Project Manager Skills

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Project Manager Skills

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bài tập cá nhân cho học phần quản lý dự án khoa kinh tế học : Identify your current strengths and weaknesses as a Project Manager and to identify ways to improve your Project Management skills. give 10 skills and analysis 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses skills of Project Manager.

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT “Identify your current strengths and weakness as a Project Manager and to identify ways to improve your Project Management skills” A project manager is the person responsible for leading a project from its inception to execution This includes planning, execution and managing the people, resources and scope of the project Project managers must have the discipline to create clear and attainable objectives and to see them through to successful completion The project manager has full responsibility and authority to complete the assigned project A project manager's position may end with the completion of the assigned project, or it may be a semi-permanent position for a limited time or until a predetermined point in the project’s schedule or stage of completion The trends in today's global business management is constantly developing The project manager have to be aware of the major trends in international and national business so they can take advantage of those that might favor their company Markets are evolving rapidly, and they can take advantage of the changing environment to create a niche for their company High-quality, speed-to-market ad superior customer satisfaction is the changes in current business management There are many skills I think project managers need I will list to some of them that should be part of our skillset because they will help we get the job done more effectively - Leadership If we’ve learned anything from years of leading projects, it’s that great leadership is an essential skill to being a good project manager Our leadership role means we lead and manage teams; setting the vision, motivating the team, serving them, coaching them and inspiring others As project managers, we lead from both a strategic and operational perspective – we communicate the vision and get team (and organizational) buy-in, we resolve conflict, set goals, and evaluate performance and make sure team members have the tools, money, space etc that they need to get things done The key project management leadership skill to master in leadership is making sure you’re leading, rather than just managing That means providing a vision and a roadmap for success and serving and empowering your team to get there - Negotiation Project management is somewhat like politics; it often brings together a disparate group of people, often with competing interests, and our job is to get these different interests on the same page, so that we can accomplish project goals In other words, a good project manager must be an excellent negotiator The key project management negotiation skill to master is finding that middle ground – working out compromises so everyone that matters feels like they’ve won - Time management As project managers, a huge part of our job is determining and communicating how other people will spend their time But it’s equally important to be aware of how we are managing our own time There are a million and one good things you could be doing, but a good project manager recognizes that only a few things fall into the category of “best” and these few things are what need to come first each day Knowing when to say “No” is a critical project management skill The project management time-management skill to master is doing the right thing If you can make sure you don’t get caught up in wild goose chases on your projects and can stick to focusing the best part of your time on the important things everyone will win - Risk Management Project managers are always an easy target when projects don’t go to plan Regardless of the circumstances, everyone wonders whether the project manager could have foreseen and prevented the risk before it became an issue Project sponsors hate surprises and good risk management is one way of avoiding surprises, especially the nasty ones Risks are often not urgent which means many project managers fail to consider risks as seriously as they should You can stay on top of your project by controlling risk, and actively mitigating against it as far as you can The project management risk management skill to master is the ability to identify risks well before they become issues, and come up with effective mitigation plans so that the risk of them ever becoming issues is nullified - Planning Project scheduling is a core project management skill, but one that surprisingly, many managers not pay much attention to, says Elizabeth Harrin of Project Management Perspectives But really, what is a project manager without a plan? Our ability to organize tasks in the right order, to hit the right outcome at the right time is a major part of our jobs as project manager, isn’t it? It is absolutely critical that as project managers, we give scheduling the serious attention it deserves, and along with it, monitoring progress as the project moves forward and making tweaks to ensure that everything stays on track The project management planning skill to master is planning to the extent that you’re always ten steps ahead and always know ‘what’s next’ That means not only for success but for the disasters too As a skilled project manager, you’ve always got a plan up your sleeve - Critical Thinking Critical thinking is core to being able to make good decisions You have to weigh up the pros and cons of solutions to problems before choosing the right way forward This is what distinguishes a project manager who is good at managing issues to someone who blows issues out of the water every time You can build your critical thinking skills through practice and by equipping yourself with tools and approaches to help you structure arguments logically and see things from all angles before making the final decision - Communication One of the essential skills for project management is the ability to communicate well – understanding and being understood Great communication is the crux of any relationship and so the effectiveness of a project manager’s communication has an impact not only on the project team but the client and stakeholders too The key project management communication skill to master is the ability to listen, to be clear and ensure you’re understood When information flows with the right messaging, at the right time, to the right person, through the right channel, almost any hurdle can be overcome - Team management Most of the people on your project team won’t work for you (if, indeed, any of them do) That makes it really important that you are good at managing in a matrixes environment but also that you are good at coaching team Why? Because they may not have much project experience and you’ll have to guide them to top performance If you are worried about not being a team management you might be surprised to learn that team skills are something that might be closer in reach than you expect If you sit with a child during homework and help them coming to the right answers then you are doing a form of coaching Some training in this area will help you apply those skills in the workplace to help your team perform their best - Task Management This is another bread and butter task for project managers You should be able to create a task list, delegate work to others and keep on top of progress I found this was the easiest part of project management when I started because I was naturally a list-maker If it doesn’t come easy to you you’ll have to develop strategies to ensure you are always on top of your To Do list When you have cracked managing your own work you can help others manage theirs This is the best way in my experience to make sure that projects come in on time and others take responsibility for their deliverables - Quality Management Quality management ensures that you deliver a product that is fit for purpose What project sponsor doesn’t want that? Unfortunately project managers often don’t spend enough time on the quality angle of their projects – it’s one of those processes and set of tasks that are overlooked as an administrative overhead Above is my short list of some must-have skills for project managers, and in there having three skills I have and believe would be my strongest There are communication, leadership and team management Communication “Understanding the importance of communication skills in project management is the first step to successfully managing your projects” Did you know that 90 percent of a project manager’s time is spent communicating? The PMI (Project Management Institute) suggest a project manager should spend 90 per cent of their time communicating! It’s essential that project managers can effectively convey vision, ideas, goals, and issues—as well as produce reports and presentations, among other skills Related to my ability, I will take an example about Nonverbal communication which I have ever discussed with foreign director Nonverbal communication is also known as body language Nonverbal communication shows others that we are ready to communicate effectively when you maintain eye contact, sit attentively and position our body to face the person who is speaking Folding our arms across your chest, clenching our fists and looking downward signify that we are guarded and consequently, can hinder communication To explain to director who comes from Korean about process of contract in Vietnam when a customer buy technology software, each company depends on government or private company, they required other paper By explain about body language with tree chart, they understand about the time for each company, not put pressure on to my work and I must only consider and make a detail report to him People communicate with one another to share ideas, express thoughts and feelings, and resolve problems Errors occur when a communicated message is not given or received as it was intended 2 Leadership The necessary leadership skills for project managers differ from those required in other disciplines, so it is important to cultivate a proficiency in areas that are unique to project management Most notably, the project manager is responsible for managing the project itself rather than the individual team members who are contributing to its completion The project manager does not serve as a superior in a supervisory role, so leadership skills for project managers tend to be collaborative rather than authoritative So, Leadership is the current buzzword in the project management industry, and with good reason: If you can lead, you can deliver One of the key leadership skills for project managers is an ability to create engagement among the key stakeholders throughout each phase of the project When the project is in the planning stage, the project manager will typically get together with the department heads and/or team members who are going to be involved in the project In my case, when my staff report about a fastidious customer which is one of target in that month, he buys a bridge software with high version Following the quotation, they will pay 15,000 dollars for advanced version, however they require to change some temporary function in maintenance term to main term with the difference price They create a difficult situation for my staff When staff send report to me asking about solution and explain the first case they meet I hear him opinion and have a visual look about his ability, I give some suggest about the change but not change about price and give some reason which staff can discuss with customer And lastly, the contract is signed Not solving directly, I can guide to my staff and give him some decision which he can As business leaders, we need to provide our teams and employees with the skills, practice, tools, and reasons to be successful and feel engaged and committed As I have learned over the years by conducting award-winning business leadership learning engagements, employees feeling engaged comes down to very basic elements including feeling good about their work and feeling good about how their work gets done In other words, a pride of purpose in the workplace Team management Besides leading a team from a strategic perspective, project managers also need to manage from an operational point of view An effective team manager excels at administering and coordinating groups of individuals by promoting teamwork, delegating tasks, resolving conflict, setting goals, and evaluating performance Leadership is about inspiring others to walk with you; team management makes sure your team has the right shoes For effective team management, it is important that the team leader is more of a mentor to his team members rather than just being a strict boss Understand your team members well Gone are the days when people used to fear their bosses Nowadays employees share a healthy relation with their superiors and the comfort level has increased to a large extent Don’t impose things on them With Information Technology Company, we provide many software, they focus on fields There are bridge software, building software, geotechnical software and mechanic software Each field we have engineer for them Each team consists technical supported engineer, software developer and seller The action in building example will give a visual look for our work Process to get a contract is started by seller, he hear demand of customer, introduce catalogue, give price table If customer has question related to applying software to real project or a simple question about function of software, seller will transfer to technical supporter to solve them If it is error of software, detail is code in program, technical engineer must move to IT You can said that it is a simple process but each customer have each requirement such as price, function of software, technical supported service, training, etc It is easy to create a team but it is actually difficult to bind the team members together and even make them work Team management techniques help in strengthening the bond among the employees and creating an environment where they can trust each other People actually become friends and start working together as a result of team management activities In contrast with three strongest skills, I also have three weakness skills in project management I often loss of confidence when having case related to them To improving them, I must more management book, ask boss or take experience from failure They are negotiation, task management, and risk management Negotiation Going back to the communication skill—a lot of this communication has to with negotiating the use of resources, budgets, schedules, scope creep, and a variety of other compromises that are unavoidable Knowing how to negotiate well so that all parties are satisfied is a key skill for the successful project manager Negotiation is an invaluable skill for any project manager Not only you negotiate agreements with vendors and contractors, but you must effectively negotiate with stakeholders, customers and team members throughout the life of a project I lost a contract with a government company due to my negotiation skill Reason is value of contract they require which is too lowest when compare with price our company give In Viet Nam, crack version of software is too much, with using free is popular habit, so copyright is expensive, Construction Company only buy a violation when they must present to contractor By giving big promotion with 20 per cent discount, they are not agree with our quotation In other hand, they required with a supported value is lower a half of original price with many paper is drafted from our company which they sent to contractor, owner We did not agree and I finish the discussion by not giving our software In fact that, if I can think about the rental license, I can help them, but I did not mention Communication skills, listening skills and influencing skills are some of the most important skills required when negotiating The negotiation process is not a linear process and requires a lot of complex thinking I should combine them to improve the negotiation skill Task management Task management is the process of managing a task through its life cycle, including planning, testing, tracking and reporting Task management can help either individuals achieve goals, or groups of individuals collaborate and share knowledge for the accomplishment of collective goals Furthermore, task management may form part of Project Management and process management and can serve as the foundation for efficient workflow in an organization There are plenty of tasks that managers will need to accomplish in their daily work routine which purpose is to bring effectiveness and efficiency in their company Sometimes, to manage team in my company is stress with me Bridge software and building software is difficult to distinguish, they are structural software and can solve the same structure such as truss or seaport structure I often mistake about plan, target of teams, price or promotion for them Risk management During “Project Management for You” seminar, I referred top-notch project managers and asked them about their go-to project management tool or technique I was surprised to see them suggesting risk management They are absolutely right: If you can predict and create solutions to issues before they arise, you increase your chances of delivering projects successfully Risks by definition are not urgent; as a result, many project managers fail to consider risks as seriously as they should Risk in business depends on many factors Dollar losses, lost time and productivity and the negative impact on customers Difficult to control them in work and I also Identifying, evaluating and understanding risks is a very important aspect of business management of construction software Our company can also suffer dreadful consequences if risks are not appropriately managed Project management is a job that demands a varied and vast skill set A project manager needs to have the right balance of skills in order to be successful in managing projects and teams Effective project managers need to know, ‘just enough to be dangerous’ about the work that their teams execute I need to know the platforms and systems our teams use, and the possibilities and limitations of those so that we can have intelligent and informed conversations with clients, team, stakeholders, and suppliers Start by honing my practices in each skill set, and keep adding and incorporating them into my work I hope I continue working on becoming the best project manager I can be ... including feeling good about their work and feeling good about how their work gets done In other words, a pride of purpose in the workplace Team management Besides leading a team from a strategic

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2017, 10:32

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