dont instead of I not) This is because it is natural to use contractions in spoken English and you must learn to understand them Also, if you want to sound natural when you speak, you must learn to use contractions Lesson structure Every school is different, but a typical 50-minute Callan lesson will contain about 35 minutes of speaking, a 10-minute period for reading, and a 5-minute dictation The reading practice and the dictation are often in the middle of the lesson In the reading part, you read and speak while the teacher helps you and corrects your mistakes In the dictation, you practise your writing, but you are also listening to the teacher So, a 50-minute Callan lesson is 50 minutes of spoken English with no silence! No chatting Although the Callan Method emphasises the importance of speaking practice, this does not mean chatting (free conversation) You learn English quickly with the Callan Method partly because the lessons are organised, efficient, fast and busy There is no time wasted on chatting; this can be done before or after the lesson Chatting is not a good way to spend your time in an English lesson First, only some of the students speak Second, in a chat, people only use the English that they already know Third, it is difficult for a teacher to correct mistakes during a conversation The Callan Method has none of these problems All through the lesson, every student is listening and speaking, practising different vocabulary and structures, and learning from the correction of their mistakes And nobody has time to get bored! Repeat, repeat, repeat! Systematic revision In your native language, you sometimes read or hear a word that you not already know You usually need to read or hear this new word only once or twice in order to remember it and then use it yourself However, when you are learning a foreign language, things are very different You need to hear, see and use words and grammatical structures many times before you really know them properly So your studies must involve a system of revision (repeating what you have studied before) This is absolutely essential If there is no system of revision in your studies, you will forget what you have studied and will not be able to speak or understand better than before In every Callan Method lesson, of course you learn new English, practise it, and progress through your book However, you also a lot of revision so that you can really learn what you have studied Your teacher can decide how much revision your class needs, but it will always be an important part of your studies Also, because there is a lot of revision, it is not important for you to understand everything the first time; it gets easier The revision with Callan is automatic and systematic Every day you a lot of revision and then learn some new English Revision in reading and dictation too The reading and dictation practice in the lessons is part of Callans systematic revision as well First, you learn a new word in the speaking part of the lesson; a few lessons later, you meet it again when you are reading; finally, the word appears in a dictation This is all written into the Callan Method; it happens automatically Correcting your dictations With the Callan Method, there is little or no homework to do, but it is very important that you correct your dictations These are printed in your book and so you can easily correct them at home, on the bus, or wherever It is important to this because it helps you to learn the written forms of the words you have already studied in earlier lessons Your first lessons with the Callan Method During your first lesson with the Callan Method, all of the questions and some of the vocabulary are new for you; you have not done any revision yet For this reason, the teacher may not ask you many questions You can sit and listen, and become more familiar with the method - the speed, the questions, the correction etc History of the Callan Method Robin Callan Robin Callan is the creator of the Callan Method He owns the Callan School in Londons Oxford Street He also runs Callan Publishing Limited, which supplies Callan Method books to schools all over the world Robin Callan grew up in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England In his early twenties, he went to Italy to teach English in Salerno Although he enjoyed teaching, Robin thought that the way in which teachers were expected to teach their lessons was inefficient and boring He became very interested in the mechanisms of language learning, and was sure that he could radically improve the way English was taught He remained in Italy and started to write his own books for teaching English He used these in his own classes and, over the following ten years, gained an immense amount of practical experience and a reputation for teaching English quickly and effectively When he returned to England, he opened his school in Oxford Street As the method became more and more popular with students, the school grew and moved to larger premises Robin continued to write his Callan Method books, and today the method is used by schools all over the world Robin Callan has always been passionate about English literature, especially poetry For this reason, he bought The Orchard Tea Garden in Grantchester, near Cambridge, which attracts thousands of tourists each year Throughout the 20th century, it was a popular meeting place for many famous Cambridge University students and important figures from English literature, such as Rupert Brooke, Virginia Woolf and E.M Forster Today, it is also home to the Rupert Brooke Museum Mr Callan now lives in Grantchester, but still plays an active role in the management of the Callan School in London The Callan School in Londons Oxford Street The largest private school in London The Callan School in Oxford Street is the largest private school in London teaching English as a foreign language Depending on the time of year, the school employs between 60 and 100 teachers and has an average of 1600 students passing through its doors every day This number rises to more than 2000 in the middle of summer, similar to a small university Websites Please visit the following websites for more information: Callan Method http://www.callan.co.uk Lots of information, including a list of schools around the world that use the method Callan School London http://www.callanschoollondon.com/en/callan-school All you need to know about the largest private English language school in London STAGE Spanish vocabulary LESSON 127 697 social social 697 edge filo, borde; acercar(se) / avanzar poco a poco 697 little by little .lentamente, poco a poco 697 intend tener la intenciún, pensar (en hacer algo) 697 tin .lata, estaủo, hojalata 697 preserve conservar 697 aluminium aluminio 698 on average de media, como promedio/tộrmino medio 699 sympathy compasiún, lỏstima 700 reckon creer, considerar, pensar 700 airline aerolớnea 700 horrible horrible/s 700 anxiety ansiedad 700 anxious ansioso/a/os/as 700 possession posesiún 701 entertain recibir como invitado/a/os/as 701 background .fondo, segundo plano (cosa), historial, experiencia (persona) 701 apply solicitar, aplicar(se) 701 highly altamente, muy 701 the Browns los Browns 702 ancient antiguo/a/os/as 702 Egypt Egipto 702 degree grado 702 angle ỏngulo 702 right angle ỏngulo recto 702 grade nota, calificaciún 702 centigrade centớgrado 702 somewhat algo, un tanto 702 at all en absoluto, nada, para nada 703 unity unidad LESSON 128 704 confident .con/ que tiene confianza o seguridad 704 now that ahora que 705 agree about estar de acuerdo sobre 705 agree that .estar de acuerdo en que 705 agree to estar de acuerdo en 705 agree with estar de acuerdo 705 take care .tener cuidado, cuidar(se) 705 run over atropellar 705 care for gustar 706 I dare say creo que, me imagino que 706 daring audacia, coraje 706 require requerir, exigir 706 conserve ahorrar, conservar 706 eager ansioso/a/os/as, entusiasta/s 706 rub frotar 706 rub out borrar 706 rubber goma 707 face dar a (un lugar), estar orientado/a/os/as 707 face to face cara a cara 707 god dios 707 thus por lo tanto, de ese modo 708 economize economizar, ahorrar 708 involve .suponer, consistir, involucrar, implicar 708 attack atacar 708 scarcely apenas 708 scarce escaso/a/os/as 709 impression impresiún 709 bury enterrar 709 cemetery cementerio 709 anger .enfadar 709 additional adicional/es 709 insult (v) insultar 709 insult (n) insulto 710 madness .locura LESSON 129 712 afraid of miedo de 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 713 714 714 714 714 714 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 716 716 716 716 716 716 afraid that miedo de que + frase afraid to miedo de + verbo crash .accidente, choque whiskers bigotes de un animal gap espacio, hueco, .gap year = aủo sabỏtico que se toman .algunos estudiantes fence valla hedge seto hall salún, sala grande entrance .entrance hall = hall, vestớbulo, entrada town hall .ayuntamiento pool charca/charco; piscina liquid lớquido indoor interior/es outdoor exterior/es indoors dentro outdoors fuera, al aire libre out of doors fuera, al aire libre knee rodilla kneel knelt knelt arrodillarse late ỳltimo/a/os/as, anterior/es, difunto/a, antiguo lately ỳltimamente match combinar, hacer juego, medirse con, partido judo judo funeral funeral mystery misterio path camino, senda, sendero insure asegurar insurance seguro theft .robo throne trono annoy molestar, irritar, fastidiar fly mosca fall asleep quedarse dormido/a/os/as sore dolorido/a/os/as, irritado/a/os/as design (v) diseủar LESSON 130 718 compound compuesto/a/os/as 719 currency divisa, moneda 719 unit unidad 719 penny penique 719 pence plural de penny (penique) cuando se habla del valor del dinero 720 slow down .reducir velocidad, ralentizar 720 speed up acelerar 720 in addition to ademỏs de 720 forbid forbade forbidden prohibir 720 peculiar peculiar/es 720 peculiarity peculiaridad 721 suffix sufijo 721 either of them .cualquiera .de ellos/as 721 neither of them ninguno .de ellos/as 721 screw tornillo 721 screwdriver destornillador 722 maximum mỏximo 722 minimum mớnimo 722 point sentido, propúsito, punto, cuestiún 722 essay redacciún, composiciún, .trabajo, ensayo 722 paragraph pỏrrafo 722 pad acolchar, tener relleno, almohadilla 722 cotton wool algodún, guata 722 absorb absorber 722 reach out extender la mano 723 scale escala 723 corner acorralar; esquina, rincún LESSON 131 724 chance .oportunidad 724 by chance .por casualidad 725 take hold of agarrarse a 725 take by surprise pillar por sorpresa 725 take a look echar una ojeada 725 second-hand segunda mano 725 temptation tentaciún 725 dishonest deshonesto/a/os/as, fraudulento/a/os/as 725 view vista 725 hide hid hidden esconder 726 liar mentiroso/a 726 pay attention prestar atenciún 726 detail detalle 727 sweat sudar 727 nervous nervioso/a/os/as 727 underneath debajo 727 unlike a diferencia de 727 wander pasear 727 distinguish distinguir 727 a while un rato LESSON 132 729 still todavớa 729 yet .todavớa, ya 729 annoyance molestia, fastidio 730 according to .segỳn 730 in my opinion en mi opiniún, a mi parecer 730 band pandilla, grupo musical, banda de mỳsica, banda (material) 730 disturbance alboroto, disturbio 730 military militar/es 731 link .vớnculo, conexiún, enlace 731 browse .navegar por internet, curiosear, echar un ojeada 731 carriage vagún de tren, carro, carruaje 731 invention invenciún 731 explanation explicaciún 732 about sobre, en, por ahớ 732 for days and days (durante) .un montún de dớas 732 what about (you) y tỳ? 732 bitter amargo/a/os/as, resentido/a/os/as, amargado/a/os/as 732 dissatisfaction descontento, insatisfacciún 733 neat ordenado/a/os/as, arreglado/a/os/as 733 poverty pobreza 733 admire .admirar 733 admiration admiraciún 733 generous generoso/a/os/as LESSON 133 736 hitchhike hacer dedo, .hacer autostop 736 dear querido/a/os/as, valioso/a/os/as, caro/a/os/as 736 easy cúmodo/a/os/as, fỏcil/es 736 ease aliviar, facilidad 736 at ease a gusto 736 ill at ease incúmodo/a/os/as 737 to be obliged verse obligado/a/os/as 737 steal .robar 737 rob .robar 737 robbery .robo 737 thief ladrún/ladrona 737 mask mỏscara, careta 738 handle manejar, tratar, picaporte, pomo 738 gentle suave/s, delicado/a/os/as 738 hand-in-hand de la mano 738 arm-in-arm del brazo 738 custom costumbre 738 girlfriend .novia 738 boyfriend novio 739 enable capacitar, permitir 739 instruction instrucciún 739 booklet folleto 739 tender blando/a/os/as, tierno/a/os/as 739 tough duro/a/os/as 739 lovingly .con ternura, cariủosamente LESSON 134 741 in my view en mi opiniún 741 from my point of view .desde mi punto de vista 741 if you ask me si quieres saber mi opiniún, para mớ 741 as far as Im concerned en lo que a mớ respecta, para mớ 742 clockwise en el sentido de las agujas del reloj 742 anticlockwise en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj 742 symbol .sớmbolo 742 @ = at @ = arroba 742 = dot = punto 742 inquire (or enquire) preguntar, pedir informaciún, informarse 742 inquiry (or enquiry) pregunta, investigaciún 742 escape escapar 742 prisoner prisionero/a 743 regret arrepentirse, lamentar 743 wipe secar 743 forehead frente 743 towel toalla 743 interest interộs 743 shares .acciones 743 tidiness orden 744 preferable preferible/s 744 largely en gran o en buena parte, mayormente 744 quality calidad 745 may as well mejor + hacer/no hacer algo 745 might as well mejor + hacer/no hacer algo 745 on account of a causa de 745 energetic energộtico/a/os/as 745 breath aliento, respiraciún 745 breathe respirar 745 out of breath sin aliento, sin respiraciún 745 through por medio de, por causa de, por 746 clothing ropa LESSON 135 748 to take into account tener en cuenta 748 tip punta, propina 748 make up your mind decidirse 748 delicate .delicado/a/os/as 748 observe observar 748 observation observaciún 749 historic histúrico/a/os/as 749 paw pata (de animal) 749 claw garra, zarpa 749 wooden de madera 749 hut cabaủa, choza 749 woollen de lana 749 silken sedoso/a/os/as, como la seda 749 golden dorado/a/os/as 750 every other day cada dos dớas, (en) dớas alternos 750 assist ayudar, asistir 750 assistant dependiente/a (de un comercio) 750 pushchair silla/sillita (de niủo/a) 750 otherwise por lo demỏs, aparte de eso 750 engaged ocupado/a/os/as 750 perform .actuar, ejecutar 750 performance actuaciún 750 trick truco 750 magic mỏgico/a/os/as 751 envy envidia 751 envious .envidioso/a/os/as 751 celebrity celebridad 751 fame fama 751 advice (n) consejo 751 advise (v) aconsejar 751 751 751 751 751 751 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 practice (n) prỏctica practise (v) practicar licence (n) licencia license (v) conceder una licencia record (n) rộcord record (v) anotar, grabar scatter esparcir, dispersar(se) plant plantar row fila, hilera disorderly desordenado/a/os/as, alborotado/a/os/as tap dar un toque/golpecito, (water) tap = grifo turn on abrir (un grifo) pollution contaminaciún, poluciún polluted contaminado/a/os/as LESSON 136 754 slight leve/s, ligero/a/os/as 754 upside down al revộs, boca abajo 754 right way up la posiciún correcta 755 feather pluma 755 wear desgastar, wear a hole = hacer un agujero (por desgaste) 755 sleeve manga 755 mend coser, remendar 755 worn out exhausto/a/os/as, muy cansado/a/os/as 755 exhausted exhausto/a/os/as 755 qualification tớtulo 755 debt deuda 756 interrupt interrumpir 756 interruption interrupciún 756 if only ! Ăojalỏ! Ăsi por lo menos + verbo! 756 act actuar, act 756 capable capaz/capaces 756 bar prohibir, excluir, bloquear, barrote, barra 756 lock cerrar llave, cerrar bajo llave 757 cart carro, carreta 757 deceive engaủar 757 complain quejarse 757 complaint queja 758 either side ambos lados 758 faint .desmayarse, leve/s, ligero/a/os/as 758 excitement excitaciún, entusiasmo 758 fear miedo 759 happen to dar la casualidad de que + verbo 759 outwards hacia afuera, hacia el exterior 759 inwards hacia adentro, hacia el interior 759 lean .inclinarse, apoyarse 759 beneath bajo 759 give way ceder 759 mankind humanidad 759 mate amigo/a, colega 760 zoo zoo 760 cage jaula 760 monkey mono 760 ape simio 760 closely estrechamente LESSON 137 761 it is not so no es asớ, no es verdad 761 so, you have come! Ăo sea, que has venido! 761 it so happens da la casualidad de que 761 I told you so ya te lo de yo 761 just (exactly) justamente, justo, exactamente 761 melt derretir(se) 761 have something to with tener algo que ver, estar relacionado 762 pick at .comer poca gana, picotear 762 pick out elegir, seleccionar 762 regard considerar 762 regards saludos 762 greet saludar 762 greetings saludos 762 bye-bye adiús 762 see you hasta luego 762 scent olor, aroma 762 give off .con scent = despedir, soltar aroma/olor 763 welcome .dar la bienvenida (verbo), .bienvenido/a/os/as (adjetivo) 763 go right ir bien 763 temper carỏcter, genio, humor 763 lose ones temper .perder la calma o los estribos 763 thoughtful pensativo/a/os/as 763 go bad food (comida) .= ponerse mala 763 by now para estas horas, para estas fechas 764 warn advertir 764 ahead adelante 764 triangle triỏngulo 764 mercy clemencia, misericordia 764 desire deseo 764 ignore .ignorar 765 upright .erguido/a/os/as, derecho/a/os/as 765 lung pulmún 765 organ úrgano 765 seldom rara vez, pocas veces, casi nunca 765 work out solucionar 765 confusion .confusiún 765 electrical .elộctrico/a/os/as 766 advance avanzar, avance 766 step by step paso a paso 766 progress avanzar, progresar 766 in advance por adelantado 766 in arrears cobrar a mes vencido 766 cuff puủo de una manga 766 preparation preparaciún 767 valley valle 767 injustice injusticia LESSON 138 768 bite bit bitten .morder 768 bare desnudo, descubierto, descalzo; bare minimum = justo lo imprescindible 768 weapon arma 768 barely apenas 768 go back volver/regresar a un sitio 768 come back volver/regresar .de un sitio 768 go in entrar 768 come in .entrar 768 return regresar 768 enter entrar 768 descend .descender 768 overcome superar, vencer 768 go down bajar, descender 768 come down .bajar, descender 769 case caso 769 barrister abogado/a 770 (just) in case .por si acaso 770 risk riesgo 770 770 770 771 771 771 771 771 771 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 773 773 773 run a risk correr un riesgo excuse (v) disculpar, perdonar excuse (n) excusa, pretexto waist cintura waistcoat chaleco fancy apetecer, gustar alguien a alguien, muy elaborada pint pinta gallon galún litre litro jealous celoso/a/os/as, envidioso/a/os/as jealousy celos, envidia go out with .salir (alguien) fortune fortuna fortunate .afortunado/a/os/as international internacional/es mine .mina miner minero/a tend tender, tener tendencia a content (n) contenido content (v or adj) contento/a/os/as witness (v) .ser testigo de, .presenciar LESSON 139 775 rid deshacerse de 775 get rid of .deshacerse de 775 above all .sobre todo 775 sharp afilado/a/os/as 775 blunt desafilado/a/os/as 775 sharpen afilar 775 grind ground ground moler, afilar 775 flour harina 775 wheat trigo 776 harm hacer daủo, daủo 776 harmful nocivo/a/os/as, perjudicial/es 776 harmless inofensivo/a/os/as 776 creature criatura 777 iron planchar 777 extreme .extremo/a/os/as, muy intenso/a/os/as 777 reduce reducir 777 likely probable 777 unlikely improbable 778 someone a favour .hacerle un favor a alguien 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 779 779 779 779 779 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 781 Thats all right de nada Not at all de nada Its nothing de nada Youre welcome de nada Dont mention it de nada No problem de nada up completamente, muchas veces tear tore torn romper, rasgar cheek mejilla cheeky descarado/a/os/as, atrevido/a/os/as pile amontonar, apilar, montún, pila one on top of the other uno/a encima de otro/a heap montún, pila point punta, punto freeze froze frozen helar(se), congelar(se) nought cero zero .cero Fahrenheit Fahrenheit insect insecto itch picar, tener picor scratch rascar(se) scrape raspar, restregar opposition oposiciún LESSON 140 782 the sooner , the better cuanto antes mejor 782 responsible responsible/s 782 council ayuntamiento 782 scream gritar, chillar 782 fright .miedo, susto 782 frighten asustar(se) 782 horror horror 783 mean tacaủo/a/os/as, mezquino/a/os/as, malo/a/os/as 783 thoughtless desconsiderado/a/os/as 783 pale pỏlido/a/os/as 783 sickness enfermedad 784 light lit lit encender, iluminar 784 candle vela 784 failure apagún, corte (de luz, agua,), fallo, fracaso 784 upset alterar, afectar, derramar 784 feel upset sentirse disgustado/a/os/as 784 terribly terriblemente, .muy 785 wreck .arruinar, destrozar, echar por tierra 785 misfortune desgracia 785 shipwreck .naufragio 785 sale venta 785 for sale a la venta, en venta 785 sales rebajas 785 advertisement anuncio 785 commercial .comercial/es 785 rival rival 786 over mỏs de 786 basement sútano 787 bargain regatear, ganga, oferta 787 caution advertir, llamar la atenciún, amonestar 787 cautiously cautela, cautelosamente 788 rapid rỏpido/a/os/as, veloz/veloces LESSON 141 789 deliver .entregar, repartir, pronunciar 789 mail correo 789 beforehand de antemano, anticipaciún, antelaciún 789 critic crớtico 789 expect esperar 789 rely on contar con, confiar en 790 fast profundamente 790 fasten abrochar(se) 790 porter maletero 791 a fifty-minute lesson clase de 50 minutos 791 a four-door car coche de cuatro puertas 791 jog hacer footing 791 overnight de la noche a la maủana 791 lifestyle estilo de vida, tren de vida 792 mere simple/s, mero/a/os/as 792 nuisance fastidio, incordio 792 post poste, empleo, puesto 792 doorpost jamba (de puerta) 792 goal .gol, meta, objetivo 792 dig dug dug cavar, excavar 792 793 793 793 793 793 793 793 postage franqueo naughty .travieso/a/os/as punish castigar fold doblar native materno/a treasure tesoro receipt recibo prove demostrar, probar LESSON 142 795 excuse me Ăperdún!, Ăperdona/e!, Ădisculpa/e! 795 Im sorry Ălo siento!, Ăperdún!, .Ăperdona/e!, Ădisculpa/e! 796 wealthy rico/a/os/as 796 disaster desastre 796 flood inundaciún, riada 796 then .entonces, despuộs, en ese caso 796 urge instar, animar, alentar 797 affair asunto 797 love affair aventura amorosa, lớo 798 charm encanto 798 charming .encantador/a/os/as 798 musical musical/es 798 snake serpiente 798 snake charmer encantador/a de .serpientes 798 instrument instrumento 799 latest anterior/es, ỳltimo/a/os/as 799 last ỳltimo/a/os/as 799 last but one .penỳltimo/a/os/as 799 blackboard pizarra, encerado (de color negro) 799 whiteboard pizarra blanca 799 chalk .tiza 799 eyebrow ceja 799 eyelash pestaủa 799 eyelid pỏrpado 799 lid tapa, tapadera 799 pan cazuela, cacerola 800 favour favorecer, tratar favoritismo 800 yacht yate, velero 800 hinder dificultar, entorpecer 800 clothe vestir(se) 800 endless interminable/s 800 bunch ramo, racimo 800 grape uva 801 revolution revoluciún LESSON 143 802 resist resistir 802 resistance resistencia 803 substantial sustancioso/a/os/as, considerable/s 803 bacon bacon, tocino 803 toast tostada 803 fry fried fried freớr 803 approximate .aproximado/a/os/as 803 course plato 803 starter entrante, primer plato 803 main course plato principal 803 dessert postre 803 dine .cenar 804 marmalade mermelada de naranja 804 jam mermelada 804 pear pera 804 plum ciruela 804 the country el campo, el pueblo (de un paớs) 804 rejoice alegrarse mucho, regocarse 804 victory .victoria 804 shave afeitar(se) 804 razor cuchilla, .maquinillade afeitar 804 heal cicatrizar, curar 805 live (v) vivir 805 live (adj) vivo/a/os/as, en vivo 805 musician mỳsico/a 805 mild leve/s, ligero/a/os/as, templado/a/os/as, suave/s 805 remark comentario, observaciún 805 look expresiún, aire 805 stormy tormentoso/a/os/as 805 proof prueba 806 saying refrỏn, dicho 806 trap trampa 806 pot nombre genộrico de distintos tipos de vasas y recipientes 806 cooking pot olla 806 flowerpot maceta, tiesto 806 coffee pot cafetera 806 teapot .tetera 806 in relation to en relaciún 806 relationship .relaciún 806 relative relativo/a/os/as 806 overweight demasiado gordo/a/os/as 807 at sea en el mar, embarcado/a/os/as 807 by sea en barco, .por el mar LESSON 144 809 go past pasar por 809 nearby cerca 810 in season del tiempo 810 out of season fuera de temporada 810 thread enhebrar, hebra, hilo 810 needle aguja 810 sew coser 810 compass compỏs, brỳjula 810 injection inyecciún 810 agent agente 810 agency agencia 811 title tớtulo 811 champion campeún/ona 811 boxer boxeador/a 811 enormous enorme/s 811 belief creencia 811 effort esfuerzo 811 stay in touch with mantenerse en contacto 812 tolerate tolerar 812 go ahead seguir adelante algo 812 just the same exactamente igual 812 bath baủo, baủera 812 bathe baủar(se), lavar 812 sunbathe tomar el sol 813 cheat copiar en un examen, .hacer trampa, tramposo/a/os/as, embustero/a/os/as 813 dip .mojar algo en algo, bajar 813 horizon horizonte 813 horizontal horizontal/es 813 feed fed fed alimentar(se) 814 hay heno 814 straw paja 814 stem tallo 815 development desarrollo LESSON 145 816 preference preferencia 816 cuisine cocina (tipo de) 816 style estilo 816 help yourself servirse algo 816 cant help no poder evitar 816 load cargar, carga 816 barrel caủún (de un arma de fuego) 816 lead plomo 816 rod varilla, barra, fishing rod = caủa de pescar 817 voyage viaje .(por el mar o el espacio) 817 space espacio 817 tour gira, visita 817 tourist turista 817 pet mascota, animal domộstico o de compaủớa 817 rabbit conejo 817 run on funcionar 817 create crear, generar 818 situated situado/a/os/as 818 cloth tejido, gộnero, tela 818 convince convencer 818 try juzgar 818 set free dejar o poner en libertad 818 relieve aliviar, relevar 818 relief alivio, relevo, ayuda, auxilio 818 pill pastilla, pớldora 818 painkiller calmante, analgộsico 819 self personalidad, el sớ mismo, el propio yo 819 selfish egoista/s 819 self-control dominio de sớ mismo/a, autocontrol 819 control control 819 lie lay lain yacer, estar tumbado/a/os/as 819 lie lied lied mentir 819 lay laid laid colocar, tender, poner cuidado 820 tight ajustado/a/os/as, apretado/a/os/as 820 tight-fitting ceủido/a/os/as, ajustado/a/os/as 820 loose-fitting suelto/a/os/as, flojo/a/os/as, holgado/a/os/as 820 airtight hermộtico/a/os/as 820 watertight hermộtico/a/os/as 820 container recipiente, envase 820 aim objetivo, propúsito 820 take aim apuntar, hacer punterớa 821 damp hỳmedo/a/os/as 821 indeed realmente, verdaderamente 821 emphasis ộnfasis 821 jaw mandớbula 821 ladder escalera de mano 821 822 822 822 vertical vertical admit admitir take place tener lugar, suceder punishment castigo EnglishTurkish Vocabulary Book Stage English in a quarter of the time! STAGE Turkish vocabulary LESSON 127 697 social sosyal 697 edge kenar 697 little by little azar azar 697 intend niyetlenmek 697 tin teneke 697 preserve korumak 697 aluminium alỹminyum 698 on average ortalama 699 sympathy sempati 700 reckon hesaba katmak 700 airline hava yolu 700 horrible dehet verici 700 anxiety merak 700 anxious .merakl 700 possession sahip olma 701 entertain arlamak 701 background arka plan 701 apply uygulamak 701 highly yỹksekỗe 701 the Browns Brown Ailesi 702 ancient eski 702 Egypt Msr 702 degree .derece 702 angle aỗ 702 right angle doru aỗ 702 grade derece 702 centigrade santigrat 702 somewhat bir miktar 702 at all tamamen 703 unity .birlik LESSON 128 704 confident gizli 704 now that .madem ki 705 agree about mutabk kalmak 705 agree that kabul etmek 705 agree to .yapmay kabul etmek 705 agree with ile mutabk olmak 705 take care dikkatli olmak 705 run over arabayla ezmek 705 care for ilgilenmek 706 I dare say sanrm ki 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 707 707 707 707 708 708 708 708 708 709 709 709 709 709 709 709 710 daring cỹretkar require gerek duymak conserve korumak eager istekli rub .ovmak rub out silmek rubber silgi face yỹz face to face yỹz yỹze god .Tanr thus .dolaysyla economize idareli kullanmak involve .iỗermek attack saldrmak scarcely gỹỗ bela scarce nadir impression izlenim bury gửmmek cemetery mezar anger ửfke additional ilaveten insult (v) aalamak insult (n) hakaret madness ỗlgnlk LESSON 129 712 afraid of den korkmak 712 afraid that korkarm ki 712 afraid to maktan korkmak 712 crash ỗarpmak 712 whiskers .sakal 712 gap boluk 712 fence ỗit 712 hedge ỗit 713 hall bỹyỹk salon 713 entrance giri 713 town hall belediye binas 713 pool havuz 713 liquid .sv 713 indoor iỗ mekan 713 outdoor d mekan 713 indoors iỗeride 713 outdoors darda 713 714 714 714 714 714 714 715 715 715 715 715 715 716 716 716 716 716 716 out of doors aỗk havada knee diz kneel knelt knelt diz ỗửkmek late geỗ lately son zamanlarda match maỗ judo judo funeral cenaze mystery .gizem path .yol, patika insure sigorta etmek insurance sigorta theft hrszlk throne taht annoy rahatszlk vermek fly .uỗmak fall asleep uyumak sore arl design (v) tasarlamak LESSON 130 718 compound bileik 719 currency para birimi 719 unit birim 719 penny peni 719 pence pens 720 slow down yavalamak 720 speed up hzlanmak 720 in addition to .e ilave olarak 720 forbid forbade forbidden yasaklamak 720 peculiar .olaand 720 peculiarity allmamlk 721 suffix son ek 721 either of them onlarn herhangi biri 721 neither of them onlarn hiỗ biri 721 screw .vida 721 screwdriver tornavida 722 maximum azami 722 minimum asgari 722 point nokta 722 essay makale 722 paragraph paragraf 722 pad ped 722 cotton wool ham pamuk 722 absorb emmek 722 reach out ulamak 723 scale derece 723 corner kửe LESSON 131 724 chance ans 724 by chance ans eseri 725 take hold of kavramak 725 take by surprise armak 725 take a look bir bakmak 725 second-hand ikinci el 725 temptation cazibe 725 dishonest dỹrỹst olmayan 725 view manzara 725 hide hid hidden saklamak 726 liar .yalanc 726 pay attention dikkat etmek 726 detail detay 727 sweat terlemek 727 nervous sinirli 727 underneath alt ksm 727 unlike .benzemeyen 727 wander dolamak 727 distinguish ayrdetmek 727 a while bir sỹre LESSON 132 729 still hala 729 yet henỹz 729 annoyance rahatszlk 730 according to buna gửre 730 in my opinion benim dỹỹnceme gửre 730 band grup /bant 730 disturbance rahatszlk 730 military askeri 731 link balant 731 browse gửz atmak 731 carriage tat 731 invention .bulu 731 explanation aỗklama 732 about hakknda 732 for days and days gỹnler boyunca 732 what about (you) (senden) ne haber 732 bitter ac (ỗikolata) 732 dissatisfaction memnuniyetsizlik 733 neat dỹzenli 733 poverty fakirlik 733 admire hayran olmak 733 admiration hayranlk 733 generous cửmert LESSON 133 736 hitchhike otostop 736 dear sevgili 736 736 736 736 737 737 737 737 737 737 738 738 738 738 738 738 738 739 739 739 739 739 739 easy kolay ease kolaylatrmak at ease huzurlu ill at ease .huzursuz to be obliged zorunlu olmak steal ỗalmak (bir ey) rob soymak (birisini) robbery soygun thief hrsz mask maske handle ele almak gentle nazik hand-in-hand el ele arm-in-arm .kol kola custom gelenek, adet girlfriend kz arkada boyfriend erkek arkada enable olanak vermek instruction talimat booklet kitapỗk tender taze tough pimi lovingly sevgi ile LESSON 134 741 in my view benim gửrỹỹme gửre 741 from my point of view benim bak aỗmdan 741 if you ask me bana soracak olursanz 741 as far as Im concerned bilgim olduu kadaryla 742 clockwise saat yửnỹnde 742 anticlockwise saat yửnỹnỹn tersine 742 symbol sembol 742 @ = at @= et 742 = dot = nokta 742 inquire (or enquire) soruturmak 742 inquiry (or enquiry) soruturma 742 escape kaỗmak 742 prisoner mahkum 743 regret piman olmak 743 wipe silmek 743 forehead .aln 743 towel havlu 743 interest .ortaklk pay 743 shares hisse 743 tidiness dỹzenlilik 744 preferable tercih edilebilir 744 largely bỹyỹkỗe 744 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 745 746 quality kalite may as well bari might as well bari on account of dolaysyla energetic enerjik breath nefes breathe nefes almak out of breath nefessiz kalmak through yoluyla clothing giysi LESSON 135 748 to take into account dikkate almak 748 tip .hafifỗe dokunma 748 make up your mind karar vermek 748 delicate hassas 748 observe gửzlemlemek 748 observation gửzlem 749 historic tarihi 749 paw .hayvan penỗesi 749 claw hayvan trm 749 wooden ahap 749 hut kulỹbe 749 woollen yỹnden 749 silken ipekten 749 golden altndan 750 every other day iki gỹnde bir 750 assist yardmc olmak 750 assistant yardmc 750 pushchair tekerlekli sandalye 750 otherwise aksi halde 750 engaged dahil olmu 750 perform gerỗekletirmek 750 performance .performans 750 trick hile 750 magic sihir 751 envy kskanmak 751 envious .kskanỗ 751 celebrity ỹnlỹ kii 751 fame ỹn 751 advice (n) tavsiye 751 advise (v) .tavsiyede bulunmak 751 practice (n) .altrma 751 practise (v) pratik yapmak 751 licence (n) ruhsat 751 license (v) ruhsat vermek 751 record (n) kayt 751 record (v) kaydetmek 752 scatter datmak 752 plant ekmek 752 row sra 752 752 752 752 752 disorderly .dỹzensiz bir ekilde tap hafifỗe vurmak turn on aỗmak pollution kirlilik polluted kirlenmi LESSON 136 754 slight hafif 754 upside down ba aa 754 right way up doru ekilde 755 feather tỹy 755 wear giymek 755 sleeve kol (giysi) 755 mend tamir etmek 755 worn out anm 755 exhausted bitkin 755 qualification .nitelik 755 debt .borỗ 756 interrupt ara vermek 756 interruption kesinti 756 if only ! ayet sadece ! 756 act eylem 756 capable muktedir 756 bar kalp 756 lock kilit 757 cart yỹk arabas 757 deceive kandrmak 757 complain ikayet etmek 757 complaint ikayet 758 either side her bir taraf 758 faint az miktarda 758 excitement heyecan 758 fear korku 759 happen to bana gelmek 759 outwards darya doru 759 inwards iỗeriye doru 759 lean dayanmak 759 beneath aada 759 give way krlmak 759 mankind insaniyet 759 mate arkada 760 zoo hayvanat bahỗesi 760 cage kafes 760 monkey maymun 760 ape maymun 760 closely yakn bir ekilde LESSON 137 761 it is not so bu ekilde deil 761 so, you have come! ve, geldiniz! 761 it so happens bu ekilde meydana geliyor 761 I told you so .bunu sana sửylemitim 761 just (exactly) sadece (tam olarak) 761 melt erimek 761 have something to with alakas olmak 762 pick at .ỗok az yemek 762 pick out seỗmek 762 regard sayg 762 regards sayglarmla 762 greet karlamak 762 greetings selamlar 762 bye-bye .allahasmarladk 762 see you gửrỹmek ỹzere 762 scent .koku 762 give off yaymak 763 welcome ho geldiniz 763 go right doru gitmek 763 temper sinirlilik 763 lose ones temper ửfkelenmek 763 thoughtful dỹỹnceli 763 go bad kửtỹye gitmek 763 by now u an itibariyle 764 warn uyarmak 764 ahead ileride 764 triangle .ỹỗgen 764 mercy merhamet 764 desire istemek 764 ignore gửz ard etmek 765 upright dimdik 765 lung akcier 765 organ organ 765 seldom nadiren 765 work out ỗửzỹmlemek 765 confusion .karklk 765 electrical elektrikli 766 advance ilerleme 766 step by step adm adm 766 progress ilerleme 766 in advance batan 766 in arrears borcunu zamannda ửdeyememi 766 cuff .gửmlek kol maneti 766 preparation hazrlk 767 valley vadi 767 injustice haksz LESSON 138 768 bite bit bitten srmak 768 bare ỗplak 768 weapon silah 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 768 769 769 770 770 770 770 770 771 771 771 771 771 771 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 772 773 773 773 barely zorlukla go back geri gitmek come back geri gelmek go in iỗeri girmek come in iỗeri gelmek return geri gelmek enter girmek descend inmek overcome .ỹstesinden gelmek go down aaya inmek come down inmek case dava barrister avukat (just) in case .hani olur ya risk risk run a risk riske girmek excuse (v) ửzỹr dilemek excuse (n) ửzỹr waist bel waistcoat yelek fancy karmak pint pint gallon galon litre litre jealous kskanỗ jealousy kskanỗlk go out with ile dar ỗkmak fortune .servet fortunate .talihli international uluslararas mine maden miner madenci tend eilim content (n) iỗerik content (v or adj) .memnun olmak witness (v) .ahitlik etmek LESSON 139 775 rid bandan atmak 775 get rid of .kurtulmak 775 above all hepsinin ửtesinde 775 sharp keskin 775 blunt kửr (bỗak) 775 sharpen bilemek 775 grind ground ground .ửỹtmek 775 flour un 775 wheat buday 776 harm zarar 776 harmful zararl 776 harmless zararsz 776 creature .yaratk 777 777 777 777 777 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 779 779 779 779 779 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 780 781 iron demir extreme ar reduce azaltmak likely muhtemelen unlikely ỗok az ihtimalle someone a favour birine bir iyilik yapmak Thats all right Tamamdr Not at all ệnemli deil Its nothing Bir ey deil Youre welcome Rica ederim Dont mention it Bahsetmeye demez No problem Problem deil up .yukar tear tore torn yrtmak cheek yanak cheeky .yỹzsỹz pile istiflemek one on top of the other birbirinin ỹzerine heap .yn point nokta freeze froze frozen dondurmak nought hiỗbir ey zero sfr Fahrenheit Fahrenheit insect bửcek itch kanmak scratch kamak scrape sỹrtmek opposition kar taraf LESSON 140 782 the sooner , the better ne kadar erken., o kadar iyi 782 responsible sorumlu 782 council konsey 782 scream ỗlk 782 fright korku 782 frighten korkutmak 782 horror dehet 783 mean cimri; huysuz 783 thoughtless dỹỹncesiz 783 pale solgun 783 sickness hastalk 784 light lit lit .k yapmak 784 candle mum 784 failure bozukluk 784 upset ỹzỹntỹ 784 feel upset .ỹzỹlmek ... www .callan. co.uk/preface/jp Ȅ www .callan. co.uk/preface/ar Welcome to the Callan Method Learning English with the Callan Method is fast and effective! The Callan Method is a teaching method created specifically... familiar with the method - the speed, the questions, the correction etc History of the Callan Method – Robin Callan Robin Callan is the creator of the Callan Method He owns the Callan School in... information: Callan Method http://www .callan. co.uk Lots of information, including a list of schools around the world that use the method Callan School London http://www.callanschoollondon.com/en /callan- school

Ngày đăng: 08/09/2017, 10:19

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