Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary dua cac ho~t dng tro chai ngon ngli vao lap hQC la can thiet va hfru d\illg, vi bon ly do; i Uun thay dbi bAu khong khi ding thfulg cua lap h
Chit nhi~m dS tai: GV NGUYEN THJ DI$U CHI (B.A.)
Thanh vien tham gia: GV NGUYEN THJ ~NH (M.A.)
Trang 3MUCLUC • •
Danh mvc cac tir vi~t cit
I Tinh cAn thiSt cua cts tai: ~ 1
• 1 Tinh hinh chung vS trinh d() tiSng Anh cua SV nam 1 a tru<mg DHKT-TP HCM 1
2 Nhilng kh6 khan trong vi~c d~y & hQc tiSng Anh a giai dQan 1 1
II Ca sa ly l~n cuadS tai: .2
1 Ca sa ly lu~ tir ly thuySt: t~i sao nen dung tro chai? 2
2 Sl,l cful thiSt dua lo~i hinh ho~t d()ng tro chai vao 16p hQc a tru<mg DHKT 3
III N()i dung nghien ciru cl.ta dS ili: 3
1 Mvc tieu nghien Clru 3
2 Mvc dich nghien Clru 3
3 D6i tugng nghien Clru 4
4 P~m vi nghien ciru 4
5 Phuang phap nghien ciru 4
6 Quy trinh nghien Clru 4
• T'T" ~~ (;1\Jll 5
I N()i dung kSt cfru cl.ta dS tai: 5
1 Tieu chi xay dl,lllg kSt cfru 5
2 KSt cfru cua dS tai: 5
Phful 1: Grammar Games & Activities: 6
Unit 1: Card game - short answer matching 7
Unit 2: Dominoes - verbs nouns that go together 9
Unit 3: Whose office has got what? 12
Unit 4 & 5: Board game 15
Unit 6: Past tense bingo 19
Phful 2: Vocabulary Games & Activities: 21
Unit 1: Dominoes - nations & capitals 22
Trang 4•
Unit 2: Finding the correct month 24
Unit 3: Opposites 26
Unit4: Word snail 28
Unit 5: Food, glorious food 30
Unit 6: Who were they? .32
Phfin 3: Answer key 34
II Ung d\ffig th\fC t~ va d('> tin c~y cua de Uti: ··· 37
1 Ung d\ffig thlJc t~ 37
2 Nh~n xet ve d('> tin c~y cua dS tai tir GV va SV cac l&p 37
• < -PHAN KET LU~N 38
I Bru nh~n xet cua pharr bi~n vien d.p Ban- Th.S Bui Thi Xuan Hdng
II M('>t s6 thong tin pharr hdi tir SV cac l&p
Trang 6Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
1 Tinh hinh chung vi trinh d{) ti~ng Anh ctia SV nam 1 ir trtrirng DHKT
khong dang d€u do hoan canh sAng va hQC ~p khac nhau, Cl) th~ cac sinh vien sinh ra va 16p len
a cac thi trdn hay thanh phA 16n c6 di€u ki~n ti~p xuc va ren luy~n ti~ng Anh nhi€u han so vm cac SV a cac tinh nho ho~c thu()c vimg xa, wng sau Theo thAng ke cua BMTA nam 2009, ti~ng
Anh dAu vao cua sv kh6a 35 a 3 trinh d() khac nhau, trong d6 dum A khoang 48%
- 0 giai do~ 1 cua chuang trinh TAGTTM t~ truemg tU kh6a 34, 16p h<;>c ti~ng Anh
dugc t6 chuc theo trinh d() dAu vao; 16p hQc c6 sA hi~u (1-1 00) cang cao thi trinh d() ti~ng Anh
cang thdp Trong t6ng sA tren dum 100 16p hQc.ti~ng Anh m6i nam, khoang nua sA lap c6 trinh d() Ava B, vm Ala chinh, con 1~ la trinh d() dum A Vi v~y, tuy da dugc x~p 16p theo trinh d(),
sv chenh l~ch trong ti~p thu bai giang giiia cac 16p vfulla dang k~ ( di~n hinh la SV a cac 16p
1-10 thi du gicr hQc, con SV cac 16p tU 50 tra len ~i g~p nhi€u kh6 khan trong vi~c hQc TV va NP)
2 Nhiing kho khan trong vi~c d~y & hqc ti~ng Anh ir giai dqan 1
Giao trinh TA chinh kh6a cho SV truemg DHKT a giai dQan 1 la sach Market Elementary va sach Practice Book 1 & 2 Trong HP 1 (Module 1) SV hQc 6 chuang dAu (Unit 1 -Unit 6) 6 chuang con l<iti (Unit 7 - Unit 12) thu()c HP2 (Module 2)
Leader Thai htdng hoc han ch~:
Thai lugng cho m6i HP tru6c day (nam 2008) la 75 ti~t, trong 2 nam nay (2009- 2010)
da giam xuAng con 45 tik sAlugng bai hQc tren 16p vi v~y ciing giam tU 6 chuang (units) xuAng con 4 chuang Thai gian hQC qua h~ ch~ n6i tren lam ca GV va sv d€u kha vdt va trong vi~c
hoan cit khAi lugng cua chuang trinh hQc, dAi vm cac 16p c6 sA hi~u ru 50 tra len, khi~n
gia hQc tra nen cang thikg, th~ chi nham chan vi SV khong niim b~t va ghi nh6 dugc toan bai hQC
- Si sA l&o dong:
Trang 7Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
hQat d<)ng hQC mlo de tat ca cac SV deu CO the tham gia vao, tranh dUQ'C Vi~c chi IDQt SO SV CO
ho~t d<)ng, va mQt s6 SV chi th1,1 d<)ng nghe nhin, dcln dcln diin d~n tinh tr~g m<)t s6 SV cam thAy
minh khong lien can gi (not involved) trong gicr hQc va cubi cimg la chan hQc
- Chenh lech gifra thuc t~ dfru vao va yeu cfru ~at duac a dfru ra:
Tuy duqc t6 chuc lap theo trinh d<), tAt ca cac lap ti~ng Anh a tru0ng DHKT d~u hQc chung chuang trinh Va lQ trinh hQC nhu nhau Khi k~t thuc chuang trinh hQC d~i hQC, SV d€u duqc yeu du phai d~t duqc trinh d9 TA tuang duang nhau, c1,1 the la SVa DHKT khi ra tru0ng phai d~t duqc chirng chi TOEIC v6i mire diem tir 450 tra len Di€u nay t~o ra ap h,rc cho GV va
SV cac lap c6 trinh dQ dum A, lam th~ nao de dam bao duqc chAt luQ'llg gicr hQc de SV tru&c la vuqt duqc cac ky thi cubi kh6a a m&i HP' va sau la giup xay dl)"Ilg n€n tang C<Y ban de sv lAy duqc chirng chi TOEIC
II CO' sir ly loin ciia d~ tai:
1 CO' sO' ly luin tir ly thuyit: t~i sao nen dung tro chO'i?
Theo Deirdre Howard- Williams va Cynthia Herd (Word Games with English, 1994), tro chai hl m<)t phuang phap eve ky hfru hi~u de thuc d!y hQc sinh trong gicr hQc Trong ljch sir giang d~y, cac giao vien NN d€u xen ke cac giao trinh kh6a hQC hay van ph~ cua minh v6i nhfrng gi CO ve giBng nhu nhfrng tro chai thu gian nhun.g thl)"C Sl)" l~i XUC ch~ trl)"c ti~p vao ngon ngu va co tinh thu thach va, cole di€u quan trQng nhAt, la chai thi rat vui
"Games are an extremely effective way of motivating students in a classroom Language teachers throughout h i:story have interspersed their grammar or course material with what often seem like lighthearted games, but they do actually touch the language directly and are
challenging And, most importantly perhaps, games are fun!"
(Word Games with English, 1994, page v) Hay theo Petre Watcyn-Jones (Vocabulary Games and Activities for Teachers, 1993), m~c du tro chai nhAt djnh la khi~n GV phai lam them vi~c, k~t qua co duqc la hoan toan xirng dang Vi~c hQC du(mg nhu tra nen tich Cl)"C han, hQC tro tham gia vao bai hQC nhi€u han, va theo kinh nghi~m clia toi ,vi~c nh& bai duqc cai thi~n m<)t each tuy~t vm
" although it is certainly more work for the teacher, the results are well worth it Learning seems to become more active, the students get more involved and, in my experience, retention improves enormously."
(Vocabulary Games and Activities for Teachers, 1993, page 4),
2 Sv cin thiit dU'alo~i hinh ho~t d{)ng tro chO'i vao lap hQc 0' tnrirng DHKT
- Duqc khuy~n khich bm kinh nghi~m cua cac tac gia n6i tren, va dva vao tinh hinh thvc
t~ d~y hQc ti~ng Anh clia GV va SV clia tru0ng, chling toi thi~t nghi vi~c suu tb, thi~t k~ va
Trang 8Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
dua cac ho~t d()ng tro chai ngon ngli vao lap hQC la can thiet va hfru d\illg, vi bon ly do; (i) Uun thay dbi bAu khong khi ding thfulg cua lap hQc, (ii) ~o hirng thu cho ngum hQc lful ngum d~y, (iii) On l~i s6 lm;mg tlr V\fllg hay chu di~m ngfr phap Vlla dugc hQC mQt each sinh dQng vui tuai thay cho cac hQat d()ng ren luy~n r~p khuon va cln;lg nhfic thuang gay nham chan, (iv) tuy da dugc sir d\illg a nhi~u nai tren th~ gi6i ciing nhu m()t s6 truang khac a TP.HCM, tro chai vfut chua dugc chinh thuc dem vao ap d\illg hay dugc xem la m()t each giang d~y a truemg DHKT-TP.HCM
III N{)i dung nghien cfru ctia d~ tai:
1 M\lc tieu nghien clhi
D~ tai dugc th\Ic hi~n nhfun cac ml)c tieu sau:
1.1 Nang cao chAt lugng d~y va hQc ti~ng Anh
1.2 Tim ki~m giai phap nhfun da d~g h6a cac ho~t d()ng trong lap hQC
1 3 D~ xuAt vm cac giang vien m9t phucrng ti~n va tru nguyen da dugc ki~m chirng la phil hgp va hi~u qua
1 4 Th\IC hi~n nghia V\1 Va trach nhi~m CUa giang vien: tham gia nghien Clru khoa hQC de tlr d6 nang cao kha nang chuyen mon nghi~p V\1 Va SU ph~ CUa giang vien
3 DAi ttrQ'Dg nghien clhi
V 6i ffil)C tieu neu tren, dtJi tugng nghien Clru rna d~
Trang 9•
Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Khcii ni~m tro chai phil hqp duqc xem xet a cac yeu to sau:
~ N()i dung va trinh tv ki~n thtrc phil hqp vm giao trinh dang dilng
~ Thm luqng cua tro chai hqp ly
~ Hinh thtrc tro chai phil hqp vm ltra tu6i sinh vien
~ Ho~t d()ng tro chai phil hqp vm van h6a, trng xu cua ngum Vi~t
4 Ph\lm vi nghien cU'u
V ffi IDl)C tieu da d€ ra, ph~ Vi nghien Clru cua d€ tai duqc xac dinh d.t ro, do la:
~ v€ ngfr canh: la cac lap hQc ti~ng Anh giai do~ 1 cila sinh vien truang D~i hQc Kinh
Leader-Elementary va sach Practice Book 1
5 Phtrong phap nghien Ctfu
D€ tai duqc phat tri~n theo m6 hinh xofui 6c duqc mieu ta nhu m6 hinh phia sau Trong d6 phk 16n COng Vi~C CUa d€ ffii la bien ~p, chinh SUa, b6 sung nQi dung cac tro chai theo cac tieu chi sao cho phil hqp nhu neu a phk tren
6 Quy trinh nghien cU'u
Xac dinh vdn d~, ml)c tieu, d6i tuqng, n()i dung va
phuang phap nghien ctru
Xay dvng n()i dung k~t du cua d€ tcii
Thu nghi~m ap dl)llg cac ho~t d()ng tro chai vao
lap hQC
Thu th~p y ki~n phan hf>i tir GV va SV cac lap
Chinh sua, b6 sung va hoan cit d€ tcii
Trang 10Games & Activities adapted to ML - Elementary
I N{)i dung k~t ciu cua d~ tai:
1 Tieu chi xay d\fllg k~t ciu
-Lo~ hinh ho~;tt d()ng tro chai:
Do thm lugng h~ ch~, chling toi chi ch9n cac lo~;ti hinh ho~;tt d()ng tro chai dan gian va phfl bi~n d~ GV va SV c6 th€ dS dang nfun b~t va th\l'c hi~n duqc nhu Bingo, Domino, Board game, v.v
- N()i dung ren luy~n:
Nhfun ren luy~n ca 4 ky nang - nghe, n6i, dQc, vi~t - la cac ky nang quan trQng trong qua trinh hQc ngon ngii va d~ cimg cf> ki~n thuc v~ NP va TV vira duqc d~;ty va h9c trong 16p, df>ng thm giup sv d€ thu9c bai, khi xay d\fllg n9i dung cua cac tro chai, chling toi c6 g~g bam sat vao luqng TV va cac chu di€m NP c6 trong chuang trinh h9c va giao trinh qui dinh SV c6 th€ thUQC bai giang ngay t~ lap va sau do tg lam cac bru t~p th\l'C hanh ren luy~n (drills) a nha, xem d6 nhu la bai t~p v~ nha (homework)
- Thm gian thgc hi~n tro chai:
Cling do thm luqng h~ ch~, m6i tro chai duqc d\1' tinh trong khoang 15 d~n 30 phut, vira
du d€ lam thay dfli b~u khong khf CUa lap hQC rna khong gay fu1h huang nhi~u d~n khfii lugng bai giang duqc yeu du Vi~c GV mcit nhi~u thm gian cho cong tac chufut bi tro chai la di~u b~t bu()c ngoai y mu6n va nang 1\l'C thi~t k~ cua chung toi Cach sir d\lllg va qui trinh ti~n hanh tro chai cilng dap an duqc trinh bay sful d€ GV ph\1 trach 16p khong phai mcit them thm gian so~ thao
2 KSt du cua d~ tai:
Trang 11Phin 1
Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Trang 12Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Activity: group work: reading & speaking
Aim: to introduce yourself and others by matching short answers with 'to be'
Grammar & Functions:
Yes I No questions with 'to be'
job titles: accountant, manager, technician
company departments: Finance, Marketing, Sales
country I nationality: Spain I Spanish; America I American
Preparation: Make copies of one set of question cards and one set of answer cards
Time: 15 to 20 minutes
1 Students work in groups of 4 sitting in a circle with 36 cards
2 In each group, each student gets 7 cards in random (both question & answer cards) The remaining 8 cards are put in a pile in the middle of the group
3 The first student puts down his I her question card face up, at the same time reading aloud the question, then the second student (if it is his I her turn) finds out whether he I she has got the matching answer card If there is, he I she puts it down (also reading the answer aloud) If there is not, he I she draws ONE card from the pile to find the matching answer card If the card does not match, he I she will give the turn to another student
4 The student who doesn't have a card in hand first is the winner
5 If there is a disagreement about whether the cards match, the teacher adjudicates
6 The teacher can then choose the winner from each group to play with one another to find out the best winner
Trang 13Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
I X· -· -, _._ ,, - - ·· -· -· -., , , _ , _
-Are you managers?
f -Are you a technician?
Are you in Finance?
, i
Is Sony Japanese?
Is your mother an accountant?
.Are you married with two children?
-Are you & your assistant
in a meeting all day?
( _ N_o_,_i_t ~-· s_n_'t_ _ ] [ No, it isn't l [ No I'm not l
Yes, they are No, they aren't
-Yes, he is
[ Yes, it is
Trang 14Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Activity: group work: reading & speaking
Aim: to match verbs and nouns that usually go together
Grammar & Functions:
+ present simple
+ adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, etc
nouns and verbs that go together: watch a video, do exercise, place an order
Preparation: Make copies of one set of 30 dominos for each group of students
3 If a student thinks his I her partner's sentence is not grammatically correct or does not make sense, the teacher can adjudicates If the sentence is incorrect, the student must take back the domino, and miss a turn
4 If a student cannot make a sentence, the turn passes to his I her next partner
5 The game continues until one student has used all his I her dominoes, or until neither student can make a correct sentence The student who finishes first, or has the fewest dominoes remaining, is the winner
7 The teacher can then choose the winner from each group to play with one another to find out the best winner
Trang 15Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
'~ -. -.'
·-~ - questions about
your experience
She usually does
an order Many Vietnamese
with overseas people like playing
exerc1se We sometimes before breakfast place
football at We usually the weekend deliver
overseas to meet customers
He sometimes works on
' '
•••••••• -•••••••-••••••-•••••• -•-••••••••• -~ -••••••••••• ••-• -••••-••••••••••••••••••••• I
computer in
My friend, Laura spends
time listening On his way home,
to music my brother often
-~ -·
for a drink at Trun! He often goes
Nguyen coffee shop
/., -. -~~
new applicants
for vacancies
I sometimes meet
running every morning
a lot of interesting customers at work
Our boss often interviews
She rarely visits
~ r -. - '
-' -'>
a novel at office hours
I don't enjoy
Trang 16Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
professional football I always my email first Twice a year
matches on TV check thing in the morning I travel for
-: - sales conferences In his free time, my
in Europe & the US father loves
' '
plans for the From time to
organization time I have
- three languages My colleagues &
fluently I often discuss
its focus customers In the afternoon
to get their ideas we never have
,~ -~ -~)
a lunch break for In a job interview, more than 1 hour you answer
' -~ -~
Trang 17Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Activity: pair work: speaking
Aim: to find out whose office has got what equipment or facilities by asking and answering
· ·questions from the role cards
Grammar & Functions:
+ present simple: has got
+ questions with present simple
Office equipment & facilities: lift, air conditioning, coffee machine
Preparation: Make one worksheet per student; one role card per student
Time: 10 to 15 minutes
1 Give each student a role card in random order, and allow them time to read the information on the card They are not allowed to look at one another's cards (Ifthere are more than ten students, the cards can be duplicated without affecting the outcome of the activity.)
2 Supply the students with 'getting to know you' language if necessary: Hello, what's your name? I My name's I Nice to meet you You too I Where are you from? I'm from ./ Are you married? No, I'm single/ What's your job? I'm a
3 Give each student a copy of the worksheet Tell the class that the line at the beginning of each sentence corresponds to a person's name
4 Students move around the room and have short conversations with one another in order to find out whose office has the items listed on the worksheet Encourage students to introduce
themselves to start the conversation and use 'getting to know you' questions, rather than just the questions required to complete the worksheet When students find someone who has got a
particular item, they write his I her name in the appropriate place on the worksheet It is a good idea to do an example with them on the board first
5 Finally, students check their answers in pairs or with the whole class
Trang 18Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
1 has got a lift
2 has got a view of the high street
3 has got a balcony
4 has got very colorful walls
5 has got a large car park
6 has got a fax machine
7 has got large windows
8 has got air conditioning
9 has got a printer
10 has got a coffee machine
Trang 19UNIT 4 & 5 BOARD GAME
Activity: group work: speaking
Aim: to play a board game with questions
Grammar & Functions:
Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
+can I can't; there is I there are; countable nouns I uncountable nouns; some I any
appropriate space on the board
2 All of the students begin at the starting point Students take it in turns to throw the dice If student A lands on a square with a question mark on it, he I she must pick up a Question card He
I she should place the card down so that all the students can read it, then attempt to answer the question
3 If the other students think that the answer is correct, Student A stays on the square If the answer is not correct, or Student A can't answer the question, he I she should move back to his I
her original square If the students can't agree, the teacher adjudicates (see Key)
4 If a student lands on a square with a question on it, he I she must give the answer immediately within 2 seconds The purpose of the questions is to check the student's reaction Ifhe I she can't before two seconds are up, he I she must return to his I her original square
5 If a student lands on a square with an instruction such as "Throw again", "Go back one
square" or "Go forward two squares", etc., he I she will do as required
6 The first student to reach the Finish square is the winner Groups who finish first can go
through the Questions cards and check their answers
Trang 20Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
1 there in your family?
square · player on the teacher's desk?
comer of the room?
there in your pocket?
determiners: some &
Name 2 countable nouns
Trang 21Is the sentence right or wrong? (if it's
wrong, correct it.)
I like a beach holiday because I can't swim
in the sea
Question 5
Fill in the gaps with some or any
a Please call me if you have questions
b - There isn't paper in the printer
- I know We need to order
Question 7
Fill in the blank with the ONE of the
provided words: furniture, suitcases, office
a How many employees in your company?
b not much money in the safe
c some new furniture in the office
Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Fill in the gaps with can or can 't
a I love the hotel - the views are great and from my room I see the sea
b I speak a little French, but I understand people when they speak too fast
Question 8 Complete the sentences with a I an or some
a I've got good book about American companies
b I've got important meeting in Berlin next week
c I'm going to give you advice
Question 10
Complete the sentences with is or has got
Janet an accountant She m
France Her job good She a good salary Her office comfortable It air conditioning
Trang 22- -
Question 13
Which of these words are countable nouns
and uncountable nouns?
Match the questions with the answers
1 Can you use Microsoft Word?
2 Can you speak Russian?
3 Can you hear me now?
butter roll tip
a Yes, that's better It's not a very good line, is it?
b Yes And my English is quite good, too
c No, I can't but I want to learn
Question 17
Decide which 'some' is correct in the following sentences
a Choose some designs you want - they are the same
b Choose carefully - some designs are a little more
c You can have some colors: bright pink, lime green,
deep purple, whatever
Question 19
Complete the sentences with How many I
How much
a rice does VN export every year?
b tones of rice does VN export
every year?
Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Question 14
Choose the correct underlined words
The area is a bit boring There isn't I there aren't anywhere to go after 7:00 in the evening
Question 16
Complete the sentences with there is I there are
a a champagne reception after the product launch
b I'm sure other ways to approach this that we haven't considered yet
c Here in Helsinki it's beginning of winter white clouds in the sky
Question 18 Give the equivalent quantifiers m the blanks
little is to much is to
a large amount is to
Question 20 What is the difference between two sentences?
1 There isn't any room in the house
2 There aren't any rooms in the house
Trang 23Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Activity: Group work: speaking & listening
Aim: to practice listening and pronouncing the final ending 'ed' of some regular verbs and to learn the past forms of some irregular verbs
Grammar & Functions:
The past tense of regular and irregular verbs
2 Ask the Master of each group to sit or stand in front of the group with a copy of the Master bingo card The Master then calls out the past tense of the verbs on the cards in any order, and crosses them off the Master bingo card at the same time
3 If the student has the past tense of the verbs that the Master calls out on his I her card, she I he should put a line through it
4 The first student who crosses out all the past tenses on his I her card is the winner The card can be checked against the Master bingo card if necessary
5 To repeat the activity, distribute new cards to the students and play again
6 To be more challenging, The Master can call out the infinitives of the verbs instead of the past tenses The student then has to find out the past tense forms of the infinitives on his I her card to cross it out
Trang 24Games & Activities adapted to ML- Elementary
Bingo card 7
decided became started joined
Bingo card 8