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Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school UNIT 1: HOME LIFE I 1) 2)  3) 4) 5)   6)  7) 8)  9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)   15) 16) 17)   18) 19) 20)  21) 22)  A READING Vocabulary shift /ʃɪft/ (n)  a night shift  work on a night shift biology /bai'ɔləʤi/ (n) biologist /baɪˈɒlədʒɪst/ (n) caring (adj) project/ˈprɒdʒekt/ (n) responsibility /ris,pɔnsə'biliti/ (n) take the responsibility for be responsible (adj) for household chores /'haushould tʃɔ:/ (n) household chore = run the household rush (v) /rʌʃ/to hurry /'hʌri/ (v,n) be in a hurry be willing (adj) + to V eel /i:l/ (n) attempt /ə'tempt/ (n)  in an attempt to pressure /'preʃə/ (n)  be under … pressure mischievous /'mistʃivəs/ (adj) obey /ə'bei/ (v) obedient /ə'bi:djənt/ (adj) obedience (n) mend (v) = repair close – knit (adj) support /sə'pɔ:t/ (v) supportive (adj) of supporter (n) come up = happen (v) frank /fræɳk/ (adj)  frankly (adv) secure /si'kjuə/ (adj) security /si'kjuəriti/ (n) base (n) = foundation (n) confident /'kɔnfidənt/ (adj) confidence (n) II 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) III Phrases leave… for make sure join hands = work together give a hand = help (with) take out the garbage win a place at university look after (v) = take care of = care for join (v)= take part in = participate in share … feeling (with) at weekends = on the weekend Tasks Task page 14 Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the words in the box to make a summary of the passage in textbook pressure five look after hospital biologist join hands safe cooking nurse lab close – knit household Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school There are (1) _ people in my family: my parents, my two younger brothers and me My mother is a (2) She works in a (3) My father is a (4) He works in a (5) _ In my family, both parents (6) to give us a nice house and a happy home My mother takes responsibility for running the (7) _ and Dad is always willing to give a hand after work He enjoys (8) I’m in my final year at the secondary school I am under a lot of study (9) _ However, I try to help with the household chores and (10) _ the boys We’re very (11) _ family We often share our feeling and discuss our problems frankly and find solutions quickly We always feel (12) and secure in our family B SPEAKING Ask your partner the questions below 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Who works in your family? Who does the household chores? What does your family often together? With whom you share your secrets? To whom you always talk before making an important decision? Who loves you most? Who you love most? Do you want to live with your family forever? C LISTENING I  II Vocabulary consider /kən'sidə/ (v) flight /flight/ (n) sit (v) seat (n) leftover (n) Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks PAUL: So, Andrea, you’re going home for the (1) ? ANDREA: I am sure I’ve booked a flight for (2) _ and I can’t wait PAUL: That’s sounds great ANDREA: What about you? Going home too? PAUL: I haven’t decided yet I’m still considering … ANDREA: Haven’t decided yet? Oh, you are never going to get a flight out of here All the seats have been reserved by now I’m sure It’s the (3) _, after all PAUL: Well, it’s not very important to me My (4) lives about 180 kms from here I usually take the train or the coach ANDREA: You don’t sound excited about it PAUL: Well, we are not really a very (5) _ family I have three brothers, and they’ve spread out all over the place We rarely get together as a family any more ANDREA: Well, try to get home as soon as (6) _ We’re a big family – there are six of us – children – so it’s always a lot of fun PAUL: Six kids? Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school ANDREA: Yes And we’re really close My (7) are married, so it makes for a very crowded home over the holiday And there are too many people to cook for, so we end up going out to (8) a lot That’s also fun PAUL: Well, at my home, my mother loves to cook, so when we get home she often cooks big meals We have leftovers for days D WRITING: Write about your family E LANGUAGE FOCUS REVIEW OF TENSES I Choose the best answer I _this film twice A see B saw C will see –Peter, please help me the washing up – Sorry, Mum I TV A watch B am watching C had watched The farmers _ in the field now A were working B have worked C worked The war _ out three years ago A broke B had broken C has broken He a cup of coffee every morning A drinks B drank C is drinking Up to the present, Nam _ good work in his class A does B has done C had done At present, that author a historical novel A is writing B was writing C has written By next month, I _ my first novel A will finish B am going to finish C finish Phong at the university so far A had worked B was working C worked 10 How long _ able to drive? – since 1990 A could you B have you been C were you 11 They since eight o’clock A are talking B have been talking C talk 12 My brother _ in the army from 1990 to 1995 A served B has served C had served 13 This is the most interesting book _ A I’ve read B I had read C I’ve ever read 14 I him ten days ago A see B saw C have seen 15 It is raining now it began raining two hours ago It for two hours A has rained B had rained C is raining 16 He his job last month and since then he out of work A has lost/ is B had lost/ was C lost / has been 17 At this time tomorrow, my father in London A is arriving B has arrived C will be arriving 18 We began to jog A before three year B three years ago C three years past 19 The baby _ Don’t make so much noise A sleep B sleeps C slept 20 He will finish this work before you _ here tomorrow A leave B will leave C would leave 21 The train _ when we got to the station A just left B just leaves C had just left 22 I was working in the garden, John was repairing the washing machine A as soon as B because of C while 23 Tom _ before we arrive there A has left B had left C will leave D have seen D watched D are working D was breaking D has drunk D did D had written D will have finished D has worked D are you D talk D is serving D I had ever read D will see D has been raining D lost/ had been D would arrive D the past three years D is sleeping D are going to leave D will leave D until D leaves Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 24 After he _ his English course, he went to England to continue his study A will finish B has finished C had finished D will have finished 25 How since we school? 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 A are you/ left B will you be / left C have you been/ had left D have you been/ left Before cars _ , people horses and bicycles A were discovered/ had used B discovering/ use C is discovered/ using D have been discovered / have been using Don’t go anywhere until I _ back A come B will come C have come D came I _ the book by the time you come tonight A will be finishing B finished C have finishing D will have finished Who when I came ? A were you talking to B are you talking to C you were talking to D you are talking to Please send us a postcard as soon as you _in London A will arrive B is going to arrive C arrive D arrived We for going home when it began to rain A are preparing B were preparing C will be preparing D have prepared At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, we _ our final test A will take B will be taking C has been taking D would be taking Our grandfather as an engineer for 30 years before he retired in 1980 A worked B was working C has been working D had been working Miss Hoa always takes her umbrella when she _ to school A has gone B goes C is going D will go I’ll marry her as soon as she _ all her problems A solves B has solved C had solved D solve My son was sleeping when I home A went B has gone C had gone D would go Lan has learnt English since she a small girl A has been B had been C was D would be After , he went to bed A had done his homework B have done his homework C being done his homework D doing his homework While I in the street, I saw my old friend A was walking B am walking C walk D walked He died after he ill for a long time A was B had been C has been D is I her since I _ a student A know/ am B knew/ was C have known/ am D have known/ was At this time tomorrow, we our final exam A will have taking B will be taking C will be taken D would take After she _ at the hospital for years, she _ to give up the job yesterday A had been working/ decides B had been working/ decided C working / had decided D is working/ will decide After _ Tom was apprenticed to learn a trade A leave B leaves C left D leaving – Why have they demolished that old building? – They a new supermarket there A had built B were building C are going to build D would be built After the doctor found that he his arm A to examine/ breaks B to examine/ broke C examining/ broken D examining/had broken I was compiling this book while my son A slept B would sleep C had slept D was sleeping Yesterday when I _ at the station, the train _ for 15 minutes A arrived/ had left B arrives/ has left C arrived/ left D had arrived/ left When we see Mr Minh tomorrow, I him of that Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 A will remind B remind 50 The manager the store before I arrived A closed B had closed Binh Chanh high school C have reminded C has closed D reminded D was closing II Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb It (rain) _ almost every day in Manchester My best friend (write) _ to me every week She (not live) in Hai Phong city In the summer, I sometimes (go) swimming I (not go) to school last Sunday _she (get) married last year? John (not read) _ a book now Silvia (not listen) _ to music at the moment Look! The bus (come) 10 I (try) to learn English for years 11 I (wait) for two hours, but she _ (not come) yet 12 I think it (rain) tomorrow 13 Every morning, I (watch) TV at 10.00, but today I (listen ) to music at 10.00 14 Alice hurt herself while she (skate) 15 I _ (walk) home from work when I met my neighbor 16 When Sally (see) a friend, she _(ride) her bicycle along Park St 17 Peter (fall) asleep while he (study) 18 Yesterday I (do) _the cooking while Hoa (listen) _to music 19 When I _(be) a child, I _(eat) a lot of candy 20 After she (finish) breakfast, she _ (leave) the house 21 Before he (come) to Ha Noi, he _ (live) in Da Nang 22 23 24 25 The house (burn) _ to the ground by the time the firemen (arrive) She (know) my sister since she _(leave) university Since I _(leave) my home town, I _ (learn) a lot of things I _(call) you as soon as he (come) UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY I 1)  2)  3)  4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) A READING Vocabulary culture /'kʌltʃə/ (n) cultural /'kʌltʃərəl/ (adj) diverse /dai'və:s/ (adj) = various /'veəriəs/ diversity /dai'və:siti/ (n) = variety /və'raiəti/ marry /'mæri/ (v) = get married marriage /ˈmærɪdʒ/ (n) contractual /kən'træktjuəl/ (adj) bride /braid/ (n) groom /grum/ (n) suppose /sə'pouz/ (v)  be supposed + to V precede /pri:'si:d/ (v) survey /'sə:vei/ (n) Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 10) determine /di'tə:min/ (v) – find out  determination /di,tə:mi'neiʃn/ (n) 11) attitude /'ætitju:d/ (n) toward 12) summary /'sʌməri/ (n) 13) response /ris'pɔns/ (n) = answer to 14) attract /ə'trækt/ to (v)  attractive (adj)  attractiveness (n)  attraction (n) 15) physical (adj)  physical attractiveness 16) maintain /men'tein/ (v) 17) appearance /ə'piərəns/ (n) 18) confide /kən'faid/ (v) in 19) wise /waiz/≠ unwise (adj) 20) equal /'i:kwəl/ (n)  partnership of equals 21) reject /'ri:dʤekt/ (v) 22) sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ (v) for 23) oblige /ə'blaidʤ/ (v)  be obliged to = having duty 24) demand /di'mɑ:nd/ (v) 25) record /'rekɔ:d/ (n) 26) compare /kəm'peə (v)  comparison /kəm'pærisn/ (n) 27) counterpart /'kauntəpɑ:t/ (n) II Phrases 28) believe = trust (v) in 29) fall in love with 30) on the other hand 31) among – between 32) a number of + N số nhiều + V số nhiều the number of + N số nhiều + V số 33) the majority of + N số nhiều III Tasks Task page 22 Task 2: Read the passage and decide whether the statement belongs to Americans or Asians 1) _believe in “romantic” marriage – a boy and a girl are attracted to each other, fall in love and decide to marry each other 2) _believe in “contractual marriage – the parents of the bride and the groom decide on the marriage 3) _think a wife should maintain her beauty and appearance after marriage 4) _think it is unwise to confide in their wives 5) _think a woman has to sacrifice more in a marriage than a man 6) _ demand a record of her husband’s activities 7) _trust her husband to the right things because he loves her not because he has to B SPEAKING I Vocabulary 1) generation /,ʤenə'reiʃn/ (n) Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 2) base (v) on 3) under one roof 4) nursing home 5) grocery /'grousəri/ (n) II Expressions 6) I think / feel / believe 7) In my opinion 8) For me 9) I don’t agree 10) It’s not true 11) That’s wrong III Task page 23 C LISTENING I   II Vocabulary ceremony /'seriməni/ (n) wedding ceremony Master of Ceremonies = MC relative /ˈrelətɪv/ (n) wrap (v) tray (n) be in charge of altar /ˈɔːltər/ (n) ancestor /ˈænsestər/ (n) exchange /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ (v) banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ (n) Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks TOURIST: Can you tell me about wedding ceremonies in VN? TOURIST GUIDE: Well, wedding is very (1) to the Vietnamese, not only to the couple involved, but also for the both families The wedding day is usually chosen carefully by the groom’s parents TOURIST: What does the groom’s family usually on the (2) ? TOURIST GUIDE: On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in (3) paper The people who hold the trays of gifts are also carefully chosen TOURIST: Do you have someone in charge of the (4) ? And what does he during the wedding ceremony? TOURIST GUIDE: Yes, we have Master of Ceremonies who introduces the groom, the bride, the (5) _, the relatives and guests of the two families The wedding ceremony starts in front of the altar The bride and the groom would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to get married The Master of Ceremonies gives the wedding couple advice on starting a new family The groom and the bride then exchange their wedding (6) TOURIST: Where is the wedding banquet held? TOURIST GUIDE: Well, it depends Often the wedding banquet is held at the groom and bride’s home or at the hotel or a restaurant and all close relatives, (7) , and neighbours are invited TOURIST: What kind of food and drinks are served? TOURIST GUIDE: Traditional food and beer or vine are served During the reception, the groom, bride, and their parents stop by each table to thank their guests The guests in return, will give envelopes containing wedding cards and (8) _ to the newly wedded couples along with their blessing TOURIST: Oh That’s very interesting Thank you TOURIST GUIDE: You’re welcome! D WRITING Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school Write about the differences between American and Asian marriage E LANGUAGE FOCUS I Pronunciations: Cách phát âm s, es + Cách phát âm ed EXERCISE 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1.A skims B works C sits D laughs 2.A fixes B pushes C misses D goes 3.A cries B buzzes C studies D supplies 4.A holds B notes C replies D sings 5.A keeps B gives C cleans D prepares 6.A runs B fills C draws D catches 7.A drops B kicks C sees D hopes 8.A types B knocks C changes D wants 9.A drinks B rides C travels D leaves 10.A calls B glasses C smiles D learns 11.A schools B yards C labs D seats 12.A knives B trees C classes D agrees 13.A buses B horses C causes D ties 14.A garages B boats C bikes D roofs 15.A ships B roads C streets D speaks 16.A beliefs B cups C plates D apples 17.A books B days C songs D erasers 18.A houses B knives C clauses D changes 19.A roofs B banks C hills D bats 20.A hats B tables C tests D desks EXERCISE 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others 1.A arrived B believed C received D hoped 2.A opened B knocked C played D occurred 3.A rubbed B tugged C stopped D filled 4.A dimmed B travelled C passed D stirred 5.A tipped B begged C quarreled D carried 6.A tried B obeyed C cleaned D asked 7.A packed B added C worked D pronounced 8.A watched B phoned C referred D followed 9.A agreed B succeeded C smiled D loved 10.A laughed B washed C helped D weighed 11.A walked B ended C started D wanted 12.A killed B hurried C regretted D planned 13.A visited B showed C wondered D studied 14.A sacrificed B finished C fixed D seized Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 15.A needed B booked C stopped D washed 16.A loved B teased C washed D rained 17.A packed B punched C pleased D pushed 18.A filled B naked C suited D wicked 19.A caused B increased C practiced D promised 20.A washed B parted C passed D barked Change tenses Rewrite the sentences My brother hasn’t driven a car before This is I have never played bowling before It is Mary has not phoned me for days It is My father hasn’t smoked for a month It is She started to cook for this restaurant a week ago She has Mr Brown began to teach in this school when he left university Mr Brown has We haven’t seen John since he moved to London We last John hasn’t played soccer since 2013 The last time We haven’t seen each other for days The last time He turned off the TV and then went bed After Before We last wrote to each other two months ago We haven’t When did you start studying English? How long ? Peter has worked for this company since 2002 Peter started It’s two years since I last saw Joe I haven’t How long is it since they bought the house? When II I          10   11  12  13  14  15  II 1) A B C D 2) A B C D Choose one sentence that best rewrites the sentence given They last visited me five years ago They haven't visited me for a long time I haven't been visited for a long time They have known me for five years They haven't visited me for five years Mike turned off the light, then he went to bed Before Mike went to bed, he had turned off the light Before Mike turned off the light, he had gone to bed After Mike had gone to bed, he turned off the light Mike turned off the light as soon as he had gone to bed Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 3) I haven't visited the museum for three months A It is three months since I have visited the museum B I didn't visit the museum three months ago C The last time I had visited the museum was three months ago D It is three months since I visited the museum 4) "John began playing the piano 10 years ago" A John played the piano 10 years ago B John used to play the piano 10 years ago C John has played the piano for 10 years D John doesn't play the piano anymore 5) The last time I saw her was a week ago A I haven't seen her for a week B I haven't seen her since a week C I have seen her for a week D I have seen her since a week 6) My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month A It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes B It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes C It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes D It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago 7) Mr Brown bought this car five years ago A Mr Brown started to buy this car five years ago B It has been five years when Mr Brown bought this car C Mr Brown has had this car for five years D It is five years ago since Mr Brown bought this car 8) I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years A It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much B It’s years since I have enjoyed myself so much C It was years since I had enjoyed myself so much D It has been years since I have enjoyed myself so much 9) It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema A We have been to the cinema for a long time B We haven’t been to the cinema for a long time C We don’t go to the cinema as we used to D We wish we went to the cinema now 10) The last time I saw Rose was three years ago A I didn’t see Rose for three years B I haven’t seen Rose three years ago C I haven’t seen Rose since three years D I haven’t seen Rose for three years UNIT 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING A READING I Vocabulary 1) social /'souʃəl/ (adj)  society /sə'saiəti/ (n)  socialize /'souʃəlaiz/ (v) with 10 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school  I wish 15 He doesn’t like playing sports  I wish UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS A READING I Vocabulary 1) casual clothes /'kæʒjuəl klouđz/ (n) 2) honest /ˈɑːnɪst/ (n)  honesty /'ɔnisti/ (n) 3) self-confident /,self'kɔnfidənt/ (adj) 4)   5) humourous /ˈhjuːmərəs/ (adj) humour /'hju:mər/ (n) sense of humour (n) prepare for /pri'peə/  preparation (n) /prepə'reɪ∫n/ 6) interview /'intəvju/ (n,v)  interviewer /'intəvjuə/ (n)  interviewee /'intəvju’i/ (n) 7)  8)  9)  10) 11) 12) 13)   14)  15)     16) 17) 18) 19) stress /stres/ (n) stressful /'stresfl/ (adj) impress /im'pres/ (v) impression /im'pre∫n/ on vacant /'veikənt/ (adj) vacancy /'veikənsi/ (n) a job that is available resumé /‘rezju:mei/ (n) candidate /'kændidit/ (n) school certificate (n) = academic certificate (n) recommend /,rekə'mend/ (v) recommendation /,rekəmen'dei∫n/ (n) a letter of recommendation qualification /,kwɔlifi'kei∫n/ (n): qualified /'kwɔlifaid/ (adj) employ /im'plɔi/ (v)) employment /im'plɔimənt/ (n) unemployed (adj) = out of employment employee /,implɔi'i:/ (n) employer /im'plɔiə/ (n) neat /‘nit/ (adj) concentrate on /'kɔnsntreit/ technical /'teknikl/ (adj) aspect /'æspekt/ (n) 20) enthusiasm /in'θjuziæzm/ (n) 21) keenness /kinnis/ (n) 22) sense of responsibility /rɪspɑ:nsɪ'bɪlətɪ/ 23) shortcomings /'∫ɔt,kʌmiη/ (n) 29 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school II Phrases 24) some pieces of advice 25) find out 26) jot down = note down 27) as much as possible 28) to make real effort /'efərt/ 29) in addition 30) make sure 31) Congratulations! 32) make/ create a good impression on 33) relate to III Tasks Task 1, page 64 I B SPEAKING Vocabulary JOBS • doctor: bác sĩ • taxi driver: tài xế taxi • farmer: nông dân • electrician: thợ điện • tourist guide: hướng dẫn viên du lich • policeman: cảnh sát • writer: nhà văn • journalist: nhà báo • pilot: phi công • hotel receptionist: tiếp tân khách sạn • waiter: bồi bàn • computer programmer: lập trình viên máy tính 13) ADJECTIVES • • • • • • • • boring: chán nản rewarding: bổ ích, đáng xem difficult: khó khăn interesting: thú vị 30 fascinating: hấp dẫn, lôi dangerous: nguy hiểm challenging: kịch tính fantastic: tuyệt vời Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school Practice: I would like to work as a doctor Working as a doctor would be a fascinating job because I II would have a chance to take care of people’s health III C LISTENING I Vocabulary 1) workforce /'wək'fɔs/ (n) 2) wholesale /'houlseil/ (n) 3) retail /‘riteil/ (n) 4) be grouped into 5) shift /∫ift/ (n) 6) manufacturing job /mænju'fækt∫əriη dʒɔb/ (n) 7) finance company /'faɪnæns 'kʌmpənɪ/ (n) 8) transportation company /,trænspɔ'tei∫n 'kʌmpəni/ (n) 9) predict /pri'dikt/ (v)  make some predictions II Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks IV V Let’s look at some of the recent changes in the US job market and see if we can make some predictions for (1) jobs VI A good way to begin is to look at the American (2) and how it is changing The most important change has been the shift from (3) jobs to service jobs VII Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which people make something or produce things For example, people produce cars Service jobs are those in which workers provide services, or we may say, they something, like washing people’s cars Generally, (4) _ jobs are grouped into five categories: VIII One: Transportation companies IX Two: (5) companies X Three: Retail companies XI Four: Finance companies XII Five: Personal services, such as hotels, cars repair, accounting, (6) _ and medicine XIII Now the point here is that people have change from manufacturing jobs to service jobs For example, 100 years ago, 80% of workers produced goods, today only 30% Economists predict by the year 2020, nine out of every ten workers will work in service jobs XIV D WRITING XV E LANGUAGE FOCUS: RELATIVE CLAUSES (MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ) I Mark the correct option A, B, C or D: He bought all the books are needed for the English course XVI A that B what C those D whose The children, parents work late, are taken home by bus XVII A that B whom C whose D their Our hotel, is converted 17th century manor house, is very comfortable XVIII A which B that C where D when This is the village in my family and I lived for six years XIX A which B that C whom D where My nephew chose a lot of toys at the Toy World store for his father, is my elder brother, paid a large amount of money 31 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school XX A which / whose B whom / who C which / who D who / who They need a teacher native language is English XXI A who B whose C whom D that The food I like best of all is pie alamode XXII A who B whose C whom D that The man was in charge of the management didn't seem friendly to us at all XXIII A who B whom C where D when Justine, parents live in Christchurch, has gone to Southampton XXIV A whom B whose C to whom D which 10 The person with she's been working is very friendly XXV A who B that C which D whom 11 I think the Chinese are the people habits are the most peculiar to us XXVI A which B whom C whose D when 12 The people to she was speaking didn't know German XXVII A who B whose C that D whom 13 Is that the same film we watched last year? XXVIII A when B which C why D who 14 The girl I borrowed the dictionary asked me to use it carefully XXIX A whose B from whom C from whose D whom 15 The young man _ was released after the court was found innocent of all the charges against him XXX A who B who he C which D whose 16 The pupils we took to the amusement park behaved themselves very well XXXI A whose B with whom C whom D which 17 Do you know the boy at the party last week? XXXII A we talked about B about him we talked XXXIII C we talk about him D who we talked about him 18 The machine has now been repaired XXXIV A that broken down C that broke down XXXV B which are broken down D which broke 19 We’ll come in August the schools are on holiday XXXVI A that B where C in which D when 20 Neil Armstrong was the first person foot on the moon XXXVII A set B setting C to set D who was set 21 The man on the chair behind me kept talking during the film, really annoyed me XXXVIII A having sat/ that B sitting/ which XXXIX C to sit/ what D to be sitting/ who 22 I have two sisters are doctors XL A both of which B who both C both of whom D whom both 23 We visited the church _ in the 18th century XLI A was built B which built C building D which was built 24 What’s the name of the man _car you borrowed? XLII A who B which C that D whose 25 She didn’t tell me the reason _ she came late XLIII A when B for which C why D both B and C 26 This is the best play I have ever seen XLIV A which B what C whom D that 27 I know a nearby restaurant _ has seafood XLV A that B who C where D whose 28 Taj Mahal, _ by Shah Janhan for his wife, is thought to be one of the great architectural wonders of the world XLVI A being built B was built C.which was built D.been built 29 Mr.Jones, I was working, was generous about overtime payments XLVII A he B for whom C for him D whom 30 Is this the address to you want the package sent? XLVIII A where B which C that D whom 32 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 31 London is the city I have visited several times XLIX A in which B where C in that D which 32 One of the girls in that company caused an accident L A worked B who worked C whom worked D whose worked 33 The computer, _ hard disk has just been upgraded, is among the latest generations LI A that B whose C of which D.which of 34 The girl me this gift is my best friend LII A presented B was presenting C presenting D be presenting 35 He lent me many picture-books, most of I had read LIII A whom B who C whose D which 36 Don't drink too much beer, will make us fat LIV A which B when C who D whom 37 The friend to he was talking on the phone is English LV A who B whose C whom D which 38 There are a lot of people at my friend's wedding party, only a few of I had met before LVI A who B whose C whom D which 39 My parents live in the same house they bought 50 years ago LVII A that B which C where D A and C 40 August is the month I always give my birthday parties LVIII A which B in which C what D why 41 The people to _she was speaking didn't know German LIX A who B whose C that D whom 42 According to the research, the time at most road accidents happen is early evening LX A when B which C whose D that 43 We go to school regularly, LXI A that makes our teacher happy B which makes our teacher happily LXII C.it makes our teacher happy D which makes our teacher happy 44 He likes the dress Huong is wearing it LXIII A He likes the dress which Huong is wearing it likes the dress Huong is wearing it LXIV C He likes the dress who Huong is wearing likes the dress Huong is wearing 45 Most of the classmates couldn't come He invited them to the birthday party LXV Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn't come LXVI Most of the classmates he was invited to the birthday party couldn't come LXVII Most of the classmates that he invited them to the birthday party couldn't come LXVIII Most of the classmates which he invited to the birthday party couldn't come 46 What was the name of the man? You met and talked to him this morning LXIX What was the name of the man who you met and talked to him this morning? LXX What was the name of the man you met and talked to this morning? LXXI What was the name of the man you met and talked to whom this morning? LXXII What was the name of the man whose you met and talked to this morning? 47 The church is over 500 years old Our class visited it last summer LXXIII The church which our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old LXXIV The church that our class visited it last summer is over 500 years old 33 B He D He A B C D A B C D A B Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school LXXV C The church which our class visited last summer is over 500 years old LXXVI D The church our class visit last summer is over 500 years old 48 The song says about the love of two young stdents She is singing the song LXXVII A The song which she is singing it says about the love of two young stdents LXXVIII B The song she is singing says about the love of two young stdents LXXIX C The song says about the love of two young stdents which she is singing LXXX D The song says about the love of two young stdents that she is singing it 49 Do you remember the day ? I first met you on that day LXXXI A Do you remember the day where I first met you ? LXXXII B Do you remember the day when I first meet you ? LXXXIII C Do you remember the day on which I first met you ? LXXXIV D B and C are correct 50 I like the teacher I learnt English with her in high school LXXXV A.I like the teacher with whom I learnt English in high school LXXXVI B I like the teacher whom I learnt English with in high school LXXXVII C.I like the teacher that I learnt English with in high school LXXXVIII D.all are correct LXXXIX III Combine these clauses using relative clauses 1) The man didn’t come back again I shouted at him  2) The television never worked again I dropped it XC  3) The clothes were beautiful She bought some clothes XCI  4) The policeman wasn’t very helpful I asked him XCII  5) I didn’t really like the car We bought it XCIII  6) This doctor is famous You visited him yesterday XCIV  7) I saw a lot of new people at the party Some of them seemed familiar XCV  8) He was always coming up with new ideas Most of them were absolutely impracticable XCVI  9) She always wanted to go to the places She could speak English there XCVII  10) He likes shopping between 1.00 and 3.00 pm Most people are at home then XCVIII  34 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 11) She is the girl I lent her book yesterday XCIX  12) He is the man His car was stolen last week C  13) My friend eventually decided to quit her job It upset me a lot CI  14) He came to the party wearing only a pair of shorts and a T-shirt It was a stupid thing to  15) She is the most intelligent woman I’ve ever met this woman CII  IV Rewrite the following sentences, using present or past participle phrases CIII E.g.: The girl who is standing there is my sister CIV  The girl standing there is my sister CV I don’t like people who arrive late CVI  CVII I live in the house which was built a century ago CVIII  CIX The people who work here are very interesting CX  CXI The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful CXII  CXIII I want to meet the woman who taught me how to drive CXIV  V Rewrite the following sentences, using infinitive phrases CXV E.g.: The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light CXVI  The last person to leave the room must turn off the light He was the first man who left the burning building CXVII  The pilot was the only man that survived the crash CXVIII  The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable CXIX  The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the island CXX  You are the last person who saw her alive CXXI  He simply loves parties He is always the first who comes and the last who leaves 35 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school CXXII  I don’t like him playing in the street I wish we had a garden that he could play in CXXIII  I’ve got a bottle of wine but I haven’t got anything that I could open it with CXXIV  VI Rewrite the following sentences, using PREPOSITION + WHOM/WHICH The man was very kind I talked to him yesterday CXXV  The man works in the hospital I told you about him CXXVI  The woman teaches me English I am telling you about her CXXVII  The picture was beautiful She was looking at it CXXVIII  I’ll give you the address You should write to it CXXIX  CXXX CXXXI UNIT 8: LIFE IN THE FUTURE CXXXII A READING I Vocabulary 1) pessimistic /,pesi'mistik/ (adj)  pessimist (n) /'pesɪmɪst/ 2) optimistic /,ɔpti'mistik/ (adj)  optimist (n) /'ɑ:ptɪmɪst/ 3) depression /di'pre∫n/ (n)  economic depression /i:kə'nɑ:mɪk dɪ'pre∫n/ 4) corporation /,kɔpə'rei∫n/ (n) = company 5) terrorism /'terərizəm/ (n)  terrorist /'terərist/ (n) (adj) 6) medical system /'medɪkl 'sɪstəm/ 7) domestic chores /də'mestik t∫ɔ/ (n) household chores 8) burden /'bədn/ (n) 9) labor saving (adj) 10) micro technology (n) 11) telecommunications /,telikə,mjuni'kei∫nz/ (n) 12) space shuttle (n) /speɪs '∫ʌtl/ 13) appear ≠ disappear /,disə'piə/ (v) 36 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 14) methane gas /'miθein gæs/ (n) 15) progress /'prougres/ (n) = improvement 16) (in) straight line /streit lain/ (n) 17) expect /iks'pekt/ (v)  unexpected /,ʌniks'pektid/ 18) responsibility /ri,spɔnsə'biləti/ (n)  to be responsible to sb for sth  take the responsibility for 19) contribute /kən'tribjut/ (v) to  contribution (n) /kɑ:ntrɪ'bju:∫n/ II Phrases 20) What + be + S + like? = What + do/does + S + like? CXXXIII Ex: What is he like? = What does she look like? 21) On the contrary 22) for better or worse 23) be bound to V /baʊnd/ = be sure 24) have a (huge) influence on: /'ɪnflʊəns/ 25) for example = for instance 26) go electronic /,ilek'trɔnik/ (v) 27) with the result that 28) as for 29) better one’s own life: III Prepositions 30) be fitted with 31) in our hands 32) wipe something out (v) 33) look after = take care of = care for CXXXIV .look for CXXXV look up 34) answer to 35) different from 36) thanks to CXXXVI thanks for 37) on computer 38) link to 39) instead of 40) run on: 37 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 41) be full of IV Tasks CXXXVII Task 1, page 86 CXXXVIII B SPEAKING I Vocabulary holiday maker (n) resort /ri'zɔt/ (n) Jupite /'dʒupitə/ (n) Mars /maz/ (n) cure for sth /kjuə/ (n) to declare (v) /dɪ'kler/ declared /di'kleəd/ (adj) astronaut /'æstrənɔt/ (n) to land /lænd/ (v) 10 citizen /'sitizn/ (n) 11 fatal disease /feilt di’ziz/ 12 atmosphere /'ætməsfiə/ (n) 13 costly /'kɔstli/ (adv) 14 prediction /pri'dik∫n/ (n) II Practice CXXXIX Page 87, 88 CXL C LISTENING I Vocabulary 1) incredible /in'kredəbl/ (adj) = fantastic, unbelievable 2) cetenarian /,senti'neəriən/ (n) 3) eradicate /i'rædikeit/ (v) 4) life expectancy /laif iks'pektənsi/ (n) 5) eternal /i'tənl/ (adj)  eternal life (n) 6) mushroom /'mʌ∫rum/ (v) 7) factor /'fæktə/ (n) 8) to cure /kjuə/ (v)  curable /'kjuərəbl/ (adj)  incurable /ɪn'kjʊrəbl/ 9) be based on 10) research /ri'sət∫, 'risət∫/ (n) 11) average /'ævəridʒ/ (adj) 38 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 12) cut down 13) alcohol /'ælkəhɔl/ (n) = wine (n) 14) to add /æd/ (v) 15) medical science /'medikl 'saiəns/ (n) 16) die from old age: 17) to affect /ə'fekt/ (v) 18) be brought under control: 19) science fiction /'saiəns 'fik∫n/ (n) II Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks CXLI Interviewer: Many scientists predict that in the 21st century people will be living into the (1) _ age of 130 What you think about this? CXLII Dr Davis: Well, I quite agree with them They have reasons to be confident about that CXLIII Interviewer: What are the (2) ? CXLIV Dr Davis: In fact, their prediction is based on research and on the fact that the centenarian population is mushrooming as our general health improves CXLV Interviewer: Can you (3) this further? CXLVI Dr Davis: A century ago average life expectancy in Europe was 45 Today, providing we look after ourselves, eat more healthily, cut down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes, we can add nearly (4) years to that figure CXLVII Interviewer: So these are the factors that help people live longer? CXLVIII Dr Davis: Yes But the most important factor is the (5) in medical science CXLIX Interviewer: What you mean? CL Dr Davis: Nobody dies from old age, just from diseases that affect people when they get older CLI Interviewer: So scientists are trying to find cures for fatal diseases like cancer and Aids? CLII Dr Davis: Right Nowadays, about 50% of cancers are curable, and I really believe that within 30 years this will increase to 80% And in ten years' time Aids will also be brought under control, too CLIII Interviewer: That sounds interesting What about living forever? CLIV Dr Davis: So far, eternal life is just (6) _ But with the advance of science, it's not impossible CLV D WRITING CLVI E LANGUAGE FOCUS: I Prepositions CLVII Exercise page 91 CLVIII CLXII CLIX CLXIII CLX CLXIV CLXI CLXV 39 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 CLXVI Binh Chanh high school CLXVII 40 CLXVIII Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentences below CLXIX Mary doesn’t mind living her own CLXX A with B by C on D at CLXXI It is of great importance to create a good impression _ your interviewer CLXXII A on B about C for D at CLXXIII When are you leaving _ Hanoi? CLXXIV A toward B forward C forD to CLXXV The children are excited going to the circus CLXXVI A for B about C with D of CLXXVII While studying, he was financially dependent his parents CLXXVIII A to B of C on D from CLXXIX This town is famous _ its hand-woven carpets CLXXX A for B with C at D on CLXXXI He may be quick understanding, but he is not capable _remembering anything CLXXXII A at/for B of/ for C at/ of D in/ of CLXXXIII CLXXXIV CLXXXV CLXXXVI He is a lot of study pressure to win a place at university A for B under C in D with The flood was responsible damaging the crop A of B with C about D for 10 You should concentrate _what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks CLXXXVIII A on B in C at D for CLXXXIX 11 Christmas Eve, people often have parties late at midnight CXC A in B at C on D from CXCI 12 Are you aware the time? CXCII A with B of C at D about CXCIII 13 Are you getting well at college? CXCIV A in B over C offD on CXCV 14 She has been living in the country the beginning of the summer CXCVI A for B at C during D since CXCVII 15 Yesterday, I was talking my doctor a mysterious epidemics near here CXCVIII A with/ on B to/ about C to/ out of D with/ over CXCIX 16 He was happy because his poems had been translated several languages CC A into B for C over D about CCI 17 Damage to the building resulted an usually high wind CCII A from B in C about D for CCIII 18 It was very kind _ you to give up so much of time to help me CCIV A about B for C to D of CCV 19 Endangered species are plant and animal species which are danger of extinction CCVI A on B in C at D by CCVII 20 Toxic chemicals in the air and land have also driven many species the verge of extinction CCVIII A of B about C at D to CCIX 21 Maintaining biodiversity is important _us in many ways CCX A in B for C from D by CCXI 22 We benefit greatly the medicines and other products that biodiversity provides CCXII A from B without C for D at CCXIII 23 Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife commercial trade and overhunting CCXIV A from B without C for D at CCXV 24 It’s is enough to dip this book CCXVI A for B at C into D about CCXVII 25 Not all books belong _this class CCXVIII A in B to C forD at CCXIX 26 When you pick _a book for the first time, check that it is not too difficult CCXX A in B since C on D up CCXXI 27 A game is divided quarters CLXXXVII CCXXII A from B into C at D of CCXXIII.28 Vietnam carried _an intensive program for its athletics, which included training in facilities, both home and abroad CCXXIV A for B at C out D of CCXXV 29 They considered women to be better suited childbearing and homemaking CCXXVI A of B on C to D for CCXXVII 30 Do you know anyone who might be interested _buying an old car? CCXXVIII A on B in C with D about CCXXIX.31 Mozart died Vienna in 1791 _ the age of 35 CCXXX A in / on B in / at C at / in D of / for CCXXXI.32 Plant and animal extinction leads _ loss of biodiversity CCXXXII A on B in C into D to CCXXXIII 33 The initiative for founding the Red Cross came _ a Swiss man called Jean Henri Dunant CCXXXIV A from B with C through D to CCXXXV 34 Pay attention _all traffic signs when you are travelling in the street CCXXXVI A for B on C to D from CCXXXVII 35 Reviewers describe books _ "hard-to-put-down", or "hard-to-pick-up-again" CCXXXVIII A as B for C into D in II Articles CCXXXIX Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentences below 1) There are billions of stars in _ space CCXL a A b An c Ø d The 2) We often watch _ television CCXLI a The b A c An d Ø 3) We had _ dinner in a restaurant CCXLII a A b An c Ø d The 4) We had _ meal in a restaurant CCXLIII a A b An c The d Ø 5) Where can _ people buy everything they need? CCXLIV a The b A c An d Ø 6) He majors in _ English CCXLV a A b An c The d Ø 7) Mark twain, _ American writer, wrote "life on the mississippi river." CCXLVI a An b A c The d Ø 8) We might be able to catch _ last train if we hurried CCXLVII a A b An c The d Ø 9) My aunt has _ interesting novel CCXLVIII a The b An c A d Ø 10) It was _ best film i had ever read CCXLIX a The b A c An d Ø 11) Mrs Lan went to _ school to meet her son's teacher CCL a Ø b A c An d The 12) Carol went to _ prison to meet her brother CCLI a The b A c An d Ø 13) This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine _ newspaper is in my bag but i don't know where _ magazine CCLII a A/a b A/ the c The/ the d The/ a 14) My parents have cat and _ dog The dog never bites the cat CCLIII a A/ a b A/ the c The/ the d The/ a 15) We live in big house in middle of the village CCLIV a A/ a b A/ the c The/ the d The/ a 16) It was a beautiful day, _ sun shone brightly in sky CCLV a A/ a b A/ the c The/ the d The/ a 17) Life is not so easy for _ unemployed CCLVI a The b A c An d Ø 18) My friends like to be _ astronaut CCLVII a The b A c An d Ø 19) I didn't have much success in finding _ job CCLVIII a The b An 20) Is that present bill gave you at Christmas? CCLIX a Ø b The CCLX Exercise page 92 c Ø d A c A CCLXI Extra exercise: Fill in the blank with a suitable article: a/an/the or O 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Tom is _ student He goes to school on Mondays Do you know how to play piano? Vietnam is _ developing country I’ve invited Tom to _ dinner next _ Sunday We want to buy _ umbrella _ capital of Canada is Ottawa shirt I bought yesterday is very beautiful I don’t like talkative people d An ... with 10 Ms Pham Kim Ngan English 12 Binh Chanh high school 2) verbal /'və:bəl/ ≠ non-verbal (adj) 3) communicate /kə'mju:nikeit/ (v)  communication /kə,mju:ni'keiʃn/... shock of waking out of a sound sleep and the fright of that instant thought – “There’s an accident” - are enough to give your parents a (8) _ Weekend morning calls aren’t startling, but it’s... 8) "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said  She told the boys 4) Dạng to V V-ing Alice said: “Let’s go out for a dinner.”  Alice suggested “I must see the manager.” He said

Ngày đăng: 13/08/2017, 00:25

