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Lets go lets begin student book 4th edition full

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R Nqkoto K Frozier B Hoskins OXFORD W i ! \', I al '*&1" Ritsuko Nokoto Koren Frozier Borboro Hoskins songs ond chonls by Corolyn Grohom oxroRD I]NIVERSITY PRESS OX.FORD IJNIVERSITY PRBSS 198 MadisonAvenue NewYork, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6Dp, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark ofOxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries @ Oxford University Press 2012 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted First published in zorz 2076 2o1S 2014 2o7Z 201.2 1098765432 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retdeval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior pemission in wilting of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terrns agreed with the appropdate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELI Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Links to third partywebsites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work General Manager, American ELI: Laura Pearson Executive Publishing Manager: Shelagh Speers Senior Managing Editor: Anne Stdbling Project Editor: Ju ne Schwarl z Art, Design, and Production Director: Susan Sanguily Design Manager: Lisa Donovan Designer: Sangeeta E Ramcharan Electronic Production Manager: Julie Armstrong Production Artist: Elissa Santos Image Manager: Trisha Masterson lmage Editor: Joe Kassner Production Coordinator: Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong rsBN: 978 o 19 464143 z Student Book Pdnted in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources AC KNOWLE DGE M E NTS The authors andpublisher are gratefultn those whohaye givenpermtssionto reproduce the following extracts and adaptations of coptright fiatenal: Illustrationsby: Bernard Adnet: 44, 45; AMS Digital Design: 26, 27; Robin Boyer: s, 7, 18(1b, 2a\,79,30,31,48,49, ss, 61(t): Nancy Gayle Carlson: 16, 17, 18(1a); Mircea Catusanu: 6, 74, 40,50, 58, 59(b), 60, 61(b), 72; Amanda Enright: 54; Claudine Gevry: 52, 53; Rick Grayson: 62, 63; Daniel Griffo: 2,3, 9, 10,71, 78(b), 20, 21, 28, 29, 38, 39, 46, 47, s6, 57, 64, 65 and cats on page s 2, 4, 6, 8, 70, L2, 14, 76, 79, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48,s0, s2, ss, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66,68, 70 and 73; Sharon Harmer: 12, 43(b); Bob McMahon: 51; John Kurtz: 15(t\,24,25,32,33,36, 37, 59(t), 68, 69; John Nez: 13, 23; Jack Pullan: 34, 3s, 41(t), 73; Christine Schneider: 4, 1s(b), 18(2b), 41(b); Janet S1dles: 70, 71; Mark Stephens: 66, 67; Tim Talbot: 40; Kristin Varnet 42.43 T e rt D esign: Molly I( Scanlon Cover Design: Susan Cover Sanguily flluslralor: Daniel Griffo Kqte Jenny Syllobus Word Lis* .7+ Scott 76 :) ): € Let's , Tolk *-s - '- : \r*{ Let's Leorn -J ry #-r=3=rr'ffirsi, Let's Leorn lo Reod Phonics Let,s Leorn More ,'' d Let,s Review '.'' : jj: ::;r:!9.:'rrr'- ,'.1",i - ligtgn qnd sqy name? f'm Kote sqv qnd ocl sr Whot's your nome? I Unit I Toys $ ) Whot's your name? $"* ffi Listen ond sing d-i-*$ H6, Whm?'s Ymrur f*mmffip Hi! Whot's your nome? Kote, Jenny, Scott, Andy f'm Kote Kote, Jenny, Scott, Andy Hi! Whot's your name? Jenny f'm Jenny Hi! Whot's your name? f'm Scott Hi! Whqt's your name? f'm Andy Kote, Jenny, Scottl , Andy, Jenny, Andy i *+.: '!ir'.liilpi ffil Listen ond | Stond up ffid Sit down Unil I Toys ffi Leqrn the words l.oboll 2, ojump rope o yo-yo o bicycle ffi Lisfen qnd point q Unit &X I Toys &-$ Mqke sentences ft's ffi& &$& o yo-yo ii ::ir:rl,:1 C ,rr,,,,:ll.r.r: il l:i''+ ,.-,.1,r q * \;/ p* #;l &+ & .;.**C !t#ti'W- r# F 6+"-#'*tu WW *dffi ffiS' l1l ! a t 1a ar&' r t L t1 -d Listen, point, qnd sing a I -.*r-t t,,.- t ' t t a v u € { "r - t t, *t * tt-1 a f "t t l t ,"? s Unit I Toys _:-+.-; La:::::::-1ra:-!1ar: : _=*Ed r a i' :-i i:_i.i:::'ii.'.:.r:illlii9d*! II -., rr i: !!, ! itr i+_e Leqrn the words I {:St ?# o cor o troin tl o teddy beor o doll ffi Usten qnd point Unil I Toys k%' ffi Ask qnd qnswer X% ffi T Whot ft's o teddy - bear h ffi t-ls*en, point, ond sing ii"l il; Unit I Toys ffi Listen qnd soy OK Let's ploy boll Let's ploy OK Let's ploy OK Let's jump ?ope r-! ::i e]1 ee "3 '"i.W€*;P t Sqy qnd qct Let's ploy $$ 11 ;+ i ;+i." -.: i:.,::{.fr;,t!," -:;.Ti,.l Let's jump rope 6'{ UnitB ICon I I h ffi Listen ond sing ui''# Le?-s Let's Ploy oK! Let's ploy OK, oK! Let's ploy, let's ploy OK, let's ploy! FBmy Let's plqy tog OK, let's ploy, let's ployl Let's jump rope OK, OK,let's ploy! Let's ploy boll let's ploy, let's ploy! HeY, let's ploy, let's ploy OK, oKt ffi, tlrten qnd ffi I Point to the boord Go to the boord UnilS lCon 55 i=6,fr,i& iffi Leqrn the words mx l.rideobicycle sing o song ;.? !"" ",J , ir ,ii" ,1 l 'ir "q- 66 UnitS lCon -"ffi' i bounce o boll fly o kite ffi listen ond point : ' &X ffi Mqke sentences s-$ f f ly o kite f con't f ly o kite d& ffil '*4- & & , W"r:#" , : :, # iffis' :.,,t:iiA.;+Hi:t:- *n-, "'',t;? h ffi Listen, point, ond chont *}$ * UnilS lCon 67 w Leqrn the words ffi wink ffi r r qndI point Listen 68 UnitS lCon r:ri**i1i3r donce f#i &# j Ask qnd qnswer ,irlr"2 ', *r Conyou donce? Conyou dance? T f -.n ',.i1 V ' ,11:**flr-.1- - ,,,.!l.,f,ji :::i:' es, T a t r-r"-*:g t o I ffi Listen ond chqnt .i' 'v ',,, L rJ'."1 &a '$ UnilS lCon 69 ffii Sing ond soy ffi l:slen, point, ond sqy *4 Kx Yy yorn box m {,ru zebro 70 UnitS lCon zero yok .*,irT ;-; #dA Or el' ffi Listen, point, ond chqnt Kffi m ffiWffi ffifuffiffiffi &ffi x x fox.ffi v Y yorn Zz ;l,,lr't,+ zebroffi box : yok ="ro ffi letlers Nqme the picfures con't donce b.,ry# donce ffi l-isten qnd reqd qlong &% UnitS lCon 7l Listen qnd circle I I &{ i#j :ldiir o b o b o b o .d+*$a;*ai- _{i*lt*F*: I ' ''ti6€i r€*d.' ,.-, ' -,E- =j{nri *r:i.,", o 72 Units ond Review :: ,.liii a ::::a: ti b ffi' Sqy *hese W* ffi"ffi$ffi$ $Hffisk., *:ffi;'HffiIX F I rt a8r &$ I IO II t2 I3 II d-# &.#;,, : m'.\'#* h" ft's Sundoy y *eI5 I6 l7 t8 I9 20 2I 22 23 2U 25 26 27 28 29 30 h ffi Listen, point, ond sing X6'-f,r 4;{ Sunda'; tt ffi*m#*p :, ', :l +,' :: i,i:;i'.,;l ! & t#ednesd*y -ri d Yhursd*Y ]: ':*a f,rr#*y ffi# ffimtq* #r*'t' Unit Unit w tr Doys of the Week 73 UNIT Toys Let's Tqlk Conversotion: Hi whot's your nome? I'm Kote [et's lBsrn Toys: o boll, o jump rope, o yo-yo, o bicycle Song: Hi, Whot's Longuoge: Il's o yo-yo Your Nome? Listen ond do: Stond Let's Lecrn More Letb Leornto Reod Toys:olroin,ocor, Pfutlil$6;1, o doll, o teddy beor The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Longuoge: Whol is it? It's o leddy beor Find the letters: Andy, Jenny, Kote, Scott up Sit down UNIT Colors Let's Tqlk Conversqtion: Hi, boys ond girls Hello, Miss Jones Good-bye Lett lcorn Colors: red, blue, Let's Leqrn More Let's Leornto Rood Colors: purple, oronge, yellow, green, brown block, white, pink Longuoge: It's blue Longuoge: Whot color Ptrr;,rl$**, The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Alphobet A-D: opple, ont, is it? Il's purple See you loler boll, bird, col, cor, dog, doll Song: Hi, Hello, Good-bye The ABCD Chont Listen ond do: Come here Sentences: Whol is it? Il's Turn oround o boll UNIT Shopes lett Tdlk Letb Learn More Let's Lmrnto Hbdd Shopes: Conversotion: How ore lecrn Shopes: o circle, you lodoy? I'm fine, thonk you o squore, o lriongle, o heort o reclongle, o diomond, on ovol Pi= nd*,s: The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Song: How Are Longuoge: Drowo Longuoge: Is il o stor? Alphobet E-H: egg, squore Yes, il is You Todoy? Listen ond do: Wolk Run Let's o stor, Is it o rectongle No, il isn't Il's o diomond elephont, fish, form, gorillo, goot, heorl, house The EFGH Chont Senlences: Is it o heort? Yes, il is UNIT Numbers Let's Tolk Letb lcorn Conversotion: Moy I come in? Sure! Pleose come in! Numbers Song: Moy I Come In? Listen ond do: Go Slop r.t, Let's leorn to Reqd Let's Leorn More l-5: l, 2, 3, Longuoge: Lel's counl, r, 2, 3, + 5! Numbers 6- l0: 6,7, B, FFx14lnd**;,r 9, t0 Longuoge: How mony? The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Alphobet I-L: igloo, iguono jump rope, jeons, kongoroo, kite, lion, lodybug The IJKL Chont Sentences: Is it o lion? Yes, it is 74 Let's Begin Syllobus UNIT Animqls Let',s Tollt Thonk you [et's leorn Pets: dog, dogs, col, cols, bird, birds Song: Here You Are Longuoge: Let's count Thonk You Listen ond do: Jump Skip Conversotion: Here you ore Let's lcorn More Form Animols: cow, Let's lcgrn to Reod FFBri.+fld#r; cows, robbit, robbils, duck, ducks The Alphobet Song As-Zz the cots Longuoge: How mony Alphobel M-P: I cot, cols cows? B cows moon, monkey, nest, net, octopus, ostrich, pondo, popcorn The MNOP Chont Sentences: How mony eggs? I egg UNIT Food Let's Talk Let'e leorn Food: ice creom, pizzo, Let's Leorn More Let's leornto Reod Conversotion: How old Food: milk, fish, breod, ore you? coke, chicken rice P;'-.tla# r Longuoge: I like coke Longuoge: Do you I'm Song: How Old Are You? like fish? Yes, I Listen ond do: Moke o line No, I don't Moke o circle The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Alphobet Q-T: queen, quilt, robbit, rock, sun, sondwich, tiger, leopot The QRST Chont Sentences: Do you like coke? Yes, I UNIT My Body Let's Tolk Let's lBorn Let's Leorn More Let's Leqrnto Reod Conversotion: Oopsl I'm sorry! Body: heod, shoulders, Foce: eyes, eors, moulh, knees, toes Pfu'.sfiiu+: nose Longuoge: I touch Longuoge: Whot my heod you do? I touch my eyes Thol's OK Song: Oops! I'm Sorry! Listen ond do: Stomp your The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Alphobet U-W: umbrello, up, violin, vesl, wolch, woter The UVW Chont feet Clop your honds sentences: whot you do? I touch my nose UNIT 8I Con Let's leorn Let'B Leorn More Let's Learn to Eeod Activities: ride o Activities: swim, smile, bicycle, sing o song, fly o kite, bounce o boll wink, donce ilEt+n**l;,, The Alphobet Song Ao-Zz Song: Let's Ploy Longuoge: I fly donce? o kile Yes, I yok, zebro, zero Listen ond do: Point to I con't fly o kite No, I con't The XYZ Chont Let's Tolk Conversotion: Let's ploy OK Let's ploy boll OK Let's ploy tog OK Let's jump rope lhe boord Go to the boord Longuoge: Con you Alphobet X-Z: fox, box, yorn, Sentences: I donce I con't donce Let's Begin Syllobus 75 !ilqu*Siqtp A heort 22 D o - .1+ donce 68 on 2+ diomond 2+ ond .10 5l on| .16 dog .16 opple 16 dogs .t+0 ore .20 t boll + doll h bicycle t+ bird ,.16 birds tl0 block lt+ blue .12 boord 65 book 37 bounce 66 box 70 boys l0 breod 50 brown F 12 don't 5l drow 23 duck q2 hello l0 here 38 hi house 26 how 20 r! * I .19 I'm I'msorry 56 ducks 42 ice creom tl8 L i- igloo 3tl eors 60 iguono 3r+ is isn'l 25 egg 26 eggs .t+5 eight(8) 32 elephont 26 eyes 60 it's s J F jeons 3t+ 26 feet .57 jumprope form ir jump 39 \, fine 20 Y t\ coke .t+8 fish .26 59 con't 67 kongoroo 34 five(5) 30 fly .66 cor four(L1) 30 cot .16 cols .t+0 fox .70 chicken *1 loter l0 girls l0 like .t+9 t+8 circle 22 clop 57 close .37 cloudy .55 color l5 come here II comein 28 count 3l cow +2 cows .42 Fridoy 73 t goot 26 good-bye l0 gorillo 26 .12 rl E{ !i honds 57 hove 19 heod 58 76 Let's Begin Word List knees 58 I lodybug 3+ let's 31 glue l9 9o 29 green kite .3t+ |ine .47 lion 3tl lt lul moke 47 moy - 28 milk 50 miss l0 Mondoy 73 monkeY t+L+ moon +l+ mouth., 60 my ., 59 ru nome nest tl+ net r+r+ nine(g) 32 no 25 nose 60 Thursdoy 73 rice .50 ride .66 rock 52 run .21 tiger 52 ffi sondwich 52 Solurdoy .73 scissors 19 see you ffi octopus .t+t+ old .tl6 one(t), 30 oops 56 open 37 oronge lr+ ostrich t+t+ ovol red .12 24 ffi e point 19 pondo t+t+ poper 19 pencil .37 pink , tt+ pizzo t+8 ploy 6t+ pleose 28 point .65 popcorn t+t+ purple lt+ putowoy 37 loter l0 seven (z) .sz queen 52 qui|t 52 ffi robbit 42 robbits 42 roiny .55 reclongle 2tl toes 58 touch 59 troin triongle 22 Iuesdoy 73 turn oround Il two(2) 30 # shoulders 58 umbrello 62 sing 66 up 62 w vest .62 violin 62 sitdown six(6) .32 skip .39 smile 68 snowy ,.55 song 66 %ry wolk 2l squore 22 stomp 57 wotch 62 woter 62 stond up Wednesdoy.T3 stor 24 whot .7 stop 29 whot's sun .52 Sundoy 73 sunny 55 windy 55 sure 28 swim 68 $ tog 6t+ ffi to .65 todoy 2O tokeoul 37 tope l9 teopol 52 teddy beor ten(t0) 92 lhonkyou 20 thot's OK 56 white lll wink 68 w yok 70 yorn 70 yellow 12 yes .25 yo-yo you l0 your .2 g zebro 7O zero(o) 70 the t+l three(3) 30 Let's Begin Word List 77 The ffiffiffi edition of the bestsellin$ 7-level prim ary En$lish course! Millions of children oround the world hove leorned to speok English ihrough the trusted melhodology of f;-ffiT'S ffiS: , , s Conversotions ond question-ond-onswer proclice get children tolking from the very T ,* dxgrtaI beginning * Interoctive songs ond chonts by Corolyn Grohom bring clossrooms to life s ffiffiW Phonics ond reoding lessons help children leorn to reod fluently s NffiW Fun phonics chonts ond drum trocks improve pronunciotion ond intonotion e ffiffiW Communicotion gomes give children mony more opportunities to use English ,,.:r, with confidence oxroRD 1JNIVERSITY PRESS www.orlp.com Dolphin Reoders Stsrter E 'x, rsBN978-0-19-464143-2 llux[llu[lllllffiililll ... Hila Ratzabi Senior Manufacturing Controller: Eve Wong rsBN: 978 o 19 464143 z Student Book Pdnted in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources AC KNOWLE DGE... ::s Sqy qnd I l0 qct re Hi, boys ond girls Unil Colors Good-bye *€*i# Listen qnd sing xd{'& G**d**y* ffig- ffie€€*Hi, boys ond g ir ls Good-bye Kote See you loter Hello, Miss Jones Hi, boys... you loter By"-by", see you loter By.,Andy Hello, Miss Jones Hi, Andy Hello, Jenny Jenny # Good-by.,Kote € Good-by., & j $ i! $' 1t lirlgI V r3 BY.-bYe- ==-:::, # ;iri3 H -,;* ,r#** ffi Listen qnd

Ngày đăng: 31/05/2017, 07:51

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