yes Looking for accommodation 1.. on the computer/ online 9.. theater and dinner/ sightseeing 10.. no Houses in England 1... yes Accommodation in Canada 1.. Evening meals 10.. Bathr
Trang 1UNIT 1:
Renting a Flat
1 16 Church
2 furnished/
3 3 or 4 people
4 all by gas
5 $350 a month
6 gas
7 beginning of April
8 no
Looking for a house
1 a furnished house
2 four/4
3 a three-bedroom
house/ fully
furnished house
4 27 Victory
5 Ten/10 minutes’
6 All by electricity
7 $500 a month
8 electricity
9 from 1 June
10 yes
Looking for
1 too expensive
2 near the university
3 too big
4 near the tube
5 reasonably priced
6 2348 Church
7 Harper
8 5216739
London Discount Hotel
1 More than 200
2 Londoners
3 (quality) hotels
4 low-cost
5 close
6 shopping
7 continental breakfast
8 on the computer/
9 theater and dinner/
10 no
Houses in England
1 B
2 A
3 C
4 B
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 B
9 C
10 B
Why are they empty?
1 one million/
2 spend the money
3 investment
4 crime
5 every four/4
6 at risk
7 T
8 T
9 F
10 T
Looking for a homestay family
1 Cousin
2 Retired
3 Pets
4 The dog
5 39 Forest
6 150 pounds
7 A month’s rent/ 600 pounds
8 No
9 Yes
10 Very soon
11 Tomorrow at 10 / June 4
Advice from the accommodation officer
1 Jack Lee
2 Financial
3 Common
4 Welfare
5 Creditors
6 Explanation
7 Give some idea
8 T
9 T
10 F
How to pay an electricity bill
1 A week
2 3 months
3 Meter reader
4 Staff member
5 Posting
6 A charge
7 Join
8 F
9 T
Trang 210 T
11 F
Electricity supply
1 A notice
2 Less than two
3 18 High
4 Two weeks’ time
5 A supply
6 T
7 F
8 F
9 T
10 F
Youth hostels
1 Cycling
2 Money
3 Happy
4 Warm sweater
5 Meals and beds
6 Students
7 Rural areas
8 A common room
9 Bars
10 Basic
11 A bed
12 One hundred fifty/
13 Nearly three
thousand/ 3,000
14 200 pounds
15 yes
Accommodation in
1 A
2 D
3 C
4 B
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 T
9 F
10 T
11 F
12 T
Room Booking
1 Geoffrey
2 19th September
3 210
4 Cash
Accommodation Offer
1 435
2 Kitchen
3 Washing machine
4 Inconvenient
5 TV and VCR
6 Washbasin
7 Noisy
8 Lamp
9 Evening meals
10 Bathroom
Accommodation Request Form
1 Aaron
2 18
3 316C
4 Improve English
5 7586 3344
6 Bathroom and balcony
7 Campus
8 Rent
9 Water
10 6th October