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Excellent 2 activity book

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'Ns \r, \.'1 \l J s$ ^ | f \ ,s The MysteryTroin Course consultonts: DionoWebster ondAnneWorroll & s ffi Reod ondcomplete I'm Me-Xar't I'm I like er"Xht eats I don't like wGte- Een YllYze Jootba,U Spi/el'S Rict< nLne Lee cre.qm boLs I A9utg Rickis Letru c,lotlnp-s nlne i s e i g h t S o l l yl i k e s rc Bendoesn'tlike 5 Solly SI/\A.L€,5 likesicecreom snokes cots of Drow o picture yourself ondwriteyour ogein yournotebook you Drowsomething you likeondsomething dont like ts Lookondreod Writeyesor no fnt Twochildrenore lookingot the hippo ge5 Theelephont is eotingon or qnge no Thewomonis tokingo photo Twomonkeysore ployingin the woter Them on is eotingon opple Thegiroffeis lookingqt the mon Thehippois swim m ing la\ lL \ Lookond write She's bike cot porrot fish pizzo spoceship BoL a plzza tr f Listen ondmime I'm sw i mmi n g i n theseq q I'm sittingin chqir I'm openingthe door I'm flyingin the oir lA Complete thesentences I' m eotingo bonono I'm gettingin the cor I'm stondingon one leg I'm ployingthe guitor Dovld's €oLtrer is ployingtennis is woshingthe cor is ridingo bike is eotingon ice creom is reodingo book is ployingthe guitor Listen ondwritethenumbers W W ffi Reod ondwritethenomes Thencolour MLck Mickhosgot shortblondhoir Hes weoringo redT-shirt, bluejeons ondwhiteshoes He'seotingo bonono Jennyhosgot shortbrownhoir Shes weoringo bluedressondblue shoes Shes eotingon opple Ninohosgot longblondhoir Shes weoringo whiteT-shirt, bluejeons ondredshoes Shes gotd pinkrobbit Glenhosgotshortblockhoir He'sweoringo yellowsweoter, greentrousers ondblockshoes Hesgoto skoteboord Writesentences withtJtisor thst lA Whots W hos LhqL It s my teocher Itso troin yourpen? ls Yes yourspoceship? is my friend He llo ffi Answer Yes, I csnor No,t cont Conyouwolk on your honds? Conyourideo horse? ffi Conyoutouchyourtoes? Conyoucloseoneeye? Askondonswer Ask your pertner.Tiskthe orlswers Conyourideo horse? Conyoutouchyourtoes? Conyouswim? Conyoucloseoneeye? Conyouwolkonyourhonds? Conyouskoteboqrd? Sqrq Writeoboutyourportnerin yournotebook She Yes No tr tr tr tr D tr tr tr D tr tr tr cantL cqn rede- q Louch ler Li s t e no n d d r o w l i n e s ffiffi in theposttense YesLerdqq Writesentences 1\ere J Lhere uJqS rdere Lr^ro mLce q €csh on Lhe Lqbte ldrenondcomplete thechort ploytennis Mortin Christine Soroh re x \t/ swim Useconor cont writeo sentence obouteochchildin yournotebook Mq€Ln cqn plag Lennls bJL he cqnL rede a, l:rrr* ondonswers Questions Thenfindthe onswerond writethe number Lookot the questions Whotsyournome? Howoldoreyou? Whotcolourqreyoureyes? Wheredo youlive? Whotoreyouweoring? colour? Whotsyourfovourite Conyouswim? I Whotdoyis it todoy? l-l I T T T tr tr tr pon, qndo sweoter Its Wednesdoy Itsyellow They'rebrown I'mten No,I cont Morio ln London Morywentto hergrondmother's M4 dJ openthe hodon olddollshouse.Morypushed therewoso , o holl Therewerethree ond o ioom.Upstoirs therewoso toilet ondfourchoirsin thedining ,o ffi@-.@inthekitdren ffiHffi , o b ig Therewosn'to ondo smollbedroom Thereweretwo Morydrewo wosonebedin thesmollbedroom Here3Mory'spicture.Circle5 mistokes ond write oboutthem Therewerep"ful;e3**Shg1Lrg in the kitchen Therewerefourchqi6 in the in the big bedroom Therewqsnto downstqirs Therewosnto of thedolls thaL'g o plone qre kites is q comero ore knights Whot toysdid Grondfotherhove when he wqs young? q costle He *****_hqd ge O_u"gnj"L* o computer q troin He Don't How Latl is it? It'stwenty-one metrestqll 3-;p6lg How is it? swim in the fountoin Write the numbers qnd completefhe senfences.- touchthe stotue ?*_ lt'sfour metres*_Lg!!* Q lt'soversevenhundredond fiftyyeqrs*_dd ""*/fb over sixhundredyeors _ /fS three metres _" /fb over four hundred yectrs I wont to be ,/ ( I wontto be ), /, I wontto be I r^:OnL LO b e o c o ok I wqnt to be be o doctor Find4 jobs.Drow lines I Iwotk in o school I floy footboll l nwke films I weor shortsond o T-shirt I consingond donce l'm l'm l'm l'm o cook o footboll ployer o film stor o teocher He'sgoingto hisbike * ?* I /.1 Shes './ jumpinthewoter s- qolnq Lo tqke o photo Hes tJ_ tJShe'sgoingto the lodder eqt on icecreom A girl is goingto tokeo photo A boy is goingto fqll off hisskoteboqrd A boy is goingto eqton icecreqm A mon is goingtoploy tennis Twogirls ore goingtojump in the woter A boy is goingto eqt o pizzo ore polluLLno ' ( 7' -" Thesechildren ore *c3 Theoir is dirtybecouse cors it becouse thereis no roinondnofood Cl Theseoqndtherivers oredirtybecouse peoplethrow in them Africonelephonts ore in becousepeople kill themfor their How cqn we help? We cqn our bikes Wecon rubbish Iilotch the questionsond qnswerc Wftfsre Africonelephontsin donger? W|f s/e pondosin donger? frffi?oresomechildrenhungry? Ufffifqresornefishin donger? $fry the oir dirty? Becousecorsarepollutingit Becousepeopleorepollutingthe seo Becousepeopleore cuttingdown their forests Becousepeoplekill themfor their fusks Becousethey hove no food Uniltll Lookof the picturesof Ken3teqm Writethe nsmes Kenis nextto Robond in front ofJock Somis behindJock Pefeis nextto Robsnd in front of Eddie Johnis behindEddie Morkis nexttoJohnond behindDqve I mugLn'L pick up the boll I eot heolthyfood scofo gool -\ \ (fd troin everydoy go to bed lote ^4 i5 \;ll \*tlz ekaven I - TonughL I'm golng Lo go Lo bed earlg\ *ore @gMM g @E@ @ffi@ MBE@ Stnes going to He'sgoingto She's She's They'regoingto llrrcrfriend in trugl,tol o postcord buy food reod o book o film ;lllffnus Anne'slist llWlln&le dkl shego first? riiitrmt shewentto the shewentto the q$ffirr,,[,,ri[df shewent to the librory rl{,filf shewent to the shewentto the €roroAl^,iguo" 7'^" u.q';)w; h o.t' ?eVz Museum Quiz Conyouonswerthe questions? Whqtwqsit colled? Brochiosourus How toll wosit? * metres Howlongwosit? metres Whqtdid it eot? How mqny legsdid it hove? o jo I ) I'd like $me opplejuice got qng opplejuice hoven't We'vegot_ orongejuice We hoven'tgot spoghetti We'vegot burgers {Cffit- @;l ? Therobber - is tqll ond thin, - hosgot short curly hoir - is eoting o pieceof pizzo, - hosgot on umbrellq, - trcvelsby bus, - isnt drinking q cup of coffee lrlunber '-'/ Excellent!is o four-level PrimoryEnglish coursethot offersthe rightlevelof chollenge to help pupilsochievereol results.Pupilsproctisethefourskillsfrom the beginning throughtosksthot relote to theirown livesond stimulote theirimaginotions Cleqrpoir-workoctivitiesmokeleorningmore memoroble in the clqssroom ond encouroEe colloborqtion ln Level 2: A motivotingcortoonstory(TheMysteryTroin)introduceskey longuoge o n d e n g o g e sp u p i l s'i mo g i n o ti o n s TolkTimepogespresentuseful,everydoylonguogein reolisticcontexts FoctFr7es provideextendedreodingprocticeond culturolinformqtion IesfTimepogesin the ActivityBookhelpprepqrepupilsfor the CombridgeYoungLeqrnersexoms:Movers My Exce|ent!WordEook(o pult-outbookletwith stickersin the Activity Book)offersfun revisionond o hondylonguogereference tevel 2'includ,Os: Pupils:,Book, ActivityBook Tegdrerls.Gu,ide Pl65,h,ggpclg : Posterr'Pock Clsis,Cossettes ThfeePenguiltYoungReodersore reaommended,with thislevel,iReoder-s ore qRideolwoy reodin$for pleosure to boostreodingskillsqnd encouro,ge, BNO 582-77841-7 805 412 ... wontto wotct TV/ go to the zoo ThenI wontto ploywith my presents/ reodo book 2Toro Luke in Writeoboutthechildren yournotebook 24 ploytennis/ gotothecinemo | wontto / go shopping ThenI wontto go swimming... r w€-fLtr tro tr n€- zoo flaged foot^bott (9 Wednesdoy plaged Lennls Thursdoy pZaye-d baske-bba 22 t^snL Lo Lhe cLnema Fridoy rsqLched we-nL shoppr-nX Whot did he on Thursdoy? TV He renL Lp L.he-c-l-nema... shedo on Tuesdoy? Shecleonedherbedroom Theyployedtennis Whot did he on Fridoy? Heployedfootboll 22 ffi ondonswers Questions Lookof the questions Thenfind the onswerqnd write the number u DidyouwotchTVlostnight?

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2017, 02:37

Xem thêm: Excellent 2 activity book

