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Encourage pupils to repeat the words one by one after you say them: Tell pupils to listen to the recording again.. Tell pupils to listen to the recording and look at Activity G on page 5

Trang 2

Eorson Educotion Limited Edinburgh Gote

Horlow Essex CM20 2JE Englond ond Associoted Componies throughout the Wbrld.


@ Feorson Educqtion Limited 2004 The right of Corol Skinner to be identified os outhor of this work hos been osserted by her in occordonce with fte Copyright, Designs ond htrents Act 1988.

All rights reserved: no port of this publicotion moy be reproduced, stored in o retrievol system or tronsmitted in ony brm or by ony meons electronic, medronicol photocopying recording or otfienrise, without the prior written permirsion of the Publishers.

First published 2004 Set in Ulisro Printed in Spoin by Groficos Estello fsBN 0 s82 778328

Prepored br the Publishers by Storfish lllustrqted by fuul Ceemick ond Andrew Keylock The outhors ond publishers would like to thonk fie following for their help in the development ol Excellent! Leonor Amoto

Louro Derzo Aliono Glushkovo Beoto Grobowsko tutrycjo Lomport Silvio Lourenceno Urszulo Lipsko Morino Evgenyevno Osipovo Noro hloni

Morcelo S6ndrez Ewo Smolihsko

Trang 3

Teocher's Guide

Trang 4

Alphobet New words Expressions Structures



b l u eondTed

S u e

M e lKit

H e l l o !

W e l l d o n e !Thonk you

One word questionwith rising intonotion:Red?





o h !Ho! Ho!

Urt'tt de



Be coreful

O h , n o !How ore you?

Fine, thonk you

Position of odjectivesond nouns: o brown egg

Uffi,4 gh



u ptwodownthreefourpeor(s)sevenfivesixgohome

Trang 5

Alphobet New words Expressions Structures

Unft6 mn



Whots your nome? I'm (Ted)

Hoppy birthdoy the (unique)

the sunRob the robot

Urrft9 V




I t s q / o n

UnftlO zebrozoo


l s it o / o n ?Yes it is./No it isn t.Yes, its o/on

N o i t s o / o n Whot is it?


d o d


Boo! Boo! I'm (hoppy)

Trang 6

The principles behind the

Storter Book

A gentle opprooch for complete beginners

Many courses claim to be for complete beginners but there is

often a gap between what the courses demand and what

young children, who are complete beginners, are capable of

This book is intended to bridge that gap The Starter Book

gently builds up the four skills of the language: listening,

speaking, reading and writing, from the alphabet to simple

language patterns

A systemotic opprooch to reqding ond


Reading and writing complete sentences are often introduced

at the beginning of primary courses, although most young

beginners find these activities extremely difficult This is

especially true for children who use a different script in their

own language The Starter Book provides a special section at

the back of the book for these children In this section, letter

formation is practised first, then tracing over words, before

pupils are expected to write freehand

A restricted vocobulory lood

The Starter Book uses a restricted number of words: the

alphabet words and some other words which form word

groups - colours, numbers, toys, fruit and parts of the body

The vocabulary load has been deliberately restricted so that

the words can be constantly recycled while the pupils are

learning new sfructures Also teachers can introduce their

own classroom language, according to their needs without

overloading their pupils

A limited number of structures

Only a limited number of structures are introduced so there is

not an overload for the complete beginner However, the basic

sentence pattern, the inversion of the question form and then

the addition of the question word to the inverted form, is

practised thoroughly e.g:

It is a book


Book will find that other language items learned in the StarterBook will be recycled in the first three units of ExceIlpnt! 1

Orol communicotion from the stort

The Starter Book offers plenty of opportunities for pupils touse the language orally Right from the beginning, even whenthey only know a few words, pupils communicate in thelanguage The communication is often through acting outscenes with puppets This is very effective for confidence-building especially for shy pupils Pupils also personalise thelanguage by acting out situations themselves or through otheractivities, games and exercises Lots of expressions to

lubricate such activities are also given in the Starter Book forpupils to learn by heart

Emphosis on songs ond dronts

Pupils at this young age are verl'receptive to the tune of thelanguage and can easily mimic the correct accent This istaken advantage of in the Starter Book by providing lots ofsongs and chants in which special care has been taken toteach stress and intonation The songs and chants in theStarter Book also give opportunities for pupils to practise thelanguage in the security of a group and the constantrepetition of the songs and chants also makes language itemsand lexis memorable to pupils

Reqlistic expectotions to build confidence

Success is very important for young children beginning tolearn a new language The expectations of the material in theStarter Book are realistic for young pupils, who are completebeginners, to ensure success The gentle build up from oneword to a complete sentence makes language learning easyeven for the weaker pupils Then the constant recycling oflanguage items including vocabulary gives the pupils morechance to be successful, which in furn builds confidence

Enjoyment for motivotion

Unlike adult learners or older children, young children are notmotivated to learn another language because it will be useful

to them Many cannot understand the reason for learninganother language, therefore the only motivation for learning

is because they enjoy the lessons Pupils will identify and

Trang 7

How con the Storter Book

be used?

As o short intensive introduction to English

If the Starter Book is used with beginners aged seven or

eight, who have about three hours of English a week, the

complete book could be used as an introduction to any

primary course over a period as short as three months

In porolfel with Excellent! Book 1 or other

primory courses

Some teachers may wish to use the Starter Book for about one

month and then use it as supplementary material parallel to

the primary course of their choice If you rvish to use it in

this way, we suggest you could begin Excellelf./ Book 1 after

the Starter Book Unit 5 and use the two in tandem for a time

As o full yeor's course

The Starter Book is also suitable for a year's course for

children younger than seven or eight On such a course, the

material in the Starter Book provides the core material and is

then supplemented by the extra games, activities and the

photocopiable activities in this Teacher's Guide Such a course

allows teachers the scope to introduce more songs, stories and

other activities of their own if thev wish

Using the Storter Book moteriol

The Alphobet ond Hqndwriting Section

Whot is lt?

The Alphabet and Handwriting Section is at the back of the

book from page 50 to page 64 This section is for teaching the

pupils letter recognition, learning the sounds and names of

the letters of the alphabet, word recognition and handwriting

practice It is intended primarily for children whose native

language has a different script to English but all young

children will benefit from working through this section

How to use it

Teachers can make use of the alphabet and handwriting

Before starting the book

1 First, the pupils should be familiarised with the sounds ofthe letters from A to Z e.g lnl - apple using the pages 50,52,54,56, and 58 Then pupils trace over the grey practiceletters on the pages It is not necessary for the pupils tolearn the sounds of the letters and the alphabet words byheart as these words form the main core of the vocabulary

of the book They will be gradually reintroduced andlearnt by the pupils from Unit 2 onwards Full details aregiven in the lesson notes

2 Then the pupils should be familiarised with the capitalletters of the alphabet by looking at the contents page onpage 1 They should again practise the sound of theletters and the alphabet words Capital letters areintroduced in the book where they occur naturally e.g atthe beginning of sentences and in pbople's names

Handwriting practice on them is given from Unit 1onwards Full details are given in the lesson notes

With the main lessons(Full details are given in the lesson notes)

1 Units 2-10 teach the alphabet words and practisehandwriting with them At the beginning of Units 2-10the alphabet song is played on the recording and childrenlisten and sing along to it so they will gradually learn thenames of the letters

2 The pupils then listen on the recording to the two or threealphabet words at the top of the page and repeat thesounds and the words

3 The pupils then listen to a chant, which is repeated for thepupils to join in with

4 At this point, the pupils then copy the same fwo or threealphabet words from pages 51, 53, 55, 57, 59 and 60

5 The exercises on capital/small letter discrimination andhandwriting from pages 60 to 64 are done at the end ofthese units

Teachers who do not wish to use this Alphnbet andHandwriting Section may like to ask pupils to cut out thecoloured pictures of the letters and use them to start theirown picture dictionaries This picture dictionary idea is alsorecommended for pupils when they have completed theStarter Book as it can then be carried over to their new

Trang 8

The twelve units of the book

There are twelve four-page units Units 2-10 reintroduce the

alphabet words Unit 1 is an inhoductory unit, Unit 11 is a

revision unit and Unit 12 is based on a play for the pupils to

act out for other children or their parents, if they wish

Generally, Units 2-11 all follow the same pattern:

lesson I Presentotion

The alphabet song introduces this lesson and then three or

four words of the alphabet are reintroduced and practised in a

chant Then there is practice in initial phonic sounds The new

words and structures are introduced through listening and

then oral repetition in situations Listening and oral skills are

mainly practised in this lesson

Lesson 2 Proctice

The strucfures and new words, introduced in Lesson 1, are

then practised in this lesson through a variety of activities

e.g word completion, gap filling listening and drawing, using

all four skills

lesson 3 Extenslon

The third lesson reinforces and extends the structures taught

in Lessons l and2 and often introduces some new lexical

items This is done through communicative situations in

which the pupils act out situations through puppets or act out

the situations themselves Listening and oral skills are mainly

practised in this lesson

fesson 4 Proctice ond consolldotion

This page gives practice to any new items from Lesson 3 and

consolidates the whole cycle with activities practising all


Extro proctice

After every unit there is a page of photocopiable exercises

and activities at the back of this Teacher's Guide which can

be used to supplement the lessons, if required


There are photocopiable progress tests for use after Units, 2,

4, 6, 8 and 10 based on two units of work and a final

achievement test based on the comolete book for use after

You can then make the other flashcards referred to in thisTeacher's Guide in the classroom with the children This can

be a fun activity for the beginning of the term and willprovide you with a valuable resource You will need to make

22 flashcards in total

Make six colour flashcards for red, yeLlow, blue, green, brounand blnck with the words on one side of the card and thecolours on the other side

Make ten number flashcards for the numbers from one to ten,with the words on one side of the card and the numerals onthe other side

Make six word flashcards for the following words: hello, ys,

no, bike, book and cat

PuppefsPuppets of the characters, Mel the Mouse, Kit the Cat, Robthe Robot and Al the Alien are provided in the centre of thebook It is suggested that the cutting of the puppet shapesshould be done at home, especially with younger pupils Thepuppets should be kept in a large envelope in a safe placebecause they will be needed throughout the use of the book.They should be made before starting Unit 1, Lesson 3

CossefteThis contains recordings of the cartoon serial story, songsand chants, Fundays cartoon time,listening exercises andmodels for practice activities

Other moteriolsThe following materials are needed by the pupils:

Red, yellow, blue, green, brown and black crayons orcoloured pencils

A notebook in which to do the extra activities suggested

in the lesson notes

The following are needed by the teacher:

Red, yellow, blue, green and brown coloured chalks orwhiteboard marker pens for the various activitiessuggested in the lesson notes

Trang 9

Procedures for vorious exercises ond octivities

The lesson notes give full details of the recommended

procedures for individual activities and exercises but here are

some general points

6 p Listen and say

(for the presentation stage on the first page of every unit)

All the material for this activity is recorded twice, the first

time with atmospheric sound effects and the second time with

gaps for repetition Class and group repetition before

individual practice is recommended for this activity Children

find chora"l repetition fun and it gives them the extra practice

they need to grasp the language items and build up their


g f *S0 Listen and act with the puppets (for the

extension stage on the third page of each unit)

This material is also recorded twice After the children have

practised chorally and individually they then act out the story

with the puppets on their hands The children will usually be

working in pairs or in groups of four The children should be

encouraged to move the puppets around on the desk to

imitate the actions in the book However, many children find

this difficult and teachers should not criticise them for not

Moking the picture dictionory

Materials: the alphabet words at the end of the Pupils'Book;notebook of 26 pages or plain paper; scissors; glue; Starteralphabet flashcards fromato z (appln to zebra)

This can either be made at the beginning of the book if

"the pupils are already familiar with the letters of thealphabet or at the end (See Using the Starter BookMaterial - The Alphnbet and Handwriting Section onpage 5.)

Give each pupil a notebook or 26 pages of paper stapledtogether - one for each letter of the alphabet

Ask the pupils to cut out the alphabet letters from AtoZ

at the end of the book and then stick one letter at the top

of each page in alphabetical order

Hold up the Starter alphabet flashcards and tell the pupils

to write the word on the correct page e.g Dal/ goes on the

Trang 10

Point to the Letter Gonk at the top of the page Ask pupils to look at words

on the Gonk's sheet of paper Point to the word and colour red and say:

Prompt pupils to repeat this Do the same for yellow, green and blue

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Encourage pupils to repeat the words one by one after you say them:

Tell pupils to listen to the recording again Pupils repeat the words one byone after the recording

Tell pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Practise the chant with the class, clapping out the rhythm

Play the chant again on the recording and encourage pupils to join in

T: Red

T: redPs: redT: yellowPs: yellowT: greenPs: greenT: blue

Ps blue

Generol introduction

Tell pupils (in L1) to look at the pictures and ask them what they can see

Explain to pupils that this is a funfair where children go to have fun Point

to the name Fundays shown in Activities B and D and explain the meaning

of Fundays Ask the pupils if they think children have to pay to go toFundays Ask the pupils what they think pupils can do at this funfair

Mention things that will be found in the book, e.g a cinema, a theatre,funfair stalls Elicit that children can go on rides such as the Big Wheelillustrated in Activity D and can go car racing as illuslrated in Activity B

Play the recording and children listen while looking at the pictures in


Trang 11

Prompt the class to repeat the lesson after you, line by line Clap out wordsfor stress.

Play the recording again and tell the class to repeat it line by line

Say Well done!to the class at the end of the activity

Prompt smaller groups e.g the boys or the girls to repeat the lesson line byline after you as they look at the pictures and read the words Say Welldnne! during and at the end of the activity

Point to Picture l andsay: Hello!

Prompt class to respond toyouwith: Hello!

Ask one pupil to say Hello to another pupil Practise this in a chain aroundthe class, one pupil asking another Say Well done!frequently for


Point to objects in Pictures 1-4 and then in the classroom to elicit thecolours red, yellow, green and blue from individual pupils Say Well donelwhen the pupils get the correct answer

Finish the lesson by practising the colour chantred, yellow etc as a class or

in groups

Key PB 1:A Tapescript

red, yellow, green, bluered, yellow

red, yellowred, yellow, green, blue

red, yellowred, yellowred, yellow, green, blue

PB l:c U 4/

Colour Say Hello to the class and elicit HelJo fromthem Do the same with

and write individual pupils

Draw four balls on the blackboard Colour them red, yellow, green and blue

Point to the balls in turn and elicit the names of the colours from the classand individual pupils

Point to objects in the class and clothes of the pupils that are these coloursand elicit red, yellow, green and blue from the class and individual pupils

Write the matching words red, yellou), green, blue wtder the balls on theblackboard

Ask pupils to come to the blackboard and point in turn to the words Saythe words in a different order e.g blue, yellow, red, green

Rub out the coloured balls and repeat the previous activity of pupilspointing to the words in turn

Tell the pupils (in Ll) to look at Activity C on page 3 and fface over thewords printed in grey Then tell them to colour the pictures according to

Trang 12

P B 1 : D 0

Listen and Tell pupils to look at the picture in Activity D page 3 Ask questions about

sing/chant the picture (in L1), e.g Who are the two children? What is the girl holding?

Where did she get the box of chocolates? Who gave them to her? Why?

E Tell children to listen to the recording and look it the pictures

Ask the pupils (in L1) the names of the two children in the picture

Repeat the first verse of the song by saying the words and clapping outthe stress and rhythm

Do the same again and tell the pupils to join in with you

Do the same for the second verse

Tell the girls to say and clap out the first verse and the boys the secondverse

Play the recording again and encourage the pupils to join in

Lesson 3

Listen and Materials: puppets of Mel and Kit

act with the Say Hello to the class and elicit Hello fromthem

puppets Do the same to individual pupils

Bring a pupil to the front of the class Say his ftrer name and then say: T: Yes! Then say an incorrect name for him/her and say: T: No! Do this with another pupil and encourage the pupils to say Yes!for the

correct name and No! for the incorrect name

Go round the class saying correct and incorrect names for the pupils andasking individual pupils to respond with Yes or No

Ask pupils to identify the place where the children are now Elicit a cinemaatthe Fundays funfair.

Tell the pupils to identify the animals (cat and mouse) in the cartoonpicture in the cinema

lEl Tell the class to listen to the recording and look at the pictures

Say the dialogue line by line, clapping out the stress and rhythm

Do the same again with the pupils joining in

Play the recording again and tell the pupils to listen and repeat

Act out the lesson on your desk with the puppets on your hands

Tell the pupils (in L1) to work in twos and act out the play with one pupilusing the Mel puppet and the other the Kit puppet Go round the classlooking at their play and offering suggestions and prompting andcorrecting their English

Tell the pupils to reverse the puppets and repeat the above procedure

Trang 13

Lesson 4

PB l:F Zl

Write Say Hello to pupils and elicit Hello from the class and individual pupils

Encourage the pupils now by saying:

Repeat Well done!throughout the rest of the lesson to encourage pupils

Point to objects in the classroom and elicit the colours red, yellow, green,blue from the class and individually

Write the words on the board and ask the class and individual pupils toread them aloud

Tell the pupils to look at Activity F on page 5 Read the words next to theobjects and encourage the class to join in Then ask individual pupils toread them

Tell the pupils to trace over the words printed in grey then circle the colourword that matches the colour of the object in the picture

Correct the pupils'answers by asking individual pupils to read outtheir answers

T: Well done!

P B I : G @A zi

Listen, say Materials: coloured pencils

and write Point to the red apples in the previous activity or a red object in the

classroom and use the upward intonation pattern of a question to ask: T: Red?

Point to a blue object in the previous activity or in the room and ask: T: Red?

Repeat this procedure using other objects and colours and promptingpupils to vy Yes or No

IEJ Tell pupils to listen to the recording and look at Activity G on page 5

Tell pupils to repeat after the recording

Give coloured pencils of red, yellow, blue and green to pupils in the classand prompt them to ask the questions: Ps: Red? Yellow? Blue?

to other pupils to elicit Yes/No answers Green?

Tell the pupils to trace over the words printed in grey then circle thecorrect answers


Divide the class into two teams, red and blue Ask one pupil from eachteam in turn the colour questions e.g Reil about objects in the classroom,coloured pencils and the pupils'clothes to elicit Yes/No answers Everycorrect answer scores a point for the team

Hondwriting proctice

(for pupils whose L1 has a different alphabet) Write the pupils'names in the English alphabet on the blackboard Ask thepupils to copy their names in their notebooks five times for practice

Trang 14

to elicit the answers:

Ask individual pupils to come to the front of the class and hold up aflashcard and ask a ouestion

Play the recording and ask the pupils to listen to the alphabet song

(N.B The alphabet song will be played at the beginning of all the work oninitial letter phonics and will be repeated throughout the book Therefore,

it is not necessary to teach it Pupils will learn it gradually throughconstant repetition.)

Ask pupils to look at the Letter Gonk and point to the letters and words atthe top of page 6

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in Ll) and demonstrate to pupils that these are the sounds theseletters make So a (give the name of the letter) makes the sound le,l (givethe sound of the letter) b makes the sound lbl and c makes the sound Av

Ask pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the sounds and words

Repeat the sounds of the letters le,/ applz etc and the words of the chantapple, ball, car etc with the class and individual pupils without therecording

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording

Trang 15

Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for the letters a, D, c

on page 50 before starting the book (as recommendedin The Alphabet and

Handwriting Section on page 5) then they should now do the letter

discrimination exercises for a, b, c on page 51 If not, they should do both

the tracing and the discrimination exercises

P B 2 : B @ O

Listen Ask (in L1) the pupils to look at the pictures on page 6 and ask them where

and say the children are and what they think they are doing Remind the pupils that

these children are at Fundnys and now they are at one of the funfair stalls

At this stall, they have to throw hoops over different prizes ff their hoop

covers the prize and its stand completely, then they win thepnze

E Tell the pupils to listen to the recording and look at the pictures

Tell the pupils to listen again and repeat

Give roles to various pupils and tell them to read their parts

Point to the bike in the first picture and say:

and elicit the answer:

Point to the car and say:

and elicit the answer:

Do the same with the other objects in the picture to elicit Yes and No

Point to the children in the picture and repeat the names of the two

children: Ted and Sue Prompt the children to repeat the names

(The names of the other children, Billy and Anna, are not yet known.)

Divide the class into two teams: Red and Blue Ask pupils from each team

to come to the board Say one of the words e.g bike and the first pupil to

circle this word wins a point for hisiher team Repeat this procedure with

other pupils from the two teams

Key Pb Z:n Tapescript

apple, ball, car

apple, ball, car

apple, ball

lRRle, ball

apple, ball, car

Trang 16

PB 2:C @ J:

Listen and Write the words: applz, ball, bike, book, blx, cat, car on the board and say: T: Look!

sing/chant and read the words on the board Ask the class and individual pupils to

read them

Tell pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Say and clap out the rhythm of the chant and encourage the pupils tojoin in

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant on the recording again and tell them tojoin in

PB 2:D @ ?t

Listen lEl Tell the pupils (in Ll) to listen to the recording and look at Activity D on

and write page7 Tell them they will hear the words of some of the prizes on

the stall

They must circle the ones they hear Tell them that afplz is the first wordand it has already been circled for them

Tell the pupils to listen again and check their answers

Point to the pictures and check the pupils'answers,

P B 2 : E @ p

Listen and Write the words: apple, ball, bolc, car, cat, bike, book on the board

say [Hl Tell pupils to listen to the recording and look at Activity E on page 7

Tell pupils to listen again and repeat

Now all the names of the children are known Check this by pointing toAnna and asking

Then elicit the name:

Then point to Billy and say:

Then elicit the name:

Point to the words on the board and prompt the class to read them

Bring a pupil to the front, facing the class and facing away from the board

Point to a word on the board

' say:

and the pupil tries to guess which word you are pointing at

When the pupil has guessed the word he/she becomes the teacher and asksanother pupil to guess the word Repeat the procedure several times

Trang 17

Lesson 3

P B 2 : F @ l**l

Listen and Materials: puppets of Mel and Kit

act with the Say Hello to the pupils and elicit Hello from the class and individuals

puppets Tell pupils (in L1) to look at Activity F on page 8 Ask pupils what type of

shop it is Elicit toy shop Ask pupils about their favourite toys and games

IEJ Tell pupils to listen to the recording and look at the pictures on page 8

Clap out stress and rhythm and repeat Prompt the pupils to join in

Tell pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat

Tell pupils to act out the scene with their puppets - one pupil playing Kitand one pupil playing Mel

Walk around the class helping the pupils and correcting their English

Remember to say Well done,l When the pupils have done this, tell them to swap roles

This scene could also be acted out by different pairs of pupils at the front

of the class, playing the roles of Mel and Kit The choice of toys could also

be changed which would be a way for pupils to personalise the scene andlearn some other tov words

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words: applz, ball, car onthe board and ask the class the name ofthe letter a Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at the back of thebook and copy a line of a's into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters b and c

Lesson 4


Listen Materials: a ball

and say Say Helloandpromptaresponse of Hello fromtheclass

Offer the ball to the class Say: T: A ball?

and prompt the responses of: P: Yes, please.Arlo, thank

H Tell the pupils to look at Activity G on page 9 and listen to the recording

Tell the pupils to listen again and repeat

Point out the smiles and grimaces on Mel's face Work through the exercisewith the class

and prompt the class to say: Ps: No, thank you

and prompt the class to say Ps: Yes, please

Continue in the same way for c and d

Trang 18

Check answers by pointing at pictures in the book and asking the class: T: A car? etc

Hondwriting proctice (copitol letters)

Tell pupils to turn to page 60 and do the tracing of the capital letters:

Materials: flashcards with the words: applz, ball, box, car, cat, bike, book

Hold up the flashcards one by one and ask the class to read them.

Divide the class into two teams: A and B

Hide one card behind your back and say Guess!to the A team and givethem three guesses A correct guess scores a point for the team No correctguess after three guesses scores a point for the B team Repeat the

procedure with the B team

Key PB 2:H car, ball, box, cat, bike, apple

Trang 19

How are you?

Fine, thank you

Position of adjectiaes and nouns: a brown egg d



Materials: colour flashcards for: red, yellow, blue, green; Starter alphabet

flashcards from a to c (a\!le to car)

Hold up one alphabet flashcard e.g apple and ask pupils to draw the

picture in their notebooks

Hold up one colour flashcard e.g red, say the word and ask pupils to

colour their picture with that colour

lH Listen

and sing/



Play the recording and ask the pupils to listen to the alphabet song

Ask pupils to look at the Letter Gonk and point to the letters and words atthe top of page 10

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in Ll) and demonstrate to the pupils that these are the sounds theseletters make So d (give the name of the letter) makes the sound idl (give thesound of the letter), e makes the sound lel andf makes the sound /f/

Ask the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the soundsand words

Repeat the sounds and words with the class and individual pupils withoutthe recording

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Repeat the chant, without the recording and encourage the pupils to join in

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording


Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for thelefrers d, e, f

on pages 50 and 52 before starting the book (as recommendedin TheAlphabet and Handwriting Section on page 5) then they should now do theletter discrimination exercises for d, e, f on pages 51 and 53 If not, theyshould do both the tracing and the discrimination exercises

Trang 20

@ o

Listen Encourage the pupils (in Ll) to talk about the pictures by asking questions

and say e.g What can you see in the pictures? Who can you see in the pictures?

Where are the children?

Explain that the children are still at Fundays Now they are in theaquarium at Fundnys

Point at the children in Picture 1 from left to right Ask the class: T: Anna?

Repeat this procedure for all the children in the pictures

E Tell the children to look at the pictures and listen to the recording

Ask the pupils to point at a red fish, a big fish, a cat, a dog a yellow fish

Give a pile of books, with some pencils on top, to one of the pupils Tellhimftrer (in L1) to walk to the classroom door As he/she is walking there

If the pupil drops the pencils then or on hisftrer way to the door, pick them

up and place them on the book and say: T: Be careful! Tell the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat

Give roles to different children in the class to read from the book Repeatwith other pupils

Key PB 3:A Tapescript

dog, egg fish

dog egg fish

dog, eggdog egg,dog egg fish

Listen and Say Hello to the class and elicit Hello from the class and individuals

sing/chant Tell the class to look at Activity C on page 11 and listen to the song on thd

E recording.

Repeat with individual pupils

Chain around the class with one pupil asking: Pl:How are you?

and then asking the next pupil: P2:How are you? etc

Trang 21

PB 3:D

lFl Listen ' Tell the pupils to listen to the recording and look at Activity D on page 11

and say Say to the class:

and elicit:

Do the same with the other letters but not in the usual order

Then say to one pupil:

with different pupils

PB 3:E W A/

Coloul Read all the words under the objects Then encourage the pupils to read all

and write the words with you

' Tell pupils to colour the objects and trace over the words under the objects

' When pupils have finished take one pupil's book and hold it up to the class

Point to the objects in different order and ask T: A red bike? etc

according to whether the pupil has coloured his/her objects correctly

Hondwriting proctice

Write: red, green, blue, yellow ball on the board

Tell pupils to draw balls with these colours in their notebooks and write

the colour words underneath the pictures


Divide the class into two teams: B and C Ask one pupil from each team in

turn to come out and draw the picture you tell them on the board Say: T: A blue book etc

using all the colours and nouns introduced so far Give the pupils a pointfor their team if the drawing is correct

Key PB 3:D Tapescript

A big ball and a little ball

A little dog and a big dog

A big car and a little car

A little apple and a big apple

Trang 22

Lesson 3

Listen and Materials: puppets of Mel and Kit

act with Tell pupils they are at the cinema again Tell them to look at the pictures onthe El pageT2and listen to the recording

puppets Tell the pupils to listen again and repeat

Read the text and encourage pupils to join in

Ask girls to read the role of Mel and boys to read the role of Kit Then askpairs of pupils to read the roles

Encourage pupils to act out the roles using their Mel and Kit puppets The pupils could also act the scene out in pairs at the front of theclassroom

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words: dog, egg, fish on the board and ask the class the name ofthe letter d Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at the back of thebook and copy a line of d's into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters e andl

Lesson 4

PB 3:G ?f A

Write and Tell pupils to trace over the words printed in grey then join the words withsay the objects Show the pupils how to do this carefully with the item that has

been completed - a red apple

Check the answers by reading the items and asking a pupil for the letter ofthe correct answer e.g e (for red apple)

Then ask one pupil to read Mel and another to read Kit in the second part

of the exercise Then pupils ask each other the questions and answers

PB 3:H ?f

Write Point to the pictures and ask the pupils to identify them

Tell pupils to join the letter to the object that begins with that letter Thentell them to continue the line and add the letter to the other letters Thentell them to write over the grey letters to make the word Show the pupilshow to do this with the first example of a - apple

Check the answers by asking one pupil the sound of the first letter in theactivity and another the word at the end Do this procedure for allthe letters

Hondwriting proctice (copitol letters)

Tell pupils to turn to pages 60 and 61 and do the tracing of the capitalletters D, { F Then they should do the capital and small letterdiscrimination for A to F on page 61

Trang 23

Materials: colour flashcards for: red, yellow, blue, green, broum; flashcards

with the words: applz, ball, car, dlg, egg,fxsh, booh, bike, box

Divide the class into two teams: Green and, Yellow Hold up the flashcards

one by bne and ask individual pupils from each team in turn to say the

words Each correct answer scores a point for the team


Use the same word flashcards as the previous game and keep the same

teams Hold up the flashcards and ask individual pupils the name and the

sound of the initial letter of each word Each correct answer scores a point

for the team

Trang 24

New words Expressions Structures Alphabetgtrl(s) three

Add a and the colour next to the words under the drawing e.g a red apple

Finally ask the class to read what is written on the board

PB 4:A The otphomt @ #

Listen El

and sing/



Play the recording and ask the pupils to listen to the alphabet song

Ask pupils to look at the Letter Gonk and point to the letters and words atthe top of page 14

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in L1) and demonstrate to the pupils that these are the sounds theletters make So g (give the name of the letter) makes the sound lgl (givethe sound of the letter), ft makes the sound lW andi makes the sound /i/

Ask the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the soundsand words

Tell pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Repeat the chant with the class without the recording

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording

Remind the children of the sounds they have learned by getting them tolook back at page 1 Encourage the pupils to say with you: lnl- apple,lbl -ball, lW - car, ldl - dog, lel- egg, /f/- fish, lgl - gil, lhl -hat,/i/- insect


Trang 25

Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for the lettersg, lz, f

on page S2before starting the book (as recommended in Thz Alphabet andHandwriting Section on page 5) then they should now do the letterdiscrimination exercises for g, h, i on page 53 If not, they should do boththe facing and the discrimination exercises

P B 4 : B @ P

Listen Ask the pupils (in Ll) where the children are now Ask them the names of

and say the children Ask them who is the woman on the stage with the children

@ Tell the pupils to listen to the recording and look at the pictures

Ask the pupils (in L1) what happened to Ted

Write the numbers lne, hilo, three, four on the board and say the words,Then encourage the class to say them with you

Tell pupils to listen to the recording again and repeat

Get the class to stand up and tell them (in L1) to put their arms up anddown with your instructions Say: T: One up, two down, three Repeat with pupils lifting up one leg Repeat with pupils lifting up arms up, four down

and one leg

Ask individual pupils to play the teacher and repeat insftuctions from theprevious activity with the rest of the class following the instructions

Ask different pupils to read the parts of the woman and Ted

Key PB 4:A Tapescript

girl, hat, insect

girl, hat, insect

girl, hat,girl, hat,girl, hat, insect

Colour Materials: number flashcards from one to four

and write Write the numbers 1-4 on the board and tell the class to say them Hold up

the number flashcards one to four and ask the class and then individualpupils to read them

Tell the pupils to look at Activity C on page 15 Tell them to colour thenumbers and then draw a line from the numbers to the correct words

Explain carefully how to do it using the example of the first item inthe exercise

Check the answers by showing one pupil's book to the class and pointing at

Trang 26

PB 4:D 8

Play a Materials: number flashcards from one to four

game Put pupils in pairs or a three and give them two or three buttons and a dice

Pupils place their buttons on Go and take it in turns to roll the dice Thepupils move their button up the car track according to the number rolled onthe dice Whichever colour they land on, they must follow the instructions

on the page e.g if they land on red they must move their button down 1 By moving up or down, the pupils'buttons will obviously land on anothercolour but they do not move their buttons again

Pupils must also roll an exact number to finish

Hondwriting proctice

Write the numbers 1,2,3,4 on the board Show pupils how to write thenumber words one, two, three, four on the board and they copy them intheir notebooks

Materials: puppets of Mel and Kit

Ask pupils (in Ll) where Mel and Kit are today in the cartoon film Askthem what Kit is selling in his shop

Tell pupils to listen to the recording and look at the pictures on page 16 Ask the class (in L1) why Kit is angry at the end of the story

Tell pupils to listen to the recording again and repeat

Ask pairs of pupils to read the parts of Mel and Kit

Pupils work in pairs and act out the parts of Mel and Kit with puppets Pupils can then act out the scene themselves in front of the class

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words: girl, hat, insect on the board and ask the class the name ofthe letterg Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at the back of thebook and copy a line of g's into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters ft and i

G q m eMaterials: number flashcards from one to seuen

Draw lots of balls covering the board Divide the class into two teams:

G and H Ask one pupil from each team to the board

Hold up one of the number flashcards e.g two The pupil to circle thecorrect number of balls wins a ooint for his/her team

Trang 27

Play Materials: colour flashcards for: red, yeilow, blue , green, broutn; number

a game flashcards from one to seuen

Follow on from the previous game when all the balls on the board havebeen circled in groups of Il and with the same teams, G and H

Ask one pupil from each team to the board Hold up a colour flashcard and

a number flashcard e.g six, blue and the first pupil to colour any group ofsix blue balls wins a point for hisftrer team

Tell the pupils to listen to the recording and follow the pictures in the book

Tell the pupils to listen again and join in with the recording

Tell half the class to read the chant from the book and the other half to actout the chant then swap roles

from the class Do this with all the pictures

Tell the class to trace over the words printed in grey Work through theexample item - three hats - with the class to show that the written itemsshould be joined with a line to the matching pictures

Check the answers by saying:

and eliciting:



a Three hats

One girl? a? b? c?

Hondwriting proctice

Tell the pupils to write the numbers 1-7 in their notebooks in a column

Write the words one to seuen on the board but in a different order Tell thepupils to write the correct word next to the numbers When you havechecked that they have done this correctly tell them to copy the wordseveral times along the line, e.g 7 one one one

Hondwriting proctice

Tell pupils to turn to page 61 and do the kacing of the capital letters G I/,

L Then they should do the capital and small letter discrimination for thesame letters on the same pages

Trang 28


(for pupils whose Ll has a different alphabet) Divide the class into two teams: H ard,/ Write the names of the pupils inthe class on the board in English Tell two pupils, one from each tean\ tocome to the board Call out one of the names and the first pupil to circle thecorrect name wins a point for his/lrer team

Trang 29

Write the numbers one to seaen in words on the board and tell the pupils

to copy the correct word under the numbers they have just written in theirnotebooks

Hold up all the alphabet flashcards from a to z - not in alphabetical order

and ask the class to read the words

two little kites, six green jugs

Play the recording and ask the pupils to listen to the alphabet song

Ask pupils to look at the Letter Gonk and point to the letters and words atthe top of page 18

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in Ll) and demonstrate to pupils that these are the sounds theseletters make Sol (give the name of the letter) makes the sound ldsl (Sivethe sound of the letter), ft makes the sound lkJ and/ makes the sound /V

Ask the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the soundsand words

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant on the recordmg

Repeat the chant, without the recording and encourage the pupils to join in

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording


t - l

Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for thelettersj, h,l

on pages 52 and 54 before starting the book (as recommendedin ThpAhhabet and Handwrifing Section on page 5) then they should now do theletter discrimination exercises for j, k, / on pages 53 and 55 If not, they

Trang 30

P B S : B 6 A

Listen Tell pupils (in Ll) to look at Activity B on page 18 and tell them that the

and say children are still inthe Fundays Thpatre Ask the pupils what the woman

on the stage is doing now

lEj Ask pupils to look at Activity B and listen to the recording

Practise the story, line by line with the class without the recording

Ask pupils to listen to the recording again and repeat

Ask different pupils to read the part of the woman and the rest of the classact as the audience

Key PB 5:A Tapescript

jug, kite, lemon

jug, kite, lemonjug, kite,jug, kite,jug, kite,lemon

Lesson 2

P B 5 : c a/ W A

Write, Materials: number flashcards from one to ten

colour and Hold up one of the flashcards and ask the class to clap out the number

say together Repeat this with different flashcards

Tell the class to look at Activity C on page 19 Prompt the class to read theitems with you - four red hites etc

Tell the pupils to trace over the words printed in grey and then askindividual pupils to read the items

Tell pupils to colour the pictures and point out how the kite has beencoloured red in the example to match the written item

Tell pupils to look at the example of Anna asking Billy aboutthese drawings

Call out two numbers from Activity C, e.g.:

and elicit the correct response from the class:

Ask two pupils to work together to ask and answer about the items

Then repeat with other pupils

T: Two and fir-e.Ps: Six green jug=Nine brogn i::-= *

PB 5:D zl

Write Tell pupils to look at Activity D on page 19 and work through the activity

orally Do number 1 as an example: Three hnts plus one hnt is four hats

Write thewordpltts on the board and point out the s to indicate plural form

Prompt the class to read item two with you

Ask individual pupils to say the other items

Tell pupils to write in the missing words and the letter s for the pluralform Go through item 1 with the pupils so they know what to do

Trang 31

Key PB 5:D

1 four hats 2 nine eggs 3 eight lemons 4 six kites 5 seven insects

Lesson 3

Listen, Materials: numberflashcards fromonetoten;Starter alphabetflashcards

sing and act from a to I @Drtlz b lzmon); colour flashcards for: red, yellow, blue, green,

with the brown; puppets of Mel and Kit

puppets Tell pupils (in L1) to look at Activity E on page 20 Point out all the yellow

kites in the picture and give the words a yellow krfe in English, whilepointing at one kite

Do the same for pictures 3 and 4 P: Six little yellow kites

E Tell pupils to listen to the song on the recording and look at the pictures

Play the recording again and encourage the pupils to join in

Hold up the number flashcards, the alphabet flashcards and the colourflashcards one by one and ask the class to read them Tell the pupils tomake up their own chants from the words they know, e.g.: Ps: Brown cats, white cats

Three yellow hatsBrown cats, white catsThree yellow hats

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words:fug, hite,lemon on the board and ask the class the name ofthe letterT Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at the back of thebook and copy a line of 7b into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters ft and /

Trang 32


P B 5 : F

Play a Materials: dice and buttons

game Divide the class into pairs or threes Give each pair or three the appropriate

number of buttons and a dice Each player rolls the dice and moves his/herbuttons from Go according to the number on the dice If the players land

on a square with instructions, they must follow them The first player toreach Home is the winner

Each player is only allowed one roll of the dice

Players must roll the correct number to reach home

PB 5:G Zt

Write Tell pupils to look at Activity G on page 21 Work through the first

example with the pupils Show the pupils how they must join the lettergwith the shadow picture of a girl Then they must join the shadow picture

to the correct word Show the pupils how the correct word is made byadding the letterg and tracing over the grey letters

Check the pupils'answers by asking indMdual pupils to read out thewords they made

Ask two pupils to come to the board Ask one pupil to look at one of theflashcards and spell it out to the other pupil who must write the word onthe board Neither the pupil writing the word on the board nor the classshould see the flashcard

Ask the two pupils to swap roles, and do the same Repeat this with otherpairs of pupils until all the class have had a turn

g - g i r l h - h a t i - i n s e c t j- j u g k - k i t e l - l e m o n

Trang 33

Udt 6 Lesson 1


Materials: number flashcards from one to ten

Play Bingo with the class Tell the pupils to choose six numbers and writethem in their notebooks Hold up the number flashcards one at a time inrandom order The first pupil to cross out all the words in his/her notebookshouts Bingo and is the winner

PB 6:A The olphoOet 6 D

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in Ll) and demonstrate to the pupils that these are the soundsthese letters make So m (give the name of the letter) makes the sound /m/

(give the sound of the letter), n makes the sound lnl and o makes thesound /o/

Ask the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the soundsand words

Repeat the sounds and the words with the class and individual pupilswithout the recording

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Repeat the chant without the recording and encourage the pupils to join in

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording

Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for the letters m, n, o

on page 54 before starting the book (as recomrnendedin The Alphnbet andHandwriting Section on page 5) then they should now do the letterdiscrimination exercises for m, n, o on page 55 If not, they should do boththe tracing and the discrimination exercises

Trang 34

Tell pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the recording.

Say the story line by line, clapping out the stress and rhythm, andencourage the pupils to join in

Give roles to different pupils and ask them to read

Key PB 6:A Tapescript

mouth, nose, orange.

mouth, nose, orange.

mouth nose.

mouth, nose, mouth, nose, orange.

Tell the pupils to look at Activity C on page 23

Tell the class to count the numbers on the dice in item a and elicit theanswer 7.Then do the same for the other items and ask individual pupilsthe answers

Tell pupils to look at the book and listen to the recording Tell them theymust point at the number they hear

Go round the class and check that pupils are pointing at the correctnumber

Tell a pupil to act as teacher and call out numbers on the dice in randomorder The other pupils point at the number they hear

Go round the class and check the pupils are pointing at the correct number

Repeat with other pupils acting as teacher

Tell the pupils to look at the second part of the activity and ask:

and elicit:

Repeat the same for all the items

Ask one pupil to ask another pupil about any of the items and then getthem to chain the questions and answers around the class



d How many?Six

P B 6 : D 6 Q

[El Listen

and say

Tell the pupils to look at Activity D on page 23 and listen to the recording

Tell one pupil to come to the front of the class and play the game with you

Show the class how you put the six buttons on your lap and then take someinto both hands

Arrange the pupils in pairs and give each pair six buttons to play thegame Swap the roles of the pupils in the pair after some time if theyhaven't done so by playing the game

Trang 35

C h o n t

Put the pupils in pairs and tell them to make a chant from the numbers andthe word button or buttons Write the words from one to ten and the wordsbuttonandbuttons ontheboard.Givethemanexampleof achant T: O::e b:n',,n.nr-obuttons, Let each pair clap out and say their chant to the rest of the class buc,,,:-s, bunon buttons

One bun,::- nro buftons.bunon- bur,,':L buttons

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words mouth, nose, orange on the board and ask the class thename of the letter m.Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at theback of the book and copy a line of m's into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters z and o

Key PB 6:C Tapescript

a seven b ten c five d six e nine

Lesson 3

Listen and Materials: puppets of Mel, Kit and Rob

act with Tell the class (in L1) that the children are watching another film at the

the puppets Fundays cinema

Ask the class what they think the puppets are doing today and elicitmaking a robot

E Tell the class to look at the pictures on page 24 and listen to the recording

Tell the class to read and repeat after the recording

Tell the boys to read Kit and the girls to read Illel Chmse one pupil to readthe Robot's part Then reverse the roles

Pupils divide into three and act out the roles with the puppets, Mel, Kit andthe Robot

Go round the class helping and correcting the pupiis' English Pupilsshould then swap their roles

Some pupils might also like to act out the scene in front of the class

Spelling ond pronunciotion

Materials: Starter alphabet flashcards for the rvords: egg, ball, hat, lemon,nose, orange

Ask pupils to look at the contents page on page 1 Say the names of theletters of the alphabet and encourage the pupils to join in

Ask two pupils to come to the board Give one pupil one of the alphabetflashcards and ask him/her to spell the word to the other pupil The otherpupil cannot see the flashcard and writes the word on the board

Trang 36

n 4

P B 6 : F @ fl

Listen and Tell pupils to look at Activity F on page 25 and listen to the recording

sing/chant Say the words of the song line by line, clapping out the stress and rhfihm

E and ask the class to repeat them after you.

Play the recording again and ask the class to join in with the singing

PB 6:G I

Write Point to Mel and read the bubble: Ah! Insects!then

point to the insects and say:

Point to the insects'heads and sav:


and elicit answer

Point to the insects' legs and ask:

and elicit answer

Tell the class to look at item 1 and read How many hrcads?

Fiue lwads Point to the picture and count the heads in it

Do item 2 orally with the class and ask the class to trace over the questionand write the answer Then pupils write the questions and answers to theother items by themselves

T: Look.Insects.T: Two heads.T: How many heail-?T: How many legs?

Drow qnd write

Write the words: lwad, body, nose, rnoLtth, arm, lzg on the board

Ask the class to draw the words in their notebooks

Then ask the pupils to write the word under the correct picture

Check the pupils'answers by swapping books with their partner andadding a tick for correct answers

Hondwriting proctice

Show the class how to write each of the words from the previous activity

on the board and tell them to write one line of each of the words in theirnotebooks

Hondwriting proctice

Tell pupils to do the handwriting practice and the capital and small letterdiscrimination exercises on page 62 for the letters M, N, O

Key PB 6:G

1 How many heads? Five heads

2 How many arms? Six arms

3 How many mouths? Five mouths

4 How many noses? Three noses

5 How many oranges? Five oranges

Trang 37

Unit T Lesson 1


Tell the pupils to look at the contents page on page 1 and remind them of

all the sounds they have learned so far (nl to lo[)

Ask the pupils to say the sounds and the words with you: lr,lapple etc

PB 7:A The olphobet @ S

El Listen

and sing/



Play the recording and ask the pupils to listen to the alphabet song

Ask pupils to look at the Letter Gonk and point to the letters and words atthe top of page26

Tell pupils to listen to the recording

Explain (in Ll) and demonstrate to the pupils that these are the soundsthese letters make So p (give the name of the letter) makes the sound /p/

(give the name of the letter), 4 makes the sound /kw/ and r makes thesound /r/

Ask the pupils to listen again to the recording and repeat the soundsand words

Repeat the sounds and words with the class and individual pupils withoutthe recording

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant on the recording

Repeat the chant, without the recording and prompt the pupils to join in

Tell the pupils to listen to the chant again and join in with the children onthe recording


l - l

Hondwriting proctice

If the pupils have already traced over the grey letters for the lettersp, 4, r

on page 56 before starting the book (as recommendedin Thz Alph"abet andHandwriting Section on page 5) then they should now do the letterdiscrimination exercises for p, q, r on page 57 If not, they should do boththe tracing and the discrimination exercises

Trang 38

Tell the class to look at the pictures and listen to the recording.

Repeat each line, clapping out stress and rhythm and tell class to repeat

Tell the class to read and listen to the recording again and repeat

Give roles to pupils to read the activity again

Key PB 7:A Tapescript

penguin, queen, robot

penguin, queen, robot

penguin, queen,penguin, queen,penguin, queen, robot

Lesson 2

El Listen

and sav

P B 7 : C @ p

Tell pupils to look at Activity C on page 27 and listen to the recording

Play Stand Up! Sit Doun!with the class Pupils only do those two actions ifyou introduce them with:

If the pupils do them without this introduction, they are out of the game

Allow different pupils to be the teacher and play the game

T: Miss/l\4rs/ \ksays

Spelling ond pronunciotion

Materials: Starter alphabet flashcards for the words: orange, nose, jug, queen,hite,'insect

Ask pupils to look at the contents page on page 1 Say the names of theletters of the alphabet and encourage the pupils to join in

Ask two pupils to come to the board Give one pupil one of the alphabetflashcards and ask him/her to spell the word to the other pupil The otherpupil cannot see the flashcard and writes the word on the board

Repeat this procedure until all the words are written correctly on the boardand ask the class to read them

Then add an -s to all the words Say the words one by one and ask thepupils to repeat them

P B 7 : D {

Write Tell the class to look at Activity D on page 27 andread the words written

in grey letters

Tell the pupils to trace over the words printed in grey

Tell pupils to draw a line and put two words together correctly

Demonstrate this with the first item stand ub

Trang 39

Hondwriting proctice

Write the words penguin, queen, robot on the board and ask the class thename of the letterf Tell the class to refer to the alphabet pages at the back

of the book and copy a line of p's into their notebooks

Follow the same procedure for the letters 4 and r

Key PB 7:D

stand up thank you come here well done sit down

Lesson 3

PB 7:E wp t*st

Listen and Materials: puppets of Mel, Kit and Rob

act with Tell the class (in L1) that the children are at the cinema in Funfutys again and

the puppets there is a cartoon about Kit and Mel and the robot they made

Tell the class to look at the pictures on page ?3 and listen to the recording

@ Say each line, clapping out the sfress and rhythm, and pupils repeat

Tell the class to read and listen to the recording and repeat

E Tell pupils to act out the story in threes with the puppets Go round the

class helping and correcting the pupils' English

Some pupils may then like to act out the story in front of the class

G q m e Play the Stand up! Sit d,own! game as for previous lesson but add theinstructions: turn around come hzre and stob

Lesson 4

P B 7 : F ffizf A

Listen, write Tell the class to look at Activity F on page 29 and listen to the recording

and say Explain to the pupils that they must write the numbers 1-5 in the correct

E boxes to match the pictures Show them for item one how number 1 is Sl/

doun so they should write a number 1 in the box under the pictureshowing the robot sitting down

Tell the class to listen again and write the numbers in the boxes

Now do the second part of the activity by asking the pupils different lettersand prompting them to say the correct command

PB 7:G {

Write Tell the pupils to look at Activity G on page 29 andexplain that they have

Trang 40

Tell the pupils to write the letters in their notebooks as they are said Theletters will make a word.

Say C-A-T and ask the pupils what word they wrote

Follow the same procedure with the words.' Iwt, dog, ball,lemon, jug

Key PB 7:F

a l , b 5 , c 4 , d 2 , e 3Tapescript

I Sit down, robot

2 Come here, robot

3 Stop, robot

4 Turn around, robot

5 Stand up, robot

PB 7:G


Ngày đăng: 09/08/2017, 17:19

