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Literature review in applied linguistics

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English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century Issues and Challenges Editor Dr.T Karunakaran Kumaran Book House Colombo – Chennai 2014 10 Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework Md.Tahamid Ar Rabbi and Mian Md Naushaad Kabir "CTUSBDU ЅFTUVEZBQQSPBDIFTUPUISPXMJHIUPOBOVNCFSPGTJHOJmDBOU characteristics of literature review It seeks to clarify the concept of literature review, putting emphasis on what it actually means It then aims to narrow down its focus to the use of literature review in applied linguistics It is found that in writing literature review a number of factors come into consideration If it is a part (as usually it is) of a broader research work in applied linguistics, for example, its composition needs to be done in the context of UIBUXPSLЅFWBMVFJUIBT UIFPCKFDUJWFTJUDBOGVMmMM UIFUZQFT of sources it presents and the procedure it follows in its pursuit BSFTPNFPGUIFGBDUPSTSFRVJSJOHWJUBMDPOTJEFSBUJPO.PSFPWFS JU has an organizational plan and it is conducted through some key QIBTFTXIFSFPGUIFMBTUPOFJTXSJUJOHPSSFQPSUJOHUIFTJHOJmDBOU literature reviewed, in a section of the research paper Connected XJUIUIJTSFQPSUJOH UIFSFGPSF UIFPSHBOJ[BUJPO SFWJTJPOBOEmOBM QSFTFOUBUJPOPGUIFSFWJFXFEMJUFSBUVSFBMTPDPNFJOUPDPODFSOЅF study attempts to elucidate in some detail all of the relevant factors mentioned above in general, with a view to conceptualizing the know-how of literature review in applied linguistics in particular Finally, it seeks to draw some pedagogical implications to chalk out a suitable path for instruction on literature review in the QBSUJDVMBSmFME Disclaimer: ЅPVHIMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTBOJOUFHSBMQBSUPGBOZ SFTFBSDIEPOFBDSPTTUIFmFMETPGLOPXMFEHF JOUIJTQBQFS UIF discussion has been presented in reference to the practitioners in Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 139 UIFmFMEPG&-5 5&40-BOE"QQMJFE-JOHVJTUJDTJOQBSUJDVMBSBOE social sciences in general 8IBUJTMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFX $POOFDUJOHSFMFWBOUMJUFSBUVSFUPBQBSUJDVMBSSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPO or problem is an essential part of the research work in which the SFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOJTVOEFSJOWFTUJHBUJPO4UBUFEPUIFSXJTF SFWJFX PGUIFMJUFSBUVSFQFSUJOFOUUPBQBSUJDVMBSSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOPS area of investigation is an indispensable step to be followed in BSFTFBSDIXPSL)BSU  EFmOFTMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXBTiUIF selection of available documents” from related literature and iFĊFDUJWFFWBMVBUJPOPGUIFTFEPDVNFOUTJOSFMBUJPOUPUIFSFTFBSDI CFJOHQSPQPTFEw Q 4JNQMZEFmOFE MJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTBO examination of a body of related literature in order to connect UIFTJHOJmDBOUJEFBT EPDVNFOUTBOEBSHVNFOUTQSFTFOUFEJOUIF MJUFSBUVSFUPUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOVOEFSJOWFTUJHBUJPO Literature review as part of a broader research work Although a literature review can be a self-contained paper, that is, a paper in itself, it usually constitutes a section of a broader research XPSLЅFTUFQTJOWPMWFEJOBSFTFBSDIXPSLUIBU,PUIBSJ   diagrammatically presents, therefore, seems worth-mentioning here 'JHVSF4UFQTPGDPOEVDUJOHBSFTFBSDI ,PUIBSJ  Q Kothari (2003) presents the step of literature review in two boxes denoting ‘Review concepts’ and ‘Review previous research’ 140 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges )F QPTJUJPOT UIJT TUFQ OFYU UP UIF mSTU TUFQA%FmOF SFTFBSDI QSPCMFNBOEQSJPSUPUIFUIJSETUFQA'PSNVMBUFIZQPUIFTFTЅJT position shows that a literature review is not conducted in isolation and that it connects with the steps preceding and following it Understanding how literature review dovetails with other steps in the research process helps form a good plan A-JUFSBSZ3FWJFXPSA-JUFSBUVSF3FWJFX "MUIPVHIMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTEFmOFEBUUIFPVUTFUPGUIJTTUVEZ UIF meaning of literature review is yet to be clear and comprehensive A-JUFSBUVSF3FWJFXTIPVMEOPUCFDPOGVTFEXJUIBOPUIFSRVJUF homophonous but not homogeneous term- ‘Literary Review’ A literature review, as opposed to what many novice learners may and think, is not a literary review evaluating a poem, or a play, or a novel, and so on In terms of literature review, ‘literature’ means the pertinent sources one consults in order to investigate one’s research RVFTUJPOPSQSPCMFN-JUFSBUVSFSFWJFXiQSPWJEFCBDLHSPVOE JOGPSNBUJPOPOUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOwBOEBMTPJEFOUJmFTiXIBU PUIFSTIBWFTBJEBOEPSEJTDPWFSFEBCPVUUIFRVFTUJPOw /VOBO  1992, p.216) It does not provide an account of all the published works that relate to one’s research, but a review of the most relevant BOETJHOJmDBOUXPSLT*UJTOPUFWFODPOmOFEUPBNFSFSFWJFX Rather, it is a concise, analytical and evaluative review of the works Furthermore, in literature review one needs to show how UIFQFSUJOFOUMJUFSBUVSFSFMBUFTUPPOFTSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPO XIBU strengths it possesses and what ‘problems and potential pitfalls’ *CJE JUNJHIUIBWFЅFGPMMPXJOHmHVSFSFQSFTFOUTTPNFPGUIF RVFTUJPOTBMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTBCMFUPBOTXFS Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 141 'JHVSF4PNFPGUIFRVFTUJPOTBSFWJFXPGMJUFSBUVSFDBOBOTXFS )BSU   Q -JUFSBUVSFBDDPVOUTGPSXIBUJTEPOFJOBmFME UPXIBUFYUFOU BOEXIFSFXIBUUIFmOEJOHTXFSFBOEXIBUFMTFOFFETUPCF explored 7BMVFBOEXBZTPGJODPSQPSBUJOHUIFSFWJFXJOBSFTFBSDI work Research cannot be undertaken in isolation of the literature that has already been written in the particular area the researcher is dealing with Literature review provides context for research by HJWJOHUIFSFTFBSDIFSBOBDRVBJOUBODFXJUISFMBUFEMJUFSBUVSF*UJT in this aspect that literature review proves invaluable Islam (2008) holds, “If the researcher is aware of earlier studies of his topic, he XJMMCFJOBNVDICFUUFSQPTJUJPOUPBTTFTTUIFTJHOJmDBODFPGIJT own work and to convince others that it is important” (p.63) It not only helps the researcher to glean the ideas of others interested in a particular topic but also lets him know about the results of others’ studies It also informs readers about the state of research POUIFUPQJD.PSFPWFS JUJEFOUJmFTUIFQSPTBOEDPOTPGSFMFWBOU 142 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges studies on the topic and may suggest areas for further research on UIFUPQJDЅFSFGPSF SFWJFXPGSFMBUFEMJUFSBUVSFJTBOJNQFSBUJWF in any well-planned research work In article-length reports, literature can be a part of the introduction (Dörnyei, 2007, p 281) whereas in long reports, it DBOGPSNBTFQBSBUFDIBQUFS%ÚSOZFJ  JEFOUJmFTEJĊFSFOU functions of literature review: “(a) it can act as the map of terrain‘, providing a comprehensive BOE PЂFO IJTUPSJDBM PWFSWJFX PG UIF CPPLT  BSUJDMFT  BOE other documents describing the broader domain under JOWFTUJHBUJPO  C  JU DBO QSPWJEF UIF TQFDJmD UIFPSFUJDBM background of the empirical investigation reported, justifying the need for it, thus focusing primarily on works that have a concrete bearing on the research design or the interpretations of the results, (c) it can be used to mark out the intellectual strand/position that the author is aligning with and to generate trustworthiness in the audience by showing that the author is knowledgeable in the area, and E mOBMMZBOESFMBUFEUPUIFQSFWJPVTQPJOU JOUIFVOJWFSTJUZ assignments (for example, dissertations and theses) it is also to prove that the author has done his/her ‘homework’ and has become familiar with a wide range of relevant theoretical and research approaches” (Dörnyei, 2007 pp 281-282) )F  GVSUIFSDMBSJmFTXIZBOEIPXMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXDBO be short or long depending on demands of the journals and their priorities and length of words Being in line with the instructions of the APA guidelines, (APA, 2001, p 16), he discourages the mere exhaustive historical overview to be included in the literature review However, he later adds another function called ‘critical analysis’ to the functions mentioned earlier By this, he means, the presence of the author’s voice, not inclusion of so many citations POMZ)FTVHHFTUTUIBUIZQPUIFTJTBOEUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOTDBO also be a part of literature review when the actual work is short *OMPOHFSXPSLT UIFZDBOCFQVUJOBEJĊFSFOUDIBQUFSCFUXFFO the literature review chapter and the ‘method’ part Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 143 %ÚSOZFJ  Q BSHVFTGPSEJĊFSFOUUZQFTBOESPMFTPG MJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJOUIFRVBOUJUBUJWFBOEUIFRVBMJUBUJWFSFTFBSDIFT *OUIFRVBOUJUBUJWFSFTFBSDI JUVTVBMMZFYUFOETUIFUIFPSFUJDBM TVQQPSUUPTVCTUBOUJBUFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOT IZQPUIFTJT BOEUIF EFTJHOPGUIFTUVEZXIFSFBTJOUIFRVBMJUBUJWFSFTFBSDI JUDBO serve the same purpose along with other purposes like drawing similarities and setting the context of the study, claiming for generalizability at the end of the study Hence, in the latter kind of study, literature review can be further added in the discussion BOEmOEJOHTTFDUJPOBTXFMM&YUFOEJOHUIJTQPJOU IFXFOUBTGBS as to suggest that literature review can be divided into many parts and placed throughout the research report in a relevant manner in mixed method reports (Dörnyei, 2007, pp 303- 304) In applied linguistics, the placement of literature review does not need to conform to any hard and fast boundary In sociolinguistics, for example, “there are no strict guidelines as to whether the literature should be reviewed in a separate chapter, a subsection of a chapter, or throughout the text In fact, there is a wide variety of ways dissertation authors in applied linguistics incorporate the review of the literature into their work In many cases, two approaches seem to be used at the same time: while there is a chapter or subsection entitled Literature Review, authors also provide review of other work throughout the text, especially in the introductory chapters” (Irwin in Feak et al  ЅFBCPWF RVPUFSFnFDUTBnFYJCMFBUUJUVEFUPJODPSQPSBUJOHMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFX JOBXPSL8IJMFUIFmSTUBQQSPBDIJTFYQSFTTJWFPGBTQFDJmD literature review chapter, the second approach is in favour of interspersing the review throughout the work rather than placing it in an exclusive position Indeed, it is up to the researcher to decide which approach works best for his particular research work in a particular length (e.g article length, dissertation length) In sociolinguistic study, for example, “articles generally treat the literature review as part of the text, incorporating the current BOEPSJOnVFOUJBMSFTFBSDIUISPVHIPVUUIFCPEZPGUIFBSUJDMF  usually toward the beginning If the article has separate sections, 144 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges UIFMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXUFOETUPCFBEESFTTFEJOUIFmSTUJOUSPEVDUPSZ section” (Ibid) As regards functions of literature review, the functions may be NVMUJGPDVTFESBUIFSUIBOVOJMBUFSBMЅFTVCKFDUJWFBDDPVOUPGUIF XSJUFSPGUIFBCPWFRVPUFBQQFBSTXPSUIOPUJOHIFSFoi$VSSFOUMZ  I am working on the literature review for my dissertation that EFBMTXJUIRVFTUJPOTPGMBOHVBHFBOEFUIOJDJEFOUJUZJONJHSBUJPO I feel that my literature review will have a good mixture of the GVODUJPOTЅJTIZCSJEBQQSPBDITFFNTOFDFTTBSZJOPSEFSGPS the literature review to accomplish a number of functions, such as UPQPTJUJPONZSFTFBSDIXJUIJOUIFMBSHFSmFME UPFYQMBJOXIFSFJU stands in relation to many other studies on language and ethnicity, and in order to show its relevance and novelty” (Ibid) Hence, the functions stretch from contextual to relational and on to logical ones, thus embracing a multiplicity of foci While talking about the design of an ELT thesis, Mohanraj (2011) places literature review in the second chapter (p 224) He (2011, p 226) mentions two forms of writing literature review: discrete and integrated He opines that discrete reviews BSFFBTZUPXSJUFUIPVHIUIFZBSFOPUSFBEFSGSJFOEMZЅFZBSF QSFTFOUFEJOUFSNTPGCPPLT BSUJDMFTPSBVUIPST0OUIFnJQTJEF  JOUFHSBUFESFWJFXTSFRVJSFIJHIFSPSEFSUIJOLJOHTLJMMTBTUIFZ JODMVEFQSFTFOUBUJPOPGJEFBTBOEDPODFQUTJOBNBOOFSUIBUmUT the researcher’s purpose According to the research focus, certain ideas relevant to the studies can be emphasized and presented before other less relevant ideas Opinions of other authors from EJĊFSFOUBSUJDMFT CPPLTBOEPUIFSTPVSDFTPOUIFTBNFUPQJDDBO CFQBSBQISBTFE TVNNBSJ[FE RVPUFE DSJUJDBMMZDPNNFOUFECZUIF researcher and synthesized in this form He emphasizes articles over books A well written literature review thus sets the context of the study, shows the author’s scholarship, makes links between the QSFWJPVTTUVEZBOEUIFQSFTFOUTUVEZ mOETSFTFBSDITDPQFJOUIF mFME BOEQSPWJEFTSBUJPOBMFGPSUIFTUVEZ JEFBTGPSUIFSFTFBSDI RVFTUJPOTBOEEFTJHOTGPSUIFQSFTFOUTUVEZ*OBQQMJFEMJOHVJTUJDT  Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 145 JU NBZ BMTP PĊFS TVQQPSU UP UIF QSFTFOU SFTFBSDIFS SFHBSEJOH research design, what statistical measures to use and not to use, how to interpret them etc 0CKFDUJWFTPGUIFSFWJFX ЅFGVODUJPOTPGMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXDBOCFGVSUIFSFMBCPSBUFEBOE presented in the form of the following set of objectives of literature review Some of them might appear to be overlapping i Conveying existing literature: One of the primary objectives of literature review is to convey to readers what knowledge BOEJEFBTIBWFCFFOFTUBCMJTIFEPOBQBSUJDVMBSUPQJD5PGVMmMM UIFPCKFDUJWF UIFSFWJFXXJMMQSPWJEFBHSBTQPGTJHOJmDBOU existing literature, for example, books, journals, dissertations and other sources of information on the problem under investigation ii Contextualizing the existing literature: Another objective is to place the existing literature in the context of its contribution UPUIFTVCKFDUVOEFSSFWJFXЅFSFTFBSDIFSXJMMFWBMVBUFBOE synthesize information in line with the concept that she or he has set herself or himself for the research iii Identifying gaps: No existing literature is perfect in the true TFOTFPGUIFUFSN*OBEFRVBDJFTPSJODPOTJTUFODJFTVTVBMMZ exist in the literature While placing the literature in the context of his or her own research, the researcher will identify the ‘gaps’ or ‘discrepancies’ in the literature that need to be FĊFDUJWFMZBEESFTTFEЅFSFGPSF CFTJEFTQPJOUJOHPVUXIJDI mOEJOHTBSFJNQPSUBOU UIFSFTFBSDIFSXJMMBMTPQPJOUPVU which ones are inconclusive, what the shortcomings are, etc iv Avoiding unintentional duplication of well-established mOEJOHT*UJTPGOPVTFUPSFQMJDBUFBTUVEZXIFOUIFTUBCJMJUZ BOEWBMJEJUZPGJUTmOEJOHTJTXFMMFTUBCMJTIFE $IBOESB Kumar, 2002) Literature review helps to achieve this purpose as well 146 v English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges Giving an understanding of methodology: Literature review refers to the way a particular study is to be conducted It is aimed to help the researcher to know about the tools and instruments which proved useful in previous studies WJ 'BNJMJBSJ[JOH XJUI QSFWJPVT SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT ЅF mOBM BOEJNQPSUBOUTQFDJmDPCKFDUJWFPGMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTUP familiarize the researcher with the recommendations of previous researchers for further research which they listed in their studies -FUVTQSFTFOUBDBTFGSPNUIFmFMEPGCJMJOHVBMSFTFBSDIPO UIFFĊFDUPGCJMJOHVBMJTNPODPHOJUJPO-JUFSBUVSFJOUIJTmFME (see Baker, 2001: 136-142) reveals that earlier researches from UPPOUIJTUPQJDDBNFVQXJUImOEJOHTUIBUSFWFBMFE EFUSJNFOUBMFĊFDUTPGCJMJOHVBMJTNPODPHOJUJPOBGFXSFTFBSDIFT DBNFVQXJUImOEJOHTUIBUSFWFBMFEOFVUSBMFĊFDUTPGCJMJOHVBMJTN PODPHOJUJPOBOEUIFSFDFOUMJUFSBUVSFDBNFVQXJUImOEJOHTUIBU SFWFMFEBEEJUJWFFĊFDUTPGCJMJOHVBMJTNPODPHOJUJPOЅFQJFDF of information is a must for any researcher who is planning to DPOEVDUBSFTFBSDIJOUIFTBNFmFMECFDBVTFTIFOFFETUPLOPX which road is to take and which road is to not take 4UBHFTPGDPOEVDUJOHMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFX To conduct literature review, the researcher needs to proceed through stages It is to be noted that these stages are not always GPMMPXFEJOBMJOFBSPSTUSJDUTFRVFODFЅFZNBZCFGPMMPXFEJO BEJĊFSFOUTFRVFODFGSPNUIFPOFHJWFOCFMPX EFQFOEJOHPOUIF area and context of the review It is also to be noted that they are OPUJOUFOEFEUPCFFYDMVTJWFMZBQQMJDBCMFUPUIFmFMEPGBQQMJFE MJOHVJTUJDT3BUIFSUIFZNBZCFBQQMJDBCMFUPPUIFSmFMETPGTUVEZ BTXFMMЅFTUBHFTBSFEFMJOFBUFECFMPX J %FmOJOHUIFQSPCMFNBTQSFDJTFMZBTQPTTJCMF It is essential in helping a researcher direct and frame his or her reading Although hundreds of sources of information may appear QFSUJOFOU PODFBSFTFBSDIFSEFmOFTUIFQSPCMFNTIFPSIFJTBCMFUP Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 147 SFmOFBOEOBSSPXEPXOUIFTDPQFPGUIFSFBEJOH)PXFWFS JUJTOPU always the case It seems a vicious circle but what should happen JTUIBUBTTIFPSIFSFBETTPNFUIJOH TIFPSIFEFmOFTIJTQSPCMFN BOEBTTIFPSIFEFmOFTIFSPSIJTQSPCMFN TIFPSIFJTBCMFUP decide what else to read and what to ignore (Seliger & Shohamy,  ЅFSFGPSF UIFmSTUUIJOHUIFSFTFBSDIFSOFFETUPEPJTUP TUBUFUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOPSQSPCMFNBTTQFDJmDBMMZBTQPTTJCMF (FOFSBMRVFTUJPOTTVDIBTiXIBUBSFUIFDIBSBDUFSJTUJDTUIBUIFMQ MFBSOFSTFĊFDUJWFMZMFBSOBMBOHVBHF wJTUPPWBHVFUPCFIFMQGVM ЅFRVFTUJPOPGJOUFSFTUDBOCFOBSSPXFEEPXOUPBTQFDJmDBSFB PGDPODFSO"NPSFTQFDJmDRVFTUJPO UIFSFGPSF NJHIUCF i)PX BOEUPXIBUFYUFOUEPBUUJUVEFBOENPUJWBUJPOBĊFDUMBOHVBHF MFBSOJOHPGMFBSOFST w"TFSJPVTFĊPSUOFFETCFNBEFUPTUBUFUIF RVFTUJPOTPUIBUJUGPDVTFTPOUIFTQFDJmDJTTVFPGJOWFTUJHBUJPO JJ -JUFSBUVSFTFBSDI In order to literature review the researcher needs to search for the relevant literature She or he needs to know what information will be needed and where and how to get hands on it In order to EPTP TIFPSIFIBECFUUFSCFBDRVBJOUFEXJUIXIBUGPMMPXTCFMPX a Types of sources in literature search Sources are generally of two types: primary and secondary 1SJNBSZTPVSDFT“In the primary sources of information the author reports her or his own work directly in the form of research articles, books, monographs, dissertations, etc” (Chandra & Kumar, 2002,p.176) Many journals in education publish reports of research Some publish articles on a wide range of educational topics while others limit what they print to a particular specialization Many JNQPSUBOUSFTFBSDImOEJOHTBSFmSTUQVCMJTIFEBTSFQPSUT "MNPTUBMMGVOEFESFTFBSDIQSPKFDUTQSPEVDFBmOBMSFQPSUPG UIFJSBDUJWJUJFTBOEmOEJOHTXIFOSFTFBSDIFTBSFDPNQMFUFE Furthermore, many individual researchers report on their recent works at professional meetings and conferences Primary TPVSDFTBMTPJODMVEFUIFSBXBOEmSTUIBOEEBUBUIFSFTFBSDIFS 148 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges collects for that particular research Primary sources give the researchers a basis on which to make their own judgment of the study they undertake 4FDPOEBSZTPVSDFT In the secondary sources the authors summarize BOEDPNQJMFmOEJOHTPGXPSLTEPOFCZPUIFSSFTFBSDIFSTJOUIF mFMEBOEJNQBSUJOUFSQSFUBUJPOTUPUIFTFmOEJOHTЅFZVTVBMMZ attempt to cover important studies in the forms of encyclopedias, indexes, annotated bibliographies, etc All of these secondary sources are based on primary data or sources Some of the most commonly used secondary sources include Language and Language Behaviour Abstracts (LLBA), Resources in Education (RIE), Current Index to Journals in Education(CIJE), and Dissertation Abstracts International (Chandra & Kumar, 2002, pp.180-185) b Formulation of search terms Researchers need to formulate some search terms – words or phrases they can use to locate sources Such words or phrases BSFBMTPDBMMFEEFTDSJQUPST 4FMJHFS4IPIBNZ  ЅFZBSF the most important terms in the problem statement or research RVFTUJPO'PSFYBNQMF UIFLFZUFSNJOUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOJO applied linguistics – “Do training sessions for novice language UFBDIFSTDPOEVDUFECZUSBJOJOHUFBNDPNQSJTJOHUSBJOJOHTUBĊBMPOH XJUIUIFIFBEUFBDIFSUSBJOFSQSPWFNPSFFĊFDUJWFUIBOUSBJOJOH sessions merely conducted by an individual teacher trainer?”- is AUSBJOJOHUFBNЅJTUFSN QMVTPUIFSTJNJMBSPSTZOPOZNPVTUFSNT  should be listed Possibilities here might include- ‘team training’, ADPMMBCPSBUJWFUSBJOJOH ADPPQFSBUJWFUSBJOJOH BOEUIFMJLFЅF researcher will list these terms alphabetically and then consult the sources to see what pieces of information are listed under these terms She or he will then select the pieces of information for her or his review that seems to bear on the research topic c Ways to literature search Today there are two ways to literature search - manually, using the traditional paper-based approach, and electronically, Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 149 by means of computer To manual search, the researcher has to be familiar with the institutional library, the location of its varied facilities, and the services it provides (Best & Kahn, 2003, p.32) But the traditional card catalog system in the library has been outdated Many “libraries have computerized their holdings and have placed terminals in various locations for the ease of mOEJOHCPPLTBOEQFSJPEJDBMTw *CJE .BOZMJCSBSJFTIBWFFWFO electronically stored in their computers all of their materials /PXBEBZT UIFNPTUDPNNPOBOEGSFRVFOUMZVTFENFUIPEGPS MJUFSBUVSFTFBSDI IPXFWFS JTPOMJOFTFBSDIWJBDPNQVUFSЅVT online search deserves a special attention here d Online search Online search of literature has a number of advantages It is RVJDLBOEGBJSMZJOFYQFOTJWFQSPWJEFTQSJOUPVUGBDJMJUJFTBOE enables researchers to search using more than one descriptor at a time While doing online search, the researcher can follow some guidelines in order to obtain information from available online databases As Seliger and Shohamy (1989) suggest, When searching for references on a given topic, the researcher XJMMmSTUNBLFVTFPGUIFЅFTBVSVTPG%FTDSJQUPST which lists LFZXPSETPSEFTDSJQUPST UPBTTJTUUIFNJOmOEJOHSFGFSFODFT related to their topic For example, in a search for references SFMBUFEUPUIFUPQJDPGBHFBOETFDPOEMBOHVBHFBDRVJTJUJPO  the relevant descriptors in the ЅFTBVSVT are likely to be age, second language learning, informal learning, bilingualism, school learning, and cognition (p.70) "ЂFSEFUFSNJOJOHXIJDIEFTDSJQUPSTUPVTFUIFOFYUTUFQJTUP FOUFSUIFNJOUPDPNQVUFSBOEMFUJUEPJUTXPSLЅFEBUBCBTFNPTU commonly used by language researchers is ERIC which contains a large number of documents on a variety of topics related to education In addition to ERIC, Searching the World Wide Web (WWW) can be considered in doing literature search Some of UIFJOGPSNBUJPOPOUIFXFCJTDMBTTJmFEJOUPJOEFYFT XIJDIDBOCF 150 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges easily searched by going from one category to another Moreover several search engines that are similar in many respects to ERIC database are available online A search engine like Google can TFBSDIGPSBOEmOEUIFJOEJWJEVBMQBHFTPGB8FCTJUFUIBUNBUDIFT a researcher’s interest iii Evaluation of literature ЅFQMBDFBOEGVODUJPOPGFWBMVBUJPOJOMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXJTTJHOJmDBOU While doing literature review, the researcher is highly expected to develop a good understanding of the related literature in order to evaluate the relevant information or data obtained from literature TFBSDI*USFRVJSFTIFSPSIJNUPSFBEBOESFSFBEDPNQMFYJEFBT When the researchers compare works of several authors some of XIPNIBWFBEJĊFSFOUQFSTQFDUJWFPOUIFSFTFBSDIQSPCMFN UIFZ need to have an in-depth understanding of their works It will FOBCMFUIFNUPmOEPVUCPUITJNJMBSJUJFTBOEEJĊFSFODFTJOUIFJS XPSLTЅFZOFFEUPUBLFOPUFTPGOPUPOMZUIFJOGPSNBUJPOUIFZ read, but also their own thoughts about the information It will help them draw their ideas together when they start writing their literature review section Literature review is done to judiciously FYBNJOFUIFMJUFSBUVSFUIBUSFMBUFTUPUIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPO SBUIFS than just to give an account of the literature Hence, the language used in a literature review report gets evaluative and demonstrates the researchers’ perspective of the literature in relation to the SFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOЅFSFTFBSDIFSTOFFEUPIJHIMJHIUUIFTUSFOHUIT  weaknesses, and omissions of the literature (Best & Kahn, 2003; /VOBO 5FJUFMCBVN  ЅFZBMTPOFFEUPEFDJEFXIJDI ideas or information are important for the review, and which are MFTTJNQPSUBOUBOEDBOCFDPWFSFECSJFnZPSMFЂPVUPGUIFSFWJFX In addition, they are supposed to look for the major concepts, conclusions, theories, arguments, etc that underlie the literature In short, they need to engage in the mental processes of analyzing and evaluating the literature It will help them focus on how and why the authors make certain points and prevent them from merely summarizing what they say Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 151 8SJUJOHMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXSFQPSU "ЂFSSFBEJOHBOEFWBMVBUJOHUIFNBUFSJBMTDPMMFDUFE UIFSFTFBSDIFS JTSFRVJSFEUPTZOUIFTJ[FJUBOEXSJUFUIFMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXSFQPSU ЅFSFWJFXSFQPSUVTVBMMZ CVUOPUFYDMVTJWFMZ DPOTJTUTPGUISFF parts: ‘Introduction’, ‘Body’ and ‘Conclusion’ ‘Introduction’ states UIFSFTFBSDIRVFTUJPOPSQSPCMFNBOECSJFnZPVUMJOFTUIFOBUVSF of the problem It also states what led the researcher to investigate the problem and why it is an important problem to be investigated ‘Body’ of the review reports on what others have found or thought about the research problem Related studies are usually discussed together, grouped under subheadings Major studies are discussed in detail while minor ones are referred to in just a sentence or UXPA$PODMVTJPOTUBUFTPWFSBMMFWBMVBUJPOPGUIFMJUFSBUVSFЅF researcher has already discussed the major points, examined how EJĊFSFOUBVUIPSTTVQQPSUBSHVNFOUT BOEFWBMVBUFEUIFRVBMJUZPS FĊFDUJWFOFTTPGUIFMJUFSBUVSF*OTIPSU UIFSFTFBSDIFSIBTEJTDVTTFE what she or he has drawn from the review of the literature Now TIFPSIFTUBUFTUIFFTTFODFPGUIFSFWJFXBOETIPXTJUTTJHOJmDBODF 4IFPSIFBMTPHJWFTBSBUJPOBMFPSKVTUJmDBUJPOJOUIF|$PODMVTJPO by pointing out the necessity of the review and suggesting how it will lead to the research she or he proposes to undertake According to Seliger and Shohamy (1989), the researcher needs to focus on the following points in his review the prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem the main controversies about the issue, and about the problem  UIFNBKPSmOEJOHTJOUIFBSFB CZXIPN BOEXIFO the studies which can be considered the better ones, and why description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies criticism of the work in the area 152 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges - the rationale and purpose of the proposed study (p.83) In sum, the literature review report ties together the main threads revealed in the literature and presents a composite picture of what is known to date A sample is given below in the form PGBTIPSUMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXGSPNBSFTFBSDIBSUJDMFJOUIFmFME of applied linguistics in the following box It is to be noted that the short review may not conform to the principles of literature SFWJFXTUBUFETPGBSЅVTJUJTUPCFUSFBUFEKVTUBTBTBNQMF OPU as a model Various researchers have recently stressed the similarities between mSTUBOETFDPOEMBOHVBHFBDRVJTJUJPO $PSEFS)BOTFO#FEF 1975; Holley and King 1971; McNamara 1973), pointing out that FSSPSTUZQJDBMPGmSTUMBOHVBHFBDRVJTJUJPO TVDIBTPWFSHFOFSBMJ[BUJPO  BMTPPDDVSJOTFDPOEMBOHVBHFBDRVJTJUJPO 3BWFN3JDIBSET 1974), and that interference is of limited importance (Buteau 1970; 8BSEIBVHI ЅFTFDPODMVTJPOTEJTBHSFFXJUIUIFUSBEJUJPOBM view based on contrastive analysis, concerning the prevalence of interference errors (Fries 1957; Lado 1957; Stockwell, Bowen and Martin 1965) One possible explanation for the disagreement is that interference errors may be more typical of those who have gone through second language training, whereas those who learn a second language in an unstructured, ‘picking-it-up’ situation may VTFTUSBUFHJFTNPSFTJNJMBSUPUIPTFPGUIFmSTUMBOHVBHFMFBSOFS (Adapted from Snow & Hoefnagel- Hohle, 1978, p 335; in Brown & Rodgers, 2002, p.37) 4BNQMF&YUSBDUGSPN-JUFSBUVSF3FWJFX Dos and don’ts It is always invaluable to read literature reviews in other theses PSSFTFBSDIXPSLTЅFZXJMMQSPWJEFQPTTJCMFTUSVDUVSBMNPEFMT for the researcher’s own literature review It is important that her or his literature review has a logical and coherent structure, and that this structure is clearly apparent to his readers Although Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 153 some methods or ways are commonly used in structuring the literature in a review, these methods are by no means the only ways of organizing material (Hart, 1998) Even these methods may not be applicable at all For example, one may like to organize one’s work chronologically, using time as one’s organizing principle But unless developments over time are crucial to explain the context of one’s research problem, using a chronological system will not be right to organize one’s work For an instance, in ‘Objectives of the review’ section of this article, XFIBWFUBMLFEBCPVUUIFFĊFDUTPGCJMJOHVBMJTNPODPHOJUJPOBOE TIPXFEIPXSFTFBSDImOEJOHTDIBOHFEPWFSUJNF*OTVDIDBTFT  chronological presentation is feasible Again one may choose to organize one’s work alphabetically by author name But this system will not allow one to show UIFSFMBUJPOTIJQTCFUXFFOUIFXPSLTPGEJĊFSFOUSFTFBSDIFST  and one’s own work It is to be remembered that the way one chooses to organize one’s review will largely depend upon the type of information that one has gathered and that sometimes a combination of several structural approaches is used (Ibid.) A crucial point to note is that the researcher’s voice, that is, his or her QFSTQFDUJWF QPTJUJPOPSTUBOEQPJOU TIPVMECFDMFBSMZJEFOUJmBCMFJO the literature review Since she or he is writing about other people’s XPSLJUJTFBTZGPSIFSPSIJTPXOWPJDFUPCFMPTUЅFMJUFSBUVSF SFWJFXUIFOSFBETMJLFBNJYUVSFPGEJĊFSFOUUPOFTBOEBSHVNFOUT *UJTJNQPSUBOUUIBU mSTUMZUIFSFTFBSDIFSTUIFPSFUJDBMQPTJUJPOJT explicitly stated and that his or her evaluations become an integral part of his work Secondly, it is important that his or her language clearly indicates his or her own or/and other writers’ attitudes to UIFQBSUJDVMBSRVFTUJPOPSJTTVFVOEFSJOWFTUJHBUJPO4PNFXBZT of using language to this are demonstrated in what follows 154 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges Attitude marker: In 1984, Jenny Cushman, in her ƉĞƌĐĞƉƟǀĞ ĂƌƟĐůĞ͕ Words or ǭdŚĞ ŚŝŶĞƐĞ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ ŝŶ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ŚŝƐƚŽƌŝŽŐƌĂƉŚLJ͛ phrases that ŵĂĚĞ Ă ƉĂƐƐŝŽŶĂƚĞ ƉůĞĂ ĨŽƌ ŚŝƐƚŽƌŝĂŶƐ ƚŽ ŵŽǀĞ ĂǁĂLJ indicate a writer’s ĨƌŽŵ ƐƚƵĚŝĞƐ ŽĨ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ĂƫƚƵĚĞƐ ƚŽ ͞ƌĞůŽĐĂƚĞ ƚŚĞ assessment of ŚŝŶĞƐĞ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŶĞƐĞ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ or attitude to ŝƚƐĞůĨ͘͟ ^ŚĞ ĨƵƌƚŚĞƌ ƵƌŐĞĚ ƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚĞƌƐ ƚŽ ŝŶǀĞƐƟŐĂƚĞ an issue Hedging expression: words or phrases which make statements about the degree of certainty, possibility or probability of a RVFTUJPO ƚŚĞ ǁĂLJ ŚŝŶĞƐĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵƐ͕ ůĞŐĂů ŶŽƟŽŶƐ ĂŶĚ ŬŝŶƐŚŝƉ ƌĞůĂƟŽŶƐ ǁĞƌĞĂĚĂƉƚĞĚƚŽƚŚĞƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ƉŚLJƐŝĐĂůĂŶĚ ƐŽĐŝĂůĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͘/ƚŝƐƚĞŵƉƟŶŐƚŽĐƌĞĚŝƚŵĂŶLJŽĨƚŚĞ ƐƵĐĐĞĞĚŝŶŐĐŚĂŶŐĞƐƚŽƵƐŚŵĂŶ͛ƐĂƉƉĞĂů͘,ŽǁĞǀĞƌƚŚĞ ŶĞǁĂƉƉƌŽĂĐŚĞƐmustďĞǀŝĞǁĞĚǁŝƚŚŝŶƚŚĞĐŽŶƚĞdžƚŽĨ ƚŚĞĐŚĂŶŐŝŶŐƟĚĞŽĨŚŝƐƚŽƌŝŽŐƌĂƉŚLJĂŶĚƚŚĞŝŵƉĂĐƚŽĨ͛ ͚ŵƵůƟĐƵůƚƵƌĂůŝƐŵ͛͘͘ &NQIBUJDFYQSFTTJPO Words or phrases which relate to the strength of the claim or to your degree of DPOmEFODFJOXIBUJTTBJE Ƶƚ ƚŽ ƐĂLJ ƚŚŝƐ ŝƐ ƚŽ ƉŽŝŶƚ ƚŽ ǁŝĚĞƌ ŝŵƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĨŽƌ ŚŝƐƚŽƌLJ ŵĂŬŝŶŐ ŝŶ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ͘ dŚĞ ƵƌŽĐĞŶƚƌŝĐ ŚŝƐƚŽƌŝĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚ ĐĂŶŶŽƚ ƐŝŵƉůLJ ďĞ ĐŽƌƌĞĐƚĞĚ ďLJ ŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ͚ŚŝŶĞƐĞ͕͛ ĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůůLJ ŝĨ ĐůĞĂƌ ĞƚŚŶŝĐ ƐĞƉĂƌĂƟŽŶƐ ďĂƐĞĚŽŶĂƐƐƵŵĞĚƐŝŶŐůĞŝĚĞŶƟƟĞƐĂƌĞŵĂŝŶƚĂŝŶĞĚ͘It is ŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJƚŽŐŽďĞLJŽŶĚKƌŝĞŶƚĂůŝƐƚĐŽŶƚƌĂƐƚƐďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ƵƐĂŶĚƚŚĞŵ͕ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶĂŶĚŚŝŶĞƐĞĂŶĚƚŽĞŶŐĂŐĞŝŶ ĂƌĞͲƌĞĞdžĂŵŝŶĂƟŽŶŽĨƐŝƚĞƐŽĨĚĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞĂŶĚĚŝĂůŽŐƵĞ͘ dŚĞƐĞ ƐŝƚĞƐ ǁŝůů ƐŚŽǁ ƚŚĞ ŶĞĞĚ ƚŽ ĞŶǀŝƐĂŐĞ ŵƵůƟƉůĞ ŝĚĞŶƟƟĞƐ͘ dŚĞLJ ŵĂLJ ĂůƐŽ ƐŽŵĞƟŵĞƐ ƉŽŝŶƚ ƚŽ ƐŚĂƌĞĚ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ ŽĨ Ă ƐŚĂƌĞĚ ǁŽƌůĚ͘ ^ĞƉĂƌĂƚĞ ŚŝƐƚŽƌŝĞƐ ŽĨ ĞƚŚŶŝĐƉĞŽƉůĞƐĂƌĞŶŽƚĞŶŽƵŐŚ͕ĞƐƉĞĐŝĂůůLJŝĨƚŚĞLJƐĞƌǀĞ ƚŽĐŽŶƚĂŝŶĂŶĚĞdžĐůƵĚĞƚŚĞƐĞƉĞŽƉůĞƐ͘/ŶƐƚĞĂĚƚŚĞƌĞŝƐ ĂŶĞĞĚĨŽƌĂŶĞǁƐLJŶƚŚĞƐŝƐŝŶƵƐƚƌĂůĂƐŝĂŶŚŝƐƚŽƌLJ͘dŚĞ crucial ŶĞĞĚĨŽƌŚŝƐƚŽƌŝĂŶƐŝƐƚŽƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůůLJĞŶŐĂŐĞǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞĐŽŶƚĞŵƉŽƌĂƌLJƉŽůŝƟĞƐŽĨĚŝīĞƌĞŶĐĞ͘ Relational maker (underlined): words or phrases that indicate, explicitly or implicitly, the writer’s relationship to the audience or the scholarly community in which they are writing #PMUPO)VETPO  Q 'JHVSF"OFYBNQMFEFNPOTUSBUJOHUIFBVUIPSTPXOWPJDF #PMUPO )VETPO  Q Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 155 It is a prevailing notion that literature review needs to focus on very recent publications because they are the most VQEBUFE*USFNBJOTRVFTUJPOBCMFPOUIFHSPVOEUIBUSFDFOUOFTT JOMJUFSBUVSFiXJMMEFQFOEPOUIFmFME UIFGPDVT BOEUIFUZQFPG the study Although looking only at recent publications might NBLFNPSFTFOTFGPSBSFMBUJWFMZOFXPSBGBTUEFWFMPQJOHmFME  SFTFBSDIJOPUIFSmFMETDBOCFOFmUGSPNBEFFQFSMPPLJOUPUIF SFTFBSDIIJTUPSZPOBTQFDJmDUPQJDw(Irwin, in Feak et al, 2009) If a researcher wants to a research on, for example, Chomsky’s universal grammar or Skinner’s behaviourism, he needs to look more at the seminal works done a long time ago by Chomsky or 4LJOOFSUIBOSFWJFXSFDFOUQVCMJDBUJPOTPOUIFJTTVFTJORVFTUJPO Alongside, there are many other issues in applied linguistics that IBWFCFFONVDISFTFBSDIFEPOЅVT PWFSMPPLJOHUIFQFSUJOFOU works done in the past for the sake of recentness is tantamount UPPWFSFNQIBTJ[JOHSFDFOUXPSLT1VUEJĊFSFOUMZ UIFSFTFBSDIFS IBTUPCFDBSFGVMJOCFBSJOHPOQBTUXPSLTMFTUIFTIPVMETBDSJmDF BOZUIJOHJNQPSUBOUЅFTBNFDBSF GPSFYBNQMF JTTVQQPTFEMZ taken in the present article Finally, the researcher needs to make sure that all of the citations and references are correct and that she or he is referencing in the appropriate style for her or his discipline Alongside, she or he is expected to conform to ethical considerations in her or his research It needs to be ensured that there are no instances of plagiarism In order to ensure these, the researcher had better take recourse to revising, editing and also rewriting the literature review report, when necessary 1FEBHPHJDBM*NQMJDBUJPOT We would like to argue that literature review is replete with so SJDIDPOUFOUTUIBUJUSFRVJSFTUIFBVUIPSTUPCFFRVBMMZQSPmDJFOUJO certain higher order reading, writing, study and critical thinking TLJMMTFHRVPUJOH TVNNBSJ[JOH QBSBQISBTJOH TZOUIFTJ[JOH  PSHBOJ[JOHUIPVHIUTBOEXSJUJOH QSFTFOUJOHUIFNJOBVOJmFE way, using transitional devices, using other types of rhetorical 156 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges EFWJDFTJOXSJUJOH DSJUJRVJOHUIFFBSMJFSXSJUJOHT OPUFUBLJOHBOE note making, annotating etc To be able to produce a well written MJUFSBUVSFSFWJFX PЂFOMFBSOFST XIPBSFQVSTJOHSFTFBSDI OFFEUP CFUBVHIUUIFTFTLJMMT*UJTPЂFOGPVOEUIBUJOUSBEJUJPOBMMZEFTJHOFE SFTFBSDINFUIPEPMPHZDPVSTFT BEFRVBUFUJNFJTBMMPDBUFEGPSSFTFBSDI design, data collection, interpretation, statistics, and so on However, little or no time is allocated for literature review which is a highly challenging part of the entire dissertation writing process In the domain of applied linguistics language teachers of, for example, reading and writing, critical thinking, study skills and research UFDIOJRVFTOFFEUPQBZTQFDJBMBUUFOUJPOUPFOBCMJOHTUVEFOUTUP write literature review which advanced level learners need to learn BTBSFTFBSDIUPPMJOUIFJSmFMEPGTUVEZ8IBUJTPЂFOBTUSJLJOH lack in literature review, as found in the authors’ observation, is the absence of critical dimension, which has to be seriously dealt with in order to avoid mere presentation of secondary data Apart from other linguistic lessons from the research genre in applied linguistics, lessons of criticality, relevance and self-voice are thus to be instructed to learners $PODMVTJPO 5PSFDBQJUVMBUF BMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXIFMQTUIFSFTFBSDIFSUPmOEPVU what others have learned and reported on a particular problem 1FSGPSNJOHBMJUFSBUVSFSFWJFXIFMQTEFmOFBOVOSFTPMWFEQSPCMFN In Seliger and Shohamy’s (1989) words, it “helps the researchers to generate and select a research topic, expand their understanding, and broaden their knowledge and perspective of that topic, and at UIFTBNFUJNFBSSJWFBUBSFTFBSDIBCMFBOEXFMMEFmOFERVFTUJPO for the research” (p.69) Once relevant information is located for the review, the next step is to synthesize it into a coherent literature SFWJFXSFQPSUЅFSFTFBSDIFSTHPBMBUUIJTQPJOUJTUPQSFTFOUB bird’s eye view of the literature related to the particular research problem In a nutshell, through a literature review the researcher EFmOFTUIFSFTFBSDIQSPCMFN BOEFYUSBDUTBOETZOUIFTJ[FTUIF NBJOQPJOUT JTTVFTBOEmOEJOHTXIJDIFNFSHFGSPNBOJOEFQUI Literature Review in Applied Linguistics: A Conceptual Framework 157 review of the body of literature related to the research problem All of these things need to be taken into crucial consideration so as to make an informed literature review which will pave the way for an enriched research work In applied linguistics, literature review usually sticks to areas like language forms, functions, skills, approaches, methods, socio-cultural variables and so on Review of each particular area will stand on shoulders of previous studies JOUIFBSFB*UXJMMQSPWJEFCPUIUIFDPOUFYUBOEKVTUJmDBUJPOGPS the proposed study in line with the broader discipline of applied linguistics, taking into account theoretical premises established by research tradition in the discipline 3FGFSFODFT APA (2001) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.) Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Baker, C (2001) Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (3rd Ed.) UK: Multilingual Matters Ltd Best, J.W., & Kahn, J.V (2003) Research in Education New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited Bolton, G., & Hudson, W (1997) Creating Australia: Changing Australian History Sydney: Allen & Unwin Brown, J.D., & Rodgers, T.S (2002) Doing Second Language Research Oxford: Oxford University Press Chandra, S.S., & Kumar, R (2002) Research in Education New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors %ÚSOZFJ ;  Research Method in Applied Linguistics Oxford: OUP Feak, C.V., Irwin, V., & Swales, J.M (2009) Online Commentary for Telling a Research Story: Writing a Literature Review In Michigan ELT Retrieved from Hart, C (1998) Doing a Literature Review.ЅPVTBOE0BLT4BHF 6,  Islam, N (2008) An Introduction to Research Methods Dhaka: Mullick & Brothers Kothari, C.R (2003) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques (2nd edition) New Delhi: New Age International Publishers 158 English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and Challenges Mohanraj, S (2011) Design of an ELT thesis In Prasad, V.V.N.R., Mohanraj, S., Rao, K.N and Prabhakar, R (Eds.) Perspectives on ELT: Select Essays New Delhi: Prestige Books International Nunan, D (1992) Research Methods in Language Learning Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Seliger, H.W., & Shohamy, E (1989) Second Language Research Methods Oxford: Oxford University Press Teitelbaum, H (1998) )PXUP8SJUFBЅFTJT4JOHBQPSFЅPNTPO"TJB Ptd Ltd ... applied linguistics It is found that in writing literature review a number of factors come into consideration If it is a part (as usually it is) of a broader research work in applied linguistics, ... elucidate in some detail all of the relevant factors mentioned above in general, with a view to conceptualizing the know-how of literature review in applied linguistics in particular Finally, it... analyzing and evaluating the literature It will help them focus on how and why the authors make certain points and prevent them from merely summarizing what they say Literature Review in Applied Linguistics:

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