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Nội dung

Trang 1


1 a Teacher b Children c Chore d School2 a hurry b Under c Pressure d rush3 a Possible b University c Secondary d Suitable4 a Confident b Important c Together d Exciting5 a Most doctor and nurses have to work on a … at the hospital

a Solution b night shift c household chores d special dishes6 It’s parent’s duty to … hands to take care of their children and give them a happy home.

a Shake b hold c join d take

7 Doctors are supposed to … responsibility for human life

a do b take c rush d join

8 Sometime Mr Pike has to work very late … night to do important work

a in b at c for d on

9 It … the parent’s responsibility is to take good care of their children

a says that b is said that c to be said that d is saying 10 Most children enjoy … with their parents

a play b to play c playing d played

11 They … for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke

a had been running b have been running c are running d will run12 She … on that manuscript for 3 years now

a will be working b has been working c had been working d is working 13 I … there once a long time ago and … back since

a went/have not been b have gone/was

b go/am not d was going / had not been 14 The students … by Mr Nguyen However, this week they … by Mr Tam

a are usually taught / are being taught b usually teach / are teaching

c have usually been taught / are teaching d have usually been taught / have been teaching15 You are old enough to take … for what you have done

a responsible b responsibility c responsibly d irresponsible16 We are not allowed … jeans at school

a wear b to wear c wearing d worn17 John … a respectful and obedient student

a said to be b is said c is said to be d is said being18 I love … films but i seldom find time to go to the cinema

a see b saw c seen d seeing

19 The worker was … his boss expected, so he was offered a raise

a more - hard working b more hard – working than c as hard – working as d more hard – working as20 In the last hundred years, traveling … much easier and more comfortable

a becomes b has become c became d will become21 Now you … from New York to Los Angeles in a matter

a are flying b were flying c can fly d have been flying22 When Caron … last night, I … my favourite show on TV

a was calling / watched c called / was watching b called / have watched d had called / watched23 When I … home last night, i … that Jane had prepare a big dinner

a had arrived / discovered c have arrived / was discovering b was arriving / had discovered d arrived / discovered

Trang 2

b a year a go, i often went to the museum c My going to the museum lasted a year d At last I went to the museum after years

25 a hands b parents c chores d boys26 a Enjoys b feels c takes d gives27 It’s hard work looking … 3 children all day

a after b up c to d through

28 Everyday, I … up at 6 o’clock and … breakfast at 7 o’clock

a get / have b got / had c have got / have d gets / had29 What … at this time tomorrow?

a Will you do b will you be doing c will you have done30 After taken a bath, I went to bed last night

a taken b bath c went d to bed31 Before I …the dishes, I had had dinner

a have washed b washed c had washed d was washing32 I used to playing soccer when I was young

33 I did not visited my grand parents since last year34 she admitted to meet me one more time


Trang 3

6 London is home to people of many … cultures

a diverse b diversity c diversify d diversification7 Sometimes she doesn’t aged … her husband about child bearing

a for b on c with d of

8 … Tom Cruise’s last movie? Yes, I … it 3 days ago

a have you ever seen / saw c Had you ever seen / would see b Did you ever see / have seen d Will you ever see / saw

9 I … an accident while I … on the beach

a see / am walking b saw / was walking

c was seeing / walked d have seen / were walking10 After all, she … him since her childhood

a knows b knew c was knowing d had known11.We … touch since we … school 3 years ago

a lost/ have left b have lost/leave c have lost/left d were losing/had left12 The more … you look, the better you will feel

a confide b confident c confidently d confidence13 I … there once a long time ago and … back since

a was/ have not been b would be/had not been c had been /was not d have been /will not be14 What … when the fire alarm …off?

a are you doing/will go b were you doing /went c have you done/would do d will you do/are going15 His ideas about marriage are quite different … mine

a with b from c for d on

16 He … email before , so I… him how to use it

a did not use/ had shown b had not use/ show c had not use/ showed d was not using/will show17 She … me anything about that problem so far

a is not telling b doesn’t tell c will not tell d has not told18 I think that everything … ready for project procedure by the end of next month

a will have been b has been c had been d is19 They … enthusiastically when their teacher … in

a discuss /comes b will discuss/will come c were discussing/was coming d c were discussing/came20 Be quiet! Someone… at the front door

a is knocking b knocks c has knocked d will knock21 This is the first time I attend such an enjoyable wedding party

a The first wedding party I attended was enjoyable b I had the first enjoyable wedding party

c My attendance at the first wedding party was enjoyable d I have never attended such an enjoyable wedding party22 I have not met her for three years

a The last time I met her was three years ago b It is three years when I will meet her c I did not meet her 3 years ago

d During 3 years I met her once23 I have not seen Tom for ages

a It has been a long time since I last saw Tom b Tom and I are friends for a long time

Trang 4

d Tom and I did not look the same age24 She told him …

a patient b to be patient c was patient d that being patient

25 Everyday, Mary … on the computer , but today she … a typewriter because there is noe paper a types/ is using b had typed/will use c is typing/use d types/has used

26 Barbara asked me … the homework that week

a that she must do b if she has to do c if she had to do d if did she have to do27 “ If I were you , I would take a break” Tom said to Daisy

a Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy b Tom advised Daisy to take a break c Tom suggested not taking a break d Tom wanted to take a break28 Peter is very busy … his new house

a over b with c for d on


1.a attract b person c signal d instance2.a across b simply c common d brother3.a social b master c notice d begin4 a problem b minute c suppose d dinner5 a discuss b waving c airport d often6 The boy waved his hands to his mother to … her attention

a attract b attraction c attractive d attracting

7 If something … your attention or your eyes, you notice it or become interested in it a pays b allow c catches d wave

Trang 5

9 Mrs Pike was so angry that she made a … gesture at the drivera rude b rudeness c rudely d rudest10 Small children are often told that it is rude to point … other people

a at b to c for d in11 “You look grear in this new dress” “………”

a With pleasure b Not at all

c I’m glad you like it d Do not say anything about it12 The teacher told that ……

a I must go now b I have to go nowc I had to go now d She had to go now13 The teacher told Joe …

a to stop talking b stop talkingc stops talking d stopped talking14 She said she …

a was very tired last night c had been very tired last night

b was very tired the night before d had been very tired the night before15 Emily said that her teacher …… to London …

a will go / tomorrow c would go / the next dayb went / tomorrow d had done / the next day16 she told the boys … on the grass

a do not play b did not play c not playing d not to play17 She asked me …

a where was her umbrella c where her umbrella wasb where were her umbrella d where her umbrella was18 Jackson asked me …the book the day before

a if who gave b if who has given c who had givento 19.Rober said that his father … Dallas the year before

a goes b went c has gone d had gone20 He wanted to know … shopping during the previous morning

a if we had been going c that if we had been goingb we were goinf b that we were going21 “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!”

a Peter promised to buy Mary a new dress

b Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dressc Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress

22 “Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?”

a Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help

b Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help

c Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for helpd Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help

23 a noisy b party c social d polite24 a waiter b teacher c slightly d toward

25 When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is appropriate

a coming nearer to b pointing at c looking at d looking for26 When the play finished the audience stood up and … their hands loudly

a clapped b nodled c shook d hold27 It is often considered to be impolite to … at someone

Trang 6

a Polite b politely c politeness d impoliteness29 He is not really friendly and makes no attemp to be …

a society b social c socialize d sociable30 How well you are playing!

a Say it again I like to hear your words b I think so I am proud of myselfc Thank you to much d Thanks That a nice compliment31 The mother asked her son …

Trang 7


1 a general b application c usually d October2 a physical b achievement c educate d primary3 a eleven b history c nursery d different4 Tom left high school … the age … seventeen

a at/of b in/for c on/with d of/in5 As an … Mr Pike is very worried about the decreasing of taking school of the student

a educate b education c educator d educative6 In England, … are paid by the state

a primary schools b public schools c independent schools d state schools7 English is an inportan … that is required in several national examinations

a language b test c evalation d subject8 Bicycles … in the driveway

a must not leave c must not be leftb must not be leaving d must not have left9 Beethoven’s Fifth symphony … next weekend

a is going to be performed c has been performedb will be performing d will have performed10 Reagan … an actor years ago

a is said to be b was said beingc was said have been d is said to have been11 I hate … personal questions

a to be asking b to be asked c being asking d of asking12 It … that learning a foreign language … A lot of time

a says/is taken c is saying / has been takenb is said / takes d was said / was taken13 The trees …

a were grown by John in the backyard yesterdayb were grown in the backyard by John yesterdayc were grown in the backyard yesterday by Johnd in the backyard were grown yesterday by John14 …… yet ?

a Have the letters been typed c have been the letters typedb have the letters typed d had the letters typed15 The telephone … by Alexander Graham Bell

a is invented b it is used c used d being used16 Lots of houses … by the earthquake

a are destroying b destroyed c were destroying d were destroyed17 In the US the first stage of compulsory education …… as elementary education

a to be generally known c is generally knownb generally known d is generally knowing

18 a expression b easily c depression d disruptive19 a algebra b musical c politics d apartment20 a mechanic b chemistry c cinema d finally21 a typical b favourite c division d organise 22 He did not do well at school and left with few … qualifications

a academic b academy c academician d academically23 He owed his success not to privilege but to self education and a driving desire for …

Trang 8

a college b primary c secondary d public

25 In the UK, … Schools refer to government – funded school which is free of charge to pupilsa state b secondary c independent d primary

26 School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools

a depended b required c diveded d paid27 … music is …… popular pastime at many schools

a  / a b the / the c a / the d the / 28 Education … to be the most important element to develop a country

a often be considered c can often considerb can often considered d can often be considered29 The preparations … by the time the guests …

a had been finished / arrived c have finished / arrived

b had finished / were arriving d have been finished / were arrived30 … in that company ?

Trang 9


1 a library b entertain c understand d referee2 a memory b exactly c radio d management3 a naked b looked c booked d hooked4 a laughed b helped c missed d rained

5 a cooks b loves c joins d spends

6 Portuguese … as an official language in this city

a has always been spoken c has been spoken alwaysb has always spoken d had always spoken7 More than ten victims … missing in the storm last week

a are reported c are reported to have beenb are reporting to have been d are reporting to be

8 … by your father ?

a did that book write c did that book writtenb was that book written d was that book be writing

9 Something … immediately to prevent teenagers from being exploited in factories

a should be done b should do c we should do d should have done10 This car …

a was manufactured in Japan by Toyota last yearb was manufactured by Toyota last year in Japanc was manufactured last year in Japan by Toyotad last year was manufactured by Toyota in Japan11 Why … on time ?

a don’t the exercises finish c weren’t the exercises be finishedb aren’t the exercises being finished d aren’t the exercises be finished12 No longer … in our office since it …

a have typewriters been used / computerizedb typewriters have been used / was computerizedc have typewriters been used / was computerizedd typewriters have been used / computerized13 When … ?

a were computers used first c was computers first usedb were computers first used d are computers first using14 In England, schooling is compulsory … all children from the age of 5 to 16

a with b for c to d over

15 In Vietnam, a school year lasts for nine months and is divided … 2 terms

a into b to c from d on

16 To Vietnamese students, the … examination to university is very difficult

a require b requirement c requiring d required17 Despite many recent … advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers

a technology b technological c technologically d technologist18 The refreshments … by Karen

a are going to be prepared b are going to preparec are preparing d are to prepare19 … by the police

a The stealing car has just been found c The stealing car has just foundb The stolen car has just been found d The stolen car has just found20 … Students required to wear uniforms at all time ?

Trang 10

21 The keys … somewhere

a must have been leaving b must be leftc must leave d must to leaving22 I … in the lounge for 10 minutes

a was told waiting c was told to waitb was telling to be waited d was told to be waited

23 the national … is a programme of study in all the main subjects that children in state schools must follow

a syllabus b course c plan d curriculum24 Our children … to school by bus every morning

a take b are taken c have taken d are taking25 My bicycle … last night

a was stolen b was stealing c stolen d stole16 “When can I have my car back ?” “I think it’ll late this afternoon”

a finish b be finished c have finished d be finish27 The price of rice exports will been increased by the Government

a the b of c been d by

28 Great singers of the world can be hearing at the Sydney opera house

a of b the world c, hearing d at the29 People have discovered a new source of energy

a A new source of energy has discoveredb A new source of energy was discoveredc A new source of energy have been discoveredd A new source of energy has been discovered30 People say that he has born in London

a That is said he was born in Londonb It was said that he was born in Londonc He was said to be born in Londond He is said to have been born in London31 People say Chinese food is the best in the world

a Chinese food is said to be the best in the worldb I agree that Chinese food is the best in the worldc Chinese food is eaten all over the world

d No food in the world is eaten as much as Chinese food32 The storm blew a lot of trees down last night.

a A lot of trees were blown down last night by the stormb A lot of trees were cut down last night

c The storm could have blown last night

Trang 11


1 a University b application c technology d entertainment2 a mathematic b engineering c scientific d laboratory3 a certificate b necessary c.economy d Geography4 a interviewer b preparation c economics d education5 a considerable b information c librarian d technician6 The making of good habits … a determination to keep on training your child

a require b requires c requirement d required7 He has the only … that was offered the job

a apply b application c applicant d applying8 A … is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college or university

a degree b subject c level d vacancy9 He has been expected to cope with examinations and … food results

a achieve b consider c last d object10 I am flying to the states tonight I … you a ring if I can find a phone

a will give b would give c could give d have given11 We’ll need more staff … we start the new project

a unless b whether c in case d or12 If I … 10 years younger, I … the job

a am / will take b was / have takenc had been / will have taken d were / would take13 … I had learnt English when I was at high school

a unless b Even if c if d if only

14 You are not allowed to use this machine … you are a member

a unless b if c provided d supposed15 If she … the train last night, she … here now

a took / were b were taking / isc had taken / would have been d had taken / would be16 … if the war happened ?

a What you would do c What would you do

b What will you do d What would you have done17 I would send her a fax if … her number

a know b knew c had known d could know18 … more carefully, he would not have had the accident yesterday

a if Peter driven c If had Peter drivenb Had Peter driven d Unless Peter had driven19 Higher education is very importance to national ecnomies

a higher b is c importance d economies20 Higher education and training that combines teaching of both practical skills

a higher b training c combines d practical21 a apply b university c identity d early22 a choice b achieve c each d chemistry23 a final b applicant c high d decide24 a average b indicate c application d grade

25 a course b four c our d yours

26 You are old enough I think it is high time you applied … a job

a in b of c for d upon\

Trang 12

28 … education is taken to include undergraduate and post – graduate education as well as vocational education and training

a primary b Tertiary c Secondary d intermediate29 Many people have objective to the use of animals on … experiments

a science b scientist c scientific d scientifically30 I would like to invite you to participate in the … ceremony

a graduate b graduated c graduation d graduating31 you can either come by bus … take a taxi

a and b or c not d nor

32 Either you or I … going to meet professor pike at the airport

a am b were c are d has been

33 Either you or your friend … on charge to day

a are b is c was d were

34 If you … to my advise, you … in trouble now

a listened / were not b listen / are not

c had listened / would not have been d had listened / would not be35 If you take the 8 a.m flight to New York you … change planes

a could not have to b had not had toc will not have to d would not to36 If it … warm yesterday, we would have gone to the beach

a was b were c had been d could be

37 If it … an hour ago, the streets … wet now

a were training / will be c had rained / would be

b had rained / would be d had rained / would have been38 … here, he would helped us with these troubles

a were Peter b If were Peter c Unless were Peter d Unless Peter were39 If i were a little taller, I … be able to water the plant

a did b would c had d would have

40 If the traffic … bad, I may get home late

a is b were c was d had been

41 If I … it was a formal party, I wouldn’t have gone wearing jeans

Trang 13


1 a interview b impression c company d formally2 a stressful b pressure c prepare d future3 a employment b remember c concentrate d position4 a express b effort c office d comment5 a advice b relate c during d forget6 I am so … that I can not say anything, but keep silent

a nerve b nervous c nervously d nervousness7 … Speaking, I do not really like my present job

a honest b honesty c honestly d dishonest 8 A letter of … is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview

a recommend b recommended c recommender d recommendation9 Not all teenagers are well … for their future job when they are at high school

a interested b satisfied c concerned d prepared10 Qualifications and … are two most important factors that help you get a good job

a politeness b reference c experience d attention11 Knowing your skill is … important part of the job search process

a a b an c the d 

12 My father works for a construction company in …

a Winchester, which is a city in the UK c Winchester is a city in the UK

b Winchester, that is a city in the UK d Winchester, where is a city in the UK13 Ms Young, to … many of her students are writing, is living happily and peacefully in Canada

a who b whom c that d whose

14 I saw a lot of new people at the party, … seemed familiar

a some of whom b some of who c whom d some of that15 My friend decided to quit her job, … upset me a lot

a that b when c which d who

16 He is the man … car was stolen last week

a Whom b that c Which d whose

17 It was the worst winter … anyone could remember

a why b which c where d why

18 I would like to know the reason … he decided to quit the job

a why b which c that d when

19 … instructed me how to make a good preparation for a job interview

a John Robbins to that I spoke by telephone c John Robbins I spoke to by telephoneb John Robbins, that I spoke to by telephone d John Robbins whom I spoke to by telephone20 He was always coming up with new ideas, … were absolutely impracticable

a that b in that c which d where

21 February is the month … many of my friends take skiing holidays

a when b that c in that d which

22 Do you ever feel that life is not being fair to you because you can not seem to get the job whereyou want or really suits you ?

a ever b that c because d where

23 a worker b whom c interview d answer24 a honest b holiday c home d happiness25 a character b teacher c chemist d technical26 a explained b disappointed c prepared d interviewed27 It’s of great importance to create a good impression … your interviewer

a on b about c for d at

Trang 14

a Employment b Employ c unemployment d unemployed29 He was offered the job thanks to his … performance during his job interview

a impress b impression c impressive d impressively30 There was no one …

a I could ask for help c I could ask whom for helpb when I could ask for help d For that I could ask for help

31 I come from the Seattle area, … many sucessfull companies such as Microsoft and Boring are located

a Which b that c where d whom

32 He came to the party wearing only a pair of shorts and T-shirt was a stupid thing to do

a who b whom c which d that

33 He lives in a small town …

a where is called Taunton c which is called Tauntonb is called Taunton d that called Taunton34 The house … is more than 100 years old

a where I live b in where I live c in that I live d where I live in35 King Henry, … was Elizabeth I, led England into the Age of Empire

a daughter b whom daughter c which daughter d whose daughter36 It is … to fail a job interview, but try again

a disappoint b disappointing c disappointedly d disappointment37 Frank invited Janet, …., to the party

a met in Japan c meeting in Japan

b Whom he had met in Japan d that he had met in Japan38 He took me to an expensive restaurant where we enjoyed a good meal

a enjoyed the good meal c to enjoy the good meal

b enjoying a good meal d in which we enjoyed a good meal39 The banker to … I gave my check was quite friendly

a who b that c whom d which

40 He lent me … yesterday

a the book I need c which book I needb the book when I need d the book whose I need41 We have a lot of things that we have to do to day

a doing b to do c done d do

42 The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family

Trang 15


1 a requirements b subject c secondary d levels2 a specialize b variety c particular d wide3 a economy b industry c qualify d priority4 a right b private c communist d minority5 a economic b experience c entertainment d introduction6 a hospital b inflation c policy d constantly7 a production b inflation c domestic d business

8 a heavy b major c program d reform

9 The control of … has been carried out through measures rooted in monetarism

a inflate b inflationist c inflation d inflator10 It is often a good idea to start with small, easily … goals

a achieve b achievement c achievable d achiver11 After Doi Moi or economic …, the Vietnamese communist government has achieved economiclinks with numerous foreign partners

a relation b investment c productivity d renovation12 These new economic reforms have allowed for international … and development in the country

a pay b renovation c investment d opportunity13 I could not eat … I was very hungry

a even though b in spite c despite d in spite of14 In spite …, the baseball game was not cancelled

a the rain b of the rain c it was raining d there was a rain15 … he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car

a In spite of b.Because c Despite d Although16 … Her lack up hard work, she was promoted

a In spite b In spite of c Although d Because of17 … They are brothers, they do not look like

a Although b Despite c Despite of d In spite18 Economic reform are often carried … to promote the developing of a country

a out b on c for d in

19 Being aware … the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese communist party initiated an overall economic reform policy

a for b at c of d in

20 For more than ten years, we have seen the significant … in the economy of our countrya develop b developments c developers d developed21 Henry was a studious student He needed no … to work hard

a encourage b encouraging c encouragement d encouraged22 During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown … with only a few major setbacks

a constant b constantly c constants d constancy23 … of the difficulty, they managed to climb the top of the mountain

a in spite b Because c Despite d Although24 In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job

a As hard as he work c Despite he worked hardb Though he worked hard d Though hard work25 He went to work despite his headache

a nevertheless b due to c notwithstanding d Because of26 Despite ….\, we knew that he was guilty

Trang 16

27 Despite the fact that …., we enjoyed our trip

a the weather is bad c it is a bad weatherb the bad weather d the weather is bad28 Julie failed the exam … of working very hard

a despite b because c in spite d even if29 Tom went to work despite …

a That he did not feel very well c of the fact not feeling wellb he did not feel very well d not feeling very well30 Though …, they are good friends

a their sometimes quarrel c to have a quarrel sometimesb they sometimes have a quarrel d of having a quarrel sometimes31 Despite …, we arrived on time

a the traffic c there was heavy trafficb of the traffic d of there was heavy traffic32 Despite his ability to do the job, he was not offered the position

a It was his ability that helped him do the job and get the position

b Although he was able to do the job, but he was not offeredply the positionc He was not offered the position, regardless of his ability to do the job33 Although sales fell sharply last month, we are on target for the year

a Even though felling sharply in sales last monthb In spite of there was a sharp fall in sales last monthc Even if falling sharply in sales last month

Trang 17


1 a different b terrorist c contrary d domestic2 a development b security c pessimistic d particular3 a experience b technology c enviroment d optimistic4 Someone who is … is hopeful about the future or the success of something

a powerful b optimistic c pessimistic d stagnant5 An economic … is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes unemployment and poverty

a improvement b depression c development d mission

6 She is looking … a new place to live because she doesn’t want to depend … her parents any more

a for / on b after / with c up / forward d at / in to7 She intended to quit her job to stay … and look … her sick mother

a in / at b at / after c for / over d up / on8 There was a shortage … food and safe water after flood

a on b with c for d of

9 He is very worried … his new job because he is not prepared … working

a on / over b to / off c about / for d in / at10 While I am waiting … my bus, I often listen … music

a on / at b for / to c toward / about d upon / in11 Will you take care … my little clog when I am … bussiness

a through / away b about / at c for / over d of / on12 He depends … his sister … assistance

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2017, 10:15
