California Leveled Science Readers (Grade 5) Content leveled readers teach science concepts, vocabulary, and reading skills – at each student’s reading level – and allow students to read and explore the wonders of nonfiction. Leveled science readers deliver science content to help address the individual needs of all students. They reinforce reading skills and strategies while promoting science understanding. Each grade 5 science reader is a richly illustrated, selfcontained little book with 10 to 14 double pages. BELOW 5.1 Building Blocks of Matter (Physical Sciences) 5.2 Changes in Matter (Physical Sciences) 5.3 Basic Structures of Organisms (Life Sciences) 5.4 MISSING 5.5 Water on Earth (Earth Sciences) 5.6 Weather (Earth Sciences) 5.7 The Solar System (Earth Sciences) ON 5.1 Understanding Matter (Physical Sciences) 5.2 How Matter Changes (Physical Sciences) 5.3 The Building Blocks of Organisms (Life Sciences) 5.4 Systems of the Human Body (Life Sciences) 5.5 Earths Hydrosphere (Earth Sciences) 5.6 How Weather Works (Earth Sciences) 5.7 Earths Solar System (Earth Sciences) ADVANCED 5.1 Atoms (Physical Sciences) 5.2 Acids and Bases at Work (Physical Sciences) 5.3 MISSING 5.4 MISSING 5.5 MISSING 5.6 Hurricanes (Earth Sciences) 5.7 The Red Planet (Earth Sciences)
Trang 1Genre Comprehension Skill Text Features Science Content
• Diagrams
• Labels
• Glossary
Scott Foresman Science 5.1
Standards Preview Standard Set 1 Physical Sciences
1 Elements and their combinations
account for all the varied types of
matter in the world As a basis for
understanding this concept:
1.b. Students know all matter is made
of atoms, which may combine to form
1.c. Students know metals have
properties in common, such as high
electrical and thermal conductivity
Some metals, such as aluminum (Al),
iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu),
silver (Ag), and gold (Au), are pure
elements; others, such as steel and
brass, are composed of a combination
of elemental metals.
1.d. Students know that each element
is made of one kind of atom and
that the elements are organized in
the periodic table by their chemical
1.e. Students know scientists have
developed instruments that can create discrete images of atoms and molecules that show that the atoms and molecules often occur in well-ordered arrays.
1.f. Students know differences in
chemical and physical properties
of substances are used to separate mixtures and identify compounds.
1.h. Students know living organisms
and most materials are composed of just a few elements.
1.i. Students know the common
properties of salts, such as sodium chloride (NaCl).
ISBN 0-328-23564-4
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by Johanna Biviano
Physical Sciences
Trang 2atom
atomic number
chemical property
physical property
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by Johanna Biviano
Trang 3Properties of Matter
In the mid-1800s, the Gold Rush brought people from all
over the world to California Miners were looking for nuggets
of gold like the one below The gold they were hoping to fi nd
is a basic kind of matter called an element Elements are the
building blocks of matter They cannot be broken down into
smaller pieces
Out of more than 100 elements, only a few exist in nature in
a pure form Gold is one of them In fact, most matter is made
up of groups of elements Almost all of Earth’s crust is made
up of eight elements They are oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron,
calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium Most living and
nonliving things are made up of a few elements that combine in
several ways
Gold is an element.
Elements have distinct properties from one another They
have physical properties that can be seen or measured without
changing the material A physical property is often obvious to one of your fi ve senses Color, odor, and hardness are physical properties There are different tools you can use to measure physical properties These include metersticks, balances, and spring scales Electron microscopes help scientists look at the
structure of elements An element’s chemical properties have
more to do with how an element reacts with other elements
This balance is one tool that can measure physical properties.
Trang 4Physical Properties
You can tell a lot about an element’s physical properties
by looking at it and touching it From the picture of silver, you
can see that it is gray and shiny If you could touch it, it would
feel solid The color and phase of matter (solid, liquid, gas) are
physical properties
Silver also has mass and weight You can measure silver
to fi nd its mass Finding the mass with a balance will tell you
how much matter is in an object The weight of silver can be
determined with a spring scale This piece of silver will always
have the same mass, but its weight can change Weight is a
measure of how much gravity affects an object Let’s say this
silver weighs six pounds at sea level On the Moon, where there
is less gravity, it would only weigh one pound! Magnetism,
the temperatures at which a substance boils and freezes, and a
substance’s ability to dissolve are all physical properties
Silver is a pure element.
Chemical Properties
Using chemical properties is a useful way to identify substances Chemical properties can be seen when you combine one substance with another
Remember that iron turns to rust when it is combined with water and oxygen This is a chemical property of iron Iron
is easy to bend and shape This is a physical property called malleability Bending iron doesn’t create a chemical reaction, but adding oxygen and water does Another chemical property is
fl ammability This is the ability of a substance to burn
Oxygen and water cause iron to rust
Trang 5Parts of Matter
An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has the
same properties of the element The atoms in one element are
different from the atoms in another element The structure of
atoms determines the chemical and physical properties of an
element It also shows how an element can combine with other
Pure metals, such as silver, are made up of only one kind of
atom This means they are made up of only one element If you
could break silver into its smallest possible parts, you would have
one tiny atom of pure silver
An atom has smaller parts that make up its structure The
nucleus, or center of the atom, has a combination of protons and
neutrons Protons have positive electric charges, and neutrons
have no charge The number of protons in a nucleus is unique
to each element The number of protons is an element’s atomic
number An atom also has electrons Each electron has a
negative charge, and atoms can lose or gain electrons without
changing the element Some electrons can be shared with
other atoms
Many substances are not pure Instead they are made up of several atoms from one or more elements When atoms combine, they form
molecules A molecule is
the smallest possible part
of a substance made from more than one atom It has the properties of that substance
A molecule can have atoms from one element or atoms from several different elements The air we breathe has different molecules The oxygen molecules in the air are groupings of two atoms of the same element Other gases in air, such as carbon dioxide, have atoms of different elements
Scientists today have come a long way in their understanding of atoms and matter They have developed technologies that help them make images of atoms and molecules These images show that atoms and molecules are often well-ordered in a grid-like pattern
Scientists use powerful microscopes to look at parts of matter that are too small to be seen with other microscopes.
Trang 6The Periodic Table of Elements
The periodic table of elements is a tool for organizing the
known elements The table starts with the smallest atomic
number in the fi rst row and increases from left to right Each
column in the table organizes elements by shared chemical
properties You can predict the properties of an element if you
know which column it is in
Each element has a short symbol with a capitalized fi rst
letter These symbols are used in chemical formulas For
example, the H stands for hydrogen and Ca stands for calcium
Periodic Table
Metalloids (semimetals) Nonmetals
Each element has a unique number of protons and electrons
They give each element its properties Scientists sort elements into three groups according to their properties: metals,
nonmetals, and metalloids
Metals are often good conductors of electricity, are solid
at room temperature, and are ductile, meaning they can be stretched without breaking Nonmetals are identifi ed by their brittleness, their inability to conduct heat or electricity well, and their tendency to break if stretched The third group, metalloids, includes elements that share properties of metals and nonmetals
Trang 7Close-Up: Titanium
Symbol: Ti
Name: Titanium
Atomic Number: 22
Using the Periodic Table
The periodic table is a useful tool for understanding
elements, and it is full of information about each one You only
need to know how to read it The block for titanium, shown
below, shows you the type of information you can fi nd about
any element in the periodic table
Rows show increasing atomic weight, while columns show
similar properties The table comes together in a regular pattern,
so you can predict an element’s properties based on its location
Titanium is a strong metal that
is very light
Each column in the table is a group or a family Each family includes elements with similar characteristics They react with substances in similar ways
Group 1 includes metal elements that react strongly with water Hydrogen is an exception; it is a gas Its atomic structure
is similar to other elements in its family But its chemical properties are different
Rows in the periodic table are periods They are not grouped by similar characteristics The element farthest to the left is very reactive The elements become less active as you move to the right
If you look at the groups below, the color of the blocks indicates that the metallic elements on the left are very reactive
The nonmetals on the right are less active
The elements on the far left of the periodic table are very reactive.
The elements on the far right of the periodic table are the least reactive.
Trang 8iron
Properties of Metals
You have read about metals and may already know some
important things about them Have you ever noticed that most
metals are shiny and can bend without breaking? Refl ectivity
and malleability are properties many metals share All metals
are also solid at room temperature, except for mercury At room
temperature, mercury is a liquid
Metals also share conductive qualities A good conductor is a
material that lets heat and electricity travel through it Metals are
ductile so they can be made into wire These properties make
metals very useful for wiring your home and electrical devices
Many common metals are pure elements Nickel, iron, and
copper are all pure elements
Mixed Metals
Many metals are not pure elements When two or more metals are mixed together, a metal alloy results Mixing metals together gives the alloy new and different properties For instance, when carbon and iron mix together, the resulting steel alloy is much stronger than iron alone Brass, another common mixture made from copper and zinc, is less malleable than copper and prettier than zinc
Musical instruments made of metal, such as trumpets, saxophones, and tubas, are often made of brass
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc
It has different properties than copper and zinc.
Trang 914
When two or more elements combine, they form a
compound The compound has different properties than
the elements within it For example, water is made up of two
hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom Both hydrogen and
oxygen are gases that you can’t see, touch, or hold at room
temperature When they combine to form the compound water,
you can pour it, boil it, and freeze it
Remember the letter symbols from the periodic table?
Compounds have formulas that use these symbols The formula
tells how many atoms of each element make up the compound
The formula for water is H2O H is the symbol for hydrogen,
and the 2 tells you how many hydrogen atoms are in the
compound There are no numbers after the O for oxygen, so
there is only one atom of oxygen in the formula Water always
has twice as many hydrogen atoms as oxygen atoms
= oxygen
= hydrogen
= carbon
Hydrogen and oxygen can join with other elements to create completely new compounds Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon join
to make sugar This crystal has little in common with oxygen and hydrogen gas, or the solid carbon found in coal
Elements react differently depending on what they combine with Sodium combined with chlorine reacts to form table salt Sodium combined with water creates a violent reaction of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas
Compounds make up much more of the substances on Earth than pure elements A very common substance, water, is a compound that makes up about 60 percent of your body
Oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon combine
to make sugar.
Trang 10chlorine sodium
Salt Compounds
Many compounds form by sharing electrons, but there are
other ways for compounds to form Salts are compounds made
up of particles held together by oppositely charged atoms
Particles with more electrons than protons are negatively
charged Particles with more protons are positively charged
Opposite charges attract and pull the particles together
Most salts share two properties: they are made up of one
metal and one nonmetal element, and they can form crystals
Brittle crystals develop when particles arrange themselves in a
regular pattern Common table salt is just one of many types of
salt that have these properties
Each crystal of salt has
an organized pattern.
Salts can form when chemicals called acids and bases combine Hydrochloric acid is a highly dangerous acid When it combines with sodium hydroxide, a dangerous base, they form sodium chloride and water The salt is dissolved in the water, but salt crystals form if the water evaporates When hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide is mixed with metals, the result is a violent reaction
Acids and bases can be poisonous and corrosive They can burn your skin It’s important to be very careful while handling chemicals Never put any chemicals near your face
or in your mouth during science experiments Even though sodium chloride is a harmless salt, many salts are actually poisonous
Sodium hydroxide (left) and hydrochloric acid (right) react in violent ways (when combined with magnesium and zinc pieces, respectively).
Trang 11What can salts do?
Salts, as you already know, are made up of metal and
nonmetal elements They form into a regular pattern of brittle
crystals They are also resistant to melting until they are heated
at a very high temperature Even though salt is resistant to heat,
it dissolves very easily in plain water If you continue to pour
salt into water, it will reach a point where it stops dissolving
When salts dissolve in water, they make the water an excellent
conductor for electricity
Salts dissolve in water
At some point, the salt will no longer dissolve no matter how much you stir.
pure copper sulfur + oxygen copper + copper + chlorine
Once elements combine
to form salts, the salt has very different properties than the elements that went into it The photos below show how copper combines with other substances to form salts When copper is combined with sulfur and oxygen, copper forms a blue salt When combined with chlorine,
it forms a green salt Neither of these salts looks like copper, nor can they be made into wire or bent into different shapes They are now brittle crystals
On its own, sodium is a soft metal that reacts explosively with water When combined with the poisonous yellow gas chlorine, the two create the safe little crystals you recognize as table salt