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Tổng hợp bài tập trắc nghiệm và tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit 9: Deserts có đáp án

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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí DESERTS TEST Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a grasses b stretches c comprises d potatoes a lie b wide c circle d comprise a compound b route c house d south a dune b hummock c shrub d buffalo a west b between c growth d which Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one Sahara of Africa is the world's largest desert a Ø/ the b The/ Ø c A/ an d The/ an Deserts can be defined as areas that receive average annual precipitation of less than 250 mm a a b an c the d Ø The Sahara contains complex linear dunes that are by almost kilometers a developed b separated c lay d located A _ is a landscape or region that receives very little precipitation a dune b desert c sandy area d shrub land 10 Deserts are often composed of and rocky surfaces a water b trees c oil d sand 11 Three great stretches of sandy deserts almost circle the center of Australia a dunes b valleys c lands d areas 12 Deserts are also classified by their location and dominant weather pattern a geographical b aerial c sandy d facial 13 Thanks to pictures taken by satellites, deserts have not a mystery in our time a hidden b intended c remained 14 Deserts take one-third of the Earth's land surface a up b on c over d after d attained VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 15 The Simpson Desert was named _ Mr Simpson, President of the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australia a with b at c after d for 16 In 1953, Peveril Meigs divided desert regions Earth categories according to the amount of precipitation they received a through/ in b from/ with c on/ into d in/ for 17 More and more are very excited at discovering as many interesting things in the deserts as possible a explores b explorations c explorers d exploratory 18 Can you make a estimate of how much our expedition in the desert may be? a rough b roughly c roughing d roughen 19 After Peter had returned from the Sahara desert, he was confined to bed by a disease a mystery b mysterious c mysteriously d mysteriousness 20 I want to work as an interpreter in the future, , I am studying Russian at university a but b so c however d therefore 21 I am going shopping for food this evening I not have to go at the weekend a so b but c however d moreover 22 When she got the news from her family, she could not anything, cry a but b and c so d however 23 Mrs Lindon has that she is unable to get a job a but not enough education c however little education b so little education d such little education 24 That small car, , is advertised in many current magazines a so inexpensive and comfortable b however inexpensive and comfortable c inexpensive but comfortable d and inexpensive but comfortable 25 We live in the same building we have hardly seen each other a and b therefore c but d so 26 I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD the shop didn't have it VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a and b but c therefore d so 27 Anna needed some money, , she took a part-time job a furthermore b moreover c however d therefore 28 Julie has a guitar she plays it really well a and b so c but d therefore 29 My fingers were injured my sister had to write the note for me a and b however c so d but 30 The concert was cancelled we went to a nightclub instead a so b however c so on d but Error Identification 31 Desert is a large area of land that has very little water however very few A B C plants growing on it (and) D 32 Rain falls occasionally in deserts so desert storms are often violent A B (but) C D 33 The Nile River, the Colorado River, but the Yellow River flow through A (and) B deserts to deliver their sediments to the sea C D 34 Deserts may have underground springs, rivers, or reservoirs they lie A B close to the surface, or deep underground (that/ which) C D 35 Most plants in deserts have adapted to sporadic rainfalls in a desert A B C environments (environment) D Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A desert is a hostile, potentially deadly environment for unprepared humans In hot deserts, high temperatures cause rapid loss of water due to sweating, and the absence of water sources with which to replenish it can result in dehydration and death within a few days In addition, unprotected humans are also at risk from heatstroke Humans may also have to adapt to sandstorms in some deserts, not just in their adverse effects on respiratory systems and eyes, but also in their potentially harmful effects on equipment such as filters, vehicles and communication equipment Sandstorms can last for hours, sometimes even days Despite this, some cultures have made hot deserts 'their home for thousands of years, including the Bedouin, Tuareg tribe, and Pueblo people Modern technology, including advanced irrigation systems, desalinization and air conditioning, has made deserts much more hospitable, In the United States and Israel for example, desert farming has found extensive use In cold deserts, hypothermia and frostbite are the chief hazards, as well as dehydration in the absence of a source of heat to melt ice for drinking Falling through pack-ice or surface ice layers into freezing water is a particular danger requiring emergency action to prevent rapid hypothermia Starvation is also a hazard; in low temperatures the body requires much more food energy to maintain body heat and to move As with hot deserts, some people such as the Inuit have adapted to the harsh conditions of cold deserts 36 The text is about a troubles that human beings have to face in a desert b desert storms and desert inhabitants c hot deserts and cold deserts in the United States d desert hospitality and environment 37 Which is not a problem for an unprepared man in a hot desert? a sandstorm b loss of water c irrigation 38 Sandstorms a no harm to machinery b have effects only on the eyes c never lasts more than one hour d have bad effects on both human beings and machinery 39 Which sentence is true? d heatstroke VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a No one can survive in both hot and cold deserts b Modern technology makes deserts more hospitable c In the United States, all deserts are quite uninhabited d There are no deserts in Israel 40 Which is not a problem in cold deserts? a Starvation b Hypothermia c Frostbite d Body heat Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Desert biomes are the (41) _ of all the biomes In fact, the most important characteristic of a desert is that it receives very little (42) _ Most deserts receive less than 300 mm a year compared (43) rainforests, which receive over 2,000 mm That means that the desert only gets 10 percent of the rain that a rainforest gets! The temperature in the desert can (44) _ drastically from day to night because the air is (45) _ dry that heat escapes rapidly at night The daytime temperature averages 38°C (46) _ in some deserts it can get down to -4°C at night The temperature also varies greatly depending on the (47) _ of the desert Since desert conditions are so severe, the plants that live there need to have (48) _ to compensate for the lack of water Some plants, such as cacti, (49) _ water in their stems and use it very slowly, while others like bushes conserve water by growing few leaves or by having large root systems to gather water or few leaves Some desert plant species have a short life cycle of a few weeks that (50) _ only during periods of rain 41 a coldest b hottest c driest d wettest 42 a rain b rainfall c raindrop d raincoat 43 a with b for c about d in 44 a change b exchange c transform d transfer 45 a such as b such c so much d so 46 a when b while c as 47 a part b region c area d because d location 48 a adaptations b agreements c accepts d achievements 49 a place b put d hold 50 a spend b take c store c last d experience VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí TEST Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest a comprise b sandy c circle d northern a Aborigines b expedition c kilometer d scientific a corridor b enormous c mystery d separate a remain b hummock c explore d between a territory b Australia c geography d society Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part, or has a close meaning to the original one The Simpson Desert is in north of Lake Eyre a Ø/ Ø b the/ the c a/ the d the/ Ø Cold deserts can be covered in snow or ice and frozen water is unavailable to plant life a a b an c the d Ø In the northern part of the Simpson Desert, the dunes are separated by of low, open shrubland a streets b ways c corridors d lines San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very a short b steep c plain d stable 10 A is a small raised area of ground, like a very small hill a slope b hummock c dune d shrub 11 We used to climb up the crest of the hill to get a good view of the surroundings a top b foot c middle d face 12 To a desert is a danger activity which requires careful preparation for risks a comprise b circle c remain d explore 13 Scientific help to explore some places and discover more and more remote parts of the world a survey b lead c research d expedition 14 The wind that blows in the desert comes far away waters a for b with c in d from 15 Some sand dunes may be over 200 meters height VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a with b at c on d in 16 If you look on a map you will see that there is a desert next the Rocky Mountains in the United States a of b to c with d for 17 is the process by which a piece of land becomes dry, empty, and unsuitable for growing trees or crops on a desert b deserted c desertify d desertification 18 Several advanced countries have had plans to make desert more hospitable a science b scientific c scientifically d scientist 19 The desert biome includes the hottest places in the world because it absorbs more from the sun than land in humid climates a heat b hot c hotly d heating 20 Many people have law degrees, a but some of them not practice it c so some are not practicing law b however it is not practiced by all d but not all of them practice law 21 This is an expensive very useful book a but b so c therefore d however 22 long it takes, I will wait for you a However b But c So d Therefore 23 I must say that you have done very well , you should be aware that you still have a lot of thing to learn a Therefore b So c But d However 24 that we stopped for a rest a But we were tired b So tired were we c However we were tired d Therefore, we were tired 25 He is only sixteen, and , he is not eligible to drive a car a nevertheless b but c therefore d however 26 Maria tried to read a novel in French the book was too difficult for her to understand a so that b therefore c but d and 27 To get from Vancouver to Victoria, you can fly, you can ride the ferry VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí a or b but c so d however 28 I bought a bottle of wine we drank it together a therefore b so c and d but 29 The waiter was not very nice, , the food was delicious a however b but c so d and so 30 _ hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family a But b However c Therefore d Whatever Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one 31 Slippery as the roads were, they managed to complete the race a The roads were so slippery that they could hardly complete the race b The roads were slippery but they managed to complete the race c The roads were slippery so they could hardly complete the race d The roads were so slippery; therefore, they could hardly complete the race 32 They decided to go for a picnic though it was very cold a Because it was very cold, they decided to go for a picnic b However cold it was, they decided to go for a picnic c If it had been cold, they would not have gone for a picnic d It was very cold so they decided to go for a picnic 33 Both Peter and Mary enjoy scientific expedition a It is not Peter, but Mary, that enjoys scientific expedition b Peter enjoys scientific expedition Therefore, does Mary c However Peter enjoys scientific expedition and Mary does d Peter enjoys scientific expedition, and so does Mary 34 Because it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it a I stayed up all night to finish the novel, therefore, it was interesting b Unless it were an interesting novel, I would stay up all night to finish it c Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it d So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it 35 He cannot afford a new computer a The new computer is so expensive that he cannot buy it VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí b Therefore, he would buy a new computer c So, he would buy a new computer d The new computer is so expensive but he can buy it Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Approximately one-third of the Earth's land surface is desert, arid land with meager rainfall that supports only sparse vegetation and a limited population of people and animals Deserts have been portrayed as fascinating environments of adventure and exploration These arid regions are called deserts because they are dry They may be hot They may be cold They may be regions of sand or vast areas of rocks with occasional plants Deserts are natural laboratories in which to study the interactions of wind and sometimes water on the arid surfaces of planets They contain valuable mineral deposits that were formed in the arid environment or that were exposed by erosion Because deserts are dry, they are ideal places for human artifacts and fossils to be preserved Deserts are also fragile environments The misuse of these lands is a serious and growing problem in parts of our world There are many animals in the desert Some are very large, like the kangaroo or the gazelle Both are big and have to travel long distances for water at a spring, or an oasis Another fairly large animal is the addax The addax is a desert antelope They live in the Sahara Desert All addaxes are herbivores There are less than 200 of them left because of hunting and tourists Some animals crawl along Examples of these are snakes and lizards Snakes rarely drink water; they get their moisture from other prey that they eat So others, like the kangaroo rat Lizards are commonly found in the desert They stay out of the sun and move as little as possible There are also other animals in the desert The fennec lives in northern Africa in the Sahara Desert They are a relative of the fox They eat mice, small birds, lizards, and insects When necessary, they will eat fruit One more desert animal is the jerboa The jerboa is a small, long distance jumper that lives in the desert They are free drinking animals and they eat plants, seeds, and bugs 36 Deserts a are rare in the world b are more arid more populous c are all hot all the time d may be both hot and cold 37 The word They refers to a deserts b natural laboratories c planets d mineral deposits VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 38 Which is not true about deserts? a arid b hot c humid d dry 39 According to the second paragraph, a we should use desert land properly to avoid serious problems b we can exploit as much fossil as possible in deserts c there are no erosion in deserts d deserts are ideal places for growing land 40 The last paragraph expresses that a none of animals can survive in deserts b hunting and tourists cause the decreasing of addaxes in the Sahara Desert c snakes in deserts need more water than any other species d addaxes are the most populous species in deserts Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Most traditional human life in deserts is nomadic It (41) in hot deserts on finding water, and on following infrequent rains to (42) grazing for livestock In cold deserts, it depends on finding good hunting and fishing grounds, on sheltering from blizzards and winter (43) , and on storing enough food for winter Permanent settlement in both kinds of deserts requires permanent water, food sources and adequate shelter, or the technology and energy sources to (44) it Many deserts are flat and featureless, lacking landmarks, or composed of repeating landforms such as sand (45) or the jumbled ice-fields of glaciers Advanced skills or devices are required to navigate through such landscapes and (46) _ travelers may die when supplies run (47) after becoming lost In addition, sandstorms or blizzards may cause disorientation in severely-reduced visibility The (48) represented by wild animals in deserts has featured in explorers' accounts but does not cause higher (49) of death than in other environments such as rainforests or savanna woodland, and generally does not affect human distribution Defense against polar bears may be advisable in some areas of the Arctic Precautions against snakes and scorpions in choosing (50) at which to camp in some hot deserts should be taken 41 a locates 42 a earn b selects b demand c follows c obtain d depends d require VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 36 There are more rainfalls in the Sonoran Desert than any others a True b False c No information 37 Fish cannot survive in the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 38 No place else in the world has famous saguaro cactus growing in the wild, but the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 39 There are a lot of American citizens in the Sonoran Desert a True b False c No information 40 The second largest city in the Sonoran Desert is Tucson a True b False c No information Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase The Middle East and North Africa are one of the driest regions on earth Nearly two-thirds of the region is desert The Sahara Desert of northern Africa is the largest desert in the world Desert air (41) little moisture, so few clouds form over the land Without clouds to block the sun, temperatures may reach as (42) as 125°F during the day At night, without the clouds to contain the heat, the temperature can fall to as low as 125°F Extreme temperatures (43) with little rainfall make desert life difficult for people, plants, and animals (44) , some life forms have adapted to even the most severe desert (45) , Camels are able to survive long periods without food or water Many desert plants have long, shallow (46) systems This allows the plants to reach out to collect water over great distances Other desert plants have taproots Taproots grow very deep (47) they can tap sources of underground water Plant life in the desert is usually spread out over great distances This is (48) deserts are often described as barren, or lifeless When many people think of a desert they often think of endless miles of hot sand, but a desert does not have to be hot or sandy Most of the land of the Middle East and North Africa is hot, dry desert land, (49) some deserts look very different Most of Antarctica is a desert but there is no sand on the continent and the climate of Antarctica is (50) coldest on earth 41 a contains b comprises c consists d includes 42 a much b far c long d high 43 a locate b combine c explore d separate VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 44 a Therefore b So c However d But 45 a environment b place c society d atmosphere 46 a leave b bark c root d branch 47 a as b because c but d so 48 a what b why c how 49 a since b as c so d but 50 a a b an c the d Ø d when VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit Deserts Đề I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets Toshico had her car (repair) _ by a mechanic Ellon got Marvin (type) _ her paper We got our house (paint) _ last week Dr Byrd is having the students (write) _ a composition Mark got his transcripts (send) _ to the university Maria is having her hair (cut) _ tomorrow Will Mr Brown have the porter (carry) _ his luggage to his car? My sister has had a new dress (make) _ recently The Wilsons won’t have a new house (build) _ on that corner next month 10 The President had his advisors (arrange) _ a press conference II Turn the following sentences into the passive voice or the active voice They can’t make tea with cold water They will hold the meeting before May Day They have to repair the engine of the car _ The teacher is going to tell a story VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife _ Luckily for me, they didn’t call my name No one believes his story After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board They have provided the victims with food and clothing _ 10 The chief enginer was instructing all the workers of the plant 11 The teacher gave each of us two exercise books 12 Someone will tell him that news 13 They paid me a lot of money to the job 14 Open your book _ 15 Take off your hat 16 Don’t that silly thing again VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 17 Have they changed the window of the laboratory _ 18 Do they teach English here? 19 Will you invite her to your wedding party? 20 Did the teacher give some exercises 21 Is she making big cakes for the party _ 22 Why didn’t they help him? 23 How many games has the team played? 24 Where people speak English? 25 Who are they keeping in the kitchen? 26 Who looked after the children for you? _ 27 These exersice were done well 28 This dress must be washed in cold water VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 29 The lessons are being written by the students now 30 These animals at the zoo are fed twice a day _ 31 All the arrangements have been made 32 When was this radio manufactured? _ 33 How are candles made? _ 34 Is Mathematics taught in this school? 35 Were you taught how to apply this theory by your teachers? III Rewrite the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it: The architect has drawn plans for an extension of the house Plans They haven’t cleaned the streets this week The streets _ No one has signed this cheque This cheque He couldn’t repair the broken vase The They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again The date VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí The robber made the bank manager hand over the money The bank manager _ The postman was bitten by our dog Our dog _ They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight All the prisoners Sally was given a microcomputer for her birthday by her parents Sally’s parents 10 Someone has stolen my bike My bike _ 11 The mechanic serviced my car last week I 12 They don’t eat the cake because it is very bad The cake _ 13 The garage is going to repair the car for us next week We 14 Somebody repaired her car yesterday She 15 That old house at the end of the road has been sold They 16 My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview I must _ 17 Mr Dryden mended the washing machine for me VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí I had 18 People speak English in Australia English Đề I Hãy dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu he/ tall she/ short Lan/ thin Mai/ beautiful Nam/ heavy II Hãy viết từ trái nghĩa từ sau thin # short # big # heavy # strong # young # III Đặt câu hỏi trả lời màu sắc vật sau her hair/ black her eyes/ brown your car/ blue his bike/ gray this flower/ red VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí her house/ white his books/ green those chairs/ yellow these flowers/ purple 10 the lamp/ orange IV Dùng từ cho sẵn, viết đoạn văn để tả người, sau trả lời câu hỏi bên Miss Lan/ tall/ thin She/ round face She/ brown hair She/ brown eyes She/ small nose She/ full lips/ small white teeth She/ beautiful She/ gymnast She/ strong * Question : Is Miss Lan tall? Is she thin or fat? Does she have a round face or an oval face? What color are her eyes? What color is her hair? Are her eyes round or oval? Are her lips full or thin? Is her nose small or big? Is she beautiful? 10 What does she do? V Sắp xếp từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh planting/ are/ flowers/ the/ garden/ the/ in/ and/ school/ children/ trees car/ her/ washing/ she/ is color/ your/ what/ is/ hair? VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Mai/ face/ oval/ has/ an/ and/ nose/ small/ a Thu's/ long/ short/ hair/ is/ or? VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí UNIT 9: DESERTS Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others: A circle B center C census D cancel A area B arise C arrange D arrive A dessert B desert C deserve D prefer A roughly B tough C enough D though A gently B germ C gear D gene Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each of the following sentence They made an aerial survey; that is, they made a survey _ A by ship B by plane C on foot D by telescope Hummock grasses grow in loose sand on the crest A.side B bottom C top D inside Eight kilometers is _ equivalent to five miles A exactly B roughly C rarely D precisely Older people _ a large proportion of those living in poverty A comprise B consist C compose D compound 10 She has the windows open, _it is cold outside A however B therefore C athough D so 11 There is still much to discuss We shall, _, return to this item at our next meeting A therefore B moreover C although D so that 12 The sea was dangerous, _we didn't go out for a swim A since B but C so D as 13 The new trains have more powerful engines and are; _, faster A therefore B however C nevertheless D nonetheless 14 It was cold and wet _, Paul put on his swimming suit and went to the beach A Although B Therefore C However 15 I had no choice _sign the contract D Because VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A despite B but C without D unless C however D nevertheless 16 You can dress _you like A whatever B therefore 17 _hard he tried, he couldn't open the door A Therefore B However C Although D Despite 18 We took a map with us _ A so that we would get lost B so that we wouldn't get lost C so that we won't get lost D in order to get lost 19 We'll buy everything you produce _it’s reasonable A provided B so C only D except 20 Sunglasses come _many different colors, shapes, and strengths A with B from C by D in 21 You are expected _the safety regulations of the school A know B to know C knowing D being known 22 _ his father, he is a biologist A Like B Alike C The same D As 23 Everyone _happy at the last meeting A are B were C was D is 24 Did you paint it yourself or did you _ it painted? A make B C have D ask 25 We _drive fast; we have plenty of time A can't B needn't C mustn't D oughtn't 26 If you _there what would you have done?, A were B had been C would be D would have been 27 They'll be able to walk across the river _ A if the ice will be thick enough B unless the ice is thick enough C if the ice is thick enough D when the ice will be thick enough 28 Please call if you're going to arrive _ A as late B late C lately D later than 29 Nobody knew that Uncle Ben was coming to see us He arrived _ A unexpecting B unexpected C unexpectedly D expectantly VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 30 'He is back already.' 'He _very early.' A should have started B must have started C shouldn't have started D can't have started 31 We expected that our team _, but it didn't A will win the game B can win the game C would win the game D will be winning the game 32 You can see the details _the computer screen A in B on C at D by 33 Don't walk too fast I can't keep _you A on to B on with C up to D up with 34 Rita is not used _on her own A for living B to live C with living D to living 35 He bought a ticket _ A and his brother did either B but his brother didn't, too C and so his brother bought D and so did his brother Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting: 36 A study of the difference between synthetic and natural vitamins are needed A B C D 37 You must take quickly the test in order to finish in time A B C D 38 Most vacationers can't stand traveling in packed cars or stay in dirty hotel rooms A B C D 39 That's the best exhibition I've never seen A B C D 40 Jack is looking for another job for he says he is really fed up of doing the same thing A B C D every day Read and choose the letter (A, B, C or D) that best completes the tasks that follow: The size and location of the world's deserts are always changing Over millions of years, as climates change and mountains rise, new dry and wet areas develop But within the last 100 years, deserts have been growing at a frightening VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí speed This is partly because of natural changes, but the greatest desert makers are humans In developing countries, 90 percent of the people use wood for cooking and heating They cut down trees for firewood But trees are important They cool the land under them and keep the sun off the smaller plants When leaves fall from a tree, they make the land richer When the trees are gone, the smaller plants die, and there is nothing but sand Yet people must use firewood, raise animals, and grow crops in order to live Humans can make deserts, but humans can also prevent their growth Algeria planted a green wall of trees across the edge of the Sahara to stop the desert sand from spreading Mauritania planted a similar wall around Nouakchott, the capital Iran puts a thin covering of petroleum on sandy areas and plants trees The oil keeps the water and small in the land, and men on motorcycles keep the sheep and goats away Other countries build long canals to bring water to desert areas Yet land that will probably become desert in the future equals the size of Australia, the United States, and the former Soviet Union together Can people stop the growth of the world's deserts and save the land that is so essential to life? 41 Most people in developing countries _ A planted trees on the edge of the deserts B cook on wood fires C put oil on sandy areas D raise sheep and goats 42 We can infer that men on motorcycles keep the sheep and goats away so that _ A they won't eat the small trees B they won't destroy the covering of oil C they won't drink water in the canals D they won't blow the sand away 43 When all the trees in an area are cut down, _ A their leaves make the land richer B the smaller plants can grow better C they cool the land under their leaves D there is nothing left but sand 44 The word frightening speed in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A awful B extremely fast C powerful D wonderful 45 According to the passage, which of the following is the most important cause of desertification? A The change of climate B The spread of deserts VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C Human activities D Cattle destroying trees Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits each space in the following passage DESERTIFICATION The Sahara Desert is growing by 10kms each year The whole earth gets 600km2 of desert area more every year This process is called "desertification" This term started being (46) _ in the 1950s The idea of desertification was first known in the 1930s Much of the Great Plains grew very dry (47) a result of drought and poor farming techniques It was called the Dust Bowl Millions were forced to leave their farms and their ways of life Since then, (48) _ have been great improvements in farming practices in the Great Plains These have prevented the Dust Bowl disaster (49) again Grazing is one worry Cows two things to the soil First, they eat grasses and plants that hold the soil in place Second, their hooves break down the top layer of soil The result is that the good soil can be blown away by the wind The dirt (50) behind is not good for growing 46 A use B used C to use D using 47 A as B for C by D with 48 A it B they C there D those 49 A to occur B to occurring C of occurring D from occurring 50 A leaves B to leave C left D leaving ... b an c the d Ø d when VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Bài tập tự luận Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Unit Deserts Đề I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets... cold deserts b Modern technology makes deserts more hospitable c In the United States, all deserts are quite uninhabited d There are no deserts in Israel 40 Which is not a problem in cold deserts? ... desalinization and air conditioning, has made deserts much more hospitable, In the United States and Israel for example, desert farming has found extensive use In cold deserts, hypothermia and frostbite

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2017, 11:12



