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Allied growth development company help 400 SC a latest generation of broad spectrum fungicide a critical analysis of long term marketing communication campaign proposals

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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ TP HỒ CHÍ MINH HO CHI MINH CITY OPEN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LIBRE DE BRUSSELES SOLVAY BRUSSELL SCHOOL ECONOMIC & MANAGEMENT MMA6 NGUYEN XUAN HUNG BACH NGOC TUNG ALLIED GROWTH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (ADC) HELP® 400 SC - A LATEST GENERATION OF BROAD SPECTRUM FUNGICIDE CRITICAL ANALISYS OF LONG TERM MARKETING COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN & PROPOSALS MASTER PROJECT MASTER IN MARKETING & ADVERTISING Tutor’s Name: SERGE BYWALSKI HOCHIMINH CITY 2013 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ TP HỒ CHÍ MINH HOCHIMINH CITY OPENUNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LIBRE DE BRUXELLES SOLVAY BRUSSELL SCHOOL ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT MMA6 Student’s name: + Nguyen Xuan Hung + Bach Ngoc Tung COMMIMENT TO OPEN UNIVERSITY AND SOLVAY BRUSSELL SCHOOL Here by, I commit to HCM Open University & Solvay Brussel School that this final project in conducted by us under agrrement of ADC company Some data, table and figure in this work which only are provided for purpose of supporting this project will be kept confidential as ADC requirement Student‘s signature Nguyen Xuan Hung Bach Ngoc Tung ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to all who gave me the possibolity to complete the final project Firstly, I want to thank the ADC company who have support me permission to get the figure, table of conduct survey and use department data to complete the final project Basing all information and help, we could have conducted the final project and more over we understand deeply the performance of marketing campaign of ADC company and have analisys the proposal later I would thank to my tutor, Mr Serge Bywalski from Solvay Brussel School who have guidance and encouragement of help to us in the initial time of doing final project We also would thank to my colleagues in MMA during all courses to have shares some information, some studies in team work and in marketing activities outside From that team work activities, we could understand more about practical activities in all comapnies of marketing and advertising as well TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Market overview 1.2 Allied Development Corporation (ADC) 1.3 Competitor Companies 1.4 Competitor product & Help® 400 SC ADVERTISING & COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN 2.1 IN 2007 2.1.1 Advertising, Communication & Promotion 2.1.2 Merchandising 2.2 IN 2008 2.2.1 Advertising, Communication, Promotion and Merchandising 2.2.2 Help® campaign Activities during the campaign Help® Festival Merchandising contest 2.3 IN 2009 2.3.1 Advertising, Communication, Promotion and Merchandising 2.3.2 Help® campaign ASSESSMENT 3.1 PRODUCT 3.1.1 Market research 3.1.2 Positioning 3.1.3 Segmentation 3.2 PRICE 3.3 PLACE 3.4 PROMOTION 3.4.1 Advertising 3.4.2 Communication message 3.4.3 Merchandising 3.4.4 Help® campaign 3.4.5 TV talk and Demo 3.4.6 Technical seminar and farmer meeting PROPOSALS 4.1 PRODUCT 4.1.1 Market research 4.1.2 Positioning 4.1.3 Segmentation 4.2 PRICE 4.3 PLACE 4.4 PROMOTION 4.4.1 Advertising TV commercial Radio commercial Print ads 4.4.2 Merchandising 4.4.3 Public relation TV talk Newspaper 4.4.4 Direct mailing 4.4.5 Farmer meeting & Demo 4.4.6 POSM 4.4.7 Budget INTRODUCTION 1.1 MARKET OVERVIEW Vietnam has 7.2 mio rice, 70% is belong to Mekong Delta which is key planted area for export; the North and the Central is for domestic consumption within the territory only There are main rice crops per year in Mekong Delta, winter – spring season (Nov – Mar) and summer – autumn season (Apr – Aug) Blast usually occurs in winter – spring season, other diseases are almost happen in summer – autumn season Fungicide is a key drive of growth in agrochemical industry on rice and other crops as well, rice accounted for almost 40 – 50 % consumption of total fungicide value Fungicide accounted for 50 % crop protection costs (US$ 100/ha) on rice; farmers have to apply fungicide - times per crop to control blast, yellow leaf, sheath blight and dirty panicle of which times for blast They have to tank mix fungicides to control ALL rice diseases which almost happen at the same time Broad spectrum products may control most of diseases except blast which is required a specialist blasticide In farmers’ perception, broad spectrum fungicides are not so effective compared to a specialist one for whatever diseases Annual Total (VND/Ha) 19,574,830 5,654,565 2,834,273 2,169,898 610,249 40,182 29% of Input 50% of CPC 38% of CPC 11% of CPC 1% of CPC Winter Spring Summer Fall Others Source: Pivotal Jan 2008 Agricultural Input CPC Fungicide Insecticide Herbicide (selective) Herbicide (nonselective) Others 8,688,962 2,372,038 1,299,380 853,593 251,932 53,450 Summer Fall 8,998,890 2,567,291 1,270,983 992,187 290,829 50,845 Winter Spring 8,676,897 2,571,052 1,282,091 996,143 277,443 52,501 Market Value and Market Share in 2007 – 2012 2007 Rice Fun by Val_US$ company ($1,000) Syngenta 2008 2009 Val_US$ M/S (%) ($1,000) 2010 Val_US$ M/S (%) ($1,000) 2011 Val_US$ M/S (%) ($1,000) 2012 Val_US$ M/S (%) Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) ($1,000) M/S (%) 33,604 36.23% 44,878 32.10% 43,484 26.77% 55,130 29.91% 62,182 30.80% 67,190 31.06% ADC 3,777 4.07% 5,222 3.73% 9,738 5.99% 11,391 6.18% 11,583 5.74% 14,151 5.78% Others 55,375 59.70% 89714 64.71% 109,232 67.24% 117,818 63.91% 128,150 63.46% 134,960 63.16% Source: General Custom Office & In desk research For all players, farmer meeting, demonstration, TV talk, TV commercial, radio commercial, merchandising are popular communication activities Adverting on TV is the most effective and expensive tool, it’s a “heavy weapon” of market leader Most useful sources to get info (Source: AGRI insight - Kynatec Oct 2007) Other farmers and neighbors TV farmer programs TV ads Farmer meetings Technicians/PPD Retailers & dealers Most useful Useful All values in % 84 21 34 16 34 28 19 16 60 16 Demo trials Posters & leaflets Farmer radio programs Radio ads 16 14 12 12 10 Papers/magazines 12 10 Agriculture books -100 -80 -60 1.2 ALLIED DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (ADC)-40 -20 ADC was set up in 9.9.1999 In 2007, they employed more than 300 people, ADC set up a sales network of 80 whole sellers and 1,200 retailers throughout the 20 40 country Until now, they have expanded their business into fertilizers, seeds, pharmaceutical, aqua-feed Their vision is Bringing Fourth Goodness to their partners and farmers, which reflect through the date ADC was established 9.9.99 1.3 COMPETITOR COMPANIES Syngenta (Swiss company) is a market leader They dominated rice fungicide market (36.2 % market share in 2007) There was about 100 crop protection suppliers in Vietnam, Chinese suppliers took 37.8% market share of rice fungicide, they supplied to many local distributors; most of Chinese suppliers did not have an office in Vietnam There was a big gap between Syngenta and the rest of players ADC ranked nd in rice fungicide market although its share was only 4% in 2007 1.4 COMPETITOR PRODUCTS & HELP® 400 SC Tilt® Super and Filia™ were a key drive for growth of Syngenta not only for fungicide but the whole product portfolio as well Tilt® Super is a rice fungicide for controlling dirty panicle, sheath blight, yellow leaf, it make more filled grains which bring bumper harvest as their positioning Filia™ is a specialist blasticide, it effectively control rice blast and make strong plants Syngenta recommended tank mix Tilt® Super and Filia™ to control ALL diseases Help® is a latest generation of broad spectrum fungicide, it effectively control rice blast and other diseases By launching Help®, ADC expected to open a new segment for a broad spectrum fungicide, effectively control ALL diseases including blast They positioned it as a latest fungicide generation which effectively control rice blast, dirty panicle, yellow leaf and sheath blight, increase yield and quality thanks to greening effects Help® would be enable farmers reduce 50% fungicide application and cut half of application costs compared to Tilt® Super mix with Filia™; besides, Help® brought greening effects to rice plants, more foliage green is more yield and better grains quality in both farmers’ perception and scientists’ study By launching Help®, ADC wanted to build up Help® as a market standard for rice fungicide, open a new segment for a real/ effective broad spectrum fungicide They positioned it as a latest generation of rice fungicide which effectively control rice blast, dirty panicle, yellow leaf and sheath blight with results are more than expectation of farmers Products’ value and market share in rice fungicide segment Rice Fun by product Tilt® Super Filia™ Help® 2007 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 2008 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 2009 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 2010 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 2011 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 2012 Val_US$ ($1,000) M/S (%) 21,553 23.24% 22,068 15.78% 25,535 15.72% 25,891 14.05% 28,073 13.90% 28,073 12.98% 4,986 5.38% 12,045 8.61% 5,494 3.38% 11,724 6.36% 12,562 6.22% 14,237 6.58% 1,437 1.55% 813 0.81% 641 0.50% 777 0.35% 663 0.39% 636 0.27% Source: General Custom Office & In desk research ADVERTISING & COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN 2.1 IN 2007 In summer 2007, ADC organized launching ceremony in Can Tho province which is considered as a capital of Mekong Delta 20 whole sellers, 30 farmers (belong to ADC Farmer Club) and all of their field force including sales and marketing were invited They went through product presentation including technical, trial results, benefits of using Help®, the ceremony was end up with gala dinner Sales team then follow up with sales scheme to whole sellers in the other days 2.1.1 Advertising, Communication & Promotion ADC selected television in key provinces (Long An, Dong Thap, Vinh Long, Can Tho, An Giang, Kien Giang) throughout Mekong Delta to ensure 80% coverage to the area and some province in the east of Vietnam during TV commercial airing Technical and Marketing Department would follow up with farmer meetings, TV talks in which their people would joined with an officer of Sub Plant Protection Department and a professor from agriculture universities to talk about rice, pests, Help® 400 SC and other products of ADC (if any related questions), farmers sat in front of a television just picked up a phone and asked a question, they would reply at one as a direct dialog; they collaborated with some television in key provinces for a TV talk which could be covered several provinces at a same time Their communication message in TV commercial only focused on a latest generation of broad spectrum fungicide with animation of diseases spot without voice over on name of diseases They ended up the TVC with a tagline and voice over as “Help® 400 SC – More than expectation!” ADC collaborated with Sub Plant Protection Department, Plant Protection Station, farmers for demonstrations with a demo board stood in a middle of rice field with Help® brand and tagline They also organized spray events for several rice fields in a same day and came back week later to check results and had spot meetings at the rice field 11 3.1.3 Segmentation Segmentation will help a company focus resources to target customers, it could be customer segmentation (age, planted area, revenue and ect …), geographical segmentation Pivotal (market research agency) propose types of farmer’s segmentation; however, most of agrochemical companies focus on farm size, then they may consider age to classify old farmers (old people) and advanced farmers (young generation) to position latest products Farm Revenue Farm size Medlarge farmer 31% Mediu m revenu e31% Large farmer 43% Small revenu e24% Mediu m Extrafarmer large 19% farmer 7% Age Group 35-39 years 17% 40-44 years 16% 30-34 years 15% 54 12% years 11% Betwee n 20 and 30 years 17% Finishe d primary - c1 36% Finishe d middle school c2 48% Finishe d high school c3 16% Source: Fungicide Vietnam - Pivotal Jan 2008 As Pivotal, medium large to large farmer segment accounted for 74% population Because of industrialization, young generation is prefer to work in a factory rather than in rice field, they would have a better income and less hard working compared to agriculture 12 Labor shortage is a big problem now in agriculture where mechanization is mostly in harvesting; sowing, transplanting, fertilizing, pesticide application are required labor so far A good segmentation would enable ADC focus resources on target customer (medium large to large farmer) and where they reside - Long An, Dong Thap, An Giang, Kien Giang, Soc Trang province which are belong to Mekong Delta 3.2 PRICE In practice, cost per of Help® (VND 360,000/ha) is 8% lower than Tilt® Super + Filia™ (VND 390,000/ha) for all diseases control Through market research, ADC could position price of Help® higher than price of Tilt® Super + Filia™ because it’s a latest fungicide generation and enable farmers cut labor costs at least by reducing number of application ADC may propose optimum dosage of Help® to reach excellent efficacy as they recommended the most economic dosage during launching which brought average efficacy to blast By gathering sufficient market information through market research and perceive value of farmers, ADC may quote the fungicide based on top – bottom approach 3.3 PLACE It’s good for a launching ceremony in the center of Mekong Delta to introduce a new product to customers and partners They may consider more ceremony in the North at the end of the year or beginning of next year (when new rice season start) to ensure good product coverage throughout the country, their branch office in Hanoi would support the launching Point of Purchase (POP) decoration is a good activity to launch/promote the product at downstream Refreshment campaign is a recommendation for new product launch after – year to strengthen or improve communication message 13 3.4 PROMOTION 3.4.1 Advertising Brand awareness is a key drive for trial use, customers don’t ask for a product if they have nothing in their mind For a new product launch, we should achieve 70% brand awareness after a launch campaign, it’s required thick airing schedule of the first – months launch ADC selected key provinces for TVC airing to ensure coverage thoroughly to the Mekong Delta, it enable them to save airing costs and increase repetition across Mekong Delta In agrochemicals industry, marketing budget take about 5% of sales target, 40% marketing budget is for TVC and PR For a new and block buster product as Help®, ADC need to invest even more than 40% marketing budget into TVC airing to increase brand awareness, they may shift some budget of other products to support Help® ADC may consider a teaser airing to stimulate customers’ attention before official launch Market research would give them more ideas about customers’ insight and expectation to build up a story board They should produce 30s and 15s TV commercial, 15s TV commercial would be aired – months after launch Most of farmers listen to radio in early morning (4:30 – 5:30) before going to rice field and during rest (11:30) 30 – 60s radio commercial is the most effective way and economic to approach them ADC may use Voice of Hochiminh to cover most of Mekong Delta, local/provincial radio could be considered in key rice provinces Vietnam Agriculture newspaper is a specialist news for agricultural officers, print ads and articles would alert them on new generation fungicide with new mode of action It’s useful information for them to recommend fungicide rotation to farmers for resistant management Through market research, ADC would find out which newspaper farmers are prefer and what they want to read, it’s useful to define approach As survey of Kynatec, there is no awareness of Help® after month launch 14 Top of mind awareness rice fungicide brands What fungicide brands for rice have you known or heard of? Base: All rice farmers (642) All value in % TOTAL Red River North Cent’l South Cent’l Delta Coast Coast Mekong River Delta P1 17 20 15 71 48 Tilt Super 11 14 Anvil 20 13 17 Validacin 0 11 Fuan 8 Beam 10 Fuji One 0 Vali 0 0 Flash 1 0 Trizole 1 0 Folicur 0 0 0 Kasumin 123 72 63 384 42 10 11 20 11 645 Source: Agri insight - Kynatec Oct 2007 3.4.2 Communication message A message must be clear, simple and specific enough in mass media and promotion activities to deliver value of a product, the product will stand for something in consumers’ mind Objective of ADC is launching a latest fungicide generation, effectively control rice blast, dirty panicle, yellow leaf and sheath blight, but they did nothing with specific diseases on TV commercial A voice over on name of diseases is required to communicate clearly benefits of Help®; it’s hard for farmers to catch up with diseases spots in animation It’s a mess in farmers mind with animated diseases spots and a conclusion “Help® 400 SC – More than expectation!”, to whom expectation and what type of expectation in their communication message(?) The tagline here could be used in PR campaign, it could be ideas of rice farmers after – year applying the products which bring results more than expectation 15 3.4.3 Merchandising POPs decoration is a good approach at end-users’ touch point, farmers would aware of new product for trial use ADC may go further by offering a merchandising contest among sales reps, they may put more creative and enthusiastic during decoration rather than thinking it’s a task 3.4.4 Help® campaign It’s the biggest and the most costly promotional activity; however, it’s likely a brand building for Help® in general rather than delivering product value specifically Through the campaign, farmers would aware of Help® as a fungicide in general Technical seminars during campaign were not enough to deliver product benefits in large scale The campaign is a good ideal in areas/provinces which ADC wants to increase brand awareness or push up sales ADC should also consider campaign’s costs to turnover 3.4.5 TV talk and demo TV talk, product demo are traditional promotion activities Through TV talks, farmers would ask ADC directly, they raise questions and learn from others’ experience Thanks to demos, farmers would observe product’s efficacy in practice, they could touch rice field to compared to their current practice ADC could a bit different with a master program for TV talks and demos throughout Mekong Delta A master of ceremony (MC) could be considered for all TV talks, he or she would build up a story of Help® including product demo, farmer’s ideas, video clip of Help® application in practice and ect…, these information will be shared during TV talks for discussion ADC could invite – farmers join TV talks to share their experience MC could end up a TV talk with questions related to Help® and farmers’ practice, ADC would reward soonest and correct answers, TV station may send gifts to winner on behalf of ADC 3.4.6 Technical seminar and farmer meeting For a technical product as Help®, technical seminars and farmer meeting are important to present and reply directly farmers’ concerns Farmers aware of the product through mass media, they will ask for further information; however, it’s not 16 an effective tool for raising brand awareness because of low coverage, less repetition and customers reach It’s an ideal if a company has a good TVC airing schedule which is supported with sufficient technical seminars and farmer meetings PROPOSALS 4.1 PRODUCT 4.1.1 Market research We will have focus groups across Mekong Delta follow with quantitative field survey, we call it’s as “Supreme project” Focus Groups  Focus Groups are conducted to gain a basic understanding of needs and usage patterns as well as to test concept validity with potential users The results of the focus groups provided a preliminary indicator of project “Supreme” viability and also aided in developing a more accurate and more detailed questionnaire for use in the quantitative survey  FGDs at An Giang, Long An, Kien Giang & Soc Trang  Time: Mar 2006 Quantitative Field Survey  A survey 300 rice farmers in the Mekong Delta Region during the summer autumn season were carried out in provinces (An Giang, Dong Thap, Long An, Kien Giang & Soc Trang) 60 each province  Respondents had farming areas of 0.5ha or above  Time: May - Jun 2006  The primary objective of the survey was to measure the overall market opportunity with the defined value proposition, including:  Quantification of application and usage patterns  Validation/acceptance of the defined proposition  Price elasticity vs business development potentials Findings through Focus Groups and Quantitative Field Survey  Product acceptance  Product Appeal  Product Understand  Points to Believe  Product Trial Willingness  Price Sensitive Measurement 17  Use pattern  Summary  Cost of Agricultural inputs  Number of Fungicide Applications in winter – spring season  Frequency of Fungicide Applications in winter – spring season  Brand and Advertising & Promotion Awareness  Brand Awareness  Promotional Awareness  Used Brand  Favorite Brands  Reasons of stop using a Brand  Brand Funnel  Tank mix  Frequency of Tank Mixing  Mixing Pattern  Rationale of Mixing  Know-how  Brand Mixing  Mixing of Syngenta Brands with Low vs High Cost Brands  Labor hiring  Frequency of Labor Hiring  Job Need Hired Labor  Labor Cost  Purchase attitude  Number of Shops  Payment Method  When & Where to Buy  Brand Choice (Decision Maker)  Farmer geography  Geography of Respondent  Farming Challenges A proposed brief of market research to develop with agency is as follows: Product description  This is a new generation broad spectrum fungicide which is introduced the first time in Vietnam 18 Product benefits  Control Blast, Sheath Blight, Dirty Panicle, Yellow leaf  Vigor (leaves green)  High yield Usage timing  35 days after seedling (DAS), days before and days after flowering  Or application when the syndromes appear Application  300ml/ha for treatment of Sheath Blight, Dirty Panicle, Yellow leaf and prevent Blast  400ml/ha for treatment for all diseases Why it is better?  New active ingredient thus no resistance  Broad spectrum fungicide thus can control all fungus infected area of the field thus higher efficacy  One time of application could prevent and cure important disease 4.1.2 Positioning Based on findings through market research, ADC will consider following scenario  A broad spectrum fungicide with novel mode of action, effectively control ALL rice diseases, help rice plants reserve energy for growth and grains filling which bring higher yield (define with dosage to control all diseases & blast prevention – 300ml/ha and optimum dosage to control ALL diseases including blast – 400ml/ha)  Specialist for blast and dirty panicle (also define with dosage for blast prevention and blast control) 4.1.3 Segmentation A propose that segmentation will base on farm size and age; young and middle age generation (30 – 50 years old) is willing to test new things; owners of large farm must consider costs of pesticide application and labor based on economic of scale, ADC may focus on middle large to large group (74%) in the key rice provinces Findings through market research will support their approach methodology to the segment ADC may define approach way to medium large to large and extra-large segment by B2C and B2B respectively 19 4.2 PRICE Latest fungicide generation, perceived value and labor cost reduction are useful information to quote the fungicide based on top – bottom approach ADC may offer higher than market standard (Tilt® Super + Filia™)  Acceptable price range in winter - spring season: 840,000 ~ 1,100,000 VND/Ha  Optimal price = 950,000 VND or 315,000 VND/application/Ha  Normal price = 1,000,000 VND or 333,000 VND/application/Ha  Source: Pivotal Jan 2008 (ideal price of fungicides to control ALL diseases) Too Cheap Expensive Cheap Too expensive 100 90 80 70 60 Normal Price, VND 1,000,000 50 Point of marginal expensive 40 30 20 Point of marginal cheapness 10 Optimal pricing, VND 950,000 500 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1850 1950 2050 4.3 PLACE Blast is the most important disease in the North, then sheath blight, yellow leaf and dirty panicle Planted area per household is small in northern provinces (360 – 500m2/household accounted for 50% rice farmer population) ADC may consider one more launching ceremony in the North, focus on blast control as key selling message, small pack-size (10ml bottle) is a good ideal for launching in the North because of small farm size ADC may then follow with launch event in central with small packaging 20 7,324.4 Total rice area in 2006 (1,000ha) Red River Delta North East North West North Central Coast South Central Coast Central Highlands 1,124.0 553.8 154.4 683.6 392.4 207.6 South East Mekong River Delta 435.5 3,773.2 Source: Agriculture Statistic in 2006 4.4 PROMOTION 4.4.1 Advertising TV commercial  30s TVC  Period: Apr, May 2007  Place: key provinces in Mekong Delta (Long An, Vinh Long, An Giang , Kien Giang, Soc Trang, Can Tho)  Objective: create brand awareness for Help® Province/TV Station Long An Vinh Long Can Tho An Giang Kien Giang Soc Trang No of Spot 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 Period/Time 18:45 – 18:55 19:00 – 19:15 19:45 – 19:55 19:45 – 19:55 20:15 – 20:30 18:45 – 18:55 21 Radio commercial  30s RC  Period: Apr, May, Jun 2007  Place: Radio Hochiminh City which can cover thoroughly the whole Mekong Delta  Objective: create brand awareness for Help® Radio Station Hochiminh City No of Spot 90 90 Period/Time 5:00 and 11:30 Print ad  Period: Apr, May, Jun 2007  Vietnam Agriculture newspaper which is delivered to most of agri-authorities  Objective: create brand awareness for Help® Newspaper Vietnam Agriculture No of Spot 30 30 Period/Time Apr - Jun 4.4.2 Merchandising  Period: Apr, May 2007  Place: Mekong Delta  Objective: create brand awareness for Help®  Plan  Whole sellers and retailers decoration with poster, canvas  Place leaflet box in key retailers  Decorate shelves with Help® sticker POSM Canvas Poster Leaflet Leaflet box Sticker Quantity 2,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 3,000 Period/Time Apr - May 22 4.4.3 Public Relation TV talk  Objective: provide info of Help® to farmers, dealers and authorities  Strategy: TV talks in key provinces of Mekong Delta, articles in Vietnam Agriculture newspaper Province/TV Station Long An Vinh Long An Giang Kien Giang Soc Trang TV talk 3 3 15 Period/Time Apr – May - Jun No of article 2 Period/Time Apr - May Newspaper Newspaper Vietnam Agriculture 4.4.4 Direct Mailing  Period: Apr and Dec 2007  Place: Mekong Delta  Objective: create brand awareness for Help® to farmers and retailers  Plan:  Agency will bring introduction letter and Help® leaflet to 150,000 households across Mekong Delta (Long An, An Giang, Kien Giang, Dong Thap, Soc Trang) product sample will be provided to 1/3 of population, the rest will get brand reminded gift (key chain with product mock up)  Agency will collect farmer information such as address, telephone, planted area, age … which will be used for direct mailing in Dec 2007  ADC send introduction letter to defined retailers, they will inform sales rep for further approach during vising the retailers 23 Farmer Province/TV Station Long An Dong Thap An Giang Kien Giang Soc Trang Retailer Province/TV Station Long An Dong Thap Vinh Long Hau Giang An Giang Kien Giang Soc Trang Tra Vinh Bac Lieu No farmer household 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 No retailer 1,000 1,000 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 7,000 Period/Time Apr – May Period/Time Apr – May – Jun 4.4.5 Farmer meeting & Demo  Period: Apr, May 2007  Place: Mekong Delta  Objective: create brand awareness for Help® to farmers and retailers  Approach 14,000 farmers through farmer meeting (40 farmers/meeting), record farmers’ information for CRM  Free of charge sample during meeting for the most 10 active attendants  A meeting must be supported by – product demo, ADC will select the most beautiful demo to bring farmers to, demo should be nearby meeting place 24 Province/TV Station Long An Dong Thap Vinh Long Hau Giang An Giang Kien Giang Soc Trang Tra Vinh Bac Lieu Quantity of meeting & demo 70 70 10 20 70 60 30 10 10 350 Period/Time Apr – May – Jun 4.4.6 POSM Poster, canvas, sticker, leaflet box and leaflet are for merchandising T shirt is gift for all attendants in farmer meeting Demo board is for demonstration plot Sample is for demo and farmer meeting (10 prizes) POSM Canvas Poster Leaflet Leaflet box Sticker T shirt Demo board Help® sample Unit piece piece sheet piece piece piece piece litter Quantity 2,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 3,000 20,000 350 570 25 4.4.7 BUDGET No Activity Advertisement Detail Cost (US$ 1,000) 26 TVC 20 RC Newspaper 30 Market research Quantitative & FGs 30 PR 1.5 TV show 1.5 Direct marketing 10 Direct mailing (farmer) Direct mailing (retailer) Merchandising POPs decoration POSM 16 16 Farmer meeting, 30 demo 30 TOTAL 122.5 Ratio (%) 21.2% 24.4% 1.3% 8.2% 7.4% 13% 24.5% 100% ... launching Help? ?, ADC wanted to build up Help? ? as a market standard for rice fungicide, open a new segment for a real/ effective broad spectrum fungicide They positioned it as a latest generation. .. concept, are they willing to test it, what are challenges to farmers (weather change, labor shortage, salty water invasion and ect…) Through a market research, ADC may have campaigns to ask farmers... position price of Help? ? higher than price of Tilt® Super + Filia™ because it’s a latest fungicide generation and enable farmers cut labor costs at least by reducing number of application ADC may propose

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2017, 07:55

Xem thêm: Allied growth development company help 400 SC a latest generation of broad spectrum fungicide a critical analysis of long term marketing communication campaign proposals