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Bộ đề dành cho các sĩ tử ôn thi Ielts với mục tiêu band 8.0 trở lên. Bài viết cung cấp cách trả lời câu hỏi cho phần ielts speaking part 1 bằng cách đưa ra các chùm từ vựng lớn gồm nhiều từ mới hữu ích, expressions, collocations, idioms với trình độ band 8.0 trở lên. Đặc biệt, bài viết cũng sưu tầm và trả lời mẫu các câu hỏi chính thức đã xuất hiện trong đề thi Ielts của IDP và BC từ năm 2015 đến đầu năm 2017. Hy vọng bài viết sẽ có ích thực sự cho bạn đọc!

Ôn thi Ielts Alexa TỪ VỰNG HỌC THUẬT VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN TRẢ LỜI BAND 8+ CHO 30 CHỦ ĐỀ LỚN TRONG IELTS SPEAKING Ôn thi Ielts Alexa CONTENT Ôn thi Ielts Alexa FRIENDS 1.1 Good idioms related to the topic GOOD RELATIONSHIPS: − get on like a house on fire: have an extremely good relationship / be very close friends as soon as we met each other we got on like a house on fire and just took an instant liking to each other − have a soft spot for: to like someone − I always had a soft spot for Maria despite the fact that she often let me down [to let someone down is to disappoint them] − get along with: to have a good relationship with − I suppose I always got along quite well with my sister when we were growing up − look up to: to admire or respect − When I was a child I always looked up to my father He was a real role model for me − speak the same language: If you speak the same language as someone, you have similar ideas and thoughts as them I think one reason we get on so well is that we really speak the same language as each other There’s almost nothing we disagree about − be on the same wavelength: this is another idiom meaning to have similar thoughts and ideas as someone else − We’re almost exactly on the same wavelength as each other and agree about almost everything BAD RELATIONSHIPS: − fall out: to have a serious disagreement − We used to get on pretty well but then we fell out with each other when we went to university − a rocky relationship: to have a relationship that is unsteady and perhaps sometimes fails completely It is quite similar to a love-hate relationship Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − It was quite a rocky relationship as we used to argue with each other all the time and we sometimes went days without speaking to each other − can’t stand: if you can’t stand someone, you hate them − I couldn’t stand my brother when we were younger I guess it was an extreme case of sibling rivalry − turn sour: when a relationship turns sour it becomes bad − I think our relationship turned sour when she refused to help me − get off on the wrong foot with: this is to start a relationship in the wrong way − Although we are now good friends, our relationship got off on the wrong foot and initially we couldn’t stand each other − clear the air: you clear the air after an argument to settle differences with someone There are times when we have serious disagreements, but we always manage to clear the air afterwards − get on someone’s nerves: if someone gets on your nerves, they irritate you greatly Despite the fact that she is a nice person and has many good qualities, she still gets on my nerves and I find it hard to like her − let someone down: if someone lets you down, they disappoint you in some way They are unreliable − I like her, but there was one occasion when she let me down quite badly − look down on: to think that you are more important than someone else This is really the opposite of look up to One thing I don’t like about him is that he looks down on people who are less intelligent than him CLOSENESS OF RELATIONS: − move in the same circles: if you move in the same circles, you have the same friends Although we are not particularly good friends, we see each other quite a lot as we move in the same circles Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − be on nodding terms: to know each other only slightly We use this for acquaintances and not friends − While we are on nodding terms and say hello to each other every day, I wouldn’t call him a friend − know someone inside out: this is to know someone very well It doesn’t necessarily mean that you like them! I guess you could say I know him inside out by now - all his good points and all his bad points − keep in touch with: to stay in contact with someone Sadly, we didn’t stay in touch with each other after we left school and I don’t know what he’s doing now − see eye to eye with someone: to agree with someone − We see eye to eye about most things but we can never agree about what film to watch − keep yourself to yourself: not to mix socially with other people This is normally used in a positive sense − He wasn’t very outgoing and sociable and preferred to keep himself to himself For all that, he was perfectly friendly − wear the trousers: to be the more important person in the relationship Although David earns more money, it is Sylvia who really wears the trousers in the relationship David will also what she says, − a fair-weather friend: this is someone who is only your friend when things are easy She was something of a fair-weather friend though and I couldn’t rely on her for help when times were bad 1.2 Sample questions and answers 1.2.1 Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or university I've got several friends who are older or younger that I met through work Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 1.2.2 Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends? I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends because everyone's too busy during the week 1.2.3 The last time you saw your friends, what did you together? It was one of my friends' birthday last weekend Four of us went out for a meal to celebrate 1.2.4 In what ways are your friends important to you? I think it's important to have friends that you can talk to and share experiences with My friends make me laugh, but I know I can also rely on them whenever I need help or support 1.2.5 Do you see your friends very often? Well, to be honest, I used to push the boat out with my friends most of the time, but I am in last year of university now, so I am very busy with my study For that reason, I don’t often have the chance to take a break and spend time with my friends any more 1.2.6 What you like about your close friends? I think we enjoy each other’s company we see eye-to-eye on most things so we rarely fall out with each other 1.2.7 Have you known each other long? Most of them yes Although my closest friend Carrie, we struck up a relationship at college and got on like a house on fire but yes my other friendships go back years to when we were at school 1.2.8 Do you prefer having a few of close friends or a lot of just friends? - Although it could be fun to have a large circle of friends, I’d rather have a few close friends because we get to be able to spend more time with each other and develop more meaningful relationships I would prefer to have a few close friends because what I am concerned about is the quality of friendships, not the quantity What I mean is that I need friends who will stand by me through ups and downs in life, not just when times are good Ôn thi Ielts Alexa FAMILY 2.1 Useful words and expressions − I live in a one-parent family / single-parent family (a family where the children live with only one parent) − I really enjoy my family life (the way a family lives) − I come from a big family of eight children (the group of people who are related to you) − I grew up on a farm (develop from being a child to being an adult) − I grew up knowing that my elder brother would take over the family business one day (the job your parents and probably your grandparents used to do) − Nuclear family (a family consisting of mother, father and their children) − Extended family (all the people in a family including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) − Family background (the sort of family you come from) − She’s / he’s family (informal) (used to say that someone is related to you) − A large household (all the people who live in one house) − My domestic life isn’t very happy (connected with the private family home) − I live on my own I haven’t got any family (the group of people who are related to one another) − We’ve got the same name but are not related (the way you are connected) − He lives with us, but he’s not related / unrelated (a person who is not a member of your family) − He is a close / distant relative of mine (near or not in a family relationship) − I really take after my mother (to look like or be like a parent or older member of your family) − All the men in our family are bald I support it’s hereditary (a quality which is passed from parents to children) Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − All her children are very artistic It must run in the family (something which is passed from parents to children / a common feature in a family) − Bringing up / raising children is never easy (to look after children in a family until they are adults and to teach them how to behave) − My parents really tried to give me a good upbringing (the way somebody is brought up) − My father recently lost his job, so my mother’s the main breadwinner now (a person who earns all or most of the money in family) − I need a job, so I can support my family (to have enough money to be able to look after a family) − I am getting married next year and hope to start a family straight away (have children) − My father is really a family man (a man who enjoys being at home with his wife and children) − He's got some fatherly concern and duties (behaving like a father) − Motherhood really suits her (the state of being a mother) − She is a motherly sort of person behaving like a mother) − Danny is my foster brother (having different parents, but being brought up in the same family) − My step father is a nice man (the man who is married to your mother but is not your father) − Paul is my big brother / older / elder brother (older than you) − Anna is my little sister / younger sister (younger than you) − We're identical twins (twins who look exactly the same) − My twin sister is a dentist (either of the children who have the same parents and are born at the same time) − She doesn't get on well with her in-laws (the parents of your husband or wife) − Next of kin (your closest relative, who should be told if you are injured or killed) Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − I closely resemble my father (to be closely similar to, or look like someone) − You can see the resemblance between Susan and her sister (a similarity between two things, especially in the way they look) − He bears a remarkable resemblance to my father (to be or look somebody / something else) − My parents live apart from each other (if married people decide to separate, then they live apart) Idioms: − It’s in the blood (= it’s a natural part of one’s character): All my family are fond of reading- I guess it’s in the blood) − Run in the family (= be shared family characteristics): My brothers and I have big ears- it runs in the family − Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth (= born into a rich family): I wasn’t exactly born with a silver spoon in my mouth- my family is quite normal 2.2 Sample questions and answers 2.2.1 Could you tell me something about your family? − Certainly We are a normal Vietnamese family It consists of my father, my mother and me I am the only child, so I don’t have any brothers or sisters My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I not have the privilege of meeting them My father was one of four children, and my mother has a brother I have a number of uncles, aunts and cousins − My immediate family consists of members: my mother, my father, my elder sister and me However, as both my mother and father come from large families, I also have an extended family with many uncles, aunties and cousins Even though we not meet each other so often, our ties are very strong Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 2.2.2 What does your mother / father do? My mother is a teacher and she works at a small primary school located within walking distance from my house And she’s going to retire in the next few years 2.2.3 Who does most of the shopping in your family? As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will some shopping from time to time I sometimes shop for clothes and cosmetics while my father has to purchase cigarettes himself as my mother does not like his smoking’s habit and refuses to buy that kind of thing 2.2.4 Who does most of the cooking in your house? As far as this topic is concerned, I would say that my mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I will some cooking from time to time My mother is a talented cook who often comes up with interesting recipes I and my father are huge fans of her, all the dishes by her are masterpieces in ours’ eyes TRANSPORTATION 3.1 Useful words and expressions Transport problems: vấn đề giao thông − long delays (in airports): trì hoãn kéo dài (trong chuyến bay) − lost luggage: hành lý − cancellations (of flights / trains): huỷ chuyến (chuyến bay, chuyến tàu) − missed connections: liên lạc − traffic-jams / congestion: ách tách giao thông − roadworks / diversions: công trường thi công / chuyển hướng − breakdowns / accidents: xe cộ hỏng hóc / tai nại giao thông − pollution: ô nhiễm môi trường 10 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 26.2.7 Why some people like flowers? Well, I think almost all people would like to use flowers as ornamental things to make their rooms or houses more attractive and bright Besides, for others, they have a deep passion for flowers as a result of the rich and soothing aroma flowers can bring about To me personally, I am partial towards flowers simply because of my love for the beauty, and flowers are one of the most beautiful things ever existing in this world, they make this world more colourful 26.2.8 Is there any special meaning of some flowers? Yes, as I have mentioned before, rose is the symbol of love and romance while lily represents purness White daisy is often used in funerals so I guess it symbolises the death, whereas carnation is the symbol of Mother’s Day to the best of my knowledge 27 ENVIRONMENT 27.1.1 Useful vocabularies and expressions Năng lượng hóa thạch than đá, Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas dầu mỏ khí tự nhiên The use of alternative sources of energy, including wind power, water power and nuclear power Renewable energy from solar, wind or water power A greater level of environmental contamination The growing demand for fossil fuels in the world The deterioration in the air quality Việc sử dụng nguồn lượng thay Năng lượng tái tạo Mức độ ô nhiễm môi trường cao Nhu cầu lượng hóa thạch ngày cao giới Giảm chất lượng không khí Đốt cháy lượng hóa thạch để tạo To burn fossil fuels to generate energy lượng To reduce the dependence on the traditional Giảm phụ thuộc vào nguồn 58 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa energy resources / on fossil fuels lượng truyền thống To suffer from adverse effects of environmental Chịu đựng ảnh hưởng tiêu cực problems vấn đề môi trường To curb environmental deterioration Kiềm chế suy thoái môi trường To lower the demand for energy in every Làm giảm nhu cầu lượng household hộ gia đình To promote environmentally-friendly technology To raise the public’s ecological consciousness Khuyến khích công nghệ thân thiện với môi trường Nâng cao nhận thức môi trường người dân Pollutants Chất gây ô nhiễm Toxic wastes Chất thải độc hại Gas emissions from factories Khí thải từ nhà máy Exhaust fumes from vehicles Khí thải từ xe cộ Air pollution Ô nhiễm không khí Environmental problems Những vấn đề môi trường Làm dịu bớt vấn đề môi To alleviate environmental problems trường To contaminate the environment Làm ô uế, làm bẩn To destroy the environment Phá hủy môi trường To degrade the environment Làm suy thoái môi trường To aggravate Làm trầm trọng thêm The protection of wildlife Bảo vệ động vật hoàng dã Hệ sinh thái bị ảnh hưởng nghiêm The ecosystem will be seriously affected trọng 59 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 60 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa NATURAL RESOURCES The growing consumption of natural resources Việc tiêu thụ nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên ngày gia tăng The over exploitation of the world’s resources Việc khai thác mức nguồn tài nguyên The overconsumption of natural resources Việc tiêu thụ mức nguồn tài nguyên Over-consuming natural resources Tiêu thụ mức nguồn tài nguyên The increasingly high level of natural resources Sự khai thác nguồn tài nguyên thiên exploitation nhiên ngày tăng cao The natural resources will be dwindling shortly Các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên suy in near future giảm / cạn kiệt tương lai gần An increase in the world’s demand for natural Sự gia tăng nhu cầu nguồn resources tài nguyên thiên nhiên The shortage of resources Sự thiếu hụt nguồn tài nguyên The resources come to the verge of depletion Các nguồn tài nguyên có nguy cạn kiệt To face the scarcity of fuels and materials Đối mặt với tình trạng khan nhiên nguyên liệu To exploit natural resources Khai thác tài nguyên thiên nhiên To utilize new sources of energy Tận dụng nguồn lượng To damage natural habitat Ảnh hưởng môi trường tự nhiên To dwindle = To run out Cạn kiệt The conservation and recovery of natural Việc bảo tồn phục hồi nguồn tài resources nguyên thiên nhiên 61 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 27.2 Sample questions and answers 27.2.1 Are there any environmental problems in your country? Yes … we have a serious issue with pollution levels in some of our big cities … exhaust fumes from cars and lorries are definitely one reason for the problem but we also have a lot of heavy industry in some areas and this also results in poor air quality … 27.2.2 Do you take an interest in nature? Well … I’m a city person through and through and don’t get back to nature very often I’m afraid … but like everyone else I’m fascinated by the natural world and I like watching documentaries showing wild animals in their natural habitat … 27.2.3 Do you or your family take steps to help the environment? My parents have always tried to make us aware of our impact on the environment… they’re really into energy conservation … and always try to buy environmentally friendly products if they have the chance … 28 HOMETOWN – TOWNS AND CITIES 28.1 Useful words and expressions − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Skycrapper: very high building: nhà cao tầng Cottage: nhà tranh Bungalow: nhà thấp tầng Office buildings: tòa nhà văn phòng Shopping malls: trung tâm mua sắm High-rise buildings: dãy nhà cao tầng mọc san sát City square: quảng trường thành phố Appealing / preasant place: địa điểm hấp dẫn Landscape: khoang cảnh Natural resources: nguồn tự nhiên Main tourist attractions: khu vực thu hút khách du lịch Pace of life: nhịp sống Heavily poluted: bị ô nhiễm nặng Densely – populated city > < Sparsely – populated country area: khu vực thưa thớt dân cư Local people = local residents = local dwellers = the locals = local inhabitants: dân địa phương 62 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − − − − − − − − − − Means / modes of transport: phương tiện giao thông Infrastructure: sở hạ tầng Living conditions: điều kiện sống Enterainment: giải trí Traffict jam / congestion: tắc nghẽn giao thông Public transport system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng To be famous / well known for: tiếng To be located / situated in: đặt To be rich in something: trở lên giàu có vấn đề Time-honoured cultural relics: khu di tích văn hóa vượt thời gian Idioms − Run-down (in bad conditions): xuống cấp: some areas are run-down − Up-market / chic (fashionable) = modern: đại, sang trọng: some neigbourhoods are up-market / chic Expressions: It lies / is located / situated in the northen / central / southern part of Vietam The biggest feature of my city is The most unique characteristic of my hown town is When it comes to my howntown, will be the first thing that comes into people’s mind There are many time-honoured (long standing) cultural relics in my countries, such as My home town features seafood and stunning ocean views My home town is a very comfortable / convinient place to live in Ex: My home town is − a metropolis with millions of dwellers: thành phố lớn với hàng triệu dân cư − a medium city with well-developed facilities: thành phố quy mô vừa với tiện ích tiên tiến − a small city with a beautiful natural landscape: thành phố nhỏ với cảnh thiên nhiên tươi đẹp − a collection of villages with rich natural resources: khu làng giàu tài nguyên thiên nhiên Life in city and life in countryside To enjoy / like the hetic pace of life / the To enjoy / like the relaxed / slower pace of hustle and bustle of city life life To get access to more and better job opportunities Tiếp cận với nhiều hội việc làm tốt To cope with (deal with) the stress / To dowshift a less stressful life 63 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa pressure of urban life To get caught up in the rat race To escape / quit / get out of the rat race To enjoy the vibrant / lively nightlife Thích sống sôi động đêm To be close to all the amenities Gần với tiện nghi sống To put up with / get stuck in / sit in Chịu đựng / bế tắc tình trạng tắc massive / huge / heavy / endless / constant / đường diện rộng / khủng khiếp / vô tận/ kéo continuous traffic jams dài / không ngừng To tackle / ease / relieve / alleviate the heavy / severe traffic congestion Giải vấn đề tắc đường nghiêm trọng To be affected / choked / damaged by Bị ảnh hưởng / ngột ngạt bị gây tổn hại pollution ô nhiễm Tận hưởng / yêu thích / khám phá giới To enjoy / love / explore the great outdoors bên tuyệt vời Muốn / quay trở lại / gần với thiên To need / want to get back / closer to nature nhiên To be surrounded by open / unspoilt / Được bao quanh vùng thông thoáng picturesque countryside đãng / nguyên sơ / đẹp tranh vẽ To seek / achieve a better / healthy wor-life Tìm kiếm / đạt cân tốt balance sống công việc To create / build / foster a strong sense of Tạo / xây dựng / nâng cao ý thức cộng community đồng To depend on / be employed in / work in agriculture To tackle / address the problem of rural unemployment To live in a comfy and cosy life Phụ thuộc vào / làm việc nông nghiệp Giải vấn đề thất nghiệp nông thôn Sống sống thoải mái ấm cúng 64 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 28.2 Sample answers 28.2.1 What is it like where you live? I live in a residental area of BacNinh, which is the smallest province in the north of Vietnam Compared to big cities, my town is less competitive and stressful, so young people may live a comfy and cosy live in such an environment 28.2.2 Do you like living in the city? Absolutely yes I like hanging out with my friends, and there are a plenty of vibrant restaurants and shopping centers within walking distance of my appartment, and it tends to be terribly crowded at nights In addition, I am a bit of a culture vulture so it is great to have access to art exhibitions and that kind of thing 28.2.3 Do you get many tourists visting your area? Of course There are many time-honoured cultural relics in my hometown, such as Phat Tich Pagoda, Do Temple and Lim Festival Those are considered to be main tourist attractions in my areas In addition, my town is also well known for Quan Ho folk song recognised as the world intangible cultural heritage, which attracts a number of tourists and customers 28.2.4 Do you thing your home town is a good place for young people? Why? Of course You know, due to the industrialization, therea are a number of industrial parks constructed in my town, so it is quite easy for new graduates to secure a job with competitive salaries 28.2.5 Has it changed much in recent years? My hometown has witnessed significant changes in recent years Firstly, cottages have been demolished and make way for high-rise buildings and shopping malls Secondly, due to industrialization, a number of industrial parks have been constructed, creating more employment opportunities for local residents Finally, people have had more mobility options because buses and trains are highly accessible 65 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 28.2.6 What kind of jobs people in your hometown do? Well, like people in other cities, people in my hometown a vatiety of job Most of them work as workers in industrial zones and professionals, some are involved in managerial and professional works, and others work as craftsmen and general labours 28.2.7 What are the things you dislike about your hometown? Serious problems? Just like other cities, Bac Ninh also has some serious problems Take pollution as an example Heavy pollution of water, air and noise has become one of the most dangerous issues, doing a lot of harm to the environment and the healt of the locals In addition, another problem is overpopulation which exerted pressure on employment, infrastructure and education 66 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 29 WORK 29.1 Useful words and expressions To secure a job = to land a job = to seek employment To walk into a job A defined career path Working conditions Working environment The atmosphere in a workplace A sense of job satisfaction Personal relationships Salary package Jobseeker Office work Job opportunities = employment opportunities Promotion opportunity Annual leave Maternity leave Employment prospects A choice of profession To be jobless = to be employed = to be out of work The unemployed (plural) = those who have no job 67 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa Sickness benefit Workaholic Privately – owned enterprise State-run / owned enterprise Joint venture Idioms Work flat out (work very hard): làm việc vô vất vả Ex: Sometimes I have to work flat out Work around / against the clock: làm việc suốt ngày đêm On the go (very busy): I am always on the go Get to the bottom of (solve): I have to get to the bottom of problems related to… Pull out all the stops (make a special effort: When it is busy I have to pull out all the stops Take charge of (=manage): I often take charge of the whole department Pick up the pieces (Take responsibility): when there is a problem I have to pick up the pieces To be up to one’s ears / neck in working and studing: ngập đầu, ngập cổ công việc học tập To be swept into maelstrom of work: Bị vào vòng xoáy công việc Expressions: I am a / an + job I work in + department My work involves + V-ing (specific work) I’m in charge of … / I’m responsible for My responsibility involves / includes 68 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 29.2 Sample answers 29.2.1 Do you work or are you a student? What you do? Well, I am in back office and working as a human resourse executive in a privatelyowned company located in the the heart of Ha Noi I have taken up for this position almost one year since I graduated from University 29.2.2 What are your responsibilities there? As a recruiter, my main responsibility is to seek and attract jobseekers and choose the most potential one for vacancy positions of my company You know, the busiest time in this job is definitely at the beginning of the year because almost companies need many labours to implement plans that was built last year, so at that time I always have to work around the clock 29.2.3 Do you enjoy your job? I would like to say that I’m a happy camper Although people tend to think that office work is a boring career, and many people working in this job run-of-the-mill tasks day in day out But, things are far different I find the job so rewarding because it matchs my qualifiacation and personality I’m keen on working with human 29.2.4 What is the best thing about your job? The best thing about my job is that i can make a difference in people’s live It is a great thing to see someone who are really talent find a suitable working envirnoment that i and my team choose 29.2.5 What you see yourself doing in 10 years time? I’d hope to be working not a high-powered job but I’m quite a creative person so something where I can work wih my hands would be nice as long as I am not stuck behind a desk doing something boring in a dead-end job I’ll be happy 69 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 30 STUDY AND EDUCATION 30.1 Useful words and expressions School Nursery / primary / secondary school /education State school / private school Boarding school All girls / all boys school To go to / attend school Extra-curricular activities School trips To sit / / take an exam To resit / retake an exam To revise (for an exam) To pass / to fail an exam To get exam results To get qualifications / to be qualified To leave school / a school leaver To drop out of school / to be drop out To study for (a qualification / an exam) To be academic / to be an all-rounder University Tertiary / higher education Colleges of higher education / technical colleges / universities To apply for a course 70 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa To be an (un)conditional offer To a course in (subject) Halls of residence / student accommodation Student union An undergraduate A graduation ceremony To get a university degree / a masters / a doctorate (PhD) To graduate from university / to graduate in (subject) A university graduate A postgraduate student / course To a postgraduate course / a Masters / a Phd (Doctorate) To qualify in (subject): ex: I qualify in Literature To take a gap year To drop out of university The assembly hall Core subjects Online courses Comprehensive education Well – rounded education The standard of a country’s education system The acquisition of knowledge School curriculum Traditional way of learning 71 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa Study alone at their own pace Competitive learning environment Intellectually gifted students A well-educated workforce The quality of future generation of worker A prestigious university Peer pressure 30.2 Sample answers Udating! 72 ... sport also help children to be healthier both mentally and physically 11 THE MEDIA 11 .1 Useful vocabularies and expressions: Types of newspapers 21 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa − Tabloids: gossip newspapers... connected to the Internet It's totally free! 16 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa COMPUTERS 8 .1 Sample questions and answers 8 .1. 1 Do you use computers? Yes, of course I think almost everyone in today’ society owns... computer for most things because it’s faster and you can save or copy things, but I still like making notes or writing ideas down by hand 14 Ôn thi Ielts Alexa 5 .1. 4 Do you think computers might

Ngày đăng: 15/04/2017, 12:16



Mục lục

    1.1. Good idioms related to the topic

    1.2. Sample questions and answers

    1.2.1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?

    1.2.2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?

    1.2.3. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?

    1.2.4. In what ways are your friends important to you?

    1.2.5. Do you see your friends very often?

    1.2.6. What do you like about your close friends?

    1.2.7. Have you known each other long?

    1.2.8. Do you prefer having a few of close friends or a lot of just friends?


