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Đề thi Đề kiểm tra Tin DAn vong 2

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Trang SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐẮK LẮK KỲ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2011-2012 MÔN : TIN HỌC 12 - THPT Ngày thi 30/11/2011 ĐÁP ÁN VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM VÒNG I Phần chương trình nguồn Bài 1: {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N-,O-,P-,Q+,R+,S+,T-,V+,X+} {$M 16384,0,655360} uses crt; const tfi='BAI1.INP'; tfo='BAI1.OUT'; maxN=10000; var fi,fo: text; N: integer; dd: array[0 maxN] of byte; procedure Docdl; begin assign(fi,tfi); reset(fi); readln(fi,N); close(fi); end; procedure Loang(u: integer); var x,y: integer; begin if u>0 then begin for x:=1 to trunc(sqrt(u)) if u mod x=0 then begin y:=u div x; if dd[(x-1)*(y+1)]=0 then begin dd[(x-1)*(y+1)]:=1; Loang((x-1)*(y+1)); end; end; end; end; procedure Tim; begin fillchar(dd,sizeof(dd),0); Loang(N); end; Trang procedure Inkq; var dem,sol,i: integer; begin sol:=0; for i:=0 to N sol:=sol+dd[i]; assign(fo,tfo); rewrite(fo); writeln(fo,sol); dem:=0; for i:=0 to N if dd[i]=1 then begin write(fo,i,' '); inc(dem); if dem mod 10=0 then writeln(fo); end; close(fo); end; BEGIN Docdl; Tim; Inkq; END Bài 2: {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V+,X+} {$M 65000,0,655360} uses crt; const tfi tfo var fi,fo x Good sol cn = = 'BAI2.INP'; 'BAI2.OUT'; : : text; array[1 9,1 9] of byte; : boolean; : array[1 9,1 9] of integer; : array[1 9,1 9,1 9] of byte; procedure Docdl; var i,j: integer; ch: char; begin fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0); for i:=1 to begin for j:=1 to begin read(fi,ch); if ch'.' then x[i,j]:=ord(ch)-48; end; readln(fi); Trang end; end; procedure Dat(i,j,k: integer; var ok: boolean); var u,v,id,ic,jd,jc: integer; begin ok:=false; for u:=1 to begin if (ui) and (x[u,j]=k) then exit; if cn[u,j,k]=0 then begin sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]-1; cn[u,j,k]:=100; if (x[u,j]=0) and (sol[u,j]=0) then exit; end; end; for v:=1 to begin if (vj) and (x[i,v]=k) then exit; if cn[i,v,k]=0 then begin sol[i,v]:=sol[i,v]-1; cn[i,v,k]:=100; if (x[i,v]=0) and (sol[i,v]=0) then exit; end; end; id:=(i-1) div 3*3+1; ic:=id+2; jd:=(j-1) div 3*3+1; jc:=jd+2; for u:=id to ic for v:=jd to jc begin if ((ui) or (vj)) and (x[u,v]=k) then exit; if cn[u,v,k]=0 then begin sol[u,v]:=sol[u,v]-1; cn[u,v,k]:=100; if (x[u,v]=0) and (sol[u,v]=0) then exit; end; end; ok:=true; end; procedure Chuanbi; var i,j,k: integer; ok: boolean; begin Good:=false; for i:=1 to for j:=1 to sol[i,j]:=9; fillchar(cn,sizeof(cn),0); for i:=1 to for j:=1 to if x[i,j]>0 then Trang begin k:=x[i,j]; Dat(i,j,k,ok); if not ok then exit; end; for i:=1 to for j:=1 to if (x[i,j]=0) and (sol[i,j]=1) then for k:=1 to if cn[i,j,k]=0 then begin x[i,j]:=k; Dat(i,j,k,ok); if not ok then exit; end; Good:=true; end; procedure Thu(u,v: integer); var k,i,j,ud,uc,vd,vc: integer; tiep: boolean; begin if u=10 then begin Good:=true; exit; end; if v=10 then begin Thu(u+1,1); exit; end; if x[u,v]>0 then begin Thu(u,v+1); exit; end; for k:=1 to if cn[u,v,k]=0 then begin x[u,v]:=k; (* Dat trang thai *) tiep:=true; for i:=u+1 to if (x[i,v]=0) and (cn[i,v,k]=0) then begin cn[i,v,k]:=(u-1)*9+v; sol[i,v]:=sol[i,v]-1; tiep:=(sol[i,v]>0); end; for j:=v+1 to if (x[u,j]=0) and (cn[u,j,k]=0) then begin Trang cn[u,j,k]:=(u-1)*9+v; sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]-1; tiep:=(sol[u,j]>0); end; ud:=(u-1) div 3*3+1; uc:=ud+2; vd:=(v-1) div 3*3+1; vc:=vd+2; for j:=v+1 to vc if (x[u,j]=0) and (cn[u,j,k]=0) then begin cn[u,j,k]:=(u-1)*9+v; sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]-1; tiep:=(sol[u,j]>0); end; for i:=u+1 to uc for j:=vd to vc if (x[i,j]=0) and (cn[i,j,k]=0) then begin cn[i,j,k]:=(u-1)*9+v; sol[i,j]:=sol[i,j]-1; tiep:=sol[i,j]>0; end; (* thu tiep *) if Tiep then Thu(u,v+1); if Good then exit; (* Quay lui *) x[u,v]:=0; for i:=u+1 to if cn[i,v,k]=(u-1)*9+v then begin cn[i,v,k]:=0; sol[i,v]:=sol[i,v]+1; end; for j:=v+1 to if cn[u,j,k]=(u-1)*9+v then begin cn[u,j,k]:=0; sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]+1; end; for j:=v+1 to vc if cn[u,j,k]=(u-1)*9+v then begin cn[u,j,k]:=0; sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]+1; end; for i:=u+1 to uc for j:=vd to vc if cn[i,j,k]=(u-1)*9+v then begin cn[i,j,k]:=0; sol[i,j]:=sol[i,j]+1; end; Trang end; end; procedure Duyet; begin if not Good then exit; Good:=false; Thu(1,1); end; procedure Inkq; var i,j: integer; begin if not Good then begin writeln(fo,'IMPOSSIBLE'); exit; end; for i:=1 to begin for j:=1 to write(fo,x[i,j]); writeln(fo); end; end; BEGIN assign(fi,tfi); reset(fi); assign(fo,tfo); rewrite(fo); Docdl; Chuanbi; Duyet; Inkq; close(fi); close(fo); END II Test chấm Bài 1: Test, test cho điểm Bài 2: Test, test cho điểm Hết ... Docdl; Tim; Inkq; END Bài 2: {$A+,B-,D+,E+,F-,G-,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V+,X+} {$M 65000,0,655360} uses crt; const tfi tfo var fi,fo x Good sol cn = = 'BAI2.INP'; 'BAI2.OUT'; : : text; array[1... and (cn[u,j,k]=0) then begin Trang cn[u,j,k]:=(u-1)*9+v; sol[u,j]:=sol[u,j]-1; tiep:=(sol[u,j]>0); end; ud:=(u-1) div 3*3+1; uc:=ud +2; vd:=(v-1) div 3*3+1; vc:=vd +2; for j:=v+1 to vc if (x[u,j]=0)... if (x[i,v]=0) and (sol[i,v]=0) then exit; end; end; id:=(i-1) div 3*3+1; ic:=id +2; jd:=(j-1) div 3*3+1; jc:=jd +2; for u:=id to ic for v:=jd to jc begin if ((ui) or (vj)) and (x[u,v]=k) then

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2017, 23:48

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