The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Chapter 10 Individual Securities Τηε χηαραχτεριστιχσ οφ ινδιϖιδυαλ σεχυριτιεσ τηατ αρε οφ ιντερεστ αρε τηε: Expected Return Variance and Standard Deviation Covariance and Correlation Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Rate of Return Scenario Probability Stock fund Bond fund Recession 33.3% -7% 17% Normal 33.3% 12% 7% Boom 33.3% 28% -3% Χονσιδερ τηε φολλοωινγ τωο ρισκψ ασσετ ωορλδ Τηερε ισ α 1/3 χηανχε οφ εαχη στατε οφ τηε εχονοµψ ανδ τηε ονλψ ασσετσ αρε α στοχκ φυνδ ανδ α βονδ φυνδ Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% E (rS ) = × (−7%) + × (12%) + × (28%) 3 E (rS ) = 11 % Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% E (rB ) = × (17%) + × (7%) + × (−3%) 3 E (rB ) = 7% Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% (−7% − 11 %) = 3.24% Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% (12% − 11 %) = 01% 10.2 Expected Return, Variance, and Covariance Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% 2.05% = (3.24% + 0.01% + 2.89%) Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% 14.3% = 0.0205 The Return and Risk for Portfolios Scenario Recession Normal Boom Expected return Variance Standard Deviation Stock fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation -7% 3.24% 12% 0.01% 28% 2.89% 11.00% 0.0205 14.3% Bond Fund Rate of Squared Return Deviation 17% 1.00% 7% 0.00% -3% 1.00% 7.00% 0.0067 8.2% Note that stocks have a higher expected return than bonds and higher risk Let us turn now to the risk-return tradeoff of a portfolio that is 50% invested in bonds and 50% invested in stocks Relationship of Risk to Reward Τηε φυνδαµενταλ χονχλυσιον ισ τηατ τηε ρατιο οφ τηε ρισκ πρεµιυµ το βετα ισ τηε σαµε φορ εϖερψ ασσετ In other words, the reward-to-risk ratio is constant and equal to: E ( Ri ) − RF Re ward / Risk = βi Market Equilibrium Ιν εθυιλιβριυµ, αλλ ασσετσ ανδ πορτφολιοσ µυστ ηαϖε τηε σαµε ρεωαρδ−το−ρισκ ρατιο ανδ τηεψ αλλ µυστ εθυαλ τηε ρεωαρδ−το− ρισκ ρατιο φορ τηε µαρκετ E ( RA ) − R f βA = E ( RM ) − R f βM Relationship between Risk and Expected Return (CAPM) Εξπεχτεδ Ρετυρν ον τηε Μαρκετ: R M = RF + Market Risk Premium • Expected return on an individual security: R i = RF + β i × ( R M − RF ) Market Risk Premium This applies to individual securities held within well-diversified portfolios Expected Return on an Individual Security Τηισ φορµυλα ισ χαλλεδ τηε Χαπιταλ Ασσετ Πριχινγ Μοδελ (ΧΑΠΜ) Expected return on a security R i = RF + β i × ( R M − RF ) = Risk+ free rate Beta of the security × Market risk premium • Assume βi = 0, then the expected return is RF • Assume βi = 1, then R i = R M Expected return Relationship Between Risk & Expected Return R i = RF + β i × ( R M − RF ) RM RF 1.0 β Τηε σλοπε οφ τηε σεχυριτψ µαρκετ λινε ισ εθυαλ το τηε µαρκετ ρισκ πρεµιυµ; ι.ε., τηε ρεωαρδ φορ βεαρινγ αν αϖεραγ ε αµουντ οφ σψστεµατιχ ρισκ Expected return Relationship Between Risk & Expected Return 13.5% β i = 1.5 RF = 3% R M = 10% 3% 1.5 β R i = 3% + 1.5 × (10% − 3%) = 13.5% Total versus Systematic Risk Χονσιδερ τηε φολλοωινγ ινφορµατιον: Standard Deviation Security C 20% Security K 30% Beta 1.25 0.95 Ωηιχη σεχυριτψ ηασ µορε τοταλ ρισκ? Ωηιχη σεχυριτψ ηασ µορε σψστεµατιχ ρισκ? Ωηιχη σεχυριτψ σηουλδ ηαϖε τηε ηιγ ηερ εξπεχτεδ ρετυρν? Summary and Conclusions Τηισ χηαπτερ σετσ φορτη τηε πρινχιπλεσ οφ µοδερν πορτφολιο τηεορψ Τηε εξπεχτεδ ρετυρν ανδ ϖαριανχε ον α πορτφολιο οφ τωο σεχυριτιεσ Α ανδ Β αρε γ ιϖεν βψ E (rP ) = wA E (rA ) + wB E (rB ) σ P2 = (wAσ A )2 + (wB σ B )2 + 2(wB σ B )(wAσ A )ρ AB • By varying wA, one can trace out the efficient set of portfolios We graphed the efficient set for the two-asset case as a curve, pointing out that the degree of curvature reflects the diversification effect: the lower the correlation between the two securities, the greater the diversification • The same general shape holds in a world of many assets Summary and Conclusions Τηε εφφιχιεντ σετ οφ ρισκψ ασσετσ χαν βε χοµβινεδ ωιτη ρισκλεσσ βορροωινγ ανδ λενδινγ Ιν τηισ χασε, α ρατιοναλ ινϖεστορ ωιλλ αλωαψσ χηοοσε το ηολδ τηε πορτφολιο οφ ρισκψ σεχυριτιεσ ρεπρεσεντεδ βψ τηε µαρκετ πορτφολιο • Then with borrowing or lending, the investor selects a point along the CML return CM L efficient frontier M rf σP Summary and Conclusions Τηε χοντριβυτιον οφ α σεχυριτψ το τηε ρισκ οφ α ωελλ− διϖερσιφιεδ πορτφολιο ισ προπορτιοναλ το τηε χοϖαριανχε οφ τηε σεχυριτψ∋σ ρετυρν ωιτη τηε µαρκετ ’σ ρετυρν Τηισ χοντριβυτιον ισ χαλλεδ τηε βετα βi = Cov ( Ri , RM ) σ ( RM ) • The CAPM states that the expected return on a security is positively related to the security’s beta: R i = RF + β i × ( R M − RF ) Expected (Ex-ante) Return, Variance and Covariance Εξπεχτεδ Ρετυρν: Ε(Ρ) = Σ (πσ ξ Ρσ) ςαριανχε: σ2 = Σ {πσ ξ [Ρσ − Ε(Ρ)]2} Στανδαρδ ∆εϖιατιον = Χοϖαριανχε: − Ε(ΡΒ)]} Χορρελατιον Χοεφφιχιεντ: σ σΑΒ = Σ {πσ ξ [Ρσ,Α − Ε(ΡΑ)] ξ [Ρσ,Β ρΑΒ = σΑΒ / (σΑ σΒ) Risk and Return Example Στατε ΗΜ Προβ Τ−Βιλλσ ΞΨΖ Μαρκετ Πορτ Ρεχεσσιον 0 % (2 %) Βελοω Αϖγ Αϖεραγ ε Αβοϖε Αϖγ Βοοµ 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.05 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 (2.0) 20.0 35.0 50.0 Ε(Ρ)= σ = ΙΒΜ % 0 % 0.0 (10.0) (20.0) (1 0 ) 1.0 7.0 15.0 45.0 30.0 43.0 (1 %) Expected Return and Risk of IBM Ε(ΡΙΒΜ)= 0 ∗(−2 )+0 ∗(−2 ) +0.50∗(20)+0.20∗(35)+0.05∗(50) = 18% σΙΒΜ2 = 0.05∗(−22−18) 2+0.20∗(−2−18) +0.50∗(20− 18) 2+0.20∗(35−18) +0.05∗(5018) = σΙΒΜ = % Covariance and Correlation ΧΟς ΙΒΜ&ΞΨΖ = 0 ∗(−2 −1 )(1 −1 )+ ∗(−2 −1 )(−1 −1 )+0 ∗(2 −1 )(7 − 12.5)+ ∗(3 −1 )(4 −1 )+0 ∗(5 −1 )(3 − 12.5) = 194 Χορρελατιον = /(1 )(1 )= 5 Risk and Return for Portfolios (2 assets) Εξπεχτεδ Ρετυρν οφ α Πορτφολιο: Ε(Ρπ) = ΞΑ Ε(Ρ) Α + ΞΒ Ε(Ρ) Β ςαριανχε οφ α Πορτφολιο: σπ2 = ΞΑ 2σΑ + ΞΒ2σΒ2 + ΞΑ ΞΒ σΑΒ