Ulf Pillkahn Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to the many individuals who contributed to the successful completion of this book I particularly wish to thank the following people for their invaluable support: Sofia Benevides Bruno Díaz Anne Gelas Marion Günther Jacques Helot Stefanie Maurer Nathalie Morisset-Bouchard Eleonora Peis Renate Pillkahn Martina Richter Natascha Römer Steffi Schulz Gerhard Seitfudem Heinrich Stuckenschneider Claus Weyrich Willfried Wienholt And the friendly support staff at the libraries of the Siemens Corporation Ulf Pillkahn is a Strategy Consultant at the Siemens Corporation in Munich, Germany Born in 1967 in Gera, Germany, Pillkahn earned a degree in Electronics and Information Technology at Chemnitz Technical University before going on to work in the development of telephone exchange systems and at the Siemens Corporation in Norway A holder of numerous patents and patent registrations, Pillkahn’s most recent work has centered on innovation management, the strategic, technical and economic aspects of technologies in the areas of information management and communication, strategy development, and future studies Contact: ulf@pillkahn.de Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development Shaping the Future of Your Enterprise by Ulf Pillkahn Publicis Corporate Publishing Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de This book was carefully produced Nevertheless, author and publisher not warrant the information contained therein to be free of errors Neither the author nor the publisher can assume any liability or legal responsibility for omissions or errors Terms reproduced in this book may be registered trademarks, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may violate the rights of the owners of those trademarks www.publicis-erlangen.de/books Contact: Dr Gerhard Seitfudem, gerhard.seitfudem@publicis-erlangen.de ISBN 978-3-89578-304-3 Editor: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin and Munich Publisher: Publicis Corporate Publishing, Erlangen © 2008 by Publicis KommunikationsAgentur GmbH, GWA, Erlangen This publication and all parts thereof are protected by copyright All rights reserved Any use of it outside the strict provisions of the copyright law without the consent of the publisher is forbidden and will incur penalties This applies particularly to reproduction, translation, microfilming or other processing, and to storage or processing in electronic systems It also applies to the use of extracts from the text Printed in Germany The Future is Partly Made of Clay Globalization, fierce competition, and the growing complexity of products, technologies and processes of change have become all-pervasive They force us to think ahead to the medium and long term while we simultaneously concentrate on our day-to-day business activities This task demands an ever greater degree of flexibility and adaptability on the part of managers at enterprises throughout the world Niels Bohr, the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in the year 1922, once quipped, “Prediction is hard, especially if it’s about the future.” Indeed, we are not in a position to make precise predictions about future events, let alone plan these events This, however, does not free us from the task of considering the future Considering the future is largely a matter of understanding the present and the past Strangely enough, we live in a time of too much information and too little information This predicament arises from the fact that growing complexity virtually bars us from fully comprehending our environment and all of the emerging changes In light of these limitations, individuals and teams of individuals face a more demanding task when it comes to converting ideas into true innovations and viable market solutions This task requires effective decision-making support The development of many innovations today is not only determined by what is technologically feasible, but by what creates the greatest benefits for the consumer, what is economically feasible, and what appears to be acceptable in societal terms Despite this, science and technology remain the strongest drivers of progress and wealth in the modern world Scientific discoveries and new technological developments, i.e innovations, have an impact on our lives and change our behavior Innovations arise from knowledge Ikujiro Nonaka confirms this suggestion, “Successful companies are those that consistently create new knowledge, disseminate it widely throughout the organization, and quickly embody it in new technologies and products.” Knowledge has become the most important raw material of our time: knowledge about technologies, knowledge about markets and consumers, knowledge about the complex relationships among the variables in our environment, and knowledge about relevant future trends It has become indispensable for enterprises today to have the means of detecting trends – which may signal risks or opportunities – at an early stage and to use this knowledge for strategic purposes This book makes a valuable contribution in this regard by offering a systematic account of how one can create “pictures of the future.” Such pictures offer various coherent views of the future – the future of individual markets, technologies, and other segments of society While there is naturally no guarantee that what is depicted in the pictures (scenarios) will actually occur in the future, they nonetheless offer a basis for playing an intelligent and more active role The F uture is Par tly Made of Clay in developments – not least when it comes to communicating with one’s internal and external partners While it is obviously not possible (or even desirable) to precisely plan the future, it is equally obvious that the future does not simply happen Partly made of clay, the future is shapeable – and that is what matters Enterprises have considerable responsibility in the shaping of the future This book will be a companion to all decision makers who have a share of this responsibility and will help them to systematically detect opportunities in the future Visions, perspectives, fantasies, and curiosity are matter of inspiration Given that curiosity about the future is in all of us, this book should be of interest not only to researchers, strategic planners and innovators I wish all the readers of this book an enjoyable read – and much success in giving shape to their own ideas Prof Dr Claus Weyrich Former member of the Management Board at the Siemens Corporation and Director of Corporate Technology The F uture is Par tly Made of Clay Contents Introduction 13 CHAPTER Venturing a Look into the Future M o v i n g f r o m t h e P a s t i n to t h e F u t u r e v i a t h e P r e s e n t 1.1 Reflections on the Future 1.2 Changes in Our Environment 23 41 1.3 Enterprise Development 45 50 72 1.4 Present and Future Challenges 1.5 Enterprise Intelligence Test CHAPTER Detection D ete c t i n g a n d R e c or di n g C h a n g es in t h e En ter pr is e En viro n men t 2.1 A Plea for Foresight and Prior Action 81 2.2 The Enterprise Environment 2.3 Information as a Basis for Decision Making 2.4 How We Can Learn to Understand Our Environment 2.5 The Future of Television (I) CHAPTER 82 86 95 104 Reflection S o r t i n g a n d S t r uc t ur i n g I n for matio n 3.1 Changes in the Environment 115 3.2 Stability – Paradigms and Assumptions 120 3.3 Changes – Trends 3.4 Uncertainty 122 142 3.5 Contradictions 142 3.6 Indeterminate Elements – Chaos and Wildcards 3.7 From Hypothesis to Future Element 143 144 3.8 The Future of Television (II) 147 Con te n ts CHAPTER Understanding Anticipating t he Future 4.1 Memories of the Future 155 158 162 174 4.2 The Possibilities and Limits of Foresight 4.3 Origins and Development of Foresight 4.4 Pictures of the Future 4.5 Demarcation and Focus 177 4.6 Selecting Future Elements 179 4.7 The Actual “Look” into the Future 4.7.2 Methods of Analyzing the Present 179 181 194 4.7.1 Principles and Methods of Analyzing the Future 4.7.3 Methods of Opinion Formation and Decision Making 194 4.7.4 Selection of Foresight Methods (“Looking into the Future”) 198 4.7.5 Developing Hypotheses 198 4.8 Development of Scenario Frameworks and Scenarios 200 4.9 Creating Pictures of the Future 206 4.10 Evaluation of Scenarios 208 4.11 Pictures of the Future 209 4.12 The Future of Television (III) 211 4.13 Lessons Learned CHAPTER 227 Planning S e i z i n g O p p or t u n i t i e s a n d Av o i d i n g Haz a r d s 5.1 Planning for the Future: An Insurance Policy 233 5.2 Strategy Review 234 5.3 Developing Strategies in Turbulent Environments 240 5.4 Enterprise Analysis 243 5.5 Strategy Synthesis 253 5.5.1 Basic Understanding of Strategy and Strategic Goals 254 5.5.2 Strategic Options and Strategic Fit 257 5.5.3 Developing Enterprise Scenarios 259 5.5.4 Developing Strategic Options 260 5.5.5 Strategic Fit 263 265 5.5.6 Robust Strategies 5.6 Strategic Decisions 266 272 5.7 Examining the Future in the Context of Strategy Development 5.8 The Future of Television (IV) 262 Co ntent s CHAPTER Implementation Managing Change 6.1 The Dimensions of Change 287 6.2 The Logic of Change 289 6.3 The Reality of Change in Enterprises 290 6.4 Elements of Change 294 6.4.1 The First S: Strategy 297 6.4.2 The Second S: Structures 298 6.4.3 The Third S: Systems 301 6.4.4 The Fourth S: Style 305 6.4.5 The Fifth S: Staff 307 6.4.6 The Sixth S: Skills 309 6.4.7 The Seventh S: Shared Values – Visions 310 6.4.8 F – Foresight 316 6.4.9 E – Entrepreneurship 317 6.4.10 I – Innovation Management versus Innovation 6.5 Orientation in the Process of Change 6.6 Including the Results of Analysis 317 321 325 6.7 Reflection, reflection, reflection 326 6.8 The Future of Television (V) 327 CHAPTER Learning A p p l i c a t i o n s a n d E x a mp l e s 7.1 Dealing with Uncertainty in Practice 335 7.2 The Future of Petroleum – Introduction 335 7.3 The Future of Petroleum – An Information Base 7.4 Compression and Operation 358 7.5 Generating Environment Scenarios 7.5.1 Scenario 1: “Empty” 371 374 7.5.4 Scenario 4: “Independence” 377 7.6 Generating Enterprise Scenarios 381 7.6.1 Scenario 1: Cautious Innovation 7.6.2 Scenario 2: No Experiments 7.6.3 Scenario 3: No Plan 384 386 387 7.6.4 Scenario 4: Aggressive 7.7 Strategic Implications 364 368 7.5.2 Scenario 2: “Transition” 7.5.3 Scenario 3: “Fight” 338 389 392 7.8 Example Summary 394 Con te n ts [Bell 1973] Bell, D.: The Coming of the Post-industrial Society New York: Basic Books 1973 [Bellamy 1978] Bellamy, E.: Ein Rückblick aus dem Jahr 2000 Frankfurt (Main): Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1978 [Berner 2004] Berner, G.: Management in 20XX A holistic look into the 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Deutsche Telekom 256-257 Dueck, Gunther 298, 311 Dunbar, Robin I.M 299 E Effectiveness 67, 246, 312, 428 Efficiency 67, 121, 298 Eight-phase model 435 Einstein, Albert 37, 185, 290 Engelbart, Douglas C 58 Enterprise assessment 245 development 45 Enterprise analysis 243, 426 Enterprise blindness 53-54, 297 Enterprise goals 47, 255-257, 259 Enterprise intelligence test 72 Entrepreneurship 249, 294-295, 317, 329 Environment analysis 82, 143, 242 Environment observation 54, 96, 103 Environment, changes in 115, 259, 411 Experiment 31, 80, 174, 225 Expert opinion 195-196 Experts 170-171, 196 Extrapolation 132, 184, 188 F Fantasy 28, 185-186 FAR method 84 Feedback 251, 307 Filter 89-90, 93, 156, 158 Finkelstein, Sydney 158, 239 Five-forces framework 61, 424 Flechtheim, Ossip K 164 Forbes 100 companies 48, 242 Ford, Henry 45, 354 Forecast 33, 134, 166, 430 Foresight 158, 160-162, 198, 316, 326, 429 Foresight study 160-161 Forrester, Jay W 166, 189 Four-quadrants approach 85 Frog, example of change 42, 144 Future dilemma 51 look into 179 prediction 29 research 326 strategy 54 studies 23-25, 30, 34, 162 Futurist 27, 342 Futurology 164 G Game theory 197 Gartner, Market Research Institute 35, 408 Ind e x Gates, Bill 168, 195 General Motors 235 GetAbstract 101 Geus, Arie de 23, 67, 156, 239 Gladwell, Malcolm 122, 130 Globalization 42, 81, 129 Globalnomic® Method 27 Goethe, Johann-Wolfgang 159 Google 195, 258, 300, 304 Gore, Wilbert 300 Group opinion 121, 197-198 Growth 59, 157, 160-161 Guidance 27-28, 159 H Hamel, Gary 47, 51, 53, 67, 69, 237, 316 Heijden, van der Kees 135, 138, 140-141, 156, 165 Heraclitus of Ephesos 41 Herzberg, Frederick 308 Hodgson, Francis B 208 Honda 232-233 Hypothesis 144, 199, 420 I IFTF 163, 321, 323, 409 Ignorance 66, 391 Industry and market analysis 83, 424 Information 66, 72, 82-87, 89-95, 97-98, 100, 102-105 Information filter 101 Information gathering 104-105, 137 Information pathologies 91-92 Information processing 84, 90, 93 Information structuring 150 Ingvar, David 155 Innovation 68 Innovation capacity 66, 248 Innovation management 69, 74, 317-318 Innovation need 318 Intuition 28, 87, 197-198 Issue 138, 347, 418, 421 Issue management 418, 421 Issue mapping 138 IT support 94, 227, 302, 304 J Jobs, Steve 108, 195, 257 Jungk, Robert 170-171, 186, 411 I n de x K Kahn, Herrmann 26, 163-164, 166, 170 Kano, Noriaki 64-65 Kissinger, Henry 81 Knowledge 30-31, 35, 196, 250 Knowledge management 45, 91, 210 Kondratieff cycle 44-45, 56, 394 Kondratieff, Nikolai D 44-45, 56, 192, 394 L Law of creative destruction 187 Laws 24, 35, 85, 185-187, 193, 198, 251, 260, 306, 370 Limits of perception 143 List, Denis 168-169, 412 Little, Arthur D 55 Logic, causal 31, 181-182, 289 Loveridge, Denis 196 M Market 46, 61, 243-245 Market domination 249 Martelli, Antonio 162 Maslow pyramid 308 Maslow, Abraham 308 Maximum approach 200-201, 203 McKinsey 258, 302 McTaggart, John E 39 Measurability 65, 72, 259 Methods 179-182, 192-195, 418 Microsoft 65, 168, 195, 258 Milieu studies 62 Mind map 147-148, 239 Mindset 93, 325 Minimum approach 200-201 Mintzberg, Henry 236-238, 240, 269-270 Mission statement 255 Model 35, 39, 188 Modis, Theodore 187 Monitoring 96-97, 102 Moore, Gordon 121, 187 Morphological box 212 Motivation 23, 159 Motivation for change 292-293, 297 N Naisbitt, John 26-28, 164 Naming 27 Net PC 195 New Economy 43, 55 O O2 51 Oil 336 Oil crisis 154 Oil price 341, 346, 348 Olsen, Ken 167 Opinion formation 194-195, 197-198, 209 Opportunity 67-68 P Paley Commission 66 Paradigm 117, 119-121 Paradigm change 122 Parmenides 31, 303 Patent analysis 181, 194 Peer-to-peer 53 Petroleum 67, 100, 335-337 Philosophy deterministic 165-166 dialectical 42 organic 165-166 Physical constants 121, 259 Physical laws 121, 183 Pictures of the future 160-161, 174, 203-204, 206, 348 Pisa study 172 Planning 70, 233, 235-236 Plato 31, 42, 120, 162 Pollard, Roger D 65 Popcorn, Faith 26, 28, 407 Pope 196 Popper, Sir Karl 31, 36, 68, 94 Porras, Jerry I 49 Prahalad, Coimbatore K 47, 67, 69, 237 Predictability 31, 140 Principle about the future 188 Probability 35-38, 138-139 Q Quality 52, 66 R Radar 137 Radar diagram 148, 360 RAND Corporation 26, 166, 411 Recurring pattern 190-191 Reengineering 52 Regionalization 129 451 Reibnitz, Ute von 163 Research 28, 32, 34 formal 96-99, 102, 104 informal 16, 94-98, 100, 102-103 Restructuring 52, 243, 382 Risk 38 Roadmaps 193, 321-322, 325 Rumors 93 S Saint Exupéry, Antoine de 58 Samsung 210, 257 Scanning 27-28, 96-98, 138 Scenario 15, 162-163, 165 Scenario analysis 138, 392 Scenario cone 175 Scenario evaluation 208, 287 Scenario framework 200, 202-203, 206, 366-367, 384, 400 Schimanek, Uwe 56 Schwartz, Barry 64, 84, 138-140, 165, 263 Scientific integrity 30 Scientific management 266 Search agents 94-95 Shared vision 197 Shell 26, 163 Shrivastava, Paul 236 Siemens 178 Siemens Corporation 2, 6, 108, 209, 353, 394 Signal 125, 192, 217, 431 Signals, weak 191, 431 Simulation 188, 193 Sine-curve model 187 Sinus milieu 62 Sloan, Alfred 235 Smith, Adam 49 Socrates 31 Sony 60, 70, 252 Source of information 89, 98-99 Southwest Airlines 316 Spiral Dynamics 85 Stakeholder analysis 418, 422-423 Standard approach 201, 203, 360, 384 Stanford Research Institute 26 STEEPV 84, 418-419 Steinbuch, Karl 164, 172 Stevenson, Howard 244, 248 Stora 49 Strategic drift 292 Strategic fit 262-263 452 Strategic visioning 209 Strategie review 234 Strategy concepts 234, 237, 239 Strategy development 239-242, 264, 266, 301-302 Strategy of scales 243 Submarines 320-321, 328 Sumitomo 49 Surowiecki, James 196 SWOT analysis 82, 254, 281, 418, 433-434 SWOT diagram 263 System Dynamics 189 T Taylor, Frederick 266-267, 271, 298 Technology 84-85, 209, 311-313 Technology evaluation 311, 314, 324, 409 Technology foresight 180, 407 Television, the future of I 104 II 147 III 211 IV 272 V 327 Terror 37, 132, 362-363 Theories 31, 183, 186-187 Theory of evolution 44 Time series 184-186, 198, 430 Toyota 316 Trend 122, 124, 127, 129-130, 132, 144-146 Trend analysis 132, 418, 420 Trend breaches 28, 136, 400 Trend radar diagram 359 Trend researchers 26-28 Trend scout 15 Trend speculation 27 Trend strength 127 Trend-impact analysis 166, 364-366 Trendsetter 52, 74, 130, 186, 195 Trendstrength 127 Triggers 146, 264, 282, 324-325, 392, 400 Twain, Mark 40 V Value-chain analysis 418, 427 Verne, Jules 164, 166, 190 Visions 253, 255, 310 W Wack, Pierre 154, 165, 188 Wacker, Watts 37 Wagenführ, Horst 164, 172-173 Watson, Thomas 167 Wave theory 44 Weak-signal analysis 97, 418, 431 Weather report 29, 35 Weihenstephan, Brewery 49 Whittington, Richard 235-236 Wildcards 118-119, 137, 143-144 Wilms, Falko E.P 163, 194 Wilson matrix 200-202, 211, 365, 400 Work sharing 266, 268, 271 World view 31, 40, 115 X Xenophanes 31 U Uncertainty 38 User friendliness 56 Ind e x ... areas of information management and communication, strategy development, and future studies Contact: ulf@pillkahn.de Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development Shaping the Future...Ulf Pillkahn Using Trends and Scenarios as Tools for Strategy Development Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to the... Plea for Foresight and Prior Action 81 2.2 The Enterprise Environment 2.3 Information as a Basis for Decision Making 2.4 How We Can Learn to Understand