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Giáo án Anh 8  Giáo án Anh 8 . Preparing date:/8 ./1 / 2006 UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE. LESSON 1: LISTEN AND READ. Period: 55. A. Objectives: I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know meaning of words,understand the content of the text. II.Skills: writing, reading and speaking III.Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, and poster. B.Procedures: I. Class-organization: check-attendance (1m) II .Checking-up: No checking. III.New- lesson: Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities 10ms 12ms A.Getting started. -Work with a partner. What would you do in these situations which require first-aid. The pictures will help you. B.Presentation: -T asks Ss to listen to the text. I. Pre - teach vocabulary: -T presents newwords. -emergency /I'mrnsi/ (n): tình trạng khẩn cấp, cấp cứu. -ambulance / mbulns / (n):xe cứu thương. -conscious / 'kants / (adj) : trạng thái tỉnh táo. -bleed / bli:d / (v): chảy máu. -wound /wu:nd/ (n): vết thương. -sting = bee sting : vết ong đốt. -pressure / pre / (n): áp xuất. Ss work in pairs and give the anwsers. +Possible answers. -A girl has a burn on her arm. Use cold water / ice to ease the pain. -A boy has a bad cut on his leg Use alcohol / medicated oil / Sterile dressing. - A girl has a nose bleed use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding. -A boy has a bee sting Use medical oil. Ss listen. Ss copy down. Trần Nữ Nhân - 1 - Giáo án Anh 8  Giáo án Anh 8 15ms 3ms -T reads first and then asks Ss to repeat. II. Checking vocabulary: Slap the board. C. While - reading: I. Reading the dialogue. II.Select the topics covered in the dialogue. +Answers: -Asking Ss to answer C. Post - reading: -Write - it- up: -Asking Ss to write a story using the information from the dialogue. Ss repeat in chorus and then individual. Ss read in chorus and then individual. Ss answer. a.describing the condition of the injured person. b. asking for the address. c. asking about the condition of the injured person. e.giving first-aid instructions. f. arranging for an ambulance. Ss write. IV. Consolidation: (2ms) -Read the vocabulary. V. Recommendation ( 2ms ) -Learning newwords by heart. -Reading the dialogue again and again. Trần Nữ Nhân - 2 - . date:/8 ./1 / 2006 UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE. LESSON 1: LISTEN AND READ. Period: 55. A. Objectives: I.Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to

Ngày đăng: 29/06/2013, 01:27

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