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Agent-Based One-Shot AuthorisationSchemeinaCommercialExtranetEnvironment by Wai Ki Richard Au Bachelor of Science (Honours) (HKU) - 1980 Graduate Diploma of Information Technology (QUT) - 1998 Thesis submitted in accordance with the regulations for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Information Security Institute Faculty of Information Technology Queensland University of Technology August 2005 ii QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY THESIS EXAMINATION CANDIDATE NAME Wai Ki Richard Au RESEARCH CONCENTRATION Information Security Institute PRINCIPAL SUPERVISOR Associate Professor Mark Looi ASSOCIATE SUPERVISOR(S) Dr Paul Ashley Professor William J Caelli THESIS TITLE Agent-based One-Shot AuthorisationSchemeinaCommercialExtranetEnvironment Under the requirements of PhD regulation 9.2, the above candidate was examined orally by the Faculty The members of the panel set up for this examination recommend that the thesis be accepted by the University and forwarded to the appointed Committee for examination Name Signature Panel Chairperson (Principal Supervisor) Name Signature Panel Member Name Signature Panel Member Under the requirements of PhD regulation 9.15, it is hereby certified that the thesis of the above-named candidate has been examined I recommend on behalf of the Thesis Examination Committee that the thesis be accepted in fulfilment of the conditions for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Name Signature Date Chair of Examiners (Thesis Examination Committee) iii iv Keywords Distributed authorisation, extranet, Intranet, smart card, personal secure device, authentication, security architecture, security server, trust establishment, trust token, credential-based authorisation, one-shot authorisation token, one-task authorisation key, anonymous attribute certificate, key binding certificate, anonymous authorisation, referee server, privilege negotiation agent, authorisation agent, secure client agentenvironment v vi Abstract The enormous growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web has provided the opportunity for an enterprise to extend its boundaries in the global business environment While commercial functions can be shared among a variety of strategic allies - including business partners and customers, extranets appear to be the cost-effective solution to providing global connectivity for different user groups Because extranets allow third-party users into corporate networks, they need to be extremely secure and external access needs to be highly controllable Access control and authorisation mechanisms must be in place to regulate user access to information/resources ina manner that is consistent with the current set of policies and practices both at intra-organisational and cross-organisational levels In the business-to-customer (B2C) e-commerce setting, a service provider faces a wide spectrum of new customers, who may not have pre-existing relationships established Thus the authorisation problem is particularly complex In this thesis, a new authorisationscheme is proposed to facilitate the service provider to establish trust with potential customers, grant access privileges to legitimate users and enforce access control ina diversified commercialenvironment Four modules with a number of innovative components and mechanisms suitable for distributed authorisation on extranets are developed: • One-shot Authorisation Module - One-shot authorisation token is designed as a flexible and secure credential for access control enforcement in client/server systems; • Token-Based Trust Establishment Module - Trust token is proposed for server-centric trust establishment in virtual enterprise environment vii • User-Centric Anonymous Authorisation Module - One-task authorisation key and anonymous attribute certificate are developed for anonymous authorisationina multi-organisational setting; • Agent-Based Privilege Negotiation Module - Privilege negotiation agents are proposed to provide dynamic authorisation services with secure client agentenvironment for hosting these agents on user’s platform viii Contents Certificate Recommending Acceptance iii Keywords v Abstract vii Contents ix List of Figures xvii List of Tables xix Declaration xxi Related Publications xxiii Acknowledgements xxvii Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Research Approaches and Scopes 1.2.1 Infrastructure of Domain-based Servers 1.2.2 User-Centric Authorisation 1.2.3 Credential-based Access Control 1.2.4 Mobile Agent for Authorisation Services Thesis Outline 1.3 ix Background 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Access Control 10 2.3 2.2.1 Access Control Models 11 2.2.2 Implementations of Access Control 12 Authentication and Authorisation 13 2.3.1 2.4 Authorisation Mechanisms 14 Security Architectures 15 2.4.1 Kerberos V5 15 2.4.2 Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) 17 2.4.3 SESAME (Secure European System for Applications ina Multi-vendor Environment) 18 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.4.4 Policymaker and Keynote 20 2.4.5 Shibboleth 20 2.4.6 OASIS 20 2.4.7 Liberty Alliance 21 2.4.8 Anonymous Credential Systems 21 Security Standards 22 2.5.1 SAML and XACML 22 2.5.2 Privilege Certificates 23 Personal Secure Devices 25 2.6.1 Smart Card 26 2.6.2 iButtonT M 28 Code Mobility and Mobile Agent 28 2.7.1 Protection of Mobile Agent 30 2.7.2 Chapter Summary 31 Requirements and Framework 3.1 33 Overview of Requirements on Commercial Extranets 33 3.1.1 Requirements on Access Control and Security Mechanisms 3.1.2 Requirements on Network Architecture and Topologies 37 x 34 230 Appendix E Source Codes Bibliography [1] A Abdul-Rahman and S Halle A Distributed Trust Model In Proceedings of New Security Paradigms Workshop, 1997 [2] A Acharya, M Ranganathan, and J Salz Sumatra: A Language for Resource-aware Mobile Programs In Mobile Object Systems: Towards the Programmable Internet, LNCS 1222, pages 111–130, 1997 [3] American Bankers Association Accredited Standards committee X9 Enhanced Management Controls Using Digital Signatures and Attribute Certificates ANSI X9.45 1997 [4] American Bankers Association Accredited Standards committee X9 Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: Certificate Management ANSI X9.57 1999 [5] P Ashley, S Hada, and G Karjoth E-P3P Privacy Policies and Privacy AuthorisationIn Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Privacy in Electronic Society, pages 103–109, 2002 [6] P Ashley and M Vandenwauver Practical Intranet Security : An Overview of the State of the Art and Available Technologies Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999 [7] P Ashley, M Vandenwauver, and B Broom A Uniform Approach to Securing Unix Applications Using SESAME In Proceedings of the Third Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, volume 1438, pages 24–35, 1998 231 BIBLIOGRAPHY 232 [8] T Aura and C Ellison Privacy and Accountability in Certificate Systems In Helsinki University of Technology Laboratory for Theoretical Computer Science Research Report 61, 2000 [9] D Bayles Extranets - 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