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American English File 2 (2nd edition) Student book

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American English File gets students talking thanks to its unique and proven formula combining confidencebuilding, opportunity, and motivation.Highinterest content is organized in lively, achievable lessons, using humor and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English. Solid grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation foundation carefully supports the work with the four skills and gradually builds students confidence and performance in English.

, SECOND EDITION Online Practice Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxen den Paul Seligson OXFORD -_'1.Stina La tham -Koenig - -:e Oxenden _-= Seligson and C~ve Oxenden are the original co-authors of ! and English File OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Grammar Vocabulary Pronuncia t:.C:l.'tt\.tt\I:l'f\ \I~t~ ~m a- p.126 Grammar Bank lB Learn more about the simple presem and practice it d Ca n you remember the kind of m en C harlotte likes and does n 't like? SPEAKING & WRITING a e Look at the photos o f Alexander and Oliver Find out about them Communica t ion Alexander and Oliver A p.l00 B p.106 >- Look at th e form below and prepare to give this info rmation about your friend Do you have a friend who is looking for a partner? Help him / her find one! Name Relationship Personali ty + Single Divorced Separated Age Job Likes Appearance f Which man you think is better for C h arlotte? Why? Doesn't like LISTENING a 14 )) Li sten to Charlotte talkin g about what h appened when she met Alexander What did she think of him? Does she want to see him again? b Listen again and wrire down any adjectives or express ions that Charlotte uses to descri be hi s appearance and personality e llS )) Now repeat for Oliver d \Vhar does C rlotte decide in the end ? Do you agree wirh her? WI§;;;W b \Vork in pairs Ask and a nswer about your people Compare the information Do you think the two people are compat ibl e? 0hat'Shis (her) name? c p.lll Writing Describing a person \Vrite a desc ripti o n of a person you know 18 »)) SONG Ugly JJ Online Proctice • G present continuous V clothes, prepositions of place P /01 and fori What's the woman doing? She's standing in front of the window VOCABULARY clothes GRAMMAR present continuous a a Look at the pictures \Vhat are the models wearing? Match the word s and clothes o boots o pants o shirt o shoes o skirt Look at the painting on page by arti st Da vid Hockney (1937-) In pairs describe t he man and the wo man \Vhat they look like? • \Vhat are they wear ing? • \Vhat are th ey doing? b Underline th e correc t for m of the verb, present continu ous or simple present o top In the pa intin g the man isn't lI'earitlB J doesll 't wear shoes In some cou ntri es women often wear J are wearin8 hats to wedd in gs In the painting a white cat sits J is sitti1lg on rhe man's kn ee My son usua lly sits I is sittitl8 at the back of the class so th at the teacher can't see him c , p.126.Grammar Bank le Learn m o re about the present cont inuous and practice it b ~ p.1Sl Vocabulary Bank Things you wear d LOQk at the pictures on page What are the people wearing? \Vhar are they doing? PRONUNCIATION 1:>1 and l"drl a 20 »)) Listen to these word s and sou nd s Practice say in g them ~ computer bracelet card igan jacket necklace v, ~ bird shirt sk irt LISTENING a 24 »)) Look at the painti ng Mr arid Mrs Clarkalld Percy o n page and listen to the audio gu id e Focus on the people and things in t he pai ntin g as they are mentioned b Listen again Mark the sentences T (true) o r F (fa lse) T-shirt b Look at th e hi gh lighted letters in t he wo rds below \Vhich sOllnd t hey have, I or 2? actor chemistry first painter third arrive imagine world attr'active instrument problem prefer c d e - 21» ) Listen and check ~ p.166 Sound Bank Look at the typical spelli ngs for these so und s Ask and answe r the questions with a panner \Vhat clothes you usually wear ? at wo rk J college J school when you go out at night when you wa nt to relax on th e weekend IQ 11 12 Percy is the name of th e car Mr and Mrs C lark made clothes for famous people The painting shows their living room The painting is very smal l Celia is pregnant in the painting Ossie is purr in g hi s feet into the rug because he is cold The pos ition of the couple in the pa inrin g is unu sual The open wi ndow is a sym bol of the love between them T he cat is a sy mbol of infide lity Celi a and Ossie later got divorced Ccl ia doesn't like the painting Ossie Clark died in 1995 VOCABULARY prepositions of place Loo k at so me sen tences t h at descr ibe the pa inti ng Com plete them wi th a word or phrase fro m the list .6 SPEAKING P in (x2) on (x2) under in front of behind between next to on the right on the left in the middle I T here are two people _ _ the room , and the ma n is T he woman is standing sini ng _ _ S S b of the pai nti ng, the man and the woma n, there's an open window A whi te car is sitt ing th e man T here's a ru g the ma n's chair There's a te lepho ne the fl oor the ma n's chair the telepho ne there's a la mp the woman there's a table, and a vase with fl owers ir 25 »)) Listen and check T hen cover th e sentences and look at t he pai nt ing Say where the things and people are a Describing a picture (a painting or photo) When we describe a picture we usually use: There ;s / There are to say what is in the picture, e.g., There is a table and a vase with flowers in it There are two people • The present continuous to say what the people are doing, e.g., The woman is standing and the man is sitting • Sometimes we combine There is and the present continuous, e.g., There is a woman standing near the window >- Communication Describe and draw A p.lDO B p I 06 Desc ribe your pi cture fo r your pann er to draw b In sma ll gro ups, ask and answe r th e quest ion s \Vh ic h of th e th ree paintings in thi s lesso n you prefer? \Vhy? W har pictu res or pos ters you have on the wal l in your bedroom or livin g room ? Do you have a favo r ite pai g? \V har? Can you desc ribe it? Do you have a favor ite pai nter? \Vho? Do you (or did you) paint or draw? \Vhar kinds ofr hings? Online Practice Housework, make or do? HOUSEWORK MAKEORDO? a a Match the verb phrases and the pictures VOCABULARY BANK Write make or next co the pictures ~d",Q ,,-_ a crosswo rd ~_ _ a mistake _ _ _ an exercise I ho mework _ _ _ anoise _ _ _ a phone call , _ -;._ housework _ _ _ friends _ _ _ lunch I dinner clean the floor clean your room the dishes the ironing _ _ _ yoga the laundry the shoppi ng make lunch _ _ _ plans make the beds pick up diny clothes (from the floor) pur away your clothes set th e table (opposite clear) take out the garbage b 13 ») Li sren and check c Cover the phrases and look at the pict ures Say the phrases b c 14 ») Lisren and check Cover the phrases and look at the pictures Say the phrases d Talk to a parrner What housework d o YOll usuall y do? \Vhar have you done today? \Vho does the most housework in your family? Do you argue about housework in your family? Give examp les What hou sework d o yo u hare doing? \Vhar don'r you mind doing? Is there any housework you like doing? -c: p.28 VOCABULARY BANK Shopping IN A SHOP OR STORE a Match the words and pictures check out custome r fitting roo ms receipt salesperson shopp in g cart I basket take something back try something on b g) 28 ))) Lisren a nd check c Cover the words and look at rhe pictures Say the words P fit or suit? If clothes don't fit you, it means they are the wrong size (e.g., too big, too small, too tight, too loose), If clothes don' t suit you, it means they don't look good on you ONLlNE Read the text about shopping online Then co mplete it with words fr0111 t he li st a account ,J'J,;aUllt auction ",)kJn cart "'un checkout 'IJckaot delivery ,,,h'hvJr i item payment 'pc l m;'Jllt size \.\11: 'all~m/ website '\\Ch\illll Shopping online When you are shopping online, first you go to the lwebsjte The first time you use a site, you usually have to create an _ _ _ where you give your personal information You then choose what you want to buy and c lick on each 3_ If you are buying clothes, make sure you get the right ! Everything you buy goes into your shopping bag , usually at the top right of the page When you or are ready to pay you click on "proceed to have to give your 7_ _ _ " You then address where you want them to send your things and give your 8._ _ _ information, for example your credit card number and expiration date Many people today also buy and sett things online at _ sites like eBay b « 29 ))) Lisren and check p.31 VOCABULARY BANK Describing a town or city WHERE 15 IT? HOW BIG 15 IT? a Look at the map Then read the description of Reading and@thecorrecrwords o r phrases Reading is a city in the east / west of the state of Pennsylvania in the US, on the 5chuykiU River / in the mountains It is about 60 miles east / west of Philadelphia It is a small / medium / large city, and it has a population of about SS,DOO.lt is famous for its discount outlet shopping malls, which were the first in the US b ~ 46 ,)) Listen and check WHAT'S IT LIKE? adject ives to describe a town or city WHAT 15 THERE TO SEE? a Put the words in the right column a March the adjectives and sentences 1-6 eastte 'I(&sl' cathedral 'k;}'eidrall church itJartJI department store id l'purtm;)nt ~tJr market ;'marbt mosque /musk! museum 'myu'ziJm palace 'piel;:'! shopping mall "fupll) m;'lV statue flst,ctfu temple 'templ town hall "taon h:'ll Opposite boring 'bJTII} excjtjng crowded 'krauddd! da ngerous 'dcmd3:JT;,)

Ngày đăng: 05/08/2017, 21:19

