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COMPACT Part ANG Chibien Lee Seongryong • KimBakin • John Boswell Bell1'fben IV Chuy&n ngiJ pMn milgi8i Le Buy La 1Illlllllljm~lllllllllll ~=======!J !I NTV RBAxu.hBbTtiNGHqP THANHPH6 HO em MINH COngtyTNHH Nhin Tri Vi~t Contents • LESSON 01 _ Trinh tv giiiiquye't LESSON 02 _ Trinh tv giiiiquye't LESSON 03 _ Thg loai bai dQc 04 _ TM loai hili doc LESSON 05 LESSON • • Thg loai hai doc LESSON 06 Thg loai hili dQc LESSON 07 Thg loai hili doc Trinh t\i td loi bai d9C co 2-3 cau hoi Letter / Email Notice···nnn.n.n _ Article / News report / Press release • cau TM loai hili doc Product advertisement Real estate advertisement LESSON 10 TM loai hili doc _ Application / Registration / Survey LESSON 11 LESSON 12 Thg loai cau hOi Thg loai cau hOi _ Itinerary / Schedule n Invoice / Bill LESSON 13 TM loai cau hOi _ Cau hoi thong tin t6ng quat LESSON 14 TM loai cau hOi _ Cau hoi thOng tin C\l th~l 15 Th€ loai cauhOi _ Cau hoi thong tin th~ 2· LESSON 16 TM loai cauhOi Th€ loai cauhOi _ Cau _ Cau hoi thong tin cu th~ thong tin C\l th~ 3·· LESSON 17 LESSON 18 Chie'nltiqcdocnhanh _ Ng~t rieng cum 12 n 14 nr cu 20 22 n 24 26 n cau 28 ·n .n · n n 30 n 32 34 36 38 40 42 n n ···········n b6 nghia de' d9C Chie'nltiqcdQcnhanh _ Nam b~t menh d~ danh ngCt dai 20 _ Chie'nltiqcdQcnhanh _ Dong t\1 quy€t dinh cau true cau Chie'nltiqcdocnhanh _ Cau true 16 18 TM loai hili deo hoi hoi n n Memo 09 hb tro cho khd nang d9C hi€u ···· n 44 46 Actual Test 01 _ answers 49 Actual Test 02 _ answers Actual Test 04 _ answers 73 97 121 Actual Test 05 _ answers 145 Actual Test 06 _ answers 169 193 217 241 Actual Test 03 _ answers ·n ·····n n n LEqSON 19 • 4-5 _ Job advertisement 08 LESSON 21 _ va 10 LESSON LESSON _ Trinh t\i trd lei bai doc co doan (double-passage) LESSON LESSON n' Actual Test 07 _ answers Actual Test 08 _ answers Actual Test 09 _ answers ~01 Part7 Trinh tu tra 1m bai doc co 2-3 cau hoi [Example 01] Questions 1-2 refer to the following advertisement City Wide fixReserve G-eorgetowtl Arts Presetltatiotl It's time for the 25th annual Georgetown Festival Performances of all types will be available for your enjoyment, including dance, drama and concerts Our representatives are available twentyfour hours a day to reserve your seats for this renowned arts program Musical guests include the Cheng Quartet and The Polka Trio Watch a Shakespeare play at the outdoor theater and then enjoy a performance by the Washington Ballet Company For further information on the program, call Georgetown Customer Services at 347-3879 Don't delay as this event sells out faster than any other arts presentation in the city Groups of twenty-five or more can be accommodated, and seniors receive discounts throughout the entire Georgetown performance season Patrons include the Hirsch Memorial Foundation, Dupont Circle Arts Center, The Nottingham Theatrical Troupe, and Mr Josiah Westwood Call now to be sure you have one of the best seats in the house, 349-9874 Which type of business issued this Who can customers contact for additional advertisement? festival information? (A) A ticket provider (A) Washington Ballet Co (B) A charity organization (B) Mr Josiah Westwood (C) An arts and music school (C) Georgetown officials (0) An organizer of the arts event (0) TixReserve representatives O'~ V'~- www.nhantriviet.com a Part 7, ky nang d9Cnhanh nlt quan trong; nhien, vi~c vua d9Cnhanh d~ tim nhimg n(Ji dung tam duoc yeu du cau hoi, vua bo tri thoi gian m(Jt each hop 1y lai cang quan hon V6i cac bai d9Cco it cau hot, chi hoac cau, ban hay ghi nho that ky n(Ji dung cau hOi, sau vua d9C,vua tim thong tin tuong img Step 1~~ ~ _ Sau d9C cau hOi, hay tom tiit n(Ji dung yeu cdu cau hoi bang m(Jt hoac hai tll, r6i chon keyword va trinh t'l):tra lot Which type of business issued this advertisement? (A) A ticket provider (B) A charity organization (C) An arts and music school (D) An organizer of the arts event Who can customers contact for additional festival information? (A) Washington Ballet Co (B) Mr Josiah Westwood (C) Georgetown officials (D) TixReserve representatives Cau hoi ve chu de cua quang cao; cau hOi ve nguoi ma khach hang co the lien lac d~ biet them thong tin Keyword CM de cua quang cao (type of business) Thong tin M hQi (festival information) Trinh t~ tra 100 Cau -> cau Step Neu tim keyword ciia cau hOi hoac tim tll, each di~n dat co y nghia tuong tu v6i cau hoi thong tin cu the d9Cbai thi ban nen tra 1m cau hOi Musical guests include the Cheng Quartet and The Polka Trio Watch a Shakespeare play at the outdoor theater and then enjoy a performance by the Washington Ballet Company For further information program, call Georgetown Customer Services at 347-3879 on the Neu tim tMy cum information on the program & gitia bai d9Cco y nghia tuong t~ v6i festival information, hay nhin vao cau hOi va doi chieu cac lua chon tra loi v6i thong tin bai d9Cd~ tim cau tra 1m dung Step Sau tra loi xong cau hOi thong tin cu the, ban se tra 1m cau hOi thong tin t6ng quat bang each d9C Mt toan b(J bai d9C d~ nam Mt n(Ji dung chinh, r6i xem cau hoi va chon dap an co n(Ji dung tuong ung v6i n(Ji dung t6ng quat cua bai d9C www.nhantriviet.com ~02 Part7 Trinh tl;ltra 1m hai doc va 4-5 cau hoi co doan (double-passage) [Example 02] Questions 1-4 refer to the following memo TO: Shift Supervisors FR: Floor Manager RE: Work Divisions DT: Feb Summer is coming, which means the busy season is approaching This year, our order volumes have exceeded last year's by twenty percent To fill these extra orders, we are hiring more temporary workers Attached is a list of the temporary workers assigned to each department Because we expect the temps' contract period to extend beyond the usual three months, we have asked each new temp to agree to an additional four weeks of work Every temp must give a minimum of two weeks' notice should he or she need to leave for any reason This should give you plenty of time to find replacements Each shift of temporary workers has a different responsibility The first shift will be responsible for all eastern region orders, the second shift for all southern orders, and the third for our western market However, each shift must share equally in the production requirements for our northern retailers Should overtime hours become available, first choice will fall to the most senior temp staff on each shift What is the main purpose of this memo? (A) To designate supervisors' responsibilities (8) To clarify seasonal workers' duties and assignments (C) To review summer operation schedules Which shift is responsible for northern region supplies? (A) The first (8) The second (C) The third (0) All of the above (0) To explain regional production req uirements In which way will overtime hours be distributed? How long will temporary workers be expected to work? (A) The most experienced employees have priority (A) One month (8) An extra workday will be scheduled (8) Two weeks (C) Each shift will complete some of the (C) Four months (0) Twelve weeks work (0) Additional temps will be hired 8'~ • www.nhantriviet.com B8.i doc co nhieu cau hOi (4-5 cau) thuong la nhung bai doc dai; d1)cbiet, a nhung bai dQCco hai dean (double-passage), co nlnrng cau hOi yeu cdu ban phai doc hieu ca hai doan moo tim hra chon tra 1m dung, Tuong tv nhu phuong phap da hQC cac bai doc co 2-3 cau hOi, neu qua trinh doc hi~u, ban tim cac gqi y tuong ring vot cau hOi thi ban co tM tra 1m.ngay Tuy V?y, di~u co tM lam ngung "mach" doc hi~u, cho nen each tOt nhat la ban nen doc qua m(>tluot toan b(>bai doc, sau vua doc lai cac goi y tuong ring voi cau hoi, vira td loi cau hOi a Step co nhieu cau hOi, nen ban khong tM nho bet duoc, Hay ghi nho tin cu tM, r6i Mt dau tra 1m.ngay VI What is the main purpose of this memo? 1-2 keyword ciia cau hOi thong Cau hOi 1hOi n(>idung tong quat, cac cau hOi lai hoi v~ n(>idung C1]tM HoW long will temporary workers be expected to work? Keyword Which shift is responsible for northern region supplies? In which way will overtime hours be distributed? M1]cdich ctia thu bao (purpose) Thm.han lam viec (How long - work) Ca nao cung ring cho khu VVCphia Mc (Which shift - northern region supplies) Lam vi~c them gia (overtime hours) Trinh t~ tra l&i Tra 1m.cau hei thong tin C1]tM 2, 3, cau hOi -> Step Hay Mt d:1u doc hi~u bang each doc hrot qua toan b(>n(>idung Thay vi ghi nho thang, s6 lieu (nhimg thong tin chi tiet), hay chii y van vi~c nam Mt mach tri~n khai tong tM ctia bai doc va n(>i dung C1]tM nfun a cM nao Goi Y tuong ring voocau hoi den cau Because we expect the temps' contract period to extend hOi4 xuat hien theo thu tu, Sau beyond 2the usual three months, we have asked each new nam duoc n(>idung theo thu tv: 1) temp to agree to an additional four weeks of work tuy~n dung nhan vien thm V1];2) thoi -However, 3each shift must share equally in the production requirements for our northem retailers Should han lam viec; 3) di~u kien lam viec; 4) overtime hours becomeavailable,first choice will4fall to the phan cong lam them gio, hay d6i chien most senior temp staff on each shift voocau hOi 2, 3, d~ tim hra chon tra 1m dung Step Trong truong hop nay, viec tra 1m cau hOi (cau hOi thong tin tong quat) tra nen d~ dang hon vi hie tim duoc tat ca gci y cho cac cau hOi thong tin C1]th~, ban da doc hi~u va nam Mt duoc n(>idung cua toan b(>bai doc, www.nhantriviet.com ~03 Part7 Letter / Email [Example 03] Questions 1-2 refer to the following letter I E C 1256 E 52nd Street Beaverton, Vermont 00600 October 28 Randall Lawrence Receiving Department Manager MCM Cosmetics Old Hickory Row Big Sky, Texas 78233 Dear Mr Lawrence: We appreciate your continuing business association with our company We have nearly completed processing your order number YAG3048983, for a total of seventy cartons of Item #9834 However, we are experiencing some difficulty with our shipping system, because of equipment malfunctions Therefore we will contract with an outside source (EMS) for that part of the order, and can guarantee that EMS service is the best in the region All boxes will be clearly marked as 'fragile contents', and proper handling will not be a problem We apologize for the slight delay that subcontracting will cause, but you should expect the complete order no later than three days after the originally scheduled time Any questions can be directed to Mr Barrett, from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m - 6:00 p.m Thank you for your patience and understanding Sincerely, Renata Berkowitz Customer Service Manager Who will receive this letter? (A) Mr Barrett (B) The Sales Representative of EMS When will the order be delivered? (A) Within three days of the initially agreed date (C) The Receiving Department Manager (B) At the time Mr Barrett arranges it (D) The Customer Service Manager of (C) By the originally scheduled time IEC (D) After Mr Lawrence sets a date www.nhantriviet.com 135 % 113 % letter I Email Notice 113 % Article 17% Memo 118 % Advertisement 114% Form elc I BM doc COdang thu tin va email thuong xuyen xuat hien & phan doc hieu ciia bai thi TOEIC Chu d~ quen thut)c cua the loai bai doc la: xac nhan don d~t hang, than phien v~ san pham hoac dich V1J., hu6ng dan v~ SI1 kien, v.v Cau tao eua hili doc co dang Letter I Email Thong tin cda nguOi gill (lEG) va nguOi nhan (Randall Lawrence) duoc neu ro & dliu thu Cac letter thuong khong' co d~ muc (Subject) nhung & email thi luon luon co cQtnay Ban nen ghi nho cac muc thuong xUllt hien & phdn dliu email sau day: Nguoi nhan: To Nguot gill: From, Fr Ngay thang gill: Sent D~ muc: Subject, RE IE C 1256 E 52nd Street Beaverton, Vermont 00600 October 28 ndalllawrence Receiving Deparnnent Manager MCM Cosmetics Old Hickory Row Big Sky, Texas 78233 Dear Mr lawrence, We appreciate your continuing business association wi our company We have nearly completed processing yo order number YAG3048983, for a total of seventy carron~s , 11'""'"'F" Barrett, from Monday to Friday, 8,30 a.m.· 6,00 p.m NQi dung cc ban duoc tri~n khai theo thii tv: vi~c van chuyen bi hoan lat sv co cua h~ thong van chuyen, hop d6ng v&icong ty khac, thang v~n chuyen du tinh Phan dliu cua no.i dung chinh chu yeu bao g6m CaCggi y ciia Call hoi chu d~ hoac muc dich Ggi y cua CaUhOi thong tin cl).tM se xuat hien phan dien dat nQi dung cu tM lai; vi vay, day la phdn ban Thank you for your patience and understanding cdn t~p trung doc nhat, of Item #9834 However, we are experiencing some difficulty with our shipping system, because of equipment malfunctions Therefore we will concract with an outside source (EMS) for that part of the order, and can guarantee that EMS service is the best in the region All boxes will be clearly marked as 'fragile contents', and proper handling will not be a problem We apologize for the slight delay that subconcracting will cause, but you should expect the complete order no later than three days after the originally scheduled time Any questions can be directed to Mr .••••• ~",_ustomer Voca file Sincerely, Renata Berkowitz Service Manager Cuoi cung ia cau chao ket thuc cung v&iho ten nguoi viet, chuc vu va bQphan true thuoc Tir vung thuong g~p Letter / Email , expand mr! rQng growing enlarge mr! rong, khulch truong fast growing industries cdc nganh cong nghi¢p dang phdt trie'n nhanh thiet 14p establish acquire dang tang, dang pluit trie'n dang lam rewarding rewarding discussion achieve gianh duac, thu duac increase[rise] overseas dat duac uing negotiate soar tling uot (thlu?C) hdi ngoai, thuang LU(!I!g, dam phdn r! hdi ngoai decrease[decline] bid thuc hi¢n dramatic overcome khdc phuc, uuot qua rapid profitability s,! co lai, s,! co ltii steady implement profitable co lai, co lai www.nhantriviet.com gidm gidm bat reduce bO thau but5! thdo luan co chat luang dQt ngQt, gay cdm xuc manli consensus mutual mutually acceptable nhanh dJu dijn W d6ng long, S,! nhd: tri tuang hrJ, Lan agreement thoa dang r! cd haiphia S,! dang y, SI! thoa thudn ~04 Part7 Notice [Example 04] Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice Please be aware of the newly designated parking areas City officials have announced stricter regulations and have clearly marked the no-parking zones with new 'tow-away' zone signs Visitors in violations ofthe restrictions are at risk of having their vehicles towed away Our parking lot at the rear of the museum is available for use during regular museum hours, from 9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m daily A new back entrance to the museum has been constructed for your convenience and is accessible from the rear parking lot Please take note of the areas reserved for our staff members and refrain from parking in these spaces For inquiries, please contact Daniel Conway at 055-921-5533 or dconway@cxmuseum com Thank you and enjoy your visit What are visitors asked NOT to do? What is specified about the parking lot? (A) Park their cars in employees' spots (A) It is open 12 hours a day (8) Enter the museum at the back (8) It is available for staff only (C) Park their cars at the back (C) It is patrolled by security guards (0) Leave their cars in the front (0) It is located in the basement of the building www.nhantriviet.com 135 % Letter I Email 113 % Notice 113 % Article 17% Memo 118 % Advertisement 114% Form etc Thong bao thuong truyen dat cac thong tin v~ nhieu chu d~ khac Cac thong bao khong chi co n9i dung lien quan den cong viec moi truong him vi~c nhu CO' quan, cong ty, ma co n9i dung lien quan den cuoc song hang nhu & vi du dum day Phan doc hi~u cua bat thi TOEIC thuong co cac thong bao lien quan den quy dinh va cM d9 mot, su kien s~p xay ra, cac huang d§.n su dung san pham hoac dich vu, V.v Cau tao cua bai dQC co dang Notice Thong bao co nQi dung lien quan den khu vue d