tr f Listen ond mime.lA Complete the sentences.. W W Listen ond write the numbers.ffi Reod ond write the nomes.. ldren ond complete the write o sentence obout eoch ch
Trang 2The Mystery Troin
& s
, s
Trang 3ffi Reod ond complete.
I ' m I ' m I l i k e I don't like
Trang 4ts Look ond reod Write yes or no.
Two children ore looking ot the hippo
T h e e l e p h o n t i s e o t i n g o n o r q n g e The womon is toking o photo
Two monkeys ore ploying in the woter
T h e m o n is e o t i n g o n o p p l e The giroffe is looking qt the mon
1 She's
BoL a plzza.
Trang 5tr f Listen ond mime.
lA Complete the sentences.
I ' m s w i m m i n g i n t h e s e q I'm sitting in q chqir
I'm opening the door
I'm flying in the oir
I ' m e o t i n g o b o n o n o I'm getting in the cor
I'm stonding on one leg
I'm ploying the guitor
€oLtrer is ploying tennis.
is woshing the cor
Trang 6W W Listen ond write the numbers.
ffi Reod ond write the nomes Then colour.
Mick hos got short blond hoir.
He s weoring o red T-shirt, blue jeons
ond white shoes He's eoting o bonono.
Nino hos got long blond hoir.
She s weoring o white T-shirt, blue jeons
ond red shoes She s got d pink robbit.
Jenny hos got short brown hoir.
She s weoring o blue dress ond blue shoes She s eoting on opple.
Glen hos got short block hoir.
He's weoring o yellow sweoter, green trousers ond block shoes.
Trang 7lA Write sentences with tJtis or thst.
Trang 8ffi Answer Yes, I csn or No, t cont.
1 Con you wolk on your honds?
3 Con you ride o horse? 4 Con you close one eye?
N o
tr tr
tr tr tr
tr tr tr tr
Con you touch your toes?
ffi Ask ond onswer.
Ask your pertner Tisk the orlswers
Con you ride o horse?
Con you touch your toes?
Con you swim?
Con you close one eye?
Con you wolk on your honds?
Con you skoteboqrd?
Sqrq cantL rede- q She cqn Louch ler
Write obout your portner in your notebook.
Trang 10ldren ond complete the chort.
re write o sentence obout eoch child in your notebook Use con or cont.
Mq€Ln cqn plag Lennls bJL he cqnL rede a, l:rrr*
Questions ond onswers.
Look ot the questions Then find the onswer ond write the number
tr tr tr
1 Whots your nome?
2 How old ore you?
3 Whot colour qre your eyes?
4 Where do you live?
5 Whot ore you weoring?
6 Whots your fovourite colour?
7 Con you swim?
I Whot doy is it todoy?
Trang 11Fill in the bubbles Use sentences from the box.
Trang 12Reod the story Look of the pictures ond the exomple Write one-word qnswers.
My nome isJock I'm o boy, I live in Lonr
ono snoft rorr il
On Soturdoy, I olwoys ploy on my On Sundoy, we go for o wolk
I con ploy the o n d I c o n ri d e o
b u t r c q n t
My fovourite food I like
but I dont like
My fother is o
Which is the best title for this story?
Tick one box.
fl rvy two cots
E rne funfoir
1 1
Trang 13Yesterdoy Nigel hod o busy doy He (wosh) !^;qghed
shopping He (ploy) footboll He (climb)
Trang 142 o t e c r e o m o n i c e B e n
They to funfoir went the
Theg upnL Lo Lhe €un€qlr
4 troin They in the climbed
3 ot looked They elephonts the
Trang 15ffi Look ot the pictures ond write sentences obout yesterdoy.
Trang 16|t I Listen ond complete the chort.
b E
d r
There ore three bedrooms upstoirs There s o bothroom, o
toilet ond o kitchen downstqirs There s o porrot in the bothroom
There's q kitchen ond o bothroom upstoirs There s o bedroom ond
o living room downstoirs There s q mouse in the kitchen
Theres o bedroom, o bothroom ond o toilet upstoirs Theres q
living room ond o kitchen downstoirs There s q cot in the living room
Trang 17Urilt 4
6 Reod ond motch.
l-l ,r is hoppy E ,n, opens the fridge.
Write whot hoppened.
I t s e m p t y !
Sue is very hungry
She sees o fruit stoll
St.le urqs verg hungrg
Trang 18Find ond write.
Alberts bedroom Joes bedroom
1 Whot time do you get up?
7:00 o.m 8:00 o.m 9:00 o.m
I ,*L ep qb se.rcn- olclpcK.\ t r
-Whot time do you come home? 4
2:00 p.m 3:00 p.m; 4:00 p.m
circle the time Then write.
Whot time do you go to sdrool?
7:00 o.m 8:00 o.m 9:00 o.m
Whot time do you go to bed?
7:00 p.m 8:00 p.m 9:00 p.m
1 7
Trang 19E Write obout the pictures.
Where were the mice qt seven o'clock?
Theg urere behlnd Lhe q!o-ck
3 Where were the mice of nine o'clock?
2 Where were the mice ot eiqht o'clock?
4 Where were the mice ot ten o'clock?
1 8 They were on the troin. They were under o choir.
Trang 21Fill in the bubbles Use sentences from the box.
lts time to go home
lts time to get up
I'm sorry I hovent
got time
Let's hove o pizza!
lts time for lunch
Trang 22Look of the pictures ond reod the story Answer the questions.
Do not write more thon fhree words \
My nome is Tlm I live with my mum ond
dod We ve got o block ond white cot qnd
her nome is Fluffy
Yesterdoy it wos my dod s birthdoy He wqs
thirty-four Mum gove him q clock
Dod put the clock in the dining room lt wqs
neorly three o'clock At three o'clock, o little
bird come out of the clock ond soid 'Cuckoo'
three times 'Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo.'
Fluffy didnt like the little bird She jumped
on the choir ond looked ot the clock
1 Whot colour is Fluffy?
2 How old is Tim s fother?
3 Where did Tim s fother put the clock?
4 Whot wos in the clock?
5 Who didnt like the little bird?
Whot is Fluffys fovourite toy?
Where did Tim ond his porents go in the evening?
Whot time did they come bock?
Where wos Fluffy?
blqck qM u-:hlLe Ln
Mum soid 'No, Fluffy You cont hove the bird
Ploy with your mouse.' She gove Fluffy o pinkmouse This is Fluffys fovourite toy, but Fluffydidn't look ot it She just looked ot the new clock.'Come on Fluffy,' soid Dod 'Lets go in the
gorden.' He picked up Fluffy ond put her in thegorden ond closed the door
In the evening we went to the cinemq We comehome ot nine o'clock ond found Fluffy in thedining room ogoin She wos under the clock
The birds in our gorden ore hoppy Fluffy doesntlook ot them She sits on the choir oll doy ondwoits for the bird in the clock
Trang 23Look, reod ond complete.
This is Megon ond Rick's diory for lost week
t^snL LoLhe cLnema
Whot did he do on Thursdoy?
Whot did she do on Tuesdoy?
He renL Lp L.he- c-l-nema
She cleoned her bedroom
They ployed tennis
He ployed footboll
2 2
Whot did he do on Fridoy?
Trang 24ffi Questions ond onswers.
Look of the questions Then find the onswer qnd write the number
1 Did you wotch TV lost night?
2 Whot did Solly do yesterdoy?
3 Did Rick ond Megon go to the funfoir?
4 Did you ploy footboll yesterdoy?
5 Whot did Ben do yesterdoy?
6 Did Rick toke o photo?
W Write the questions.
The Question Mochine is going wrong Correct the questions
-D'd-gsJ-go -b-o b-l:e
Whqt Tuesdoy
Trang 25& Write sentences with wontto.
ffi @ Listen ond circle.
2Toro 3 Luke
1 | wont to / goto the cinemoThen I wont to ploy footboll / go swimming
Then I wont to go skoteboording / hove lundt
I wont to open my presents / climb o tree
Then I wont to wotct TV / go to the zoo
Then I wont to ploy with my presents / reod o book
3 | wont to ploy tennis / goto the cinemo
Then I wont to go swimming / go shopping
Then I wont to eot o pizzo / eot coke!
Write obout the children in your notebook.
Trang 26G wrre your orory.
-r Fill in your diory \rWite one thing for eoch doy Hide it from your
portner Ask questions ond fill in your portners diory
Trang 27Drow Then write.
Sir John
I sow o drogon, b cot
o n d o w i t c h l d i d n ' tsee q monster
Write obout the fourth knight in your notebook.
Trang 28ffi Ask ond onswer.
Th:nk obout when you were six Complete the questions
Then csk your portner ond tick the qnswers
Yes N o
1 Did you hove o computer?
2 you hove o bike?
4 Did you ploy vuith toy cors? 9 P v ,
6 Were you ofroid of woter?
7 ofroid of the dork?
fllhen PeLer hlqg hc dldn'L have q
compr"rLer He had o blk-e He had q peL-
IA usqs q mouse He plaged sLLh Log cqrs
He dldnt Coy r+LLh dolts He r^rqgn'L q€rqld
o€ ,^rqL-er He r^lqg qfrold o€ Lhe- aqrL
tejhen I t^lqg sLx.
2 7
Trang 29l$ write this, thst, ffiese or ffiose.
Trang 30:l-s6*i,itr
ilffi l!!l Listen ond complete the chort.
Answer the questions.
1 Did Foulo ploy tennis yesterdoy?
2 Did she go swimming?
3 Did she go shopping?
4 Did Wendy ploy tennis?
5 Did she wotch TV?
she dldn'L.
ffi Reod ond colour.
went to the
c i n e m q
The Green Knight is toll
The Red Knight is short
The Yellow Knight is yoThe Blue Knight is fot
The Oronge Knight is thin
The Block Knight is old
Trang 31Fill in the bubbles Use sentences from the box.
Trang 32Reod the text ond choose the best onswer.
Whot did you do yesterdoy?
A I'm going to the beqch
B I went to the beoch
C I wont to go to the beoch
2 D q n :Ken:
4 D o n :Ken:
6 D q n : Ken:
C Very well, thonk you
Did you ploy footboll on Wednesdoy?
Trang 342 The Tower of London
The Tower of London is now q museum
lt's over 800 / 9OO / 950 yeors old
fts qbout 30 / 40 / 45 metres toll
Tower Bridge is very big lts 28 / 35 / 48 metrestoll ond its over 80 / 100 / 150
yeors old
This is o very toll tower in London
lt's'180 / 25O / 300 metres tqll lts not very old
fts neorly 30 / 40 / 50 yeors old
ffi complete the sentences.
1 Richord s house is Lhi€9
Trang 35Write sentences with dont.
eot ploy ploy ride sit on touch
Trang 36Listen ond complete the chort.
Trang 37bqnonq book footboll guitor music picture shopping swimming tennis TV
6 She reqd a book
He ptaged €ooLbott
Trang 38Listen ond drow.
;:x t* [$y \N*n*x *n$ Sr*lv * iin*
Whot did Mr Wozz do? Write.
He r^:enL Ln L-he garden and 3qt^l some sLqLves Then
r n n g
" : 0 m
3 7
Trang 39Questions ond onswers.
l-ook of the questlons Then find the snswer ond write the nurnber
1 Where did you go yesterdoy?
2 Whot did you see?
3 Did your sister go to the museum?
4 Did your brother go to the museum?
5 Where is the museum?
6 How old is it?
7 Do you like museums?
Motch ond write.
I vee she did.
Yes, I do
I sow some pictures
Its over two hundred yeors old
I went to the museum
No he didn't
3 8
l q n d A
Trang 40-Listen ond write.
Listen t* the ehildnen *nd cinele ths cnswens
Liso mechonic police officer doctor
Alison police officer teocher film stqr
Mork teocher film stqr footboll ployer
Now write whot they wont to be.
Alsn" 5.1qn-L-E Lp- hg a_ nnec.hsn-L.s,
Whqt do you wont to be?
E Choose the correct words.
You see this smoll onimol ot night
You con ploy with this on windy doys
These shine ot night
This bird con tqlk
This bird con t fly
Trang 41Fill in the bubbles Use sentences from the box.
lt went thot woy
Which woy did the
mouse go?
lts thot wcy
Its one thousqnd
How toll ore you?
How much is this
Which woy is the
zoo, pleose?
Trang 42*: : -,, 0t the pictures ond reod the story Answer the questions.
I : - rt write more thon three words.
' - : n e is Joon Lost week I went to visit
, \ ' r e ' e did Horry sit?
,'* l rofl into the room?
d o w n , ' h e s o i d 'Don't touch the choir,' I sqid But Horrywos o bod boy qnd he sot on it
A mon ron into the room 'Pleose don tsit there Thot choir is ninety yeqrs old.'Horry wos very sorry
Then I went to the shop ondbought o book obout the costle
4 1
Trang 43Lo llsLen Lo musle.
l$ Write sentences with going to.
Now osk your portner.
Whot qre you going to do todoy?
Whqt qre you going to do on Soturdoy?
y o u r p o r t n e r i s g o i n g t o d o o n
yo-o r e g yo-o i n g t o d o o n S o t u r d o l '
4 2
Trang 44Correct the sentences.
.C-boys ore going to go shopping
bqJs qren'L
Borng t=o 0owomon is going to wqsh o sweoter.shooolng Jl'le-g'r' $9lng Lo go swr-mm$g:
e cqts ore going to jump on the choir
- - e old mon is going to eot on opple
: - ' - e g i r l is going t o c l i m b o t r e e
r -'-e cowboy is going to ride o bike
4 3
Trang 45M S
Write the questions.
L*n i* t*ikis$ t* $H*" Sh* is E*inE t* s*e * filrx
Len: tr)hoL €itm qre ge9 golng Lo *e?
Mo: The Red Plonet
Mo: At six o'clock
Where is it on?
Whqt sort of film is it? Whqt time does it stort? Whot film ore you going
to see?
Whot sort of films do you like?
Trang 46B N Listen ond write.
Listen to the ehildren smd tiek the chcrt
Trang 47Reod the story on page 48 of your Pupils' Book
Then close the book nnd try to complete these sentences
Mr Wozz qnd the children through the green
They were in the Green Spoce Stotion
qt o screen ond tolked qbout the Eorth's
is the oir brown?' osked Solly
the cors ore polluting it,' soid Mr Wozz
d e b
s u betkidrleodoriod
e l e p h o n tlookedproblemsriver
r u b b i s h
s e l lthemtuskswent
Trang 49f,ffi f;:;;r;'l
$ffi liffi'l Listen ond write the correct doy.
I 'F-s:,:1: I
Whmt did Kenry do lost week?
Mondoy Tuesdoy Wednesdoy Thursdoy Fridoy Soturdoy Sundoy
ffi write it, them, her or him.
Where s my skoteboord? Hove you got - LLLook qt those birds Con you see , ?Its Sollys birthdoy I'm going to visit
Rick is ploying footbqll Look ot
Kerry ond her friends ore doing o sponsored swim
This is my new bike Do you wont to ride
Lets sponsor
Trang 51Fill in the bubbles Use sentences from the box.
I'm not sure
Yes, pleose
Yes, l o m Are you going to jump? No, I don't think so
Are you going to eot thot? ls it going t o r o i n ?
Trang 52Reod the text ond choose the best onswer.
Dqve: Hello ls thqt you, Grondpo?
How mony sponsors hove you got?
A She s got five
B I've got five
C I wont five
Fontostic I'm going to give you t5
A l t s O K
B I'm not sure
C Thonk you, Grondpo
This is Dove I'm doing o sponsoredswim Pleose will you sponsor rre?Why ore you doing o
sponsored swim?
A Becquse I wont to pick upthe rubbish
B Becouse I con't swim
C Becquse I wont to mqke moneyfor hungry children
Where ore you going to do it?
A On Thursdoy
B At two o'clock
C At the swimming pool
How much money ore yougoing to get?
Trang 54B Write our, their, his or her.
We live in o smoll town Our
Tom ond Cothy ore friends
My sister ond I love onimols
My fother is o dentist Todoy is
m ffi Listen ond number.
Write qbout the pictures.
Trang 55ffi Write sentences with in frontof, nextto or on.
Do you like footboll?
Which teom do you support?
Who is your fovourite footboll ployer?
Trang 56When do the Young Lions ploy their motches?
Sundoy morning / Sundoy ofternoon / Soturdoy morning
Whot time does lon go to bed?
My friend Rob hos got glosses
My teocher hos got o cqmero
My sister is behind my ount
My uncle hos got long hoir
My dod con t find his shoes
My mum supports Liverpool,
My ount is weoring three T-shirts 5 5
Trang 57ffi Look ond reod Write yes or no.
A mon is going into the librory
The post office is next to the hospitol
A girl is toking o photo
A womon is riding o bike
There ore three girls in front of the post office
The mon in the T-shirt is picking up rubbish
*J-* -no
ffi Choose ond write.
Becouse I'm going to toke o photo
Becouse there s q monster behind you
Becouse lVe got o surprise
Becouse we're going to hove dinner
1 Close your eyes