I-SECTIONS SIZES AND PROPERTIES TIS/JIS STANDARDS (TIS 1227 : 2539 / JIS G3192 : 1990) Grade SM400, SM490, SM520, SS400, SS490 or SS540 Sectional Area Standard Sectional Dimension (mm.) Weight (kg./m.) Moment of Inertia Radius of Gyration Modulus of Section (cm4.) (cm.) (cm3.) (cm2.) HxB t1 t2 r1 r2 lx ly ix iy zx zy 150x75 5.5 9.5 4.5 21.83 17.1 819 57.5 6.12 1.62 109 15.3 200x100 7.0 10.0 10 5.0 33.06 26.0 2,170 138 8.11 2.05 217 27.7 200x150 9.0 16.0 15 7.5 64.16 50.4 4,460 753 8.34 3.43 446 100.0 250x125 7.5 10.0 12.5 19.0 12 21 6.0 10.5 48.79 70.73 38.3 55.5 5,180 7,310 337 538 10.30 10.20 2.63 2.76 414 585 53.9 86.0 300x150 8.0 10.0 11.5 13.0 18.5 22.0 12 19 23 6.0 9.5 11.5 61.58 83.47 97.88 48.3 65.5 76.8 9,480 12,700 14,700 588 886 1,080 12.40 12.30 12.20 3.09 3.26 3.32 632 849 978 78.4 118.0 143.0 350x150 9.0 12.0 15.0 24.0 13 25 6.5 12.5 74.58 111.1 58.5 87.2 15,200 22,400 702 1,180 14.30 14.20 3.07 3.26 870 1,280 93.5 158.0 400x150 10.0 12.5 18.0 25.0 17 27 8.5 13.5 91.73 122.1 72.0 95.8 24,100 31,700 864 1,240 16.20 16.10 3.07 3.18 1,200 1,580 115.0 165.0 450x175 11.0 13.0 20.0 26.0 19 27 9.5 13.5 116.8 146.1 91.7 115.0 39,200 48,800 1,510 2,020 18.30 18.30 3.60 3.72 1,740 2,170 173.0 231.0 600x190 13.0 16.0 25.0 35.0 25 38 12.5 19.0 169.4 224.5 133.0 176.0 98,400 130,000 2,460 3,540 24.10 24.10 3.81 3.97 3,280 4,330 259.0 373.0