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Paris Graduate School of Management Thai Nguyen University INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM THESIS TITLE: ANALYSIS OF MARKETING MIX OF GATEXCO 20 Student’s name: DAM AN THANH Intake I 2012 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 INTRODUCTION The urgency of the subject: Textile industry has played an important role in the economy of Vietnam As the announcement by the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (Vitas) in 2011, textile trade has surplused of $ 6.5 billion, increased $ 1.5 billion compared to 2010 With this surplus, the textile industry has improved the localization rate of up to 48% Export target of textile industry in 2012 is to conquer the $ 15 billion mark To achieve this goal, the industry will have to face with many challenges, due to the world economic crisis that has not recovered and the public debt in some European countries has continued Downtrend of the orders may cause the exports to major markets in 2012 decreased by 10-15% compared with 2011 In this context, the solution of the textile industry is reduced the reliance on outsourcing orders and focus on improving the rate of exporting the goods under FOB & ODM, increasing the use of resources materials produced in the domestic market Especially in the difficult context of the economy, the expansion of exploiting new markets will play a crucial role in maintaining the growth of the textile industry The effort to compete with other exporting countries to win market share and promote the domestic market domination is the right strategy of almost successful textile companies Domestic market has been considered to be an end of many textile enterprises during the economic crisis In 2011, despite the economic difficulties, but the revenue from the domestic market of garment enterprises still grow quite well As reported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, up to the end of 2011, the enterprises' revenue of Vinatex from the domestic market gained over 17,200 billion, growth of 15% In 2011, although people have to tighten spending, but the industry is still to maintain relatively high growth rate This proves that textile products have foothold in the domestic market According to the report of the Vietnam Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex) at the preliminary conference of the implementation of the campaign "Vietnamese give priority to use Vietnamese goods", organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade on DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 28th December last year, the sales of VINATEX from domestic market reached 17.200 billion, up to15% Therefore, how to occupy the domestic textile market is a concern of many textile enterprises in Vietnam before the "landing" of many foreign prestigious fashion brands in the Vietnamese market, in which the biggest challenge is China's fashion According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, population of 85 million today and will be increased to 100 million in 2015, so the domestic market is very huge and the textile and garment producers can not pass up the opportunity to dominate the domestic market Most of the domestic textile enterprises have mainly focused on investment for exporting but not care so much for the development of branding in the domestic market Businesses must consider again to domestic market as a foundation and the export market is the motivate force of the development of the textile industry Joining the WTO, Vietnam has more opportunities to expand export markets and welcomes the foreign investment resources in the textile sector However, the domestic market will also face new competition on price, especially for the Chinese fashion On the other hand, after the U.S Department of Commerce (DOC) held a public hearing on anti-dumping tariffs of Vietnam's garment and textile products exporting to the United States, the U.S importer very cautious and reduced the orders for avoiding the risks This has caused the difficulty to Vietnamese enterprises and U.S importers In response this circumstances, the promoting of finding new export markets as well as expanding the domestic market is an important step GATEXCO 20 has very diverse product range in the Vietnamese market meanwhile the customers in the defense sector are losing the advantage One of a cause of this problem is the marketing mix activities of Gatexco in the past are inconsistent and less effective Meanwhile the big brands in the textile industry as Viet Tien, Nha Be, Pierre Cardin and other businesses in the same industry like AGTEX 28 also have the same type of products with various designs, high quality and penetration of the domestic market is very strong Furthermore, the trend to reduce the import tariffs and the entry barriers of imported products to the domestic textile market will make the increasingly fierce competition These issues raises the urgent questions to GATEXCO 20 for requirement of improving and diversifying its DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 products and take urgent appropriate measures to enhance the competitiveness of the product, including marketing mix solutions to the products that plays an important role in occupying and exploiting the potential domestic and export markets of Gatexco The purposes of research Systematization of cognitive theory, marketing mix theory and practice in general business and apparel product business in the Vietnamese market in particularly The dominant factors affecting the marketing mix of enterprise Analysis the situation of marketing mix applied to the traditional products of Gatexco 20 Proposed some key countermeasures to improve the operation of the marketing mix of Gatexco 20 on the basis of the analysis of the marketing environment, competition of the apparel sector in the domestic market among the businesses in the same industry and SWOT analysis The object and scope of the study Thesis will only focus on studying the Marketing mix solution to flagship products of Gatexco 20 in domestic market and will not propose the solutions for other business activities as well as marketing activities to other product line of Gatexco The analysis of the impactation of marketing environment, industry competition, SWOT model that focuses on key products in the domestic market and military sector The rationale and methodological practices This thesis uses the science of modern marketing theory and closely associated with the logical method, statistical, comparison, contrast and meta analysis methods, to have the suitable evaluation of the marketing mix and solution for completion The information has been collected sufficiently via Internet, documents, journals, financial reports and annual planning reports of the Gatexco 20 The contributions of the thesis In terms of reasoning: application of marketing mix theory in Production management and marketing of apparel products in Vietnam In term of practices: offer a number of solutions to improve marketing mix efficiently for key products of Gatexco 20 DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 Derived from practical requirements and under the enthusiastic guidance of Dr Tran Van Hung as well as management board of Gatexco 20 , I boldly chosen the theme: "Marketing Mix of Gatexco 20" as the thesis for the degree of masters of business administration Structure of the thesis In addition to an introduction and conclusion, the thesis consists of 03 chapters: Chapter 1: Some theoretical basis of marketing mix Chapter 2: Situation analysis on the marketing mix of Gatexco 20 Chapter 3: A number of measures and solution to complete and improve the marketing mix of Gatexco 20 DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 CHAPTER 1: SOME THEORETICAL BASIS OF MARKETING MIX 1.1 The role and function of marketing mix 1.1.1 Overview of marketing Initially, marketing appeared through discrete behaviors associated with the certain exchange cases It can be said that marketing’s appearance associated with the exchange of goods But it does not mean that Marketing had appeared simultaneously with the appearance of exchange Marketing only appeared in a certain state or situation of exchange: Either the seller try to make a sale, or the buyer should try to buy goods This means that the exchange create the marketing when people have to compete for sale or buy the goods Thus, the underlying causes create the marketing is the competition In practice, the marketing appears clearly from the background of the industrial development, promoting production and supply of the goods tends to exceed the demand In that case, it force the businesses have to find better methods for consumption of the goods The process of searching for better solutions to promote the consumption of goods support the development of marketing activities as a basis for forming a complete science subject – Marketing The term “Marketing’’ was first launched in the U.S in the early twentieth century Until 1910, all the university in the United States began teaching this course It spread to Europe, Asia, and to our country in the 1980s Marketing is derived from the word "market" means a fair or market Ending in "ing" meaning approach, so it is often to be misunderstood that marketing is marketing To avoid the confusion, the term “Marketing” is usually not translated in to Vietnamese DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 1.1.2 The core concepts of Marketing Source: Marketing basic curriculum, Philip Kotler, 2007 Diagram 1.1: Marketing concepts There are many people to confuse between Marketing with the sale or advertising In fact, consumption is just one of the stages and marketing activities of the business In fact, there are many different definition of marketing as it can be understood as the process of organizing the sales force to sell the goods produced by Gatexco or Marketing is the process of advertising and selling Marketing is the process of understanding and satisfying the needs of the market In other means, Marketing is to create the market and research to satisfy it We can also understand that Marketing is a social and economic mechanisms that organizations and individuals have to use to satisfy their needs and desires through the exchange process of products on the market According to Phillip Kotler "Marketing is human activity to meet the needs and desires of consumers directly through exchange processes" and can be interpreted as follows: Marketing is a social management DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 process, by which the individuals and the groups can obtain what they need and desire through creating, offering and exchanging valuable products with other persons In view of the businesses in the current market mechanism: Marketing is a form of human activity in order to satisfy their needs, desire through exchange of one type of product and service in the market For marketing concept, the most important issues to create the success or failure in the business is to study the needs, wishes and requirements as well as customer’s shopping behavior so they should procees the prodution and supply products and services accordingly the demand of the market before being sold in the market through exchanges and transactions Marketing thinking came from the real needs and desires of humans Thus the concept of marketing is based on the core concepts: needs, wants and requirements, products, value, cost and satisfaction, exchange, transactions and relationships, market , marketing and marketers So we can take a closer look at the following concepts: a Needs: It is a broad concept, including the feeling of lacking of human about something and need to be satisfied Once the society grows more, the basic needs are significantly reduced and it is replaced by the need for good food, nice clothing, entertainment, and enjoy life b Wants: Specific needs, specific to a customary, consumption habits religious beliefs of an area or region, and it is objectively Desire is the desire to get specific things to satisfy deeper needs c Demands: It is the desire to obtain the specific product that is backed by the ability and willingness to buy them The want would become the demand when it was supported by purchasing force Human needs are unlimited, meanwhile the resources to meet the needs, wishes and requirements of our customers, or in other words to have the survey of income over period of time DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 d Goods: What can satisfy the needs of the people and are allowed to sell on the market under the guidance of the price In case, these products are produced without satisfy the demand, it shall not be called the goods Thus, the exchange process requires the working If the enterprise want to sell they need to find buyers and identify their needs to design appropriate products, stocking them, shipping, negotiate prices on the market The foundation of marketing activities is the creation of products, surveys, establish trading relations, organization of distribution, determine the pricing, implementation the services Our customer satisfies the needs and wants by the goods and services The term “products” can be understood as the products and services We define the product is anything that can be offered to satisfy the needs or desires The importance of physical products derived not from owning them, but is to get the services that they provide So the real physical products is the means to ensure the service to us In fact, services are also ensured by other factors like people, places, activities, organizations and ideas Therefore, we will use the term “Products” to refer to material products, service products and other means that are capable of satisfying a want or a need Sometimes we will also use different terms instead of products, goods, or satisfaction factors or resources In fact, the manufacturer often make the mistake to focus on your physical products rather than to the services that these products perform They only think about selling products, not ensuring to solve a need Physical objects are just a means of packaging of service The job of marketing is to sell the benefits or services contained in the physical products, rather than describe the physical properties of them The seller only pay attention to the physical product, but not to the needs of consumers are suffering from "Myopia marketing " e Value and sastifaction Among the many products that can satisfy a certain demand, consumers will have DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 more options to choose These plans should create a set of alternative products Each product has a different ability to satisfy the different needs of consumer The key concept is valuable to customers Consumers will evaluate each product's ability to satisfy their needs They can rank the types of products to satisfy most needs to to meet minimum needs The value is the consumer's assessments of the general ability of the product to satisfy their needs Now aday, the studies of the behavior of consumers are far beyond the narrow framework of the economic theory about how consumers judging the value and product selection f Exchange, Transaction and Realtionship: The people have needs and desires and can be attached to the product a value has not been enough information to say about the meaning of marketing Marketing had appeared when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange Communication is one of four ways of people to get the products The first way is self-produced People can solve hunger by hunting, fishing and gathering fruit They not have a relationship with anyone else In this case, there is no market and marketing The second way is the rape The hungry can snatch or steal other people's food That others not gain anything except a thing is not injured The third way is to beg Those who not have anything for exchange is able to beg others The fourth way is the exchange Hungry people can bring their money or other goods or services to other people for exchange the food The marketing has raised from the fourth method Exchange is the act of receiving a desired product from someone by offering them something Communication is a decisive concept, creating the foundation for marketing Exchange occurs only when it satisfy all the following conditions:  At least there are two parties  Each party must have some valuable things to the other party  Each party must be able to trade and transfer their goods DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 market; Supply the products to niche markets quickly; Sharing the risk; Reduce the investment for warehouse and stores; Boost up Gatexco 20's brand Gatexco 20 should develop their distribution systems according to the specific stages in detention from 2013 - 2016 with a vision to 2020 as follows:  Phase (1st stage): 2013 - 2014  Phase (2nd stage): 2014 - 2015  Phase (3rd stage): 2015 - 2016  Long-term Orientation to 2020 (*) Strategic objectives for development of distribution channel in 1st stage - Opening three (3) new product introduction stores in Hanoi - Opening three (6) new distributors in Hanoi - Rapid development in its breadth, while ensuring the sales, consumption and quality of service Set up the standardized retail shops, creating the impressive brand image of Gatexco 20 - Complete the organizational structure of distribution channels of the first stage Diagram 3.1: Distribution channels for garment product – Gatexco 20 International customers & Defense customers Gatexco Consumer 20 Dealer Wholesales Retailer Gatexco’s introduction store (Centre area of Hanoi) DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 73 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 - The countermeasure of the phase (+) Stimulate self-motivation, working attitudes and responsibility of the salesman, warehouse and logistics staffs through clear compensation and penalty policy Coaching and training the employee to improve their awareness and working skills (+) Regular updates the progress of the sales of Gatexco’s stores, agents to be able to urge and support them to get the sales in necessary cases Strengthen the good governance to provide enough products to the markets in time as the request of the customer and agent meanwhile to maintain the lowest inventory quantity if applicable (+) Establish brand identity system for Gatexco 20's store (+) Fitted the furniture and modern equipment for Gatexco’s store (+) Establish the team of qualified and professional supervisors (+) Organize the promotions events and logistics operations (*)Strategic objectives for development of distribution channel in 2nd stage - Opening at least three (3) new product introduction stores in Hanoi and Northern provinces - Opening tenth (10) new distributors in Northern provinces - Cooperate with at least one (01) supermarket system in Hanoi to distribute the products - Rapid development in its breadth, while ensuring the sales, consumption and quality of service Set up the standardized retail shops, creating the impressive brand image of Gatexco 20 - Complete the organizational structure of distribution channels for phase DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 74 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 Diagram 3.2: Distribution channels for garment product - Gatexco 20 International customers, Defense customers Gatexco 20 General North Center for distribut ion Dealer dealer Gatexco’s introduction store (Hanoi and Provinces) Consumer ( Supermarket system in Hanoi - The solution should be applied to the second stage: (+) Maintaining and complete the solutions applied for the 1st stage with more complete and improve the quality of distribution business (+) To establish the distribution center in the North that will specialize with the tasks of monitor the distribution products to customers of the agent system, the stores in the northern region and supermarket system Hanoi area (+) Optimize the distribution system include only general agents and agents for managing and supervision easily; Apply an attractive discount to the general agents; Continue applying the promotions program to support agent with simple procedures of application for opening new shop Gatexco 20 will select the dealers who have experience, good financial and capital, big store systems and warehousing and goodwill to process the long-term cooperation with previlage in term of price and services Regularly Gatexco 20 will conduct the training about products feature, sales skills to sale staffs and large agents’ staffs (*)Strategic objectives for development of distribution channel in 3rd stage - Opening at least three (3) new product introduction stores in Northern provinces and one (1) new stores at the centre area of Vietnam DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 75 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 - Opening tenth (10) new distributors in Northern and Centre provinces - Cooperate with at least two (02) supermarket systems in Hanoi and Northern area to distribute the products - Rapid development in its breadth, while ensuring the sales, consumption and quality of service Set up the standardized retail shops, creating the impressive brand image of Gatexco 20 - Complete the organizational structure of distribution channels for phase Diagram 3.3: Distribution channels for garment product - Gatexco 20 International customers, Defense customers Gatexco 20 North Center for distribut ion General Dealer dealer Gatexco’s introduction store (Hanoi and Provinces) Consumer ( Supermarket system in Hanoi - The solution should be applied to rd stage (+) Maintaining and complete the solutions applied for the st and 2nd stages with more complete and improve the quality of distribution business (+) To establish the distribution center in the North and Middle that will specialize with the tasks of monitor the distribution products to customers of the agent system, the stores in the northern and middle region and supermarket system in Hanoi and province (+) Continue completing the team of qualified and professional supervisors for supervising the business activities in Hanoi and Provinces (+) Strongly implement the promotion and marketing operations with clear target DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 76 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 (+) Defining the lowest sales that the dealers should be archived (*)Strategic objectives for development of distribution channel with vision 2020 - Continue maintaining and completion of the distribution channels that has been set up during period of 2013- 2016 - Additional development of additional agents in North, Central, South areas to have around 100 dealers and stores in nationwide - Looking for partners in the South for cooperation of production investment, franchise - To study about the construction of Gatexco trade center specializing in textile and garment products as well as consumer goods b Standardization of sales locations and sales team (*) Sales location: Require sales place should be located in the convenient traffic area where is crowded area for facilitating the distribution of goods , attracting customers to visit and purchase products All the stores and shops should have a minimum area of 30 m2 with its width is not less than 5m and hang the standard sign boards in term of size, color, content as the design of Gatexco 20 to make the customer recognizable and easy observation The stores and shop have to display the minimum number of samples of the products in accordance with Gatexco 20’s requirement The interior decoration and the layout of shelf system, bootstrap of samples must be carried out according to standard guidelines of Gatexco 20 to ensure the store is near and tidy with intellectual sciences, bright, making the luxury-class of the products, creating the attractive and good impression to customers Product samples are displayed in a scientific manner so it is easy for customers to see and easy for salesman to process the sales All the display products must be listed in term of the price, model, clear codes for each type, avoiding the confusion for the buy and sellers (*)Sales staff DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 77 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 - The sales staff should have a good health, good-looking and ability to persuade and make good impression to customers They should be confident enough to contact with customers and answer all customer’s questions fluently - They should be truthful, room service attentive, friendly, courteous and affable - Sales staff must understand about product well and able to quickly meet the needs of clients regarding color, style and materials of the product They is able to advise right product to meet the need of the buyer - The sales staff must always comply with the provisions on price, professional ethics and always try to attempt to promote products of Gatexco 20 They should be solidarity, teamwork and good will to strive for in the work (*) Management the dealer - It is necessary for regular monitoring and supervision of business activities of the agents and stores and Gatexco 20 can cancel the sales contracts with the deal or the agents who are not seriously to achieve the sales and violate Gatexco 20's rules and commitments in sales and distribution like selling the products at prescribed price, selling of counterfeit and fake goods, low sales results in long time Beside it, Gatexco should find and cooperate with new potential agents who have good faith, commitment for long-term cooperation - Consider and develop new agents in the areas that the number of agents is still low like Central & South regions - Coordinate and strengthen the close relationship between Gatexco 20 and the agent to exchange information about markets, products in both directions, quickly capture the needs of the market, customer designs and price trends of the market to provide the good products to meet the customer tastes and highly competitive - Build and complete the reasonable discount policies with competitive level on the principles of creating the motivation, goodwill of the employees as well as commitment of long-term cooperation of the partners The discount rate will be also referred the rewards and discounts rate that are applied by other big textile companies like May 10, Viet Tien, Nha Be, Thang Long…etc DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 78 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 The product introduction store Agent & Supermarket & Supermarket Bonus policy for - Turnover less than 80% assigned Gatexco’s sales target: No bonus - Turnover reach 80 - 90% staff assigned target: 1.5% of revenue - Turnover reach 90 - 100% assigned target: 3% of revenue - Turnover exceeds 100% assigned target : 5% of revenue - Turnover lower than 20 million: 20% - Turnover got 20 - 30 million: 23% - Turnover got 30 - 50 million: 25% - Turnover got 50 - 100 million: 27% - Turnover 100 - 150 million: 29% - Turnover higher 150 million: 35% Discount policy for Agents 3.2.4 Strengthen the promotion activities a General orientation To get highest effective of the promotion activities, it is necessary for Gatexco 20 to realize the importance of this work Now a day, trade promotion in business play very important role as this is useful and effective communication means to advertise and send the message about the product and company to the customers to persuade them to buy products To avoid the spread and scattering investment without concentration, Gatexco 20 must prepare and week following job: - Market segmentation - Selection of target market - Completely re-positioning of the goods to the target markets - To improve and complete the policies on bonus, commission, discount ratios for dealers, supermarkets and sales staff DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 79 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 - Develop a marketing specialized department - Every year, Gatexco must define and fix the budget for promotion activities to promote and expand the business With the current sales result of Gatexco 20 , the annual budget for promotion activities must be not lower than - billion vnd - Continuously improve the quality of the products, saving production costs, improve the qualification and skill of the import and export staff, sales staffs to meet the requirements of customers and the market To so, Gatexco 20 must have training plans as well as coaching the work force Gatexco 20 should organize the foreign language training courses for the staffs in Gatexco 20, especially the sales team who carry out the foreign trade business Under suitable conditions, Gatexco 20 may invite economic experts in foreign trade and economy to teach and coaching the staff via short term training courses concerning the knowledge’s and skilled of marketing, foreign trade, art in sales, negotiation in international trade b The particular and specific solution Currently, the budget and investment for advertising actives of Gatexco 20 to their product in domestic and abroad markets are still very simple and draft Al most Gatexco 20's products are usually ordered by military force and traditional customers In order to attract more attention of the consumers to their products, Gatexco 20 shall promptly conduct advertising and branding campaign about the reputation, quality, the diversity of styles, designs and sizes of the products Through advertising and propaganda, customers will understand well the features of the product and business capacity of Gatexco 20 They can implement a number of the following measures for promotion: (*) Promoting Gatexco 20's product advertisement on mass media such as: - At first, Gatexco 20 can advertise their products through the internet For now, the internet is becoming more popular around the world and every day, millions of people are accessing to the internet Therefore, for using this method, Gatexco 20 can attract the attention of customers as well as foreign importers who are interested in DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 80 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 Gatexco 20's apparel products Meanwhile the cost of this advertising method is relatively low The company can process as following steps: (+) Gatexco 20 must upgrade their website with beautiful Interface, full of useful information concerning the history formation and development of Gatexco 20, the type of product range and production capacity that company can supply, existing distribution network with detail information, lists of customer and projects, the potential and strong point of the company for cooperation and the development of the projects in the future Through the website, customers can access and online discussion with sales staffs to consult the advice about products, business and send the feedback to Gatexco 20 so they can better understand about the needs customer and market (+) In the future, Gatexco should upgrade their website so their customers can order products online through listing price on the network (+) Gatexco 20 can advertise their brands and products on the website, social networking sites in Vietnam that have many daily visitors accessing like a: Vietnamnet, Vnexpress, Vnmedia - Television (TV) advertisement: It is the most effective communication channels with the fastest speed, most effective way and can attract more attention of the audiences for identification of Gatexco 20's brands, products and its characteristics is very suitable and useful to the current strategy of Gatexco 20 for the current stage It is rapidly expansion the market share and branding meanwhile Gatexco 20's products have not known well by the public community and number of Gatexco 20's stores and agent is very limited However this method of advertising is very expensive so Gatexco 20 must calculate very carefully concerning issues to obtain highest efficiency and cost savings Gatexco 20 should consider the following issues: (+) They should choosing the right TV company for cooperation of advertising Gatexco 20 should consider to give priority for advertisement on television station with wide coverage area so many people can watch like VTC company Currently, VTC Broadcast Station has a wider coverage area than Vietnam Cable TV and price of advertising of VTC is also lower than Vietnam TV DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 81 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 (+) Choosing suitable TV channel: Give priority for selection the favorite channels that have more people to watch and their program content consistent with the audience with the ages from 20 to 55 They can consider the advertisment on some channels like: VTV3, VTV1, HTV, InfoTV (+) Beside it, They should consider carefully about time, frequency, number of hours of advertising with and prepare the plan for number of days will advertise to calculate and spend a reasonable budget For example, They will advertise on TV with advertising frequency of times/ week on the mass media channels of VTC and the program will last up to one month with different content for each season of the years (+) Study and compile script and advertisement content carefully to have shortest advertising time but get highest effective and attract the attention of the audience - Erecting the large outdoor advertisement boards, poster panel with large image of the products and logo of Gatexco 20 at its production facilities so that people can easily identify and reconige the product and logo of Gatexco 20 without high cost for advertising If Gatexco 20 has a budget, they can rent the large billboards that are placed in public places such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and along the Highway at the in and out gateway of the big cities - Advertising on the daily newspapers, journals of textile, fashion magazines, that many people often read, like Tien Phong, Lao Dong, Cong An Nhan Dan, The Thao newspaper (*) The other activities: - Every year, Gatexco 20 will publish their calendars to present to customers, partners, officers and employees - Print and delivery the catalogue and leaflets to introduce all of the business mode and the new model products with detail annotations for each model including: fabric materials, retail price, specification and code of products The catalogue or leaflet must be nice designed to attract the curiosity of the consumers and they will consider the chance for purchasing the products soon DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 82 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 - In addition the promotion and introduce products to the international market, Gatexco 20 should try to participate in the international trade fairs held in Vietnam and abroad For the domestic market and exhibition, Gatexco 20 can enlist for promotion, communication, implementation the P.R activities to attract more attention of the importers, brokers and consumers who visit and participate in the fair Gatexco 20 can cooperate with the press to attract the attention to Gatexco 20 As for trade fairs in abroad, Gatexco 20 can display the sample products, catalogues to introduce directly their products to foreign customers - Gatexco 20 should also coordinate closely with the trade promotion agencies such as VCCI, Trade Promotion Department of Ministry of Trade and Industry, Textile and Apparel Association, Vietnam's commercial counselors based in the U.S, Japan, EU to get more information about the market, partners, looking for more business opportunities - Gatexco 20 should consider about the opening of trade promotion offices in some countries such as U.S and Japan that are the traditional large and potential markets in the future to be able to collect information on the scale market, potential customers and the needs of consumers and deal with customers directly 3.2.5 Enhance the management skill and qualification of the leadership Human factors are always emphasized and become one of the most important factors in the development and management of general business activities of the enterprise including the professional skill job relating to Marketing Mix Therefore, raising the management skill of the leadership and staffs must be a top priority, and have to take a step forward in the businesses development strategy of the company The board of management of Gatexco 20 must know the way to call for the spirit of initiative, improvement the qualification of leadership, administration, professional ability and forecast about the market, defining the tasks with appropriate targets and have right decisions for guideline of economic developments In the future, Gatexco 20 needs to consolidate some of the missing titles of position of organization structure to meet the immediate and long-term tasks DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 83 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 Do Well the HR works and nominate and recruit the staff who have good ethics, qualification, and prestige to responsible for management positions Conducting the recruitment, training and coaching the management staff in term of management skill of marketing and market development Continue implementation of grassroots democracy, organizing the dialogue between the CEO, leadership and management staff to capture and handle the problems arising at production and business units Actively develop and implement the planning officials to ensure succeeding human resources for the executive position and implement personnel rotation of Leader positions Boldly redeploying the staff appropriately and concentrate on training young officials Completion and improvement the regulation on reward and complement, clearly defining the functions, tasks, powers and responsibilities of the leader in all levels of the company DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 84 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 CONCLUSION Develop customer networks and expansion market are the needs and goals of the textile enterprises in general as well as GATEXCO 20 in particular In the integration of environmental, open and increasingly fierce competition, customer and market are a prerequisite the development and existing of the business Therefore all decisions and business strategy of the enterprise must be carefully considered, with the goal that customer and market is central for making the right decisions, towards for meeting the increasing needs of customers and markets Although, Vietnam's garment and textile market and the world market are very huge and potentialth, the competition among the Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises and abroad companies is increasingly fierce Today, due to the rapid development of information technology, customers will have many opportunities to access and purchase high-quality textile products with reasonable prices However, competition is also an opportunity to the textile enterprises including GATEXCO 20 to have necessary changes in business strategy and marketing In the trend of globalization, the boundaries between regions, countries have become blurred, creating a unified economic bloc, large one-market Therefore, the level of competitiveness of textile products will not compact bundle within Vietnamese market that will be expanded to international area Besides it, Vietnam economy and the world are facing with many difficulties due to the long economic downturn Therefore, GATEXCO 20 has to accept the fierce and intensive competition to survive and grow The only way to GATEXCO 20 to overcome the difficulties and development is adapting and seize the opportunities, improvement of production and business activities as market oriented, boldly applications new technologies for production and application of marketing mix in business, with Marketing mindset To be a company with many years of experience and a long history in producing garments porducts, GATEXCO 20 has enlisted the enthusiastic support of the Ministry of Defense as well as with the wisdom management of the board of directors, DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 85 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 GATEXCO 20 has initially achieved the success, in the particular to military uinform products For export buniness, Gatexco 20 has also gained many successful with big orders However, to maximize the potential availability of the company as well as achieving the successful implementation of strategies business, GATEXCO 20 should have further efforts in the investment, application, development and improvement their Marketing Mix strategy that has been proposed in this thesis DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 86 Marketing Mix of Gatexco20 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Marketing theory curriculum, Foreign Trade University, Education Publishing House, 2006 Basic Marketing, Vu The Phuc, Education Publishing House, 1998 Data on Import and Export of Vietnam textile industry in recent years, Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), http://www.vietnamtextile.org.vn Vietnam's economic indicators in recent years, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, http://www.gso.gov.vn Basic Marketing , Philip Kotler, Labour and Social Publishing House, 2007 Website : www.google.com.vn Export situation of Vietnam, 2011 - 2012, Ministry of Industry and Trade, www.moit.gov.vn Define the target market on the internet, Issue 32, dated 2nd May 2012 The reports on finance, investment, business of Gatexco 20 DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 87 ... strength of the Army" DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 26 Marketing Mix of Gatexco2 0 CHAPTER 2: SITUATION ANALYSIS ON THE MARKETING MIX OF GATEXCO 20 2.1 Introduction of Gatexco 20 2.1.1 History of Gatexco 20. .. the marketing mix of Gatexco 20 Chapter 3: A number of measures and solution to complete and improve the marketing mix of Gatexco 20 DAM AN THANH – PGSM B01 Marketing Mix of Gatexco2 0 CHAPTER 1:... PGSM B01 22 Marketing Mix of Gatexco2 0 Table 1.2 Inflation rate of Vietnam in the period of 200 8 -201 1 Year 200 8 200 9 201 0 201 1 Inflation rate (%) 22 6.9 11.75 18.13 (Source: Department of Statistics

Ngày đăng: 15/04/2017, 21:06