Get a close-up view of the amazing world of insects with these colourful,
information-packed cards Discover essential insect information: their size, diet and where and when to spot them
Trang 3
These cards will help you identify insects you spot in Britain, Ireland and other parts of Europe Each card has a number Insects that are closely related to each other, for example all the butterflies, are grouped together Descriptive captions to help you identify : Card number the insect Insect’s most common name Male and female insects sometimes look different Sex
symbols show A Latin or Greek which is which: name for an
Femi ow insect, used by oS Male = 9 = insect experts all
over the world 9 Female a /
Scientific name Lampyris noctiluca
The best types
/ Wee length Male ISmm, Tìm
Average body length eo Sates sẽ ~ Of places to
measurement from ae ee Lae spot the insect
top of head to end Named becuse of thes abty to koh up: glow-
of abdomen or foie rt cecal ur oe iy Oe What the
average wingspan me esa oe ee insect eats measurement from eee
wingtip to wingtip f
The best times of Details of features that help to
Trang 4Parts of an Insect Antenna for smelling and feeling Forewing Leg - all insects have three pairs of jointed legs Hind wing
On these cards, the butterflies and some of the moths are drawn so you can see all of both forewings and hind wings In nature, the
forewings would cover
part of the hind wings Abdomen
Internet links
For links to websites where you can find videos, ‘photos and more information about insects,
Trang 5Insect words
Bug _ An insect with sucking mouthparts, and forewings that are thickened and leathery at the base
Camouflage When an animal's colour makes it hard to spot against certain backgrounds
Cocoon A skin or case inside which some young
insects pupate
Fungi Simple, plant-like living things that typically feed off dead or living animals and plants Fungi include moulds, mushrooms and toadstools
Herbivore An animal that eats only plants
Hibernation The sleepy state in which some insects spend the winter
Honeydew A sweet liquid that oozes out from the bodies of some insects
Host An animal that is fed on or lived on by others Mimicry When an animal's shape or colour is similar to that of another species
Trang 6
All insects go through several stages as they grow Some hatch from eggs as wriggly, worm-like larvae, then completely change how they look as they transform into adults
Eggs are laid Larvae hatch A larva pupates, by a mother from the eggs resting as it turns dragonfly and start to grow _ into an adult
Its skin splits, and an adult emerges
Other insects emerge from their eggs as miniature adults called nymphs, and simply grow bigger as they change into adults Beginning of a wing ® Old skin
Trang 7Small tortoiseshell
To confuse and alarm predators, tortoiseshells rapidly open
and close their bright wings,
showing flashes of colour
Scientific name Aglais urticae
Average wingspan 53mm (2in)
Habitat Gardens and farmland
Food Nettle plants Best time to spot March to September
Trang 8Peacock butterfly 2
“Eye” markings are Similar to the markings on a peacock's tail
Scientific name Inachis io Average wingspan 65mm (2%in)
Habitat Gardens, woods, riverbanks Food Fruit and nettle plants Best time to spot March to May, and July
to September
Peacock butterflies have markings on their wings that mimic large eyes They use these to scare off predators In September, the butterflies settle down to
hibernate, spending the winter in hollow tree trunks,
Trang 9Large white butterfly 3
Females have black spots on the upper surface of their wings
Scientific name Pieris brassicae Average wingspan 63mm (2in)
Habitat Grassy areas, hedgerows
Food Crucifer, cabbage, kale,
Brussels sprout, nasturtium and wild mignonette plants
Best time to spot April to October
Also known as cabbage whites, these butterflies often lay eggs on cabbage leaves The caterpillars feed on the leaves, which damages the plants, so they are seen as pests by vegetable growers In winter, the caterpillars pupate on fences or tree trunks, then
Trang 10Large skipper 4
These butterflies have a faint chequered pattern on both sides of their wings
Scientific name Ochlodes venatus Average wingspan 3lmm (lin)
Habitat Sheltered areas of grassland Food False brome, thistle and
purple moor-grass plants Best time to spot June to August
Trang 11Common blue butterfly 3
The upper side of females’ wings can
be blue or brown
Scientific name Polyommatus icarus Average wingspan 32mm (14in)
Habitat Grassy areas and sand dunes Food Bird’s-foot trefoil, rest harrow,
black medick and clover plants
Best time to spot June to September
Trang 12Holly blue butterfly 6
Females’ wings are bordered by thick black patches with white edges Males have thin black borders with white edges on their wings
Scientific name Celastrina argiolus
Average wingspan 30mm (lin)
Habitat Gardens, woods and parks Food Holly, ivy, bramble and
gorse plants
Best time to spot April to June, and August
to September
Trang 13Lit Ime e haw VIK moth
Male lime hawk moths, like this one, vary from olive- green to pink: females are light pink to reddish-brown
Scientific name Mimas tiliae Average wingspan 70mm (2%in)
Habitat Gardens, woods and parks
Food Lime, birch and alder leaves
Best time to spot May to June
Trang 14Poplar hawk moth - _© A poplar hawk moth at rest Hind wing Forewing
Scientific name Laothoe populi
Average wingspan 75mm (3in)
Habitat Gardens, woods and parks Food Poplar and aspen leaves Best time to spot June to July
Trang 15Emperor moth 9 Emperor moths have furry thoraxes
Scientific name Saturnia pavonia
Average wingspan 70mm (2%in)
Habitat Moors, heaths and sand dunes Food Heather, bramble, sloe and
purple loosestrife plants
Best time to spot April to May
Trang 16Puss moth 10 Grey and brown marbled markings on forewings Stripy abdomen
Scientific name Cerura vinula Average wingspan 70mm (2%in)
Habitat Woods, parks and gardens Food Aspen and poplar leaves Best time to spot May to July
Trang 17Vapourer moth (T1 Males have rusty-brown
wings, with a white spot on each forewing
Scientific name Orgyia antiqua Average wingspan 35mm (14in)
Habitat Woods, parks and gardens
Food Leaves from most deciduous trees and shrubs
Best time to spot July to September
Trang 18Herald moth t= Bright orange patches on forewings
Scientific name Scoliopteryx libatrix
Average wingspan 40mm (1%in)
Habitat Gardens, woods and marshes Food Aspen and willow leaves Best time to spot March to November
Trang 19Ghost moth J3 Females have yellow wings with orange markings
Scientific name Hepialus humuli
Average wingspan 45mm (1%in)
Habitat Gardens and grassy areas Food Plant roots
Best time to spot June to July
Also known as “ghost swifts”, these moths’ name
comes from the males, which have pure white wings
Trang 20Forester moth 14 Forewings are metallic green
Scientific name Adscita statices Average wingspan 26mm (lin)
Habitat Parks, woods and meadows Food Sorrel plants
Best time to spot June to July
Unlike most moths, foresters fly by day — you might spot them visiting flowers on sunny days in June and July Their caterpillars feed in unusual ways When it
first hatches, a forester caterpillar burrows inside a
Trang 21Creen tiger beetle 15
Larva in burrow
Scientific name Cicindela campestris Average length 4mm (4in)
Habitat Heaths and sandy areas Food Smaller insects
Best time to spot April to September
Trang 22Violet ground beetle 16
This shiny, black beetle has violet edges to its wing cases and thorax
Scientific name Carabus violaceus Average length 25mm (lin)
Habitat Gardens, hedges and woods
Food Insects, slugs and worms
Best time to spot March to October
Trang 23Bombardier beetle 17 Bombardier beetle blasting a predator with a stinky liquid
Scientific name Brachinus crepitans Average length 8mm (4in)
Habitat Open, chalky ground
Food Rotting vegetation and
dead animals
Best time to spot March to October
Trang 24Devil's coach horse 15
To show aggression, a Devil's coach horse raises its tail, like a
Scientific name Ocypus olens
Average length 27mm (lin)
Habitat Gardens, parks, meadows, hedges and woods
Food Fly larvae, insects, spiders,
slugs and dead animals
Best time to spot April to October
Trang 25Red and black 19 burying beetle Wing cases are black with red bands
Scientific name Nicrophorus investigator Average length I7mm (4in)
Habitat Gardens and woods
Food Dead animals
Best time to spot April to October
Trang 26Great diving beetle 20
Larvae have huge jaws
Scientific name Dytiscus marginalis
Average length 32mm (1%4in) Habitat Ponds and lakes Food Other insects, tadpoles
and small fish
Best time to spot March to May
Trang 27Water beetle (21
This male beetle’s wing cases are smooth; females have grooves on theirs
Scientific name Platambus maculatus Average length 7mm (4in)
Habitat Ponds, lakes and rivers Food Water insects, tadpoles
and worms
Best time to spot March to September
Trang 28Great silver 22 water beetle This beetle is an expert swimmer, but can also fly to other waters if its home dries up
Scientific name Hydrophilus piceus Average length 42mm (1%in) Habitat Ditches and ponds Food Water plants Best time to spot May to September
Trang 29
Whirligig beetles carry an air bubble around with them on the tip of their abdomens
_ Scientific name Gyrinus natator
Average length 7mm (Œ4in)
Habitat Ponds, ditches, lakes and rivers
Food Small insects
Best time to spot July to September
Trang 30Glow-worm 24 Female glow- Stacwe worms are wingless ) Larva
Scientific name Lampyris noctiluca Average length Male I5mm (in),
female 20mm (%in)
Habitat Grassy areas and open woods Food Small slugs and snails
Best time to spot May to August
Trang 31Click beetle (25
A hinge on the beetle’s abdomen helps it to double up so it can flick itself into the air
Scientific name Athous haemorrhoidalis Average length l6mm (4in)
Habitat Hedges and meadows Food Flies, grasses, flowers, roots
and rotting wood
Best time to spot May to August
Trang 32Two-spot ladybird | &
One black spot on each wing case
Scientific name Adalia bipunctata
Average length 5mm (!/oin)
Habitat Gardens, parks, fields
and woods
Food Mainly aphids, but also
other small insects, mites
and insect eggs
Best time to spot March to October
Trang 33Seven-spot ladybird — 27 Three and a half black spots on each wing case
Scientific name Coccinella septempunctata
Average length 7mm (4in)
Habitat Gardens, hedges, woods
and meadows
Food Mainly aphids, but also
other small insects, mites
and insect eggs
Best time to spot March to October
Trang 34Eyed ladybird 28
The black spots each have a yellow border, making them look like eyes
Scientific name Anatis ocellata Average length 9mm (*/3in)
Habitat Conifer forests
Food Aphids, and other small
insects and mites
Best time to spot June to July
Trang 3522-spot ladybird 29 Head has five spots Each wing case has II spots
Scientific name Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata Average length 3mm ('/win)
Habitat Gardens, fields and meadows Food Mould
Best time to spot April to August
Trang 36Death watch beetle 30 A crevice in a plank of wood is the perfect spot for a female to lay its eggs
Scientific name Xestobium rufovillosum Average length 8mm (⁄5in)
Habitat Dead branches of deciduous
trees and old buildings
Food Rotting wood Best time to spot March to June
Death watch beetle larvae tunnel into wood, eating it as they go They can become serious pests, destroying furniture and timber in buildings The name of this
unpopular beetle comes from the tapping sound their
Trang 37Stag beetle 31
To impress a female, a male stag beetle walks around with its head lifted high and its “antlers”, or jaws, opened wide
Scientific name Lucanus cervus Average length 26mm (lin)
Habitat Woods, parks and gardens Food Roots and rotting wood Best time to spot May to August
Trang 38Dor beetles eat their own weight in dung every day
Scientific name Geotrupes stercorarius
Average length 20mm (in)
Habitat Woods, and fields and
meadows where animals graze
Food Animal dung
Best time to spot April to October
Also known as dung beetles, these large insects eat
animal droppings To provide food for their larvae,
Trang 39Cockchafer 53
Larvae feed for three to four years before changing into adults
Males have long, fan- like clubs on the end of their antennae
Scientific name Melolontha melolontha Average length 27mm (lin)
Habitat Parks and woods
Food Leaves, flowers and roots Best time to spot May to July
Trang 40_Rose chafer 34
green wing cases Bright metallic-
Scientific name Cetonia aurata Average length 17mm (4in)
Habitat Gardens and woods
Food Leaves, fruits, flowers, roots
and rotting wood
Best time to spot May to October
Trang 41Wasp beetle ee
Unlike wasps, wasp beetles have hard forewings that form wing cases
Scientific name Clytus arietis Average length I5mm (in)
Habitat Woods
Food Pollen and rotting wood Best time to spot May to August
These beetles look and act like wasps — they have the
same markings and colours, and move jerkily with rapid stops and starts, as wasps do This mimicry helps protect the beetles, because predators mistake