This Standard is part of a series as follows: AS 3500 National plumbing and drainage 3500.3.1 Part 3.1: Stormwater drainage — Performance requirements this Standard 3500.3.2 Part 3.2: St
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AS 3500.3.11998 National plumbing and drainage Stormwater drainage
-Performance requirements
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Trang 2AS 3500.3.1—1998
National plumbing and drainage
Part 3.1: Stormwater drainage—
Performance requirements
Trang 3This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee WS/20, Stormwater It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 11 August 1998 and published on 5 November 1998
The following interests are represented on Committee WS/20:
Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia Association of Hydraulic Services Consultants, Australia Australian Aluminium Council
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australian Chamber of Manufactures
Australian Institute of Loss Adjusters Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) Department of Land and Water Conservation, N.S.W
Department of Local Government and Planning, Qld Local Government Office, Tas
Master Builders Australia Master Plumbers and Mechanical Services Association of Australia Master Plumbers Australia
Metal Building Products Manufacturers Association (Australia) New Zealand Local Government Association
New Zealand Manufacturers Federation New Zealand Water and Wastes Association Plastics and Chemical Industries Association (Australia) Plastics Institute of New Zealand
Plumbing Industry Board, Victoria University of Technology, Sydney Department of Administrative Services — Australia
Review of Australian Standards To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are
subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as necessary It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, and any amendments thereto.
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Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head office of Standards Australia, are welcomed Notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standard should be made without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.
This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 96170.
Trang 4AS 3500.3.1—1998
National plumbing and drainage
Part 3.1: Stormwater drainage—
Performance requirements
Originated in part as part of AS CS3 — 1931.
Previous editions AS 2180 — 1986 and AS 3500.3 — 1990.
AS 2180 — 1986 and AS 3500.3 — 1990 revised, amalgamated and redesignated in part as AS 3500.3.1 — 1998.
Published by Standards Australia (Standards Association of Australia)
1 The Crescent, Homebush, NSW 2140
ISBN 0 7337 1983 X
Trang 5AS 3500.3.1 — 1998 2
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia / Standards New Zealand
Committee WS/20, Stormwater, to supersede (in part) AS 2180 — 1986, Metal rainwater
goods — Selection and installation, and AS 3500, National Plumbing and Drainage Code,
Part 3 — 1990: Stormwater drainage which will be withdrawn 5 June 1999.
This Standard is the result of a consensus among Australian and New Zealand representatives on the committee to produce it as an Australian Standard
This Standard is part of a series as follows:
AS 3500 National plumbing and drainage
3500.3.1 Part 3.1: Stormwater drainage — Performance requirements (this Standard) 3500.3.2 Part 3.2: Stormwater drainage — Acceptable solutions
Stormwater drainage — Methods for verification (Part 3.3) is in the course of preparation The performance-based format was chosen to foster innovation and facilitate the introduction of new technologies
This Standard specifies performance requirements that must be met in order for a stormwater drainage system to provide the expected level of protection for people and property from adverse effects of stormwater
Part 3.2 specifies acceptable solutions that are deemed to satisfy Part 3.1 and the Building Codes of Australia and New Zealand, for materials and products, and design and installation of stormwater drainage systems
Part 3.3 will specify methods for verification that are deemed to satisfy Part 3.1, for the design and testing of stormwater drainage systems Such methods are not exclusive
This arrangement provides the flexibility for a design to utilize new technology where appropriate, while providing certainty for those wishing to use a set of ‘proven’ requirements
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Trang 63 AS 3500.3.1 — 1998
Trang 7AS 3500.3.1 — 1998 4
Australian Standard National plumbing and drainage
Part 3.1: Stormwater drainage — Performance requirements
1 SCOPE This Standard specifies the performance requirements for materials and products, and design and installation of roof drainage systems, surface drainage systems and subsoil drainage systems
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard:
3500 National plumbing and drainage
3500.0 Part 0: Glossary of terms
3500.3.2 Part 3.2: Stormwater drainage —Acceptable solutions
3 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 3500.0 and AS/NZS 3500.3.2 apply
4 OBJECTIVE The objective of this Standard is to —
(a) minimize risks of injury or inconvenience to people and damage to property caused
by stormwater;
(b) protect stormwater drainage systems of a property, and the external stormwater drainage network, from damage; and
(c) ensure that stormwater drainage systems will satisfy the requirements of Items (a) and (b) throughout their design lifetime
5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT All components of a stormwater drainage system for a property shall provide protection against the adverse effects of stormwater flows
6.1 Roof drainage systems
6.1.1 Average recurrence interval (ARI) Roof drainage systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with the following:
(a) Where it is unlikely that adverse effects of stormwater flows would result in significant inconvenience or injury to people or damage to property, for rainfall events having an ARI of not less than 20 years
(b) Where it is likely that adverse effects of stormwater flows would result in significant inconvenience or injury to people or damage to property, for rainfall events having an ARI of not less than 100 years
6.1.2 Overflow devices or measures Overflow devices or measures shall be installed where overtopping of the roof drainage system could cause significant monetary loss, property damage or personal injury, and shall be designed in accordance with Clause 6.1.1(b) taking into account the effect of obstructions and blockages
6.1.3 Watertightness All internal roof drainage system components shall be watertight
Trang 85 AS 3500.3.1 — 1998
6.2 Surface drainage systems
6.2.1 Minor storm performance Surface drainage systems shall be designed to dispose
of stormwater flows from rainfall events having an ARI appropriate to the importance of the site and the severity of potential damage and injury that would result from the failure
of such systems
6.2.2 Major storm performance Surface drainage systems and overflow paths, in combination, shall be designed for rainfall events having an ARI of 50 years or greater Adverse effects of stormwater flows shall not present a hazard to people or cause significant damage to property
6.3 Subsoil drainage systems Subsoil drainage systems for the removal of excess groundwater and the reduction of soil moisture levels shall be designed —
(a) so as not to cause damage to buildings and other facilities by changing soil moisture conditions; and
(b) with advice from a suitably qualified competent person having expertise in assessing soil and groundwater behaviour
6.4 Position and manner of discharge The position and manner of discharge of the stormwater drainage system shall be to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority
6.5 Stormwater drainage systems Stormwater drainage systems shall —
(a) convey stormwater to a point of connection using gravity flow where possible;
(b) avoid the likelihood of blockages;
(c) avoid the likelihood of leakage and penetration by roots;
(d) provide access for maintenance and clearing blockages;
(e) avoid damage to the external stormwater drainage network where the stormwater is being discharged to such a network;
(f) avoid the likelihood of damage from superimposed loads on normal ground, or building movements;
(g) prevent the entry of sewage, trade waste or both;
(h) prevent the entry of stormwater to a sanitary drainage system; and
(i) avoid the likelihood of damage to buildings or site works, in particular during the construction phase
6.6 No point of connection Where a point of connection to a stormwater drainage network is not available, the stormwater drainage system shall be designed and installed to—
(a) prevent the concentration of stormwater onto adjacent properties; and
(b) prevent stormwater from entering a building
7 DEEMED TO SATISFY The following are deemed to satisfy the performance requirements specified in Clause 6:
(a) Acceptable solutions as specified in AS/NZS 3500.3.2
(b) Verification by design and analytical methods, supplemented, where required, by laboratory testing