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Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies, 2nd Edition

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  • Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies

    • Cover

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction

    • About This Book

    • How to Use This Book

    • Who Are You?

    • How This Book Is Organized

      • Book I: Web Page Basics

      • Book II: HTML

      • Book III: FrontPage 2003

      • Book IV: Dreamweaver

      • Book V: Multimedia: Pulling Together Graphics, Sound, Video,Animations, and Applets

      • Book VI: JavaScript

      • Book VII: Flash

      • Book VIII: Adding E-Commerce Capability

    • Book IX: XML

    • What's on the CD?

    • Icon Alert!

  • Book I: Web Page Basics

    • Chapter 1: Creating a Successful Web Site

      • Web Site Basics

        • Different kinds of Web sites

        • Creating a Web site: An overview

      • Planning Your Web Site

      • Creating Your Web Pages

        • From scratch, using a text editor

        • Using a graphical Web page editor

        • Beyond HTML: Adding nifty features

      • Publishing Your Web Pages

        • Finding space for your Web site

        • Publicizing your Web site

      • Elements of a Successful Web Site

      • Organizing Site Content

        • Sequential organization

        • Hierarchical organization

        • Combination sequential and hierarchical organization

        • Web organization

      • What to Include on Every Page

      • What to Include on Every Web Site

        • Home page

        • Cover page

        • Site map

        • Contact information

        • Help page

        • FAQ

        • Related links

        • Discussion group

    • Chapter 2: Building Your First Web Site

      • Registering with a Free Web Host

      • Using a Free Web Site Creation Tool

      • Viewing Your First Web Page - Live

    • Chapter 3: Exploring the Essential Elements of Web Page Design

      • HTML Basics

      • Adding Text

        • Aligning text

        • Specifying headings

        • Changing text appearance

        • Changing fonts

        • Creating line breaks

      • Adding Color

      • Changing the Background

        • Setting the background color

        • Using a background image

      • Creating Visual Interest with Horizontal Rules

      • Organizing Information into Lists

        • Bulleted lists

        • Numbered lists

      • Creating Links

        • Using text links

        • Using graphic links

        • Linking within the same page

      • Using Tables

        • Creating a basic table

        • Using a table for page layout

      • Creating Navigation Bars

        • Deciding what to include in a navigation bar

        • Creating a text-based navigation bar

        • Using images in a navigation bar

      • Introducing Frames

    • Chapter 4: Working with Graphics, Sounds, and Video

      • Getting Familiar with File Formats for Image, Sound, and Video

        • Image file

        • Sound file formats

        • Video file formats

      • Inserting a Graphic Image

      • Working with Graphic Images

      • Carving Up Graphics with Image Maps

      • Using Transparent GIF Images

      • Incorporating Sounds

        • Inserting a link to a sound file

        • Embedding a sound file

        • Creating a background sound

      • Incorporating Video Clips

        • Inserting a link to a video

        • Embedding a video

    • Chapter 5: Building Your Web Workshop

      • Web Browsers

        • Netscape 7.0

        • Internet Explorer 6

      • Graphics Programs

        • Photoshop

        • CorelDRAW

        • Paint Shop Pro

        • Windows Paint

      • HTML Editors

        • Dreamweaver

        • Composer

        • FrontPage 2003

        • HotDog Professional

      • Java and Animation Tools

        • JBuilder

        • Flash

      • Office Suites

        • Corel WordPerfect Office 11

        • Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition

        • Microsoft Office

    • Chapter 6: Publishing Your Web Site

      • Publishing Your Web Pages

        • FTP

        • Web Publishing Wizard

      • Rating Your Site

      • Submitting Your Site to Search Services

    • Chapter 7: Publicizing Your Web Site

      • Springing For a Domain Name

        • Choosing a domain name

        • Registering a domain name

      • Understanding Search Services

        • Specifying a descriptive HTML title

        • Optimizing Web page text

        • Using HTML meta tags

        • Exploring automated submission tools

      • Going Beyond Search Services

        • Getting links

        • Advertising your site

        • Using site statistics

  • Book II: HTML

    • Chapter 1: Creating an HTML Page

      • Understanding HTML Basics: Text and Tags

        • Formatting text

        • Nesting tags

      • Using HTML Structure Tags

        • The !DOCTYPE tag

        • The <HTML> tag

        • The <HEAD> and <TITLE> tags

        • The <META> tag

        • The <BODY> tag

      • Getting Familiar with Basic HTML Tags

        • Making headings

        • Making paragraphs

        • Emphasizing text

        • Making lists

    • Chapter 2: Setting Background and Text Characteristics

      • Applying a Color Background

      • Applying an Image Background

      • Finding Images to Use

      • Setting Document Text Colors

        • Changing text colors

        • Changing link colors

      • Specifying Text Alignment

      • Using Font Type Specifications

    • Chapter 3: Adding Internal and External Links

      • Understanding Links

        • About URLs

        • Anatomy of URLs

        • Absolute and relative URLs

      • Understanding Anchors

      • Making Links

        • Linking to documents within your site

        • Linking to pages out on the Web

        • Linking to other stuff on the Internet

      • Making Links within Documents

        • Making internal links

        • Marking internal targets

      • Using a Link-Checker Utility

    • Chapter 4: Working with Images

      • Adding Images

      • Optimizing Images for Quick Download

      • Controlling Image Alignment

      • Surrounding Images with Blank Space

      • Making Clickable Images

    • Chapter 5: Controlling Page Layout

      • Developing Tables

      • Embedding Horizontal Rules

      • Forcing Line Breaks

    • Chapter 6: Creating Forms

      • Creating a Basic Form

      • Using Form Components to Collect Information

        • Including Submit and Reset buttons

        • Including check boxes, radio buttons, and more

        • Making check boxes

        • Making radio buttons

        • Using other input types

        • Including select lists

        • Including text areas

    • Chapter 7: Working with Frames

      • About Frames

      • Developing Content

      • Developing Alternative Content

      • Establishing the Frameset Document

      • Setting Up the Frames

      • Setting Up Links and Targets

      • Testing Your Framed Site

    • Chapter 8: Developing Style Sheets

      • About Style Sheets

        • Accommodating browser differences

        • Understanding inheritance

      • Connecting Style Sheets to HTML Documents

        • Embedding style sheets

        • Linking style sheets

      • Understanding Style Rules

        • Applying style rules

        • Setting a font for an entire document

        • Specifying text and background colors

        • Specifying background images

  • Book III: FrontPage 2003

    • Chapter 1: Getting to Know FrontPage

      • "What Is FrontPage, and What Can I Do with It?"

      • How FrontPage Is Organized

      • Viewing Your Web Site

      • Introducing the FrontPage Editor

    • Chapter 2: Getting Started with FrontPage: Your First Web Site

      • Creating a New Web Site

      • Creating Web Pages

        • Creating an empty Web page

        • Creating a Web page from a template

        • Creating framed Web pages

      • Changing a Filename

      • Saving Your Web Pages

      • Opening Files from Other Programs with FrontPage

    • Chapter 3: Customizing FrontPage to Your Liking

      • A Quick Guide to the Three Modes of the FrontPage Editor

      • Using FrontPage Toolbars

      • Creating Folders

      • Deleting Files and Folders

      • Importing Webs and Web Pages

        • Importing files that you created elsewhere

        • Importing folders that you created elsewhere

        • Importing a Web site that you created elsewhere

    • Chapter 4: Laying the Groundwork for Your Web Pages

      • Applying a Theme to a Web Page (Or an Entire Web Site)

      • Editing a Theme

      • Editing Page Properties

        • Setting a background image

        • Setting background colors

        • Setting page margins

    • Chapter 5: Getting the Basics on Your Page: Text, Tables, and Links

      • Changing Text Attributes

        • Changing font properties

        • Changing paragraph settings

        • Creating bulleted and numbered lists

        • Changing borders and shading properties

      • Working with Tables

        • Creating a new table

        • Modifying tables

      • Creating and Using Hyperlinks

        • Working with the Hyperlinks view

        • Recalculating a project's hyperlinks

    • Chapter 6: Perking Up Your Pages with Interactive Buttons,Counters, and More

      • Inserting Some Extra Effects

        • Adding a hit counter

        • Adding an interactive button (rollover)

        • Adding a marquee

      • Adding Graphics to Web Pages

        • Adding a graphic on your own

        • Adding clip art from the Clip Organizer to a Web page

    • Chapter 7: Image Editing for Everyone

      • Activating the Pictures Toolbar

      • Image Manipulation Made Easy

        • Scaling an image

        • Changing brightness and contrast

        • Setting an image's transparent color

        • Beveling an image

        • Cropping an image

        • Flipping and rotating images

        • Placing text over an image

        • Adding a hyperlink to an image

      • Creating Image Maps

    • Chapter 8: Publishing Your Web Pages

      • Publishing a Web by Using HTTP

      • Publishing a Web by Using FTP

        • Setting up an FTP connection

        • Publishing your Web

  • Book IV: Dreamweaver

    • Chapter 1: Getting to Know Dreamweaver

      • What Is Dreamweaver, and What Can I Do with It?

      • Introducing the Document Window

      • Examining Your Site with the Site Window

      • Choosing between Standard, Layout, and Expanded Tables Modes

      • Exploring Toolbar Buttons

      • Using Panels, Bars, and Properties Inspectors

        • Panels and bars

        • Properties inspectors

      • Getting Help

    • Chapter 2: Creating Your First Web Site with Dreamweaver

      • Starting Dreamweaver

      • Creating a New Site

      • Creating a New Document

      • Adding Content to a Document

      • Saving a Document

      • Previewing a Document in a Web Browser

    • Chapter 3: Creating Basic Web Pages

      • Customizing What You See in the Document Window

        • Turning rulers on and off

        • Moving and resetting the origin

        • Changing ruler measurement units

        • Viewing the grid

        • Activating and deactivating grid snapping

      • Establishing Page Properties

      • Entering Text

        • Inserting text

        • Inserting a line break

        • Deleting text and line breaks

        • Modifying text

      • Manipulating Images

        • Inserting an image

        • Deleting an image

        • Modifying an image

      • Working with Links

        • Inserting a link

        • Deleting a link

        • Using named anchors

      • Working with Tables

        • Inserting a table

        • Deleting a table

      • Storing Information in Table Cells

        • Adding an image to a cell

        • Adding text to a cell

        • Deleting an image from a cell

        • Deleting text from a cell

    • Chapter 4: Incorporating Interactive Images

      • Creating a Link from an Image

      • Creating Clickable Hot Spots

        • Creating a hot spot

        • Modifying a hot spot

      • Adding Text Rollovers (Flash Text)

        • Adding Flash text

        • Changing Flash text

        • Playing (previewing) Flash text

      • Adding Button Rollovers (Flash Buttons)

        • Adding a Flash button

        • Changing a Flash button

        • Modifying Flash button features

        • Playing (previewing) a Flash button

      • Inserting Image Rollovers

      • Setting Up a Navigation Bar

        • Creating a new navigation bar

        • Modifying a navigation bar

    • Chapter 5: Adding Multimedia Objects

      • Adding Audio and Video to Your Pages

        • Embedding an audio or video clip

        • Linking to an audio or video clip

      • Adding Other Media

    • Chapter 6: Punching Up Your Pages with Forms and Frames

      • Incorporating Forms

        • Adding a form

        • Specifying form properties

        • Labeling form objects

        • Using text fields

        • Setting up buttons

        • Adding form elements

      • Structuring Pages with Frames

        • Adding frames

        • Modifying frames

        • Deleting frames

        • Saving frames

        • Saving framesets

        • Setting no-frames content

        • Targeting content

    • Chapter 7: Laying Out Pages with Layers

      • Adding a Layer

      • Selecting a Layer

      • Deleting a Layer

      • Placing Objects in a Layer

      • Including a Background Image or Color in a Layer

      • Naming a Layer

      • Nesting Layers

        • Enabling nesting

        • Creating a new nested layer

        • Changing the nesting of an existing layer

        • Collapsing or expanding your view in the Layers panel

      • Aligning Layers

      • Changing the Visibility of a Layer

      • Layering Layers: Setting the Z-index

      • Moving a Layer

      • Resizing a Layer

      • Resizing Multiple Layers at the Same Time

    • Chapter 8: Using Templates for a Consistent Look

      • About Templates

      • Creating and Using Templates

        • Creating a template

        • Adding an editable region

      • Using a Template to Create a Web Page

    • Chapter 9: Publishing and Maintaining Your Site

      • Defining Remote Host Settings

      • Connecting to a Web Server

      • Transferring Files

      • Collaborating on Site Revisions

        • Enabling file check in/check out

        • Checking files in and out

      • Maintaining Your Site

        • Measuring download time

        • Monitoring links

        • Setting up meta tags

  • Book V: Multimedia: Pulling Together Graphics,Sound, Video, Animations, and Applets

    • Chapter 1: Adding Visual Appeal with Graphics and Photos

      • Acquiring Web-Friendly Graphics and Photos

      • Optimizing Your Images for the Web

        • Saving your images in a Web-friendly format

        • Reducing image file size

        • Choosing Web-friendly image colors

      • Creating Transparent Images

      • Creating Clickable Images

        • Adding the image

        • Mapping clickable areas

        • Defining the map

    • Chapter 2: Creating Media Files and Putting Them on Your Site

      • The Difference between Downloadable and Streaming Media

      • Creating Streaming Audio Files

      • Creating Downloadable Audio Files

      • Creating Video Files for Your Web Pages

        • Gathering the hardware and software you need

        • Converting a video file to RealVideo format

      • Creating an Animated Effect

        • Editing your animated effect

        • Optimizing your animated effect

      • Finding Media Files

      • Adding Media Files to Your Web Page

        • Adding a link to a media file

        • Embedding a media file

    • Chapter 3: Spicing Up Your Site with Java Applets

      • Finding Applets

      • Inserting Applets into HTML: An Overview

      • Inserting Applets with the <APPLET> Tag

        • Looking at the <APPLET> tag syntax

        • Placing an applet on a page using the <APPLET> tag

      • Inserting Applets with the <OBJECT> Tag

        • Looking at the <OBJECT> tag syntax

        • Placing an applet on a page using the <OBJECT> tag

      • Understanding Applet Security

      • Creating Your Own Java Applets

        • What you need to create Java applets

        • From source to executable code: A look at the applet development life cycle

  • Book VI: JavaScript

    • Chapter 1: JavaScript Syntax and Keywords

      • A Quick Overview of the JavaScript Scripting Language

      • Adding Scripts to HTML Files

      • About JavaScript Security

      • Document Object Model Basics

        • The document object model

        • Built-in JavaScript data types

        • Utility objects

      • Basic Punctuation and Syntax

        • Top-down execution

        • Spelling and capitalization (case)

        • Pairs

        • Nested quotes

    • Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript Constructs

      • Documenting Your Script with Comments

      • Creating Variables to Hold Temporary Values

        • Declaring a variable

        • Assigning values to a variable

        • Accessing a variable

        • Understanding variable scope

      • Testing Conditional Expressions: if else

      • Constructing Loops

        • for

        • while

        • break

        • continue

      • Getting Familiar with JavaScript Operators

        • Assignment operators

        • Comparison operators

        • Logical operators

        • Mathematical operators

        • String operators

        • Unary operators

        • Operator precedence

    • Chapter 3: Working with the Document Object Model

      • Accessing Object Properties

      • Accessing Object Methods

      • anchor

      • applet

      • area

      • button

      • checkbox

      • document

      • fileUpload

      • form

      • frame

      • hidden

      • history

      • image

      • link

      • location

      • Math

      • navigator

      • password

      • radio

      • reset

      • select

      • submit

      • text

      • textarea

      • window

    • Chapter 4: Exploring Built-In Data Types

      • Array

      • Date

      • Invoking Date Methods

      • String

    • Chapter 5: Defining and Using Functions

      • About Using Functions

        • Calling a function

        • Defining a function

        • Returning values

      • Taking Advantage of Built-In Functions

      • Using Functions to Create Custom Objects

    • Chapter 6: Adding Interactivity with Event Handlers

      • Calling Event Handlers

      • Examining the Event Handlers Supported by JavaScript

    • Chapter 7: Working with Forms

      • Data Validation Basics

      • Field-Level Validation

        • Ensuring that a value exists

        • Ensuring that a value is numeric

        • Ensuring that a value matches a pattern

      • Form-Level Validation

    • Chapter 8: More Cool Things You Can Do with JavaScript

      • Hiding Scripts from Non-JavaScript-Enabled Browsers

      • Generating Pop-Up Messages

      • Attaching Scripts to Clickable HTML Elements

      • Displaying a Formatted Date

      • Reusing Scripts with .js Files

      • Creating Additional Browser Windows

      • Creating Automatically Scrolling Text

      • Detecting the Browser Version and Plug-Ins

        • Detecting the browser version

        • Detecting browser plug-ins

      • Customizing Web Pages Based on User Input

  • Book VII: Flash

    • Chapter 1: Getting to Know Flash

      • Understanding the Moviemaking Process

      • Starting Flash

      • Working with Movie Files

        • Opening a Flash movie file

        • Importing a non-Flash file

        • Saving a movie file

      • Tailoring Your Work Environment with Panels

        • Displaying panels

        • Closing panels

        • Grouping panels

      • Setting Flash Preferences

        • Setting General preferences

        • Setting Editing preferences

        • Setting Clipboard preferences

        • Setting Warnings preferences

        • Setting ActionScript preferences

      • Streamlining Your Work with Keyboard Shortcuts

      • Getting Help

    • Chapter 2: Getting Acquainted with the Tools Window

      • Locating and Using Drawing Tools

      • Arrow Tool

      • Brush Tool

      • Dropper Tool

      • Eraser Tool

      • Fill Transform Tool

      • Free Transform Tool

      • Ink Bottle Tool

      • Lasso Tool

      • Line Tool

      • Oval Tool

      • Paint Bucket Tool

      • Pen Tool

      • Pencil Tool

      • Rectangle Tool

      • Subselect Tool

      • Text Tool

    • Chapter 3: Using Layers

      • Getting Familiar with Layers

      • Creating Layers

      • Working with Layers

        • Selecting a layer

        • Selecting two or more layers

        • Copying a layer

        • Renaming a layer

        • Deleting a layer

        • Modifying layer properties

      • Positioning Elements with Guide Layers

        • Creating standard guide layers

        • Creating motion guide layers

      • Masking Parts of an Image with Mask Layers

        • Creating a mask layer

        • Editing mask layers

    • Chapter 4: Creating Reusable Symbols

      • Working with Symbols

        • Creating symbols

        • Duplicating symbols

        • Converting animation into a movie clip symbol

        • Placing a movie clip symbol on the Stage

        • Viewing movie clip animation

      • Working with Buttons

        • Creating a button symbol

        • Testing your button symbol

      • Working with Instances

        • Creating a new instance of a symbol

        • Inspecting instance properties

        • Changing the color and transparency of an instance

    • Chapter 5: Making Movies

      • Creating Animation

        • Creating a frame-by-frame animation

        • Creating tweened animation

        • Creating a motion path

      • Making Your Movies Interactive

        • For ActionScript programmers: adding actions using the Actions panel

        • For nonprogrammers: Adding actions using the Behaviors panel

      • Editing an action

      • Working with Sound

        • Importing a sound file

        • Adding sound to buttons and movies

        • Customizing a sound wave

    • Chapter 6: Optimizing Movies

      • General Rules for Optimization

      • Using Color Efficiently

      • Streamlining Download Performance

        • Testing download performance

        • Improving download performance

        • Optimizing Lines and Objects

        • Optimizing Text

    • Chapter 7: Publishing and Printing Your Movie

      • Publishing and Exporting Your Movie

        • Publishing your movie

        • Exporting your movie

        • Flash publish settings

        • HTML publish settings

      • Printing Your Movie

        • Printing designated frames

        • Printing a storyboard filled with thumbnails

    • Chapter 8: Using Flash with Other Programs

      • Bringing a File into Flash

      • Importing Non-Flash Files

        • Importing a file into Flash

        • File types that Flash can import

        • Importing a file sequence

      • Pasting Non-Flash Files into Flash

      • Compressing Imported Bitmaps

  • Book VIII: Adding E-Commerce Capability

    • Chapter 1: Getting to Know E-Commerce

      • Understanding E-Commerce

        • E-commerce overview

        • Anatomy of a successful e-commerce site

      • Choosing an E-Commerce Solution

        • Simplified e-commerce solutions

        • Hosted e-commerce solutions

        • Off-the-shelf e-commerce software

        • Build-your-own e-commerce solutions

    • Chapter 2: Simplified E-Commerce Solutions

      • What Is a Simplified E-Commerce Solution?

      • Finding a Simplified E-Commerce Solution

      • Evaluating a Simplified E-Commerce Solution

      • Implementing a Simplified E-Commerce Solution

        • Signing up for the service

        • Setting up your shopping cart

        • Generating HTML

        • Adding HTML to your Web page

        • Testing your new e-commerce-enabled Web site

    • Chapter 3: Hosted E-Commerce Solutions

      • What Is a Hosted E-Commerce Solution?

      • Finding a Hosted E-Commerce Solution

      • Evaluating a Hosted E-Commerce Solution

      • Implementing a Hosted E-Commerce Solution

        • Signing up for the e-commerce service

        • Building your e-commerce Web site

        • Signing up for a merchant account

    • Chapter 4: Create-Your-Own E-Commerce Solutions

      • What Is a Custom E-Commerce Solution?

        • Why a custom solution?

        • Popular e-commerce programming languages

      • Standard E-Commerce Components

        • Storefront

        • Security measures

        • Credit-card processing

    • Chapter 5: Online Marketing: The Key to a Successful E-Commerce Site

      • Online Marketing: The Basics

      • Designing a Credible Storefront

        • Sticking to sound design principles

        • Creating professional copy

        • Including contact information

        • Keeping your site up-to-date

      • Streamlining the Purchase Process

        • Adding a Click To Buy button

        • Telling your customers the damage - in advance

        • Guiding customers through the buying process

        • Providing order confirmation and tracking information

        • Offering special sales, promotions, and incentives

      • Offering Top-Notch Online Customer Service

        • Providing product information

        • Communicating company policies

        • Offering order- and product-related support

  • Book IX: XML

  • Chapter 1: Getting to Know XML

    • What Is XML?

      • A standard way to exchange documents over the Web

      • A standard way to separate data from presentation

      • A "family" of related standards

    • Why Develop XML Applications?

    • The Downside of XML

    • Applications Tailor-Made for XML

    • XML Development Tools

      • Editors

      • Parsers and processors

  • Chapter 2: The XML Specification

    • Logical and Physical Structures

      • Logical structures

      • Physical structures

    • Notation in XML Rules

      • Expression code syntax and meaning

      • Expression extensions

      • Prefix operator

      • Suffix operators

    • Syntactic Constructs

      • Literals

      • Names and tokens

  • Chapter 3: Designing a DTD

    • What Is a DTD?

      • Prolog and document type declarations

      • Document type declaration examples

      • Declaring the root element

    • Associating a DTD with an XML Document

      • Including an internal DTD

      • Referencing an external DTD

    • DTD Markup

      • Characters

      • CDATA sections

      • Comments

      • Processing instructions

  • Chapter 4: Logical Structures

    • Using Tags

    • Elements

      • Declaring elements

      • Declaring elements of type "mixed content"

    • Assigning Attributes to Elements

      • Attribute-list declarations

      • Attribute declarations

    • Conditional Sections

  • Chapter 5: Physical Structures

    • Entities

      • Document entity

      • Entity declarations

      • Entity processing

      • External entities

      • Internal entities

      • Parameter entities

      • Parsed and unparsed entities

    • Referencing Characters and Entities

      • Character encoding in entities

      • Character references

      • Entity references

    • Notations and Notation Declarations

  • Chapter 6: Converting, Publishing, and Serving XML

    • Converting Non-XML Documents to XML

    • Publishing XML

    • Serving XML

      • Clients (and client-side includes)

      • Servers (and server-side includes)

    • Managing and Maintaining XML

  • Appendix: About the CD

  • Index

  • End-User License Agreement

  • Team DDU

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Creating Web Pages ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE FOR DUMmIES ‰ 2ND EDITION by Emily Vander Veer, Doug Lowe, Eric Ray, Deborah Ray, Damon Dean, Camille McCue, Emily Weadock, Joyce Nielsen, Mariva Aviram, Stephen Lockwood, and Madhu Siddalingaiah Creating Web Pages ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE FOR DUMmIES ‰ 2ND EDITION by Emily Vander Veer, Doug Lowe, Eric Ray, Deborah Ray, Damon Dean, Camille McCue, Emily Weadock, Joyce Nielsen, Mariva Aviram, Stephen Lockwood, and Madhu Siddalingaiah Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies®, 2nd Edition Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 Copyright © 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4447, e-mail: permcoordinator@wiley.com Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies.com, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission Copyright © 1997-2003 Macromedia, Inc 600 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA All Rights Reserved Macromedia and Dreamweaver are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc in the United States and/or other countries.Copyright © 2002-2003 Macromedia, Inc 600 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA All Rights Reserved Macromedia and Contribute are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc in the United States and/or other countries Copyright © 1996-2003 Macromedia, Inc 600 Townsend Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA All Rights Reserved Macromedia and Flash are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macromedia, Inc in the United States and/or other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: WHILE THE PUBLISHER AND AUTHOR HAVE USED THEIR BEST EFFORTS IN PREPARING THIS BOOK, THEY MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NO WARRANTY MAY BE CREATED OR EXTENDED BY SALES REPRESENTATIVES OR WRITTEN SALES MATERIALS THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOUR SITUATION YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH A PROFESSIONAL WHERE APPROPRIATE NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES For general information on our other products and services or to obtain technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S at 800-762-2974, outside the U.S at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002 Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books Library of Congress Control Number: 2003115749 ISBN: 0-7645-4345-8 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 2B/RW/QR/QU/IN is a trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc Wiley Publishing, Inc gratefully acknowledges the contributions of these authors and contributors: Emily Vander Veer, Doug Lowe, Eric Ray, Deborah Ray, Damon Dean, Camille McCue, Emily Weadock, Joyce Neilsen, Marivia Aviram, Stephen Lockwood, and Madhu Siddalingaiah Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/ Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development Production Associate Project Editor: Rebecca Huehls Senior Acquisitions Editor: Steve Hayes Copy Editors: Kelly Ewing, Rebecca Senninger Technical Editor: Dennis Short Editorial Managers: Leah Cameron, Carol Sheehan Senior Permissions Editor: Carmen Krikorian Project Coordinator: Courtney MacIntyre Layout and Graphics: Seth Conley, Stephanie D Jumper, Jacque Schneider, Julie Trippetti, Melanee Wolven Proofreaders: Andy Hollandbeck, Carl Pierce, Dwight Ramsey, Charles Spencer, Brian Walls Indexer: Betty Kish Special Help: Becky Whitney Media Development Specialist: Greg Stafford Media Development Manager: Laura VanWinkle Media Development Supervisor: Richard Graves Editorial Assistant: Amanda Foxworth Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com) Publishing and Editorial for Technology Dummies Richard Swadley, Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher Mary C Corder, Editorial Director Publishing for Consumer Dummies Diane Graves Steele, Vice President and Publisher Joyce Pepple, Acquisitions Director Composition Services Gerry Fahey, Vice President of Production Services Debbie Stailey, Director of Composition Services Contents at a Glance Introduction Book I: Web Page Basics .9 Chapter 1: Creating a Successful Web Site 11 Chapter 2: Building Your First Web Site .27 Chapter 3: Exploring the Essential Elements of Web Page Design 41 Chapter 4: Working with Graphics, Sounds, and Video 65 Chapter 5: Building Your Web Workshop .79 Chapter 6: Publishing Your Web Site 87 Chapter 7: Publicizing Your Web Site 97 Book II: HTML 105 Chapter 1: Creating an HTML Page .107 Chapter 2: Setting Background and Text Characteristics 117 Chapter 3: Adding Internal and External Links 127 Chapter 4: Working with Images 137 Chapter 5: Controlling Page Layout .147 Chapter 6: Creating Forms 155 Chapter 7: Working with Frames 167 Chapter 8: Developing Style Sheets 179 Book III: FrontPage 2003 193 Chapter 1: Getting to Know FrontPage .195 Chapter 2: Getting Started with FrontPage: Your First Web Site .201 Chapter 3: Customizing FrontPage to Your Liking 211 Chapter 4: Laying the Groundwork for Your Web Pages 221 Chapter 5: Getting the Basics on Your Page: Text, Tables, and Links .229 Chapter 6: Perking Up Your Pages with Interactive Buttons, Counters, and More 243 Chapter 7: Image Editing for Everyone .251 Chapter 8: Publishing Your Web Pages .261 Book IV: Dreamweaver 267 Chapter 1: Getting to Know Dreamweaver 269 Chapter 2: Creating Your First Web Site with Dreamweaver 279 Chapter 3: Creating Basic Web Pages 287 Chapter 4: Incorporating Interactive Images .305 Chapter 5: Adding Multimedia Objects 317 Chapter 6: Punching Up Your Pages with Forms and Frames 323 Chapter 7: Laying Out Pages with Layers 337 Chapter 8: Using Templates for a Consistent Look 347 Chapter 9: Publishing and Maintaining Your Site 353 Book V: Multimedia: Pulling Together Graphics, Sound, Video, Animations, and Applets 365 Chapter 1: Adding Visual Appeal with Graphics and Photos 367 Chapter 2: Creating Media Files and Putting Them on Your Site 385 Chapter 3: Spicing Up Your Site with Java Applets 405 Book VI: JavaScript 419 Chapter 1: JavaScript Syntax and Keywords .421 Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript Constructs .431 Chapter 3: Working with the Document Object Model .443 Chapter 4: Exploring Built-In Data Types 465 Chapter 5: Defining and Using Functions 471 Chapter 6: Adding Interactivity with Event Handlers .477 Chapter 7: Working with Forms 481 Chapter 8: More Cool Things You Can Do with JavaScript 491 Book VII: Flash .503 Chapter 1: Getting to Know Flash 505 Chapter 2: Getting Acquainted with the Tools Window 521 Chapter 3: Using Layers 539 Chapter 4: Creating Reusable Symbols .551 Chapter 5: Making Movies 563 Chapter 6: Optimizing Movies .579 Chapter 7: Publishing and Printing Your Movie 587 Chapter 8: Using Flash with Other Programs 595 Book VIII: Adding E-Commerce Capability 601 Chapter 1: Getting to Know E-Commerce 603 Chapter 2: Simplified E-Commerce Solutions 615 Chapter 3: Hosted E-Commerce Solutions 631 Chapter 4: Create-Your-Own E-Commerce Solutions 639 Chapter 5: Online Marketing: The Key to a Successful E-Commerce Site .649 Book IX: XML 665 Chapter 1: Getting to Know XML 667 Chapter 2: The XML Specification 677 Chapter 3: Designing a DTD 689 Chapter 4: Logical Structures 699 Chapter 5: Physical Structures 713 Chapter 6: Converting, Publishing, and Serving XML .731 Appendix: About the CD 737 Index 745 End-User License Agreement 785 Table of Contents Introduction About This Book .2 How to Use This Book .2 Who Are You? How This Book Is Organized Book I: Web Page Basics Book II: HTML Book III: FrontPage 2003 Book IV: Dreamweaver Book V: Multimedia: Pulling Together Graphics, Sound, Video, Animations, and Applets Book VI: JavaScript .5 Book VII: Flash Book VIII: Adding E-Commerce Capability Book IX: XML What’s on the CD? Icon Alert! Book I: Web Page Basics .9 Chapter 1: Creating a Successful Web Site 11 Web Site Basics .11 Different kinds of Web sites 11 Creating a Web site: An overview .13 Planning Your Web Site 13 Creating Your Web Pages 14 From scratch, using a text editor .14 Using a graphical Web page editor 14 Beyond HTML: Adding nifty features .14 Publishing Your Web Pages 15 Finding space for your Web site 15 Publicizing your Web site 16 Elements of a Successful Web Site .17 Organizing Site Content .18 Sequential organization .18 Hierarchical organization 19 Combination sequential and hierarchical organization 20 Web organization 20 x Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies What to Include on Every Page 21 What to Include on Every Web Site 22 Home page 22 Cover page 23 Site map 24 Contact information .24 Help page .24 FAQ 24 Related links 25 Discussion group 25 Chapter 2: Building Your First Web Site 27 Registering with a Free Web Host 27 Using a Free Web Site Creation Tool 29 Viewing Your First Web Page — Live 38 Chapter 3: Exploring the Essential Elements of Web Page Design 41 HTML Basics 41 Adding Text 42 Aligning text 43 Specifying headings .43 Changing text appearance 44 Changing fonts 45 Creating line breaks .46 Adding Color 47 Changing the Background .48 Setting the background color .48 Using a background image 49 Creating Visual Interest with Horizontal Rules 49 Organizing Information into Lists 50 Bulleted lists 50 Numbered lists 51 Creating Links 52 Using text links .53 Using graphic links .53 Linking within the same page .54 Using Tables 54 Creating a basic table 54 Using a table for page layout 56 Creating Navigation Bars .59 Deciding what to include in a navigation bar 60 Creating a text-based navigation bar 60 Using images in a navigation bar 62 Introducing Frames 62 Table of Contents xi Chapter 4: Working with Graphics, Sounds, and Video 65 Getting Familiar with File Formats for Image, Sound, and Video 65 Image file 65 Sound file formats 67 Video file formats 67 Inserting a Graphic Image .68 Working with Graphic Images .68 Carving Up Graphics with Image Maps .69 Using Transparent GIF Images 73 Incorporating Sounds 75 Inserting a link to a sound file 75 Embedding a sound file .76 Creating a background sound 76 Incorporating Video Clips .76 Inserting a link to a video 77 Embedding a video .77 Chapter 5: Building Your Web Workshop 79 Web Browsers 79 Netscape 7.0 79 Internet Explorer .80 Graphics Programs 80 Photoshop .81 CorelDRAW 81 Paint Shop Pro 81 Windows Paint 82 HTML Editors 82 Dreamweaver 82 Composer 83 FrontPage 2003 83 HotDog Professional 83 Java and Animation Tools .83 JBuilder 84 Flash .84 Office Suites 84 Corel WordPerfect Office 11 84 Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition 85 Microsoft Office 85 Chapter 6: Publishing Your Web Site 87 Publishing Your Web Pages 87 FTP 88 Web Publishing Wizard 91 Rating Your Site 94 Submitting Your Site to Search Services .96 xii Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Chapter 7: Publicizing Your Web Site 97 Springing For a Domain Name 97 Choosing a domain name 98 Registering a domain name .98 Understanding Search Services 99 Specifying a descriptive HTML title 100 Optimizing Web page text 100 Using HTML meta tags .101 Exploring automated submission tools 101 Going Beyond Search Services 101 Getting links 102 Advertising your site 102 Using site statistics 103 Book II: HTML 105 Chapter 1: Creating an HTML Page 107 Understanding HTML Basics: Text and Tags 107 Formatting text 108 Nesting tags .109 Using HTML Structure Tags 109 The !DOCTYPE tag 110 The tag 110 The and tags 111 The tag 111 The tag 112 Getting Familiar with Basic HTML Tags 113 Making headings .113 Making paragraphs 113 Emphasizing text 113 Making lists 114 Chapter 2: Setting Background and Text Characteristics 117 Applying a Color Background 117 Applying an Image Background 118 Finding Images to Use 119 Setting Document Text Colors 120 Changing text colors 120 Changing link colors 120 Specifying Text Alignment 121 Using Font Type Specifications 123 Table of Contents xiii Chapter 3: Adding Internal and External Links 127 Understanding Links 127 About URLs 128 Anatomy of URLs 128 Absolute and relative URLs .129 Understanding Anchors 131 Making Links 131 Linking to documents within your site 131 Linking to pages out on the Web 132 Linking to other stuff on the Internet 133 Making Links within Documents 134 Making internal links 134 Marking internal targets 135 Using a Link-Checker Utility 136 Chapter 4: Working with Images 137 Adding Images 137 Optimizing Images for Quick Download 141 Controlling Image Alignment 142 Surrounding Images with Blank Space 143 Making Clickable Images .144 Chapter 5: Controlling Page Layout 147 Developing Tables .147 Embedding Horizontal Rules .150 Forcing Line Breaks .152 Chapter 6: Creating Forms 155 Creating a Basic Form 155 Using Form Components to Collect Information .158 Including Submit and Reset buttons 158 Including check boxes, radio buttons, and more 159 Making check boxes 159 Making radio buttons .161 Using other input types .162 Including select lists 162 Including text areas 164 Chapter 7: Working with Frames 167 About Frames .167 Developing Content .170 Developing Alternative Content 170 Establishing the Frameset Document 171 Setting Up the Frames 173 Setting Up Links and Targets 175 Testing Your Framed Site 176 xiv Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Chapter 8: Developing Style Sheets 179 About Style Sheets .179 Accommodating browser differences 179 Understanding inheritance .180 Connecting Style Sheets to HTML Documents .181 Embedding style sheets 182 Linking style sheets 183 Understanding Style Rules 184 Applying style rules 186 Setting a font for an entire document 186 Specifying text and background colors 187 Specifying background images 189 Book III: FrontPage 2003 193 Chapter 1: Getting to Know FrontPage 195 “What Is FrontPage, and What Can I Do with It?” 195 How FrontPage Is Organized .195 Viewing Your Web Site 196 Introducing the FrontPage Editor 200 Chapter 2: Getting Started with FrontPage: Your First Web Site 201 Creating a New Web Site 201 Creating Web Pages 204 Creating an empty Web page 204 Creating a Web page from a template 204 Creating framed Web pages 206 Changing a Filename 207 Saving Your Web Pages 208 Opening Files from Other Programs with FrontPage .209 Chapter 3: Customizing FrontPage to Your Liking 211 A Quick Guide to the Three Modes of the FrontPage Editor 211 Using FrontPage Toolbars 213 Creating Folders 214 Deleting Files and Folders 215 Importing Webs and Web Pages 216 Importing files that you created elsewhere 217 Importing folders that you created elsewhere .217 Importing a Web site that you created elsewhere 218 Chapter 4: Laying the Groundwork for Your Web Pages 221 Applying a Theme to a Web Page (Or an Entire Web Site) .221 Editing a Theme 223 Table of Contents xv Editing Page Properties .224 Setting a background image 225 Setting background colors 226 Setting page margins 227 Chapter 5: Getting the Basics on Your Page: Text, Tables, and Links 229 Changing Text Attributes 229 Changing font properties 230 Changing paragraph settings 231 Creating bulleted and numbered lists .232 Changing borders and shading properties .232 Working with Tables 233 Creating a new table 234 Modifying tables 237 Creating and Using Hyperlinks 238 Working with the Hyperlinks view 241 Recalculating a project’s hyperlinks 241 Chapter 6: Perking Up Your Pages with Interactive Buttons, Counters, and More 243 Inserting Some Extra Effects .243 Adding a hit counter 243 Adding an interactive button (rollover) 245 Adding a marquee 246 Adding Graphics to Web Pages 247 Adding a graphic on your own 248 Adding clip art from the Clip Organizer to a Web page .249 Chapter 7: Image Editing for Everyone 251 Activating the Pictures Toolbar 251 Image Manipulation Made Easy 252 Scaling an image 252 Changing brightness and contrast 253 Setting an image’s transparent color .254 Beveling an image .254 Cropping an image .255 Flipping and rotating images 256 Placing text over an image 257 Adding a hyperlink to an image 258 Creating Image Maps 259 Chapter 8: Publishing Your Web Pages 261 Publishing a Web by Using HTTP .261 Publishing a Web by Using FTP 263 Setting up an FTP connection 263 Publishing your Web 264 xvi Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Book IV: Dreamweaver .267 Chapter 1: Getting to Know Dreamweaver 269 What Is Dreamweaver, and What Can I Do with It? 269 Introducing the Document Window 270 Examining Your Site with the Site Window .271 Choosing between Standard, Layout, and Expanded Tables Modes 273 Exploring Toolbar Buttons 274 Using Panels, Bars, and Properties Inspectors 275 Panels and bars 275 Properties inspectors 276 Getting Help 277 Chapter 2: Creating Your First Web Site with Dreamweaver 279 Starting Dreamweaver 279 Creating a New Site 279 Creating a New Document 283 Adding Content to a Document 283 Saving a Document .285 Previewing a Document in a Web Browser .285 Chapter 3: Creating Basic Web Pages 287 Customizing What You See in the Document Window 287 Turning rulers on and off 287 Moving and resetting the origin .288 Changing ruler measurement units 288 Viewing the grid 288 Activating and deactivating grid snapping .288 Establishing Page Properties 289 Entering Text .293 Inserting text .293 Inserting a line break 293 Deleting text and line breaks 293 Modifying text .294 Manipulating Images 295 Inserting an image 296 Deleting an image .297 Modifying an image 297 Working with Links .300 Inserting a link 300 Deleting a link .300 Using named anchors 301 Working with Tables 302 Inserting a table 302 Deleting a table 303 Table of Contents xvii Storing Information in Table Cells 303 Adding an image to a cell 303 Adding text to a cell 304 Deleting an image from a cell 304 Deleting text from a cell 304 Chapter 4: Incorporating Interactive Images 305 Creating a Link from an Image 305 Creating Clickable Hot Spots 306 Creating a hot spot 306 Modifying a hot spot 308 Adding Text Rollovers (Flash Text) 308 Adding Flash text 308 Changing Flash text 310 Playing (previewing) Flash text 310 Adding Button Rollovers (Flash Buttons) .310 Adding a Flash button 310 Changing a Flash button 312 Modifying Flash button features .312 Playing (previewing) a Flash button 312 Inserting Image Rollovers 312 Setting Up a Navigation Bar 314 Creating a new navigation bar 314 Modifying a navigation bar .316 Chapter 5: Adding Multimedia Objects 317 Adding Audio and Video to Your Pages 317 Embedding an audio or video clip 318 Linking to an audio or video clip 320 Adding Other Media 320 Chapter 6: Punching Up Your Pages with Forms and Frames 323 Incorporating Forms 323 Adding a form .324 Specifying form properties 324 Labeling form objects 325 Using text fields 326 Setting up buttons 327 Adding form elements 328 Structuring Pages with Frames 329 Adding frames 329 Modifying frames 330 Deleting frames 332 Saving frames 332 Saving framesets .333 Setting no-frames content 333 Targeting content .334 xviii Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Chapter 7: Laying Out Pages with Layers 337 Adding a Layer 337 Selecting a Layer 338 Deleting a Layer 338 Placing Objects in a Layer 338 Including a Background Image or Color in a Layer 339 Naming a Layer 339 Nesting Layers 340 Enabling nesting 340 Creating a new nested layer 341 Changing the nesting of an existing layer .341 Collapsing or expanding your view in the Layers panel .341 Aligning Layers .342 Changing the Visibility of a Layer 343 Layering Layers: Setting the Z-index 343 Moving a Layer .345 Resizing a Layer 346 Resizing Multiple Layers at the Same Time 346 Chapter 8: Using Templates for a Consistent Look 347 About Templates 347 Creating and Using Templates 348 Creating a template 349 Adding an editable region 349 Using a Template to Create a Web Page 351 Chapter 9: Publishing and Maintaining Your Site 353 Defining Remote Host Settings 353 Connecting to a Web Server .356 Transferring Files 358 Collaborating on Site Revisions 358 Enabling file check in/check out .359 Checking files in and out 359 Maintaining Your Site 360 Measuring download time .360 Monitoring links 361 Setting up meta tags 363 Book V: Multimedia: Pulling Together Graphics, Sound, Video, Animations, and Applets .365 Chapter 1: Adding Visual Appeal with Graphics and Photos 367 Acquiring Web-Friendly Graphics and Photos 367 Optimizing Your Images for the Web 368 Saving your images in a Web-friendly format 369 Reducing image file size 369 Choosing Web-friendly image colors .370 Table of Contents xix Creating Transparent Images 372 Creating Clickable Images 374 Adding the image 375 Mapping clickable areas 377 Defining the map 380 Chapter 2: Creating Media Files and Putting Them on Your Site 385 The Difference between Downloadable and Streaming Media .385 Creating Streaming Audio Files 387 Creating Downloadable Audio Files 391 Creating Video Files for Your Web Pages 393 Gathering the hardware and software you need 394 Converting a video file to RealVideo format 395 Creating an Animated Effect .396 Editing your animated effect 401 Optimizing your animated effect 402 Finding Media Files 402 Adding Media Files to Your Web Page .403 Adding a link to a media file 403 Embedding a media file .404 Chapter 3: Spicing Up Your Site with Java Applets 405 Finding Applets 406 Inserting Applets into HTML: An Overview 406 Inserting Applets with the Tag 406 Looking at the tag syntax .407 Placing an applet on a page using the tag 410 Inserting Applets with the Tag 410 Looking at the tag syntax .411 Placing an applet on a page using the tag 413 Understanding Applet Security 414 Creating Your Own Java Applets 415 What you need to create Java applets 415 From source to executable code: A look at the applet development life cycle 417 Book VI: JavaScript 419 Chapter 1: JavaScript Syntax and Keywords 421 A Quick Overview of the JavaScript Scripting Language 421 Adding Scripts to HTML Files .422 About JavaScript Security 422 Document Object Model Basics 424 The document object model 424 Built-in JavaScript data types 426 Utility objects 426 xx Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Basic Punctuation and Syntax 427 Top-down execution 428 Spelling and capitalization (case) 428 Pairs .428 Nested quotes .429 Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript Constructs 431 Documenting Your Script with Comments 431 Creating Variables to Hold Temporary Values 432 Declaring a variable 432 Assigning values to a variable 432 Accessing a variable 433 Understanding variable scope 433 Testing Conditional Expressions: if else 434 Constructing Loops .435 for 435 while 436 break 437 continue .437 Getting Familiar with JavaScript Operators .438 Assignment operators .438 Comparison operators .438 Logical operators .439 Mathematical operators 439 String operators 440 Unary operators 440 Operator precedence .441 Chapter 3: Working with the Document Object Model 443 Accessing Object Properties 444 Accessing Object Methods 445 anchor 445 applet 446 area 446 button 447 checkbox .447 document 448 fileUpload 449 form 450 frame 450 hidden 451 history 451 image 452 link 453 location 454 Math .455 navigator .456 password .456 Table of Contents xxi radio .457 reset .459 select 459 submit 461 text 461 textarea 462 window 463 Chapter 4: Exploring Built-In Data Types 465 Array 465 Date 466 Invoking Date Methods 467 String 468 Chapter 5: Defining and Using Functions 471 About Using Functions 471 Calling a function 471 Defining a function .472 Returning values .473 Taking Advantage of Built-In Functions 473 Using Functions to Create Custom Objects 474 Chapter 6: Adding Interactivity with Event Handlers 477 Calling Event Handlers 477 Examining the Event Handlers Supported by JavaScript .478 Chapter 7: Working with Forms 481 Data Validation Basics 481 Field-Level Validation 482 Ensuring that a value exists 482 Ensuring that a value is numeric 484 Ensuring that a value matches a pattern 486 Form-Level Validation 488 Chapter 8: More Cool Things You Can Do with JavaScript 491 Hiding Scripts from Non-JavaScript-Enabled Browsers 491 Generating Pop-Up Messages .492 Attaching Scripts to Clickable HTML Elements .493 Displaying a Formatted Date 493 Reusing Scripts with js Files 494 Creating Additional Browser Windows .495 Creating Automatically Scrolling Text .496 Detecting the Browser Version and Plug-Ins 497 Detecting the browser version 497 Detecting browser plug-ins .500 Customizing Web Pages Based on User Input 501 xxii Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Book VII: Flash 503 Chapter 1: Getting to Know Flash 505 Understanding the Moviemaking Process 505 Starting Flash 507 Working with Movie Files 507 Opening a Flash movie file 508 Importing a non-Flash file 508 Saving a movie file 508 Tailoring Your Work Environment with Panels 509 Displaying panels .509 Closing panels 510 Grouping panels 511 Setting Flash Preferences 511 Setting General preferences 511 Setting Editing preferences .513 Setting Clipboard preferences 514 Setting Warnings preferences 515 Setting ActionScript preferences 516 Streamlining Your Work with Keyboard Shortcuts 517 Getting Help 519 Chapter 2: Getting Acquainted with the Tools Window 521 Locating and Using Drawing Tools 521 Arrow Tool 523 Brush Tool 524 Dropper Tool .525 Eraser Tool 526 Fill Transform Tool .528 Free Transform Tool 528 Ink Bottle Tool 530 Lasso Tool .530 Line Tool 531 Oval Tool .532 Paint Bucket Tool 532 Pen Tool .534 Pencil Tool 534 Rectangle Tool 535 Subselect Tool 537 Text Tool 537 Chapter 3: Using Layers 539 Getting Familiar with Layers .539 Creating Layers 541 Working with Layers 542 Selecting a layer 542 Selecting two or more layers 542 .. .Creating Web Pages ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE FOR DUMmIES ‰ 2ND EDITION by Emily Vander Veer, Doug Lowe, Eric Ray, Deborah Ray,... Nielsen, Mariva Aviram, Stephen Lockwood, and Madhu Siddalingaiah Creating Web Pages ALL-IN-ONE DESK REFERENCE FOR DUMmIES ‰ 2ND EDITION by Emily Vander Veer, Doug Lowe, Eric Ray, Deborah Ray,... Nielsen, Mariva Aviram, Stephen Lockwood, and Madhu Siddalingaiah Creating Web Pages All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies®, 2nd Edition Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 111 River Street Hoboken,

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