(6) . Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt relaxed with as if we (7) . them for ages. However, it really (8) you years to get to know someone well (9) to consic.ler your best friend. To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and ( 10) __ understands us better thari anyone else. Its the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.
NGlJYeN THI CHI (Chu bi�n) NGlJYeN HOU CVONG BAI TAP • BO TRd • - NANG CAO , A � A 1r�rnrm@ LM� 1111 (Tai bdn la'n thit ba) NHÀ XUẤT BẢN GIÁO DỤC VIỆT NAM LOI·GlOI THitu Huong ung Cu