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Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Preparing date: September 12th,2007 Period: 06 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL LESSON 1 I.Objectives: 1.Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to understand and use some commands in classroom .2.Skills: speaking , and listening II. Procedure : 1.Settlement: Greeting, checking attendance and disposing for pair/group work. 2. Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for new lesson. - Warmer : Pelmanism 11 12 13 14 15 20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen twenty 19 17 16 18 nineteen seventeen sixteen eighteen 3. New lesson : Students activities’ * Vocabulary : -( to) come in : mêi vµo -( to) sit down : ngåi xuèng - ( to) open your book : më s¸ch ra -( to) close your book : ®ãng s¸ch l¹i - stand up: ®øng lªn Slap the board * Practice : Math and write Teacher s activities’ * Pre- teach vocabulary : - T elicit vocabs from Ss - ( translation) - ( picture ) -( picture ) - ( picture) - ( antonymn) - T reads vocabs and Ss repeat after her chorally/ individually - T checks vocabs by playing game “ Slap the board “ - T divides class into two groups and asks them to go the board and slap the word in English - T says the word in Vietnamese and Ss slap the word in English * Practice: Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Come in Sit down Stand up Close your book Open your book Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Sit down Come in Stand up Close your book Open your book * Further Practice : * Simon say 4-Consolidation: Mapped Dialogue : Miss Hoa Children morning morning ,MissHoa How ? We’re . How .? Fine sit Yes, Miss! And open . Yes, Miss ! - T writes some words on the board ang hangs some pictures and then T asks Ss to math the word with the picture - Ss work individually - T feedbacks - T and Ss play the game “ Simon Say “ - T gives introduction and asks Ss to play the game - T uses” Mapped Dialogue” to revise the lesson - T elicits sentence by sentence - T rubs out the dialogue and asks Ss to complete it - T- Class - Group - Group - Open pairs/ Close pairs Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 5 Picture 3 Picture 4 5-Home work: - Learn by heart vocabs - Prepare lesson 2 Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Preparing date: September 14th,2007 Period: 07 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL LESSON 2 I. Ojectives: 1.Knowledge- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to ask and answer about the places they live - Get some vocabulary - Classroom Imperatives to understand the teacher’s commands .2.Skills: speaking , and listening IV. Procedure : 1. Settlement : greeting , calling roll and disposing for pair/group work. 2. Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for new lesson. Warm up : Play the game “ Slap the board “ 3. New lesson : Students activities’ * Vocabulary : - ( in) a house (n):ë nhµ -( in) a city: (n) ë thµnh phè -( on) a street (n) : trªn dêng phè - ( to) live: sèng Matching : - ( to) live Hue Teacher s activities’ * Pre- teach vocabulary : - T elicits vocabs from Ss - ( picture ) - ( picture ) -( picture ) - ( translation ) - T checks vocabs by matching * Presentation Dialogue : Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Come in Stand up Sit down Close your book Open your book Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 - (in) a house song - ( in) a city : -( on) a street *Presentation Dialogue : Model sentence : Where do you live ? I live on Tran Phu Street in Hue in Viet nam * Practice : * Further Practice : Survey - T reads the dialogue , Ss repeat chorally/ individually - T elicits model sentence from Ss - T writes model sentence on the board - T elicits using / forming - T gives some cue words and asks Ss to practice pattern - T - Class - Group - Group - Open pairs / Close pairs - ? Ss ask and fill information about three others 4-consolidation: 5- Homework : - Learn by heart vocabs and dialogue - prepare Unit 2- lesson 3 Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Le Loi Ha noi a city Tran Phu Da nang a house Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Preparing date: September 16th,2007 Period: 08 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL LESSON 3 I. Ojectives: 1.Knowledge- By the end of the lesson , students will be able to - Know the Alphabet (A-Z) to talk about their name - Use” What ‘s your name ?” and “ How do you spell it?” .2.Skills: speaking , and listening IV. Procedure : 1. Settlement : greeting , calling roll and disposing for pair/group work. 2. Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for new lesson. - Warm up : Play the game “ Slap the board “ 3. New lesson : Students activities’ * Alphabet A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z * Dialogue : B4 P. 25 Model sentence : What ‘s your name ? My name’s Lam How do you spell it ? *§Ó hái tªn b¹n lµ g× em hái : What is your name ? Teacher s activities’ * Pre- teach vocabs - T elicits vocabs from Ss - Ss repeat after T - T helps Ss to sing a Alphabet song - Ss sing a song - T calls some Ss sing a song - T presents dialogue sentence by sentence - Ss repeat the dialogue chorally/ individually - After Ss read the dialogue fluently, T elicits model sentence Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School in a house on a street to live in a city Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 My name is + Tªn * §Ó hái b¹n ®¸nh vÇn tªn nh thÕ nµo em tr¶ lêi How do you spell it ? * Practice : 1. Huong 2. Kien 3. Nguyet 4. Hang 5. Toan - T elicits meaning/ form - Ss copy down - T gives some cue words and asks Ss to practise - T - Class - Group - Group - Open pairs/ Close pairs 4. Consolidation: 5. Home work : - learn by heart The Alphabet - prepare Unit 2- lesson 4 Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Preparing date: September 18th,2007 Period: 09 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL LESSON 4 I. Ojectives: 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson , students will be able to - Use “ this/ that “ to introduce things and people - Make “ Yes/ No Question “ to talk about people and things at school 2.Skills : Listening, speaking, reading and writing. II. Procedure : 1. Settlement : greeting , calling roll and disposing for pair/group work. 2. Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for new lesson. - Warm up : Jumbled words veeingn, lleho, ndstapu, yiet, teetsr, teethirn 3. New lesson : Students activities’ * Vocabulary : - a student (n) : häc sinh - a teacher (n) : gi¸o viªn - a school (n) : trêng häc - a class (n) : líp häc - a desk ( n) : bµn häc * Matching : a student trêng a teacher gi¸o viªn a class bµn häc a school líp häc a desk häc sinh * Practice : Teacher s activities’ * Pre- teach vocabs : - T elicits vocabs from Ss -( example ) - ( example) - ( picture ) - ( realia ) - ( realia ) - Ss repeat new words after T chorally / individually - T checks vocabs by matching - T calls some Ss go to the board and match the word in English with the word in Vietnamese - Ss work individually * Practice : - T gives some cue words and asks Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Häc sinh ThÇy c« Tr­êng Líp häc Bµn häc Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 * Text and Dialogue : Model sentence : This is my school That is my class => Dùng để giới thiệu vật ở gần hoặc ở xa Is that your teacher ? Is this your desk ? Yes. It is No. It ínt => Dùng để hỏi đoán xem ngời hoặc vật có phải của một ngời nào đó hay không và trả lời xác nhận hoặc không * Practice : Ss to practise - T- Class - Group - Group - Open pairs/ Close pairs - T presents dialogue , Ss repeat after her - T elicits model sentence - Ss gives meaning / form of model sentence - Ss copy down - T uses pictures from P. 26,27 S1: Is this your school ? S2: Yes. It is S3: Is That your clock ? S4 : No. It isnt S5 : Is this your ruler ? S6: Yes . It is 4.Consolidation: -Get Ss to use Yes/No questions ,asking each other about things around the classroom. 5.Homework : - learn by heart vocabs / structures - Prepare Unit 2- Lesson 5 Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Picture 1 ( table) Picture 2 ( pen ) Picture 3 ( ruler ) Picture 4 ( clock ) Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 Preparing date: September 20th,2007 Period: 10 UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL LESSON 5 I. Ojectives: 1.Knowledge By the end of the lesson , students will be able to use “ What’s this / that ?” to talk about things in the classroom .2.Skills: speaking , and listening IV. Procedure : 1. Settlement : greeting , calling roll and disposing for pair/group work. 2. Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for new lesson. 3. New lesson : Students activities’ * Vocabulary : Dialogue Build : T : What is this ? Ss : It’s a door T : How do you spell it ? Ss : D- O- O- R - a door : cöa lín - a window : cöa sæ - a board : c¸i b¶ng - a clock (n) : c¸i ®ång hå - a waste basket (n) : rät r¸c - a school bag (n) : cÆp häc sinh - a pen (n) : c©y bót mùc - an eraser (n) : côc tÈy * Matching : a clock ®ång hå a pen cöa sæ a window côc tÈy a door rät r¸c a waster basket bót m¸y an eraser cöa lín * Practice : Wordsquare Teacher s activities’ * Pre- teach vocabs : - T uses the dialogue to elicits and practise spelling the vocabs - ( realia object ) - ( realia object ) - ( picture ) - ( realia object ) - ( realia object ) - ( picture ) - Ss repeat vocabs after T in chorally / individually - Ss copy down - T checks vocabs by matching * Wordsquare : - T hangs the poster on the board and gives Ss 3 minutes to find out Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School Lesson Plan- English 6 School-year: 2007-2008 W P E N S E C X O E D D C R L D D N E O H A O R N C S O O S C A I I K R O E K O W L R U L E R B 4.Consolidation: Lucky number : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the vocab they have learnt . Then T calls Ss to go to the board and write the meaning of the words - Ss work in groups - T divides class into four groups . Each group must choose a number and they have to answer a question ( there are three lucky number ) Lucky number : 1. How do you spell “ Desk “ 2. How do you spell “ Classroom” 3. Lucky number 4. How do you spell “ clock “ 5. How do you spell “ pencil” 6. How do you spell “ ruler “ 7. Lucky number 8. How do you spell “ eraser “ 9. Lucky number 10. How do you spell “ window “ 5. Homework : - Learn by heart vocabs - Prepare Unit 3- lesson 6 Teacher: VO MINH Nguyen Tri- Phuong Secondary School

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2013, 01:26

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