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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí COMPARISONS I Choose the correct answer Of the four dresses, I like the red one (better/ best) Pat’s car is (faster/ fastest) than Dan’s John is (less/ least) athletic of all the men Does Fred feel (weller/ better) today than he did yesterday? My cat is the (prettier/ prettiest) of the two This vegetable soup tastes very (good/ best) David is the (happier/ happiest) person that we know This summery is (the better/ the best) of the pair Jim has as (few/ fewer) opportunities to play tennis as I 10 The museum is (the further/ the furthest) away of the three buildings II Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets Learning to speak a language is often much (easy) _ than learning to write it This hotel must be (expensive) than the small one next door He is certainly (unusual) _person I have ever met His latest film is (interesting) _ than his previous ones What is (difficult) _ thing you have ever done? Losing your credit card is (bad) _ than losing your money Bringing up children is one of (hard) _ jobs in the world When I saw her, she looked much (thin) than I remembered her III Complete the sentences below, using the suitable comparison form of the adjectives from the box One of these adjectives is used twice warm lucky comfortable simple cheap boring intelligent hot difficult This exercise is too easy – can’t we try a one? England is too cold in spring – let’s go to Spain where is She comes top in all exams – she must be _ girl in the class The temperature in July reaches forty – four degrees – it’s month of the year Let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost too much – it’s the other one When I passed my driving test, it was the _ day of my life Lying down in bed is _ sitting on a hard chair I could hardly keep awake – it was _ film I’ve ever seen She’s person I know – she is always winning prizes in lotteries 10 I can’t this test – can you give me a one? IV Match the phrases in A with suitable ones in B and C to make meaningful sentences A Jonathan is My great-great aunt is London is Alaska is The guitar player is The Nile is My parents’ room is The Mercedes is Sarah is B A the biggest state B the longest river C the best musician D the fastest runner E the biggest city F the oldest person G the most expensive H the longest day I the youngest C m in the group n in my family o in the team p in the world q in Britain r in the USA s of the four bedrooms t of the five girls u of the three cars VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí th 10 June 21 is J the biggest v of the year V Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but today it is only six degrees It’s I expected my friends arrived at about 4p.m In fact they arrived at 2:30 My friends Jane cooks better than her sister Jane’s sister Tom is the best football player in this team Nobody in this team Nothing is faster than the speed of light The speed of light Jack is younger than he looks Jack isn’t I didn’t spend as much money as you I have never met anyone as interesting as he is He is VI Complete the sentences below, using Comparative + and + comparative The company expanded rapidly It grew (big) _ all the time Cathy got (bored) in her job In the end, she left My bag seemed to get (heavy) _ as I carried them As I waited for my interview, I became (nervous) _ As the day went on, the weather got (bad) _ Healthcare is becoming (expensive) _ As the conversation went on, Tom became (talkative) These days, (many) _ people are learning English The company’s share price went (high) 10 Life got (good) _for boss Bob Watt as the company became (successful) 11 Life in the modern world is becoming (complex) 12 When I get excited, my heart beats (fast) _ 13 The little boy seemed to get (upset) 14 It’s getting (difficult) to find a job 15 The noise got (loud) _ as we approached the house VII Complete the sentences below, using the information in brackets The older you get, (You are understanding) The younger you are, (you learn quickly) The earlier we start, (it is good) The bigger a supermarket is, (the choice is wide) The more you learn, _ (you know a lot about the world) The more we practice a language, _ (we can speak fluently) The more he plays sport, (he looks healthy) The higher the humidity is, (people feel uncomfortable) VIII Complete the sentences below, using The comparative…, the comparative… The crowd became increasingly angry at the long delay _ the delay (was), the crowd became The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is an artist (is), the picture is How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed I go to bed, I sleep I don’t spend much time with my family because I work so hard VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí I work, I spend with my family The traffic moves very slowly as more cars comes into the city cars come into the city, _ the traffic moves How much you sweat depends on how hot you get you get, _ you sweat It’s hard to concentrate when you are tired _ you are, _ it is to concentrate How much petrol a car uses depends on how big the engine is _ the engine (is), the car uses If a knife is sharp, it is easy to cut something with a knife (is), _ it is to cut something 10 I became increasingly nervous about her fast driving she drove, _ I became IX Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same His previous CD wasn’t as popular as this one This CD I haven’t taken as much interest in football as you have You have I was less interested in the film than I had expected The film Britain isn’t as warm as Greece Greece I have been to fewer countries than you have I haven’t Couldn’t you find a better hotel? Is this He lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful If he He has never behaved so violently before He is behaving As television programs become more popular, they seem to get worse The more 10 My boss works better when he’s pressed for time The less X Which is correct or both of them? Underline the correct answer(s) My older/ elder sister is a TV producer I’m surprised Mary is only 25 I thought she was older/ elder Jane’s younger sister is still at school Her older/ elder sister is a nurse Is she younger than you? – No, she is older/ elder than me I must ring home today and find out if there’s any further/ father news about my grandmother and her operation Paris is further/ father north than Tokyo John ran further/ father than his friend did I gave my old laptop to my sister because I had no further/ father use for it This is the latest/ last news 10 This is the latest/ last time I lend you my car 11 I think this is his latest/ last but not his latest/ last literacy work 12 This jacket is the latest/ last fashion XI Choose the best answer Peter is student in my class A taller than B so tall as Jane is not as her brother C the tallest D tallest VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A more intelligent B so intelligent Can Tho is from Sai Gon than Bien Hoa is A farther B further Bao Yen sings than this singer A well B better The we start, the sooner we will be back A early B earliest The harder this student works, he becomes A the most understanding C more understanding My father is as yours A old B as old HCM city is than Hanoi A large B largest She is the daughter in her family A older B more old C intelligenter D intelligent C far D farer C gooder D weller C earlier D early B the more understanding D understandinger C older D so old C more large D larger C eldest D oldest 10 She speaks English as as you A clear B clearly C clearness D clearer 11 The he is, the more miserable he gets A richer B more rich C rich D the richer 12 He drives as his father does A careful as B more carefully C the most careful D carefully as 13 I’ll be there I can A sooner as B no sooner as C as soon as D soonest as 14 Of the two sisters, Linda is A beautiful B more beautiful C the most beautiful D so beautiful as 15 I get to know her, the more I like her A For more B More C The more D The most 16 In stead of slowing down, he drove A more fastly B faster C more faster D faster more 17 Hotels have developed restaurants A as rapidly as B so rapidly that C as rapid as D as rapid than 18 Commercial centres are they were many years ago A as popular than B more popular than C the most popular D most popular than 19 What’s the film you have ever seen? A good B better C best D the better 20 The accident in the history of the city happened last night A badest B most bad C worse D worst 21 He finished the test of all A rapidly B more rapidly C the most rapidly D rapid 22 This is man of all I’ve known A best B better C good D the best 23 The man bought books that he needed assistance to carry them A such many B too many C so much D so many 24 He to be offered that job A was such inexperienced B was not experienced enough C was too inexperienced D both B and C 25 He I was scared A drove too fast that B drove so fastly that C drove so fast that D drove such fast that 26 the man gets, he becomes A The more old/ the more weak B The older/ the weaker VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C The older/ the weakest 27 I did than I expected on the test, but not really badly A worst B the worst C more bad 28 I can’t stand this weather It’s getting A badder and badder B worse and worse C worst and worst 29 Health care in the country is said to become A good and good B best and best C the better and the better 30 people use the internet every day A Many and many B Most and most C More and more D older/ weaker D worse D.more and more worse D better and better D The more Full Name: Class: 12A COMPARISON Ex.1 Choose the best answer As she did so, her parents became _ a the angriest b the most angry c the more angry d angrier and angrier People should eat and to reduce the risk of heart disease a less fat/ more exercise b less and less fat/ the more exercise c the less fat/ the more exercise d fatter/ more exercise He spent a year in India and loves spicy food _ the food is, _ he likes it a The hotter/ the more and more b The hotter/ the more c The more and more hot/ the more d The hottest/ the most Of course you can come to the party _ a The more the merrier b The more and the merrier c The more and merrier d The more and more merrier I feel _ I did yesterday a much more tired than b many more tired than c as many tired as d as more tired as She is _ a spectator a more an athlete than b more of an athlete than c an athlete more than d an athlete of more than His house is _ mine a twice as big as b as twice big as c as two times big as d as big as twice live in Ho Chi Minh City than in the whole of the rest of the country a As much as people b More people c As many as people d People more It gets _ to understand what the professor has explained a the more difficult b more difficult than c difficult more and more d more and more difficult 10 You must drive slower in built up areas _ you drive in the city, it is _ that you will have an accident a The faster and faster/ the more b The faster/ the more probable c The more and more fast/ the more and more probable d The more fastly/ the probable Ex.2 The party was _ I had expected a more a hundred times funny than b a hundred times funny more than c a hundred times funnier than d a hundred times more funny than He finds physics _ other science subjects a far more difficult than b many more difficult than c too much more difficult than d more much difficult than VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí _ he drank, _ he became a More/ more violent b The most/ the most violent c The more/ the more violent d The less/ less violent Mary was _ of the two sisters a the clever b as clever as c the cleverer d the cleverest French is a _ language to learn than English is a difficult b more difficult c most difficult d more and more difficult The cuisine of France is _ a more famous than that of England b famous than the cuisine of England c more famous than which of England d as famous than that of England Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most _ he becomes, he is a The more rich/ the more happy b The richest/ the happiest c The richer/ the happier d Richer and richer/ happier and happier The fast we finish, _ a the sooner we can leave b we can leave sooner and sooner c the sooner can we leave d we can leave the sooner Of all athletes, Alex is _ a the less qualified b the less and less qualified c the more and more qualified d the least qualified, 10 The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got _ a more panicked b the more panicked c more than panicked d more and more panicked Ex.3 _ you study for these exams, _ you will a The harder/ the better b The more/ the much c The hardest/ the best d The more hard/ the more good, My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _ it is at night, _ he plays his music! a the less/ the more loud b the less/ less c the more late/ the more loudlier d the later/ the louder Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _ a more and more good b better and better c the more and more good d gooder and gooder The Sears Tower is _ building in Chicago a taller b the more tall c the tallest d taller and taller Petrol is _ it used to a twice as expensive as b twice expensive more than c twice more than expensive d more expensive than twice Peter is _ John a younger and more intelligent than b more young and intelligent than c more intelligent and younger than d the more intelligent and younger than San Diego is the …………… town in Southern California a more nice and nice b the nicest c nicest d nicer and nicer It gets _ when the winter is coming a cold and cold b the coldest and coldest c colder and colder d more and more cold Robert does not have _ Peter does a money more than b as many money as c more money as d as much money as 10 The Mekong Delta is _ deltas in Vietnam VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a the largest of the two c one of the two largest b the more larger of the two d one of the two larger Use double comparartive to complete these following sentences They are big, they fall fast The It is hot, I feel miserable The I look into your eyes much, I love you much The He got old, he became bad-tempered The 5- He worked hard He felt very bad The 6- When we think of the exam, we get more and more excited The 7- As this road gets busier, it becomes more and more dangerous The 8- When you get near to the Equator, the temperature becomes high The 9- If she stays in England a long time, her English will be very good The 10- You write fast, your writing becomes illegible The 11 She is mature, she becomes beautiful The 12 He study much, he becames stupid The 13 He drinks much water, he becomes thirsty The 14 He is mature, he becomes intelligent The 15 You speak English much, your English will be good The 16 People save much paper, much wood pulp is preserved The 17 We make much paper, it becomes cheap The 18 Petrol becomes expensive, people drive little The 19 You make much money, you spend much The 20 You work hard, you will get good results The 21 You learn with him much, you will know him well The 22 Many people live in this city, they need many services The 23 You much exercise, you are fit The 24 He wrote much, his writing becomes good The VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 25 They use much wood pulp, they cut many trees The 26 They travel much, they know about the world good The 27 Jack eats much, he becomes fat The 28 We start late, we get into many traffic jams The 29 We breathe much polluted air, we will get weak The 30 Means of transport are cheap, they become popular The 31 She studies hard, she will get good grades The 32 You rest much, you will feel better The 33 The weather is warmer, I feel better The 34 We leave early, we will arrive soon The 35 We have much knowledge, we become wise The 36 You are young, you learn easily The 37 the hotel is expensive, the services are good The 38 You use much electricity, your bill will be high The 39 I thought about the plan, I like it little The 40 He is old, he learns slowly The 41 She eats much, she will become fat The 42 She is older, she becomes more beautiful The 43 You have much, you want more The 44 I waited long I got angry The 45 I live far I feel homesick The 46 He got old He became quiet The 47 he drove fast I became nervous The 48 A flat is big The rent is high The 49 The sun is high, the shadow is low The 50 I study much, I know lots of The VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 51 I know alot, I forget much The 52 I forget much , I know little The Answer key The bigger they are, the faster they fall The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel The more I look into your eyes, the more I love you The older he got, the more bad-temper he became 5- The harder he worked , the worse he felt 6- The more we think of the exam, the more excited we get 7- The busier this road gets, the more dangerous it becomes 8- The nearer you get to the equator, the higherthe temperature becomes 9- The longer she stays in England , the better her English will be 10- The faster you write, the more illegible your writing becomes 12 the more he study, the more stupid he becames 11 The more mature she is, the more beautiful she becomes 13 The more water he drinks, The thirstier he becomes 14 The more mature he is, the more intelligent he becomes 15 The more you speak English, the better your English will be 16 The more paper people save , the more wood pulp is preserved 17 The more paper we make, the cheaper it becomes 18 The more expensive petrol becomes, the less people drive 19 The more money you make, the more you spend 20 The harder you work, the better results you will get 21 The more I learn with him, the better you will know him 22 The more people live in this city, the more services they need 23 The more exercise you do, the fitter you are 24 The more he wrote, the better his writing becomes 25 The more wood pulp they use, the more trees they cut 26 The more they travel,the better they know about the world 27 The more Jack eat , the fatterhe becomes 28 The later we start, the more traffic jams we get into 29 The more polluted air we breathe, the weaker we will get 30 The cheaper means of transport are, the more popular they become 31 The harder she studies, the better grades she will get 32 The more you rest, the better you will feel 33 The warmer the weather is, the better I feel 34 The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive 35 The more knowledge we have, the wiser we become 36 The younger you are, the more easily you learn 37 The more expensive the hotel is, the better the services are 38 The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be 39.The more I thought about the plan, the less I like it 40 The older he is , the slowlier he learns 41 The more she eats, the fatter she will become 42 The older she is, The more beautiful she become 43 The more you have, the more you want 44 The longer I waited, the angrier I got 45 The farther I live, the more homesick I feel 46 The older he got, the quieter he became VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 47 The faster she drove, the more nervous I became 48 The bigger a flat is, the higher the rent is 49 The sun is high, the shadow is low 50 The more I study, the more I know 51 The more I know, the more I forget 52 The more I forget, the less I know The more a car costs, ………………… it goes a faster b the faster c the more fast d the more faster 2.The younger you are, _ it is to learn a easier b you are easier c the easier d the easy 3. _ we finish the project, _ we can start the next one a The soonest/ the sooner b The sooner/ the most soon c The sooner/ the sooner d The soonest/ the soonest 4. I forget, _I know A The more/ the less B the more/ the little C The many/ the less D The many/ the little The sun is, the shadow is A the higher/ the low B The more high/ the more low C The higher/ the lower D the more higher/ the more lower _it is, _miserable I feel A The hotter/ more B The hotter/ the more C The more hotter/ the more D The more hot/ the more BÀI TẬP TRẮC NGHIỆM PHẦN SO SÁNH TRONG TIẾNG ANH Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps Today is a day The sun shines all the time a windy b sunny c cloudy d rainy Ba is a hard- working student and he works on all the subjects a hard b slowly c carelessly d carefully In the South of Viet Nam, there are only two a year a times b days c seasons d periods It is very because the wind blows quite hard a sunny b rainy c snowy d windy In class you must listen to the teacher a hardly b boringly c carelessly d carefully The children are playing They should be quite a quietly b eagerly c happily d noisily In the sunny season, the shine(s) almost all the days a snow b clouds c floods d sun The today is higher than yesterday It must be over 37 C a degree b level c humidity d temperature Viet Nam has a tropical a climate b weather c temperature d season 10 My mother can dance very She is a professional dancer a sweetly b softly c loudly d beautifully 11 In Viet Nam , it is normally in the South than in the North a hot b hotter c hottest d hoter 12 The food is than the last time I ate it a badder b bad c worse d worst 10 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 13 Ho Chi Minh city is than Hanoi a big b bigger c biggest d biger 14 Children often learn very things around them a quickly b quicker c quickest d quick 15 She can not sing but she can play the piano beautifully a good b best c goodly d well 16 Helen always with John in every school dancing competition a dances b dance c dancing d, danced 17 It dangerous to swim in deep rivers a are b is c being d be 18 The boy at home yesterday evening a stay b staying c stayed d stays 19 Last time, he very slowly a driving b drove c driven d drived 20 I now speak English perfectly a can b was c could d did 21 Jack is now than he used to be a happy b happier c happiest d happyer 22 The tourist company was down the street than I had thought a farther b far c farer d farest 23 There is nothing than going swimming in hot weather a gooder b good c better d best 24 He tried very but still failled the exame a hardly b hard c harder d hardest 25 She came to school and had to stand outside for 15 minutes a late b lately c latest d latter 26 He was successful with the business a complete b completion c completeness d completely 27 I everything will be all right soon a hope b hopes c hoping d hoped 28 I often up early in the morning a gets b getting c got d get 29 Lan you some minutes ago a phones b phoning c phoned d phone 30 Don’t the door open when you go out a leave b leaves c leaving d left 31 David’s school is very bad this term a report b period c day d semester 32 The this year are longer and more difficult than those last year a schools b notebooks c time d lessons 33 Our friends are more than us a difficult b intelligent c easy d tall 34 Lan, how are you doing this ? a school b day c class d term 35 He can better than the in his group a everyone b another c all d others 36 Tuan writes more with fewer mistakes than the previous term a careless b careful c carefully d carelessly 37 My father is happy because I get results at school a bad b good c intelligent d well 38 Peter does better at school because he works a harder b more carelessly c more lazily d worse 11 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 39 He can sums more and read faster./ a badly b quickly c difficultly d fastly 40 I can dance more than my friends a fluently b attentively c interestingly d gracefully 41 Mary is in in St Mary secondary school a age b level c grade d, step 42 She is very pupil She spends most of her time studying a hard- working b difficult c hard d easy 43 They always complete all their before going to bed a things b homework c book d activities 44 He is very good at He can sums more quickly than the other pupils in his class a literature b maths c geography d English 45 Mary rarely makes when she writes a mistakes b fault c things d sums 46 I often go to the school to borrow books in my free time a library b yard c room d class 47 He always helps his friends with exercises a easy b bad c difficult d short 48 Her parents are because she often gets bad marks in the exams a, happy b disapponinted c tired d boring 49 I am interested in natural science subjects like mathematics, physics and a England b literature c chemistry d language 50 In her free time, Jane often plays the a piano b football c game d basket ball 51 My English this term is than that of last year a good b gooder c better d best 52 Her math result is than her English result a bad b badly c worse d well 53 Detective books are than science fiction ones a more interesting b interestingly c interstinger d interesting 54 Lan is than her sister a lazy b lazily c lazier d lazilier 55 He feels than last year because his study results are a happy/ good b happier/ gooder c more happy/ more good d happier/ better 56 He is at maths than at any other subjects a better b more good c goodlier d gooder 57 Phuong can speak English than Minh a more fluent b fluently c fluent d more fluently 58 Her voice is than her sister’s/ a beautiful b more beautiful c beautifully d more beautifully 59 Her literature result is much than it was last year a good b well c more well d better 60 Cinderrella danced than any other girls at the ball a more graceful b gracefuler c gracefully d more gracefully 61 Chemistry is than physics a easy b easily c easier d more easily 62 Rabbits run than tortoises a fast b fastly c fastlier d faster 63.Nam is bad at art but Minh is even a badder b bad c worse d worser 63 Lan is her sister 12 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a old b elderly c elder 64 She can pronounce English words than she could last term a correctlier b more correct c more correctly 65 The country is than the city a quieter b more quiet c more quietly 66 In this class , the students are talking than the teacher a loudly b more loud c loudlier 67 We shouldn’t be on any subjects a lazy b lazier c lazily 68 I can learn a subject if I like it and if I don’t like it a good/ bad b better/ worse c better/ badlier 69 I will take these shoes What’s the ? a price b fare b cost 70.My Dinh is the national of Viet Nam a city b theatre c stadium 71 She is the most girl in our class a intelligent b intelligentest c tall 72 That T-shirt is the we have in stock a big b.bigger c small 73 I think Smatcafe is than other kinds of coffee a best b better c badder 74 This hat is the of all a expensivest b more expensive c cheapest 75 Of all the stories I have, this is the most one a better b best c.interesting 76 That is the most bed in the shop a wide b widest c comfortable 77 Food becomes during the time of the flood a more scarcer b most scarce c scarcest 78 Have you got any shirt? a cheapest b cheaper c expensiver 79 The shop faces its most time of the year when sales have fallen by half a difficult b difficultest c easy 80.Lan is the most student in my class a hard-work b hard-working c good 81 The blue shirt is as as the red one a long b longer c more long 82 Mai dances as as Lan a gracefully b gracefuly c graceful 83 This book is the of all a bored b.boring c more boring 84 Mary speaks English very a fluent b fluently c more fluently 85 Tom runs faster than John and David runs the in the group a fast b most fast c fastest 86 She has books than I a least b fewer c more few 87 I work as as you a hard b hardly c harder 88 She looks than me a thinner b thin c thinnest 89 He is one of the men in the world d oldly d correcter d quietlier d louder d lazilier d gooder/ worse d fee d cinema d tallest d smallest d worst d cheaper d interestingest d comfortables d scarce d expensivest d easiest d best d longest d graceless d most boring d most fluently c most fastly d fewest d more hard d thinly 13 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a rich b richer c richest d more rich 90 A train is not so as a bus a quick b quicker c quickest d more quick 91.The economic conditions today are they were in the past a much more good b much better than c much better d the best than 92 Peter is the student in my class a taller than b so tall as c the tallest d tallest 93 The deep oceans contain some of the of all living creatures a strangest b strange c as strange as d stranger 94 Jane is not …………… her brother a more intelligent as b intelligent as c so intelligent as d so intelligent that 95 He drives as ………….his father does a careful as b more carefully c the most careful d carefully as 96 What’s the ………….film you’ve ever seen? a good b best c better d the best 97 Jane is ……………age as Marry/ a as same b the most same c the same d more same 98 I’ll be there ………… I can a sooner as b no sooner as c as soon as d soonest as 99 The shirt and that one…………… a alike b are alike c as alike as d the same 100 I want to buy some shoes………….the ones you have on a like b are like c are alike d likely 101 Mary and her mother not…………… a alike b look like c look alike d.like 102 Sharon………….from other women I know a different b as different c differs d more different 103 This one is prettier, but it costs………… as the other one a as much as b twice as much c as many d twice as many 104 You can take………… books as you want a as many b as much c so much d too many 105 Of the two sisters, Linda ……… a is beautiful b the most beautiful c is more beautiful d is so beautiful as 106 The ………… accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway a badest b most bad c worse d worst 107 He finished the test ………… of all a rapidly b the most rapidly c most rapidly d more rapidly 108 Many chemicals react …………… in acid solutions a more quick b more quickly c quicklier d as quickly more 109 The younger you are, ……………it is to learn a easier b you are easier c the easier d the easy 110 It’s becoming …………… to find a job a more difficult and more b more and more difficult c most and more difficult d more difficult than 112 ……………electricity you use, ………….your bill will be a The more…… the higher b The most…… the higher c The more……the high d More……… higher 113 The more I got to know Tom, ……….I liked him a least b the less c the least d the fewer 114 The rooms in the front …………….noisier than those in the back 14 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a are more b are little c are very d are much 115 ………… you are, …………you concentrate a Tired… the least hard b The more tired…… the harder c.The tireder……the harder d The tired…… the harder 116 Of all the candidates, Peter is probably………… a the less qualified b the qualified less c the most little qualified d the least qualified 117 The CDs here are more expensive ……………over there a those b than those c than that d than this 118 These two girls ………… that I can’t tell them apart a are so like b are so alike c are too alike d alike enough 119 I don’t think our daughter is ……….to understand this matter a too young b is such young c not enough old d not age enough 120 Mrs Harrison is ………….he owns many palaces a so a rich man that b such an rich man that c such a rich man that d that os rich a man 121 The ceiling is ……………… a too high for me to reach b too high for me to each it c so high for me reaching d enough high of me reaching 122 The woman was so beautiful……………… a that I couldn’t help looking at b that I couldn’t help looking at her c for me looking at her d that for me to look at 123.It is …………that I would like to go to the beach a such a nice weather b too nice weather c such nice weather d such weather nice 124 These are ………….tht I can’t finish them a a such long assignments b such long assignments c such a long assignments d too long assignments 125 It is ……….that I have read it twice a such an interesting book b so interesting a book c too interesting a book d A and B 126 She dances …………… everybody adores her a such beautifully that b so beautiful that c so beautiful that d too beautifully that 127.It is ………………to go swimming a too cold b.so cold c such a cold d enough cold that 128 Jane is ……… to this exercise a no intelligence enough b not intelligent enough c not enough intelligent d so intelligent enough 129 I am ……………a car a not rich enough to buy b too rich enough to buy c too poor to buy d a and c 130 It’s ………… home from here a too far walking b too far for walking c far to walk too d too far to walk 131 The bed is not clean enough…………… a to lie in it b to lie in c for lying in d in which to lie 132 The piano was too heavy …………… a for nobody to move b for nobody moving c for anyone to move d for anyone to moving 133 ……………………to go to the cinema a It was late so that b That it was late c It was too late d such too late 15 VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 134 We don’t ……………….to go there now a have time enough b enough timec have too time d have enough time 16

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2017, 15:30
