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super minds 5 workbook pdf

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Nội dung

Look, reod ond write the sentenсes.Use the words from the box.. Thеrе Was a lot of whitе ash in thе strееts' parks, on thе tеrraсеS and thе roofs of buildings in Baflos and Agua Santa..

Trang 2

Тhe Sсienсe lеsson

Тhe story telter




94 106 118


Trang 3

ffi ffiшffiwffiffiffi ffiwffiffiffiffi

$ Look ond write the words.




Wednesdoч 5 5eрtembeг

Pqtгiсk wos ho|ding the t t in his left hond.


А (,;



fi} Reod ond сomplete the text

Trang 4

Write the verbs in the сorreсt сolumn Write the bose form of the verbs.

totd woited orrived soid loved took wotсhed hod went

Look ot the piсtures Write the story

hсd loughed orrived ron rode hod

i'-rr:s{: niEhГ Slrsпrt h"*d ,з drefim,

Ф Write o story obout o dreom you hod

l' с;-it niql"lt l hс-d a drешr.n,

Trang 5

i Remember the song.


lost сross wс::t lote followed mote woit

Phoebe was the first one,

She ldidn't wс"nt to

She stepped into that gate'

He stepped into that 9ate.

Patriсk was the

But then, he's alwags

He stepped into that gate.

The llrne Тravellers,

Theg'll never

Тhe llme Travellers,

The past is the Present,

6Ь Listen ond soy the words ф Motсh the rhyming words




f ruit



Some words are easy to say beсause

the spelling helps you Look for rhymes

to help you say more diffiсu|t words.

Trang 6

_-o Motсh the questions with the onswers

Did you tike the fitm? [ :]


l# Moкe questlons.


уour / ?

wos / test tube / Whot I the I in / ?

Weor / in / sсienсe lob l Did lgloves /

уou /the i ?


How / spoons I did lmony I put I


Yes, it wos greot

In Mexiсo

Reod ond write the questions

At Hotl'y's ploсe In the сe[[or.

seсret messoges

Trang 7

Ф Think! Remember the

story Put the story in order

There is o red ftosh

i i Mr Dovis tolks to the сhildren


Add somе liquid into thе tеst tuЬе.




ф Complete the sentеnсes

with the сhitdren's nomes

Рhоebе turns the red briсk


doesn't think the

fo[[ows Potriсk'sinstruсtions

te[[s them to reod


Ф Invent on experiment ond write the instruсtions for it

Trang 8

o фValuеs Whot ore the students doing wrong? Look, reod ond write the sentenсes.

Use the words from the box

opron goggles gloves i:.:зt:.uсtiсnэ

stry sums ond сolour the test tubes

Trang 9

You put flowers in it ond woter.

into the oir from it.


They work for othеr peop[е.

o firе.

Pеople go there to see o p[oy.

A tott stone post.

Horses pul.t it.

Thе housе of o god or gods.

ф Ф


Ф ф




dronk went reotised odmired

pu|'|'ed l'eft sow bэuEht

The sеrvont bоught lots of food in the morket

Тwo horses


{'l /',

Trang 10

O Ptoy the gome.

Guеss whot I wos doing on

Soturdoy ot five o'с[oсk.

Ф Write whot the fomily wos doing when Ф Whot Were you doing ot the

there wos on eorthquoke.

reod сэоl< ptoy do listen wotсh

Trang 11

ф Remember the song Look ond write

the sentenсes

,liti iцl;;$ \д.I{)l"il:liil; itl iIiiэ с;сrгсi*rl

Ц .-ti,tl-; t.j t.i.,{li-il-l l{ },; Гi ii l':t;l

Listen ond soy the words

Ёo'i*.$-t ш уt.iil ii]i lil lll $ ц"i

An e at the end of a word often

makes the vowel sound long.

,.Vil.г,гt {"il tl

i) нlffiirl-'otпllil'il!-h{,l$ll{l.ll\ffi sW].lilNWfi i я:с $ъ '-',п{ dфfftt.ф*t

Complete the sentenсes

Loke nlnе smoke tube

sii шkеs

Lеt's toke our boot out on thе

It's storting to roin Let's go

Don't touсh thot wirе It isn't



Somе words don't follow the

pottеrn: hqve' come


Trang 12



Whil.е Jessiсo Wos working in the gorden,

Whil'e Horry Wos wotсhing ТV,

Whil'е Sophiе ond Joсk Werе fighting,

Whil.е Dod Wos

Whi|.е our tеoсher wos showing o

Whi|.е I wos tolking on my mobile

Look ond write the sentenсes obout John ond Avo

Complete the sentenсes with your own ideos

Whi|.е I wos сooking spoghеtti,

their dog Wos hiding bеhind thе сurtoins.

sleeping, his []tt[e boy Wos pointing thе wo[[s.

fi[m, Mork Wos slеeping

Trang 13

Ф Remember the story Put the piсtures in order.

ё Correсt the sentenсes

съ 17 Reod ond write the words Use the words

from the box There ore four extro words.

vose erupts gote

volсo no h:lL stotue

donger сo[umn

Shе tеlls thеm thе сity is сallеd

says that it is going to еrupt

Alеx notiсеs thе yеllow glowi.'g .

1 4 -r;.;:.li i+tцlfillli

WhiLe Phoebe wos running downthe stoirs she tol.d thе pээplс ::l

thс mс:.!<эt bоЧs to follow hеr.

Whil.e A[ex ond Potriсk Werе

top of thе hil.t thеy buitt o fire.

Whil'e the сhil.dren Were trying

fe[[ down

Whil.e the сhil.drеn Wеre thinking

of birds in the skY.

Trang 14

s Тhink! Work in poirs You ond your portner speok different longuoges.

Use mime or drowing to show your messoge

Ф Think! Where wil.l' the сhildren 9o next? Put these times in order of oge

Stort with the oldest.

@ wьere would you like to send the сhi]dren? Write sentenсеs in your notebook

obout your story

Colour the words

i don't


Trang 15

(ш, Whot noturot disosters ore the people tolking obout? Write the words.

It storted ot two o'с[oсk in thе morning

пtr eс'rthq шakе

Тhere Wos woter everywhеrе, ond they

ond сors, ond sеvеrol pеople Were ln1ureсt.

" say eХaсtly when

they will haPPen

It snowed heovily for thrеe doys

beforе the сotostrophе hoppenеd

f'Ъ soreod so ouiсkly Тhеre ore no trеes

Y I.ёft ond |.oti of сjnimols got kil.l.ed.

This disasterhappens beсause

also when it is verY

are not сarefulenough

$\, an ava|anсhe

Ш an earthquake

What do we know aboutearthquakes?

,,'i, They only haPPen in

plaсеs where therе are

people living.

'l.; Тhey kill more people

over the Years than anY

other natural disaster.

'i They happen in warm p|aсes more often than

р{Jfi Ёi'A сit"r сj сtu:.ltr* i.J h# Ll5r5



Trang 16

Cr Look ond reod Write yes or no.

Four trees ore on fire iri"i

Trang 17

s Reod ond motсh.

t" ," *J

It's insidе o volсono ond it's vеry hot.

Big hol.еs inside Eorth.

Higher ond lorger thon o


ё Look ond write four words from Aсtivity 1.

ё Тhink! Put the phroses ond sentenсes in order

Lovo сomes out of the сroter.

Gos dеvelops


Trang 18

Quito, Eсuador

Thе pеoplе of thе provinсеs of Siеrra

Сеntro and Past aza in Есuador saw a lot

of whitе ash fall down on thеir housеs

yеstеrday Мorе than 5.,000 studеnts in

thе towns of Baflos and Agua Santa had to

stay at homе Thеy сouldn't go to sсhool

bесаusе it was too dangеrous.

Thе еruption startеd on Sunday aftеrnoon.

Thеrе Was a lot of whitе ash in thе strееts'

parks, on thе tеrraсеS and thе roofs of

buildings in Baflos and Agua Santa Thе

pеoplе working in shops, hotеls and

rеStaurants Wеrе vеry Ьusy сlеaning thе ash

from thе strееts' thе сars and thе housеs.

Thе еruption was still going on this morning with

lots of ехplosions and ash showеrs This morning at еight o,сloсk, thе sky was сloudy and thе volсano

Was not aсtivе any morе Thе poliсе told tourists to stay away from thе dangеrous parts of thе volсano

as noЬody knows how thе situation will dеvеlop.

Ф Reod ond write the questions

Тhis morning ot eight o'с[oсk.

Тhеy toI.d tour]sts to stoy owoy

Trang 19

(ш Moke three sentenсes with thе phroses in the diomond.

Use three different phroses in eoсh sentenсe

wotсhing friеnds out of tБe

Whil.e I wos tolking

Whil.е Mr Dovidson Wos wotсhing o film

Whi[е I wos tistening to

WhiLe Mio wos sleePing

ф Drow lines ond сomplete the sentenсes with the Words from the box

wolked I wos ТV fооtbсll сlеoning volсono its food

Whil'e they Wеre

Whil.e the

Whil.e wolking

Jооtbat[' hе


Trang 20

Ф Find ond write the words.




the words from Aсtivitу 1.

to erupt

obout eoсh piсture.

Trang 21

eсuo broz bron slot


V e p n



h V


o x


e o



b e o k


u e


o е


n o m е

Ф Now find five jungle words

in the word seorсh in Aсtivity .l.

Write the words.

It's o ploсе with woter pооt

zz , 't,iit,'

Ф Write the words in the сorreсt сolumn.

сnссо;ldс woodpeсker sloth joguor

owl сroсodi[е turtle seogu[[

lizord tiger touсon onteotеr



Trang 22

ff'; Listen ond сirс[e.

The longest river in the world is in

Afriсa It's thе Nile Afriсa has thrеe

vеry long rivers Thе Nile is aЬout

6,6oo km long, the Congo is aЬout 4,7oo km and the Niger in western


The longest rivers in Amеriсa arе

and the Rio-Paran6 in South Amеriсa

The Am azon is aЬout 6,4oo km, the

and thе Rio-Paran6 is aЬout 4,9oo km



km long, the Yellow River is aЬout

S,4oo km and the Lena in Russia is

aЬout 4,4oo km long.

B write the words




еLghtц thousand

Trang 23

ф Reod ond сomplete the diologue.

Do we hove to be hеre ot six?

Nс' Цr:ш dr.:r"l,i iiсl'vе tп bе l.iеrr

Teoсher Yes, of сourse You need o

ruсksoсk for your сomero, on

еxtro shirt ond o snoсk.

Anno So, do I

Тhot's right.


So, do I

o wotеr bottlе?

Yеs, thot's whot I soid.

I hoven't got o woter bottle

Say ch and i Can you hear that

the сh sound is unvoiсed but

the only differenсe!

thе rivеr.

thе сhil.drеn's сhonnel on TV.

Coul.d you put the oronge juiсe in the


, plеose?

tike Mr Churсh, their


Ф Choose ond write

bridge dongеrous mсtф wotсh giroffe

iumper [onguoge fridge сhildrеn io.


Trang 24

Ф Look ot the plсtures ond write the sentenсes

put up brush сo[[eсt d,y mokе сook wosh .,тсlI<

First 'un,,0 l"lt"ic Гi".l r'.tlfiik' t'lрi i"Irg iпс:iшп**;i.ц

Fino[[y ond then ot lost wеnt to s[eеp!

ф Тhink of things you hod to do on o trip into spoсe Write sentenсes

Trang 25

ф Remember the story Put the lines in order to moke the story.

o trее In the tree the noise gеts еVеn louder Тhen they

deсide to foll.ow thе river to find o villogе They ore

noise Potriсk thinks it is o joguor ond te[[s them to сLimb

woterfol.I Hе shows them o yellow Light ot the top It's thе

ф Motсh the questions with the onswers There ore two extro onswers

Think! How did the сhildren fee[? hoppy sсorеd hungry nervous exсited

To Look for fruit

To try to find o vi[[oge.

To gеt to thе gote

W,I t ,!



Trang 26


Ф Values Look ond reod Motсh the text with the piсtures

ill t О О ОООО 3

When you meet someone from

ThaiIand, a smi|е is always a good

start C

want something, a smile always

Nеver touсh a Тhai pеrson on the

feеt to people in ТhaiIand' Тhey

off and |еave them outsidе thе front


a a




a a a


ф Compl'ete the sentenсes obout your сountry

you shou[d

it's very rude to

r-#+'* \


Trang 27

s Look ond reod choosе the сorreсt words qnd write them on the lines.





5 It's a Ьig сat It livеs in South Amеriсa

6 It's an insесt and it Ьitеs It isn't popular

9 It,s a bеautiful insесt that сan fly It doеsn,t Ьitе.

Trang 28

Listen Cotour, drow ond write.

Trang 29

importont? Whiсh of the reosons does it tolk obout?

.I lЕ]

i , , I

r ,1

Whot wil,l, hoppen if we lose our roinforests? Use the bubbles to toLk obout two different situotions.

less oxggen not enough сleon oir i lots of onimols die less roin

i Пot enough сroPs l not enough food for evergonе

Ihеr.е will i:g i*l,'s с:хl"{qi]n пц,c tli*rt \,.\,lr W0n,t hсrvе rn{.Jilqh сi'grrn ш,it"'

ф Think! Whiсh roinforest slogon do you think is best? Why do you think so?

plants and animals


Trang 30

# ry

Reod ond write

words from the

extro words.

good forming

!эээi:э meot

.-УУ.'.У I

the words Use the

Ьirds lf you are luсky, you might see a po|ar bear.


ф Do some reseorсh Tiсk (/) the

whiсh hove roinforests

Pеoplе arе сutting down thе trееs in thе

rainforеsts It's сallеd lоqцrгrq and thеy

arе doing tlris for two main геasons Firstly'

thеy Want to sеll thе wood Thе wood from

rаinforеst trееs is

is vеry good

bесausе it

Thеy arе also

сutting down thе forеst to makе morе spaсе

for Thеy usе tl.ris land to

rаisе сattlе ar-rd produсе morе

This is not gсlod for our world, but what сan

wе do? \й/е сan makе surе wе don,t Ьuy wood

that lras сomе from thе rainforеsts and wе

shor-rldn't Ьuy mеat from rainforеSt arеas.

сountries whiсh hove roinforests

in them



Trang 31

The Amozon rivеr is siх thousond four



Whеn you get homе

@ тьere is o word missing from these sentenсes Write eoсh sentenсe with o word from the Ьox in the сorreсt p[oсe

tэ kinds hod don't ond 2012

There ore three hundred sixty-five doys in o yeor.

Trang 32

Ф Find ond write the words.

Complete the sentenсes with

the words from Aсtivitу 1.

(r"AAI]b.r ond swung oсross the


Imogine you went on on expedition

in the Amozon roinforest for o week

Write in your diory whot hoppened.

i) ,:0)

Trang 33

Wfuw wwwfu uffi* wffiffiW wfuffiw

(ш Look ond write the nomes Reod ond сomplete.

Davy Dее plays eleсtriс guitar in the band 4U.

the drums Lola and Cher are his baсking singers'

Graсе and Ruby are the danсers Buster Big is his

bodyguard Donna and Ruth arе their biggest fans.

Dear Еmma, Thank you for your birthday оard Guess what

we did for my birthday? Dad and I went to a roсk сonсеrt Mum didn't go She SaУs roсk сonсerts

are too loud for her' The band was сalled The Dizzу Dodos' Miss D is the lеad slngеr and there was another girl on the d , a boY

with an е g and a girI with a

b Dad and I Were сlose to the


sсreaming and Somе wanted to сlimb on the

S ,butthе b g held

them baсk.

We had |ots of fun' When We |еft | оou|dn't

h anything bесause We Were standing

The DizzУ Dodos' album? Let me know what youthink of them.

Hugs Lindsay

ф Look ond motсh





Trang 34

Ф' Moke questions from on interview with o roсk stor.

\ v*h*t flГr ЦoL{ СJ*ir-lс; tо сl:tfl цоL,{.r nrw пibuГn?

out / it / to сome l is /When l going / ?

give / in London l Аre / to l o сonсert/you / going / ?

ore /going |уou / with / Who /tokе |уou lto l?

ф Whot ore they going to do ot the weekend? Look ond write sentenсes

Trang 35

ff'o$ Listen to the song ogoin ond drow the lines to link the words thqt

rhyme Write the groups of words

Group one

,,riiiir:r' Ч!'ti'|'t-tJ

f* r"lme

Listen ond soy the words

reck sock coqt rell

Group threеm{i

ф Write the Words in the soсk or the сoot

:.эс!< drqP hot dog :.эll won't [on9

ol'd l.qst gtq!ц bottle сqld ogq sorry

fqrest explqsion

ff:-'-Wfuшшtfrш l *fiр

Listen сarefully to hear

the short sound in rQоk

sound in сQat and rqll!


(f.l,.:, Listen, сheсk ond soy the Words

Trang 36

- O write the times.

lt,s jivе

tо еig ht"

Drow the times

his shop

At tеn to nine I wos wotсhing тV

Pteose be ot the mеeting point ot quorter

.Whot's the timе?' - .Five post twe[vе.'

Trang 37

ftеr thе show thеy talk to Еlvis.

la'p,.riсk tеlls Еlvis that his grandfathеr

lovеs his musiс and has got all of his СDs

Еlvis is vеry huppy, Ьut a Ьit angry too.

Еlvis invitеs thе сhildrеn to his housе Не

tеlls thеm that Ьеing famous isn't always

fun Somеtimеs lrе wants somе pеaсе and

quiеt Ьut it,s diffiсult with all his fans.

Hе doеsn't know how to lеavе thе thеatrе

without his fans sееing him Alеx thinks

of a plan Hе sits on Patriсk's shouldеrs

and puts on a hat and glassеs Thеy Wеar

a long сoat and lеavе thе thеatrе Thе fans arе waiting and sсrеaming Thеy

fans from thе front of thе thеatrе run to thе baсk to sее Еlvis Alех takеs off his

disguisе and thе fans arе sad Thе boys gеt

into a lrеliсoptеr At tlrе samе timе thе rеal

Еlvis and PhoеЬе lеavе thrоugh thе front door Thеrе arе no fans waiting.

Baсk at his hotеl Еlvis tharrks thе сhildrеn

and thеy all еat pizza Thеn thе light

appеars' thе сhildrеn say goodbyе and

сonfusеd whеn thе friеnds wеrе suddеnly

not thеrе any morе.

Reod ond сhoose the best


Why is E[vis hoppy when the сhildren

tqLk to him?

you n9er.

Bесouse thе сor is too fost

Why don't the boys wont to 9o throughthe gote?

Bесouse they orе stiL[ еoting

ф Remember the story Reod ond сomplete the text With Words from the box

Wig сhсt sсreoming dressing room сoot сonfused

, gLosses ond o

.' A[ex hod on

Trang 38

,ii '"il- '$r' r.1 .цh

Berry Hе's the best.

Write six questions you would

I [ike oсtion fi[ms.

Yes, of сourse you сon hove



hotеL tokеs 25 minutes

Trang 39

ф Put the diol,ogue in order.


words Write one word on eoсh [ine

Wе are baсk gt оur hotе|.

We to sее a Vrry interеsting еxhibition with Grandpa and Grandma'

Тhеre сars, сhairs, tab|еs,

beds and |ots of other things from thе fifties.

Grandpa photos of al| thе CarS I think he wou|d rеa|ly |ikе to havе onе

of those o|d сars.

Grandma wasn't Very intеrеstеd,

еxhibits' Wе both thought thе swing skirts wеrе fun!

|'|| you the photos whеn We'rе baсk in London.





thе fifties It ploys old reсords.

Ben No, not o сor He got o jukebox

Bеn No, jt's somеthing from the fifties

Ben Liso, you'tl nevеr guess whot my

Ben It's o moсhine thot ploys musiс.

reolly wont to see it.

Trang 40

G Reod ond сomp[ete the sentenсes with the words from the box.

join truе loud orrongеd wе[[:ntrэduссd

Values Whot сon we [eorn from



Misho's story?

Colour the words

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2017, 08:29

