(BQ) Part 2 book Larsens human embryology presentation of content: Development of the respiratory system and body cavities, development of the heart, development of the vasculature, development of the gastrointestinal tract, development of the urinary system, development of the reproductive system,...
Chapter 11 Development of the Respiratory System and Body Cavities SUMMARY As covered in Chapter 4, shortly after the three germ layers form during gastrulation, body folding forms the endodermal foregut at the cranial end of the embryo, thereby delineating the inner tube of the tube-within-a-tube body plan On day twenty-two, the foregut produces a ventral evagination called the respiratory diverticulum or lung bud, which is the primordium of the lungs As the lung bud grows, it remains ensheathed in a covering of splanchnopleuric mesoderm, which will give rise to the lung vasculature and to the connective tissue, cartilage, and muscle within the bronchi On days twenty-six to twenty-eight, the lengthening lung bud bifurcates into left and right primary bronchial buds, which will give rise to the two lungs In the fifth week, a second generation of branching produces three secondary bronchial buds on the right side and two on the left These are the primordia of the future lung lobes The bronchial buds and their splanchnopleuric sheath continue to grow and bifurcate, gradually filling the pleural cavities By week twenty-eight, the sixteenth round of branching generates terminal bronchioles, which subsequently divide into two or more respiratory bronchioles By week thirty-six, these respiratory bronchioles have become invested with capillaries and are called terminal sacs or primitive alveoli Between thirty-six weeks and birth, the alveoli mature Additional alveoli continue to be produced throughout early childhood During the fourth week, partitions form to subdivide the intraembryonic coelom into pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities The first partition to develop is the septum transversum, a block-like wedge of mesoderm that forms a ventral structure partially dividing the coelom into a thoracic primitive pericardial cavity and an abdominal peritoneal cavity Cranial body folding and differential growth of the developing head and neck regions translocate this block of mesoderm from the cranial edge of the embryonic disc caudally to the position of the future diaphragm Coronal pleuropericardial folds meanwhile form on the lateral body wall of the primitive pericardial cavity and grow medially to fuse with each other and with the ventral surface of the foregut mesoderm, thus subdividing the primitive pericardial cavity into a definitive pericardial cavity and two pleural cavities The pleural cavities initially communicate with the peritoneal cavity through a pair of pericardioperitoneal canals passing dorsal to the septum transversum However, a pair of transverse pleuroperitoneal membranes grow ventrally from the dorsal body wall to fuse with the transverse septum, thus closing off the pericardioperitoneal canals Therefore, the septum transversum and the pleuroperitoneal membranes form major parts of the future diaphragm As covered in Chapter 6, as a result of folding, the amnion, which initially arises from the dorsal margin of the embryonic disc ectoderm, is carried ventrally to enclose the entire embryo, taking origin from the umbilical ring surrounding the roots of the vitelline duct and connecting stalk The amnion also expands until it fills the chorionic space and fuses with the chorion As the amnion expands, it encloses the connecting stalk and yolk sac neck in a sheath of amniotic membrane This composite structure becomes the umbilical cord Clinical Taster An 18-year-old construction worker undergoes surgical repair of a broken femur after falling off a roof The surgery and initial postoperative course are uncomplicated However, the bedridden patient experiences a prolonged postoperative oxygen requirement despite receiving appropriate respiratory care, including frequent use of incentive spirometry (the patient exhales into this device to maintain lung volume) He develops increasing cough and shortness of breath, and five nights after surgery, he spikes a high fever The on-call resident orders a chest X-ray that shows a focal consolidation (area of dense lung tissue) in the left lower lobe consistent with a bacterial pneumonia The patient is started on intravenous antibiotics and receives more intensive respiratory therapy The family tells the team that the man has had pneumonia once before, and he has also had several cases of sinusitis He has a chronic cough that was diagnosed as “asthma,” but the cough is not severe enough to prevent him from being physically active One of the patient's older brothers has a similar respiratory issue and was found to be sterile after failing to conceive children The patient improves upon receiving antibiotics and respiratory therapy After a repeat chest X-ray is done to monitor the pneumonia, the radiologist calls to inform the team that an error was made during performance of the previous chest X-ray Apparently the patient has situs inversus, and the night radiology technician who performed the previous X-ray mislabeled that film The radiologist also notes subtle changes at the bases of the patient's lung fields consistent with bronchiectasis (abnormal dilation and inflammation of airways associated with mucous blockage), similar to that seen in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) or cystic fibrosis The combination of recurrent sinus infections, bronchiectasis, and 251 252 Larsen's Human Embryology Weeks Days At beginning of fourth week, embryonic disc is flat and trilaminar 21 22 Respiratory diverticulum forms Body folding commences 24 Body folding is complete, yielding threedimensional embryo with tube-within-atube body plan enclosed in amniotic sac 26 Respiratory diverticulum branches into left and right bronchial buds; stem of diverticulum will differentiate into trachea and larynx 28 Pericardioperitoneal canals Branching yields secondary bronchial buds, which represent future lung lobes 35 36 Branching yields tertiary bronchial buds, which represent future bronchopulmonary segments Pleuropericardial folds begin to separate primitive pericardial cavity into pericardial cavity and two pleural cavities; latter are initially continuous with peritoneal cavity through pericardioperitoneal canals, but pair of pleuroperitoneal membranes form to close off these canals 42 Expansion of amnion encloses yolk sac and connecting stalk in common sheath, forming umbilical cord Formation of pericardial sac is complete; lungs are growing Terminal bronchioles form Respiratory bronchioles form; surrounding mesenchyme becomes highly vascular; first terminal sacs (primitive alveoli) form Terminal sacs begin to differentiate into mature alveoli; alveoli continue to form through eighth year 16 Pleuroperitoneal membranes have closed off pericardioperitoneal canals; diaphragm begins to differentiate 28 36 Birth years Time line. Development of the lungs, respiratory tree, and body cavities situs inversus is consistent with the diagnosis of Kartagener syndrome (pronounced “KART-agayner”; see Chapters and 12 for additional discussion of Kartagener syndrome), a variant of PCD Kartagener syndrome is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the DYNEIN AXONEMAL HEAVY CHAIN (DNAH5) gene Mutations in this gene result in immotile cilia in the respiratory tract, leading to poor mucus transport and frequent infections Because cilia are also involved in sperm transport, affected males are sterile During embryonic development, cilia in the node are involved in determination of the left-right axis (covered in Chapter 3) Loss of node ciliary function in PCD leads to randomization of laterality, with 50% of affected individuals having situs inversus DEVELOPMENT OF LUNGS AND RESPIRATORY TREE Animation 11-1: Development of Lungs Animations are available online at StudentConsult Development of the esophagus, stomach, trachea, and lungs from the foregut region is tightly linked (Fig 11-1A) Hence, defects in the development of the foregut region often involve both the cranial level of the gastrointestinal system and the respiratory system (see Chapters 14 and 17 for further coverage of the development of the foregut region) Development of the lungs begins on day Chapter 11 — Development of the Respiratory System and Body Cavities 253 Caudal pharynx Larynx Esophagus Trachea Esophagus Trachea Trachea Esophagus Trachea Lung Lungs Primary lung bud Primary bronchi Lung Primary lung bud Lung Esophagus Cystic diverticulum Esophagus Stomach Esophagus Pancreatic rudiments Lung Stomach Stomach E10.5 E11.5 E12.5 Stomach E13.5 A Future trachea and larynx Esophagus Left and right primary bronchial buds Mesencephalon Pleural mesenchyme Rhombencephalon Diencephalon Pharynx Respiratory diverticulum 28 days Liver cords Septum transversum Secondary bronchial buds Midgut Allantois 30 days Yolk sac Tertiary bronchial buds 25 days B 38 days Stomach Figure 11-1. Development of the respiratory diverticulum A, Four stages in development of the mouse foregut, showing origins of the esophagus, trachea, lungs, and stomach The foregut epithelium has been stained with an antibody to E-cadherin The branching pattern of the mouse respiratory tree differs from that of the human, which is described in the text B, The respiratory diverticulum first forms as an evagination of the foregut on day twenty-two and immediately bifurcates into two primary bronchial buds between day twenty-six and day twenty-eight Early in the fifth week, the right bronchial bud branches into three secondary bronchial buds, whereas the left bronchial bud branches into two By the sixth week, secondary bronchial buds branch into tertiary bronchial buds (usually about ten on each side) to form the bronchopulmonary segments twenty-two with formation of a ventral outpouching of the endodermal foregut called the respiratory diverticulum (Fig 11-1B) This bud grows ventrocaudally through the mesenchyme surrounding the foregut, and on days twenty-six to twenty-eight, it undergoes a first bifurcation, splitting into right and left primary bronchial (or lung) buds These buds are the rudiments of the two lungs and the right and left primary bronchi, and the proximal end (stem) of the diverticulum forms the trachea and larynx The latter opens into the pharynx via the glottis, a passageway formed at the original point of evagination of the diverticulum As the primary bronchial 254 Larsen's Human Embryology TABLE 11-1 STAGES OF HUMAN LUNG DEVELOPMENT Stage of Development Period Events Embryonic Twenty-six days to six weeks Respiratory diverticulum arises as a ventral outpouching of foregut endoderm and undergoes three initial rounds of branching, producing the primordia successively of the two lungs, the lung lobes, and the bronchopulmonary segments; the stem of the diverticulum forms the trachea and larynx Pseudoglandular Six to sixteen weeks Respiratory tree undergoes fourteen more generations of branching, resulting in the formation of terminal bronchioles Canalicular Sixteen to twenty-eight weeks Each terminal bronchiole divides into two or more respiratory bronchioles Respiratory vasculature begins to develop During this process, blood vessels come into close apposition with the lung epithelium The lung epithelium also begins to differentiate into specialized cell types (ciliated, secretory, and neuroendocrine cells proximally and precursors of the alveolar type II and I cells distally) Saccular Twenty-eight to thirty-six weeks Respiratory bronchioles subdivide to produce terminal sacs (primitive alveoli) Terminal sacs continue to be produced until well into childhood Alveolar Thirty-six weeks to term Alveoli mature Splanchnopleuric mesoderm Respiratory bronchiole Terminal sac Terminal bronchiole 28-36 weeks Mature alveolus 36 weeks– early childhood Figure 11-2. Maturation of lung tissue Terminal sacs (primitive alveoli) begin to form between weeks twenty-eight and thirty-six and begin to mature between thirty-six weeks and birth However, only 5% to 20% of all terminal sacs eventually produced are formed before birth Subsequent septation of the alveoli is not shown buds form, the stem of the diverticulum begins to separate from the overlying portion of the pharynx, which becomes the esophagus During weeks five and twentyeight, the primary bronchial buds undergo about sixteen rounds of branching to generate the respiratory tree of the lungs The pattern of branching of the lung endoderm is regulated by the surrounding mesenchyme, which invests the buds from the time that they first form The stages of development of the lungs are summarized in Table 11-1 The first round of branching of the primary bronchial buds occurs early in the fifth week (see Fig 11-1B) This round of branching is highly stereotypical and yields three secondary bronchial buds on the right side and two on the left The secondary bronchial buds give rise to the lung lobes: three in the right lung and two in the left lung During the sixth week, a more variable round of branching typically yields ten tertiary bronchial buds on both sides; these become the bronchopulmonary segments of the mature lung By week sixteen, after about fourteen more branchings, the respiratory tree produces small branches called terminal bronchioles (Fig 11-2) Between sixteen and 255 Chapter 11 — Development of the Respiratory System and Body Cavities twenty-eight weeks, each terminal bronchiole divides into two or more respiratory bronchioles, and the mesodermal tissue surrounding these structures becomes highly vascularized By week twenty-eight, the respiratory bronchioles begin to sprout a final generation of stubby branches These branches develop in craniocaudal progression, forming first at more cranial terminal bronchioles By week thirty-six, the first-formed wave of terminal branches are invested in a dense network of capillaries and are called terminal sacs (primitive alveoli) Limited gas exchange is possible at this point, but the alveoli are still so few and immature that infants born at this age may die of respiratory insufficiency without adequate therapy (covered in a following “In the Clinic” entitled “Lung Maturation and Survival of Premature Infants”) Additional terminal sacs continue to form and differentiate in craniocaudal progression both before and after birth The process is largely completed by two years About twenty-million to seventy-million terminal sacs are formed in each lung before birth; the total number of alveoli in the mature lung is three-hundred million to four-hundred million Continued thinning of the squamous epithelial lining of the terminal sacs begins just before birth, resulting in the differentiation of these primitive alveoli into mature alveoli The development of the lung during fetal and postnatal life is often subdivided into four phases The pseudoglandular phase begins around the beginning of the fifth month of gestation It is characterized by the presence of terminal bronchi consisting of thick-walled tubes surrounded by dense mesenchyme The canalicular phase begins around the beginning of the sixth month of gestation (Fig 11-3A) It is characterized by thinning of the walls of the tubes as the lumens of the bronchi enlarge During the canalicular phase, the lung becomes highly vascularized The saccular phase begins around the beginning of the seventh month of gestation (Fig 11-3B) It is characterized by further thinning of the tubes to form numerous sacculi lined with type I and II alveolar cells (the former form the surface for gas exchange, and the latter respond to damage to type I cells by dividing and replacing them; as covered in the “In the Clinic” entitled “Lung Maturation and Survival of Premature Infants,” type II cells are the source of pulmonary surfactant) The alveolar phase begins shortly before birth, typically around the beginning of the ninth month of gestation, and continues into postnatal life (Fig 11-3C) It is characterized by the formation of mature alveoli An important process of septation, which further subdivides the alveoli, occurs after birth Each septum formed during this process contains smooth muscle and capillaries The lung is a composite of endodermal and mesodermal tissues The endoderm of the respiratory diverticulum gives rise to the mucosal lining of the bronchi and to the epithelial cells of the alveoli The remaining components of the lung, including muscle and cartilage supporting the bronchi and the visceral pleura covering the lung, are derived from the splanchnopleuric mesoderm, which covers the bronchi as they grow out from the mediastinum into the pleural space The lung vasculature is thought to develop via angiogenesis (i.e., sprouting from neighboring vessels; angiogenesis is covered in Chapter 13) M C C C C M C C M A AW M S M M S S AW M S B A M M A A A C M A A M A Figure 11-3. Histologic stages of normal human lung development A, Canalicular stage B, Saccular stage C, Alveolar stage A, alveolus; AW, airway; C, canaliculus; M, mesenchyme; S, saccule; Arrows, capillaries In the Research Lab Induction of Lungs and Respiratory Tree Experiments in mouse embryos have revealed that induction of the respiratory tree requires Wnt signaling After inactivation of β-catenin in the foregut endoderm, or in mice null for Wnt2/2b, the foregut fails to express the transcription factor Nkx2.1 (formerly called thyroid transcription factor-1; Titf1) —the earliest marker of the respiratory tree—and the lungs fail to form Conversely, increasing Wnt/β-catenin signaling leads to the conversion of esophagus and stomach endoderm into lung endoderm that expresses Nkx2.1 Collectively, these experiments demonstration that Wnt signaling is both sufficient and necessary for formation of the respiratory tree, and that a choice is made during development through inductive interactions to convert the foregut endoderm into either trachea and lungs or esophagus and stomach 256 Larsen's Human Embryology In the Clinic Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Esophageal atresia (EA; a blind esophagus) and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF; an abnormal connection between tracheal and esophageal lumens resulting from failure of the foregut to separate completely into trachea and esophagus; also called esophagotracheal fistula) are usually found together and occur in of 3000 to 5000 births (Fig 11-4) However, many variations in these defects are known, including an EA that connects to the trachea, forming a proximal TEF (with or without a distal TEF; the latter is illustrated in Fig 11-4), an isolated TEF (i.e., without an EA), and an isolated EA (i.e., without a TEF) In addition, both of these defects can be associated with other defects (e.g., esophageal atresia with cardiovascular defects such as tetralogy of Fallot—covered in Chapter 12; tracheoesophageal fistula with VATER or VACTERL association—covered in Chapter 3) Both esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula are dangerous to the newborn because they allow milk or other fluids to be aspirated into the lungs Hence, they are surgically corrected in the newborn In addition to threatening survival after birth, esophageal atresia has an adverse effect on the intrauterine environment before birth: the blind-ending esophagus prevents the fetus from swallowing amniotic fluid and returning it to the mother via the placental circulation This leads to an excess of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) and consequent distention of the uterus In the Research Lab Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula The cause of esophageal atresia is thought to be failure of the esophageal endoderm to proliferate rapidly enough during the fifth week to keep up with the elongation of the embryo However, the cause of tracheoesophageal fistula and the reason why the two defects are usually found together remain a puzzle During development of the mouse embryo, the anterior foregut expresses the transcription factor Sox2, with highest levels of expression occurring in the future esophagus and stomach In contrast, the future tracheal region of the foregut expresses the transcription factor Nkx2.1 Moreover, sonic hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in the ventral endoderm of the foregut, where it controls cell proliferation, and fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) are expressed in the adjacent ventral mesenchyme Disruption of the Shh pathway or the transcription factor Nkx2.1 causes tracheoesophageal fistula It is believed that Sox2 expression in the foregut sets up a boundary separating the trachea and the esophagus in normal development, and organ culture experiments suggest that Fgfs expressed by the ventral mesenchyme regulate Sox2 expression Moreover, bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signaling is also required to repress Sox2 expression in the future trachea Finally, Sox2 and Nkx2.1 reciprocally inhibit each other's expression, supporting an important role for the establishment of a tissue boundary in normal tracheal and esophagus development In the Clinic Developmental Abnormalities of Lungs and Respiratory Tree Many lung anomalies result from failure of the respiratory diverticulum or its branches to branch or differentiate correctly The most severe of these anomalies, pulmonary agenesis, results when the respiratory diverticulum fails to split into right and left bronchial buds and to continue growing Errors in the pattern of pulmonary branching (branching morphogenesis) during the embryonic and early fetal periods result in defects ranging from an abnormal number of pulmonary lobes or bronchial segments to the complete absence of a lung The complexity of branching morphogenesis can be appreciated by examining developing lungs in mouse Trachea Right bronchus Left bronchus Figure 11-4. Diagram of an infant with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula shows how the first drink of fluid after birth could be diverted into the newly expanded lungs (arrows) Proximal, blind-ending part of esophagus Tracheoesophageal fistula Distal esophagus Chapter 11 — Development of the Respiratory System and Body Cavities embryos in which the respiratory tree has been specifically stained (Fig 11-5); such images make clear how defects in branching morphogenesis can lead to lobe or bronchial segment anomalies Defects in the subdivision of the terminal respiratory bronchi or in the formation of septae after birth can result in an abnormal paucity of alveoli, even if the respiratory tree is otherwise normal Some of these types of pulmonary anomalies are caused by intrinsic molecular and cellular defects of branching morphogenesis (see the following “In the Research Lab” entitled “Molecular and Cellular Basis of Branching Morphogenesis”) However, the primary cause of pulmonary hypoplasia—a reduced number of pulmonary segments or terminal air sacs—often represents a response to some condition that reduces the volume of the pleural cavity, thus restricting growth of the lungs (e.g., protrusion of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity, a condition known as congenital diaphragmatic hernia; covered in a later “In the Clinic” entitled “Diaphragmatic Defects and Pulmonary Hypoplasia”) Lung Maturation and Survival of Premature Infants As the end of gestation approaches, the lungs undergo a rapid and dramatic series of transformations that prepare them for air breathing The fluid that fills the alveoli prenatally is absorbed at birth, the defenses that will protect the lungs against invading pathogens and against the oxidative effects of the atmosphere are activated, and the surface area for alveolar gas exchange increases greatly Changes in the structure of the lung take place during the last three months, accelerating in the days just preceding a normal term delivery If a child is born prematurely, the state of development of the lungs is usually the prime factor determining whether he or she will live Infants born between twenty-four weeks and term—during the phase of accelerated terminal lung maturation—have a good chance of survival with appropriate (including intensive medical assistance at the younger ages) neonatal support Infants born earlier than twenty-four weeks (during the canalicular phase of lung development) currently have a poor chance of survival (in neonatal intensive care units, or NICUs, 10% to 15% of infants born at 22 to 23 weeks survive, but about 50% of these have profound impairment; recently, an infant born at twenty-one weeks was reported to survive) Unfortunately, surviving infants receiving Figure 11-5. Whole mount of developing lungs from a mouse embryo at E14.5 Lung and tracheal epithelium has been labeled with an antibody to E-cadherin to show the pattern of branching (the pattern differs from the human pattern, which is described in the text) 257 intensive respiratory assistance may develop lung fibrosis that results in long-term respiratory problems Although the total surface area for gas exchange in the lung depends on the number of alveoli and on the density of alveolar capillaries, efficient gas exchange will occur only if the barrier separating air from blood is thin—that is, if the alveoli are thinwalled, properly inflated, and not filled with fluid The walls of the maturing alveolar sacs thin out during the weeks before birth In addition, specific alveolar cells (alveolar type II cells) begin to secrete pulmonary surfactant, a mixture of phospholipids and surfactant proteins that reduces the surface tension of the liquid film lining the alveoli and thus facilitates inflation In the absence of surfactant, the surface tension at the air-liquid interface of the alveolar sacs tends to collapse the alveoli during exhalation These collapsed alveoli can be inflated only with great effort The primary cause of the respiratory distress syndrome of premature infants (pulmonary insufficiency accompanied by gasping and cyanosis) is inadequate production of surfactant Respiratory distress syndrome not only threatens the infant with immediate asphyxiation, but the increased rate of breathing and mechanical ventilation required to support the infant's respiration can damage the delicate alveolar lining, allowing fluid and cellular and serum proteins to exude into the alveolus Continued injury may lead to detachment of the layer of cells lining the alveoli—a condition called hyaline membrane disease Chronic lung injury associated with preterm infants causes a condition termed bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in which the lungs become inflamed and ultimately scarred, compromising their ability to oxygenate the blood In mothers at high risk for premature delivery, the fetus can be treated antenatally with steroids to accelerate lung maturation and the synthesis of surfactant Critically ill newborns were first successfully treated with surfactant replacement therapy—administration of exogenous surfactant—in the late 1970s Although originally extracted from animal lungs or human amniotic fluid, synthetic surfactant preparations are now used In addition to containing phospholipids, current preparations include some of the supplementary proteins found in natural surfactant Four native surfactant proteins are known: hydrophobic surfactant proteins B and C (Sp-B and Sp-C, respectively) and hydrophilic surfactant proteins A and D (Sp-A and Sp-D, respectively) Sp-B seems to act by organizing the surfactant phospholipids into tubular structures, termed tubular myelin, which is particularly effective at reducing surface tension Although Sp-C is not required for tubular myelin formation, it does enhance the function of surfactant phospholipids Sp-A and -D apparently play important roles in innate host defense of the lung against viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens A fatal disease called hereditary surfactant protein B deficiency (hereditary SP-B deficiency) is a rare cause of respiratory failure in both premature and full-term newborn infants Alveolar air spaces are filled with granular eosinophilic proteinaceous material, and tubular myelin is absent Even though aggressive medical interventions have been applied in these cases, including surfactant replacement therapy, infants afflicted with this disease will die, typically within the first year, if they not receive a lung transplant Hereditary SP-B deficiency is an autosomal recessive condition The genetic basis for this condition has been examined In most cases, a frameshift mutation in exon of the human SP-B gene has been identified This mutation results in premature termination of translation of the SP-B protein Other mutations of the SP-B gene have also been identified that result in synthesis of defective forms of the SP-B protein It has been demonstrated that effects of SP-B deficiency extend beyond the disruption of translation of the SP-B gene Results of studies of null mutations of the sp-b gene in transgenic mice, for example, show that although the amount of sp-c or sp-a mRNA is not affected, precursors of 258 Larsen's Human Embryology the mature sp-c protein are not completely processed In addition, the processing of pulmonary phospholipids is disrupted Similar disruptions of SP-C peptide and phospholipid processing have been described in a human infant with SP-B deficiency More than fifteen different mutations in the SP-B gene have been associated with hereditary SP-B deficiency Mild mutations can cause chronic pulmonary disease in infants Although these studies have been useful in diagnosis, it is hoped that they will lead to effective therapies for this usually fatal disease In the Research Lab Approaches for Studying Lung Development and Branching Morphogenesis Organ Culture Just after formation of the primary bronchial buds, the lung primordia can be removed from embryonic birds or mice and cultured in media free of serum and other exogenous growth factors Under these conditions, the lung primordia will grow and branch for a few days However, in the absence of an intact vascular system, complete development is not possible With this limitation, it is possible to use these cultured lungs to analyze the roles of growth factors and other agents in the branching process In one such study, a small peptide that served as a competitive inhibitor of ligand binding to integrins resulted in abnormal morphology of the developing lung primordium In another study, incubation with monoclonal antibodies to specific sequences of the extracellular matrix protein laminin resulted in reduction of terminal buds and segmental dilation of the explanted lung primordia In another strategy, lung explants were treated with antisense oligonucleotides, which bind with and inactivate the mRNA of the specific factor of interest Experiments with antisense oligonucleotides against transcription factors such as Nkx2.1 resulted in a reduction in the number of terminal branches of the lung primordium It is possible to cleanly separate the endoderm of the lung buds from the mesoderm and to culture each alone or together and in the presence of purified factors This can reveal the mechanisms by which these layers and factors interact in vivo Transgenic and Gene-Targeting Technologies Genetic strategies, including the generation of engineered lossof-function mutations (gene knockouts) and gain-of-function transgenes, have provided important insights into lung development Recent advances have enabled genes to be deleted only in lung epithelial cells, either in the embryo or in the adult, thus bypassing the early lethality of some null mutations In addition, transgenes can be selected that drive expression of proteins in specific respiratory cell types Among examples, a surfactant B gene null mutation was described in the preceding “In the Clinic” entitled “Lung Maturation and Survival of Premature Infants.” Similar approaches have implicated many transcription factors in the control of lung growth, differentiation, and branching These include the proto-oncogene N-myc, the homeodomain protein Gata6, and the Lim homeodomain factor Lhx4 (previously known as Gsh4) Similarly, the homeodomain-containing transcription factor Nkx2.1 and the winged helix transcription factors Foxa1 and Foxa2 (previously known, respectively, as hepatic nuclear factor 3α and β) have been shown to be required for the regulation of lung cell genes, including surfactant synthesis A dramatic result was obtained by targeted disruption of the function of an Fgf receptor protein in the lung A transgene consisting of the surfactant C promoter element and a mutant form of the Fgf receptor that lacked a kinase sequence was constructed and injected into fertilized eggs to generate transgenic mice Inclusion of the surfactant C promoter element in the transgene resulted in its expression only in the airway epithelium The rationale behind the experiment is that formation of a functional Fgf receptor requires dimerization of two normal Fgf protein monomers Therefore, dimerization of the mutant protein produced by the transgene with the endogenous wild-type (normal) Fgf protein resulted in formation of inactive receptors only in the lungs As a consequence, other tissue of the embryos developed normally, but branching of the respiratory tree in the transgenic pups was completely inhibited This resulted in formation of elongated epithelial tubes that were incapable of supporting normal respiratory function at birth (Fig 11-6) Subsequent gene-targeting experiments in mice demonstrated that fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) and an isoform of its receptor in the respiratory epithelium, the Fgf-receptor2, were critical for formation of both lungs and limbs Similarly, ablation of Nkx2.1 blocked formation of both thyroid and lung Genetic strategies have also been used to create models of human pulmonary disease such as cystic fibrosis Mouse mutants in which the c-AMP–stimulated chloride secretory activity of the cystic fibrosis gene is absent or reduced have been created by homologous recombination These mice express some, but not all, of the abnormal phenotypes characteristic of the human disease In other experiments, transgenic mice have been created that carry the normal human cystic fibrosis gene to demonstrate that it is non-toxic and, therefore, probably safe to use in human therapy Currently, various approaches to human gene therapy for cystic fibrosis are being developed with viral- and DNA-based delivery systems The long-term goal is to insert the cystic fibrosis gene directly into the somatic airway epithelial cells of afflicted infants and children Molecular and Cellular Basis of Branching Morphogenesis As covered earlier in the chapter, endodermal bronchial buds and subsequent airway branches grow into the mesenchyme surrounding the thoracic gut tube Deficiencies or abnormalities in branching of the respiratory tree serve as the basis of many Figure 11-6. Mutation of a fibroblast growth factor receptor specifically expressed in the lungs results in inhibition of branching of the respiratory tree and formation of elongated epithelial tubes that end bluntly Stippling indicates the outline of where the lungs would form and their branching pattern in a wild-type embryo Chapter 11 — Development of the Respiratory System and Body Cavities forms of pulmonary hypoplasia (covered in the preceding “In the Clinic” entitled “Developmental Abnormalities of Lungs and Respiratory Tree”) Studies over the past several decades have demonstrated that branching morphogenesis of the respiratory tree is regulated by reciprocal interaction between endoderm and surrounding mesoderm For example, when mesenchyme in the region of the bifurcating bronchial buds is replaced with mesenchyme from around the developing trachea, further branching is inhibited Conversely, replacement of tracheal mesenchyme with that from the region of the bifurcating bronchial buds stimulates ectopic tracheal budding and branching Based on experiments such as these, components of the extracellular matrix and growth factors have been implicated in the stimulation and inhibition of branching For example, collagen types IV and V, laminin, fibronectin, and tenascin—all components of the extracellular matrix—are thought to play a permissive or a stimulatory role in branching of the bronchial buds Likewise, regulation of expression of receptors for these matrix components has been implicated in control of branching morphogenesis Many growth factors have been implicated in the growth, differentiation, and branching morphogenesis of the lung Among them are retinoic acid (RA), transforming growth factorβ (Tgfβ), Bmps, Shh, Wnts, Fgfs, epithelial growth factor (Egf), plateletderived growth factor (Pdgf), insulin-like growth factor (Igf), and transforming growth factorα (Tgfα) These growth factors and their receptors are expressed in specific cell populations during different phases of lung growth and branching, consistent with their postulated roles in this complex process For example, branching during the pseudoglandular stage is apparently influenced in part by the dynamic activity of RA, Shh, Fgf (especially Fgf10), Bmp, and Tgfβ signaling pathways Thus, experiments have shown that Fgf10, produced by the mesenchyme overlying the tips of the outgrowing bronchial buds, promotes both proliferation of the endoderm and its outward chemotaxis (i.e., directed movement according to the presence of so-called chemotactic factors in the cellular environment) On the other hand, Shh, produced by the endoderm, promotes proliferation and differentiation of the overlying mesoderm In addition, Shh negative regulates Fgf10 expression, thereby suppressing inappropriate branching The complex branching pattern of the mouse lung has been examined three-dimensionally (see Fig 11-5), and it was noted that branching occurs in three geometric modes: domain branching—formation of branches arranged much like the bristles on a brush; planar bifurcation—splitting of the tip of a branch into two branchlets; and orthogonal bifurcation—involving two rounds of planar bifurcation with 90-degree rotation between rounds to form a rosette-like structure of four branches Through iteration of these three simple branching patterns, the more than a million branches present in the mouse lung are generated In addition, experiments support a model in which airway branching, following the establishment of left-right asymmetry in the lung (e.g., three lobes in the right lung and two in the left of humans), is controlled by a master branch generator served by three slaves (i.e., subroutines that control discrete patterning events) The three subroutines consist of a periodicity clock, which times the formation of branches, and two other routines—one that controls bifurcation, 259 and another that controls branch-point rotation Sprouty2, an Fgf signaling inhibitor, is a candidate gene for the periodicity clock Interactions between sprouty2, Fgf10, and Fgf receptor2 control the master branch generator The other two subroutines involve interactions among the myriad signaling systems covered earlier in this section Finally, it is important to point out that the lungs in mammals and the tracheal system in flies (see next section entitled “Drosophila Tracheal System Development”) undergo extensive branching to increase the surface area for gas exchange, and that Fgf signaling (and presumably branching) is regulated by oxygen levels in flies In mammals, at least two families of factors likely act as oxygen sensors in lung branching morphogenesis: hypoxiainducible factor (Hif) and vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf) Drosophila Tracheal System Development The respiratory organ in Drosophila, the tracheal system, consists of a branched network of tubes (Fig 11-7) It is interesting to note that given the central role for Fgf signaling in vertebrate lung development just covered, formation of the tracheal system also involves Drosophila orthologs of the Fgf signaling system Three components of this system have been identified during development of the tracheal system: branchless, an Fgf-like ligand; breathless, an Fgf receptor; and sprouty, an endogenous Fgf inhibitor Although at least thirty other genes are involved in tracheal development, branchless and breathless are used repeatedly to control branch budding and outgrowth Sprouty provides negative feedback regulation by antagonizing Fgf signaling, thereby limiting the amount of branching that occurs Molecular and Cellular Basis of Alveolar Differentiation Growth factors such as Fgfs and Egf regulate not only early growth and branching of the lung, but also later formation and maturation of terminal sacs during the saccular stage Later still, PdgfA is required for the postnatal formation of alveolar septae– containing myofibroblasts Like Nkx2.1 and Foxa1/a2 (covered in a preceding section of this “In the Research Lab” entitled “Transgenic and Gene-Targeting Technologies”), cytokines, glucocorticoids, and thyroxine stimulate surfactant synthesis before birth It is hoped that these findings will lead to therapeutic stimulation of adequate alveolar formation and differentiation and surfactant synthesis within the lungs of premature infants Considerable effort has been spent in identifying genes that regulate the differentiation of lung progenitor cells into specialized types such as ciliated, secretory (Clara), and neuroendocrine cells For example, analysis of lungs from mice lacking the gene Mash1 (a member of the notch pathway; covered in Chapter 5) has shown that they lack neuroendocrine cells, whereas in Hes1 (another member of the notch pathway) null mutants, neuroendocrine cells form prematurely and in larger numbers than normal The gene Foxj1 (one of the many Fox transcription factors) is required for the development of differentiated ciliated cells The formation of submucosal glands, which are the major source of mucus production in the normal lung, is also regulated genetically Mice lacking genes controlling the ectodysplasin (Eda/Edar) signaling pathway (a gene involved in epithelial morphogenesis; covered in Chapter 7) not develop submuscosal glands These glands are also absent in humans lacking the EDA gene Figure 11-7. The Drosophila tracheal (respiratory) system consists of a network of interconnected epithelial tubes, visualized in a third-instar larva by expression of green fluorescent protein driven by the breathless promoter Breathless is an Fgf receptor ortholog that is required for tracheal tube branching and outgrowth Image shows a ventral view of the larva, with the head (anterior) to the left 260 Larsen's Human Embryology PARTITIONING OF COELOM AND FORMATION OF DIAPHRAGM Animation 11-2: Development of Body Cavities and Diaphragm Animations are available online at StudentConsult At the beginning of the fourth week of development, before body folding, the intraembryonic coelom forms a horseshoe-shaped space that partially encircles the future head end of the embryo (Fig 11-8) A Cranially, the intraembryonic coelom lies just caudal to the septum transversum and represents the future pericardial cavity The two caudally directed limbs of the horseshoe-shaped intraembryonic coelom represent the continuous future pleural and peritoneal cavities At about the mid-trunk and more caudal levels, the intraembryonic coelom on each side is continuous with the extraembryonic coelom or chorionic cavity With body folding, changes occur in the position of the intraembryonic coelom The head fold moves the Septum transversum Cut edge of amnion Extraembryonic coelom (chorionic cavity) Oropharyngeal membrane Arrow in cranial intraembryonic coelom Neural plate Continuity between intraembryonic and extraembryonic Arrow in coeloms caudal intraembryonic coelom Septum transversum Heart rudiment Yolk sac Splanchnopleure Cloacal membrane Amniotic cavity Somatopleure Intraembryonic coelom (future pericardial cavity) Heart rudiment Cranial body fold Oropharyngeal membrane Brain B Yolk sac Yolk sac C Caudal body fold Amnion Figure 11-8. The intraembryonic coelom prior to body folding A, At the beginning of the fourth week, the intraembryonic coelom forms a horseshoe-shaped space partially encircling the head end of the embryo Diagram of the epiblast after removal of the amnion shows the position of the neural plate, oropharyngeal and cloacal membranes, and intraembryonic coelom; the latter is continuous with the extraembryonic coelom at about the mid-trunk and at more caudal levels B, Cranial (top) and caudal (bottom) halves of embryos transected at the level indicated in A Arrows show continuity between the intraembryonic and extraembryonic coeloms C, Midsagittal view through the right side of an embryo at the level indicated in A Arrows show the directions of the head and tail body folds Chapter 20 — Development of the Limbs 517 A B C Figure 20-22. Split-foot anomaly A, Photograph showing a child with a unilateral split-foot anomaly B, C, Fgf8 expression in a wild-type mouse limb bud and in the Dlx5/6 double-mutant limb bud Note the absence of Fgf8 expression in the central region of the apical ectodermal ridge (red arrowheads) Failure of this portion of the ridge to develop properly likely explains split-hand and split-foot anomalies, as shown in part A mutants have polydactylous limbs, showing that the level of expression of Gli3 controls digit number (see Fig 20-15D) Mutations in GLI3 result in Greig cephalopolysyndactyly, Pallister-Hall syndrome, and post-axial polydactyly type A, all characterized by polydactyly The Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome is characterized by pre-axial and post-axial polydactyly of the feet and hands, respectively, and is due to loss of function of one copy of GLI3 (i.e., haploinsufficiency) In contrast, Pallister-Hall syndrome is characterized by central or insertional polydactyly, and mutant GLI3 proteins are thought to retain some GLI3 repressor activity Mesenchymal factors regulating Shh expression also result in limb defects Mutation in TBX3 results in the autosomal dominant disorder ulnar-mammary syndrome In this syndrome, the caudal side of the limb is affected, with reduction or complete loss of the ulna and posterior digits, as well as mammary gland defects This phenotype is recapitulated in the Tbx3 mutant mouse, where analysis of the limb buds has shown that Shh is not expressed, explaining the loss of caudal limb structures Two other T-Box transcription factors, Tbx4 and Tbx5, are restricted to the hindlimb and forelimb, respectively; this is reflected in the human syndromes resulting from mutations in these genes Mutation in TBX4 causes small patella syndrome, whereas mutation in TBX5 results in Holt-Oram syndrome, which affects the forelimb (but not hindlimb) and heart Mutation in PITX1, which regulates TBX4 expression, results in congenital clubfoot (see Fig 20-25), which can include patellar hypoplasia and tibial hemimelia Induction and maintenance of the AER are essential for limb outgrowth Mutations in the transcription factor TP73L (also known as P63) result in split-hand/split-foot type syndrome (Fig 20-22A) These mutations can lead as well to ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting (EEC) syndrome, which in part is also characterized by a split-hand and split-foot anomaly (a condition referred to as ectrodactyly) In p63 mouse mutants, the AER does not form appropriately and Fgf8 signaling is decreased, providing a potential mechanism, as the AER (or part of the AER) may degenerate prematurely The transcription factors Dlx5 and Dlx6 are expressed in the AER, and a split-hand or split-foot anomaly is also seen in mouse Dlx5/6 double mutants In these double mutants, analysis of AER markers clearly shows that the AER degenerates centrally, providing a mechanism for loss of the central digits (Fig 20-22B, C) DLX5 mutations have also been identified in humans with split-hand and split-foot syndrome Reflecting their key roles in limb outgrowth and patterning, mutations in the Hox gene family have been identified in human syndromes Mutation in HOXD13 results in synpolydactyly and brachydactyly types D and E (Fig 20-23), whereas mutation in HOXA13 results in hand-foot-genital syndrome HOXD11 mutations result in defects in more proximal limb structures in radioulnar synostosis (partial or full fusion of the radius and ulna with one another) with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia syndrome The differential effects of 518 Larsen's Human Embryology Figure 20-23. Hand (A) and radiograph (B) of a homozygous individual with a HOXD13 mutation Note syndactyly of digits threefive, their single knuckle, transformation of metacarpals one, two, three, and five to short carpal-like bones (stars), two additional carpal bones (asterisks), and short second phalanges (white dots) in digits two, three, and five The radius, ulna, and proximal carpal bones appear normal A B the tip of the limb by decreasing Bmp signaling (see Fig 2018) Brachydactyly can also be caused by a defect in the growth plate that forms at the epiphyses of developing phalanges (e.g., gain of function FGFR3 mutations that decrease the number of proliferating chondrogenic precursors within the growth plate; see Chapter for further coverage) The mutations above illustrate the consequences of factors that change patterning and growth of the limb bud, but cell death must also occur within the interdigital mesenchyme to sculpt the limbs Failure of cell death will result in syndactyly, which can be simple, just involving the soft tissues, or complex, involving bony fusions All mutations in factors that control this cell death (FGFR2, HOXD13) are linked to syndactyly (see Fig 20-23) Figure 20-24. Severe upper limb defect in an infant with Cornelia de Lange syndrome The autopod terminates in a single digit (monodactyly) HOXD13 and HOXD11 mutations on the autopod and zeugopod reflect their differential requirements in patterning and growth of these regions of the limb (see Figs 20-8, 20-9, 20-10) A classical multiple malformation syndrome associated with limb anomalies is Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS), first described in 1933 Most patients with this syndrome have upper limb anomalies ranging from small hands to severe limb reduction defects (Fig 20-24) It was recently discovered that 50% of CdLS patients have mutations in the NIPBL gene (ortholog of the Drosophila nipped-B–like gene), which encodes a protein called DELANGIN The function of this protein is unclear, but it seems to regulate the activity of other genes involved in development via its role in regulating chromatin organization Once specified, the skeletal elements must grow appropriately Brachydactyly, shortening of the phalanges, is caused by a variety of mutations (GDF5, ROR2, IHH) that affect the generation and differentiation of chondrogenic precursors at Non-Genetic Causes of Limb Defects As with other regions of the body, genetic mutations and environmental causes can result in abnormalities A variety of drugs and environmental teratogens have been shown to cause limb defects in experimental animals Some of these agents are associated with limb defects in humans Agents that influence general cell metabolism or cell proliferation are likely to cause limb defects if administered during the period of limb morphogenesis Such agents include chemotherapeutic agents such as 5′-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine, an inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase, and acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used in the treatment of glaucoma Other drugs that induce limb malformations in laboratory animals and humans are the anticonvulsants valproic acid and phenytoin, the anticoagulant warfarin, and (as discussed in the “Clinical Taster” for this chapter) the antileprosy, anticancer drug thalidomide (also used to treat HIV-related mouth and throat ulcers) Non-therapeutic drugs that can induce limb malformations include alcohol and cocaine Children with fetal alcohol syndrome can have hypoplasia of the distal digits, joint contractures, and radial limb defects Cocaine abuse in pregnancy is associated with limb reduction defects Fetal-maternal environmental factors associated with limb defects include gestational diabetes, congenital varicella infection, and hyperthermia Limb defects can also result from physical factors For example, a constricted uterine environment caused by oligohydramnios (insufficient amniotic fluid; Chapter 20 — Development of the Limbs Figure 20-25. Newborn infant with bilateral talipes equinovarus deformity (clubfoot) see Chapter 6) or reduced fetal movement can result in clubfoot deformity (talipes equinovarus; Fig 20-25), and early chorionic villus sampling has been linked to an increased frequency of limb malformations Vascular compromise in the fetus, due to vessel malformation or clots, has been proposed to be the cause of the unilateral limb anomalies seen in Poland anomaly TISSUE ORIGINS OF LIMB STRUCTURES Quail-chick transplantation chimeras and genetically modified mice in which specific embryonic populations (e.g., neural crest) are permanently labeled with LacZ (covered in Chapter 5) have been used to study the cell populations that give rise to various tissues of the limbs These studies have demonstrated that the lateral plate mesoderm gives rise to the bones, ligaments, tendons, and dermis of the limbs In contrast, the limb musculature and endothelial cells migrate into the developing limb bud from the somites (covered in Chapter 8), and melanocytes and Schwann cells of the limb are derived from migrating neural crest cells (as occurs elsewhere in the body; covered in Chapter 4) DIFFERENTIATION OF LIMB BONES With the exception of the clavicle, which is in part a membrane bone, the limb skeletal elements form by endochondral ossification (covered in Chapter 8) The 519 mesenchyme of the limb buds first begins to condense in the fifth week In general, the bones in the upper limb form slightly earlier than their counterparts in the lower limb The proximal elements (i.e., the femur and humerus in the stylopod) differentiate first, and the distal elements (i.e., the digits in the autopod) differentiate last By the end of the fifth week, the mesenchymal condensation that will give rise to the proximal limb skeleton (scapula and humerus in the upper limb; pelvic bones and femur in the lower limb) is distinct By the early sixth week, the mesenchymal rudiments of the distal limb skeleton are distinct in the upper and lower limbs, and chondrification commences in the humerus, ulna, and radius By the end of the sixth week, carpal and metacarpal elements also begin to chondrify In the lower limb, the femur, the tibia, and (to a lesser extent) the fibula begin to chondrify by the middle of the sixth week, and the tarsals and metatarsals begin to chondrify near the end of the sixth week By the early seventh week, all skeletal elements of the upper limb except the distal phalanges of the second to fifth digits are undergoing chondrification By the end of the seventh week, the distal phalanges of the hand have begun to chondrify, and chondrification is also under way in all elements of the lower limb except the distal row of phalanges The distal phalanges of the toes not chondrify until the eighth week The primary ossification centers of most of the limb long bones appear during weeks seven to twelve By the early seventh week, ossification has commenced in the clavicle, followed by the humerus, radius, and ulna at the end of the seventh week Ossification begins in the femur and tibia in the eighth week During the ninth week, the scapula and ilium begin to ossify, followed in the next three weeks by the metacarpals, metatarsals, distal phalanges, proximal phalanges, and finally the middle phalanges The ischium and pubis begin to ossify in the fifteenth and twentieth weeks, respectively, and ossification of the calcaneus finally begins at about sixteen weeks Some of the smaller carpal and tarsal bones not start ossification until early childhood Synovial joints (covered in Chapter 8) separate most of the skeletal elements Synchondroidal or fibrous joints, such as those connecting the bones of the pelvis, also develop from interzones between forming bony elements, but the interzone mesenchyme simply differentiates into a single layer of fibrocartilage INNERVATION OF DEVELOPING LIMB As described in Chapter 10, each spinal nerve splits into two main branches, the dorsal and ventral rami, shortly after it exits the spinal cord The limb muscles are innervated by branches of the ventral rami of spinal nerves (Figs 20-26, 20-27) C5 through T1/T2 (for the upper limb) and L4 through S3 (for the lower limb) Muscles originating in the dorsal muscle mass are served by dorsal branches of these ventral rami (arising from the LMCl neurons; covered in the following “In the Research Lab” entitled "Specification and Projection of Limb Motor Axons"), whereas muscles originating in the ventral muscle mass are served by ventral branches of the ventral rami (arising from the LMCm neurons; also covered in the following “In the Research Lab” 520 Larsen's Human Embryology entitled "Specification and Projection of Limb Motor Axons") Thus, the innervation of a muscle shows whether it originated in the dorsal or the ventral muscle mass As illustrated in Figure 20-27, the motor axons that innervate the limbs perform an intricate feat of pathfinding to reach their target muscles This is not dependent on muscles, as axons migrate almost normally in limbs lacking muscles The ventral ramus axons destined for the limbs apparently travel to the base of the limb bud Figure 20-26. Scanning electron micrograph of a transversely sectioned embryo showing axons (arrow) entering the base of the limb bud (dotted area) C5 C6 C7 C8 A T1 T2 by growing along permissive pathways The growth cones of these axons avoid or are unable to penetrate regions of dense mesenchyme or mesenchyme-containing glycosaminoglycans The axons heading for the lower limb are thus deflected around the developing pelvic anlagen In both the upper and lower limb buds, the axons from the nerves cranial to the limb bud grow toward the craniodorsal side of the limb bud, whereas the axons from the nerves caudal to the limb bud grow toward the ventrocaudal side of the limb bud (see Fig 20-27) Once the motor axons arrive at the base of the limb bud, they mix in a specific pattern to form the brachial plexus of the upper limb and the lumbosacral plexus of the lower limb This zone thus constitutes a decisionmaking region for the axons (covered in the following “In the Research Lab” entitled "Specification and Projection of Limb Motor Axons") Once the axons have sorted out in the plexus, the growth cones continue into the limb bud, presumably traveling along permissive pathways that lead in the general direction of the appropriate muscle compartment Axons from the dorsal divisions of the plexuses tend to grow into the dorsal side of the limb bud and thus innervate mainly extensors, supinators, and abductor muscles; axons from the ventral divisions of the plexus grow into the ventral side of the limb bud and thus innervate mainly flexors, pronators, and adductor muscles Over the very last part of an axon's path, axonal pathfinding is probably regulated by cues produced by the muscle itself Similarly, local differences in cell Axons diverge to specific muscles in limb bud Grow to craniodorsal parts of upper limb bud C Grow to ventrocaudal parts of upper limb bud Nerves diverge after leaving plexus to enter craniodorsal or ventrocaudal part of limb bud B Figure 20-27. Growth of spinal nerve axons into the limb buds A, B, Axons grow into the limb buds along permissive pathways As the axons of the various spinal nerves mingle at the base of the limb buds to form the brachial and lumbosacral plexuses, each axon must “decide” whether to grow into the dorsal or ventral muscle mass Factors that may play a role in directing axon growth include areas of dense mesenchyme or glycosaminoglycan-containing mesenchyme, which are avoided by outgrowing axons C, Once the axons grow into the bud, decision points (arrows) under the control of “local factors” may regulate the invasion of specific muscle rudiments by specific axons Chapter 20 — Development of the Limbs surface molecules among muscle fibers most likely direct the final branching and distribution of axons within specific muscles As mentioned earlier in the chapter (see Fig 20-11), the upper and lower limb buds rotate from their original orientation: basically, from a coronal orientation to a parasagittal orientation Subsequently (between the sixth and eighth weeks), they also rotate around their long axis The upper limb rotates laterally so that the elbow points caudally and the original ventral surface of the limb bud becomes the cranial surface of the limb The lower limb rotates medially so that the knee points cranially and the original ventral surface of the limb bud becomes the caudal surface of the limb As shown in Figure 20-28, this rotation causes the originally straight segmental pattern of lower limb innervation to twist into a spiral The rotation of the upper limb is less extreme than that of the lower limb and is accomplished partly through caudal migration of the shoulder girdle Moreover, some of the dermatomes in the upper limb bud exhibit overgrowth and come to dominate the limb surface In the Research Lab Specification and Projection of Limb Motor Axons A number of factors are thought to control axonal specification, migration, and projection, including the Lim and Hox homeobox proteins, Eph/ephrin signaling, Et-S transcription factors, and cell adhesion molecules such as type II cadherins and nCam The motor neurons that innervate the limb bud form in the lateral motor columns (LMCs) within the neural tube in response to retinoic acid signaling from the paraxial mesoderm The LMC has Thumb 521 two divisions consisting of LMCm (medial) and LMCl (lateral) neurons, which are distinguished by the differential expression of Lim homeobox proteins and project to the ventral and dorsal limb mesenchyme, respectively LMCm neurons are Isl1 and Isl2 positive, whereas LMCl neurons express Lim1 and Isl2 Transplantation studies have shown that the axons have a remarkable ability to reach their appropriate targets Thus, if the neural tube is shifted slightly along its cranial-caudal axis, the axons will still be able to project properly, being guided by a combination of local repulsive/attractive and chemoattractive cues LMCm and LMCl axons migrate along a common pathway to the plexus, where they pause and change their nearest neighbors: this resting period and the timing of subsequent ingrowth into the limb bud are determined by signals from the limb mesenchyme, such as ephrin and semaphorin 3A At the junction of Lmxb1expressing and non-expressing mesenchyme, a decision is made as to whether to enter the dorsal and ventral limb mesenchyme (Fig 20-29A) LMCl neurons require Lim1 and its downstream target, EphA4, to project appropriately into the dorsal mesenchyme EphA4 axons avoid the ventral mesenchyme, which expresses high levels of ephrin-A2 and ephrin-A5 In the absence of Lim1, the LMCl neurons project randomly (Fig 20-29B) Likewise, in EphA4 mutant mice, the LMCl neurons project abnormally, but in this case, they all enter the ventral limb mesenchyme (Fig 2029C) In the converse situation, ectopic misexpression of EphA4 results in the LMCm neurons projecting dorsally Similar repulsive interactions “force/guide” the LMCm neurons to enter the ventral mesenchyme: a subset of LMCm neurons express the secreted semaphorin co-receptor neuropilin and avoid the semaphorin 3Fexpressing dorsal mesenchyme Loss of function of Lmx1b, which controls dorsal-ventral limb identity (covered in the preceding “In the Research Lab” in the section entitled "Specification of DorsalVentral Axis)," results in the random projection of both LMCm and LMCl neurons (Fig 20-29D) Thumb Plantar surface Dorsal surface A B C Figure 20-28. Rotation of the limbs A, B, C, Indicate sequential stages in limb rotation (arrows in B) The dramatic medial rotation of the lower limbs during the sixth to eighth weeks causes the mature dermatomes to spiral down the limbs The configuration of the upper limb dermatomes is partially modified by more limited lateral rotation of the upper limb during the same period 522 Larsen's Human Embryology Wild type Lim1 mutant LMC M L Lmx1b Dorsal Ventral A B EphA4 mutant Figure 20-29. Motor columns and their axonal projections in wild-type and mutant mice as seen in drawings of transverse sections The median motor column and its axonal projections are shown in green They innervate muscles (not shown) adjacent to the vertebral column and derived from the corresponding segmental somitic myotome The lateral motor column consists of two divisions: LMCm (purple) and LMCl (blue), with their axonal projections going to the dorsal and ventral regions of the developing limbs, respectively A, Wild-type mouse B-D, Lim1, EphA4, and Lmx1b mutant mice, respectively C Lmx1b mutant D Embryology in Practice When Things Don't Fit A three-year-old boy is seen in the genetics clinic for limb and cardiac anomalies with the concern that he might have a congenital syndrome The referring physician specifically requested evaluation of the boy for the “heart and hand” syndrome On examination, the boy is found to have symmetric upper limb anomalies (Fig 20-30) consisting of absent thumbs, abnormal index fingers, short, curved fifth fingers, and lack of palmar creases Both index fingers have circumferential nail formation (i.e., the nails encircled the tips of the digits) His forearms are short He also has absent nipples and underdeveloped pectoralis muscles bilaterally X-rays of his upper extremities show absence of bilateral radii and thumb bones and shortening of both ulnae Echocardiography previously showed a moderately large atrial septal defect (ASD) and a small muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) His lower extremities are normal In general, it is more common for limb defects to affect either the radial or ulnar elements, with both elements affected only in rare instances Added to this is the unusual combination of heart defects and mammary abnormalities that not fit together Radial ray anomalies with heart defects would suggest Holt-Oram (also known as “heart and hand”) syndrome, caused by mutations in the TBX5 gene However, absent nipples and ulnar ray anomalies are not seen in this syndrome and Figure 20-30. Upper limbs in a child with both Holt-Oram and ulnamammary syndromes would be more consistent with ulnar-mammary syndrome, caused by mutations in the TBX3 gene Genetic testing for either or both of these genes could be considered equally While discussing the diagnostic approach to this seemingly disparate constellation of findings, an astute genetics fellow has a hypothesis In looking up the genetic test information for the TBX3 and TBX5 genes, she notices that they map to the same chromosomal band Querying the genome browser shows that these genes lie side by side on chromosome 12, spanning only 340 kilobases of DNA With this knowledge in hand, instead of single gene testing, she orders cytogenomic microarray analysis that uncovers a small deletion in this patient, confirming the diagnoses of both Holt-Oram and ulnar-mammary syndromes Chapter 20 — Development of the Limbs Suggested Readings Anderson E, Peluso S, Lettice LA, Hill RE 2012 Human limb abnormalities caused by disruption of hedgehog signaling Trends Genet 28:364–373 Bastida MF, Ros MA 2008 How we get a perfect complement of digits? Curr Opin Genet Dev 18:374–380 Fernandez-Teran M, Ros MA 2008 The apical ectodermal ridge: morphological aspects and signaling pathways Int J Dev Biol 52: 857–871 Hernandez-Martinez R, Covarrubias L 2011 Interdigital cell death function and regulation: new insights on an old programmed cell death model Dev Growth Differ 53:245–258 Kao TJ, Law C, Kania A 2012 Eph and ephrin signaling: lessons learned from spinal motor neurons Semin Cell Dev Biol 23:83–91 Polleux F, Ince-Dunn G, Ghosh A 2007 Transcriptional regulation of vertebrate axon guidance and synapse formation Nat Rev Neurosci 8:331–340 523 Rabinowitz AH, Vokes SA 2012 Integration of the transcriptional networks regulating limb morphogenesis Dev Biol 368:165–180 Stricker S, Mundlos S 2011 Mechanisms of digit formation: human malformation syndromes tell the story Dev Dyn 240:990–1004 Suzuki T, Hasso SM, Fallon JF 2008 Unique SMAD1/5/8 activity at the phalanx-forming region determines digit identity Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 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is flat and trilaminar 21 22 Respiratory diverticulum forms Body folding commences 24 Body folding... canonical Wnts, Pdgf, retinoic acid and retinoic acid receptors, Mef2c, Msx1, Msx2, Hand2, Tbx18, Shox2, Foxa2, Foxc1, and Foxc2 Once heart tube elongation is completed, studies suggest that cranial... extraembryonic coeloms as the yolk stalk narrows 26 2 Larsen's Human Embryology thus subdividing the primitive pericardial cavity into three compartments: a fully enclosed, ventral definitive pericardial