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ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com TEST 1 I. Pronunciation: Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently 1. a. calculus b. unit c. use d. computer 2. a. printed b. decided c. completed d. played 3. a. case b. rate c. average d. page 4. a. computers b. instructions c. letters d. scientists 5. a. happy b. multiply c. pretty d. daily 6. a. artificial b. compare c. call d. calculus 7. a. would b. ought c. should d. could 8. a. declare b. compare c. share d. are 9. a. checks b. makes c. composes d. selects 10. a. cheap b. champagne c. church d. much II. Vocabulary and expression: Choose the most suitable word or phrase. 1. You should not give artificial flowers to your sweetheart. a. beautiful b. rose c. daisy d. man-made 2. The computer is the marvel of the machine age. a. wonderful thing b. odd thing c. strange thing d. useless 3. He devises programmes for computer. He is a _______. a. computer user b. computer programmer c. computer addict d. computer net 4. “126” means ________ a. a hundred twenty-six b. one hundred twenty-six c. one hundred and twenty-six d. one hundred with twenty-six 5. Students are not allowed to use a pocket _______ when taking a mathematic test. a. computer b. designer c. calculator d. maker 6. The number 123 contains three _________. a. letters b. digits c. numbers d. calculations 7. I do not think it is a fair _______. a. divide b. dividend c. division d. divider 8. A computer can be used ________ many purposes. a. for b. of c. with d. without 9. My computer is _________ work a. on to b. away from c. out of d. up to 10. Calculating machines have been used for ________ long time. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 11. You should read the _____ on the presription carefully before using the tablets. a. programme b. production c. reduction d. instruction 1 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com 12. “10 – 6 = 4” means _______. a. six subtracted from ten gives four b. ten subtracted from six gives four c. six added to ten gives four d. six adds to ten gives four III. Grammar and structure: Choose the best word, phrase or sentence. 1. If everything is all right, we ________ our work all time. a. complete b. are completing c. have completed d. will complete 2. The winter is coming, it is getting __________. a. more cold b. the most cold c. colder and colder d. the more cold 3. Peter likes mathematics _________ English. a. more b. more good than c. the most than d. better than 4. The _______ things are produced, the _________ prices are. a. more/cheaper b. most/cheapest c. much/cheap d. many/cheaper 5. He learns English worse than we _________. a. are b. have c. do d. were 6. The test is not _________difficult ________ it was last month. a. as/as b. so/as c. more/as d. a and b 7. If were you, I would work harder. a. You would rather not work so hard b. You should work harder c. You should work with me d. Do not work so hard 8. My teacher said to me. “Have you done the exercise yet?” a. My teacher asked me have you done the exerise yet b. My teacher asked me If I had done the exerise yet c. My teacher asked me had i done the exercise yet d. My teacher asked me I had done the exercise yet 9. I wish I _______ a computer. a. use b. will use c. can use d. could use 10. The train ________ when we got the station. a. just left b. just leaves c. had just left d. will leave 11. He tried to join the army but _______ because of poor health. a. turned down b. was turned down c. turn down d. were turned down 12. Why _______ she _______ hard when she got here yesterday? - Because she _______ too fast a. does _ breathe / walked b. do _ breathe / walked c. did _ breath / walked d. did _ breathe / had walked 13. Ann ________ to get the carpet for the room but someone already _________ it. a. goes _ has already taken b. went _ has already taken c. went _ have already taken d. went had already taken 14. When I _________ Mr Taylor tomorrow, I ________ him of that. a. see _ will remind b. will see _ remind c. will see _ will remind d. see _ remind 2 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com 15. We ________ for long hours. Let’s stop _________ a rest. a. have worked _ to have b. have been working _ to have c. has been working _ to have d. b and c are correct IV. Reading comprehension. . Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. A computer is so-called (1) _______ intelligence. It does many (2) ________ kinds of work. You get information from the internet quickly, that may take you a lot of time to read in a library. You can have a computer (3) _______ complex computation and it works much faster than you. It is considered (4) _______ tool in many fields. A computer can take over the work of many people, but it cannot be compared (5) _________ human brains which are the most complex organ; and up to now there have been many unknown things about our brains. 1. a. artificial b. artificiality c. artrificialize d. artificially 2. a. differ b. different c. difference d. differently 3. a. do b. to do c. did d. done 4. a. more useful b. most useful c. the more useful d. the most useful 5. from b. on c. with d. of V. Supply the correct verb tense: 1. He (visit) ______ his friend yesterday and (find) _______ that he (be) ________ out. 2. They (sell) _________ all the dresses before we (get) __________ there. 3. After she (work) __________ at the hospital for two years, she (decide) __________ to give up the job. 4. Ann Johes is only twenty-five but she (travel) _____________ to over fifty different countries. Five years ago she (be) _______ a typist in Birmingham, but she (decide) __________ to give up her job and see the world. Since then her life (change) _______ completely. 5. The children (make) _______ a lot of noise now. I (be) _______ afraid they (wake) _________ up my father, who (sleep) __________ in the next room 6.He will come at once because I (tell) __________ him by phone that you (need) __________ him urgently. I’m sure he (find) __________ his way easily although he (never visit) __________ this house before. 7.By the time you get back, I (finish) __________ all my correspondence and then I (can help) ______________ you with yours. 8. When my friend Tom grows a beard, even his closest friends (not recognize) __________ him. 9. When I (meet) __________ him in the street this morning, he (go) __________ to the pictures. 10. I (study) _________ English for six years now. 11. I expect he (leave) _________ for France as soon as he (get) __________ a visa. 3 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com 12. A taxi driver (drive)_______________ along a street when he suddenly (black out)____________ and lost control of his vehicle. The taxi (plunge) _________ into a nearby river. A hawker, who (see)______________ the accident, rushed from his coffee stall and (dive)___________ into the water. He (have) ___________to swim twenty five metres before he could get to the taxi. The taxi driver (try) ______________ to wind down the window. The hawker reached into the taxi for the safety-belt. After he (release) __________ the safety-belt, he pulled the driver out through the partially open window. At the hospital, the driver (say) ____________ that the black out might (cause) _______________ by his high blood pressure condition. Test 2 Câu đi ề u ki ệ n ( Conditional Sentence) 1. Điều kiện có thật If- clause Main clause Simple present ( V/Vs/don’t/doesn’t) Simple future (shall / will /can/may+ V) 2. Điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại If-clause Main clause Past Subjunctive (Ved/V2/didn’t ; be=were) Present Conditional ( Could / would /might+ V) 3. Điều kiện không có thật ở quá khứ If-clause Main clause Past perfect (Had+ past participle)ed/V3 Perfect Conditional (Could/ would/+ have + past participle)ed/V3 Exercise I : Supply the correct verb tense. 1/ If you are kind to me, I (be) _______ good to you. 2/ He (come) _______ if you waited. 3/ If you (ring) _______ the bell, the servant would come. 4/ If I had known that the baby was hungry, I (feed) _______ him. 5/ If it (not, rain) _______ a lot, the rice crop wouln’t grow. 6/ If today (be) _______ Sunday, we wouldn’t have to work. 7/ If she had had your address, she (write) _______ to you. 8/ We lost the match. If you (play) _______ for us, we (win) _______. 4 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com 9/ So long as you return the book by Saturday, I (lend) _______ it to you with pleasure. 10/ They would not be paid unless they (do) _______ their work well. 11/ Provided he (not, be) _______ interrupted, he can finish the work on time. 12/ If it (be) _______ convenient, let’s meet at three o’clock. 13/ If I became very rich, I (build ) _______ a hospital for the poor. 14/ If he (give) _______ up smoking, as his doctor orders, he will be soon well again. 15/ He (not, have) _______ an accident if he had not been driving so fast. 16/ If she (write) _______ more carefully, she might not have made too many mistakes. 17/ You would have to stay in bed unless your health (improve) _______. 18/ Did she have more practice, she (speak) _______ English better. 19/ Had I known that she was sick, I (visit) _______ her. 20/ Supposing World War III (happen) ________, human civilization (be) _______ destroyed. EXERCISE II : Put “if” or “unless” into these spaces. 1/ ________ we hurry, we’ll miss the bus. 2/ Will you phone me ________ you come to England ? 3/ ________ you see Jane, ask her to contact me. 4/ You’ll never pass your exam ________ you don’t work harder. 5/ Liverpool won’t win ________ they begin playing better. 6/ ________ you forget our address, you can find it in the phone book. 7/ You won’t pass your driving test ________ you drive more carefully. 8/ He’ll be ill ________ he doesn’t stop worrying so much. 9/ We’ll go to the beach tomorrow ________ it’s raining. 10/ We’ll never get there on time ________ the train leaves soon. III .Rewrite the sentences, using Conditional Clauses. 1/Start at once or you will be late for the train. -_____________________________________________________________ 2/Don’t come late,or they won’t let you in. -_____________________________________________________________ 3/I didn’t know your telephone number;I didn’t call you. 5 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com -_____________________________________________________________ 4/She isn’t sent to prison;won’t he visit her? -_____________________________________________________________ 5/I am not rich.I won’t travel around the world. -____________________________________________________________ 6/He can speak English fluently;he will get a good job. -_____________________________________________________________ 7/I didn’t realize the traffice light were red;I didn’t stop. -_____________________________________________________________ 8/She doesn’t practise jogging;she won’t lose weight. -_____________________________________________________________ 9/Hurry up or you will be late. -____________________________________________________________ 10/She doesn’t have a degree;she won’t be able to get a job easily. -_____________________________________________________________ 11/I saw it with my own eyes;I believed it. -_____________________________________________________________ 12/I had no map; that’s why I got lost. -_____________________________________________________________ IV. Supply the missing words to complete the following sentences : 1. Clean air provides us with a healthy supply of _________. 2. Smoking is _________ to our health. 3. Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in _________ form. 4. No trees can _________ on that soil. It is treeless. 5. This is the school _________ my father used to teach. 6. If the weather ______ nice, we will come to see you on Sunday. 7. A football player is a person _______ plays football. 8. If She spoke English well, she _________ the job. 9. Life on the earth would be affected if wild plants and animals ______ 10. Our sources of energy will soon end ______ other sources are not found. 11. I think Celia is very angry ___________ me. 12. They went ahead contrary ___________ my advice. 13. He’s really ashamed ___________ what he did. 14. I can’t deal ___________ this problem. 5 15. He is looking forward ___________ meeting his friend 16. We’re excited ___________ the wedding. 17. This service is free ___________ charge. 6 ABC high school quynhquynh@hotmail.com 18. I congratulate you ___________ your success. 19. London’s full ___________ tourists at the moment. 20. I can’t compare my flat ___________ yours. 21. She is very good _______ cooking European dishes. 22. He gets used _______ her snoring in sleep. 23. Peter was very familiar ___________ planting potatoes. 24. This car belongs __________ Mr. John. 25. They are capable ___________ doing that job. 26. He spent a lot of money ________ (in/on/at/to) his new car. 27. British hospitals are trying a new treatment __ (to/from/for/in) cancer. 28. Why are these schools so different _____ (to/from/with/at) each other? 29. Most children are ill-prepared ________ (to/ for/from/at) employment. 30. Four-fifths of the world’s computers use programmes ______ (at/in/on/about) English. 31. Attending all the lectures is important ________ (to/with/at/in) us. 7 . The computer is the marvel of the machine age. a. wonderful thing b. odd thing c. strange thing d. useless 3. He devises programmes for computer. He is. calculator d. maker 6. The number 123 contains three _________. a. letters b. digits c. numbers d. calculations 7. I do not think it is a fair _______. a.

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2013, 01:27

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