CAMBRIDGE Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks o Gemgroaa C Holzmann P LewIa Jones Get talking Greetings ~ Match the greetings to the correct picture Write the number Then listen and write the expressions under the pictures o Good evenin g o Good morning, Mrs Jon es o Goodbye, Mum o Good morning, Luke o Good afternoon, Mrs Jones o o o o o o Good night, Mum Good afternoon, Luke Goodbye, Luke Hi, Luke Hello, Jenny Good night, Luke 10 11 = Gat talking Saying hello • Listen and repeat the dialogues Shireen Hi May How are you? Ahmed Hello, Shireen I'm fine And you? Shireen Great, thanks Luke May • Ahmed Hello, Luke How are you? I'm fine How are you, Ahmed? I'm fine, thanks Listen and complete the dialogues Dialogue Helga Hi, Jan How ' you? Jan Hello, Helga , fine, thanks And you? Helga Great, thanks Dialogue Abi Hi, Jose , are you? Jose I'm fine, thanks, Abi And ' ? Abi o I'm OK, thanks Now practise the dialogues with a partner Vocabularv Numbers C» six eight seventeen twelve fifteen TI one twa , t ~ , three four five TI(Q) TID nin e te n eleve n Listen and write the numbers , I ~ tlN,~ seve n 12 11 thirteen 15 16 17 11 19 20 C» eighteen nineteen twenty fourteen ~ twenty-one Listen and complete, Sonia Jackie Sonia Jackie o sixteen , What's your name? I'm Jackie How old are you? I'm ' Sonia Jackie Sonia Jackie Oh, l'm , What's his name? Mike How old is he? He's , Gettalking Asking about age Look at the photos and the names and ages, Close your books and ask and answer with a partner, A How old is Mike? B He's 12 A That's right I That's wrong - he's Subject pronouns Singular Liam Mrs Wade Liam Mrs Wade Liam Mrs Wade Liam o Hil I' m Liam How old are you Liam? I'm 10 And your friends? Kylie She's 11 Connor He's 10 And your pet? My tortoise? It' s 135 How you say these words in your language? o Yov Write the correct pronoun , o I She -t-!m are l is 1'1 r You're 10 It He' 10 She' It' Rewrite the sentences Use the short form I am Spanish I'~ S.p a 0.i fJc.· She is nice It is late Hello I Fergus HHHHH H Use the dialogue above to complete the table r Q HHHHHH Present simple of be Singular, positive I You He o It He She You He is scared You are frie ndly Complete the sentences with the correct short form It a dog Mark is my This is Nadia friend He 13 She nice l Hello Toml You late l Possessive adjectives My name's Nadia What's your name? o Singular What's its job? Her name's Bess What's his name? Use the grammar box above to complete the table ~ you Subject pronoun t ~ G ' ':>:')1 I' Hi' I'm Steve What's name? name's Jose Circle the correct word Hi, I / my name is Kelvin She / Her is 15 What's you / your nam e? Dawn is she / her friend He / His is friendly / My am sca r ed Match the questions and the answers o it Complete the sentences , Use my, your, his or her nam e's Jennifer Lopez o she I _ ' name's Wayne Rooney o he ~ Possessive adjective What's your name? How old are you? Who is yo ur favourite teacher? Who is you r best friend? How old is yo ur best friend? A B C D E I'm 10 My favourite teacher is Mr Glass My name's Liz My best friend is Cheri She's 10 Write your own answers to the questions in Exercise Then ask and answer with a partner listening 4» J, Listen and write the numbers Then write the correct word under the pictures ice cream hamburgers hot dogs apples pizza Speaking ~ Q Listen and repeat Then practise other dialogues with a partner listening 10 4» Listen to the interview and complete the dialogue Interviewer Girl Interviewer Girl Interviewer Girl Interviewer Girl Interviewer Girl What's ' name? Kirsty Where are ' from? I'm from London Howald , you? I'm thirteen What's '- favo urite food? Hamburgers What's s favourite number? seven o Reading Read and complete ' Hi, my name's Michael and I'm "from Manchester I'm 14 My dog' s name is Leo and my cat' s name is Suzy They're nice My favourite food is fru it and my f avour ite number is 10 1''Iic/,a"i is 14 is 15 Mi cha el is fro m is fro m Hunga ry Helio, I'm Anna and I come from Budapest, in Hungary I'm 15 years old and 15 is my favourite number! My favou rite food is chicken - it's great! My pets are Peter, my hamster, and Piri, my g Mi chael's favou rite S Ann a's favo urite food is Leo is a Peter is a is 10 listening C» Listen and complete the table t~ Ali ce York I Ben Ka ren + Ch ri sto pher ~ -+Hann ah Dan iel Age 12 Favourite Favourite food number pizza 17 + + + - J ASong U Alphabet Stars ~ Listen and sing (yeah, we've got the Alphabet Stars let's move ahead) ~, B, ~, B, C, yo, ~, B, Cis easy for me, Dyes Eand f, D, E, f is easy for Jeffl G', H, G,H, I, yeah, come on, hey, Ie, Ie let me try J, yes, Kand l , J, Kl , it's easy to spell M, N, M, NO yo, M, N0, let's go, let's go P, yes, Qand R, P Q R yes, you're a star S, T,S: 1, U, it's easy, yes, it's easy for Sue fI" Now , it's uh, now it's V, I V, that's so easy for me Chorus (x 4) Chorus (x 2) We are the Alphabet Stars, yes Alphabet Stars, That's what we are w.Xand Yand Z That's the ~ B C Come on noW, let's move ahead, Come an, yo, let's move ahead, Come on, come on, let's move ahead Yeah, come on, let's move ahead Sounds right The alphabet ~ Q Listen and repeat Which four letters are missing? AHJ K B C DEPTV FlMNSX QUW I Y Get talking Spelling 14 4» j Listen and repeat the dialogue Then work with a partner and practise dialogues with other names o International words Write the words under the pictures , taxi pizza bus supermarket football hamburger hotel tennis - ~ eli) • STARTER SECTION - - - _ _ 1- ¥ ~~ H HH • • H H HHH.H.HH.H HH • • • • • H H H • • H •••• listen and repeat A What's regie in English? B It's 'ruler' A Yes, that's right 14 _ - _ A What's styla in English? B It's 'desk' A No, that's wrong Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about these objects Use the dialogue from Exercise 10 H Ball Hanbury Hall is the home of Lord and Lady Brown Last night there was a robbery at Hanbury Hall This morning the clock in the library is missing! It was a very valuable clock Read the beginning of the story There were diamonds in the back! ~::::== -~~ =:~~~_;I;;;jl Lady Brown is talking to Inspector Clue He's a policeman from Scotland Yard He wants to find the robber o !!l., _ A V Reading and listening Listen to Lady Brown and Inspector Clue and write these jobs under the correct people UNIT 11 125 ~ lIn Read and listen Write which people were in these rooms last night kUthen Hanbul1' Hall Iivin!! room hall bathroom bedroom Inspector Lady Brown Inspector Lady Brown Where were you at pm, Lady Brown? I was with my husband We were in the living room Was your son Henry with you? No, he wasn 't He was in his bed r oom, I think Inspector Henry Brown Inspector Henry Brown Were your parents with yo u last night at pm? No, they weren't They were in the library, I think Yo u weren 't in the library? No, I was in my bedroom I was very tired Inspector Mrs Black, where were yo u at pm? Mrs Black I wa s in the kitchen all evening Inspector All evening? Mrs Black Yes, I always prepare breakfast in t he eve ning Inspector Mr White Inspector Mr White ~ 126 UNIT 11 Where were you at pm last night, Mr Wh ite? I was in the ll Were you alone? No, I was with Miss Green Who is not telling the truth? Look at the picture of the library on page 125 Find something belonging to the robber Then listen and check your answer Speaking • Look at the picture and talk about the people Use the words on the left sad happy hungry co ld scared angry At o'clock Brian was in the kitchen He was hungry At Sally and Fred were They we re WrHe a short text about ,our day ,esterela, A bvryday Yefterday WM ve ry bVfy At7 am I WM in the kitchen I Waf hvn 9ry an d breakfMt Waf 9ood From am to "5 pm I Waf at fCh ool SCh ool WM \( bvt I Waf tired I WM in the 9ym at 'I pm a nd, at pm, I Waf in the fwimmin9 poo l I WM at home at" pm, and I WM hvn9ry a9ai n At '1 pm I WM in bed hfORr f tid., IUIlT 11'1"7 Key words cash coins silver gold salary 0) paper money (banknotes) plastic money currency converter bank card credit card The pound (£) is the money in D lndia The euro (€) is the money in o Ireland The real (R$) is the money in D t~e The dol lar ($) is the money in o Britain o China The yen (¥) is the money in 33 c: 1-() Do the quiz Tick the correct country C1) Now listen and check What is money? USA o Britain D the USA o Ireland o Britain o Japan o Brazi l o Japan o Brazil D China o China o Brazil D the USA o Japan o Brazil D lndia When most peop le think of money, they think of it as a t hing we ca n use to buy or pay fo r something But in the past, money was also something used in traditional and re ligious ceremonies, such as wedd ings We often think of money as coi ns or notes (cas h) but in the past peop le used many different things as 'money' Many people in t he world today keep t heir money in banks What most people don't know is that ba nks ar e older tha n money There were banks in Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt o Did vou know;Read the texts about money Ancient Mesopotamia: The first banks Rich fami lies have rooms in their palaces where people can keep food and things to sell Money does not exist UNIT 11 Turkey 600 BC: Peop le in Turkey make the first coins from gold and silver (the Lydian coin) o Mini-project Find a currency converter on the Internet How much are these in your money? £1 (one British pound ) = o $1 (one US dollar) = Look at these prices from the past Use a calculator to find out how much these things cost in the currency of your country today Example You live in Singapore The cu rrency in Singapor e is the Singapore dol lar (SGO)' £1 00 = 303 SGO The first mobile costs £1 ,864 In today's money: 5588.97 SGO Prices (In today' money) : England -1984: The first mobile phones costs £1,864 A computer costs about £4,OQO A video recorder costs about £525 Prices (in today' money) : USA -1900: A worker's sa lary per year is about $550 A teacher's income per year is about $2.000 The r ent for a fl at (2-3 rooms) was $6 per month o Find out about prices in the past in your country Ask a parent, aunt or uncle, or grandparent the following questions • How much was their first flat/house? • How much was t heir first car? Europe around 1500: In this picture you can see how people are making coins in the 1500 Sweden around 1660: The Bank of Sweden prints the first paper money in Europe • How much was their first te levision? • How much was t heir first sa lary? Southeast Asia and Africa before 1900: Peopl e use cowry shells for money Today: More and more people not use ba nknotes or coins They use plastic money (bank cards and credit cards) UNIT 11 In this unit You learn • past simpl e • word s for shops and then you can • say when you were somewh ere • ta lk about shopping Listen and read Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Nadia Steve Hi, Steve I'm gOing to the record shop after school Do you want to come? No, thanks What's the matter? Are you alright? Yeah, I'm OK No, you're not What's the problem? Oh, OK It's football Football Again What now? Well I played for t he school team against King George High school When? This morning? Yes The game finished about an hour ago What was the score? 4- to them We really wanted to win Oh dear But it's not th e end of the world It is I scored a goal You scored a goal That's great No, it's not I scored in the wrong goal I scored the wi nn ing goal for them G Circle T (True) or F (False) for the sentences below Nadia's got a problem T / F Steve is happy T / F Steve played footba ll yest erday T / F Steve goes to King George High school T / F The sco re was 4-3 to King George Hi gh schoo l T / F Steve score d a goa l for his team T / F Gellalking Saying when you were somewhere • o Look at the pictures and say where Enrique was Ask and answer questions with your partner 10 minutes days hours week hours yea r A Where we re you 10 mi nutes ago? - ' - - - - -./ - ' - - - ~ -{ B I was here with you ' UNIT12 1; Deus o VocabularV :Shops Write the correct numbers for the shops , electronics shop pet shop shoe shop stationer's record shop computer shop newsagent's clothes shop furniture shop 10 grocer's o Where can you buy these things? Write the name of the shop then add two more things to each list p ~Uh."p' 10 dogs, cats, , pe n, ru ler, newspaper, magazine, a mouse, a hard·disk, jacket socks, , trainers, boots, CDs, music OVOs, .• cherries, spinach, TV, stereo, , cupboard , wardrobe, Get talking Talking about shopping ~ Listen and complete Ali Kiki Ali Kiki o 132 UNIT 12 I need to buy • • • • • • • • OK, we need to go to a ' is t he nearest one There's one in ••• Street Work with a partner Choose items from the list in Exercise and talk about shops in your town , Past simple Positive o Sounds right /t/ /d/ IId/ Complete the examples from the dialogue with the words in the box scored pl ayed finis hed 36 c: o Idl She phoned at o'c lock He arrived on Monday We rescued t he dog lId/ I waited for an hour Complete the rule *' To use regu lar verbs in the past tense we add ,' to the end of the verb If t he ve rb end s in ' e, t hen we just add ,' III She jumped in the river My dog chased a cat We watched a film wanted I for the school team The game about an hour ago We really to win I a goa l o Listen and repeat Th ey shouted at me She want ed an ice cr eam 4) Use the verbs from Exercise to complete the story Write the Past simple forms of these verbs walk wait love relax watch li ste n surf close touch climb talk look open like hate live play borrow wiggle happe n dance phone There was a boy in t he river He 'Helpl ' into the river t he boy UNIT 12 o Complete each sentence with the Past simple form of the verb It a su nny day (be) Hel en to th e park (wa lk) In the park she Manju (p hon e) her frie nd for 15 minutes and Helen Manju (wait / arrive) The girls to the river (wa lk) There two boys there (be) Suddenly the big boy th e sma ll boy into the river (push) Helen into t he ri ver (ju mp) Helen the boy (rescue) 10 Manju the ambulance and the po lice (call) 11 The paramedics and police (arrive) 12 They the girls (int erview) o 134 Match the sentences from Exercise with the pictures UNIT12 o Reading Read the stories and match them to the -=::-_-, Pictures~ , _ _ _ _ _ THE CUP-HOLDER On his desk was a Mr Custer was happy ally good one uter It was a re new comp · t flatscreen After with a DVD and a grea d the computer ks he phone omputer very two wee "I like my new c b' shop 'd "but I've got a Ig much," he sal , h 't" problem Wit I h P a'sistant asked 7" the s o , "What 15 It 'd Mr Custer holder" sal "It's the cup, "the man at the "\ d on 't understand, ]I' "What cup· holder h front of the shop sa id , -holder at t e d , k It goes In an 'The cup computer doesn t wor spills my coffee." he DVD drive The cup-holder was t MODERN ART Mrs Caroline Sm ith started work as a cleaning lady in the Museum of Modern Art The director asked her to clean a room on the first floor Two hours' later Mrs Smith finished and asked what to next The director checked her work He returned with a look of horror on his face The room was certainly clean The floor and the windows were clean But he also noticed that part of a modern SCUlpture was misSing The sculpture was an old jacket over a computer screen On the jacket there were two roses But the jacket and the roses weren't there "Where's the jacket with the roses?" the director asked Mrs Smith "Oh, that old thing!" she answered "I cleaned it away! And the roses too!" The sculpture was worth £50,OOO! o Read again and match the sentence halves j Mr Custer liked Mr Custer phoned The shop assistant asked Mr Custer used Mrs Smith worked The museum director was Mrs Smith decided Mrs Smith cleaned away a b c d Mr Custer about his problem in a museum not happy with Mrs Smith the scu lpture e f g h the computer shop his computer the scu lpture was rubbish the DVD drive for a cup holder UNIT12 11 listening ~ Listen to the story and correct the mistakes S Mrs Brown ing was at the airport to meet her brother Th e plan e arrived from Da llas The man was in a black coat The man was happy to see Mrs Browning They pushed the man into a taxi The man wanted to go to Italy Asong U A summer holiday ~ • meet read cry stay join watch Complete the song with the words then listen, check and sing (It's a summer, a summer holiday!) (x 2) No homework for six weeks or so, Fun and laughter all day long (all day long) Don't , my friends, it's time to go Cheer up, join in, what's wrong? (What's wrong?) Chorus (x 2) It's a summer, a summer holiday Come, wipe your tears, your tears away It's a summer, a summer holiday! A summer holiday! books and • a DVD, , your friends and up late (Stay up late) In summer, you, you are free Hey, isn't this just great? (Isn't this just great?) • •• • •• • • Chorus (x 4) f~~Rr ,ida 136 UNIT 12 t I • "" _~_J Dur proress Units 11 atld 1:::=:==:::1 ~ ~ o ~~ ~~~- Complete the names of the w- r - s k b - c _ p d o furnitur~ b c - - r a h and a rug ' r []!I Complete the shop names r_ s s s _ and a window ' o []!I Write the questions I was a schoo l at pm e_ _ s _ c _ _ s _ s _ _ _ L _ p_ _ s _ C _ _ _ _ _ s _ 10 c_ s_ _ _ ? No, I wasn 't in the kitchen I was in the hal l ? No, the fi lm wa sn't very interesting l ? No, he wasn 't happy ? Yes , they were late l o Complete the dialogue with the Past simple of to be A B A B Where ' you yesterday afternoon? I ' at the cinema ' the film good? No, it ' It rubbish l CD Complete the dialogue with the Past simple ofthe verbs A I ' (see) a great film yesterday B I ' (listen) to t he new Green Day CD C I' (play) computer games D I ' (surf) the Net all day E Where were yoU?1 15 (wait) hours for you al ii o • the bed ? n o it There is a guitar the bed and the table o • and a lamp , There is a poster ' the table the bed Yesterday at o'clock an accident (happen) in Forest Road A woman ' (shout) for help Mr Summers , (stop) his car He Uump) out of the car and (phone) an ambu lance Ten minutes later an ambu lan ce (arrive) The paramedics (help) the woman Luckily she (be) fine ,jut." Em My progress so far is Look at the pictur es and complete the sentences There is a bed with a table ' Complete the story with the Past simple tense of the verbs in brackets it © brilliant! D @ quite good ® not great UNIT 12 13 EACf FILE o What are the five most popular free time activities for boys and girls in your country? Write a list of activities and decide with your class which are the most popular A What you think is the most popular activity for boys? B Football A How many peop le think footba ll is the most popular activity? 39 C» o Listen to the interview with Alison about her free time and circle the correct word o Top Free time Activities in the UK GIRLS Swimming 49.1% Singing 29.6% Ballet 27.5% Art 24.6% Drama 20.1% BOYS Football 65% Swimming 50.9% Cycling 33.5% Skateboarding 19.2% Art 17.1% In her free time Alison goes skiing / swimming She goes once / twice a week She's got a competition / meeting at the week~nd She plays the trumpet / guitar Her mum doesn't like it because it's boring / noisy Source CBse Read about this British hobby and answer t lie questions What's new in the playground? Scoub idous are a fan t as ti c new playg rou nd cr aze The y are pieces of coloured plasti c string You can make wristban ds, key ring s an d orn aments for your bags and cl oth es They're fun and th ey're chea p They cost about 5p a st ri ng, I usuall y buy about 100 for £5 , We all play with them at break ti me and lunchti me Boys play with th em t oo Fiona, 12, London What are Scoubidous? What can you make with them? How much does a string cost? o UNIT 12 How much a hundred cost? When ch ildren play with them? What is a favourite hobby in your school? Write a paragraph Great Myste~ies of the World: ;;: /1 / '" '" Over many years, a lot of ships and planes that went into the Bermuda Triangle did not come out again - they just disappeared A famous incident was 'Flight 19' in 1945 On 5th December, at 1.30 pm, five American Navy planes - 'Avengers' - left Florida and flew into the triangle The pilots were experienced students The weather was good At about pm, one of the pilots talked to the control tower: 'We're lost Everything looks wrong.' For l'llJ W".~ At pm, the weather started to get bad The pilots were still lost and they asked for help At pm in the evening the can trol tower heard the pilots of the planes for the last time No one ever saw the pilots or the planes again The US Navy sent planes and ships to look for them , but they did not find anything to explain what happened to the planes 1 Is this hard to believe? Well , here are some more days that planes disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle • February 22, 1978 • September 21 , 1978 • February 11 , 1980 • June 28, 1980 • January 6, 1981 • March 26, 1986 • October 31 , 1991 • June 14, 1999 Go to and a quiz on this text UNIT 12 ... TI(Q) TID nin e te n eleve n Listen and write the numbers , I ~ tlN,~ seve n 12 11 thirteen 15 16 17 11 19 20 C» eighteen nineteen twenty fourteen ~ twenty-one Listen and complete,... Mrs Wade Liam o Hil I' m Liam How old are you Liam? I'm 10 And your friends? Kylie She's 11 Connor He's 10 And your pet? My tortoise? It' s 13 5 How you say these words in your language? o Yov... I'm "from Manchester I'm 14 My dog' s name is Leo and my cat' s name is Suzy They're nice My favourite food is fru it and my f avour ite number is 10 1' 'Iic/,a"i is 14 is 15 Mi cha el is fro m